HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-11, Page 7THS MARCH. OF INTELLECT. • Tbe world ccoaoionally witnesses the appearance of a man pre-eminent among his fellows, who leaves hie mark upon the world either for good or for evil. Our century has been unusually fruitful in such men. We have our military aero, oltr,,Dbiieso.pher, our astronomer, oar stik. #len par excellence ; we have, also, our physician and pliilantbropiel, par tr, ceffence But now we have Thomas Holloway, who, nenefitted by long ex. perienee of careful experiments, and enlightened by deep study, .hes lie. slowed upon the world one of the greatest treasurer, in the form of his celebrated Pille and Ointment. By their iuetrumentailty health ie placed within the reach of all that will avail themselves of there. They have re- ooinmended themselves everywhere by their beneficial gloats, and are now known throughout the oiyilixed world. We aro glad to know that not only unbounded fame, but a considerable fortune, has rewarded Holloway for his philantrophio laboor. South and Central America, Mex. ice and Cuba, following the °:ample of Spain, have become large ooii�aulrt- ere of these articles, and wherever she Spanish language is epoken, they are Pow extensively used sen family medicine. No region of the earth af. fords such oFportunities for testing the universality of w remedy as South America. From the enormous in. equality of level between its different portions, it comprehends the climates of all the zones, and all the diseases peculiar to the varieties of temper. *tuts known as frigid, temperate and torrid are found among its Inhabit. ants. A brander field tar the employ. inept of preparations adapted to the cure of every *poise of disorder, in- terual or external, cannot he canceiy ed, and as their success has been uni- form in all parts of the southern con. *inept, we may. fairly retard thee°' medicines as specifics for the rlialadiea of every soil and clime. We do not melee these statements and express these opinions without having, weighed them well. They are not founded merely upon common report, but upon the testimony cf parties oo0upyiog high positions in society --men of unblemished repute.— tion and matured judgment ; that, likewise, ie confirmed by ciroamstan• 098 within our own immediate know- ledge. Moreover, we, have the lefts hesitation in declaring our predilec. tions for these remedies, inasrnuoh as it is shared by our brethren of the press in every quarter of the globe. -1 y'rs Union. Iiief'ore stud .Behind the SCCnieg. To show more clearly the comical. Wes and absurdities of stage life, we ciao a few incidents, which are the re. sults of personal observations and which to the unthinking show the vast `difference between the relations of professional people, before and behind the scenes. Before the scene : Here—,For years I have followed you as the re— lentless tiger follows his prey,and yen must now prepare for the just pun- ishment which your crimes deserve. Thus do I butt' my knife again and again and again into your craven heart ; thus do I satiate my direst vengeance. Villain --'With my dying breath I curse you.' (Dieu.) Behind the scene*: Hero—'Say, Ourly, lend me a collar button ; some fakir has collared mine.' Villain—•That's an old guy. But here you are. Don't be ashamed to return it.' Before the scenes : King --'Down slave, and beg my royal pardon.' Slave—'Yes, sire ; most humbly do I °rave thy clemency.' Behind the scenes : Slave—'Here, yon royal dummy, with a tin fake on, pull off my boots, .will you ? I can't stoop over for the pad ?' King -'Why, earl, Jimmy.' Before the scenes : Hero ---.Thus do I endow thea with a royal ransom. Take this package. Within you will find $40,000, and if you needmore you have but to send word to my law: yer.' Behind the seeues : Hero (who is also themanager)-'I am very sorry,. but I can't pay you your salary this week. Here is a dollar ; make that go till we suite better business. That's a good girl.' J VNEQU;LED So say the best farmers ' ,stodkmen, `°gar- deners, and fruit growers of A merica of the great National)Weekly, the Rural New York- er. The best writers in the world. Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations from nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask those who) know. Specimens gladly sent without charge. 62,800 worth of presents offered to subscribers for the largest clubs. Conducted by praotible farmers. Its Free Seed Distributions are invaluable. Over 600 contributions. Posters and outfits on appli- cation, Send for them,- RURAL NEW -YORKER 1 .interesting items. Fresh stains of ink can be taken' Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a hi hl _�ntrated 1 extract of Sareaparilla and other blood -purify -1 roots combined with Iodide of Potassium and Iron. Its control over scrofulous diseases is unequalled by any other medicine. 1 Hypocrites are wicked. They hide their de -1 Tecta .vith so Much care that their hearts are' puisoned by them. FLUID LIGHTNING. All aufferers front that terrible torment Neuralgia. eau be made happy in one moment by a single application of Fluid Lightning briskly rubbed on painful parts, and without using any disgusting medicine day after day with little or no result. Ftai4 Lighting also care, as effectually Toothache,Lumbago,Rheu- nmatism, Headache. and is only 25 cents per bottle at Dr. Browning's drug stave. 1 The grand jury at New York bas found an Indictment for grand larceny against Ferdin- and Ward. THE BEST RET. Tye best blood cleanser known to medical science is Burdock Blood Bitters. It purifies the blood of all foul bumora, and gives strength to the weak. The wheat valley of Kansas is being devas- tated by the Hessian fly, and entire fields are 1 being plowed up and sowuwrith mullet, GHOLE.SA PREVENTATIVE. In order to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a period purity at blood, and the proper action of the etomaeh are required. To !name that end, in the cheapest. gloat evadable and complete manner, use bfeGreg- or'a Speedy Gare for Dyspepsia and Impure Blood. There ie no purer, safer or more re- liable remedy lu eitiatenoe for Ridigestion,DyrR papain, Costiveness, eve. Aak your neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold by Dr. Browning. Trial bottle given free, 1 A number of.new Augfatal oleos_ of Yellow 14 -ter are reported in Oaliso, ,Almost all the victims are foreigners, DOWN IN DIXIE. The wife of Mr. 3. Kennedy. Dixie P. O., was cured of a chronic cough by Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. The beet throat and lung healer known. G. B. Smith, of Christie, Drown, 4 Co:. of Toronto, bas taken the first prize of 63,000 at Windalor Hotel Derby awoe takes, 1ontreal. HORSEMEN, ATTENTION. When your horse is galled, metalled or cut, or has an ugly sere. bathe to ice a day, and ap Mc - ply Gregor Parka's Carbolic Cerate. It is undoubtedly the finest healing at'd cleans- ing application for it. Be sure you get Me. Gregor & Parse's. Sold for 25o. per box, at Dr. Brownings drug store. 1 BETTER TITAN GOLD. A good name, good health, a good compau IOU and a bottle of Raggyard's Yellow Oil aro among the first requisites for human happi. nose. Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, Sprains. Lameness, Brniaee, Burns, Prost Bites, Croup, Sore Throat and ell pain and Iudamwation. The Supremo Lodge of United Workmen met the other day atDee Moines, The reports allowed the order to be in a goodoondition. a .FOURFOLD WORK. Burdock Blood Bitters set at the same time upon the liver, the bowela,tho kidneys anti the akin, relieving or curing in every case. "War- ranted satisfactory, or money refunded, The war party in Antamarivo has strangled the prime minister beeanac he favored peace with France. Buckler's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruis- es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped hands. Cbilblains,Corns, and. all Skin Eruptions, and positively curse Piles, or no nay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 cents perbox. For sale by all drug- gists. Richard S. Scott, absconding teller of the Manhattan Backing Co., has reached Canada. A SUCCESSFUL RESULT. Mr. Bloomer, of Hamilto, Ont., suffered for many years with a painful running sore upon one of his legs, whish baffled all attempts to heal until he used Burdook BIood Bitters. wwich speedily worked a perfect euro. ON THIRTY DAYS' TIIIAL. Tun VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mott. mil send Du.DEE'a CETEBRATED ELECTED -VOLTAIC BELTS AND ELEOTRIo APPLIANCES On Waller thirty days to men (young or old) who are af- Meted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of headland maniyvigor, Address as above. N.B.—No risk is incurred, as thirty days' Walls allowed A TRUE STATEMENT. "Kind words can never die," and there are none but kind words spoken regarding Hug - yard's Yellow Oil, that old reliable remedy for external and internal use. It cures rheuma- tism, deafness, croup. sore throat, and all sore- ness and wounds of the flesh. REST AND COMFORT TO THESUFFERING ,.Brown's Household Panacea" has no equal forrelievingpain,bothinter"aland external it ourespain in the Side, back orbowels,sorethroat Rheumatism, Toutbache,Lumbago andany kind of a painor ache. "It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its acting power is wonder- ful. "'Brown's Household Panacea' being ack- nowledged as the gree Pain Reliever,and of dou blethestrength of an§ other Elixir or Liniment inthe world,shouldbe in every family bandy for use when wanted; 'as itreally is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches o1 all kinds," and is tor sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. More .eeopl, adults and children. aretroub- led with costiveness than with any other. ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ten' will cure costiveness and prevent tha diseses which result from it. Backache, stitches in the side, inflation and soreness of the bowels, are symptcros of a dis- ordered state of the digestive and assimilative organs, which can be promptly and thorough- ly corrected by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. As dinner pills and, as aids to digestion, they have no equal. They cure constipation. Holloway's Pills and Ointment.—The com- bined ill effects of overcrowding, sedentary oc- cupations and monotony of life are only too well-known to those who have to pass the best part of their lives laboring in factories and crowded workrooms: The compulsory confine- ment weakens theeneral health and induces chronic constipation, indigestion, and various forms of skin diseases. Holloway's remedies are of priceless value to persons of this class, for they can be used without entailing loss of work, being purely vegetable in their oompo- slition, and consequently act without harsh- ness on the most delicate . system, The ex- perience of more than forty years proyes no means surpass Helloway's remedies for curing bad legs, bad breasts, piles, and wounds of all 24 Park Row, N. Y. ' kinds. out by washing in skips -milk. Acid Mame often succumb to ammonia, Calor may be restored to geode injur- ed by whitewash, if immediately washed in'Irong'vinegar, L Hardware Ten Grier of medical atoms donated Ser Eva( i neve the inspect stook and get prices. on the following Lines Ionise, to. the North-west volunleels have arrived at Ottawa, and have been transferred ie, the aurgeon•geuerel for distribnlion. Don't Pail to Call AT THE• People's bg y $ gb ,. Princess CATARRH—A NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern ;medicine has been attainedby the Dixon 'treatment for ca, tarrb. Oat of 2,a0epntients treated during the last via, xnanthe, fully ninety per .cent. have been cured of We stubborn malady. This is nonetheless startling when itis remembered that not ttvepgr cent. of patients presenting themselves to the roStslor practitioner are he nedttod,whileth.natantmesioiues and other adverttsedeuro. never recortia, eure at ail. hT tie0fuost�eutidaclaimwen that diseaseg believed to the pro.ence.05Wing parasites in the tissue, eSr insoles othi ae000mp isbc a she aim. the Catarrh is practicallycured, and the per- manencynngneetienetl, as care4 effected by him four yeare Aso are earful still. No one elaellas attempted, to cure Catarrh in tela manner,andrso other treatment ever cured Catarrh. Us application of this _cured - NAILS, GLASS, WELITE LEAD, PAINTS, AILS, AND BUILDIIsIG HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, SHOVELS. SPADES c►e. We are away down on the following Co' s. Paints e Bird oC' Carriage-i�axuishles a I'euehen's Pre- pared •; ages; Buggy Tops; Stoves, and Tin- e of all kinds, Barb Wire, Steel Strip, and Buckthorn Fencing, American and Canadian Coal Oil. NAVE TROD RING A SPECIALTY. s,,, -ALL WORK CTUARANTERD.1 The Celebrated RAYMAMD Sewing Machine ,aiways hand ; also Needles to fit Airx 3.1,41m of Machine.on simple. and can be done at home, anti ther. i . uI Blest ria in Cash or Trade for Hides and Sheep present season of the year la the roost favor- Shins. Yours trulyeta able fora s seely anti permanent cure, thei meiority or eaves bath g cured at one treat- ment. Sud.xera should corresvcad with I1.eers. yaq. l3,DIXON st SON, smiting street their tread a4 Cataxr' .ion : eai Star,pifgv ,. 17, NOV, YOUR EXAMINATION OF GOODS & COMPARISON OF PRICES INVITED. SPRING STOCK immea r•� H l IL, J rfl 0;• IMESSETir IIROS. RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&01NTMENT THE FILLS Purity the Bloody, correct all Disordera of the, LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Couatitutioua, and are invaluable in all C'omplainta incidental to Pantiles of all ages. For children and the aged they are priceless THE OINTMENT is an infallible remedy for Bad Lege, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Cicorg. famous far Gout and Rheumatism., FOR DISORDERS OE THE 0111185' 1T iLA,b It is For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings, and sil skin 'lasses it has ua rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it ectelike a charm. The Pilin and Ointment are sold at THOMAS Hetrowtr's Eetabliehmt'wt, iii NEW OXFORD-STREETLate (583, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; t:1 also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at 1s, lid., 2a. 9d., 45, Gil., ile., 22e., and 88s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutnina three times the quantity of for is laid, size ; the 4a. Gd. eisR six ; the iia, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three •; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. T'nll printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, end can be hall is any language 1 Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pota and Boxes. If the address is no 538 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 1-4 THE LIGHT RUNNING° fSEWING PH°14 MACHINE SIMPLE 0 Ie f" 1'l" W r. ,1 ,.. THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE L_. THAT GIVES —._....1 PERFECT SAT/PACT/ON r HAS ITO EQ UAL" �FYERYCUI4 .,P- NEWH OME SEWING MACHINE IVIA NINE CO O RANGE MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO`ILL.. ST. LOUIS MO. ATLANTA GA. , RA WILLIAln DREW AnewirL •,.idly �ir0al I Ir liltlwq"... hYd� '�. u'Nl : Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. EXETEZI,, ONTARIO ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. THE Farmer'sMi0G5t8 —AND— HOME MAGAZINE Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour nal in Canada Owned and Published by a Farmer. WHAT FARMERS SAY:— "it is our best friend.,' "It is worth ten times its cost," "The dollar spent for the Advocate is the best spent moneyfrom the farm." "The wife and family are also delighted with it." "No farmer's house should be without it." The right information in the right season by the best specialists that can be procured on the Farm, Stock, Dairy, Garden and Or- chard. Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary, Markets, Family Circle, Etc., Etc. Only $1 Per. Annum. Sample copy sent free to applicants mention- ,. g their Lot, Concession and Post Office. NTON BROS. Address EXETER, ONTARIO.. FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON, ONT.1 ORTHEHN PACIFIC R. .R. LANDS In Minnesota, North Dakota. Mon - tans, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. From Lake Superior to Puget Sound, Al prices ranging chiefly from 52 to 56 per acre. on oto 10 years time. This is the Best Country for securing Good Homes now open for settlement. _FREE320 acres of Government 'LandFreeundertheROmo. e,+1! and Timber Culture Laws. NOTE 10.818 433' .'Acres OA KOBE THAN lftiALF of all the Public Lands disposed of fit ISM, were in the Northern Pacitic country. Books and Maps sent l'REE describing the Northern Pacatle Conutry,tee Railroad Lands for Bnle and. tlieFREEGovernment Lands. Address,CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Laud Com'r, N. P. It. It., St. Paul, Nino. Burdock BLooD ......:... BITTERS