HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-18, Page 7TWO PLEAS. . House cleauiog is over, and now in our breasts The housewife and mother make plea.; And though they are dwellers within the same heart, Lille lawyers, they never agree. `;l'ho.hogse-wife says, "Ohlat a,blessing, to'ttoe Such: cleanliness reigning o mora 1 And noir I will hasten to straw down the blinds, And carefully close the front door. I'll shut all the pretty rooms up inthe dark, Excluding the dust and the light ; So when Ihave guests.I can seat thein with. pride, Where all is so spotless and bright." But mother love whispers, "My girls and my bcya ! Ah, what will this plan do for these ; lily girls and my boys, with their young grow- ing love For home, with its comfortsand ease 1 What 1 shut them all out in the comfortless rooms, l taint of Scrofula about you, Ayer's Sarsapa. Ignoring their tastes and their needs ? rilla will dislodge it and expel it front your What ! leave them to seek for their pleasure 'Totem. abroad, The loss of life by a water spout near Lagos There sowing some pestilent seeds' is estimated at 200 souls. Damage by the What comfort for me then this orderly home flood in tbo city;of Onenejuato is placed at When they shall be women and men Ilrtereshing .Ittertls, Didltt Need an InvrtAtRon. rail �f the regulars �ii� Hollotoay's Ointment. --Sores, Wounds Ulcera- A hard, drinker, one of the regulars d , tions, and other diseases affecting the skin, who Matt* to go to *leap AI night rte. bl are capable of speedy amendment by this Cause ss makes the time eo long be-- AT' TEM cooling and healing ointment, which has can- g De- ed forth the loudest praise from persons who tweet drinks, was introduced to a marl , j' had Buffod for yearns wiiilth.. had legs, badlone day Alio had recently bought a eo O O pular Pbreasts, , saloon In the neighborhood. vilest �� b 1 b t t h bayexperienced, th Glad to know ;ou, sir, card the And inspect steel( and get prises on the following lines to Call a e c c s after every c lep'paesedaway. ,, .. 4utt: u ose who baye e soothing effect of this (Nutmeat can form, au Haar m n gbsking hands vigorouely. idea of the comfort it bestows by restraining 'Thank you ; SHAMto you,'' was the reply. 'I hope to know, you better, air and'. would be gl n_d, to hall you call. I believe you para my place ou your Inflammation and allaying pain. Whenever. Holloway's Ointment has been once used it has established its own worth, and has again been eagerly sought for as the easiest and safest remedy for all such complaints. In neuralgia, rheumatism and gout, the same ape way home ?' plication, properly used, gives wonderful re- 4ekie l where elf it ?' Three hundred 'Where Johnny Bloomer used to lief. bullat��,ga were recently , burned at Aux Cayes on dray 15, and 1,000 ,keep. families rendered homeless, The loss is .esti- 'Oh, yes, I pees there eott shutes, mated at over $2,000,000. buil staves All*It it i# opau.' The Imre effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla are sure and permanent, If there is a lurking $300,000, Their lives sadly atalned—their prooious THE BEST YET, route lost-- The beat blood cleanser known to medical A41 what would the dirt matter then' science ie Burdock Blood Bitters, it purifies /It let in the annUgst wd shutout the gloom, the blood of all foul humore, and gives strength And gather the dear ones within ; to the weak. I'll help them to find in the bosom of home All pool rooms in Boston, ;bass„were raided Pure joys, that shall keep them from sin 1 ed on Wednesday afternoon of last week, the For they are rare jewels the Ring has lent paraphernalia confiscates and the attaches arrested. A whisker dye inset be convenient to nes, ean to apply, inipeeelble to rub off, elegant iu appearance, and cheap in price. Bucking - barn's Dye for the Whiskers unites in itself all these merits. Try it. The settlors of Spoken oeunty, Oregon, have lynched Toby Richardson and Charley loon g for stealing stook. McGregor dr Parkes. Carbolic Cerate is in- valuable for Wounds, Sores, Salt Rheum, Cute, Burns, Scald' and treaters, as a healing and me, Some time be wilt call for hie own ; If they. shall be stolen thrQugll Pegi mine, I'll reap only what I have cowl t” 111111110, At o STEPPING STONESTO SUCCESS, Learn your basins#a thoroughly. Keep at one thing--tn nowise change. Always be in haate, but never iiia pprifying dressing. Do not be imposed oil hurry. with other useless preparations, recommended You Observe e' s$5zH 11) on do aHd, tO be as good, Use Dols :1xa iregor st; Paeke'a Yi Comte. Sold by J. W. Browning, undertake. Several railroads have cut the rate to $3 Whatever 1+ worth doing at all its from St. Paul to Chicago, and a rate war is probable. worth doing well. One today is Aorth two ta.Inor- rows. DOWN IN DIXIE. The wife of Mr. J. Kennedy, Dixie P. 0., Ile self reliant ' do not take too ` woe cured of a chronic Congo by Hagyyard'a much advice, but rather depend on 1,'ectoralDateam. Tho best throat and lung, p stealer known, yourself. The discovery of the instantaneous proeese' Never fail to keep your appoint- of taking photographs has been quickly fol- merits, tt••r to be punctual to the min- lowed it the medic's' world by a perfect and ute.; inatautaneous remedy for all aento aches and Never be idle, but keep your hand* .c pains, as Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism, etc. This valuable remedy is called Fluid or mints usefully employed except Lightning. and is sold at 2,5 cents a bottle by wino eleepiug. { 1. W, Browning, druggist. Use charity with all ; be ever Row BETTER THAN (=OLD. ' drone In thought and, deed --help s A good name, good health, a good compau- ottiera along life's thorny path. lion and a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil are Itlake no halite to be rioh ; remern•'among the first requisites for human happi her that small and steady gains give ' nese, amen Oil eurea Rlieumatisru, Spraiue, Lameness, Bruises, Burns, groat Bites, Croup, competency and tranquility of mind. Sore Throat and all pain and Inflammation. He that asoenda a ladder must take i The St. Petersburg papers are making ot- the lowest round. All who are above fensivo comments on Lumsden'e remarks and were once below. reception in Loudon. Think all you speak ; but speak not all Rev. J. Cr. Fnllie, Dnttuu, certifies : "For you think ; 9 some yearn my wife has been troubled with Thoughts are your•own ; your words aro SO n0 MOTO— Where wisdom steers, wind cannot make you siuk Lips never err when she does keep the 4 boor. Wily Site Applau(ted. • Seated to the right of me at a place° of amusement was a Iady whose inter- est was not aroused until a thin, dis- consolate -looking girl made her ap- pearance. Then she began to ap- laud furiously. As I could discern no possible occasion for such manifesta- tions, I felt surprised ; *but as elm kept up the manifestations all the evening, and seemed to have rio as- sistance from any of the audience, I took a hand, as they say, and also began applauding the disoonsolale loosing girl. gists. 'My good nature, however, bore, as Further cases of cholera have appeared at good nature often does, .bitter 'fruit. Madrid which the doctors say are sporadic. The lady turned, and said : A SUCCESSFUL RESULT. 'What are you applauding for ?' Mr. Bloomer, of Hamilto, Out., suffered for 1 stammered an insufficient answer. 'You don't think she does well, do you ?' she continued. 'No, madam.' 'She's awkward, and she can't sing,' said she, contemptously. I had time to recover myself. 'Might I ask,' I said, with conscious basted with nervous debility, lost vitality dignity, 'why, madam, if su0h is the and kindred troubles, guaranteeing case, you are so enthusiastic ?' speedy and complete restoration of health and 'She owes -•we nine dollars and tbirtyfive cents,' said Any neighbor, with scorn and Asperity ; -'and if this here show don't succeed, I'll be that mach out.' Selfishuess is indeed the occasion of much strange conduct in life, and flan explains what seems inexplic- able. Rev. Mr. Casey, of Taylor's Pres• byteriau Church, Montreal, died ou Thursday cf small -pox. , dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after an- other recommended with but little or no effect till advised to give 1feGregor's Speedy Cure a trial. Since taking the first bottle I have no- ticed a decided improvement, and eau with confidence recommoud it to bo ono of, if not the best medicine extant for Dyspepsia. This invaluable medicine for Liver Complaint, In- digestion, Kidney Complaint, is purely vege- table. Sold at J. W, Browning's Drug Store. Trial bottles given free. A FOURFOLD WORK. Burdock Blood Bitters act at the same timo upon the liver, the bowels,the kidneys and the skin, relieving or curing in every ease. War- ranted satisfactory, or money refunded, Bucklen's.a,rnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruis- es, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands. Chilblains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no nay required. - It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 cents per boa. For sale by all drug - many years with a painful running sore upon one of his legs, which baffled all attempts to heal -until he used Burdock Blood Bitters. wwich speedily worked a perfect cure. ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. THE VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. ,Ail send Dn.Den's CETERRATED ELECTRO•VOLTAIC BELTS AND ELECTRIO APPLIANCES =Walter thirty days to. men (young or olu) who are af- UNEQU ALED So say the best farmers. stookmen, gar- deners, and fruit growers of America of the great Nationals Weekly, the Rural New York- er. The best writers in the world, Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations from nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask those who) know. Specimens gladly sent without charge. §2,800 worth of presents offered to subscribers for the largest`' clubs. Conducted by practible farmers. Its Free Seed Distributions are invaluable. Over 600 contributions. Posters and outfits on appli- cation, Send for them. RURAL NEA -YORKER,. 24 Park Row, N. Y. +That's Orange. I thought it watt sight in your way*." 'So .it is, but when it i3 open, I sl- w$ye *top.' brise Josepbiine Askew'. a Swede girl, employed at the Litieelti Hotel,. Port Arthur, threw :* dipper of eeald. lug water in the landlord's time, be,. ranee he rieited the kitchen And found fault with her for not attending to her work. manly vigor. Address as above. N. B.—No risk is incurred, ,,as thirty days, trialisallowed Maud S. made a mile in 2.131 at Philadel- phia one day last week. A TRUE STATEMENT. "Kind words can never die," and there are none but kind words spoken regarding Hag - yard's Yellow Oil, that old reliable remedy for external and internal use. It cures rheuma- tism', deafaess, croup. sore throat, and all sore- ness and wounds of the flesh. REST AND COMFORT TO THE SUFFERING "Brown's Household Panacea" has no equal forrelievingpain,botb interual and external It ourespain in the Side, back orbowels,sorethroat Rheumatism, Toothache,Lumbago and a ny kind of a pain or ache It will moat' surely quicken the blood and heal, as its acting power is wonder- ful"'Brown's Household Panacea' being ack- nowledged as the great Pain Roliever,and of dou ble the strength Of any other Elixir or Liniment in the world,should be in every family handy for use when wanted,"as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. More .eeopl, adults and children. aretroub- led with costiveness than with Any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ters will cure costiveness and preyent the diseees which result from it. vxT ufox ON OF GOODS c; OOMPARISON Or .PRICES INVITED. -14 • K • K A C' 11-1 eip 11) NAILS, GLASS, WRITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, AND BUILDING HARDWARE OF ALL 7>r1 DS, SHOVELS, SPADES d:c, We are away down on the following W. J. Searle & Co's.. Carriage Varnishes ; Pertoben's Pre- pared Paints ; Bird Cages; Buggy Tops ; Stoves, and Tin- ware of all kinds, Darks Wire, Steel Strip, and Buckthorn Fencing, American and Canadian Coal Oil. 1LVE TROUGELING A SPECIALTY., y WORE GUAEAt TEED.Z ll� THE LIGHT.RUNNING�' KOIROSE SEWING MACHINE SIMPLE-�e Z ,LII •.. M • If ry li ice• r 7. THE L.—. �'fCT'/ r HAS NEWHDME ONLY THAT' 1I0 tY(t�� E�YP�-— SEWING GIVES EQUAL MACHINE - if 1' ICU - SEWING MACHINE CO. ORANGE MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO ILL ST.LOUIS MO.ATLANTA GA. i F'OR SALESYF — .- RANTON 13ROS. EXETER; ONTARIO. The Celebrated RAYMOMD Sewing Machine alway hand; also Needles to fit ANY MiszcE of Machine. P. S. Highest price in Cash or Trade for Bides and Sheep Skius. Yours truly,, On BISSETT DBE SCA H0LLOWAYIS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, CS, ANit BOWELS. They bavigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For c1tildrfn ata the age,( they are priceless THE OINTMENT u iufalliblr rt•netly for Bad Lege, Kati. Breasts. (Al Wounds. tier and '(cera, It is famous, for G.'ut and Rheumatism. OR I'ISORDEns OP TRE CREST IT If Au No EgrAL, For or Throats, Bronchitis, Cougbe, Cnlds,(llaueielar Swellings. and alt skin diai'3+0 it has no rival ; and for contracted aud stiff joints it acte like a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Twor,ts Her eeSvel'e 1:atabli611me'r.,, 7$ NEW OXFOItD•STREETlate 1633, ONFOlw.STli1 ET), LONDON ; also by nearli every respectable. Vendor of Medicine, it Boxes and Pots. at ie. 1}el,, is. 4a. od,, lis 22s., and 33s, each, The 2e. N. size contains three times the quantity of the is 1}d, size ; the 4s. 6th, size six ; the lls, size Axton', ; the 22s size thirtv.three ; and the Sas size tifty.two tines the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Port, Full printed directions are affixed to each Box end Pot, and can be hair. iu any language la- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pot? and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious, VITILLIArti DREW Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. EXETER, ONTARIO ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. THE Farmer's Ilivocall —AND— HOME MAGAZINE Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour nal in Canada Owned and Published by a Farmer. WHAT FARMERS SAY: "It is our best friend.,' "It is worth ten times its cost " "The dollar spent for the Advocate is the b est spent moneyfrom the farm." "The wife and family are also delighted with it." "No farmers house should be without. it." The right information in the right season by the best specialists that can be procured on the Farm, Stook, Dairy, Garden and Or- chard, Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary, Markets, Family Circle,Etc., E tc.' Only $1 Per .Annurrl. Sample copy sent'free to applicants mention ing their Lot, Concession and Post Office.' Address - FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON,- ONT. ORTIIEBII PICIFI R. R. LANDS In Minnesota, North Dakota. Mon. tans, Idaho, Washington and ,Oregon. From Lithe Superior to Puget Sound, At prices ranging chiefly from $2 to 16: per acre, on 6 to ID years time. This is the Best Country nor securing Good Homes now open for settlement. FREE Lnd Fe uoeGtHone and Tauber Culture Laws. NOTE _10,818.433"Acres .tt OR 31055E THAN sump. ot all (Tie Public Lands disposed ot in ISM, were in the Northern Pacific country. Rooks and Maps sent FREE describing the Northers Paeille Countr7,tte Railroad Lands for Sale and the FREE Government Lands. Address CHAS. B. LAM8ORN, Land Com'r, N. P. 11. It., St. Paul, Mina.