HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-11, Page 6pTh ODIOUS ENGLISH PUG. mother in utter surprise. 'h whoop-
ing cough 1
They ushered me into the drawn„ room, . 4'Ves,' said J uhuny, still oryiug
And there, in an easy chair, hard, 'I wau4 a whooplug cough.
Sat a bow-legged brute tktet gazed at nae
With au insolent British stare 1 The teacher lets the scholars that
And a look of pride and folly born have; got the whooping GJtlglt go out
Illumined his ugly mug ; without making whenever they Sake to liquid from a Galt of tomatoea, put
And heturne4 his back with lofty scorn-- coughing ; and wiles there's a fnner• into a sauce pat: with a *Head onion
Dia that odious English pug. al or auythiug bice going by they all and cook ten minutes, strain out .the
A beauteous maiden Caine gliding iu,fio gg* to oeu his ,and Fust goout so onion, season with a spoonful' of but -
Stately, and tall and seise,
And seated herself by the ugly pup,
In the self -same chair with bleu
And as wildly he waggled, and slavered, and books. Oh, dear 1 oh, dear 1' I Up and pour over tate chops, which
And she held him in loving hug,
Over her shoulder be grinned at me--
Vit that odioee I;uglial+ pug•+
UTNE,UTNE,Trim eud flatten the above. Half
fry, then take Out, dip into beaten
egg, then into cracker dusk and cook
until well browned. Drain off the
10 Z^ „ I
The above reward will be paid for the conviction of those l�l'erelrante who are selling
Machine and cathemrol' Laraine
The otzly genuine is manufactured by
comfortable; and we that haven't ter worked smooth in a tettepoouful cCo l Bios. & Co, Toronto.
any oo:igh dent dare look off our of corn staroh, *alt and pepper.' Boil
But she gayly talked as she fondled him,
And said, "Which do you think
In ribbon ties becomes hien beet,
'Yellow or blue or pink ?"
And 'If arien Aleirs has a horrid oat--- cough.
I hate cats' -with a Stung. 'I thick,' said hie mother, nervptrd- s little #liens•-- arjau�I,
And she kissed -yes kiasecl--tLa smolty pliiz ' ly. 'you,re getting the whooping. 7 o count but fess things necessary is the
Of that odious English pug.
cough now. If you are you may toarxt roendaticn of many virtues.
oh, gentle des, where are ye now 2 st lesson t,efore yon get through with $tense is the wit of fools And one; of the
Whiz superezltieue scorn azrtuea or the ,rise
The ezalted pus from bis mistress' breast
Looks down on you forlorn.
Ye tread the dirty streets ; white arras
His pursy carcass lug ;
zed he's toted, here, and he's toted there,-
The odious English pug.
'Never y. mind,' said =Amine, *oath- should be nicely arranged on a plot- { Q SAi,E JAS P#CKARD, EXETER.
iu l . 'We'll go down to Un�ele ter.
Ctarley's room tonnarrow and $ee olden Grains.
the venue came in. The performers ,
are goiug to top all that hotel, and Wounds given to honor never beat.-Oor-
we II have a fine view 1' rent
At this paint Job.nny began to
Victim pleases the more iu proportion as
it resembles truth.
He who lives but for himself lives but for
He takes lois drive% and Ids bouillon
And makes his social calls,
Anil leaves his neatly graven card
With, los owner's in the halls,
I've seen therm--Bijous by toe score,
Bennie, avd Punch, and Slug,
And every one was the silly zierne
Of au odtove Eugbsh pug.
viii, feline pet of the upper teal,
I call on you, arise !'•
dove on the pug with you* ripping stars,
Hook out his goggle eyed'.
His wealth 8hl1 be yours, as the spoils
Hie comforts and quarters snug ;
A.ud the dude cin the fence will sheer yo
With:theodious Eoglisltlava.
it --tate lesson that:there is no anal- Let un learn upon earth the things which
toyed good in this world, even in a. can us to beaver.
whooping oougll. Wrongsentreeehedin bad legislation can
..,� never be converted into vested rights.
Good Story.Our acts make or mar us. We toe the
children of our own deeds,
The falluwiug instance bllutsa the than ties Wmep14 joy
they aere the pleasure they give
keen earcaetie wit cf the late Worded 1e bueeeed one swat sometimes be very
Phillit s. -As he was journeying over bold awl, sometimes very prudent.
the New York Central a rather pons.- , m 1"1R411
pous olergytuau approached hila and humorous.
asked : a i A balinu� shin la on roaer's
'What is your aim iu life 2' y og,
To which Ur. Phillips blankly re- 11°peed the lvcal< s peopiug ovorat are oa do@r e lila
plied : • .edge of the counter, 'Oh ! I'tu lyisi
'To benefit the negro.,
'Why don't you go down south, i tar Ta ' "
it for the grocer,Pahaw 1'
thea, and do it ?' inquired the revel.- . said the sceles, 'I've been doing that
for years.'
end gentlemen
'Well, that's worth thiultiug about, A little boy "4 girl had been ceu-
s taUewered Ur Ptalliipa ; 'but,' contiuu� atoned rlaYer to tape the nest-ogg
ed be, 'I notice you weer a a linear gettta gill regitche e. h let tione even -
fir t,
"'�*'"*""-'e' 1 white necktie ; I would like t ask in life +t
What Johnny Cried for.
NO day Johnny carne hams from
school cryiug very hard. Hie mother
thought the toaoher must have whip-
ped biw or expelled him from the
school, or that some big boy must
have atoned him.
'Why, what is the matter, my I
dear ?' she asked with concern and
fohnuy returned no answer except,
to cry harder.
'Why, ray sweet,' she persisted,
drawing buil to per knee, "WI mo
what it is."
'Ther'% no use telling,' said Jobnny,
scarcely able to speak for tears and
sobs, 'I can't have it:
'Have what ? Tell me. Perhaps
you eau have it,' she answered in a
tone of euoouragement. 'Tell rue
what it is.'
'No, no, no,' said Johnny, in a
tone of utter despondency. 'I know
I can't have it.' Theu be put his
hands to his face and cried with fresh
'But tell me what it ir, and if it's
possible I'll get it for you.'
'You can't I you eau'+, 1 ah, you
can't l' Johnny answered, in despair-
ing accents.
'Isn't there any of tt in town ?' ask-
ed mamma.
'Lots of it,' said Johnny, 'but you
can't get me one.
Why can't I ?'
"They all belong to other folks,'
said Sohnny.
But I might buy some 'from some -
.body,' the mother suggested.
'Oh 1 bat you can't, .ohnuy in-
sisted, shaking ilia bead, while the
tears streamed down his face.
'Perhaps 1 can eeud oat of towu
for some,' said the mother.
Johnny shook his head in a slow
despairing way.
'You can't get it by sending out of
town.' Theu he added passionately :
'Oh, I waut one so bad ! they're
so handy. The boys and girls that
have tkem do have such good times 1'
'But what ate they ? Do stop cry,
tug and tell me what they are, said
the mother, impatiently.
'They ORO just -go out eery tinge
they: wan to !without,aeking $be teach-
er,' hresaid; pureeing his train of re,
flection on the advantages of whatev-
er-it•was. 'Whenever the drum beats
they can go out and see the band,
and when"there's au organ they can
get out to see' the monkey ; and they
saw thedancing bear ; and tomor-
row the circus is coming by, and the
elephant, and all of 'erg who has 'elm'
will go out and see 'ern, and, we that
haven't got 'am will have. to say iu
and study fixe mann old lessons. 013,
it's awful 1' and Johnnyhad another
passionate fit of sobbin.
'What in the world is it, child, that
you are talking about ?' said his me-
ther, utterly perplexed.
But the child, unmindful of the
question, cried out : 'Oh, I want one
so bad 1'
'Want what ? If you don't tell mo
I'll have to look you up or do some-
thing of the kind. What is it you
want ?'
Then Juhuny answered with a per -
feet wail of longing : 'it' a whooping
congh---I Want a whooping cough.'
'A whooping Dough !' exclaimed L•is ten h
what is your aim ' seized an egg and started for the
''To save souls from hell,' eras the house, Her brother followed, crying
itemiser.'1*fotller. l mouser 1 :way's beeu and
'Well, thea, why don't you go to ;! got the egg the old Len measures byl'
hell to do it ?' asked Air, Phillips; but 'What'e the breed of your calf ?'.
he received no reply. His clerical a would-be buyer to a fanner. 'Well,'
friend had gone into another car. said the farmer, 'alt I know shoat it
is abet hie fetber gored a justtco of
Running for Trains. the peace to death, toseed a book
steal into a tense corner and stood a.
We have just missed a train, and lightteng-rad alas on his bead, and 1
we missed because we would not run Ins mother cha4ed a female leoturer i
- 't'ltis exper'lecce suggests to us to two hike ; and if that ain't breed
offer a few words of advice, through
our readere to the busy men of Aua-
erioa who are iu a tzltrouio etate of
"running for trains."
Bven to one whose heart ie sound,.
running wheu not accustomed to such
hurried movements, is certainly not
beuefioial to the delicate cords and
valves; of the head, and should this
organ be diseased a muet prove very
We all know that violent and tu-
multuous exercise is to be avoided
when the heart is week and we oleo
know that running is not the way to en out by pouring boldins water on
avoid it. the spot, then covering with a a paste
of starch, and exposing to strong euit<
enough to ask $4 ou. you iieedn'$
take him,'
To ItcsttoVe Ink, 1?rttit or Mist.
`ret in cold water, awl then cover'
with rents of lemon. Spread in the
sun a few rniuutee, and riuse at once.
If one has sot salts of lemon, the
same end is attained by covering the
stain with table vitt, and then squeez-
ing ever it the jnice of a lemon.
Spread in the sun for a while. Starch
instead of salt, see were thin same pur-
pose. Tea or fruit stains can be tek-
In our own experience we know of
several instances where men wha had
previously supposed themselves to be
Sound have run for trains, and gettiug
aboard have fallen exhausted into
• 'Yon may say 'I have ofteu tried to
be a Christian ; I have done the best
seats, from whioh they .have been re- I could ; ray heart won't yield, and
moved as corpses,. and knowing such I'w discouraged.' Your 'beat' does
oases, we never run for trains. not amount to a farthing; your efforts
Better mics a traiu than run the to regenerate your own heart withr ut
risk of running into the jaws of the Holy Spirit aro all doomed to et.
death ; for this strain on the heart ter failure, The Holy Spirit is offer-
cannot! pruve beneficial to one that is ed you . He is ready to do the mighty
sound, while it most positively will work which only He can do but
prove more or less disastrous to one
that is weak. Iu this world of no
suspected pittfalls, it behooves us' to
make haste slowly.'•-.11edirol and Sur-
gical Reporter
Domestic Recipes.
Cut into pieces about a pound of'
cold baited or roast veal. The meat
should not be minced and seasoned
with salt and pepper. Shred two
heads o lettuce, chop two hard
boiled eggs quite finely and prepare a
dressing as follows : Beat the yolks of
three eggs, add i;radually'fuur, table-
epoonfuls of oil and as gradually five
spoonfuls of good. vinegar and a tea-
spoonful of, celery essence, if you have
it. Put the meat, lettuce and egg in-
to a bowl pour over the dressing,.
adding salt to please the taste, mix
lrghtly and turn auto a glass dish.
The rhubarb in
baking is superior
oat into inch leugt
crook, add a gene
sugar but not a p
bake in the oven ti
clear. A. few piece
autniABB. .
ade into-a"sauce by
to stewing. Sian,
tut, pub into email
roue queutity of
article of water aa1d.�'! J. SUTHERT�AND;HENSALI,,
11 the Pieced are , °a CNT., CONvnz scan. Ca=mIt SXONER,
1 Fero nd Life Insurance Agent' and Issuer of
of lemon jn' aa. Licenses. All business transaeted
stirct'yeonfidential. A Call kolieited; Odice
at the Post Office:
you must co-operate with the gracious
spirit, just as truly as the sailor must
co-operate with the fair wind, or the
miller with the stream of water. But
how ? I answer—stop reeisiating
11 t1 h b
Him as you have .abeen
doing. Yield to Him. If he suggest
a vital truth accept it, If He suggest
anything in be said say it. If he themselves.
move yon to do any right thing, lose
no time in doing it. As He convicts
you of personal eine,. break off' diose
sine, cost what 'itmay. Be sure of
one thing. and that is that the Holy
Spirit will point you only to Josue )
Christ, and will shat you up to Jesus t
Cures Di tirness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestrmt, Biliousness,
.Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Aff'ection's of the Liver and Kidneys,
Pimples, Blotches, .Roils, Ilunlvrs, ,Silt Rheum,Bcrofula,
Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood,
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels*,
e In the eter
Main Street, Exeter.
Keeps Watches That Are Watches
Add are warranted correct for Time, Title, ai Railroad.
'rain, aucl to please the most fastidious.
That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable
for Romans, Friends aud Countrymen, Lovers, Brides,
Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely 'Wives, es, Children, Hus-
bands, Etc., Etc.
SPECTACLES,- Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, `soft easy
null pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age.
Give hila a call. No trouble to show Goods.
Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to
0. 4C S. GIDLEY,
T Tnderttaker- tt.x,<1 1-,.i i.niturt,
'`VQULD SA 13.'O
V those wb intond
purchaaipgtodt so from
the manufacturer. The
dealer who buys tc sell
again must uecestetrily
have u profit. We claim
to givethe purchasers the
benefit, which eLunotfaii
to meet the views of the
Grangers: Our expenses
aro) eve than those of cito
menu f act-irer t o on eeq'i ant
weean sellohenper.
t1axnut it tnret.s
Doll epeoialatttentio
ur 'undertaking deport
mont,whtob. is more coral
pletetb'mover ,aa we have
Added several uowtdeelgne
of late The best co ns
oasketa ehre:ude,and every
suers] requisite at they
taneetprictr Our naw
Hearse is prouauuoedby
competent iudgoa to be
eocond to note in the
Emblems of all the Different Societies.
Funerals furnished a..,,
conducted at the very low
oat rates'
My:Stock ofafndertaking
goods is large, complete
and we assorted, and any
person requiring anything
in this line will Audit to
thefradvantage to give rue
a call and examine ter
I have just rose ved
large stock Walnut and
Rosewood Caskets; also
Coffins of every descrip-
tion. A. complete stock
of Robes and Trimmings
alway on hand. •
The latest stylus of
Chamber and Parlor Suits
all kinds of Furniture at
theiowest rates
Remember the place --Nearly opposite Kemp's Tobacco Store, Main -street, Exeter.
.TOUT 23R43.4727.
alone for your salvation. 17o you in-
shit that you have,been obeying the
Divine Spirit all along,and co-oper-
ated with Him, and yet you are no
nearer being s Christian than ever ?
If this be so, you are the only person
in God's universe that ever had such
an experience. It is impossible..
Again I say -the Holy Spirit is
ready ; do not grieve him away by
an hour's"delay! 'or by `datug one Rot
of wilful sin.—Or. Theo. Cicyler
Try addiug two or three Minced
onions to a oar of tomatoes, and see
if the result is not appetizing.
nut ten-
young .beets until ab
der ' skin and slice. Put into a sauce
a IN VwLt3d�LE TO ALLr � ,
pan two spoonfuls of butter, salt, Will be mailed C C �
p teal' applicants
pepper, 'a small minced ollioit and a' ` and to customers lastvhearWit out
half cup of not too strongvinegar ,orderingit. It containsx ustrations,prioes,
g deseiiptrons and directions for pplanting all
and the sliced beets. Simmer about VesetnbleandFlowerSEEDS,BULBS,etc.
minutes, then serve. B. M. FERRY & CO. i1aTRt1 r, Mx mgao.
E eter Post. Office Time Table.
Kirkton,Woodham;Winchelseaand Elimviile 8.16 a.m
South,oastand weed ,including London,Efamilton, Toronto Montreal, Manit-
oba, rinited States, E ngliah and foreign marls;-., '
South, east west 4c
N orth an4 east,ihcluding Goderich, Wingham, Kincardine and allpoints north,
St>atfozd,Toronto, Montreal, and. Eastern States .. .. ... ... ... ... ...
North'east,'Rie ...
9.45 a.m.
e:15 p.m.
1C.00 Ran
5.80 p.m.
7.15p. m.
815a m
$.00 p.m,
9,00 a. m
4.20 p.m
neo a. m
5.80,p. 14
6.45 p. m.
1000 am
, 1ONfikit ORDCAS
Issued and paid on and from any Money Order Office intheDominion of Canada,GreatBritain and
Ireland,Brit Leh India, Newfoundland, Italy, Australia, New South Weiss, Tasmania, New Zeland,
France ase A lgeria, the Germ au Empire, Sty eden,Norway ,Denmark, Iceland, Belgium, the Neth-
erlauds, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, itoutuanie, United States, Jamaica and Barbados.
POST or Id,
Deposits will be received a
athis office from $1 to WO. Depositors obtaining the Y,ostmaster.
General's specialpermission
Pcaudepasit$100Q. Depots:tsoaSavings l3ankaccount received from
9, a m: to 4p: m. `,Interest at 4 per pernum anwill be allowed on all deposits:
Office hoursfx.om 7.50 a. m.to 7 p, m.
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113 -Itis particalary requested that the senders of matterwill kindly add the names of the
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D:JOIINS, P0801—,aster