The Exeter Times, 1885-6-4, Page 7Marriage. ? Interesting Items. The marriage ceremony is the most some of the papers are now talking of a interesting spectacle social life et, great NortA-west oboorv" as a result of the hiblta. To see two rational beings troubles, Only the other day it was the cry cis Head was Level. A wealthy New York gentleman attvertsed I for a coachman. Among those who applied for the position was one wino answered all the requirements. ill the giow of youth sad hope; which 3u Griit,ciroles that general ruin was to be"the "1 willlure you for a year at fifty dollars �investg life with a h&snit, alo of happiness, p a month,," appear together, nut aoknowledge their preference for each other, vol- untarily outer into a league Of per- HORSENDN, ATTRNTION, i :`The salary is 'alright, but ----.33 :.Rut what ;,, When your horse is gelled, scratched or cut, ( "I would like to ask you a question." or hag an ugly sore, bathe twice a day, and ap., { "What is it 1 ply eeGrogor s Parke'a Carbolic Cerate- It 1 ,"Are youl?reaident of anysNational bank, 7 •�7 veinal frlendelllp, and eau Call heaven and d 1s undoubtedly the finest lrealfng 91td eleanfl-� and doyoR speculate in WAllstreet S, GLASS, WRITE LEAD PAINTS OILS AND Ry ei their in; applicatien for it. Be sure you get Ince "What's that your busirloss ?" r Cl t `i �.r earth to witness the sauctia ? Gregor t Pas'te's Said for Zap. per licit, at). •'Shell, if you do, I want my wages iu ad- BUILDING HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, SHOVELS, SPADES dc. vowelp think oft en r Dr, Browning'e tirisg atttizo . lotion, and' the iris ortit IIlaoya�. The oldest person i1R:"Ille oourity of iaruuoo ip vanes," n't Pail to CaU AT THE People's Popular Hardware r And inspect stook end get prices on the following lines NAI guencee which are to flow , cin it, tie lira.ilelmen, of Mderalie. She wag born in Weare away down on the following they sell{ aide by side through life, the yighland4 of Scotland in &Ocher, 178a, CATARRH—A NEW TREATMENT. W. J. Searfe & Co's. Carriage Varnishes ; Penehen's Pre - participating in the sable oys, the and is therefore nearing her io2nd births' y. k@rhaathe most xtraordivary•ucceae that pared Pa"inta. " Bird Cao -e- - Buggy 'harem of each 0th ra sorrows. that Bucklen'sArnlcaSatve• has been acineved fu modern medicine lies tl To $ Stoves r c, > p o es, and Tin- . tl axe of all kinds, Ear W. Steel Strip, and Buek'horll the 'Wiles wli vii kludlo too eestec at The Beat Salve in the world for Outs, l3ruts- tarrh, ootof 2, ocean@utatraatea Burin the y ea Soren Ulcers, Salt Rheum ,Fever gores, is et six ruonths, fully 3rtety per Dent, sieve 'QnQ1Tl , InerlC their union sone& at last be quenelles Totter, C'b Chapped i Chilblains,C`o d beenanredolthie e;nbbarn malady. Tile is theto f the crus ► oo p e Ar n9 11ay raqulr 1e guarantee o give ones Ore � �7' #��� iA- perfect sattgfaetlon, oi" loons refunded no9tted,wLiletlleve,tezttrrleniciat@@ andotller 1J y ad>tert:hied Dorsa Hover record a cure et all. Prion 215 cents perbox. For sale by all drug- St 41 with. alto ckatm now genersoliy believed Cli" slots, ' by the roost aolentitic xn@n that dlesesa is fine �* L, peen attainedby the Mixon treatment for ca- W A l au and Canadian Coal Oil. app. -.. hands. .. rng, an sous the lace atarNio �rhoA it is r@huepgh@red In err o s vol ; o n, all Skin Eruptions, and positively curse Mee, thatnotk per cant, of psttents pr 3144$ " l of human th" d area s,. awA ane a eepes ati sic + ORX GUARANTEED. est feeli,ggs !gibe heart, Jori.11illinge wilt epeM the wieror ii& the to tit?Presero@ ensvlrrar"srasrteatr*the iisen@, Mr Iiia aider all this, the epitome a t4e�srh ed It a t ttiemgelvetstathexeKalar practttf be �TI't TROTIC NG A SPECIAL circle o aywpa ieiF An t t k tit d 1 d h 1,n at o11Oa adapted hie nitre to their � .. Paoife e101*. The following two yea h will Th C 1 - years ear olrt@rrtaiaattQrt �tmir»ocorapl4sh@d, he a ai= e e e rated RAYMOND MOND l ewina Machine tilW d, the Cat,errh, in Dore Lh or, d, acrd a p yS on FLU/D LIGHTNING-. manency unetieetfieued, ee cures effected by Hand , also I�TeedleS �u4 1 E1? Y MARE O M hI *low the ruts mix their .Drinks. employ to former', travel, practically is iata4 fouryeara ego are cttresW:ill. No one aC me. Like Meet silt oouuliles, the inti- All auffererg lrorat that terrible toricent, SISahsi en:I:4T: to cora catarrh ft. tote , . maup@r,itner treht;tmknt @vereuros . Si hest rice in Cash or Trade &Kiesandt licefives tit b't iji have their aoolail basil, l~eurelgia. cin be loads happpynSri@rilRirrerltCatarrh, Ti@Sti9ri f floer@1n@dy til+ 7by a single applioatieu of Fluid Lightning simple andots@ at home,cudthe S1fusGlias$ tru1which is &node 1st fire t,lllowtng loco• ri �", AI w 11 lbowli i d b 1417 inlbbe'l oil painful pasta, and without Pel" a@aaon of the ear is the 4160 favor- with i o or no ria gg . cures as effectually ToOlhacII ,bnunbago,lihe1- Iter : urge o0 0l a upon the ground iu the oeptra p a0e nein any disgusting medicine dav atter day ii1'i `rt* °weedy abet parlzianent gore; Ilia of the til nit Field Tat titin enriches, A, li.i)I&uN tx SINS.** Tilos Street west, `Ieroute,Canada, and enclose ;tamp for their treatise ca Catarrh,-3lontreal Star, Nov. 17,1SEi:, we c y o casae p ag cured at one treat - g oleo went. Sud'erere ebonkl correspond with house (vale). Several of the 'younger persona present (mala. and 'female) take thele pieces round the bowl and .out off small piece' of A root which is ottlled "auquona," the plat of which resembles a currant bush. These pieces the' chew, adding more MI the pulp grows srnaller within the Mouths until they aeoumnlate a mouthful, wino) their throw within the bowl. It usually requires a dory, matisur, lleadeolte, and is only 215 cents per bottle at Dr. Brownies's drug atone. The Jaursat der Debate, of Perla, protean against the poathumogs attempt to transform Hugo into all infidel, IlEADACHR. Beadaebe is oue of those distressing com- plaints that depetida upon nervous irritation, bad cumulation, or a disordered state of the stomach, liver, bowels, dcc. The editor and proprietor of the Canada. Presbyterian wag cured after yore of auferiog with headache, eu "'obowti" all round to make sumo. sad now testifies to the virtue of Burdock lent of the liquid for the bowl, One Blood platters. will then mix it all together, wail.. A military comgauy is well drilled whoa it p another will our water over it uutii ant can dthreess aid as of a a etraigl cartit liknetotoenren the street with rac the bowl is full. Then the process AN EX.a DERmaN'l'iUED onir. of removing the sedim.at will be quire lliroul; the haute as for txutkiuc t yearxtl.'sAlkelmaw Oian l for B lor, Toronam tried cur d otaoaau it milk, after whiolt it wilt be him after all other remedies hid failed. served in cocoanut shells, onll wewo- , Frank Dalby, of Elora, and fits, Parsons, of ins with the moat prominent mem. (10015111, are matched for a fishing contest iu beeresell# each iu tura, unlit all the Spoed river for 11'00 a side. • are served runts from the arise shell { Ci i1.11aF.liA PREv1.;rTA7C1"F.. In order to withstand Cholera and much like or "hallo." When Dna of *be chiefs 1 opideuiics a perfect purity of blood, and the drink all the others present clap their proper action of the stomaeis aro required.' hands and call "bulli' (four health). To insnro that end, in the cheapest. most Tho ohiera aro appointed by the king, available and comptete manner, nee Meares - or tui, and theyran a as foliose or'a;lpeedy Coro fur Dyspepsia 151.11 Impure,; g Illooti, `liters is ao purer, rater or 01000 ro- "Itoko," chief of an island ; "boli, liable remelt' lir ess tens for Iudigaetion,nya- chief of a district; "tonogaua•ko ro," pepsin, Costiveneea, etc. Ask your neighbor Chief of a town. These are all shown or auy person who has used it. Sold by lir. Browning. Trial Pottle given free. the greatest respect in general. }lice are said to more afraid of women than A colony of infidels was foundedof men. No animal likes to be talked to death, five years ago in Barton county, Alfie A SECIII:T dour.. A correspondent of the St.+gaud`thealtII. JBusccret of rdock ly litnolliBitttrsxis and LouisiGlobe f )cement[, who shall& a t grand key that unlocks all the aeereticr,s. It day and a•haif in the new town colica tures ail seraful0ns diaea es, acts on the., plootl, Liberal, limy s tha% the experiment is a;liver, kidneys, sknh and bowels. anti brings the failure ; that the toivu, instead of bloom of Health to the pallid cheek. It is reported at Rogue that the Irish bishopskeeping pace with other towns of the ; aro dispirited over their interview with the same age, has fallen far behind them, Pope. and instead of it being the happy, DEPEND UPON IT. prosperous community it promised to be, is shrivelled, contracted, torn in two by dissensions, and in a condition where only prompt action in behalf of its friends toward a eomplate reorga- nization will save it from disintegra- tion. The eighth number of THE CANADIAN PICTORIAL AND ILLUSTRATED WAR NEWS You can depend upon llagpard's Yellow Oil as a pain reliever in rheumatism, neuralgia and all painfuland inflammatory complaints. It not only relieves but cures. Hanlon will be in New York in a week or SO. THIS IS RELIABLE. P,, N. Wheeler, Merchant, of Everton, was cured of a severe attack of infiammation of the lungs by E:agyard's Pectoral Balsam. This great throat and lung healer cures weak lungs, has been received. it is a very fine acughs, hoarseness, bronchitis, and all peotor- number, and contains the following al complaints. illustrations : A Lookout ou the Qu'- ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. Appelle Trial (from a sketch by Mr. Tux VOLTAIC B$LT Co., Marshall, Mich,,wii E. W. Morrison); Departure of ibe send Dn.D'z'sCETEanATED ELECTRO -VOLTAIC BELTS AND ELECTRro As11LIAwEa ontrialfor Montreal Garrison Artillery (Incl- thirty days to men (young or olu) who are af- dente from photographs and sketches Rioted with nervous debility, lost vitality furnished by Mr. F. N. .Boxer) ; and kindred troubles, guaranteeing Experiences of the Royal Grenadiers speedy and complete restoration of health and maulyvigor, Address as aboveN. B. -No (from sketches by their special artist, risk isinctur'ed. asthirty days' trialis.allowed Mr. F. W. Curzon, With General Mid- a.. Tho busy bee's song—Be it ever so humble, dieton's c3mmand) ; Funeral of the there's no place like comb. Two Members of the 90th Battalion REST AND COMFORT TO THE SUFFERING at Winnipeg (from photographs, 4. Brown's SouseholdPanacea" has no equal sketches And soecia1 information torreliovingpain,bothinternal and external It supplied by the Rev. J. B. Silcox). ourespain in the Side, back or bowels, sore throat There In a Two•paged Supplement Rheumatism, Toothache,Lumbagoapdany kind also issued with this number which of a gainer ache. "It will moet surely quicken the blood and heal, aaits acting noweriswonder- contains a number of Sketches by the ful. "'Brown's Housahold Panacea' beingaek- ebeoial natist of the WAR NEWS, Mr. nowledgedasthe great Pain Reliever And ofdou F. W. Curzon, Some of these blethestrength of any other Elixir orLiniment Skatehen are very graphic Ones inti=oirld,shombeeiinevory iamilyhandy for } s whenwanted "asibreallyis thebeatremedy representing' the different views of the n the world for' Cramps in the Stomach, and Battle of Fish' Creek at which Mr P in*and toht2Ef allkibdtt" and is for sale by Creek, a rug$ a ea Den as o e - Curzon was present. More .eoopl, adults and children. are troub• led with costiveness than with any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ters will cure costiveness and proyent the diseaes which result from it. AFTER TWENTY-THREE YEARS' SUF- FERING. Rev. Wm. Stout, of Wiarton, was cured of scrofulous abscesses that (seventeen doctors k Blood Bitters was u o could not cure. Burdock the only successful remedy It cures all im- purities of the system. Holloway's Pills.- The great need. -The blood is the life, and on its purity our health as well as our'existenoe depends. These Pills thoroughly cleanse the vital fluid from all contaminations, and by that means strengthen and inyigorate the whole system, healthily stimulate sluggish organs, repress over-excitod action, and establish order of circulation and secretion throughout every part of the body. the balsamic nature of Holloway's Pills exer- cises marvellous power in giving tone to debili- tated and nervous constitutions. These Pills dislodge all obstructions, both in the bowels and elsewhere, and are, on that account, much sought after for promoting regularity of ac lion in yoang females and delicate persons who are naturally weak, or have from some cause become so, CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Cataarh Remedy. Price 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by J. W. Browning. T J. SUTHERLAND,HENSALL, • ONT., CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, Fire andnife Insurance Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. All business transacted stirctlyconfidential.' A Call solicited; Otlico at the Post Office: UNEQUALED So say the best farmers. stockmen, gar- deners, and fruit growers of America of the great Nationals Weekly, the Rural New York- er. The best writers in the world, Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations from nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask those who) know. Specimens gladly sent without charge, $2,800 worth of presents offered to subscribers for the largest ;clubs, Conducted bypractlble farmers. Its Free Seed Distributions are invaluable. Over 600 contributions. Posters and outfits on appli- cation, Send for them. RIIRAL NEW- coiuu,R, 24 Park Row, N. Y. ., D TT BROS. SAIVIWELL AND PTCI Gcncrai Ig SPR1N ( STOCI4I. COMP] YOUR EXAMINATION OF GOODS 84 COMPARISON OF PRICE THE LIGHT,RUNNiNG ' IttilHOS t SEWING MACHINE SIMPLE fJ ... � 14i%e5$no1y[ ltin A a ' (r Til � i (0/.4 ill 4 ,-4.z,-..,,,....-d r `� = 1 ,. • ca •.I mi .� THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE C,._., THAT GIVES .—, PERFECT r ' IN1 SEWING HAS EWH NEWHOME ORANGE' 30 UNION ST. LOUIS '-iVOR F SQ.N.Y. S,4r/SFACT/OH RO• MACHINE MO.ATLANTA SALE'BY1=• EQ CHICAGO'ILL, UAL 1CU MASS. "GA. CO. ,, RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purity the Bleed, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOAfAGH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, hey lvigorate and restore to health Debilitated Gonstitutioua, and are invaluable 34 all oulpleints incidental to Ferealea of .all ages. For children and the ailed they are plirelete THE OINTMENT a an infallible remedy for Bad Lege. Bed Breasta, Oil Wauude, Sorts and -Ulcers. 1an10l1a for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR .XDISIORDERS 05' THE CREST 17• ll As; Nu Rkr; It 1.' 'or or Throats, Bronchitis, Ceoglha, Colds,Glandelar Swtlliegs, and all akin diaeio,i it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts limn' a charm. The Pills and Ointment aresold at Tuouas Hot r.owax'e Esteblialuner.:, i3 NEW OXFO11I1.STIREETlate Oi33, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; aIso by nearly every reapcetael,' Vendor of Medicine, in poxes and Pots, at 1s, lad., 2s. fll.. is. lid„ lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s, 901,. size coutnaus three times the quantity of the la lid, size ; tbo 4a. Od, size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; tits 22:4 size thirty-three ; and tit. 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the :mealiest Boxes and Pots, Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can bo- has iu any language I ' Purchasers should loot: to the Label on the Pots .and Bckes. If the address is n,' 133 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WILLIA1141 DREW Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. EXETER, ONTARIO, ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. THE rarir's 9dnooade HOME MAGAZINE Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour nal in Canada Owned and Published by a Farmer. WHAT FARMERS SAY;— "It is our best friend.,' "'It is worth ten times its cost," "The dollar spent for the Advocate is the best spent moneyfrom the farm." "The wife and family aro also delighted with it." "No farmer's house should be without cit„ The right information in the right season by the best specialists that can be procured ou the Farm, Stock, Dairy, Garden and Or- chard, Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary, Markets, F aniily Circle, Eto., E to 0111V $1 Per Annu.rri. Sample copy sent free t0 applicants mention - _g their Lot, Concession and Post Office: RANT ON BROW Address— EXETER, ONTARIO:: FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON ON'T'. _ NORTNEBM MIR R. R. LANDS In Minnesota. North Dakota, Mon. tans, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. From Lake Superior to Puget Sound. Atr lee ranging angina chieflyfrom sr to $6 per acre; pp on 6 to 10 years time. This, is the, Best Country for securing Good Homes now open for settlement. FREE 3 a O acresliot t the Ro ment L2 0 a res oder the Homestead • andTitnberCultureLaas. NOTE 10.SI5.433` 'Acres OR ',)SORE THAN HALF of all the Public Lands disposed of in neta, were in the Northern Pacific country. Book* and Maps sent FREE describing the Northern Footsie Cohntr7,tlle Railroad Lands for Sale and the FREE Government Lands. Address, CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Land Cam'r, N. P. R. It., St. Paul, Minn.