HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-18, Page 5county court Sessions. >r1RST DAY. Tuesday, Jane 9, Court opened at 12 o'clock noon by proclamation. THE GRAND JURY • were duly inpauetled ae follow.:.-- A. Mod. Allan, foreman, Jas. Dor- ranee, P. Douglas, Thos. Elliott, R. I:UW..1ton, John Hoary, S*u 1 John- ston, A..Dehman, F. Moiler, Bobert Mut* J.. MoAllieter. Jas, l?ie ltwan,. W. J. MoQutobeon, F. Oliver, I, Rat. tenbury, H. Robb, Jae, Q. Stewart, Thos. Sneyd, I. SsIkeld, Walter Tay - o,. Turnbull, Thos. Waiter, C. w� k JUDGE T411/4.8 ADDRESS.. The judge in addressing the jug saidi--There were nine persone lu. the gaol, five of whom were in for the crime of being poor and homeless. They were godly of no offence except that they were poverty elrken and unable to keep themselves. The muuioi,pttlit*ea to which. they rightful- ly belonged were too men to support •oit them, and they were committed to the county gaol, whish wee intended for criminals and not pimpeus. The question of a ]souse of refuge had been agitated in this county fan yeass,lhue far the county council bad not seen At, in its wisdom to lake the !matter In band, and eelablisb the much- needed institution.. Of Ib* remote - lug inmate" of the gaol, one was awaiting trial, one wee charged with theft and one with insanity. The in- sane person was in gaol awaiting ad minion to a lunatic whim, and had been incarcerated sante months now, owing to the fact that the asylum" were very much crowded. The duties of the grand jury would, therefore, be very light this "anion, and there was nisch to be thenllful for in the de- crease of crime in the county during the past ten or fifteen years. On the 1st of May the Scutt Aot had become law in ,Huron, and snob being the Dasa every effort should be made by the constables and other officials to have it carried out to the fullest extent. One law had as much right to be properly carried out as another, and the Soott Act should be no exception to the rule. The general sessions of the peace was a meeting,aud it should. be strictly impressed upon all oflloiala %lint distoissal would be the portion of any who flailed to (inform the law in this respect. The officers should not be allowed to wink at violations tithe liquor law. Hie own views were to insist upon the constables and others Isee that the law was enforced on ain of dismissal. At the last meet- ing of the county council, that body had .been politic ned to memoralize the Lieut. Governor in Connell to ap- point a police magistrate for the coun- ty of Huron. The duties of the po- lice magistrate would not be confined •41togetber io the administering of the enforcement of the Scott Act alone, but would extend to other branches of work. In the Sooit Aot matter" his jurisdiction differed from that of i ordinary justices of the peace, in that there was no appeal from his decision. In other oases his powers would be little inferior to that of a judge. Un- der these oondttions, the person sel- ected to perform the duties should be chosen from the members of the bar. He should be a man who posses- sed the confidence of the people, and should be possessed of con: siderable legal ability. It would be your duly as a grand jury to visit the gaol and report upon, and on the conclusion of your labors I will be most happy to discharge you, and allow you to return to your homes. Court adjourned at 1 p. m., till 2:80 p. in. Court opened pursuant to adjourn. men I. Holmes vs. Mollibbon.-=-Aolion for solicitor's bill of poste. Judgment re- served. Seager for plff. ; Holt for daft. SECOND DAY. June 10th. Court opened at 9.30 a. m., pur- suant to adjournment. Pennington vs. Stephens.-Aolion on a hill of exchange. Verdict for plff. for 534. Mr. Champion moved for judgment on this verdict for 534 tItnd cost.. Mr. Garrow opposed the Judgment being in the comity ocurt costs. judgment was ordered to be entered for the plff. for 534 with full county court costs up to the delivery of the statement of defence the de. fondant is entitled to set of against amounts his full county court outs of defence after that Sate, and in case the omits amount to more than plff s claim to judgment for the excess. Champion and Dewey for plff ; Car- rowand Proudfoot for deft. Holmes vs. Bell. --Action for soli- citors bill of coats. Plaintiff non - suited with costs. Seager for plff. ; Champion for deft. An application was made for a new division court in Blyth, and the mat- ter will Dome up before the December Waiwin, of Bayfield, charged with an assault committed in 1880 the pris- oner was discharged, as the crown produced no witne"aes. In ease of the Queen vs. W. John "ton of Bayfield, aggravated assault upon Thomas Twentymeo, the grand jury found "No WILL 1•011 JUk'13.1111 with Dyspepsia and Jaiv"r Complaints Shiloh's Vitaliser is guaranteed to cure you. For eels by T. W. Browning, Minsua Meir Exee4INATIONO. ,I`he fol. lowing ie the number of candidates who have signified (heir intention of writing at ON different High Scheele in the countv,'a1 the departmental ex- arnioations, commencing July 61b and terminating ou the 11th, Writ- ing for Aral oleo" certificate* takes in Toronto, beginning on the filth place and ending 28rd July, Clinton, Goderioh. $osfgrth, Third-class 43 52 41 Second " 15 9 9 See. and Third 15 6 15 Special 1 1 1 74 G8 f6 Candidates are charged a feu of 52 for each oerliticete for which the write Heif of this fee goes to the treasurer' of each High Solsool Board, and the other ball to elle department in Tor- onto to pay fat' expense* of al<aanill0--! tion papere, tto. By this arrsajte- meat Olinten saceires $89, Godsrio l 574, Seaforih 581. SH.ILOH'S VITALIZER la what you need for Constipation. Loss of Appetite, Elul - nese, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Prise 10 and 75 °ante per bottle. Sold by W. Browning.trills thou1 a'y r t1sB4) the wholesale Flour Cln*teee,pbebir'bag :' hoot and shoe establishcmnt of Mews ApI1 a,perb ag ,,: Garrett and Co., Hamilton, failed. cul easier ebs.T'r b' and during the lifer that the affairs Turk.ekaeutperpr r iwrlb ..1)uc1u1 parer were in the hands of the creditors it cl4i was discovered, that about 20,000 pairs n°g'+trae:eaparatao deet of boots and shoes had mysteriously Ra4waroullg. disc eared. There woo a lengthy la ara4t.0 . pp g y 8paepskine,eacA veetigation, but the;go4,ds were not g1oi itlrlbX• traced, although some half dozen de s.}Tperten : teotilres were engaged in the ease. ftnlon4rerbnan ;;, .; Ou Friday word was receieved et To. !Nana t*er cora . 111i:+i1A157. MARKETS routo from the Hamilton police that whsat i.erfrls ." a commercial traveller named DonFallald snr.MA a "; S. Betoone, who was al ane time em. Ba I (h�b rltl ployed by Messrs. Garratt d;Co., was viii e Oaat .nal wituted on .uspiciou of having stolon AppJ a perhbl, some of the goods, and Inepeotor New. dotssessper bit hall telegraphed this information along the ratiway line as far as Mon: treal,where Betcone is employed. On Saturday a dispatch was received from vobourg announcing that Betooue had been arrested. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE WT. ' Goxzro Hoorn. Express ..tail, 2nd Clasa,.i London, depart 7 45e..ar. 4 507'.Mr, 6 30 A At, Pzeter ............. 8 57 6 10 9 35. Heusall 909 624 9 47 Rippen 913 6 29. 10 07 Brtioedo'4t 9 23 6 48 10'22 Clinton 6 45 7 05 11 30 Loudeeboro 10 00 720 1200 Bluth 10 07 727 1216 Belgrave..,.,30 22 T 46 12: 46 1M1!inghanl arriuel0 35 7 55 1 to Goma Souse, Express Mail. 246 Claes t $e� gh e c , 403t 7 482.35. a 001.sr. 10 t,( 90 800 3 47 11 21 Blyth 30 aLotebozo 8 24 338 x20 CtiuraR 650 405 12 #51z.5t. Brucofield ...... 9 e5 4 19 1 11 Sippen ........... 9 73 427 t 27 He►ala 918 4 3 r 36 Exeter ...... 935 4 43 2.9.-5 London argil 010 51 5 50 5 30 IiENsAr41,.--.Wanted et the Sensed Oat, Meal Milts, fifty tbouaand bushels of good sound Oats for 3lilling purposes. The 1)igh. est price will be paid. Oat -meal exchanged for oats. Hsltsaza Rozraa Ilifzars,.--One of the most aomplete rolter !nils in the Province* is constantly running and giving the beet satin - faction. Gristing done to order on short Mike- The roller flour takes the lea,!. Try 11 and be convinead, 20 tons of good Mid - Mingo on heed et low Qgurea. A few ears of Coro and Coro Chop on hand. Macro* & 11RQ1:110.1474 MARXIST REPORTS, (Oorrecteditso'clooltp.ra. Wednesday1 rA a. AUX/A' wpltrWhea t nee Wheat Red Wheat New 0 Patti 4f 'RUMAT !rife luow) .. •• clay ,.. .. Date ,: Moser Rood Timothy Pae*, Corn Talr .11 MOM Coughs and Colds that we so fre. qnently neglect, and which so often prove the seeds sown, for a harvest of consumption, should heveimmediate and thorough treat- ment. A teaspoonful o1 Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion taken whenever the Cough is troublesome, will relieve the patient, and persevered in, will ouruhe most obstinate oases. The following is an extract from a despatch received at the State De- partment from the United States Consul in regard to the importation of old rags :-"I feel that such im- portations are not free from danger, and especially so when the merchan- dise can be traded as coming from Naples even indirectly. Even in this city, (Naples) rage are stored just in those quarters where the cholera was most severe last year.' Reports have been received from over 800 points in Minnesota and Dakota, covering every wheat grow- ing oonnty of 'importance, and from 900 points iu Northern Wisconsin and Iowa. One hundred and fifty-- five reports say the condition now is good ; 185 say the condition is bet- ter than last year at this time ; 50 say it is 10 per cent. better ; 50 say the condition is poor ; 87 say it is not as good as last year ; and 25 say it ie from 10 to 15 per cent. worse. Tha bad reports are all from the old counties, where the ground is" weedy, and where the wheat was sown late,. ►.H- f Scott's .Emulsion of rare Cod Liver 011, with Hypophosphttea, As a Cure for Mararmts. in Children. ""War. FARR, of Brooklyn, L. I., says : "On the recommendation of my physician, Dr. Wm. Vyse, I have given my buy, who was dangerously ill of Marasmus, your Emulsion ith excellent eileot, and he Is at present as hale and hearty as can be wished," BORN. COLEMAN. -In Exeter North, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. John Coleman, of a son. WANLE69.-In Exeter North, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. 'Thomas Wanless, of a daughter. MoPnERrioN.-in Exeter North, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. Alex. McPherson, 'of a daughter. DIED. Coos. -At Newdale, Manitoba, on the 28th ult., Richard Lindley, only eon of Mr. John Cook, formerly of St. Marys, and grand child of Mr. B. T. Gilpin, of St, Marys, aged 4 years and 1 month, CormrxowooD.--In London, on the 12th Inst., Mrs. Hannah .Ooltingwood,formerly of this town, aged 65 years. ANDREW.-At'Elimville,. on the 17th ins! VIM a801c082 084toVb9 080 to 082 OKI (00ift 100 000 PRESENTS! irl'Ill°-v-1".4"4" �r er al owade as qtr s, a. rase* aer'tk !stint 24, cavae 1 55,000. 144 .fiva... a INN* 14.41,444044.4* U 441.4.44 or Rtxi.4 N. 41444 w.0-� 44..4 .. P �.e ..,tars P. a444a.14471.....ken 4.44.!444.,ecx..[.0+412000 ,.. 1°448+401..r..lat.a..4.t:I 1...,.4141!.4.44...41.40, 10l 201 iumn a. i semis t * *m 440 1. M�..a.N..,....s.r..0..,0 0'41 tku 1400 t,.. ).'0'.'2 t r"'*21,... err `18...00.. wpm* *.-******4 �*A e. e441.1.raQP�'x 1"r w. ia4v�e.,..,... <, wr.r. mo+. wnu FM .r�. 1"'�*+.•,� Ff' 000.°0004 # ��T fL '* 9, ! sk•h .rx*;,T'r1ltr4ttLfK 1,1:sr.OC,Doawd.4+h�t^'^'a.#i4Y.r�►,4;n"n,. 404.444 xw....4..1r 4y.4* •4...1.0 * 1. a..0 54*** 1 red tar 444 *0 4. 5414.4; P•.4.14: nto 50 V `' " Th.list at ProProf-onto to ba R3111e�n to our$selsoor1 crest Mvas%-- Ssees 1 (m00 Prize �qf,,�,, aee..9h owe t Ni.•kelpl,J(.lumbiaBicycle.., 2 SO It 11.85.4 1 eoKcll 1000 1 t:r.u.d Semere i l.. 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A UMW 411!4 40100101( *eel Ft gel/ e.a6 s ter* sae es 1* a+* **4 N( S 41'147.711 POlILT11T .'1,:' 41.,1 *41..."'""'"0h .0 r..IM*.l' .AMI •.M 1iAl� ..Xt�.•.t44.tr****44,0* d..41* 1 . 4444. a14AP 44*. 5.41444, 0....10..44,.41. 3 4.*r*t y4. 8o 5b..N* 14ilar Aire.. 414141 'tial! ro0&. � *a. .4,.....4.•=4...x4 s., L0R TiE RILE AND OTHERS. Wi0 be soul shortie under Poorer of Sole o 8° too Ofd in a Mortgage the I au41*OV5a 049 tae 52 0seto050 000106'15 1 25 to 200 0333 to 050 (1 as to cc 011 t8C17 c stools 3004440 021003A e 40 to a .i0 20140000 005to004 ()08 to 006 0.0 to 0 e0 O22Stoe3.i c ac to a 7S W. F. SULLEN, a 00 o aoo l 00 to 4 Olt Laetlon,. BEE crew: rlY A,RTWBIGHT, L. D. 5., Rae opened dental roams over 0141411413 BANK. wbarah.wiit fze +s prepared to *streettcett.wittwnt I in. Al operation eperfornhedwith case Ind 9�1. 15Office t0p11. (AAtnhui eail40D4WT?Tse xinBsiBlicl cog. i. (41701,1.DAS timpted by the lets+ floury VW, Earrister. Apply ti. 0 40 to C75 030to07ei 017 to 0171 A 00 tat() 00 (100to073 3.A20974 $090to090 0 80 (0 0 .0 030/0041 o 43 to 0 44 028to03C 031to003 100 to 100 0 25 to099 LYSE, TE TdILO MR. W1f. LINE is prepared (o do CUSTOM TAILORING ON HURON -ST., ONE BLOCK 'WEST OF MANSION HOUSE. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and. Satisfaction guaranteed in every roepoot. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW BATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty session. ) Elizabeth Andrew, aged 79 years and 4' In the case of the Queen vs, James months. Give him a trial and be convinced that he will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. CENTRAL % I)S'F;ICTII;tEh1F.N'r FOR CRED- 1T')nS.-- 1'nrseeet teen order of tate IIig11 Court of 4net1en (Chancery Iiivialont, made in a cause W1SYre*R:41t1ir on .4. C: urine 14 pla"Inteff and 1,a, viva Ann Cur, ria and .others aro!tete:414104, the creditors of llulertJames (,arlile.end Semite Carlile, both lata of tha'Townchit. of Hay, 413 the County of I4uron. tion*en.who hied on or a bent the 3u14day of MarshA D. 184,1. and 13114 day of February. 14183, respectively. are on or lwfurn the lath day of lupe, 1885.10 lend 1.y Lost. Prepaid. to 8eelautia Vella:k Elliot, of the Village et Exeter, in aha said (ot.aty of Hur*1n,tbos wlicik*r at the said plaintiff. their Christian and swimmer', addressee Dual description, the fell particular& of their statemout of their aceousta and too nature of the securities tit any1 held by them, or in defauitthereof they will oe per 0115t..ti_iv excluded from the teuedtof the said order. livery creditor holding any aeouritria to 1.01)411140 the aatnetu•tsre me at nay chant- lera et the teem of (;3derich, on the Ord dal. I of Juue,1-043.4111 c'cluckin the toreaoon, lie -1 Lug clthaie mbins.e epi fated for the atlneatlon on the !lutea tbiehtth day of May.1041. 1Sisuctrl A.xMALCOMS(IN Local 3fai.ter at Guderich: � U Y TOUR DRUC STORErARIs GREEN A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers'- the best . in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. MACKINAC. SUMMER TOUR Velem Iseasessa. Haase. Neer Tripe pec Week swarm DETROIT AND MACKINAC £*d wary Work DI7 vetw•hn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Witte /ov Ons Picturesque Maokinao,' illustrated.. Cbelefna4 r.u. Ps *ester.. atw*d rm. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nev. Oa. C. D. WHITCOMB, Ran. Psna. Aar,. DCTison'.. minis. SEW TA!LO !D? 1 Win. Senior Wishes to inform the inhabitants of Exeter std surrounding townships, that he has paned A Tailoring Shop in FANSON'S BLOCK, (up -stairs), where he will be prepared to do all kinds of Customs Tailoring. If you want a (food -fitting and Welt -made Suit, Coat or Pants, you will find Sat- isfaction by giving him a trial. I&fr. Senior has had long ex. perience and is a practical workman. Remember the Spot, Directly over Geo. A. Hyndman's Grocery Store. Tnseet Powder AT THE cminUn Labarator Will. Senior. !ntcrcsnia1 flaiL!ay The Direct Route from the West for all points in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island. Cape Breton and Newfoundland. A31 the popular sea bathing, fishing and pleasure resorts of Canadaare along this line Pullman ears leaving Montreal on Mon- day Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax. and on'nesday Thursday andSatur- day to St. John, N. B., without change: Close connections made at Pointe Levis with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's Steamers from Montreal, and at Levis with the North Shore Railway - Elegant first-class Pullman, Buffet and Smoking Cars en all through trains. First-class Refreshment Rooms at conveni- ent distano es. IMPO14TIRS AND EXPORTERS. will find it advantageous to use this route as it is the quickest in point oftim e, and the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains and experieneo has proved the Inter- colonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all pointe in Canada and the Western States, Tickets may bo optained and also informa- tion about the route and about freight and passenger rates trout ROBERT B: MOODIE, Western Freight&Peasouper Agent 93 Bosein House Block, York St., Toronto D. POT!S'INGER, Chief Superintendent. Railway Office, 6fonoton, N.B:,May 14,'85-1y;