HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-4, Page 8GRIGO
i Rad Renton Bros., change of advertise- Stephen.
1 meat is another column.
Remember that the Scotch vocalists will
appear in Drew's hall, on friday evening,
e i 12th inst., under the auspices of the Sons
o. Temperance.
Wholesale and RPtal Mr- George Dyer hae taken up his abode
I on the shore of Lake Huron for a while, to.
enjoy himself at his favorite sports, fishing
and shooting,
The summer has come. Do not keep the
§ children penned up indoors, fearing fresh air
will give them colds, or tee sunshine spoil
their oomplexiou. 'runt the rascals out.
Mr. m. Drew bee traded his team of
horses to Ur, E. Christie for a very hand-
some and exceedingly well -matched epee of
blacks, and now has a span of hearse horses
FI1C ' GOODS DEALER which it would be diffioalt to beat.
. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what yon need
for Constipation, Lose of Appetite, Mei.
noes, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price
10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W.
Mr. and Mrs.. W. J. Carling have returned
from their weeding trip, and if they enjoy
half the happiness and prosperitywished
them I/their many Bends, they.
will have
TEN CENTS oar line for first insertion, vial no cause for murmuring.
subsequent in Mr. Trios, Mace, formerly of Exeter, who
semina oluir charged for notices aj,t�earint' has been travelling in Manitoba, British
3n LhisCOlamII, iColumbia and Chia, is in town visiting his
----- ---- - " r friends, who are all glad to see him. Tom
looks as though his sojourn agreed with him.
it xa c lutes. a Fast horses, of which class of animals our
1 village on boast of having a greater* uumber
; than any place ita size ih Western Ontario.
THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1885. are exercised en the course almost every
FOUR CsINTS per line for each
evening. Some of the animals are no mean
A number of our villagers went to Luca!)
LOCAL NEWS. -We shall Le happy to re. { the other evening to bear "Patience" play.
CS1Ve at ail times, front any part of the
County, items of local news, such as ac-
ei ients,or any interestiing incident what;
ever, from any of our ettbacribers or read-
eaders generaily for the purpose of pubIie-
N. One of the ladioa unfortunately got
hart by the horse getting frightened and up.
setting the buggy.. We are glad to learn that
her injuries are net of a serious nature, how.
Two fine stores In Exeter, betanging to the
Drew Estate for sale very cheap, if not sold
- - will be leased at a very low rental. A fine
brick residence, formerly occupied by Mr.
Drew, also a frame cottage, and a vacant
village lot for sale very cheap. For Terms,
fie.. apply to JOAN RANTON, Exeter.
Allan Lino Bates. The firemen, accompanied by the Exeter
The ratea to Europe per Allan Line are brass band, left by epeeist traiu yesterday
this year lower than ever. Cabin passengers, morning at 4,30 for Brantford, to attend the
SE0 to $80, Intermediate $30. Steerage, firemen's demonstration there. The men
518. These are the rates from Quebec to 1 looked well in their nutforms,aud did no die.
Liverpool and Londonderry. Railway fare, credit to Exeter among the large crowd of
froom Exeter to Quebec very los,. For par- flame fighters. They got house early Ode
ticulars apply to J Spackman agent ]pie-' morning They aaoeeeded in winning the
The following is a correct report of
the pupils of S. S. No. 8> Stephen,for
the mouth or May, based col attend
since, good conduct and general pro•
ficieucy :-•-
Fifth Claw --Alfred Moorish, 441.
Fourth Class --Theo Sweet, 596 ;
Malisoa Tory, 854 ; Cbaa. Sandere,
8413 ; Fraaoia Shipton, 228.
Henry Penh+tle,t•538 Win Morrison,
519 ; Mary Dimly, 466 ;$irarn
Shapion, 44& ; Martha Dearing, 884;
Emily Jou, 381 ; Jane Monist), 371;
Arabella Moreisb, 349 Grave SandUMW*erg, 386 ; LUMW*JorY. 829.
Second Oast - Ellen Dearing, 769 ;
Rapine, spine, 729 ; Edmund Shap.
ton, 636 ; Clara Sanders, 591; Elva-
bbathC. Dearing, 575 ; Eliza Rowl-
oliff, 503 ; James Sanders, 310 ; Goo
Harness. 236 ; James Bagshaw, 103;
Susan Hermon, 25,
First Class, (Senior) --Minnie Mor-
rison, 550 ; Lucy Jorq, 547 ; Ida
Sweat, 527; Alex. Box, 456 ; Jantea
Dearing, 407 ; Emma Sander', 370;
Thos. Rowtoliff, 352 ; Walter Dese.
ing, 882 ; Frank Sanders, 318 ; Ed•
gar Heroese, 158 ; Robert Senders,
122 ; Mary Morrish, 76.
First Clava, (Jnuior)-Thos, Sand•
ere, 172 ; Victoria Bsgalaaw. 168 ;
Christopher Dinny, 162 ; Wesley
Dearing, 161 ; EK1111:011Peubale, 186 ;
Janne Sanders, 128 ; Ethel Sweet,
100 ; nos Willis, 50.
85 -SPL-LING. -'85
We beg to advise our friends that we are offering for
this season's trade a more than usually attractive assortment
in the
oT ]ry Goods
rd lass, --•Mary Sanders, 574 ,
kr ty Counelll.
Hoeft, os Rzvrsioi..--The Council ��
met as a Court of Revieiou of the too.
sesament at Hay, on Tueerley, 261b In this departmeet we aiut to keep oenataufly on bind a fall and complete
ay a and carried, that p changes wee
t(d of elf the linea, iu demand, both in $away It'd St'Pk' 8msl1wtu•es. & ty►1l solicited
iia Those bora no appeals, it wan
the non resident roll, be made oma felliu
lows CART J'I.NG.
lows : That 0. Schumacher be
'charged with Si of 81 of Lot T. con
To which we Especially devote our attention, .among which
we would mention.
Dross Corals
In large variety of fabrics and many beautiful de --
Dress Muslixss
Plain, Checked, Printed, &c..
Slack, White, Cream, Colored; ; various widths and.
Lace Ourtaizia and Curtain Net
Large Stock.
Finest assortment e have ever shown.
Cotton. Lisle, ilk, Kid ; a very varied and exten-
sive assortment.
Cotton, Lista, Baibriggian, &G, ; full display.
Cretoma.es & Cretonne 3 ringes.
To match ; beautiful goods.
ter, Ont, I International Race. Time, 1 nein, 22 sec. 15, as owner , that lt of Lot 7, oo/i 1 ' -
Without exception the Best and eheapeat' 4 be oharaed to 0, Aldworth as own•,1 Speoisit services closed in the Meth.
;4n AIhceter noir. lines o! Boots andShoeb we have ae yet seen, er • Ntat ti or w Lot 11, con 4. be obarah on Sunday night last. Mien
The following, clipped from the Tilsonburg can now be had et C. Escrett'e, Ale Chil- ,Qdsll null Mr. J, E. Headereon,
Mr. Riahaxd - dren's Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys. assessed to Geo. O'Brien ; that Park members cf the Hallelojatl Bapd. left
Bicycles of all sizes, ; also Haruesa of aver Lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, and Wiese
description coustently on hand. Call an Lots 27, 28, 29, 80, 81, 82, 88, be on Monday to rejoin their Band at
see for yourselves. Butter and Egps taken Iaoad with the aeeesament of J. Gil- Bayfield. Mee E. 13o11, of Exeter,
in exchange for goods. C. E. 718 2m p lent invaluable assistance iu the ser.
The Seaforth Ezpositaral last week thus obriet a. $650, se owner; and that vice throughout last Creak,
speaks of the Rev. David M. Ramsay, son of Park Lot 9 be charged to N. B. Mo -
Mr. James llamsay, of this place :-"On Lean, at $80, as owner. A. !minces meeting wee held in
Sunday last, Rev lir• McDonald exahenged Tire followiu cheeps were made the hall on Sa•urdey night last to ar-
t 't with Rev. Ur. Rams of London. g g range ateliers for the Scott Aot oam-
tn the Resident Roll-Raoote
tRserrer, has reference to s
erett, son of our village clerk :--"Dick Ea-
erett, of this town, won two very handsome
modals at the sports of the W. A. A. A. at
Woodstoek on ;lfonday. One a silver star of
peculiar form, with a solid gold medallion in
the centre, bearing an engraving of a man
jumping over a hurdle, is the 2nd prize for
the 100 yards dash. over hurdles ; the other,
a solid silver five pointed star, with solid
gold medallion in the centre, is the second
prize for the 100 yards dash. Both medals
are.cnypndsde from the device of the .Associa•
tion worked in silver and gold filagree, are
of considerable intrinsic value, and are ole.
gant,in,desktn and fiuieb,"'
DEroxutrr. 1t should not be forgotten that
Charles Olathe, the celebrated :Surgical
Machinist, of 118, King -et. west, Toronto,
will be found at the Central Hotel, Friday
and Saturday,lith and Gth of June. Chaa.
Ciuthe has visited Exeter for many years,
and there are hundreds about this section
feeling grateful whenever seeing his an -
announcement in the TiirEs, having been
greatly benefitted ,by him, as Mr. Clutha is
brought up inthe $pecialty to improve and
design .apparatus for cripples and trusses
for Rupture, for which he is known as the
best and most reliable than we have in
Canada to -day. Mr. Clothe wishes us to
mention that be has no travelling ageuts and
no connection with any association or so-
called professors. Go and give him a call,
if you require anything in his line.
Court of to rision and Council Meeting.
The .Court of Reyision of the Assessment
Roll for 1885 met at the Market House on
the 27th ult., all the members present, and
duly sworn by the clerk. Mr. Hardy was
. elected chairman. Mr. Joan Southcott's
assessment was reduced $200, on nit6tion of
D. Johns,:eocended by J. Piekard, The as-
sessment of Mr. John Hawkshaw was sus-
tained, on motion of W. Bissett, seconded by
A. G. Dyer. Robert McFalls' name was
placed on the roll as tenant to Mr. Thomas
Fitton, instead of Jahn Carveth, on motion
of J. Pickard, seconded by W. Bissett. Wm.
J. Parsons' name was inserted on the roll, on
motion of D. Athos, seconded by J. Pickard.
Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by J. Pick-
ard, that the roll, as now revised, be passed,
and the Court closed. -Carried. The Coun-
cil met, pursuant to adjournment,' all the 11
members present.. The minutes of the pre-
vious meeting were read and confirmed. A
letter from Mr. McFadden, demanding the
opening of Andrew -street, was read. Mr.
Pickard signed an agreement. to open the'
street on or before the let September next.
Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by A. G.
Dyer, that orders be granted for the follow-
ing sums, viz. :-Albert Bissett, $6, for' labor;
John Stanlake, $8.18, .de. ; Wm. Webster,,
$1.50, do. ; Thos. Snell, 81.87, do, ; John
Parsons, $1.87, do. ;;John Moreslieaa, $2.50,
do. ; Donald Taylor, $4, do. ; E. R. Bissett,;
$28.50, do. ; and John Hayes, $4, selecting
jurors for Div. Court. -Carried. The Conn•:
cil then adjourned until call of the Reeve.
pn p. s wt e . i ay,
born and Muilett. Mr, Ramsay is e• young i n, A lecture in the-iRtererl of
man of much ps
promise, and his se ons Code to be assessed for West part of g
Lot d Jk
of 7, instead ofao eon Bros. ; S.
Jackson to be *seemed as tenant for
Lot 225 M. S. Hemel! instead of J.
Marshall ; that Lots 223, 224, 225,
P. S., be charged to Wm. Ereattr ;
end that Lo 2221'. S., be charged to
D. Urquhar at $850. On motion
the sum of $800 was taken from the
here on Sunday were listened to by large the Scott Act party will be given in
congregatious with much pleasure, and, we
have no debt, profit."
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and
Livor Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guaranteed to euro you. For sale by J. W.
WARNING TO TER Puatic: The public are
hereby warned against purchasing any Tin
or other copy or imitation of the machine
made by the Ross Novelty Rug Embroider- assessment of D. Urquhart, Mill Re-
ing Machine Co., of Guelph, Ont„ covered by ve Hen 11 M ved by M H q
their Patent No. 14334, and dated Marchtath,
1882. We make no tin machines, and all
such are infringements and frauds. None
genuine without the name "Ross" and date
of patent stamped on it. If anyone offers to
sell you a rug Machine look for the stamp ;
if not stamped refuse to buy it. Tinsmiths
and all others are warned against taldng von -
tracts for making such tin or other infringing
machines. All persons found making, sell-
ing or using any Dopy or imitation of this
machine will be prosecuted according to the
Patent Laws of the Dominion. Full printed
directions for tieing go with every machine.
Ross Manufacturing Co. Guelph, Ont.
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the
remedy for you. Sold by J. W. Browning.
• -•44
Our Reeve and deputies went to
Goderioh on' Tuesday to attend the
County Con ncil.
Our esteemed citizen Mr. H. Silber,
has returned from Germany after an
absence of three months.
The rewaiue of the late Mrs. Isaac
Hill were inferred• in Exeter, ou
Sunday last. The funeral was large -
y attended. Mr. Hill and family
have the deepest sympathy of the
community in their sad affliction.
M, EMBETT, Clerk,
The two Methodist ministers of this place
are attending conference at ehatham. •
The excavation for the cellar of the Swen-
erton block, on the corner of Station and
Main streats is nearly coulpleted,
Our 'cyclists practice every evening. and
are becoming quite skilled in riding their
"steeds. "
The South Huron fall &hew will be held in
Exeter the first Monday and Tuesday after.
the Provincial fair in Lonctou.
Mr. John Renton and the Rev, Mr. Mar-
tin went to Goderioh yesterday as a deputa-
tion from the Scott Aet Association in this
place, to lay the matter of appointing a
county' stipendary magistrate before the
county council.
This is the season of the year when a man
can afford to have his wife start talking
sealskin goods without suddenly finding out
that he has a business engagement down
Rev. W. H. Gene left for Confer-
ence on Tuesday.
Church Anniversary at Zi.n on
Jane 21st and 22nd.
Winchelsea is putting on a trim ap-
Mr. George Turnbull has been rick
for some time.
A lecture in behalf of the choir will
be given toward the end of the month,
prohabiy by a strauger.
The heaters of the Church are to be
torn down and the choir stand moved
from the back of the Church to the
The Court of Revision wee opened
here on Saturday last and was con -
tinned all day Monday. A great
many appeals had been entered and
a very lively day was spent.
The enterprising carpenter of Win-
chelsea, Mr. R. Robinson, has moved
his shop across the road into the
sonth-west corner, the site of the old
school house, where the young idea
was taugnt to sprout and where 'so
many hands have been quickly warm-
the ball here on Friday night by the
celebrated temperance advocate, Mrs,
Pack, of New York. Dircueeion is
Mr. Henry W'alper has gone on a
ver seo r. o - trip to Europe,
rock, sec by his. Ronnie, that the Roll Mrs. Potter, of Platteville, is viait-
as now revised be the Aeaeeiwment ing her daughter Mre. N. Fried.
lioll for the year 1885, and that the We ars ,sorry to nay that Mies Great?
Court of Revision be now closed.--- Bastard is still very low.
Carried. Mr. C. Millar has become the filth
The Council then transacted the er of another bouncing girl.
following :- Mr. R. Cook has alerted some men
Moved and carried that the offer of at bark pealing in his yard. ► • •
Mi. J. Howard to build a bridge and lyre. and Mrs. Volker aro away on x Sporting Brevities.
approaches over .he Sauble on con 4,visit to Tnvietook.-
for $225, be accepted, Mr. Jared Brown is erecting a .Evans has been shelved temporar-
Moved by Mr. Surerus, see by Mr.handsome brick holed on his farm. ily by the Baltimores.
Heyrock, that a committee conetrting It is a perfect mansion. Flint has played in eleven games
of S. Bennis tin A. McEwen, be ap- Mr. Shot ler is visiting his mother and has not ramrod since his second
pointed to superintend the building of who is not expected to live, in Toron- game -
the bridge. to. The Harvard! have won eighteen
Oa motion the Reeve and Treasurer Mrs, Wm. Reynolds, who at one out of nineteen games played this
were authorized to borrow $600 to lime was not expected to live, is im• season. The Coobituates have been
Meet current expenses. proving remarkably well, the only club to defeat them.
The Boston management had in-
tended to release Davie, but after the
Detroit game, President Soden con-
cluded ti keep him for a while longer.
He may yet prove a good man with a
fair trial.
Johnny Ward, of the New Yorks,
has graduated from 'the Columbia Law
School, receiving the second prize of
$50 in the department of politica'
science. The announcement that he
had received a prize was loudly ap-
plauded by his classmates.
Mr. John Forbes, of Woodstook,
has' received $50 from hlr. John
Saunders, of Stratford, and calls for
Sullivan or his backers to meet him
at his hotel on Thursday, instead of
Tuesday, as it will be impossible for
him to be there at the time:proposed.
Mr. J. E. W. Branae, Secretary,
has issued the following challenge :-
The Alvinston Cornet Band hereby
dating as ever, for they are men who
work for the a000mmodation of the
public) as well as; for their own wel-
The youtbfnl progeny of Gus, our
penny barber, of fighting dog fame,
got so inspired with pugilistic. fire that
he taokled a gander with a wild yell ;
the fight was of short duration, as
Mr. Gunder got In his Sue work on
Goa' hopeful's nose, and now it is
beentifally ornameuted with summer
Tea pedlars are ata dieoount, and.
Model Windier agents have tatters their
plane, who are leaving a machine at
every house, making that horrid
drudge (washing) esay for the ladies,
consequently they will not need eo
much tea, and will make their hus-
bands feel glad to find male ready on
Monday, and the house all set to or-
der by 12 o'clock.
Hellebore for Currant Worms, and Pore
Dalmatian Insect Powder for sale at. Central
Ding Store. 0. Lutz, proprietor.
House to rent on Willi am-stroot.-Two
story, with rooms suitable for large or small
family. For further particulars, apply to
John Matheson, Exeter North Post Office.
The (lonnoil adjourned to meet on Rev. Mr. Umbaok occupied the pul-
June 30th. pit of the Evangelical Church last
Sunday evening.
The Lutheriane are putting a lovely
organ in their Church, it will be in
use next Snnaay morning.
Marks bas now resigned iu favor of
the butcher, and can now be beau
wending his way in is different direc-
tion on Sunday evenioge.
Mr. D. L. Chapman left on Friday
last for Wardeville, where he intends
staying for a few days and then he will
leave for Saginaw, Mich.
Henry thinks the sidewalks need
repairing, ib would make promenad-
ing much pleasanter those lovely
moonlight nights.
Henry No. 2 feels quite good over
bis trip to the city on the 25th ult.,
it is no wonder, because he had his
Lauda -da with him.
Mrs. C. Plaff, who was under the
treatment of the cancer doctor of challenge the Forest or Luoan bands
to play for $100 a side any day later
than 29th inst. Erich band to play
an overture, waltz and quickstep.
The judges to be professional bapd-
►-4•4-4 '
Mies Etta Fox, of Newry, is at
present visitiug at Mr. John Irvine's.
Names of oppoueots to the Fran-
chise Bilt are worth 40 cents per
hundred. Agents wanted.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Arkoua,
recently spent a few days with friends
here, while on their wedding , tour.
They actually appeared to be happy.
Had the Scott Act sot been in force
in Huron, the • probabilities are that
we would not have had the privilege
of listening to that nice band music
on the evening of the 25th.
Much dissatisfaction ie fele on ac-
count of a recent change in she ,time
table, which cause, the daily Fapere
to reachhere twenty-four hours later
than usual.
The Sabbath School in connection
with the Methodist Church has d -o
•oided to hold a strawberry festival o
Dominion Day. Thin is a new 'de
pflrture here, and will .no doubt meet .
with enemas:
Carrie McDonald, grand -child of
Mr. and Airs. DeGear, died on Sat-
urday evening last. Herremainswere
taken to Kinoarditie ' via Exeter, on
Monday, and interred . by the side of
her mother's.
Next Sunday being oonfereuoe Sun-
day, our ministers will necessarily be
absent. In the morning, service will
be conducted by the band recently
organized, and in the evening Rev.
C. Fletcher, B. A., will occupy the
Kommoka, for the last few months,
was home for a week, but left again
last Friday.
The Budden change does not appear
to agree with Henry, he has now l masters. Each band to appoint one
changed situations, and engaged hie !judge and those two to select _a third.
services with Baker's saw mill Co.,No other musicians to play in either
for the good of'his health. I, bands than those who played in the
Crops look good in this vicinity,and' contest at Forest on May 22nd. A
Mr. J. Kellerman is said to have the depcsit of $50 a side to be planed in
finest piece of fall wheat anywhere the hands of some responsible person •
around here. There are prospect -e of
having a fair crop of fruit with the
Some of our neighboring villages
say that the Scott Aot makes times
very dull, but such is not the case iu
our thriving' little village, for you will
find our landlords, just as accommo•
either of the bands choose` to name -
within ten days from date. The con-
test to take plaoe either iu London or
Headache, Biliousness and Indigestion re-
lieved and cured at once by Dr. Carson's
Stomach Bitters, Try it. Samples free.