HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-18, Page 1ter 'CHEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. - VOL XII., No.39 1Xit T. +'R, ONT., TBURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1885. aORN WRITE ,& BON 'Publishers and Proprletorp. FOR, c"^� "EL ]? The Mayor =sited that while in Otte.. 11 Noel, manager of she Quebec Mr. Johnston viae erlg*gad in plant- `+� •r•'J Minister of Militia that he would en- Bank Wawa, hal reestvtsd s telegraat faE was e the ` hie garden. bitty, Canned Goods, Fresh Gracei s, Fresh Haddies, Fresh Crap, sa lost week he gas Informal b the etatdtrg that leperE lumbermen were fo utwasvegetables e little girl's name, desvor so oliow the Toronto men to drowned on the eurive at einze ra had taken the empty watering- can, berries, Fresh Oysters, Oranges and Lemons, permit the Grenadiers and Queen's ` P :tot! =rant towards the cistern, but ads. These reptds are about 85t? Own to return at the same time. without being noticed by hes father.. +( O TO ; . 3yN DM A N' napes up the Ottawa river, aim's; a TRIAL. On Saturday afternoon m number After s lapse of twenty minutes her Ottawa, June e6,--Chrlsopher ktab. of Walkerton High School students brother, a boy of seven years, aroused Neon, Q. C.; B. B. Osler, IQ. C., and were swimming tupbe Suugeen, when the aaxietyof the farrtity lily proclaint- T. Chase Caegrain, Quebec, Council one of their number, named John Er- ing that tae o�atd teat find Msy, and a employed by the Government to urn; w'fn, suddenly cried out end souk to strictsearch was accordingly instant - LEGAL, ( Rr B�i i IO NEWS.eeoute Ruth were in the city pistonneeno more. Ida woe 21 years old, ed, Mr. Johnston seeing the empty dap ill reference to the CCSG, Mr Os: and an expert swimmer. hap - Hie parents Gan by the bide of the wed, cottjeotur- H. DICKSON,, Bet -lister, Soli; BEAYEB,RIVER, dune, 18, via Strati - Conveyancer, ,ler ilea gone to Toronto and Masers. live near Wharton. The, bodywas re- ed that some sad ^accident had hap - L • citor of Supreme Court, Notary Public Couveyantor, tiOWpIi49►eneer, 4o. Money to beuzie, dune, 15,. -An adiatt batten- Robinson mutt Cnsgreia remain in the covered, petted, and reaching down to the bet- Loan. t;xeter. ed to be one of Big Bear's eooute,rode city. On Saturday, in all probability into the 85th camp and fired on Mr.I3urnbridge, Deputy Minister of Northern Agricultural Society, situ• body er the ehtid, tie did all las Justice, will !leave for Rs irate. The could to revive respiration, tut witb- the eentry, but escaped scala, , e g sled in the town park, Collingwood, ' 1ktaFADDEN, date of Riel's trial hits notyet been out er o.oeas,, and Dr. Jame. wild wag •L . The Chippewayaus °erne in with which lyse completed last Taepteinber, the Priest, Father Legoff, lath ou fixed Wait Is expected to begin about ata cost of $10,000, wee entirely des- summoned, pronounced life extinct. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,Tbnreday relight, leaving surrendered. the middle of July. troyed by fare at an early boutr Tues. . •t.. ETiET10B, otaTAmerican. Twenty 'three name in, and eight morning. 1 tsare1 in the Royal for mace sarri.wette more tows ele. otflen;l others with women and children ar Uanaatan. 4,800. Ids generally believed to havo '----- . - ..n....,-:- •-..._._:.. ., __.- - $ u Y p been rived last night, All gave up their beau of incendiary origin. Two case* of eln e t box@ DENTAL, guile. They aloha they were coat- Mrs, Julia Mulvey, aged nearly 70 Bella Graham, a Pune girl resid• Sher erect tram tenement leo se on pelted to follow Bi Bear through living near Medtson Cross, committed tag an Ottawa cit was walking Thule- Sherman street, .hewn ens. The D 8 g $ � city, patients aro a young rasa cod woal- IiINSMAN,DENTIST, Le D.8 threate of annihilatted in case of re- euieuie by hauging herself in the attic day eventog in the viatnityofTlteadae• an,. who, with their mettle and other M fowl. After they had purobeeed of her son-in-law's house last Thum street with bar young mac. Three members of the family, ari teed three their freedom Kith cattle, Big Bear day. She was somewhat deranged- men Darned MoHugh, Brock aad Goo weeks ago from in 1The vic- es bo dost would not permit them to leave. The .1 Barrie,jBoak peeper for J. Grif• den overtook ilio aenple, and two of g Germany. (?itioeDlocic, klain Caves, of whom they bad stood fitbs, of•Parhant, decamped ou Tutus- the latter seized the girl while the tilos have been ei°lir fora week. brat Teat! X. in great fear, were not brave ai all, day with $2,00010 cash and notes, It other tried to assault her, The young refrained froth nailing a Physi4iat.. A retaae<lwt¶j is not known which direction Barrieallied iu the fatlail; lila= bPett eattetide:g. p„tx,b,t,,,'`b for the most of them deserted the day man who was with Mies C�rrallsm rave =shoot, and a brottEer llaa beau ell• After the fight at Frenchman's Butte, took. iuforusatiou to the police, anti tela ptoyed in a brewery, lite whole faun and went away home. The Plain A barn awned by J,'ilall, near Bath tares scoundrel* were erraeted. ills have been transferred to the pest Creels wanted to kill McLean, but the was struck by lightuinig on Sunday - Maud Percy, 12 yeara of age, was home. Wood Crees opposed this. Finally morning and 700 bushels of grain and returning !tome from school oto even• Advises from Knott coltuty, l y.> �R.HXNDMAN.—CORONEI.IFOR the former fearing the latter were in- and a number of agricultural tinkle- ing with a companion, ltlaud Comer state that the .hall and Jala:ea faction theCountyolHuron Office, opposite to financed byMcLean, took the rison:1 meets were destroyed. on, along the 0. V. R. track near Mr,I.Carling'setore.Rxeter P Mr. Alex. Finkle, Barrister, , ' are under trace and an engagsmeut ere into their camp. They say Bit,, Wood- Belmont, They had to pees a clump between them is enamiuent et any T W. BROWNING 11I. I?., M. 0 Bear has only thirty warriors of his stook, hoe beau appointed judge for of wood*, and as they were doing so, moment, The hall partynumber U • P. S,GraduatoVictorie t13lf ratty• aic own, but with his elites his fighting the county of Oxford, to fill the va a tramp slipped up behind them, end, 81 and the Jones gan1, and all andrasidenaa.teoxinionl,abaratorv.Exeter. force nambere Ktlont frit? ar 200. aaneycaused by the death of the late seizing Mie* Percy, brutally outraged are armed one Winchester rifles B. J. A.. ROLLINS, M. 0. l'. S The Ottippewayaub also report that Judge McQueen. Iter. The fiend the° fled into the and defyarrest from. an source. On o. Otaco, Main St Fxeter,Ont.Desidenco Big Bear erose north of the Beaver to A farmer named Beaudoin vieited woods. Miss Percy describes her aa- y huu8eroaentlyoccupiad by P. arorh,lllps,EEq. Lac dee.iel@a, supposed to be 45 miles Moetreal and put up at a hotel. Aft- Kilian*, as s smolt loan withtenhair, from here through nuexplored coon- er eating a hearty dinner he fell light mouateo Monday of last week, on Beaver ore°Ic l be, and small side whits- ferry Sherwc°d and Bill Hawk Sligo: moor, the latter one of the most not: n Lima, toeM. D., V • Ofaoetry, s=assy and was soon afterward found kers. Several men started after the athieresidence Exeter.ed blaodthirat • eradoes to Moun: Col. Smith with a hundred men of lo be dead. t=amp, 3 des P the 92 Winnepeg light Infantry wits David Sinclair, a Quebec sailor, lain were way laid and shot and killed , p g $ yQ Messrs lioaxtng, Hillard, Farqu , �R. IRVING, GRADUATU UNIby ambushed anomies, They both Vonsemo TrinttyCollegMembexCellege ordered to cross that river this even- while aesietiuq some of his sampan- bareon andLsry, 8110 delegatton from bels» ed to the Hall faction. ,tuvsiciansuu•d ewr oonr (het, facoEirkton ing and go to the supposed ordeeing lane, who were intoxicated, to boards Jamaica, report that the aubjeot of g - -- ._.. with six days rations. Somo Chippe. vessel on Sunday morning, fell over reciprocal trade was very cordially } Prof. Borrill, of Illinois, says the I 1fP0ItTAN t'rtuTICES, amount of water exhaled from the wayane aoaompany the expedition as the wharf and was drowned. received by the board of Trade of guides, but they say those is no trail The schooner Ida Peters (Captain. Toronto, and they had every reason leaves of trees in dry, hat weather ie EPIliY LILBIJR Licensed Arlo. whateper. ) ,to believe that they were moss favor• prodigious—vastly We feel this nierelr is a Ellis), of Yarmouth N. S, was fish- P $ greater than any ticneorfortlay,Stephen,aud McGillvray forlorn hoe. The eeoute are utterlyin on Saturday near Yarmouth,all one not acquainted with the results Townships: Sales conductedatmoderaterates. unable to u ruieh information othe crew, except the cook, beiniu The aieottnoked forwardt�iiii a great °f experinaente upon tiro subtest eap- oface—at Post otaoe,aroditon, one, any donee when a fog came up. The deal of xntiafaetian to meeting the poses, As near as can be made out captain and ono man are missing. Montreal Board of Trade. After the from inveatigatione upon small pianist in peter, a large-sized forest tree A considerable amount of aognter• meeting they will visit Quebec, St. fait coin has been floatingaround 01- throws Into the atmosphere ovary fa - Two John and Halifax, to roast the Boards notable summer dayabout named Gsortaws for mal+'itizsiemruane and (aalI of Trade there after which they re- role of water counting forty gallons to g turn to Ottawa. le tree twent agher were arrested Friday on a charge Exaggerated statements have gone t earehe aold maybees tptnsted to be one: y of circulating the same. out from Montreal iii regard to the /Kingston Salvationists Wowed a outbreak of small -pox in the pity. fifth as Large, and to exhale ten bar - circus to Gananoque to set up a coun- ter ettraotion, but three of the leaders were arrested for disturbing the peace and placed in gaol. Subsequently they were dismissed by the magistrate. Seven youugttadies belonging to the Hellmuth college, London, received the rite of oonfimation from the bands of Bishop Baldwin in 81. Armes Chap- el on Sunday morning. Rev. E. N. English assisted in the service and the bishop preached. A onmpauy is about to organize in Quebec to commence operations next spring on the Labrador coast in seal hunting on the toe and have properly built steamers that eau be utilized in cod and herring fishing after the seal catch is over, Blauket,Pakakies for leaving their re -IA man named Hart was fatally in' serve. The prisoners arrived here to- Jared by the up train ou the N. T. & day in charge of Mounted Police en Q. Railway, at Newburg Out. Monday route for Regina. His skull was badly smashed. He Pie -a -Pot and Paequah are at the was under the influence of liquor, and fort determined to have a sun douse. sitting on the track about a quarter of The indiana are very uneasy all over a mile west. the district. The bursting of the water main on REEL WANTS THE VENUE CHAGED. McGill street, iviontreal, on Sunday, 'QUEBEC,Juue,15.--Charles Fiizpat• excavated a large hole in the street, rick, one of the lawyers retained for threw heavy eurdetonee from their the defence ot Riel, leaves for Ottawa l +laces and did considerable damage to -night tu'interview the minister of to the neighboring collars. The wet• justice with a view ot having Riel's er wee not turned off for more Than case brought• before the supreme un hour. court of lower Canada. This course A. party of eporstmen just returned has been.tatteu, by Riel's own request. 10 Quebec from Lake Jacques Cart. F. X. Lenient, the other lawyer re- ier, sixty miles from Quebec, etate tained for the defence, leaves for Re- • that on last Tuesday night they vary T138 WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE gina an Tuesday,next. narrowly escaped being frozen to INSURANCE death. A raging snow storm a000m- THE • TORONTO VOLUNTEERS. ponbviolent wind, prevailed dur- Toronto, June 16.—A public meet- ing theied y night. presiding, held to t on3id glthe reception to Fire broke °uteinuday Autumn in be given our, volunteers on their re- Drydeu's carpenter shop, near the turn from the front, A motion was western limits of Galt, which was to. passed that a proper reception to he tally da-troyed, together with the giveu there, and the City. Councit, was stable. Lias about X900; no in- requeefed to place a sato in the esti- next The frame dwelling ou the mates to cover the expenses. Sever. next lot, owned by Geo. Thompson, al prominent citizens were appofoted also took fire and was burned to the to aet in conjunction with the reoept• groued. Valued at about $800; in- ion committee of the Day Donnell.sured in the Gore,dietriet for $600 on building and contents. FANSON'S BLOCK Agent for Thorley's H. dt C Food. Only 10c. per lb., or S8 per owt. The one sew building of the Great tom of the eietern ORM e uPon the MEDICAL the enemy. , /�� ONEY TO LOAN ON REALES.A board of inquiry met this morn - 1. tateiortheHuron.0ErieLoanA- Sevin p ing to took into the conduct °f the Saciolly. Low rates of interest. Apply to Chippewayane, but as it was ;held Spaakman,Exoter. with closed doors nothing could he NJ.�T • borneandascertained, Provisions are running pLA t be Agent for the Us -rt MntuarFireIusurauce abort, and only canned meats have Compauy, Bosidencs -Farquhar- Orders by ..been sent with the Lac -des -Isles ex - in attended to. pedltion. COL. OTTER'S COMMAND. 4ONEY TO LOAN AT 6e- AND 7 Battleford, June 15.—Cat. Otter's Fundspt per cent, acoAppiyto term.. Private brigade reached Turtle lake ou Sat - V B. .ELLIOT, urday morniug. Otter's scouts, who Octoberl5; 80 solicitor. Exeter were thirteen miles in advance on the --Too— west side of the lake, encountered a X. X) Z A, It t N G' S party of Indiaus and captured five ponies and a quantity of flour and ba - Central Shaving Parlor con. The indians fled to the woods. _e'er Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair A detatahwent from Otter's, brigade • cutting,&c. pursued them yesterday. Clean Towels for every customer. The health of the brigade ie excell- Neatdoor to Central Hotel. ant. All those wounded at Out Kndfo FOR SALE.-TWO-STORYFRAME fight are oonvaleeoeut. DWELLING HOUSE andoue aoreofland. TWO CH1BPe CAPTURED. situated on the Thames Itoad,2}miles east of Exeter. Goodlargeframe stable and driving Qu Appelle Station. June 15, 6 p.m. shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing —The 91s1 battalhon under COI. trees;.good wellandcistern. Suitablefor a re., tiredtarmer. Will be sold cheap for ci sh, Al? Scott, went against the file hill band ply to THOMAS ALLAN. EseterP 0 iv is-tf yesterday, and arrested chiefs Star J. ',CLARK. COMMISSIONER • in the Court of "Common Pleas --Deeds, Wille,Mortga•gee, Leases,and e.11,1 orals otagr•e. merits drawn and executed accordingto law. MONEZ TO LOAN ONI5EALEBTATE, Parties wish- ingtoborrow money on account ofreoeutpnr- abases ohand,or to pay off axistingmortgagss witl@nd.agreat saving bygivingMolt cal}, Can Lend moiieyat6 and 8t per cent. accordingto terme . N.J.CLARE TOHN MoDONELL, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. oIi'Frcn X1rFANBON's BLOOM. Meongent for [the LondonMtetnalIosurance Comipaay of 0anada,ilfercantile Insurance•Co 'Capital $509,000.00 Head Office Waterloo: .Ont, Glasgow & London Insurance Coy—Cap- ita152,500,000 ; Head Ofii.oe, Montreal ; Stand- ard Life Insurance Co., Head Office, London. England ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head Office, Toronto. JOHN MoDONELL Exeter Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. This comr.any has been over Eightteen years nsuccessful operation in Western Ontario,and continues to insure againstloes or damage by Fire, Buildings, Merchandise, Manufactoriee,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In • tendinginsurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has =sued 87,098 Policiee.eovering property tolthe amount of $40,872,038; and paid in losses alone 5700,758,00 AssetS, 11176,ibo.o0, consisting of Cash in Bank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed Premium Notes on hand audit? force J. W WAL TAN M D. Preside,.t,.' O. 85.`TAxLOR, Secretary J. if. Roza es, Inspector' ':CHARLES SNE•LL Agoot for Exeterandaicinit,y. The Chairman of the Board of Health rele of water each clear and breezy states officially there has not been a day of June, July and kugnst. This seems incredible, but it is nob above single ease of 3ma11•polt reported within the city limits since 1881 until the accurately determ tied facts with recently. There are some cases in an potted plants of many kinds, outlying municipality,but deaths have There has just been placed in the National Museum at been altogether among the unvaciu- Washington for rated. The deaths from tate esuee permanent preservation and oxbibi- the Chairman of the Board statee, tion' what is known as the Ayshire show leas percentage of the popula- life ear, the invention and property tion than any city of the same size of the venerable Joseph Frannie, 000 show, even in ordinary times. known the world over es the inventor A prisoner_ named McGuire, in jail of the Francis Life Boat and other a£ Oobourg, for a murderous assault, life sawnappldancea. 'Phis car is Tuesday morning attacked Jailer the one that was used at the wreck of Higgins, while the tatter was stoop -the Brttiah ettip Ayshire, on the cos=h• ing to adjust the shackles on Mc - of New Jersey, in 1850, in to severe- Guire'e feet, hie purpose being to se- snow storm, saving 201 persons. It euro the keys and escape. He laid was transferred to Prof. Baird for ther open Higgin'e skull with i large etane museum by the representative of blr. which he had a=erated. He then Francis, together with miniature mod:: pummeled McGuire, inflicting some ala of various triads, and also the dip: bud wounds about the head. An tome presented to Ur. Francis by the alarm was given by the jailer, and the Shipwreck Society of all Nations. prisoner overpowered. Higgiva' iu- Sioux City, June 18 —The mei- juries are serious. dent on the Sioux Falls • line of the As No. 60, the Atlantis express, Chicago, Milwaukee and ae,S1. Pauly was approachiu¢ Ingersoll from the Road clammed near McOook, a small west Sunday morning, a woman was station across in Dakota. There were, ob,ierved sitting on the bank overlook- two passsenger coaches, bag;ata and,ing the track. She suddenly stood mail car. The tram w is going ate up as the train drew nearer, ran down nearly full speed when it was struck' the bank and threw herself acme the by a cyclone, Every car was t>lowa' rails lees than three oar lengths art from the track and the engine partial- front of the locomotive. Nothingly so. There was between 60 and 70,4 could be done to eave her, and almost pa'r'eugera in the cars and most of before the occupants of the cab could diem miraculously !soaped with realise the situation, file wheels t,f<d slight injuries. L. M. Scott, express maugied the woman almost past re. messenger, was iuternally injured.:An reoognitiou. The body was removed old couple, whose names were not to Ingersoll, where it was recognized learned, were also Beverly injered, but as the body of Mrs. Climate, and tak- not fatally. Nearly every passenger en charge of by her friends. The de• suffered from scratches, bruises o.s ceased is said to have been for some ellita8i"e. The storm was very se - time in weak tniod, and to this cause were. Telegraph wires are prostrated the tragedy is attributed. ;n alt directions. Tho three-year-old daughter of In the French P -4-04-11 h tuber of Do alis Mr. James Johnston, of Park street. p Loudon Boat, fell tato a tank of wet- Monday, the death of Admiral Cour- er Thursday night and was drowned. bet was announced. Fie died on his The sad occurrence !colt place be_ war ship Bayard from prostration twee seven and eight a'c', ck, while I brought on by over -work and mental anxiety.