HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-4, Page 4Vie oder ` er Ines. in the Globe, and have set about to politically scalp him in advance,wbioh THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1885. is their usual mode of warfare. EXTRA' DIN CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bran- Bold, by J. W. Browning, EDITORIAL NOTES. G THE F'R.9 'l.'HIb'F4. ohitis iwmediatelyxelieved by Shiloh's Cure A great deal of misrepresentation has beau indulged in by the oppon- ents of the Bill to extoud the right to vote to those rightfully entitled there- A v&ilx fate large wap of Manitoba to. That' !lave stated that thoueauds l atad part of the North-West`L'errilor of electors would ba dialfranehited i# 164 !inti just beau axtmeul aisepedt Ottfrom the I P Ro al Tamil will make tours in Ire- teor De awa. It The Landon police hive bean in- formed that swo dyualuders have ar- rived in Eugland and ouly await'a favourable opportunity to carry out their nefarious designs. Some of the Berlin papers are very warlike in tone over the Zanzibar trouble, and hint that England and Italy must be punished, for hailing ibe Sultan of Zanzibar agaiu*t the A special to the ;:!,tail says that while it is probable member. of the w the Bill were allowed to beooe law. As the opponents of the measure hsrdly ever read any papers but the ri g land during na;tl autumn, the nese embr>tcea that portion a# the Narth- , , � . gnat lyiogt betwesu Thunder Bay en Will not Writ the island, taae ostenaibla Toronto Globe and the London :1ct: er- the east and. MorleyviUe on ►he G, P. reason being that liar liealtlt is not ttre,, which juurnaie have never pub- R. on the wait, and in addition to the robust enough entaala statid the alms of the strain. lscrosae Iiahed the amendments ehiola have ordinary topographical features shown championship aeries wen played ou been made to the Bill by the Premier, the location of the. Indian Reserves Saturday afternoon in Toronto and as he promised at its intrndnotion lied the .Uominiort land aurveve up to Holitreal. Al Tommie the }tome would be Made, they ars perhaps aaot December 81st, 1884. It is -ono of club defeated therhiontrealers, taking awareRobbing ofg their unsure. Instead a too finest rnapa ever isaliad ed the I three ittrai ht aures, Iii Montreal Robbing thoueanda o{ the •ralioltiae, (irovarnmeut, and was compiled Audi the Shamrocks defeated the Ontaries,. E W RD as they have alleged the Bill would drawn under she direotion of Mr. E. of Taranto, bythree stuns to one. do, it, on the contrary, placer, the Devine,FRA t3 F R. S. G„ B L. J. Marion, C. E.. L. R. Yoligny, C. E., and E. T. W. bowler. V4i• chief ins eolcr�of eurve e, b Measre. Ina twit brought in Chicago by a qualification so low that thousaude of p y U►SLII\TS are all the gr, this season sure.. - , - female spiritual medium far Divorce from her husband on the ground of !'Q' will be surprised to see the piles we have. cruelty and desertion, the latter gave ! as iii+ reason for leaving bit wife ttlat intelligent and industrious citizens who beve heretofore been denied the right to cast the ballot will now be Mtn, ',hams, of Huron, recently insetted with that right. The fallow- presented to Parliament t► ge recently . he got tared of slaying et home at Mg are the amendments :— p ni lit miadiu the babies ivhils iiia $Iu towns, the property qualiifsastloD, both against the l+ ranohise Bill which pup- g !i as repots ownership and occupation, is re, ported to come from Goderioh. There knightr was perpetually attending dueed from SHOO to 8200 ; the income frau- ars about t 00 voters in that tont, ahise is lowered from 8100 to 11300. and and there are 102 names on the pati- elaretnge declared to constitute an income tion, .a.coording to a correspondent quelaroation, lions of owners at real prop- of the Star thiel of thane signatures arty are allowed to qualify en their father's y g property, it net absent from their parent's are those of people having no vote in residence for a longer period than nix Goderioh. Of the thirty twenty have Ytuoed, in the year, the .hill, as first intro- no votes at all, and the remainder duoed, limiting abseneo to four months ; and velli in other !nose. The latter will, the time spent by mariners in pursuit of p their calling, and students at colleges or no doubt sign petitions from hose # b considered time spent at I schools, o .e conal a as tm iiema, i9 that of a mac who is away, and vigor, mental activity, and lightness and Under the provisions et the bill Ronerally, another wazt'a name appease twine. buoyancy of spirits, Always ask for Bonis:- there will now be entitled to vote; San's Ptiosgaoiuzsn Ea.011$1 s, and be ante All persons MAAR property et the value Another petition is being hawked you get it, of 8800 ie cities. et the 'rale° et 8200 in ' about in Goderioh, and of it the Mar towns, and of the value of 4150 in villages and rural districts, nava ;--aThrea gentleman who signed All temanis paying a monthly rental of$2, it have stated that they fill so un - S Cu Con RILO1I'8 COUGH and Consumption; Our is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares sumptien, Sal by J, W. Browning. The continued use of 1 obinSon's Pliosphorixett Emulsion invariably _ cleanses the blood from all impurities and other laces as wall, one ei minae 1 restores the system to aetateof healthfulness & g that is manifested in inareeaed conatittttioaai and a yearly rental of t}20 thinkingly, not fully understanding Ml persons earning $300 a year, er de.1 the purport of the petition."' siring an income of that amonat from any trade, calling, office or profession, or from an Investment or charge on real property. 1'Htt population of France is de - Seas et property camera and sons of farm. ; creasing instead of inoreasing. The Scott's Emulsion ot rare ars, when the property of the parent is suf-1 mortality among infants belonging to Cod Liver Oil. with Bypopriosprtites. &cient in value to quality them. i the puoror classes is aliening. So For Children and Pulmonary Troubles. Fishermen whose property, including',. alsoplumsiS the death d tackle, la of the salla °f $160. ; plums or foundlings left to the charge says "L have made a thorough test with Scotts Emulsion in Pulmonary troubles, and general debility, and have been astonished at good results, and as a remedy for children with Rickets or liarasmus, it is unequalled." For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you hale a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's-Vitaiizex. It never faits to cure. Sold by J. W. browning. rate among Ilia or- Dr. W. S. Myr, Point Pleasant. W. Va., boats as Tine as certainly a liberal extaliclon l of tbe Communes, who are placed out of the franchise that will be appreei-, to nurse, and dropout of life in ated all over our Dominnou, and a t safest! with the hassled Ontario 1 numbers daring the first year of their cam p ' existence. This can hardly be won Act shows the ivaptnesa of • ---, -._ thr staee. i dared at when babies in the first year MARRIED. melt made by a fear that 1t is in any of their existence are paid for at the ammo a ilisfrnuchistuy measure.rale at linty six to fifteen franca a Mai,TErrn--Ai.rrsos,—At the residence of P(3#, v» %fetKEI+, month, and of this amount or from four to tan sous a day the nurse is supposed to lodge, feed, and care for the child, After the first year the pay is reduced by a third, while from 6 to 13 years of age in no fewer than ten Frenoh departments the nurses' pay is only from 3 to 9 francs a month ; or from 2 to 6 sous per diem. O'Nxir.—At West McGillivray, on the 31st TUE Bill amending the Scott Act, nit., the wife of Mr. C. H. O'Neil, of a son. whioh passed through the Commons MAC:inrnun.—At HenaaU, on Juno Int, the by a large majority, and whioh con- wife of John Maearthur, of a son and tained amendments whioh are really daughter. &tr. Mill's paper, the London fid. rertisar, in its issue of Satnrday last nabs oPoundmakec a bloody -!landed murder and cut-throat. In the To- ronto Globe of the same date the foI- lowing widely differeut description of the character and appearance of thie Iudian chief is given by one of its staff of writers, whioh, no doubt will be accepted by the readers of that paper as torrent. The writer says :— 'Poundmakor is a patriotic lover of his own race and people: 'A man of much more than ordinary in- tellectual forte and keenness of perception, even to prescience.' 'Sas a good opinion of human nature gen- erally.' SD. especially averse to lying in all its forms.' 'A brave and resolute leader.' 'A tall, slender figure, in a closo-fitting blank frock coat: 'Singularly solemn and dignified in his manner. 'Communicative in all matters pertaining to his people.' 'Told stories ot hie people, of their tradi- ditionel loyalty to the British flag ; their gentleness to the poor, the suffering, and the unprotected ; and their love of the pnranite of peace as opposed to those of war and pi1- Inge.' 'Proud to say that the Crees bad never shad the blood of the white man.' 'Never given to boasting.' 'Always spoke of war and the old fends between the Green and the Blackfeet with a perceptible aversion: 'Surprisingly well-balanced views regard- ing his own race and people.' . 'Breadth of intellectual grasp.' 'More anxious to shine as a statesmen than as a warrior.' 'Absolutely indifferent to personal danger,' `Soft low voice: 'Fine classically -cul face.' 'Mellow musical voice.' Some of the legends of his people, eepe- ,oially those having a pretty or sympathetic Sum, were favorite themes with him.' If the new Franchise Bill conferred the right to vote on Poundmaker and the North -Weal Indians (whioh i1 does noi) Messrs. Blake, Mills, Carl- ton t Co. might have some reason for opposing it for no doubt Pound - maker would then be eleoled as rep- resentative to Parliament for some district in the North-West in opposi- tion to the present Government, and being possessed, as tbe Globe writer says, of the keenest perception, he would M once see the great dieadvan- age the Opposition are laboring un- der in not having leaders possessing the necessary qualifications to ensure success for the party, and would call for the immediate dismissal of these gentlemen from the position of lead- ers. They fear the "talented" Pound maker, ' whose exemplary character and ability must have been known to them previous to being portrayed the bride's father, on the 20th ult., by the Bev. G. Fletcher, Mr. Geo. Mantua', jr„ to Miss Annie Allison, daughter of Mr. John Allison, all of Uaborne. FLETCHER—FRANCIS.—Lt the Methodist par- sonage, Eliinville, on the 2nd lust., by the Rev, W. R. Gana, Mr. John E. Fletcher, to Miss Emma, third daughter of Henry Francis, Esq., all of Usborne. BORN. necceseary for the successful work- ing of the Aot, came before the Sen- ate a short tisie since, and that body has struck out nearly all these am- endments and other amendments, whioh the Commone rejected by a large majority, have been added, among which is one allowing the gale of beer and light wines in counties where the Scott Aot is in force ; but the amendments by the Senate mud, before they can become law, be concurred in by tbe Commons, whioh is really the popular House, where the popular will of the people can hardly be overlooked, and the members of this responsible body will hardly go back on their previous vote and concur in the Senate's am- endments, which virinatly kills the Aot and sets at naught the voice of the sovereign power expressed through the ballot -box by 65 constituencies out of 75 where the Act has been voted on. Besides, in 1883 the Commone, by a large majority, pledged them- selves that they would give a more stringent measure if the Canada Temperance Aot was ' found not to answer the purpose. We think (here is very meagre proepeols that the amendments as proposed by the Senate will be oonourred in by the House of commons, at least so far as COAGULINE.--Cement for Brok- the wine and beer license clause is en Articles. Sold everywhere. concerned.Sole Makers. --KAY BROS.. Stockport England. JUBILEE SINGERS. ',The most interesting feature of the recent exhibition at Montreal was acompany ofcol- ored Jubilee Singers engaged in manufacturing the celebrated Gold Coin Tobacco, and at the same time delightingtheorowds of spectators 'with exquisite southernmelodies, el gold med- al and a apecialdinloma were awarded to this thanks of brand mmitteetenderedctothe the ams Tobacco O o. for their attractive exhibit COMING. "A Night in Auld Scotia." Scotlands Sangs The Celebrated and Only family of Vocalists now in America, Scotch The Bairnsfather Family Will appear in 1 Drew's Hall, Exeter, OF FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE THE TWELFTH, '35 Under the Auspices of Exeter Division, Sons of Temperance. This Family consists of five vocalists. and ha ve been greetad with 'full houses wherever they have appeared. Don't fail to hear them. Tickets 95 cents. Reserved seat tickets may be obtained at usual price at Dr. Luta' Drug Store and from members of the Division. For lame back, side or chess, use Sbiloh's Poronus Plaster. Prise 26 cents. Sold by J. W. Browning, -Oaf News Notes. Some asses of genuine Asiatic chol- era are said to have occurred in Lon- don. Bishop Hamilton, of Niagara, held his first ordination service on Sunday at Guelph. German Trading Company but it is said that no regard is paid': in yoliti- oat circles to this belligerent talk. The rebels are beginning to renew their attacks upon Suakim, and more of the tribes hitherto friendly to Eng- land are wavering. OB COUGHS AND COLDS. F _ KAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN- SEED, Aniseed., Senega, Squill,Tolu, ao with Ohiorodvne. KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expectorant ' for Co hs and Oolda, ug KAY'S ,'COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally servicabte; for Horses andCattle. KAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu Neuralgia Face -ache deo. TRY DR. DOWN S GOLDEN LINIMENT for Diphtheria, Croup, and Asiatic Cholera. A sure cure, Pain of all kinds quickiy,relieved. Internally and extern- ally. Ask for it. Take no other. See testimo• nials. For sale by all Druggists. Stoll an array of nice goods is hard to beat. Light and Cool just the thing for summer wear. Ixr fact what nearly everybody wants. 0 No better value in the county anywhere ;--- So new, so nice and so cheap as at t BANTON BROTHERS. Oolored Muslims in great variety, a desperate bargain at 10 cents ; very much finer at 13 cents. Selling like eveJy- thing. Cama soon, if you would share iu these goods. White Muslims in spoon, florals, stripes, &c., Lawns, Nain- sooks, All-over Embroideries and everything comptete in Cool Dress Wear At RANTO.LV BROTHERS. Ladies, Don't forget our celebrated UNBREAKABLE Collars, Ask for them ; take no others. '85 NEW SPRING GOODS '85 JUST ARRIVED AT THE Exeter Tailoring Establishm't CHAS. SOuTHCOTrr Has received a Splendid assortment of CLOTHS and TWEEDS very Choice Goods, and will 8611 thorn cheap for CAsu. Suit4 Made to Order On Short Notice. -- A FIT GUARANTEED. No credit given. Sold ONLY for ll ASH, and that !deans Cheap Goods. Call and see his stock before placing your order. Exeter, 4th Maren,1885 CHAS.' SO' 'TIMOOTT. Latest Novelties of El Season OTJR DRY -GOODS STOCK Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to suit the times. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you want and at right prices: JAMES PICKARD The Old Established House, Exeter C CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., COUNTY HURON JULY EXAM1- PE O'NEIL'S BANK, where he will be prepared to extractteethwithont pain. All operations performed with ease and skill. Gold fillings a speoiaiity. Office hours 9 a. m! to 5 p m. CHA1p 5S MODERATE. TERMS CASH. as opens ens rooms over is+sSIG .• MASER AXLE GREASE Best in the world. Made:only by,the Fra- zer Lubricator Company, at Chicago, New York and St. Louis. SOLD EVERYWHERE COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given that a Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Village of Exeter for 1885 will be held at the Market House, Exeter, on Wednesday, the 27th day of May, 1885, at 10 o'clock, in rhe forenoon: All persons having business at the said Court will govern themselves accordingly: By order. Exeter 1st 11ay,1885. M: Facnnxi, Clerk. NATIONS, 1885 First-class, Grade C, Non-professional at the Normal Schools; Toronto and Ottawa, en Wed- nesday, July 15th, at 1:80 p m. Tuirdg.olaes non professional Examination attheHigh Schools in the County, on Monday, July Second-class Non-professsonal Examination at County High Schools. on Wednesday, July 8th, at 11:C5 a m. For First-class certificates, Grades A and B Examination will begin after the con - elusion of the Professional Examination. Can didates must notify the Secretary on or before 1st June, the school where he or she desires to write, naming the optional Babied he or she wishes to take, and the certificate he or she now holds, if any. The notice mustbe accom- panied bya certificate of character and a fee of $2, or $4 if the candidate applies for a 2nd as well as a 3rd Class examination. No name will beforwarded to the Department, unless the fee accompanies it. Forms of application may le had from the Secretary,The Head Blasters of High Schools will plase send the applications of their candidates to the County Inspector of the division in which the High School is situated. PER ADAMN, D. M.114. DLOCH, Esq.PE, Secy,SOB. Exm's. Presiding Inspector. 5 QLoveiyNew Style all Chromo Cards, with name and a prize, for 10ct 12 packs, 12 names, for $1, A sample pack and ag ent's outfit with illustrated catalogue of Tricks, and Novelties for So stamp, and this slip, A. W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N, K.