The Exeter Times, 1885-6-4, Page 6FAB AWAY, !when not needed, and unrolled when actual bizziueste
Fair away from those who love me,
Far from those 1 hold most dear;
Thinking of the friends of childhood.
Fondly, wishing they were near,
Sitting iu this d usky twilight,
:!fusing as the shadows fall,
Thinking of a house far distant.
Wishing 1 could see them all -
All who fill the dear home circle,
AU the faces that 1 love,
All the hearts 1 fondly cherish,
Whom 1 hope to meet above.
Oh that 1 old meet and mingle
Iu that cheerful, happy throng,.
Mingle iu the dear Home pleasures,
Mingle in their mirth and sang-
Iioev 1 wonder if they mass me
In their happiness ane joy
Father, mother, sister, brother,
Don't forget your absentlboy.
When yon kneel aroma the altar
At ibe closing of each day.
IPen•t forget to crave a blessroa.
For the one that's far away.
IBi r't% ly "18881118."
se yez volt a sarcint, rune,
?bet wages ds yez give.
de yez tape an upstairs pini
!tet' where is it yes live'
• M have yep env etagere, mon t
1 die t all4•w taut tela ;
ri yez d,�vooreed or going to l•e'
Plant does yer heocbene dor'
An' have. yC_x got a foornie , Inure,
:ill' emu to tied tot carne,.
An' bare yez wattles hot en' cooled
Au' pkat might be yez muse'
"An' have yez slttashoeuary tubs
Au' sphakio:: pipe* au' gas,
Au' wud ye Rant yez tlaonday out
Ate wad yea take to sass'
**Ate does yez have 8Woelt company'
9.v coarse yez laves the torn
In Slimmer. In tuoi kitclteu, maul,
-41±i iver ye rota down .•
wanted on the vat, `1'bere is many a s tp between a cup
l ----. - -- and a hp, nut not half az menuey ase
there ought tew be.
A half -naked Iudittt was looking at Ragther tbaa nog have a bort enn e
some w, rl nen tit the em toy Of Gov, thin I ttro villin to be beat n)
e p lime;~ nut at I.G.
Dudley, of 1llisat►ehneette. The two most important voids iu
'Why don't you work .and get your- l
self tome a other rasked the Govern-
'Why don't you work 2" retorted
t the son of the forest.
l -S work headwork," said Dudley,
pointing t., his head.
enny language are the ehortest, 'Yes'
and 'No."
A PS,ta of Serpents.
Hutubolt, the great German travel.
ler and naturaiiat, descsribes a spec-
r`ho Indian said he was willing to tattle lee ouce v(itneeeed in the Seven.
work, and .agreed to kill a calf for the ualis of Izacuba, iu Gums, which he
Governor. Having done so he came well characterizes as "the Most won-
for his pay, derful and terrible" that can be seen.
'But,' said the Governor, 'you !leve We were ten tneu ou horseback,,
not dressed the calf. two of whom took the lead, iu order
'No,' said the Indian ; 'I was to to sound the passage, whilst I prefer -
have a shilling for killing him, Am red to skirt the great forest, , One of
he not dead, Garet:tor r the blanks who footled the vanguard
Finding himself outwitted, the Gov- returned full gallop, and called to cue,
ernor gave !blit another shilling for —
14ressiug it. It was not long before 'Here, sir. came and see the aer-
the Indian came back demanding a petite its a pile r
10 ^„i T
The above reward will be paid for the conviction of those Merchants who are selling
Machine Oils, and calling them Mon Lardine
The only genuine is manufactured by
McColl Bros. ct Co, Toronto.
Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness,
.Dyspepsia. Jaundice. Affections of the Liver and Kidney%
Pimples, Blotches, Boil:, Clamors, Stilt Rheum, r5'erof'ula,
.Trysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood,
,Deranged Stomach, or irregular <ictiot of the Bowels.
- Advertise vert se in the Exeter TIMES.
i good shilling to place of the bad nue He painted out to me something
which he claimed the Governor had elevated is the middle Gf the seven-
paid him. Tito GoTernor .paid him nab, which appeared like a bundle of
another. Returning another time acute. I p y
with still another brace piece to be said,—
changed, the Governor, couvinced of 'This is certainly otte of tlteee ea-
bia lcopvery, offered bite a half a' semblugee of eerpeutb which heap
crogn if he would doltvor a letter for themselves on each other after a vin -
bun,: The letter was directed to the lout teulpsst, I have heard of them, r
keeper of the prison, and ordered:hien but have pevor aeeu ;tuy ; let us tare-,
to give the bearer a eertain Gunther coed centiouely,eud not get too near.' ,
of lashes. When we were within twenty paces
The Indian, suspecting that all was of it, the terror of our horses pre.
not right, and meeting a servant of vented our nearer approach, to which,
the Governor, iuduced him to take aoue of us were inclined. Suddenly
the letter to its address. The result the pyrauridel masa became agitated ; '
of the Indian's stratagem was that a horrible hissing ivaued from it ; thou,
severe whipping was adriniatered to sands et serpents, rolled 4•pirally on
the uufartunete servant. The Gov- each other, shot forth out of the circle
•'Au' Atm, y ez Leprr a e:lrr"at e, tauul, ' ernor was greatly ohagriued at betug their htdeouit heads presenting their
Pianny haw 3sa pt, a second time outwitted by the Indian. envenomed darts and fiery eyes to us.
An' lliroosles e*rpit in tu-ri steno .l On falling in with bias some time after 1 own I was one of the first to draw
An' adore la !tape it hot he a .not ted him with some severity, back ; but when I saw this turwid•
-Now let the s. -e yrr rifereuee E, asking him why he had dared to cheat able phalanx remain at its pont, and
Lkr0111 tate lents Oral yea tied au41 deceive hist ea wan), times. appattreci t.. be more dial�oaet1 to de. "
1'iaat',1 die ? Shure ydrd
II ia+ly , uiSit2i, 'Headwork, Governor, headwork,' fent itself than t0 attack ue, 1 t-ade
Au wen't suit we, ticlisd' " was the reply. around in order to view its ordor of '
- Pleased at the fellows wit and an.. battle, which faced the enemy au
drolly, the Governor freely forgave I every aide.
him. I then sauglht w )tat could iso the
�, _ 1 design of this numerous aeaemblage ;
Htunoroutt. and I concluded that tilis species of
BEAT. „serpents dreaded (tome nolossean elle.
As au agout to °hereto waking, beat A work of fiction. --A. gas -meter. my, which might bo the great Serpent, i
or the Melee* and that they reunite
is useful iu regulatiug the action of ? If, as ie elated, the stomach of au I
the rennet. Never carry it highs en ostrich is located at its beck betwseu I thentselees after having seen their •
ough to scald or rank anything. II' the wings after a heart, meal ea' enemy, iu ordor to resist or attack f
Qua of ru cow au then
{+•#..�..EteSE- i.RAi7wlfN{.74
T. D. C1'RT29.
should reach only blood heat, which ,imagine it might look a little round ;brat le a mans'
is the temperature of the milk in the shouldered
cow's udder,where it war never known 'Whet Tile Planet and the Star.
to be cooked or cradled. Hence, our hat doss dila moan . e' asked a1 1
terms are unsuomere, We neither
cook nor scald curds. The milk
should ba set ata temperature rang -
scholar, who had been ecanniug some 1
lines written by a friend. ,obi' said 0 A glance at the western sky 'at
evening,' will show a star surpassing
another, "it doeeu t mean auytbing. i size and brightness every twinkle
in from 80 to 86 according to the It is poetry. 1.
n lin the irmTttuent. This star is the Uiiclert;ftj6Jl'.;
gg A. Vermont husband got wind of planet Juniper, the giant member of
state of the weather, the lower tem- the proposed elopement of his wife„. tlo caul'!' family, thirteen hundred �?f�TGULII Sgt TU
perature to be used iu hot weather, and frustrated it by keeping guard
and the higher in cool weather. More over t•ilk dress. She wouldn't run • times as large as the earth, and those ,Yh intend
commonly, the setting is done at 82 ° away in a calico gown, and he knew' though more than four hundred thochmnaufuct ire, . f the
to 84 ° . Precisely why the setting 11, million miles away, the most radiant dealer who buys to sell
is done at this temperature dace not star that shines in the heavens, '4'en- hiss a profit.nWeq aiitn
p The Spring obizkau was ori deck. us alone being excepted.
appear to be known. A little varix- 014 beeholor Crusty remarked that it
tion either way does not appear to was as tougb as Ieather, 'Shoo
snake any difference—save that a low- leather, I suppose,' exclaimed the
er ane works too slowly, and a higher boarder who never laughs.
probably too fast. No very definite She asked him on Tuesday what
or satisfactory experiments have been animal dropped from the ctoude, cud'
made iu regard to temperature. he answered : "The rain, dear."
Theoretically, the setting should be Theu 'there wad one 'nation. in two
done al 98 0 , the point at which Na.
titre sets tmilk iu the stomach, and at
which the rennet is most active. One
authority says lactic acid is rapidly
developed at 98 ° . Possibly betting
at that temperature might hasten its
developemeut too soon, as we set old
milk, which soon sours, and Nature
seta new milk, which sets slowly in
cheese -making at the usual tempera-
tures. Who knows ? The curd pro
perly out, proceed to gradually raise bio
the temperature to 98 ° to 100 ° , It
should be raised slowly and steidily,
giving time for the heat to penetrate
the pieces of curd, which are slew
conductors. Some atop at 90'°, or
the curd to take another rest 1 'There
may be some advantage in this, but 1
fail to see it or find it out by question-
ing. If the heat has been suddenly
raised 1) 90 ° , I can see the advan-
tage of stopping to let the. heat equal-
ize all through the pieces of the curd,
and thus, in a measure, prevent .more
rennet aottou oo the surfaces than . in
the centers. But when the .beat is
slowly raised—uot to exceed a degree.---
in four or five miuutes,and the curd
is out fiue 1 CAU see no reason why
the rise should not move steadily
along until the desired limit is reach-
ed. That point once attained, the
temperature should. be an nearly
maintained as possible until the curd
is "(Wolted"—tlhat is, the,proper
amount of Rhey is expelled, and the
requisite degree of firmness is emir
ed. If the room is at all cool, the vat
should be covered with a cloth when-
ever the curd is rest. A very con-
venient method of covering is to get,a
cloth a little wider limb the vat, and
tack it to strips of lath ruuuing cross-
wise, that ..ill project a little over
A. short distance east of the prince-
ly planet, ft bright star may be seen.
It is Regales, or Alpha Leonia, the
leading brilliant in the coneteiletion
Leo, or the Lien and the lower star
in the handle of the Starry Sickle, the
distinguishing feature of the constel-
mouthe, Yum 1 Yum 1
Main Street, Exeter.
Keeps Watches That Are Watches
And are warranted correct for Time, Tide, at Railroad
rain, aud to please tllA most fastidious.
That, is Isiah, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable
for Romans, Friends aur! Countrymen, Lovers, Brides,
Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely \1ives, Children, Hus-
bands, Etc'., Etc.
SPEOT:IGLES.--Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy
tuid pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age.
Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods.
Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to
lotion. � j c 1 E 1 1\T Disease iteelf may be a blessing, for If planet and star are closely watch -
it appears that in Philadelphia, "iu= ed, it will readily be seen that Jupiter
is drawing nearer Regulus. The ap- UNDEB' AXBR AND
!cresting cases"hire themselves out proach will continue until the 30th
to givethe purchasers the
benefit, which cannot fait
to moot the views of the
Grangers: Our- expenses
arelesathan those of cite
C. tf; S. GIDL.EY,
aur! 1rt'1trniturrs \i,rtu-ui elm re).
Emblems of all
the Different
Vcaln speoiulatite3it:o
to our 'undertaking dein.rl.
meut,which is more cow;
pletethanover,ee me have
addedsever n 1 newtttie aigne
al late The best cores
cashest aht.
alive ett
uneral requisite at the
tots est rrie t + Our new
Itoarsois prenounceelby
competent judges to be
second to none in the
to clinical lecturers at from 25 cents of May, when Jupiter will pass to the
to $2, acoording to the instructive -
nese of hie malady." east of Regulus and keeping on his
Pa,' said Johnny, at Barnum's cls- eastward course, will leave the star
ens the outer day, 'if one of three bebiud. The stare have been near
Arabs should fall down and knock all neighbors for seven mouths, haying
his teeth out would he tall( gum Ara- twice before been in conjunction or
passed ,each other on the celestial
An Irishman caught a bee after it road'.
had - stung him, and examining it A fine opportunity ie thus afforded
carefully, he said - 'Ire dirty little for studying the difference in the
movement of a tixe�d,btar and a planet.
hlaggart ! Yez bin eittii, round Lill The star is apparently unchangeable
in its position being=:carried westward
by the eastward motion of the earth
in her orbit.
The planet is rightly named 'a
wanderer,' for seen from the earth he
moves now forward, now backward,
anp now he is stationery. • For this
reason curing the winter he has been
sometimes on the west of Regulus,
and his moyements have been unea-
sily interesting,'
Au observer judging from the ap-
pearance of the two stars, would con-
yez worn the sate out of yer breeches,
an' bedad oi've found yer knoite
shtickeu through the hole in yer hip
pocket; yer little haythen 1'
'I see your wife's back,' said Joe
Praeesus to John Peene, whose better
half had been on a visit to Hastings:
'Well,' said Penne, 'If you see any-
thing on my wife's back that aiu't
paid for, just mention it.'
Joslt Billingsgate.
Most people are like au egg, too
phlill'of themselves to hold anythiug aider Jupiter of ;far greater impor-
else. , taupe. Iu reality the planet is of
Curiosity is the germ.ov all cuter little accouut by the side of the star.
prises—men dig for woodchucks more The former is a dark body, borrowing
for curiosity than they dofor wood
eh ticks,
There iz.lois of pbolkslu this wurld.
who ken Keep nine oat,ov ten oy the
almost all his Iightfrom the sun, and
invisible from the nearest fixed star.
The latter is a glorious sun 'Mining
by its owu light and piercing the star
cornmand,nents without enny trouble depths fro>n, a distance so inconoety-
at all, but the one that 1s left they able that if it were this night blotted
kant keep the small end ova fromthe sky, it would continue to
There is numerous individuals in shine there for many years to come.
the land who look upon what they -0.4•• •
hain't got az the only thing worth The opinion of the general public in regard
having. to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is confirmed by
each edge of the vat. These slats One man ov genius to 97 thousand clergymen, lawyers, .public speakers, and
actors, All say it is the best remedy that
should be about a foul apart. This four hundred and 42 men ov talent can be procured Yor all affections of t} e
fixed, *the:clotty IS easily rolled up ie just about the right proporehun for vocal organs, throat, and lungs.
Funerals furnished a,...
conducted at the very low
est rates'
My:Stock of Undertaking
goodsis large, complete
and we assorted, and any
person requiring anything
in this line will ftudit to
theiradvautageto give me
a call and examine for
t 64 r
• Igh,hri , ;ani ,
.i.- Vii'
I have just race veil a
large stock Walnut and
Rosowood Caskets; also
Coffins of every descrip-
tion. A complete stook
of Robes and Trimmings
alway onhand.
The latest styles of
Chamber and Parlor Suits
ail kinds of Furniture :at
thelowest rates.
Remember the place -Nearly opposite Kemp's Tobacco Store, Main -street, Exeter.
JOHN 331=L4WN.
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