HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-6-4, Page 1" HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE QUIPS FALL WHERE THEY NAY."
Vol. XII., No. 37
1:1X.1 :L:ER'i= ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 4 , 1885.JOHN' weir= a sox
Publishers Sud rroprletor
Canned Goods, Fresh Groceries, Fresh Haddies, Fresh Ora
berries, Fresh Oysters, Oranges and Lemons,
1 was being acoared by ultotee *coats
and the mounted pokJ* under Ool.
_ I Irvine, daily for bin*..
IN baro
Winnipeg, May
have resolved to lion
volunteers by ereetin
Agent for Thorley's H. 4; 0 Food. Only 1.0e. per lb., or S8 per cwt,
H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli.
• otter of Suprema Court,Notary Publi
Conveyancer, Commtsatohatr. kc. Money
Office in Rsuaou's Bloat, itxeter.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,,
OfficeFamweli'sStock (RON old Office./
Wiauipeg, lklay 81,----1ilxcitelnent
over the rebellion has been revived by
the new of a battle between General
btrange'e forge and the Indiana under
Big Bear, in whish one man of the
65th Battalion, (Montreal), was killed
stud two ethers of the same regiment
wounded, The Indian lose is not
known. 'ton wee laded on tri
The citizens
slow althea
Superintendent of Conutruetiou, Ifanuab Elferday, a young lady of
James Rosas has arrived In Ottawa Holland, Mich., who has been mitts -
from the far weal. He bays that the ing since Wednesday of last week.was
C. P. R., hes been completed to with. found Saturday night, hidden in a
in 10 miles of the aomm.it of the .Set. barn two mile* south-east of the city,
kirk*, and that only seventy miles of is a famished condition. Her mind
the oontraot.tbia side of Onderdonk's seems badly shattered. She had bid.
column on some prom' � eel site in the remain to be . finished. Al present den herself in the baro to the.
city. The names of those who fell in there are 5,000 Inert tet work on the Rev. James McMullen. graduate oI
action will be inscribe thereon, A. railway, 1,000 having been emit out the Catholic Propaganda Collage at
public banquet will be given to the within the last ten days, and wide a Ranee, and who is solid to be en route
9011 Battalion clod the Winnipeg mouth 2,000 more will be forwarded. to California to take (Marge of a par -
Battery on their return to tate The 0.1'. R. its now being operated to iah, was arrested at Omega)and finest
oily. The Mayor 1s. repeated to pro. the first crossing of the Columbia $25 for drunkaness. It is said he
claim the day a public holiday. Pri-- River—a dietanco of 1,025 miles. spread his table at a hotel with nu.
Vete J. B. Fortin, of :o. 2 Company, Not many months will elapse before a newtons bottles of liquor and became
911E Battalion, arrive rotes Calgarry train will rya fro. the Atlantic to the so boisterous that he load to be eject-
a few days ago an sic leave, and left. Paoilio. ed.
last night for Quebeo. , The :swains Lest week the oedema authorities A prize fight with bare knucklea
of Private Moore, of Ooulpaay, ],0th at Montreal seized a large c, resign wag fought Monday afternoon, under
Royal Grenadier?, rived from the wnt aof patent medicines from the es. Queensberry rules st Flushing, L. I.,
West last night, and ere transferred tabliehmetit of J. 0. 9.yer ter Co,, Low- between John Lynclh, of Laurel. Hill,
to the Port Arthur trw`Iu for shipment ell, Mass. The officer" claim that the - and Jas. McGlynn, of Brooklyn.
to `Toronto. The body wee placed in firm has defrauded the Canadian re- Lynch is 22 year" of age and weighed
a handsome oattkel, shad a flag pro- venue out of at least $25,000 a year 1175 lbs. ; McGlynn, ie 2.-f and weig!h-
vtded by the Winnipeg Rifle Atsooia- far the last 10 or 15 yowl, by under- i ed 160 lbs. Five rounds were fought,.
p p• velum its oonsegumente. The firm .Lynch had everything hie own way.
The fight took place twelve miles
Rasrcruox from Fort Pitt, on Tbureday and Frt•
od to iloost- day. Tile troops engaged under Gen.
Tea1b..tawStrange coneteted of a detachment of
taraoteriwtrlf .the Nurtbwest Mounted Polios, under
out pal"• • Major Steele, the 65th Battalion, of
Montreal, under Major Hugltoe, and
AISDICAL five companies of the 92nd Battalion
- -- _ _ -T- - ; Winnipeg Light lefantry, under
nit .IIYNDMAN.--CORONE11FOR Lieut. -Cal. Osborne Smith, iu all
1 theCountyarlluron. vmce, opposite to s acme 800 men. Big Bear, iu antioi-
'tuition of au attack, had selected fine
ambuscade and determined to give
W. I31t ere oto G M. D., iii, C the loyal troops battle. Ile had 500
P. • P.8,Graduato 4 ictoriatiniversits' OfAc
vudreaidence,lion:iuioet,aboratoiv.Exeter. fit;lttiug bravos with him, most of
whom lied Auaeriesn experience in
Indian wars. The country around
Vert Pitt is very rugged, abouuding
in minter, dense forests, lakes and
rivers. Our troops, under these cir-
cumstances met the Iudiaue et great
The Indians were the first to open
fire on the troops, and did eo when
they were marching through a low
swampy tract of country, acme twelve
ro. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0..e. S
O. Office. Drain St.l:xetor,Out.Restdence
huURevacantly oeeapied by P. IdePlttlltps,Eaq.
• Omoeat his restdence'Exeter.
VEIt$ITY TrinityOoilesMemberColltrEa
,luvslotansau.iswrgeonr Ou•...rtAcoKtrk on
KIEL'S egosaCUTio:t. defende Is action by eayithg tinct the i' . Tho suit ageits-t Jahu f:..,- Sullivan,
Ottawa, May 30, --Mr. (lbrietopher medhatnes .yore not compounded attdl Drought by his wife Pa- divorce. at -
Robinson, Q. 0., lute been retained were therefore sent in bulk and valued! treated an immense a•:dience of the
by the Dominion Goveettwent to pro-
merely at *oat An old employee of pagilisl's admirers on Thursday. Sn"-
aeoate Biel. , the firm, named Young, testified, livan •testified tie had waver been
TUE WHEREABOUTS oiY BIG BEAR. I however, that the goods were com- l drunk, though often "toll.' He *wore
Winnipeg, Meer 80.—The steamer I pounded aux ready fur sale at a price r he lead never sir t;a;t hi- wife, and that
Northwest *text* from l attlefard this 50 per cent. higher than they were i the latter was in the habit of drinking
morning for Fort Pitt with provision. invoiced at This witneee gave some; whatever he did. When asked ti he .
and orders for Gen. Strenge'e column. extraordinary evidence, and *wore t ever had any troubie about her rela-
Conapauy A, 90th Battalion, under 'hitt, in order to preveut his aomiug l tiara, he said :-•.--'•i had Ito obj,ectiana
Calls. Forrest, and twenty mediated to Canada to testify ho was arrested l to supportive two or three of lier re.
polios under Inspector Perry will sot et Netebua, N. H., looked up for ten .lotions, but I diti not care about sult-
an escort. A d lapeloh from Calgary hours withaol any charge, and after porting the whole of Rhode 'eland.
aunounees the arrival at f dmontou he bad been -searched from head to The iron tliakera' strike promotes
af3fajorLeeria with the balance of W. foot was liberated and advieed to re- to be almost general throughout We
Osborne Smith's battali Winnipeg
light infantry. Reliable $iformation
has been received at Calgary that a
large band of Indians, believed to be
Big Bear's Laud, were 'been on the
trail to Sounding"lakes, This agraee
with the despatch' froin Battleford
which reports Big Bear encamped 50
miles from there, between Battle and
North leaskatehewan rivers.
miles northeast of Fort Pitt and some'
HENRY EILB1 R, Licensed Aum- three or four miles north of Saskatoh• Canadian.
a_ tioneerforflay, Stephen, and McGiilvray
Townships: Sales conducted atmoderate rates. swan River. The fight ou Thursday On Saiurdaynightlaet the windows
Aidce—At Post•omoo,Oroditon, Ont. lasted about four hours. The field of the Rev. Mr. S est th s house,
gun did good eervioe against the In. Walkertan,were broke* by patties un-
�ONEYTO LOAN ON REALES- diens and aileaoed their firing. `1'ha known.
el ty. a efo rat saurin&ErioLocnlysa, lgn troops retired upon Fort Pitt for the
night. 'Two 3onng men, Juo. k'ullan and
Spaekman,blxoter. h
Fighting was resumed on Friday.
A SECOND DAY'5 ENGAGEMENT. John Hendree, while out rowing on
and Oaughnawaga, Sunday, xi ere
the St. Lawrence, between Lachine
but of this the couriers who brought drowued.
news to Battleford could give no nae
count, as they left after Thursday's! The Wndsor Fair Ground and
engagement. Driving Park Amu:dation will hold
Marcotte is the naive of the man their annual meeting on June 9, 10
killed in the 65th Regiment. The 11. Purses amounting to $3,200 will
names of the wounded are not given. be competed for.
SUPPLIES MISSING. Inland revenue retinue for Toronto
', J. CLARK, Agent for the Us-
� \ • homelandutbbort Mu tua1Firer,nsurancc
company, Residence -Farquhar . Orders by
maiipromptlw attended to.
per cent. according to terms. Private
Funds. Apply to
October15;'80 So•lioitor. Exeter
Central Shaving Parlor
hbr Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair
cutting, &o.
Clean Towels for every customer.
Next door to Central Hotel.
DWELLING HOt7SE andone aoreofland.
situated on the Thames Road,21 miles east of
Exeter. l oodlargeframe stableand driving
shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trees; good well and cistern. Suitablefor a re-
tiredfarmor. Will be sold cheap for cash. Ap
ply to THOMASALLIN.'EaeterP 0 iv 19-tf
N • intbe Court of Common Pleas -Deeds,
Wills,Mortgages, Leases, and all forma ofagrae.
ments drawn and exeoufedaccording to law.
ing to borrow money on account of recentpar
chases oflaud;or to pay off existing mortgages
willand a great saving ny giving me a call, Can
lend money,at6 and Si leer cent.•aocordingte
terms. N.d.CLARH.
Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance
J Company of Canada,Mercautile insurance Co
—Capital $500,000.00 Head, Office Waterloo:
Ont. Glasgow ds London Insurance Coy—Cap-
ital $2,500,000 ; Head Office,Montreal : Stand-
ard Lite Insurance Co., Head Office, London,
England ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head
Office, Toronto.
Established in 1863.
Thiscomranv has been over Eight'een years
n successful operation in Western Ontario,and
continues to insure againstloss or damage by
all otherdeseriptious of insurable property. In-
teudinginsurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Note or Cash System.
During the past ten years tins Company has
ssued 57,096 Policies .covering property to the
amount of $40,872,038; and paid in losses alone
AssetS, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash in
Bank; Government Deposit, and the unassessed
Premium Notes on handaudin force J, W WAL
TEN M D. Preside Lt. C. M. TAYLOR, Secretary
Agont for Exeter and 'vicinity.
A. barge with provisions on the
river, guarded by a dozen men and a
sergeant of the 65th, could not be
found after the fight. Geo. Strange
is in need of both eupphes and rein-
Winnipeg, May 81.—The contest
which took plane near Fort Pitt on
Thursday, was nothing more thau a
recounoisanee on a large Beale by
Gen. Strange. Gen. Middleton, who
w.as .on ilia way to join Strange in the
steamer Northwest from Battleford,
when tidings of the fight were receiv•
ed, returned to make up a contingent
from the forces there to reinforce
Gen Strange. They expected to start
again from Battleford this afternoon.
Strange felt very much the want of
artillery and ammunition. Middleton
expected to take another field gun and
Galling gun, to be operated by B.
Battery. The rest of the contingent
will likely be made up of the Queen's
Own, the Midland Battalion and a de-
tachment of mounted police under
Col. Herohmer.
Much anxiety is felt for the fate of
the white prisoners, with Big Bear on
account of the recent ,fight.
Dumont's Capture.
St. Paul, Miuu., May 80.—The
capture of Dumont was trade .by
Sergi. Perkins and a private on he
Milk River trail, some 20 or 30 miles
north of Fort Assiuiboine. He is
supposed to have followed the trail
from Batoche along the west bank of
the South Saskatchewan to Medicine
district for last month amounts to
$531,466.29, being an increase of
*463,428.29 over corresponding
month of last year.
Dr. Chas. Pelham Mulvaney,a well-
known contributor to the local press,
and a writer of coneiderable merit,
died at Toronto on Monday. He was
a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin.
The extradition papers in the cesee
of huhu, Ashman and Bowles, the
Iona,Micb.,fugitives, arrived in Win3-
nor on Monday, and the trio, who
have graced the Dells of the Sandwich
Jail for the past six mouths, were
taken to Detroit.
The court martial al St. Johns,
Que., Infantry school, has sentenced
Sergt. Danglois, the deserter, to be
reduced to the ranks, to uudergo one
year's imprisonment and to be dismis-
sed from the Cauadian service. This
lis not hie first offence.
A little daughter of John E. Devlin
of Rochester township, Essex county,
was crossing a strip of woods near
her home last Tuesday, when she was
attacked by a bull. She was injured
'co badly that her recovery is doubt
Wm. P. Sawyers, who was hotel
1 clerk in the Roeeiu House about a year
ago, and swindled merchants out of a
thousand dollars' worth of diamonds
and then escaped, has just been sen-
tenced to tweuty-four years in the
Minnesota State Prisou for similiar
crimes in that State.
The body of Patrick Callaghau,
aged 67, keeper of Thornwood ceme-
,ery, near Charlottetown, P. E. I.,
turn to Lowell, Mass. The geode
now under seizure are valued at over
west. Five firms at Pittsburg have
sjgued the scale, and will continue
operations. It is expected other hills
will close down, throwing out of am-
Grrttut?s Close Galli. loyment 100.000 mer. Workmen
are cheerful, and assert the strike will
Naw York, May 80,—When Genar• be of °bort duration, and that lie end -
el Grout was a/ the point of death in ing will be favorable to them. Mani.
latter pert of Maroh, Dr. Newton facturers that appear mentwille x006ually tacon
baptized him. The family were gath- firms the accept their
Bred around him. Dr. Shrady was terms before many davit
sleeping in snottier room. Iu rubbed The ateamahip, City ,ofo Rome,
Dr. Douglas and roused him with the which arrived at New York,ou Thus
Hat, making his escape through the was discovered Wednesday afternoon
concealed under the mattress and bed-
clothes in the house. Ile Lad been
brutally murdered. From the appear-
ance'of the body he had been dead
four days.
Cypress Hills into Montana. Only
three days elapsed from the time he
was last seen at Batoche till he was
captured by the American scout* at
the Milk River. He doubtless found
the vicinity al Batoche too hot, as it
worde, "It's all over I" "What," said
Shrady, "do you moan to say the man .
is dead 2" "No, not dead, but will be
in a few minute.. Nothing can save
him." Shrady ran into the room
where the General was, wheu Dr.
Newton exclaimed, "It is all over. I
will baptize him." He weut quickly
into another room, got a silver bowl,
filled with water, dipped hie hand into
it, and said, "I baptize thee, Ulysses
Simpson Grant, iu the name of the
Father, the Son,and the Holy Ghost."
The General slowly raised his head
and remarked, "I thank you." Then
turning 10 bis family he raised hie
hand and uttered the words, "1 blase
you all " To Dr. Newman he observ-
ed, "Doctor, I intended to attend 1n
this myself."
Meanwhile Shrady and Douglas
were consulting in a earner. Tha
strain was intense. Douglas said.
"He will die sure, he has gone, the
pulse has left the wrist." Shrady re-
plied, "I will give him brandy," and
injected a syringe in each arm. The
General revived ; bis pulse returned
to his wrist, and hie life wad saved.
Dr. Newman walked into an adjoin-
ing room with Shrady, and asked,
day, from Liverpool, reports: that on
May 25, during n fog, she collided
with and sunk the French fishing
bark, George John, which was lying
at anchur. She rescued two of the
crew. The remaining 22 were lost.
The George John belonged to the
port 1 f St. Heliero, Jersey, Capt.
Munro brought his ship to the spot
where the uufortuuato craft went down
lowered life boats the inhabit it watt
possible to do so, and made every ex-
ertion to rercue three or four men
who alone were visible after the bark
sank, bat these efforts were only par-
tially successful. The shock of the
collision produced no effect on the
City of Rome, but much excitement
prevailed when the nature of the cal-
amity was realized. The City of
Rome passed 58 icebergs the same
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guar- .
antee it. Sold by 3. W. Browning.
Cholera in England.
The report of the spread of cholera
in Spain is causing a feeling of alarm
in London. Sixty oases occurred
within the past ween in Valencia and'
"Doctor, how is he ?" "I don't think I several cissa are repented at Marseil-
he will die," said the doctor. "Onr
prayers have been answered," said
Dr. Newman, "1 think it was the
brandy," responded Shrady.
Arthur Marsh, the absconding New l
York embezzler,,was allowed to depart
with his funds on the arrival of the
steamer Nevada at Liverpool.
The closing oeremouie4 of the New
Orleans Exposition took place on
Monday. Exhibitors who do not
propose 'to rernain for the rest of the
season have commenced packing up
their exhibits.
Themes Maloney, a well-known
railroad man, was killad by lightning
at Chattanooga, Tenn., Monday, as
he was crossing the railroad track
during a thunder storm. The electric
fluid passed along the rail and entered
his body at the heal.
Mrs. Preston Smith, wife of a pro-
miuent capitalist, of Portland,Oregan,
it as killed on Sunday, while seated in
a chair nursing her tribe by the acci-
dental discharge of a pistol, which a
chambermaid' was carrying from a bed
to place on the mantel.
les. The disease has appeared in the
neighborhood of the docks, undoubt-
edly imported in French and Spanish
ships, and though it is stated to be
only a mild type there is reason to
fear that more than r.ne death front.,
genuine Asiatic choler* Iles tatter'.
Russia denies that the renent et -
pulsion of Poles from Prussia was at
her request.
Henry Ward Beecher ou Sunday
deli7tred the aecoud of thiel aeries if
discourses ou ,"Evolution and Relig-
iou," iu which he showed a marked
leaning toward the Darwinian theory.
Pliiiedslphia physicians report thetas
there is great danger of typhoid fever
epidemic at Plymouth spreailiog nn -
less speedy purification of the drink-
ing water be effected. The authority
of the Governor will be invoked in re -
he ion to the 'natter.
Hon. Messrs. ticking, a:ttorney-
General, and Gillcrd, Collector•Gen•
oral, of Jamaica, two innmberi of the
Jatnica Royal Cam)uiesion lia•ve or.
riv„J in Ottawa Tueir objeot is t�
interview the Govoruulent iu regard
to a treaty of reciprocity between
Canada and their Awn islan.d,,