The Exeter Times, 1885-6-25, Page 5To the Editor of the Exeter Times..
Torquay,June 10.
Sia,—You and some of your road.
ars, will be glad to hear that we had a
good voyage across the deep waters.
We made the trip between Saturday.
noon, May 30th, and Sunday, June
7th. We had head -wind all the way
front the time wo left till we got into
pork, but had to go between two and
throe hundred miles ont of our way,
awing lc the ice. It was, very cold
indeed, and we needed our overcoats
most all the way. I was vary sick
for about five days out ol the nine,
and did not by auy means enjoy the
voyage. I hope, however, I shall
now be tatter for ouch. a °tearing of
the elomaob. I am now for a few
days staying in Torquay, a vary beau-
tiful seaport town and very f*ebion—
able, I walked about several plans*
yesterday, but to day ant rather tired.
They have a ver, fine town band ;
they are playing beautifully just out—
side the window. They are nearly
ui , if not equal to, our Orediton bend.
Vegetation le forward in thio p trt
potatoes about 0 iuoliea to a foot
hift, and everything lyokiug well,
Parisian, tlioobaat I, is
a v ry fine one, over 50D feet long ;
she ploughed the sea in a nutriaic
manner, The only thing I did not
like ou board was so wuoh beer drink.
iug. Talk about having it in the
Scott Act I Don't do it.
Tours $ruly,
Jolla VMS,
Sporting ltrevottes.
For some time past it hall been
known there was not the beet of feel-
ing between some members of the
Clipper Base Ball Club in Uamillan,
In feat at the Net meeting of the
Clippers in the London g+me there,
Dundurn. Park came near being the
scene of a bass ball fight between two
=inhere of the Clipper olub, The
matter, however, came to a climax
Friday evening in a disgraceful row
in the club. The consequence of the
row is that the three Woods brothers,
pitcher, catcher and first base, will.
not play. Their places will be felled
by Chamberlain. pitcher, Stapleton,.
°atelier, and. Kennedy, first base.
The Itev, Cion. H'. Thayer, et Bourbon,
Ind., says ; "Both myself and wife opo aro
lives to Sbiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold
by J, W. Browning.
County Court Sessions.
The .following is the couclueiou of
the eases tried in Goderiob last weex
before Judge Toms •—
Mr Molloy v.. Mrs. Morley—A.
ease wherein the defendant was charg-
ed with selling liquor to plaintiff's
husband. after having been notified not
to do eo,for which the plaintiff claimed
damages. The jury after three hours
deliberation brought in a verdict for
plaintiff for $100 and costs. Seager
for pilff.; Campion for deft.
Thomann ve. Gilobrist—An action
oonoerning the painting of a house.
After a lsrge number of witnesses had
been examined, a verdiot in favor of i
plaintiff for $125 and costs was ren-
dered. Campion and Dickson for
plff. ; Holt for deft.
Hensall Salt Co. vs. Carter—An
action on an account. In thio case
a large number of witnesses were ex-
amined and judgement reserved. Car-
row & Proudfoot for plff. ; Holt for
Bolton vs. Spearman—This was an
undefended issue for assault. Judg-
ment in favor of plaintiff for $75 and.
costs. Garrow & Proudfoot for plff.
Holmes vs. McKibbon—In this
ease Hie Honor gave the following
judgment ; "Referred D. McDonald,
clerk of this oo.,rt, to take an a000unt
and report the amount, if any, due
by the defendant to the plaintiff in
respect of the plaiutiff's bill of costs
rendered to the defendant, and for
the reoovery of whioh this tuition is
brought. Further direction reserved
on the question of ousts until after
the report is made."
The court then adjourned till
Feby. 2, 1885, to meet at 10 a. m.
afternoon w hile"in bathing at Green
Dr. Moore, the Dorchester run—
away, hag settled down with hie faun.
ily near Deirware, where he has
purchased a farm.,
An Order-in•Council has beau pass
ed further reducing canal tolls o
grain via the St. Lawrence rout
from 10 cents to 2 cants per ton
whioh is the minimum charge nude
the law.
Wilfred Hache, oierk in the House
of Commons Postoffice, was drowned
in Ottawa Rifer, Friday night, while
awiwming. He was a French Cau
adfau and cams from Shedia°, New
A. Kingston macs named (bor-ge
Davis, while drank, dragged leis wifw
and newly -born infant out of bid end
put them in the street, He was
afterwards arrested and sent so jai
for a month.
A young man named Manning, sou
of the engineer of the Toronto Gas
Works, went insane Monday morning
lie tried ■uloide by hanging. kfe
was dienaVered in lime to save ilia
life and has been sent to jail.
Rey. J. Fielding Sweeney, 13. D.,
of St. Philip's Church, Toronto, was
presented, previous to his departure,
by the mambers of his congregation,
with a puree of $100, accompanied by
a note expressive of sympathy and
The; deposits .in the Government
Seviugs Bank duriogsMay amounted
to $564,828, the withdrawals for the
same month being $549,547. In the
Postal Savings Banks the deposits
Tait month were $492,214, and the
withdrawals $584,412.
Bliss Gaudreau has taken an action
in the Supreme Court against the nor-
poration of Montreal for $1,000 dam-
aged. Aliso tiondreau alleges that au
the 15tb of May Iasi the public vac -
cluster, Dr. Bsseey, entered her
dwelliug-house and vaccinated her
against her will and that of her famhly,
and as .a oousequenoe a few days after.
wards taflammation set in, which
brought on inflammation of the lungs.
She is still in rather a precarious
condition and unable to work.
On Saturday Thomas McCann, the
lad confined in the Elgin county jail
waiting hie trial ou the charge of
haying oriminatly assaulted Gertrude
Percival, the adopted daughter of Mr.
Alex. Duff (Cameron, a farmer near
Belmont, when she was returning
from school, made a dash away and
escapedfront the jail yard. Subs°.
quently, he was arrested. 13.e bad.
been stealing hie way on a freight
train on the ll.. C. ,It. going east, and
when dieoovered, near Waterford,
Sunday, contained that ho had °soap-
ed from jail.
Tho employees of the harbormitl
were amused ou Thursday of last
week to see a oow deliberately walk
into Babb's hotel and thrust its herd
inquiringly over the bar. Several of the
boys were heard to say that Smith's
"milk" was not so strange after ail.
The animal was ejected without
much trouble. A cow in a bar -room
e rather an unusual eight.
that may be well enough, but th.
Status of limitation settled that quer-
tiou years ago. The Goodall faction
claim that the guardian's sale was
imperfect sod illegal, and Haat in fact
the reversion was never disposed of.
They further claim, and advance ail
sorts of reasons in support of their
e theory, that Miehigau was not a clave
,. State and did not reocgnise slavery,
✓ and that the slave laws of. Virginia
oou:d not hold in Mioigan ; in fact,.
that Goodall Was a tree , man, com-
petent to hold land and sell his ten.
army, and that his death in 18¢8 has
thrown the $20,900 lot back into the
bands of the children. "Squire"
Goodall has deeded bis half to James
Scott's EnlUISIOn 01 rare.
Cod Liver 00, with lllypophospbites,
1 As a Reedy for Consumption.
Da 11. J. Pratt, Montalto. Wisconsin,
says c "After a thorough test of over two
years. I voluntarily saoommend your Scott's
Emulsion to those afflicted with oonsump•
• tion,"
In Kingston the rate of taxation
has been fixed at 171 mills on the
dolla .
lrntreal wharfage dues for grain
have been reduced from Ito. to 3io.
per ton.
The Hamilton Masons purpose ten-
dering a reception to the Grand
Lodge delegates on July 8.
The Manitoba crop reports show
that the harvest promises to be the
beet in the history of the Province.
Major Frod C. Denison, second iu
command of the Canadian voyageurs.
in Egypt, has arrived at Toronto..
Mr. William Carter, of Toronto,
Friday morning swallowed a large
dose of Paris green. At 6 o'oloek in
the evening he died.
The two sons of Mr. Charles E.
Hubbard, of Brougham, aged 11 and
13 years, were drowned ` Saturday
.A.n iiiberest1ii Case.
Way book in the "forties" James
Goodall fled from slavery in Virginia
and made his way to Detroit where he
married a wife and opened up a little
barber shop where the Madison House
now stands. The State of Michigan
granted him a lot on Michigan Grand
ave., then celled Cadillac square. He
deeded his half to &is "old man.'
Presently the old woman died, leaving
him, as the law then stood, elite ten-
ant, or a "tenant' by the courtesy."
Soon came the fugitive slave law, giv.
ing owners power to reclaim escaped
eleven. A guardian was appointed
for the children. Goodall sold his
life tenancy to James F. Joy, and the
family fled to Canada, taking up their
residence near Chatham. One son,
"Squire," eventually became a farmer,
and still holds his farm. The other
son, James Henry, drifted bank to
Michigan and settled at Jaokeon,
where the old man follcwed him, In
1883 the old man died al Landon,
Ont. 'Then the boys bethought them
of the estate. Their guardian . had
long before sold the property at a
guardian's auction. It had been
bought by Peter Henkel. Mr. Henkel
had also purchased Mr. Joy's life ten-
ancy and several tax titles. Upon the
plane where the shanty once stood he
bad erected a largo pork house. • The
lot then formed was worth $20,000.
Suit was brought in the Superior
Court. Since last Tuesday argument
succeeded argumeut in the Superior
Court over this case until at last
Judge Chipman concluded that it- had
become too mixed for the comprehen-
sion of a jury. Accordingly, the jury
was discharged. On Tuesday next
Judge Chipman will give his decision.
The claim by the Henkel faction is
that Goodall was a slave in Virginia,
and that the laws of Virginia demand-
ed his status in Michigan. As a slave
he could not hold land, and had in
fact no rights to either sell or hold.
With, regard to the reversion, they say
Coiugbs awl Colds that we so Ire.
t,1uently neglect, and whioh so ottten prove
the seeds sown for a harvest of oonsumption,.
should have immediate and thorough treat.
recut. A teaspoonful of ,1i;obinsou's
Pitospliotrfzed 1 rnulsron taken
whenever the Cough is troublesome, will
relieve the patient, and persevered in, will
euro the moat obstinate eases.
Sretrn.--In Exeter, on the 20th inet, the
wife of 4r. Christopher Smith, of a dough-
HALL,—In. Adore,. on 21et inst., the wife of
l5Ir. Maurice Hail, of a son.
Flan. --In Exeter on the 19th inst., the wife
of Mr. E. H. Fish, ofa daughter.
hicawwv,--In Uaborne, on the 21st iust.,
Aroltibald McCurdy. aged 66 yearn.
Joixze.--Iu Exeter North, on Friday the
19th inst . Anu Jones, beloved wile of
Richard Jonas. aged 64 years and;
ltoacxso1e.--In Exeter, on. the 19th inst„alis,
Robinson, wife of Rev. E. J. Robinson, in.
eainbent of Christ Church, Exeter, aged
d1, years.
GouNo Nonni. Express Mail, Mad Class..
Loudon,dopart 7
ureter .., .....,,., 8 57
Hensall 9 09
9 13
9 53
1Caaindaaboro10 00
10 07
]lelgrave 10 32
Wingbem arriuol0 35
rota° SOUTH, Express
Wiogham, dop't 7 48 A.86.
Bei grave 8 00
Lontheboro ih83 24
Brucetlold 8 05
Klppen ,.. ... 913
8e.nall 9 18
Exeter,,,,.., 9 33
London arrilelO 51
4 sor.u, o)Q ,sr.
6 24 639 10 07
0 48 1 22
7 05 11 30
7 20 15 00
7' 45 15 481
7 35 1 ;G
Avail, 2nd Class
J 0000 eat, 10
5 50 5..5.15..5.1
3 30 38 11 00
4 05 12 45 P.m.
44 37 1 27
4.43 23.5
550 530
HENsxtL.—Wauted at the Hensall Oat.
Meal Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good
sound Oats for MiIliug purposes. The high-
est price will be paid. Oatmeal exchanged
for oats.
HermiLL Roman MILLS,—One of the
most complete roller mils in the Province, is
constantly running and giving the beat satis-
faction. Gristing done to order on short
notice. The roller dour takes the lead. Try
it and be convinced. 20 tons of good Mid-
dlings on hand at low figures. A few cars of
Corn and Corn Chop on hand.
(Corrected at5 o'clockp.m. Wednesday.)
,rdtr. wHHAT
\Vnite\Vheat .,. ,.,
White Wheat New ... ...
Red WheatNew,
Hite (new) .•.
tiarloy ... ...
Glove Soed ...
Timoty ... ...
Peas .. ...
Corn... ...
Butter ,.. ... ...
Flour perbbl .... -.. ...
Potatoee,per bag ...
Apples,perbag ...
DrledApplespr b .
Geese per lb. ,.. ...
TurkeyDuckaperpr per lb
Chickens per pr
Beef ...
dresseuhgd ,.. ..
Wool per lb ...
Ray per ton,
Onionenorbush ,,
Wood per cord
Fall Wheat perbh ...
Barley (bright) ...
Barley (feeding)
White Oats,
Blank Oats
Apples per bbl. ,,..
aotatoes per bh
080 to 082
080 to 082
080 to 082
080 to 082
048 to 052
6 00 to 6 25
1 25 to 200
055 to 0 GO
058 to 000
11 to 011
0 DRUG STOIC 27 t o 32
06 t
k'or sale a one year's scholarship in De -
Ladies' College Ontario, Will be sold at
a Sao/lace. For particulars address 7.'l1CMAS
ALLAN, Exeter. V. O. ; ACV. W. 11'. GANE,
Elimviile. P, 0.; or at the Trims Once.
Loeniareo 4th Concession. 100 acre°..
Forpartienlars apply to
0. V. ELL1OT,
Soiicltor, dao„
411). Feb„ 1885.
1ARkt FOR SALE, --The subsorib-
erofi!ers fox salethe East" half of Lots
Hae opened dental rooms over
O'NEIL'S BANK, wherebe will be
prepared to extract teethwithout
pain. All operations performed with ease and
skill. Gold fillings a speciality, Office -bourn
9. a. m: to 5P nx. CRAn°3Le Monr mart. Tannre.
last seas
and North Half of Lot 2, 4th coq of Osborne.�
On the premises are a brick home 20x28. pearl
new, OOnt$ining 6 rOOme; frame yarn *'34x39.
with stabling; a small bearing orchard and a
never -failing well. The land it; well drained
The Most Dolipttgt
and in a good state of cultivation There are
12 agree of fall wheat in the ground and con-
eiderablefalh ploughing done. Aistancefrom
Exeter, 5 miles. and 3 Miles from Centralia.
Toms to suit purchaser. Possession given
either before seeding or after harvest. Pur-
chaser can be supplied with seed grain. For
further particulars apply on the premises to
0,n: SPRAGUE, or by letter to Exeter P. O.
17. con. '7; 200 acres. of which about 1COaeres
are tree of stumps, and ander good cultivation.
Goaereapesters ;60 acres good bush, whish
oontaina Irani *400 to 2500 worth 00 pine ; only
xf m.ilealram the Village of Credit -en, 4}�miles
from Exeter. Marge briok bousg, 5004 well
in cellar. 2_ bank barns, root house. driving
swJnd.mihl, about s acres yet
tArett-close orcllatd
a large selection of toe hestgraftedapple trees,
fplums, pears and grape vines, about }Q' cherry
rets, mostly around outside; about 900 shade
trees along the concession road, line° moder-
ate; terms easy. For turtborparticulars. empty
to MA.TTHIAS MORLQCE, Crediton P. 0,. One,
"slava °time r.. Low Batas.
low %WIN >? Weak Notwsan.
And Brest' Vire* B„y BatwMn.
Writ* for one
"Picturesque Mackinac;' Illutdr'atsd..•
Costi19* TIM hvartfaltlars, ,ttafh,4lrr00.
Detroit t�; Cfevolond Steam Nam, Cao,
`. o. W DETROIT. hitt Pseir.,A4T..,
Tai�oA saor►
Will. Senior
Wisbea to inform the inhabitants of Exeter
and surrounding townships, that he has
5A Tailoring Shop
in FANSON'S BLOCK, (up.stairs), where lie
will be prepareu to do all kinds of Custom
If you want a Good.fitting and Well:made
Snit, Coat or Pants, you will find Sat-
isfaction by giving hire a trial.
Ur. Senior has had long ex-
perience aud is a practical
Remember the Spot,
Directly over Geo. A. Hyndnlau's Grocery
Will. Senior.
Powder Iotercolo�alRaJ�ay
Dominion Laboratory
04 0006
08 to 0 06
40 to 060
25 to 0 35
50 to 5.75
00 to 600
00 to 600
00 to 6 00
40 to 075
50 to 070
17 to 017
.00 to10 00
50 to 375
$ 0
080 to 080
0 50 to 0 60
0 45 to 0 46
028 to03C
0 3I to 0'83
100 to 100
0 25 to 0 52
Will be sold shortly under Power
in a Mortgage the Handsome
of Sale
And Grounds
Formerly occupied by the late Henry W.
Hall, Barrister.
Apply to
Loudon, Ont.
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and . package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
'the Direct Route from the West for all
points in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton
and Newfoundland.
All the popular sea bathing. fishing and
pleasure resorts of Canada are along this line
Pullman cars leaving Montreal oa idon-
day.Wednesday, sod Fnday run through to
Halifax. and on Tnesday, Thursday and Satur-
day to St. John. N. B., without change.
Close connections made at Pointe Levis with
the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu
and Cntario Navigation Compass Steamers
fromMontreal, andat Levis with the North
Shore hallway
Elegant first-class Pullman. Buffet and
Smoking Cars on all through. trains.
Firet.claes RefreshmentRooms at conveni-
ent distances.
willf£nd it adyantagooue to use this route as
it is the quickest in point of time, and Mae rates
are as low as by any other.
Through freight is forwarded by fast special
trains and experienee has proved the Inter -
colonial route to be the quickest for European
freight to and from all points in Canada and
the Western States.
Tickets may bo obtained and also informa-
tion about the route and about freight aud
passenger rates from
Western Freight & Passenger Agent
93Rossin House Block, York St., Toronto
Chief Superintendent.
Railway Office, Moncton, N. B:,May 14,'85-1y:
MR. WM. LYNE is prepared :o do
At Kirkton.
made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction
guaranteed in every respect.
Ladies Jackets a Specialty
Give him a trial and be convinced that he
will give satisfaction.