The Exeter Times, 1885-6-11, Page 4e Huta. TFIURBDAY, JUNE,1104X885. THE NEW I,r7I liLV4D A`* LOAN. A telegram was received at Ottawa on Wedneiidry of last week from ,S'ir Leonard Tilley, whichshows that the conversion of the twenty—five arlillioii dollars of rise" in 1860 into fours for twenty-four and a half year" bee proved a success. The aero" offered were interest up to 1st July on old fives agreed by holders to be convert- ed Into new fours and one per omit. bonds on the amount of new. "semi• ties taken, making the net prtoe 99, and saving in interest $250,000 a year. Such is the popularity of the American. BOW folio that there is active bidding in the London market for all old fives, Pbiladelpbiir Pa., Jilne 8,—Sue. halm of whish are "eking rather csufpl axperimeute were made tc-day Chani Make the exchange, the object with the Hathaway Linville type. of the bidding being to ewoare the old writing telegraph ioatrucaent, by fives for lb" pulrpa'e of exchanging which =ueseages are %ransmitted by for tate new ours. Tba susses* of means of s key board eimiltar .to that the new loan of five million pounds of s typewriter, with the advsatags aterliug, to Dover floating liabilities of that * Dopy ie recorded et "mob end of fifteen million dollars and give ten the line, The invention is expected million" for oepital expenditures dur- to revolutionise the telegraph and tag the next fiscal year, is also as- telephone service".. aured. The anneal of Sir Leonard in the London money market in this inatauoe nbowe what little confidence The report of tbA pr�oes l cgs of the rneaieta Banker place" in the the Tuesday and W.dnesday tneettngs slalements of Sir Riobard Cartwright will be fcitnd on the Srd a •, with reference to the ruin and back -p !i. ruptoy that were actually Oaring the xsaiuivaY, gauntry in the fag., if sot seluelly a li,port of "qualiaslioph aonamiti"e upon it. The "pe5ob delivered by read and lard on table. Minutes of ibis Knight of South Huron recently Wednead+iyjread and oonfirm.4 Re- is the octurtoas, with a view le in- Report of Finance Committee read. jure the f nenoial credit of the coon- Moved is sm"ndrnent by Mr, Clegg, try and prevent Biz Leonard !rani seconded by H. Silber. that the quell— making favorable arrangements, has lb" of tba appointment of a police trot had the effect which wee wished megtetrate be lard aver till the Ds— for. comber session of thin 0000011, pend: ing the reautl of the amendment now A Toronto reutewan say" of Dr. Caron%9 before the House of Commons. Ayes Stomach Bitter. "It cured to wife of Cluon• 1 Allen. Elliott, Beacom, Raine, Dur— k • DisPegrlat aux Liter comPhint IOW1 nin, IL Either, Dr. 3uobauan,Ratz, Darter upon Doctor had failed to MA tela.' Clegg, Joltnetcd, Crmeron, Bissett, porarily relieve her." Every family should N use the Doctor's Bitters. Forsyth, Wray, Sampson, Milne, Mo— ...... Clymoot, Manly, Hays, Britton, and FI)1TORI4L NOTES, : Clare -21. Nays --J. H. Young, --- Cook, 0. Wiioon, 1►1oi1urobie, 0. Eil; EI.seroo:is to 'fill VAoanoies in the' bar. %unie, Eseoa, Hardy, (tamp— Legi5latnre will he }veld in the renew.;I bell, Griffin, Currie, D. D. Wilson, Stra- ins constituencies this month : —Zn „ W. Y culla, Girvin, Sander", Stra g obanr 14IoPherson, ]olenotoge, Oliver, Algoma West, Emit, Simcoe, Bent 1ticMuroby, Coats, Anderson, Smith), and Lennox, on the 26th and in Wacker, Kay, Beattie, and Haney Algoma East on the 29th. The no— 27, Moved by al 1r. Johnston, second— mination day in Algoma West is fixed j ed by Mr. Bieeett, that the report be ---r - .___ The continual. arae ,f Itobirttiott'e Brltilstt;,Grraln Trade, ZQuAL1ZATION REPORT. Loudon, duns" Wu—The Mark Lane • .. .v amoMoga0"moo during the past week, ecya ;-°-A warm retel F- a „ 'o g'- • 4rnaT a.,r'?pss,luate review .of theSxitisto rat trade °cnsm 672 fall has prevailed bearing rho haat two days and wall prove of great benefit to Vegetation if it is followed by fine weather. Nearly all the "cops aro very backward. Tho elides of p English wheat during the week were 14.3,309 - quartera at $4a 6Gd. against 44,G61 quarters at i � , '+`. o a°"c N N N �, a °'P. 370, during the corresponding period bast 0.;=s - °q °R,4,,, ,p -11 3, -. ,ht ,+ year. There has been no trade an foreign sae oa a 2' S ra w m at ea c"' c a wheat. In the off-ooast market cargoes ars difficult to clear. Fifty-sixl"is"le are dg e At to -day's market there was no demand. Trade was very dull. English wheat was slow of sale and 1s cheaper ; there Was a similar reduction in foreign, with the escep. 'tion of American, which is scarce and cam,. monads furl priioes. Flour was steady and 64 cheaper. American oorn was unchanged in^ price. G inding barley was Gd. cheaper.. Data were 3d to 6d lower, except American. which were unchanged. rr' 1 ,wlty euUaCtt. caea.aaaacuw,05010wwvtott; 0 000,@ 0' w 0505050000' O 00' 1"sty-'��am.F No * Qm4S Ci ?8$8So8$$8$$8888 beast* 40 co 00 vo, ko 01 at .4 10.0Possiola4..4pmk gRsufav cam, 1 ,N `. 1. 0roti Mem w0,, 40 044:4 tOt0 004_ SAA o. iiia�M�.5 ee wB5K•4;d 4t20t3featd6ottd )4 se 0 q `` S '� 4 • •'1 t wl oo r Co *en W. R 4g) sm ao oa ,, oh .;;. a, eaOls 10. at to Cs 0 ta Cs CO a �W"4Q dates - .. 4/0 ae'° at to c`�ayfa o8c g5C00-40 c §Os* Os sF-Cts co°W. CO coia� �. OZ" Gs ".1 CO OD CO CO CO CRo -+ .0. co o --+wmsacc§t en ^0000©0^'© ro Ba a a a for the 12th, in Algoma East for the amended in reference to Jno Fergu: 151h, and in East Simone, Kent and eon (caretalier of Bayfield took up) Lennox for the 191b.. account, by ordering the payment of the sum of $20.—Carried. The re— TSE Ottawa correspondent of an port as amended was then again sub— ei..eteru paper tells how, in wander--'naitted to the council and adopted. tag about the Parlimant building Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by grounde the other day, he came across Mr Strachan, that this council dieap— Mr. Blake sitting all alone on the ex- proves of the amendment to the Scott treme edge of the bank of the Ottawa Aol proposed by the Dominion San: river. "His eye was fixed on the hill ate, and that the warden and clerk of Chelsea far away over the Gatineau valley, and he was wrapped in deep thought." The correspondent seems to think that hie musing; were not poetical, but that he was ruminating over another nonexplosive "bomb- shell." It is more likely that he was looking intoe pane for the policy of Phospborizett Emulsion invariably cleanse" the blood from all impurities and restores the system to aatatoofhealthfulness that is manifested in inure' sed constitutional vigor, mental activity, and lightness and buoyancy of spirits. Always ask for Roalar. aozi'o PisosrlloarzEn Elioaezox, and be suro you get it. JI13ILEE SINGERS. Tho most interestingg feature of tho recent exhibition at Montreal watt a company of col- ored .TubileeSingersenga ed in manufacturing the celob:atoll Gold Coin Tobacco and at rho JUST ONE WORD 1 MUSLIMS aro all the go this season t sure,. V will be surprised to sae the piles we have. Such au array of mice goods is hard to beat. ?:right and Cool,.ust the thing for summer wear,. In fact what Nearly everybody wants, No better value in the county* anywlle. 50 new, so nice and so cheap as at BANTON BROTHERS. Colored Muslim ingreat variety, a desperate bargain at 10 cents ; very much ner at J.3 cents. Selling like eve. y'- tlling, Couto soon, if you would share iu these goods, White Muslims in spot*, %lorals, stripes, &c., Lawns, Waiu- soaks, Alli -over Embroideries and everything complete iu Cool Dress. Wear At BANTON BROTHERS. Ladies, Don't forget our celebrated UNBREAKABLE CORM. Ask for them ; take no others. '85NEW SPRING GOODS '85 JUST ARRIVED AT THE Exeter Tailoring Establislirn't CFIAS. SOUTIICOTT iftie reef itsd a Splendid assortment of MOTIFS and TWEEDS very Choles (foods, and will sell them cheap for Can. Suits Made to Order On Short Notice. A. FIT GUARANTEED. No credit given. Sold ONLY for GASH, and that cleans Cheap Goods. Call and see his stock before placing your order. Exeter, 4th Much. 1 I,i CIZIA.0. SOVTIICOTT. -------------------- In ilia name of the oounoil, immoral— valley, the crowds of apectatsrs /� /� �( �`( ti/� gig ize the Dorainion Parliament, asking alandaIgttcialdinlomawere e.warcclolltoth s at Novel 1e of Season that the said amendment be not al popular brand et showing tobacco, and rho 4M V!J lowed to become law, Yeas.—H same time delighting with hnnkeofthecommituoe tonderod to rho Ad ane ams Tobacco Co. for their attractiveexhfblt Beanie, Walker, Smillie, Britton, An: ` derson, Kay, MoMurohy, Oliver, Milne, Hennings, McPherson, Straoh- an, Senders, Girvin. Young, MoMil- his party. lan, Currie, Wray, Griffin, Campbell, Cameron, H. Eilber, MaMnrohie, 0. Wilson, Cook, Durnin, Young and Koine. Nays—Clare, Hays, Manly, Hardy, Simpson, Bison, !Forsyth, Bissell, Johnson, Clegg, Raiz, Mo: Clymont, Beacom, Elliott and Allen. The council then adjourned to Friday at 10 a. m, FRIDAY. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. It was moved by Mr Eason, seconded lby Durnin, that in the event of an ap— peal from the equalization that it shall be left to the oonnty Judge.— Carried. The report of the equalise: lion committee was again read, when the Oonnoil went into • Committee of the whole, Mr. Hennings in the chair On Motion of Mr. Johnson the debate was adjourned until 2 p. m. The' Council renamed at 2 p.m., Mr Henn- ings again in the chair. Moved by Koine, seconded by Mr Girvin, "That the value of township mnnioipalities be the same as last year" lost by a majority of:15. The Warden having resumed the chair, Mr Cook moved, seconded by 0. Wilson, "That the re- port be amended by reducing the val- ue of Howiok townebip $100,000.' lost by a majority of 82. Moved by Mr. Britton, seconded bs'Mr. Manly, "That the assessment of Hnllet be re - rules. It would therefore be neoess- duoed one dollarperacre—parried by ary under the opposition system for every appelant to retain a 'lawyer to conduct his ease for him. This wouli have been a hardship for him. Sir John Macdonald very properly de. clined to accept the proposition. f ed by Mr. Rennie, that Hay township 0*.e,41 I be reduced one dollar per acre, lost by 4. Moved by Mr. Carrie, second- ed by Mr. Anderson, that>,oaat Wawa - nosh be reduced lo $80 per sore, lost by 27. Report adopted. After the reception of various reports the conn B. B. OnLsx, Q C., who has been. appointed by the Minister of Audios to go to the North-West as Crown prosecutor of Riel in company with Christopher Robinson, Q. C., is a Liberal in politics, having contested Welland in 1882, in the Reform in - tenet. Before a jury he has no su- periors, and will doubtless make the best of the case. They will leave about the 25th inst., and the court will likely open soon after their arrival. It is almost certain that a jury of six will be empanelled. In the Norlh- Wei.t Territories there is no provision for equality iu the nationality of the juror". -- DIMING Ibe earlier part of the fran- chise debate the reformers in Parla- ment directed their energies toward" a limitation of the franchise. Hav- ing failed in this they straggled last week to make the working of the fran- chise expensive. In ilhe firer plias they demanded that voter's lista be sent to all school mistresses in the country, and on Saturday they voted that where a poor man appeals to be placed on the list he shall be bound in producing testimony of his qualifies - tion by the strict rules of evidence. None but lawyers understand these a majority of seven. "Moved by Mr. Beacom, seconded by Elliot, that Goderioh township be reduced one dollar per acre,"lost by a majority of 22. Moved by. Dr. Buohanan, eeoond- A Caledonian Society has been .or ganized in Wingham. They intend - having an opening demonstration next fall . Geo. McKay, is Chief, and Mr. W. Robertson, secretary. The society meeta Wednesday evening. oil adjourned till December: COMING. "A Nichtin Auld Scotia." Scotlands Sangs The Celebrated and Only family of Scotch Vocalists now in America, The Bairnsfather Family Will appear in Drew's Hall, Exeter, OF FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE THE TWELFTH, '35 Under the Auspices of Exeter Division, Sons of Temperance. This Emily consists of fivevocalists, and have been greeted with full houses wherever they have appeared. Don't fail to hear them. Tickets 25 cents. 'Reserved seat tickets may ba obtained at usual price at Dr. Lutz' Drag Store and from members of the Division, PROPERTY LUST FABMFOR BALE IN STEPHEN. Lot No 5, in 4th Ooneeeeion, 100 acres. For particulars apply to • B. V. ELLIOT, Solicitor, &c., Exeter 4th Feb., 1885. FARM FOR SALE.—The subscrib- er offers for sale the East Half of Lot 3 and North Half of Lot 2, 401 con of -Osborne.On the premises are a briok house 20:28, nearly new, containing 6 rooms; frame barn 34x48, with stabling ; a small bearing orchard, and a never -failing well. The land is well drained and in a good :tate of cultivation There are 12 acres of fall wheat in the ground and con- siderable fall ploughing done. Distance from Exeter, 5 miles, and 3 miles from Centralia. Terms to suit purchaser. Possession given, either before seeding or after harvest. •Pur- chaser can be supplied with Beed grain. For further particulars apply on the premises to 0. H: SPRAGUE, or by letter to -Exeter P. 0. FARM FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN.—Lots 16 & 17, con. 7 ; 200 acres, of which about 100 acres are free of stumps, and under good cultivation. 50 acres pasture ; 50 acres good bash, which contains from $400 to A500 worth of pine ; only 1$ mile sfrom the Village of Crediton, 41 miles from Exeter. Alarge brick house, good well in cellar, 2 bank barns, root house, driving 'shed, a well that has not yet been empty,with windmill , about 3 acres of first-class orchard, a large selection of the best grafted apple trees, plums, pears and grape vines, about 100 cherry trees, moatly around outside ;about 200 shade trees along the COO (mei on road, Price moder- ate ; terms easy. Forfurther particulars, apply to MATTHIAS MORLOCK, Creditou P. 0., Ont. OUR DRY -GOODS STOCK Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to suit the times. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you want and at right prices. J AIYIES PICKARD The Old Established House, Exeter 5 0 LovelyNew Style all Chromo Cards,with TOHN BILL, Auctioneer for the name and a prize, for 10c7 12 packs, 112 el Townships of Stephen, Hay and 'Osborne, names, for $1. A sample pack and ag. and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly ent's outfit with illustrated catalogue of attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Bolas Tricks, and Novelties, for 8e "tamp, and arranged at this office. this slip, A. W, HINNEY, Yarmouth, N. S. HARKNESS ,HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its, growth, and will not soil the skin. As a hair dres-: sing, , it has no superior. Guar- anteed harmless. uar-anteedharmless. Prepared by Harkness & Co. London, Ont. Sold by alt Druggists and PatentMediein. Dealers. COUNTY HURON JULY EXAM1- NATIONS, 1885 First-class, Grade 0, Non-professional at the Normal Schools Toronto and Ottawa, on Wed- nesday, July 15th, at 1:30 p m . Tnird-elase non professional Examination at the High Schools in the County, on Monday, July 6th, 1 p. m. Second-class Non-professsonal Examination at County High Schools. on Wednesday, July 8th, at 11:55 a In. For First-class certificates, Grades A and B Examination will begin after the con- clusion of the Professional Examination. Can didatee must notify the Secretary on or before lit June, the school where he or she desires to write, naming the optional subject he or she wishes to take, and the certificate ho or she now holds, if any. The notice must be accom- panied by a certificate of character and a fee of 82, or 84 if the candidate applies for a 2nd as well as a 3rd class examination. No name will beforwarded to the Department, unless the fee accompanies it. Forms of application may Le had from the Secretary, The Head Masters of High Schools will please send the applications of their candidates to the County Inspector of the division in which the High School is situated. • PETER ADAMSON, D. M.MALLOOH,Esti, Secy, B. Exm'a. Presiding Inspector.