The Exeter Times, 1885-6-11, Page 51 COMMUNICATIONS. yet that arrivedtoday says there is : LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE R'y. We do not holaourselves res ,nnsible for °pin- not d el1adoW of a t10ubt that Mrs. time NonTH Express &tail. enel Chem2 this heading. m _ lishvd. Exeter ions expressed by correspondents ander ('boubrongll'e cairn will be folly estsbl I,° a n,l1epart 7 451.6t. 4 50 par, 6 30 A. nr, 8 10 935 Henson 895097 6 6 57 Hippen 9 13 629 10 e7 A Word on !I ree.1Q'laniting. ---^• Everybody's system 6b9914 be strength., To the Editoref the Exeter Times. eued and their blood purified for we way have Cholera in Canada before the names Si ,-T All are agreed that our farms is over. Dr, Carson's Bitters is the prepare - aro becoming. from the continual tion to use. Large betties 50 saute. oleanng et the remittal; of our forest', very deatitute of shelter, greatly to the injury of various crops, and the general fertility of the Boil. Will you allow me to anneal to your readers that rows of evergreens planted along the north or exposed sidee of a farm form the best wind -break, that in nine or ten years A farm so protected will readily sell fer, in many ogees, thou - node of dollars more than one which is not ; and that up to the 15th June, that i; just when the bude are begin- ning to buret, is the time to plan) them , after that Ord park of Auguel. Choose small trees, Cedar' and ernes will try eeplaat more res• lily than pine, having a greater gasutity of fine roots, but with care either clan be successfully transplant. ed. The roots should not be exposed -to the sun for aavali • minute; the resin Modern and closes the babes, The ground abonld be mulched, and the lower branches let grow to shade it. Caere and spruces like damp ---not wet --ground, therefore pleat theca oleo in the row, two or three feet or *lour for cedar hedges ; pins; do with drier soil ; twelve feet I have known then' to do well et, but should rather plant theta closer, and thin out when desired. Any tolerably fertile veil answers ; pines do on. poor ;oil, but not so well. There is another thing -a prepara- tion to plant, not II planting -which may well be done in Jim. If, then you go to the bush, select young /retie, and with a sharp evade cut • circle about them, say eight inches from the atom, if chiefly tap root out it a foot deep and leave it till fall ; by that time the summer'e growth will have started roots inside the circle, and the vaunt tree properly lifted with n evade, will some up a mass of earth end roots whioh will cling to- gether and 'generally grow without tail. in the meantime mark the tree to know it. and to know its south side. Then in the fall take all the News Notes, Calontta, dune 8. -Additional dis- patobes about the earthquake in the Vale of °sohmere say that the whole villages nave been destroyed. Dub - good, aamalopasr and Ovaa were en. golfed in awful oonvulsipn.. The fort at Gerais and the granaries in many places have been err allowed up. A. large supply of rice and a consider- ably amount of money have been lis. tribnted throughout ahavale to relieve the distress of the people, It is es - Quieted that 200 peraons have boon 1 kl led. AI the regular Sondemexcursion train: between New Drleene and. Baton Rouge was retuning Sunday evening it ran kite so open switch about ten mile; above New Orleans. The train consisted of seven essence all crowd. ted. sob left the *rook and the en- gine Was overturned. Charles Jones, the fireman, was killed; Engineer Frank Ferguson daugeroa,ly scalded; W. H. Seymour, a pawner. had his leg broken. and twenty ether paesengeraresisted, more or lees in- juries. The wounded were brought to New Orlsaue an a relief train neat* Morning, a. GORlent Wh100. resists Ramp firmly attaches labole to Iran and tin work consists of a paste of rye meal and a little solution of glue and water, to which AS mush Venetian turpentine is added as racy be required. Ordia cry flour paste, when well made, and some glycerine thoroughly incorporated with it, does very welt for fixing print- ed labels on tinned shoat -iron boxes. The California ostrich farm covers 200 sores, has twenty old birds and eighteen young ones. Tho proprietor is hopeful of a large profit. Ono-balf the featherr�pproductof Africa ismarket- ed in the -United States, and the de- mand is increasing.. Each bird ought to yield fifty long wbite feathers twice a year. The feathers have to bo washed and Burled, and aro then worth $4 to $6 each, wholesale. essrth you can,plaut at once after dig- N .A. correspondent of the Boston Qlobe ging and fill up with soft earth, not gives the following curd for catarrh: hard °bunks, and mulch afterwards, "Take about a pint of warm water, Meat trees will grow if mice and ` add ono or two teaspoonfuls of fluid ox trzrt (If or cattle can be kept away. This I thirty drops of1tinett ro of myrrh, -hazel and twenty have known excellent with maples, the mixture in a xubber douche, with but they win transplant without it. tube attached. Hang the douche in If the transplanting from the bush of an elevated position, placo the nozzle bard wooded trees, which are diimculi of the tube In the nostrils alternately of transplanting, owing to their hav- say for fifteen minutes, and the specific I110-avity of the fluid will do the work. gr ng few roots, be tried with tine I110- Tse twice a day." shod, much greater success may be expected than without. A woman'wjll calmly leave the cover Could we see this fall, a good many of a jar containing ground coffee open laataiione of some acres set out with when she knows the air will take the pstrength out of it But she will never oars, say four feet Apart, it would leave the stopper out of a bottle con. soon be found an excellent invest- taining perfume she bought in Earls anent. Goodtimber of alt sort is last summer. Any one sending us a growing scarce and dear, and in ten correct solution of the whyforonoss of years he who plants successfully now will be fortunate. 'True, it will not 'be fit to cut then, but it will sell for a good figure to those who are prepared to wait till it is fib. And -one word more -many good 'pieces of forest whioh will otherwise dry up, die, and blow down, could be saved, yielding beautiful successions Brecefield , 923 648 1022 Clinton. 6 45 7 O5 11 30 1,ondesboro .10 00 7 20 12 00 Blyth ......... .....10 07 7 27 1216y.o, l3elgrave 10 22 7 46 12 48 Wlnshaul artine1065 7 55 1 t6 Go1=808ouxa. Expree, ,hail, 2ud Class Wingbare, dept 7 48 A. i. 3 00 r.sr. 10 20 A -at Bl l have^......... 8 00 3 47 11422 lanidr:sboro .,..,824 338 12 00 Mutsu 8 50 4 05 12 4;,1'.61. Brneefield ....., 9 05 4 19 1 11 H4ppenanall ...-...,g 133 4 27 127 1 432 13.6 Exeter....„9 35 443 230 London arrrie10 51 5 50 5 30 HEN54LL. -Wanted at the Iiellsail Oat. Meal Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good sound Oate for ,Bing purposes. The high, est price will be paid. Oatmeal exchanged, for oats. I135s,a.L3. Berman ,Minns, --One of the most complete roller mils in the Province, is const tI an y ruining sod giving the best sans. faction, Gristing done to order en short notice, The roller tlolrr takes the lead. Try it and be convinced, 20 tons of good Mid. filings on band at low figures. A lots care of Cora and Corn Chap an hand. RANSIIE UaotittAIST. Il[ARICET REPORTS, (Corrected At a'olookp.m. Wsdsle5day.t 1ra1+n Winn W12404400.1 ... .. .., ,., 000 to o 82 286to063 White Wheat New ... ... 080 10 0 8: Rad WheitNee Q s'a d?Aihp W111yAT info (ur) 4 „ o sa080 tcto o ea Barley De7..,, •- 018 to 0 52 Oita ,,, 030 til 030 Closer Soed ... ... 600 10 625 Timothy• „..,, 1 2500 2 o9 Qui':a°cn :„; tea • :toa cSD te>p,.. ... 0 11 to 0 11 G 8 CO Q 11 ITIollrarU111 ... . 5 000555 P9tatoe.,per bas .,. .00°40044 27 to 082 Applee,perbag .,, .., 0 4Q t0 Q 50 Dr edApplegpr b ., .,. .- 0 0t 10 Q 00 tineas par lh. ... . Q OSS to 110' DnNtiy Pr+t ib .,. .,, 008 to Q 08 per pr ... .., • .. 0 40 to 060 (Chickens per pr ~• . y ... ., 025 to 0 35 Bao 'drealadper100., .. 550 to 5 73 HldeerOuhg. .., .. 5 00 to 0 00 0 dressed ... .. .. ., a 00 to a Oe ska feplting l eaab ,.. ... 04010 675 CalflkiDl ' , , A 50 to 0 ?G Wool per lb ... ... .., Q 1T t° 0 17 Hayporton ... 800 1o10 Oe OU*Oneperbuib' ,• .,. 0 60 toe 7$ Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 75 RENSALT. MARKETS. Fall Wheat Per bh ... •... 6 0 RO to 080 Sertug , 080 to 000 Barley (bright) O 50 to 000 Ilarley(foeding) 0 45 to 0 40 White Oats, .., ... .,• 0 28 to 0 3r lliaok Oats 0 sI to 0 93 Apples per bbl, ... ... 1 00 to .1 00 .Xotatoes perbh. 025 to 0 52 YR TSE TAL� Mil. Wiot. LYNE is prepared :o do CUSTOM TAILORING! ON HURON -ST., ONE BLOCK WEST OF MANSION HOUSE. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction the thusly will receive, by return mail, guaranteed in every respect. the cornet used by Washington to blow his fire at Valley Forge. -Puck. Little Willie was fond of throwing stones at the passing school -boys, and then taking refuge behind the hall NOTICE AND AT LOW BATES. door. One day be did not get away so easily, and, faring pretty badly. he burst into his aunt's presence with the tears running down his cheeks, and sobbed out in great wrath, "I just wish Ladies Jackets a Specialty CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST of tree., a perpetual etorehruee of .I was an angel way up high. where the limber, could we but afford to keep . policeman could'nt catch me, with my cattle ont of them. pocket full °frocks, if I wouldn't give it Yours, &o., to them boys!"-Harper's Bazar. R. W. PHIPPS. A lady living in the suburbs was -Toronto, Jane 5, 1885. . pestered by a patent churn agent, who was anxious to demonstrate that the machine would make butter in ten minutes. Upon his third or fourth call the other afternoon she filled the churn, and the agent worke d it for ten minutes, then very briskly for ten more, and then perspiringly for ten more. He confessed he was at loss to know what was the matter until the lady re- marked: "I guess I churned all the butter out of that milk this morning."I The agent '•flew." h'Even a more extraordinary incl dent,"continued the student of nature, "ccurred when I was a boy in Peru. My brother and I were snowballing each other one fine morning. I lost my temper, picked up a solid chunk of ice and threw it with all my might at Jim, who was standing but a dozen feet away. Just as the ice left my hand the mercury took such an upward jump that poor Jim was severely scalded by the hot water that was showered on him. The ice had melted in transit."-- maw ransit."-maw York Journal. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe nro lives to Shiloh,' Conenmption Cure. Sold by J, W. Browning. A $2,000,000 Outcast. NASHVILLE, Tenn., May 8. -James Averill, a lawyer of Temple Court, New York, :arrived here Saturday, wenijto the Women's Mission Home and called for an inmate named Nel- lie Jackson. It was developed That the woman was the wife:of of Blazzius M. Cheabrough, of New York, who died in 1866 and who was known as the Count Cheebrough, having pur- chased an;Italian title. He had Iwo .ehitaren, one being dead and the other married and tiring in Brooklyn. In 1871 Chesbrough's brother Charles set up a claim that he died without 'leaving issue and got possession of property worth over $2,000,000, principally real eatate in New York ,Slate. Suit will be al once entered to recover Mrs. Chesbrough's dower interest and that of her daughter. Mre. Cnesbrongh,under the name of Nellie Jackson, has led a Life of shame in Nashville for 15 years, and several limes been an inmate of the Mission Home, a place of refuge for repentant. women. One night a month ago she was on the way to enter a den of DIED. shame when she stopped and heard Rev. Samuel Johns preaching, whioh Terr.-In Exeter, on the 8th inst., Sinclair .determined her to reform. ` The law- fait, aged 88 years. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy -a positive care for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker month. Bold by J. W. Browning. After the verdict had been signed Constable Pope arrested John Obeying on a charge of trespaaeing on the G. T. R. track, Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronobitie. Sold by J. W. Browning. A CHANCE TO MAKE i,000 ON A FIFTY INVESTMENT. CMT', Woz) *1013:1001101•13c)01" VIM= I'te.oe1 v.) Lc1000/ wrie04.23. $r<'i ceexztse iia. Qa t.nia. The following list of Prier will l,e awarded to the persona who subscribe for our paper bet WS= tills date ..id the 30th day of July. Poslilvely and abwlutely no postponement. FQ 1) FIFTY CENTS we will enter y°nz TrE on our Irl s lntinn beok..nd m it Meta qpd Stock bound, stitched aada* .114 lsernd yea mad ately�seabed tmalli pQ owls.. bored receipt ,good for one of the following presents: The List of Presents to bo Given Our Subscribers; 10 U.S. COT'S Boast, 1500oink r150OO y 50 Ii1.S.ree.b'ki, sue each *1000 00 U.S. Greenish., 4000 each 0 00 100 US. Greeab kn, 010 cools 1000 ' ,. 'raze 1000 100 H.$. Green# •k., ss each 500 1 Cass Price 1 Cask goo ,te 17'9, G Its, ge0 owck .,...,, xea'O Prise ........ .. . ....... 6 Goad Parlor Osie.., 30.884 1 .... 1 Twent,,fo.t sloop " -Batt, 1 Ito; -Ruh iiaern•foot Canoe 1 reur-0arod Row. Beet. 1 Colombia Worth, 2 PkAto.a. 6 T Ba00, 5 Llet.nt Bl� Sok Drs. Pattern..2 mug, Casts, 5 Heel Singer Sow big aathiwo, 2 Raw Silk Parlor Soap. 2 Mak Bak Puler Sol 6 Pans Month Sevier, 1Meth walool ilubie Top. (a,aaber Spit. 160 sea solid Slim Toupees (6 to the we/. 00 Salle Silver T.ble,poen.. 100 solid Saver De,aert Bpeone,100 Seta silver Forks (6 to *0*(10000 000 Sete sanr•P1at.d Tian., laity (6 to the tail. 100 hilar Sous Shells, 50 Silver Iu Pitehsrs. (.000 Ptotosraph Albu.os tie awe, I,000 Fookes Bahr Pratt Xrdvw, 1.000 G.}tloseura rocket Lives. 30 Gentle- raan's Gold Waal... 20 1.4..8' (fold w.raha., 20 a.,.' W.t.kaa., 3 venues Biaaoa4 tinier Slop, 2,500 Sou,..., .irk lortfolies, 500 tulles' WA Wokete, 500 Gold rimer BiAts, f00 (&4. i Br.aApias, 200 Crean scut rias sod watch Chains, 2.000 Yew maenad. eal4TootbpickI, 300 81.00(01 Nickel Cktk,, 2,600 SW, Toothpick?. 2.00o G.lq Pencils, 104 l.I.c pp. Euu,r..D.erlber who ¢ou sot let ons etas 'Dote valuabla prizes mitt tooth a coat of 'Lweata-Svth, rove* m cash. 140• abtr,.,..,00s who aabaea b.. Ix the, ao6t46xal revive «,r .1.8.80 iiivaUaa1.4 pop.. to its awoke .84woo Iwo lead for .a. K, t3.6 OH, Fz+rtite raa,,asi froth 26 coots l., c..4 t. tot nomad *elan to C.&O. 0.. loot lug now . botte, Ade tttea.Iatio...f 10,600 ..b.ot,Mra, iiia 600141644 406xar,. 111 saes *Uma pra.e.Iewltt 0, 6w.tded,sots, le.air a.4iaap.raalaa.a•r. ►lulllit:totthe *wad wa1b.ameba; ,a.b.,rikui trio. FOR r we wli3 enter oar name on our .nbecriptbn book,. and raeil an [ c n DOLLAR oa immediately �`xregularly sealed maoi, treetotu berered Year it." *....I for three of the 'bar. presents. Paling* stamps taken. . 500 STEf� WI11181116 WATCHES FREE. r.rtnz `4. - R�...ad t0: woo.. w.110. 61414 6,4,0119 kk. Irat Sea .884. threw tka .d•ett..•a•.a•1.M kith ea the math *Memo*. r80. s MO MN, t4. .4.04isu00ski. 1f]..8884.16tt 888(8',7.8. will bso e.Iiu.d to oa. watak 014.88 1+..8(5 rml la r.a.,p.n.hf. These 8841401 are warmest wee 6004 ti466.66fptl.. The rout* wet* eteetle:1,. w.ik belle. }441. Aa to air egiattuto, 888 wee te nor l leAk or tutee. (5ntpeolri0 Odom? and toe the 081.8al 8188e(te.. Ws ass sow Sawn 15.. *VW, 0.s� y 08 wa.. S e1 tier bowltn 6n. R.nWearylatex Mr. at 80.. r.r. Il,....1. sirl% 66 o41 ?r s•.ae..tlM.r .#roso N Bell ftwit, '00 Tie0100. Ir. 6r, illow Otto sr 4100,k In n lho moist sobswi pm*ia the paper far two tsar, ;MO ..st* far .it *was. s.111 00... roma sot 708..tbin. £ 44rte. FAWN, P1110 4110 $T041004M, 0S itaad.lpt. St., Ohrlag., Ht., 4.4.4. To RETIRED FARMERS AND OTHERS. Give him a trial and be convinced that he will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. 0 DRUGSTORE CARTWRIGHT, L. D. 8,, Has opened dental rooms over O'NEIL ll BA1311, where lie will be iosrextract a ewithoutWill be field shortly under Power of Sale pain, All opratnPmdteeth in a Mortgage the Handeomo skill. Gold Milings a epcciatity. Office hours 9 a. 1n: to 6 p122. G 001001 S M01BB4TE. Tapirs t00larra BRM flIIE!CE"w And Grounds Formerly occupied by the late Henry Hall. l'iarrinter. Apply to W. F. BUL'LEN, London, Ont. t DVE1RTIBEMENT FOR CRED- a. ITORB,- Pursuant to an order or the High Court of Justice (Obaueery Dtvielonl, made in a cause wherein William J. Carlile isplaiutl(t and l.a. 'Ina Au Currie arer � n C rte and others do oudants, the creditors °f Robert Tames Carlile. and Samuel Oarlile, both We of tho,'Township of Ray, In the County of Buron.ypeomen, who aim* on or about the 30th day of Marsh A D. 1881. and 18th day of February, 1883, respectively. 1885.10 send. by poost,hprepa d, day BeujnmiR Valle* Elliot, of the Village of Exeter, in es said County of Huron Abe 5olioitor of the said plaintiff, their Christian and 80r,lafn01, Addresses and description, the full partferllars of their claims.% statotneutof their ucconnts Dud the nature of the securities (if auv) held by 10 MACKINAC. a n. alrec 1 DtUgbtlal SUMMER TOUR /dace etetwnon. law Silt... Four Trbia per Weak Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And aver," Week Day B.tw..n DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac,' Illustrated. Mutates Pan Fartlenlar., Maned Pm*, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. AC. D. W1(ITcoM0, Calm. PAIS.. Sar... DETROIT. MICH. them, or in default thereof they will ue per -1 - -- ------ --• • • sampler 110 excluded from the bonetit of the said order. ce y creditoryebe13 0 No seyucitvis TW �TT.fl flPTto produce thesamebehold mo aY • ec chain• here at the town of (0oderich, on tho '24rd (bey of Juno, le85,at 11 c'clockin the forenoon, be- ing the time appointed for the adjucntion u the claim,, Dated this loth day of May,1885. [Signed] S.M.1LCOMSON Local Master at Godorich: • SEEDS, seeds, Seeds• Fresh and Reliable Garden, Field and Flower SEEDS In great Variety at the DominionLaboralory - Will. Senio r 'Miami.to inform the inhabitants of Exeter and surrounding townships, that he has opened A Tailoring Shop in FANSON'S BLOCK, (up -stairs), where he will be prepared to do all kinds of Custom Tailoring. If you want a Good -fitting and Well -made Suit, Coat or Pants, you will find Sat. isfaetion by giving him a trial. BEANS. -German Black Wax, New Golden Wax. BEET. -Long Dark Blood. (IABBAGE.--Early Wenningstadt, Early Large York, Early French Drumhead, Stone Mason Marblehead, Prime Flat Dutch. CARROT. -Early Short Horn, Early Scar- let Horn. CORN.-Earlp Minnesota; Dolly Button. CUCUMBER.-EarlyCluster, Bismark Long Green, Perfection Pickling. LETTUCE. -Early Boston Curled, Bally Prize Head. MUSK MELON: Coral Flesh. WATER MELON. -Mountain Sweet. PEAS. -Ferry's Extra Early, MoLean's Little Gem, Champion of England. RADISH: Early Long Scarlet (short top) Early Rourid Deep Scarlet, Long White Spanish. TOMATO.-Livingstone's Favorite, Trophy. A full • stook of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter IVJr. Senior has had long ex- perience• and is a practical workman. Remem,ber the Spot, Directly over Geo. A. Hyndman's Grocery Store. Will. Senior. FOR THE F ARM : Besides a full line of Garden Seeds in package, we are also offering the following varieties of Fresh Field and Garden Seeds IN BULK, which is, of course, is the cheap. est way by all odds to buy them. TURNIPS.-Parple Top Yellow Aberdeen, Bangholm Purple Top ' Swede, Carter's Improved Purple Top Swede. CARROTS. -White Belgian (for the garden) BEST ENGLISH Mnsmnoow SPAWN. Call early as the stock is Choice and limited, and we are determined to carry no seeds over. r .J W. BROWNING, Proprietor. C. LUTZ. ntcania1 ai1!ay The. Direct Route from the West for all points in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. All the popular sea bathing. fishing and pleasure resorts of Canada are along this line Pullman care leaving Montreal oa Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday run through to Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day to et. John, N.B., without change. Giese connections made at Pointe Levis with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's Steamers from Montreal, and at Levis with the North Shore hallway Elegant first-claet Pullman, Buffet and Smoking Cars nn all through trains. First-class Refreshment ROOMS at conveni- ent distances. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS will find it advantageous to use this route as it is the quickest in point of time, and the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains and experienee bas proved the Inter - colonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all points in Canada and the Western States, Tickets may be obtained and also informa- tion about the route and about freight and. passenger rates from ROBERT B. MOODIE, Western Freight & Passenger Agent 93 Rossin House Block, York St., Toronto D. POTTINGER, Chief Superintendent. Railway Office, Moncton, N. B:,May 14,'85-1y: