HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-11, Page 3THE REVISED VERSION. A monkey and a parrot once, Left in a room together, Began to fight, and fought so shard They nearly killed each other, FOUR ACTS PLAYED. l Sad Report about Ex -President Arthur. Iva, L TEE FIflU AND P;NAL AOT BS A Their mistress, coming hone, perceived TRAGEDY. Their wrong they had been righting, And said to thele, "I'm deeply grieved To think that you've been fighting," Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, The monkey really telt quite bad In thinking of his crime ; The parrot, gleeful, said, "We've had A. Sheol of a tine'." "I)r. Lincoln, who was at the fu-" "neral of ex-becretary Frelinghuy-" "son, says ex -President Arthur look=" "ed very unwell. He is suffering" inner "from Bi,ight'e ditcsse. During the" county Uaurlcit. "past year it has assumed a very age" "gravated form." The Huron County Council- was That telegram is act IV. of a alta- formally °petted for the Jena gutting ung written by ex,Pre8ident Arthur's on Tuesday of last week al 4 p, tn., physicians. In Act L he was made the warden it, the chair. .After the tO appear is "Usiarut " of whlolt all: approval of the minutes of the lac; the country was told when he went to day of the January estestou, the tear- Florida. In of IL he represented a tired den addressed the council ou the business transacted sitioe, man, worn down, walking the sande The oresent.1 out of the grand jury tat Gld. h'oiat Comf(rt and looking at the goat assizes wag read, and on lnotiou of the Goderioh 'leaves refer- red to the Jail and Court House Com- eastward over the Atlantic toward Europe fora longer rest. Thu curtain rolls up for Act III.. mitten, to report thereon ;,t the De- 4 upon the distinguished actor affected eenlber session. I withmelauoholy from bright' disease, A circular from the county council while Act IV. annoyers him with the of Middlesex, requested the eo.epera• disease "In an aggravated form, ad.; tion " f this caution In petitioning the faring intensely, (which is unusual)1 Legialattve Assembly to .have the and *boat to take a sea voyage." eystein 80 0h110 "84 that all Jogai pre. Just iiuoh as this Ie the plot of many eeediu„ a can be commended and feu- dramas by playwrights of lige weds• felled in each °aunty. Itwas refer- dal profeselon. They write the first red to the Special Committee. A. circular from the Department of .Agriculture in referenoo to organizing farmer& institutes, w.ta referred to the ifivance Committer'. The ceaiguation of A. S. Fisher as trustee of Clinton High Salmi was read, ttud, on motion of the Clinton reaves, was accepted. and Mr. R. D. Bayley wae appointed to the vacancy. Tho report of the Iuepeotor of Jails and Prima was referred to the Jail and Court House Committee. The report of the county aaditors was referred to the Villains, Comma. lee. A communication from the council of Oxford, requesting 111e co-operation of the council in petitioning the Leg- islative Assembly to einpatvor cauntV tue to all others, the t,(oya1e get los 1, their oleo judgment st d tbingu by the record of enerit t'ey stake, The facts are cause 'or Klin tn, but there is ftbnndsni hope ia, 1''r,mpt and ioft+peh.deut htcait'••. iIIVORCES ABSOT.UT1: r)Ptigt(';S L re, pe:sena residing, thr...giront lite United States ant d Canada for ,,hs" mien, non. eapport,intemperanee,erael ty,i sero patibilitY, etc. Advice free, 'State yo lr o lie too address ATTORNEY WARD. World 11 eliding, 1267 Broadway, New Yo: -k. TEST !OUR BAKING POWDER TQ -DAPI lraads adverthsed us absolutely pure GC)NTAar1vr A71CAi<Ztri7XA, THE TEST;. Placa n can top down on a hot stove until heated,then remove the aver and anew, .) chemist will not bo re, qutrad to dated the proseuco of auamoat°. two or three ROW with ito conception of what their character will develop in the final. one. They have not the dieeernmeut for trading in the early, 'what tate latter impersonations will be. Not one phy- sician its a hundred has the adequate mierosoopie and chemical appliances. DOES NOT CONTAIN AltDIONIA. tis neA1.T8FCLY"L8S 111.8 NEVER au granola). In alnutionllomes fora quarter of a century It has btooit the consumers' reliable tot, THE TEST OF THE OVEL PRICE BARING POWDER CO., )(Axes.* or Drs Price's Special Flaaathng Extracts for discovering, bright a disease in its r "•"""°t'"` "'"te.ht.l...aataat.r.t..Mrra.R.,a,.a early etagee, and when many do tin • '• t' Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems ally comprehend that their patients or tight, Br'ir* a amt Ary 119p 'are dying with it, when death occurs, FOR SALE BY GROCERS. they will, to cover up their ignorance CHICAGO. - ST. touts. of it, pronounce the fatality to have beers doused by ordinary ailments, whereas these al,ulents are really ro- rialto. of Bright's disease'of which they arta 1111001)50tQus victims. I3eyo11(1 any doubt 80 per cent. oft all deaths except from epidemics and cauaoil8 to provide employment for accid(eate, result from dieeaaed kid - vagrants outside the atone walls, woe neve or livers., If the flying ba dia-1 referrer to the Jail and Curt Huuso tiuguishod and his friends too intelli- Comrnittee. gent to be easily deceived, hie physi-1 The reports of the public school iu-1 cheat perhaps pronounces rho 0001. epoctors for the county wore read and referred to the School Committee. The report of Mr. Hays, road com- missioner, was read and referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. plaint to be pericarditis, pyaemia, septieinmia, bronchitis, pleuritis, val- vular lesions of the heart, pneumonia, eto. If the deceased be less noted, "malaria" is now the fashionable as - A letter from the county treasurer I bigumeut of the cause of death. with schedule of collections on non- ! But all the same, named right or 4residont lands, and statement of Dash no hand was referred to the 'Niinauce Committee. An application from Bishop Ward, to refund a part or whole of a pedlar's license, as he could not use it, was referred to the Muanoe Committee. On motion of tbeWingham reeves, `\ the ooutwit sanctioned the opening of a specified street in that town, a por- tion of the street being lees than 66 feet wide. The council then adjourned until two o'clock p. m. Wednesday. 1VEDNESDAY. June 3rd, 1885. The council met pursuant to ad- journment. All present. The miu utes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The report of Mr. Elliott, road commissioner, was read and referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. The report of Mr. Strachan was read and referred to the Road and ids for years. Bridge Committee` The new saying of "how common Moved by D. D. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Cook, that the council deem! it expedient that a salaried police magistrate be appointed for the county of Huron, and that the war- de1, and clerk memoralize the Lieu- tenant -Governor on behalf of this council to make such an appointment at au early date, iu accordance with the paatien. Epsom salts or other the statute. : drugs j erecribed bydee old code of Moved by Mr. Mclriurobie, second- treatment under which tlieir grand - ed by Mr. Coate, that this resolution fatliced! , her, and great grandfathers prec- Anon, we hear that thea pat'ie`nt is "comfortable." But ere lona;, maybe they "tap" him and take some water. from him and,again.the " oomfortab le`.' storyis told'.: Torture him :rani, er than allow himto nee Warners,s safe cure! With instil v.iriatiune" the to doctors play upon the unfortunate un• tit his shroudiis ode, when we learn. that he died from heart disease, pyae- mia, septicwwi r Heine other deeeys to the Jail and Court House Com tive though "dignified cause'' mitres. Ex -President Arthur's ease is not .Oiler Process Moved by Mr. Rae, seconded' by singular -it is typical of every snob SPECIAL A]GA and OIL. LINIMENT tunes ALI- Pins and: Aches, AND la THE. MOST PERFECT ftT i i in Oa + iD I SOLD BY AU. DEALERS. PRICE, 25 AND 59 CENTS PER BOTTLE. MANHOOD Hoes Lost, IT ow Restosed. Wehave DR. C'JLVERWL'LL S CELEBRATED ESSAY outheradicalandpermenentcure (witlient Rae, dicino)ofNorvousl)ebkllty.Meutal and phystca1l, Iueapacity impediments to afarilage, otc.,re.. auitiugfrom oxoeaees. Prlce,in sealed euvelore,only t] cents, or two ,, n• Tbeceleb atedauthorofthis adrairableesiay clearlydetneustrates,frorn thirty years' auccoaa-, int practice, the talancingeoosequencesmayb9" radically curedwithouttho da Bron. owe of in ternalmediclues or the use of the knife; Point• out encode of cure at mice simple certain and er- tectual,by'nreana of widelh every snfierer,lnomat- tervillathiseonditionmay be. may eurehimself ch.apsy,privstelyand radically. 'Thi lecture should be in the haudsof ever? youthaudevery man in tl;t•lam], Address THE CL LV1 RWELL:IIEDIOA,L'Co 41 .t' N S2•.,NI:W YORE Peat OAice Box 4a0 7AvORI' RACTS named wrong, tIii fearful scourge gathers them int While it prevails among persons of sedentary habits,— lawyers, clergymen, cangreesmon,--it l also plans great havoc among farmers, day laborers and mechanics, though they no not suspect it, because their physicians keep it from them, if in- deed they are able to detect it. It sweeps thousaude of'women and MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange Almond Rose ate., flavor as delicately anduaturally as l hefruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., cnICACo. $T. LOUIS. 1.885. Harper's Magazin+. ILLC'STA tor workiugpoopie. Send 19 cents Postage, an we will mall you free. a royal, valuable sample box of goo•is that will put yon n the way of shaking mere money in a few days than you ever thought possi- ble at any business, Oapical not required, \ ou can live at bomo and work spare tf re only m• all the time, ,111 oS both sexes of ail ages grandly sueeeaaful. 10 scuts to :i, easily earntedevery evening: That oil who 'nut work may test the bu•ino.., we leu ke tbia unparalleled offer; To all \.11•. are mut Telt \\!Ur the new volume, D.egiunin t iu I)e-en ber, tiAuena's MA(.a,ciNr: will eoneludo ita thirty-fifth year. The oldest periodical of its type, It is yet, in each new volume, a new wig/mine not simply b. e-tui,e it Present+: freal: subjects and new I!1cture s, butahw, and ehiolly becauee it steadily adesitees in the ruethc4 it. sell of Iuageziuewakinr Ina %in),the liAca- zinls l,eeornea more et ,1 mere inc faithtut r o of current ni r r ur entiffaa MAL:, c t.l .1 ut. Lead in; eitturee in theattrs..ttve pregraunno for le84 ire newserial noxi iA by (?taxn A`;r1: F r NIrroRl: ,Vo01,0 :I 4111 W. 1).71owrL7 fi a new novel aitltied "At the lied Glove ;descriptive ills ratedpapureb} F. 1,.Af1Lirr,R. l5wiN 011,. rem, E, A.1ngr.Y, It , t7111SON, and others ; tioldsntith s"Silo Stoops to ('onc,uer," iUustrat. ed by Anuxv, Important papers ou Art,Science, etc. ^ satisfledwo willsond ;t1 to iia, for the t.ouble n writing 1 • r sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for aill children into untimely graves every f 1 s 1!u11 partite' ars directions dm year. The 'health gives way gradual - 1e, the strength is variable, the appe- tite fickle, the vigor gets less and less. This isn't malaria—it is the begin Ding of kidney disease and will end— who does not know how? No, nature has not been remiss. Independent research has given an in- fallible remedy for this common dis- order; but of course the bigoted phy- eioiau will not nee Warner's safe cure, because it is a private affair and cots up their practice by restoring the health of those who have been linval- bright's diseaae is: becoming among prominent ' is getting old, and a8 the Englishman would say, sounds "'stupid” --especially "stupid"since this disease is readily detected by the more learned men and specialists of this disease. But the ""common rune' of physicians, not ldetectiug it, give be referred to the Finance Cf mmit- tee to be reported on to-morrow.— Carried. The reports of Messrs. Girvin, and Hardy, road commissioners, were read and. referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. d A number of accounts were referred the Finanaa'Commlttee. A communication from Mr. Imrie, in reference to a telephone in the court house, was read and referred HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year HA1RPER'S MAGAZINF HARPER'S WEEKLI .. 4 er , HARPER'S BAZAR .,... ..... 4 I.1 HAlt1'IiR'S YOUNG PEOPLE ............ . 'L 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQL'ARE, LIBRARY. ' One Year t5 Numbers' .,......... 10 00 Postage Free to all su t ribers in the rnite.l , Staten or Canada. The volumes of the MAGAZINE begin with the 3 Numbers for June and December of each year , When notirno is specifteed,it will be tindorstood - tbat the subscriber wishes to begin with tl:e current Number. The last eleven Semi.annual Volumes of RADIUM'S MAGAZINE, in neat e1ot1, biudiug,wiil be sent by mafl,postpaid, on roolpt ot $3.G0 per volume. Cloth (lases, f; r binding, 50 cents each -by mail postpahi Index togAni'I:RS MAGAZINE, .tlphnbntlenl, Analytical,and Clii sitlett i.trvolumesl to G0, inclusive Irmo ,)hule,1F,,l.,t • Julie, 1892, ode vol.. 8vo, Cloth 84.00. Remittances should be made by Pest Office Money Order or Draft,t. avoid chance of loss, MARVELOUS STORY 'COLD lit IWO gi=SE;, FROM THE SON: "y kms, o,' Geutfleateg1 Xy father reside+ at Glover, Vt. Vohs,* beet: a great tsu$erar from Scrof- ula, and the incloetd Jotter trill tell yon what% a marrelouS tweet Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had in his case. I think his blood meet have contained the humor for at least ten Teem; but it did not show, ettcept is the lora of a aerofnloaa stare em the w*t, nntfP about fire years ago. Prom a UTspots whfoh ap- peace. d tat that time,, ft gradually spread so az to corer bis eutlrebody I assure ion hewaa terribly *filleted, and an ob#cot of pity, when he bean wring your medicine. Now, there are few men of bis age who enjoy se good health as he has, I could easily name fifty persona who would testify to the feet* in Ma eawe. • Tema truly, Yf.¥. .Ixa' FROM THE FfTHER: icesur d • tor bamofl; I lam derived trout the ase vt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Bis months#;olwaa completely°oared with ae t. rfbla humor and sarotokrrsr sores. The humor cattaod au incessant and Intolerable itching, and ibe attht crated so as to dolma the blood to cow ill many places w enearer I moved. illy aafteringra were great, az* ray lire a tandem. I Qowatenaed the use of the &AR$Arartu, .A in ,April last, and have nsad It regularly since that time. 'EEE condition beagau to improve at oaths,. The sore, base. all healed, and 1 feel perfectly well In every revert -being now ably to do a good day'* work.althouglx 73 years of age. Many ir,ciniro w:i12 )ia w r '; «. s tit a 0tua 10 my care, and ▪ t, 11 c4 r,n,:.a 1 have here tried to tell you, s Ssr,F.z:irhlr"t, GLLtver, Yt, tit, i 1,13E I'eura gratefully, IIia'H 1'711bL)kii." .wt's Sastr.ratau.ti aures Scrotal* and all Ecrc aious ConaplaintI, ErysIp, Blas, Eczema, Ringworm, Matches, Sera. 1ioU.,Tttrrwra. acrd Earphone et the 8ktn. It cl(ars the blcai of Sll lulpn- titles, slda digeatloe, sttrauiataa the action ot the bow*, and thus restores vitality and attendant the whole oyster= tantrairm Dr, J.C. Ayer &Co., %owell,Ma e ■t►Td DysA Drarsi / 11,11x bottles for SES. 2 .7 . D0Tr 'YIS' vasl:TrX.11 SA:=1:^^ Ilassio.sl 1 . (,rF. . 1 LAr:s, ai;ih ha . l rev 1 . remedy l:.' ccs f.,r ae Consurnpiiorl, Cotds,Vlf t loaliz'l "° .L and all Lura; Dist - young young or old. Price 25e. aad S1,CC per c, DOW1,4S' LLI:tt#f ««cru+. Newspapers are net to cony this advertise- . the express order of ii mpau. who Ho at ouoe. llou't delay. address Ia RGT1IEliA. $TINAON i CO„Portion d,lluiue. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York Butter &Eggs WANTED. 47. Matheson i Has opened out in Sac11's Old Stand. (2 Doo ' north of Post Office). Just received a splendid assortment of Spring Goods, which we will sell at very close prices. Splendid value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scarlet Canton and Home- made Flannels. A. nice lot of Table Napkins and Covers, Splendid Wincey, Grey and White Cottons very cheap. Tweed and Ready Made Clothing very cheap. A GOOD SUIT for $5. GROCERIES.—We sell 4 lbs Tea for lsl ; 75 pent Tea for 65 cents. Sugars as low as the lowest BOOTS & SHOES.—Wm have added some new lines and aro prepared to sell the best goods at close prices. A House and Lot for sale or Rent. Apply JOHN MATHESON. to Z'D XCI'I ROLLER MILLS I These mills are -now completed with all the:best and very latest, improved machin- ery fpr the mauufactuheof Flour on the . Mr. MgOlymont, that the, road cote case., "He' ie sufferingintensely." THE MILL IS NOW RUNNING NIGHT mieettoner be authorized to have the This is not usual. Generally theta AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do general road south of Wingham, on ie almost`, no suffering. He may rc.' the Maitland flats, pub in a proper Dover, if he will act independently cf ur1Stlng' Chopin; all gu)i't°St N(1t1i9• state of repair.—Referred to Commit- has physicians. The agency named tee,' has cured thousands of persons even The council then adjourned. in the extreme stages -is to -day the mainstay of the health of hundreds Right now is the time to use >a good Blood of thousands. It is an unfortunate Purifying medicine. ' Lose no time ingetting fact that physicians aid not .admit a bottle of Lr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. It there is anyvirtue outside their own will do you good. Sold by all druggists ; 50 cents. sphere, but Re' each school denies vir: Also Flour and Feed for sale Cheap as the Cheapest, EMUS & L.WILT IAS, Proprietors. as TEND ERS. SEALED TENDERS, marked "For Mounted Police Provisions and Light Supplies' and addressed to the lion. the President of the Privy Council, Ottawa, will be received up to noon on Thursday,14th May, 1885. Printed forms of tender containing full in- formation as to the articles and quantities re- quired may be had on application at Fort Os- borne. Winnipeg, at any ot the Mounted Police Posts in the North West, or at the office of the undersigned. No tender will ho received unless made on such printed forms. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Eeoh' tender must bo accompanied by an accepted Canadian Beek cheque for an amount equal 'to 10 per cent. of the total value of the articles tendered fer, which will bo forfeited if the party malting the tender declinds to en. - ter into a contract when called uuatt to do so. or if he fails to complete the service contracted for. If the tender he not aceepted the cheque will be returned. No payment will be made,to newspapers in- sertingthis advertisement without authority haying been first obtained. FRED WHITE, omptroller, Ottawa, March Gth, 1885. Exeter .Butcher Shop R. DA7IS, Butcher & General Dealer —IN {tLL KINDS OF— Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. in prase?:ts pivait a,oag/. Senelus 5 . eentg';postage': andbymailyoawill get f,•Qen package of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring 300 in money faster .than • anything else in America. All about the $200,- 000 in pros3nts with each box. A gents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of 011 agog, for all the time, or mitre time only, to work ferns at their own homes. k'ortmn,s for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. Il. HALLETT Sc Co.,Portlaud,Maine, PRELMA T 13, WORM PO`ii'i D:ER b.- -- Are .. Are pleasant to tai;e. C!,at: i:1 their own Purgative. Is n, mile, stire..ind effectual litifi'prer et worms in ChildrenorAduita, WANTED- fi Nr AGENTS New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts As paying as any agency in the world. For full particu] a r s, free, address,131. C. TEN. ISON Map Publisher 988 Richmond-st„Loudon, Ont. Established. 1371. G. W. SHALLCROSS&E CO. NEW YORK, Fills orders, sells on Commission, or will pur- chase Apples, Potatoes and Poultry. Write us. THE EXETEL 131aninci Mill ” SASR, DOOR, and BUD riCIIRT! ALL IKINDS OF TURNING Done to order. Romembertthe place, 3:317or ow.',(A STATION -ST.