The Exeter Times, 1885-6-4, Page 5The Scott Act. An order -in -Council declares the Canada Temperance AO in force iu the county of lOgin: after the .expiry of the l)reeent licensee. Don't we any more naureen0 purgatives, each as Pills, Salts, &e„ when you eau get in Dr. Carson's Stomach 13ittere, a madioine that moves the bowels gently, cleansing ell impurities from the system, and rendering the blood pare and cool. Bald by slt Drug. gists. Not Far it'rom ifl'owe. News Condensed., enoe of mind, in.iently grasped the Hand and pulled it off the saw, there is little doubt but that the limb would ,have peen out to pieces, and possibly' even mere various results might have occurred, The wound was bound up as well es it could be, and Mr. Down. ay was conveyed to his home es speedily ae possible, when wedioal aid was prooured. Thus far he is progressing as well as could be ex• expected under the oiroumetanoes,end the dootora have good hopes that the sufferer will pull through alright, and that too, without rhe los of the injured limb. , LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE R'Y, 00ING Nonan, Express avail, 2460194e. London,depart 7 45A.Ar, 4 50RX, 6 30 A, ar. Exeter ... 8 57 6 10 9 35 llensall 909 624 9 57 Rippon .. 9 13 6 2e le 07 Brucefleld S 23 6 48 10 27 Clinton .-, 646 705 1130 Londeabore 10 00 7 29 14 00 River ,.. ..,..,,.10 07 7 27 1316 P.E. Belgrave 10 92 7 46 12 48. Wingham arrinel0 85 7 33 1 $6 0000180vxn, E preee Mail. end Ciao* Wiegl►arn, dept 7 48,x.1[.3 80 e.nr. 40 80A 14 Ileigr'ave 8 00 3 4? 11 21 Blyth 818 330 11 42 Londhsboro 8 24 338 14 00 Oilman850 405 12 45,•x.. Brucefald a 05 4 19 3 13 Rippers 913 427 127 Hornell 918 432 135 Exeter 9 255 London arrl1e30 5511 5 50 5 30 Seaforth High ;aahool foot hall club A Verger's peatL" H),NSALL. wanted at the Hertssli Oat- defeated ait- eea d f led the Mitchell High School Meal Addis, fifty thousand bushels of good '!kickers" a few day* since. Francis Bsuns died of heart diseeee Sound Oats 101" Milling pnrposee. The bigh. The Howlotr I n terpri e, which has been in existence for five and a half year., hae been suspended, the' pro. prietor having resolved upon entering another busiueee, Mr. Shaven, of Lucke, has sold hie residence on li[ain street, in that vil- lage. to Ur. A. W. Nation ; price paid Mr, Odell, of St, 'fhoulas, will trot the etallion "Goderioh Chief"' at the 8I.. lllarya races on the 5111 of June, and at Ailsa Craig July let. A serious accident happened at a barn raising on the farm of Mr. '.l' Stinson, 4lanley, a few days ago, by which Mr. Robert Johnston will be a cripple for life, 0 he eurvives hie in- juries,. By some means a girt fell on - him, breaking his ribs and siloulde"r blade, and so badly smashing ane of his feet that 1110 dilator could do noth- ing with it for the time. Mr, T. Bell, of the Wingham la- oeosse club, met with a rather eerions accident a oou;ple of weeks agoby a bores, while sitting in a buggy. Ile was unable to take a place in the match at Walkerton, although he was there. We are glad to say that he in recovering, but 0111 finds more use for a Dane than a lacrosse stiok. On Monday of last *took a small boy named Redmond, of Cllntoa,went out fishing, and aaoidentslly ran a hook deep in the end of the index was obtained under the extradition finger. Some of those who were with sat, and Baum wee taken auto custody b h ld Ssturdsy afternoon, while drugin jail att,Ohatbarn, awaiting extradition to Attlee, Texas, Over a year ago a oonspiracy was organized at Dallas by Baum and 6,V3 others to dolma a railway company, and in order to ef. feet their purpose they managed to secure the oo-operation of the railway agent, and between the early Mille of lading were 'mod for a large number of bale, of ootton, the vales of which. amounted to over *100.000. The bills were forged, es no cotton W011ever held or chipped by the party, and B00111 disposed of the fraudulent hill., and, having 'soured the looney, a division was wide between. the gang, the railroad agent, and lights of the legit fraternity who were taken into theirjoonfldenoe. When the matter came to a conclusion the pertiaipante took a lately devotion for parts un- known, with the exception of Baum, who ws taken into ouatody ou a charge of forgiug and uttering forged paper, He was bailed in the aunt of $8,500 to appear for trill, but before the time fixed for ilio trill, he quietly slipped away and went to Qilatham. The matter was platted in the hands of a detective employed by the Gould system of railways, who traced the mis.inrt man to Canada, Upon his snivel at Challis= he consulted Chief Baxter, when it was a.oertaiued that Baum was in London. A warrant him soared Ulm y anr out off, a wan and and lodged in the Chatham jail about about the accident, allowing the hunk led. Proceedings were at once taken when he wont home he said nothing a year after fila °rime was take t. ilhet hiw, And, as the roeecution _ est price will be paid. Oat -meal exchanged requireto have the finger for oats. Q�wl MENSAL. 130303,3, Mars3, One of the roost complete relies mils in the Province, is constantly running and giving the beat satis- faction. (triune, done to order on chert notice. The roller flour tsltes the lead, Try it and be Convinced, 'SO tons of good Mid- dlings on Isend et low Spree. d, few cars of Corn and Corn Chop on hand. RANNIE 413htorae&ar_. MARKET 'PORTS. (Corrected at5e'oloekp.m. Wedaeaday.h ofAla* wrrEAT WttiteWbeirr ,,, ,.. .., 0anto0t1a white Wheat Saw .. -M. .. �' deo to 0 Red W bea1Nax .: 0 80 to 0 es i Patna wa8A7� rife (new) .•• ••• ••• 0 80 to 0 8; barley ••, •• .. 0 60 to 0 OR Oats , 0 30 90 0 3ti OloyerFeed .., 600roe24 Timothy .., ... . 1 25 too 200 Pea* ,.. ,,. .,, ... 0 a5 to 0 6c Oore ... .•. -.. ... a 58 to 0 6G &gs. .,. .,. •• .. 011. act U 11 Rutter ... .. -, .. C 6 to 0 31 k'lourp rbbl..., ... ... 5 00 to 855 Potateei,per bag .• .•. 0 2710 0 07 ApPle*,par bag .• .. 0 40 t0 0 50 vriedApplespr b ... ... 0 0t to 000 Heine per lb. ... ... 005 to 0 0e Turkey pprlb, -. ,•. ,.. 00610006 DugkaPerev .., 0 40 t4 0 e0 Cialekeata Par tar , ,. ... 025 to 0 as Iteaaf "dreeeedper30e .. . „ 5500 to 556 75 Ifidearenhg, .., .,. ... 6 00 to 6 0e el dressed .4„ 6 00 to e, e0 elieepakilts,eanb .,. ..• ... 0 40 to 6 75 Calfskin .. .. 050 to 0 77 Wool par lb Ra�7parton .., ,,. , 800 ttoo30 00 i4aiionsuerbush -. .., 060 300 75 Wood per cord . 350 to 2 73 HERBAL”, 4(AlIE$TS.. PROPERTY LILT { ABU FOR SALE IN STEPHEN, Lot 1':e 5, in 4th, Concession. 100 aeree. Per partie ulare aptly to 40) Feb., 1885, B. V. ELL10T, Solicitor, 49, ixoter -PAKM FOR 3 ALE. The oubsorib- and Norte Halt orreSorLaot 2, 1h sou Bait _of ane On the 0amlees are a brink house 90.x28, nearly "new.00ntaininge rooms; frame barn $4x46. with stabling ; asmail bearing orchard, and a neverlaiingwel, The land 1a wen drained and in a good state of cultiva,son. There are 12 agree of lli1 wheat in the ground and con-' aidezab1elall plougi�lni[ done. Distance from Exeter, 5 milea, 4P4 it zz 71a from contrails,. Terme to suit purchaser. Poaseeatin given either below) seeding or after harvest. Pur- chaser can be supplied with need grain. For further particulars apply on the prepuces to O. 11. $p114GUE, or by letter to ExeterP. 0, ARu FOR SALE IN THF TOWNS 3P OF STEPHEN. --Lots 16 +k 17. core. 7; 300 sere,. of which about 1(,e acres are tree o1 stnnaps, anal under good cultivation. 50 acres pasture' ad awes good bush, whirls contains front to 8500 worth of pine; only 1I Mlle* frena the Village of Crgd4Wn. el miles from Exeter. Marge tulok house, good well in cellar, 2 bank barn*. root hewn'. *Wring ,bed, a well that baa 001 yet been empty.witl wind -:!rill , abont 3 &ores of first-class orchard. A large selection of the beat Crs7ed aPplo twit, P1uma,pears and grape •twee. ab0u8 r00 cherry treeI,;most3T around outside : aboet200 clad* trees along the concession road. Prices moder- ate oder - ate' tarns eaay. Far further particulars. apPlr to M4TTi3Id8 A30R1,ftCE,Credhton 3", 0., out. To RETIRED FARMERS AND OTHERS. Will be sold shortly under Power of Sale fhl a Mortgaga tire Randsoma Ira14W1toat perbh ... Sarsng ... 73ar1oY tbricltt) Barley ireedlo4) .., White Data, Rlaok Oats apples per bbl. .,. rotatoes per bt► ISIS OUT and return to us with 10c or 4 3o stamps, and you'll get by aeturn mail a. Golden Box of Goode that will bring you in more money than anything ales in America. Yon, fortune if you start 00.10%. CITY NOPE I+'Y CO., taxi outh, N. 0. }JARKNESS HMR BALM. Restores grey hair to its na: Lural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the half from falling out, increases its, growth, and will not soil the skin. .Ria a hair Ores- sing', it has n superior. Guar. a intee4harmless. Prepared br liarkne & Co. 1,,.ondon, Ont, Sold by an and Pateet 1li;R A.31(l �4 rounds Formerly occupied by the late Heart' W. Hall. Barrister. Apply to N, i ,11ULLE ,: London, A KINA . T 1KortlOelteixielti SUMMER TOUR lretaw LOw7Rat4e 34., To:" pis WeI mama DETROIT AND MACKINAC vasa# Envy Week Das *etwssa. carom AND CLEVELAND Picturesque Ihtsciciftats,"" tilaetratisl Oasaalm NIA Iarttsalanh Watls,t,ltilee. lead afsant.N*v .Ca. al. Sm. PAUI. Ntrr. tae. MMIClt,• Ain" T FOR D. ITARS.-.- Pennant to an order of tate sigh. Court or Justice (Cbancerr Division?, male in a esus. wherein WiWanl J. Carlile ut plshatiff and La. vina Ann Currie and others ere darendentia. *1303 ereditora of Roberti/tuxes Carlile. and. Samosin . , e tial to 9 eo the County of Huron,yye�entan,who al R on o 45 to 0 440 33t1t Oaor t the (ley of t march l reapeetively, 0 t78 to 0 3(• are on or Wore the tock day of June, U Of to R 00 ��a k sand l lot, of we prepaid, mmooJ,of� xetermin l O0 to 109 ... ... 0 :5 to 0 52 We said miff t ei 13umu,ttae iolicitur a es Raid vlaintiA their Glariatian and surnames 0 m 10 9 So arille,both late of t1telTown>:hip of flay •.' oti to remain iv his ,agar until, next awere doubtful of securiugphis extra. morning, when h,s mother accident• clition on the format charge, they shy discovered what he had done, ceased him of arson. It eeerne he and taking him ton doctor the hook' had burne'i his laudlord'e lienee was removed by the finger beingt wl tlol. He was convicted and r_. lanced. A like the Queeas Birth• mauled for extradition on this charge hatidey I day is perhaps as good a time as any to judge of the working of the Scott Aot, and if the number of dten under the influence of liquor here, on Mon- day last, oan be taken as an illustra- tion in this direction, then the Scott Acs iea success. Amid the numbers on the driving park on that day, only three were observed the worse of It. quer, and thse claimed to have brought it with them from outside the county. Down town very few indi- viduala were observed the worse of liquor ; if there were many such they knew enough to keep quiet, which is more than they usually do under the circumstances. We could name Iwo young men, at least, who out in the first sober holiday on Monday that They have spent for years.—Clinton New Era On Thursday of last week when the men were engaged taking down the scaffolding after having complet- ed Mr: Broadfcot's brink chimney at Seaforth, which ie over 70 feet high. Mr. Robert Sleeth, one of the work- men, hada most remarkable escape from serious, if not fatal injury. He and another man were standing upon a single plank about fiftyfeet from the ground, when a piece of scantling fell and struck him on the head. He was knocked senseless, and, strange to say, fell lengthwise on the plank. His companion at once took hold of him and held him from falling off an. til aesistanae wee prooured and he was taken down. He soon reoovered and was not much the worse for his narrow esoape. Had he fallen a couple of inches more either to the one side or the other he would almost certain- ly have gone to the ground beneath, and if not instantly killed, must have been very seriously, if nos fatally, In- jured. An inch was as good as a mile in hie ease. Mr. Thome' Downey, of Seaforth. mel with a most painful and serous accident 0110 day recently. It eeeme that Itr. Downey was baok at his saw mill in the township of Mo$illop, and while there had cemesion to examine into the working of au edging saw. While standing beside the maohine he put his band over to see if the gearing on the opposite side was heating. In doing this the rapidly revolving taw caught his goat sleeve, and in a twinkling drew his arm in, cutting and tearing the flesh in a fear- ful manner. The flesh for several inohee between the wrist and the el- bow is out and torn to the bone. Had it not been for a man who was stand- ing near, and who, with great prey and eubaoquently on the forgery charge. He appealed to the (]curt of Appeal, which laud not yet given its deczelon. Death of Donald dross. Another pioneer has been removed from North Middlesex by the death of Donald Roes, of Nairn, He was born in Taln, Rossehire, Scotland, in the year 1820. His father was Ar- thur Ross, late of the 78th Highland- ers, who removed to Canada and set- tled in Adelaide township along with a large number of half.pay officers and pensioners. During the rpbellon of 1837, the subject of this memoir, being an ultra loyalist, volunteered and took part in the campaign on the extreme Western Peninsula of Ontar- io. in 1843 he removed 10 East Williams, near Ibe prevent site of Nairn village, and in 1845, he mar- ried Margaret, ssoond daughter of the late William Halbert. Three sons and two deaf/hien survive him. Of his sons three adopted the legal profession, yiz. : Arthur W. Ross, M. P., of Lisgar, Manitoba ; the late W. H. Rose, and James A. Rose, of Winnipeg. His only brother was the late A. M. Roes, of London. His fa. Ther died al the age of 85 and his mother was 94 at her death, while he has passed away at the age of 65. When the militia was just organized in Upper Canada he held a captain's commission. No man was better known, or had more personal friends in North Middlesex ; an earnest of which was given by the large number who followed the remains to their last reeling plane. He always took a deep interest in public matters, and berog a wonderful reader, and possessing wonderful memory, he took au intelli- gent :view on all publio platters. .In politics he was a life-long Conserva- tive. He had a very large vein of humor, and possessed an unlimited fund of anecdotes : and at the same time was a serious student of history, whish he earnestly and constantly read. He early took a deep interest in the North-West, many years bo - fore its acquisition by the Dominion, and all hie sons adopted it as their home. The church and clergy al- ways found him a liberal giver and a warm friend --generous to a fault. The poor and needy were 11e781 turn- ed away from him in vain ; and his door was ever open to the stranger. In his death has passed away a faith- ful husband and a proved and loving . father; a good neighbor, and au in- telligent and loyal citizen. OHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships Of Stephen, Fray and tieborno, and the Village of Exeter. All sales prontntiv attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Bales arranged, at this Office. LYSE, T8E T9I6VR MR, Wt*L LYNE is prepared :o do CUSTOM TAILORING ON HURON-ST.ONE BLOCK' WEST OF 3lANi3ION HOUSE. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaetion guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that he will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. CENTRAL addreasea end description. the full particuhsrl ofthetrclaima.e,tatemeatnf their 400000ta snit the nature of the 00enrhtt00 fit anyi he+l,t by them, or in default thereof they will no per. minor fly excluded from the lament of the said eater.. Every creditor huldingany security is 90 produce the enrols briars) mo at maty cham- bers at the town of (ioderlch,on the 23rd ,lay of Juno, liar, at 11 c'elock in the forenoon, he. lug the time appointed for the adjuaatiun on the °taints, Dated this lath day of klay,16'b7, 1Siflnedi S.S1.ILCO31SON Local Martyr at Godorich: DRUGSTORE' A full stock of all kinds Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. L,IUTZ. of SEE DS, seeds, Seeds! Fresh 1'A0h and Reliable 1171 TAILOR !O?! wise Senior i4 itch« to inform the inhabitants of Exeter anti stlrrl,trndiRn4 t"awlrblaips, that he had opened A Tailoring Shop ia. FA` SO`'S BLOCK, y ul"•r r+iz , where be will be itreparbn to do all hinds of Custom Tailoring. If you want a Good. -fitting and Well -,rade Snit, Coal or Pante, un will find Sat- isfaction by giving him a trial. kir. Senior has had long ex - Garden, Field and Flower perience and is a practical workman. Remember the Spot, Directly over Geo. A. Hyndmau's Grocery Store. SEEDS In great Variety at the Diinion Labaty BEANS.—German Black Wax, New Golden VVax. BEET.—Long Dark Blood. UABBAGE.--Early Wonuingstadt, Early Large York, Early French Drumhead, Stone Mason. Marblehead, Prime Flat Dutch, CARROT.—Early Short Horn, Early Scar- let Born. CORN.—Earlp Minnesota; Dolly Button. CUCUMBER.—Early Cluster, Bismark Long Green, Perfection .Pickling. LETTUCE.—Early Boston Curled, Early Prize Head. MUSK MELON.—Coral Flesh. WATER MELON.—Mountain Sweet. PEAS.—Ferry's Extra Early. McLean's Little Gem, Champion of England. RADISH.—Early Long Scarlet (short top) Early Round Deep Scarlet, Long White Spanish. TOMATO.—Livingstone's Favorite, Trophy. FOR TEE F ARM : Besides a full line of Garden Seeds in package, we aro also offering the following varieties of Fresh Field and Garden $eels IN BULK, which is, of•course, is the cheap- est way by all odds to buy them. TURNIPS.—Purple Top Yellow Aberdeen, Bangholm Purple Top Swede, Carter's Improved Purpie Top Swede. CARROTS.—White Belgian (for the garden) Beer ENGLISH MUSHROOM SPAWN. Call early as the stock is. Choice and limited, and we are determined to carry no seeds over. .3 W. BROWNING, Proprietor. Will. Senior. ntc1nia1 ai1!a; The Direct Route from the West for all points in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward island, Cane Breton and Newfoundland. All tho popular sea bathing. fishing and pleasure resorts of Canada are along this line Pullman cars leaving Montreal os Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday run through to Halifax. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day to St. John, N.B., without change. Close connections made at Pointe Levis with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's Steamers 1ronh Mentreal, and at Levis with the North Shore Railway Elegant first-class Pullman. Buffet and Smoking Cars on alt through trains. First-class Refreshment Rooms at conveni- ent distances. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS will find it advantageous to use this route as it is the quickest in point of time, and the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains and experience has proved the Inter - colonial route to be the quiokestfor European freight to and from all points in Canada and the WWestern Stater. Tickets may bo obtained and also informa- tion about the route and about freight and passenger rates from ROBERT B. MOODIE, Western Freight &Passenger Agent 03 RossinHouse Block, York St., Toronto D. POT'1'INGRR, Chief Superintendent. Railway Office, 5fouctou, N. B:,May 14,'85-1y: Over Over Ares. Fonthill Nurseries Ares. The Largest in the Dominion, SALESMEN WANTED To begin canvassing at ono° ou spall Sales, Steady employm ent to successful men. Good agents are earning from $40 to $75 per month and expenses. Terms and outfit free. Address STONE A: WELLINGTON. Toronto, Out.