HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-5-28, Page 6DURING SERVICE. The faces N his hearers ail Are turned toward the prenrl,el's Bat I, indifferent to his call, Am stnetring :Babel's features. 1 fain would read in lip or eve The nature of be rousing. And fathom my own error by The depth of her accusing. For, in my heart is consciousness Of fault; though not intended, And much deplored, a fault; no less ; .dui, she the maid offended. Beyond the central aisle she sits, • 'Oh that out would hear me ! behold, 14. And God said, Lab there, be my desire is that the Almighty would I light in the firmanneut of the heaven i answer me, and that I lead the indict- i to divide the day from the uigbt ; .aud !meat wvhich my advereary haul writ- 'let them be for signs, rind for seasons !ten.' Psalm, viii., 5, reads : 'For i and for c'.aye aiid for years, i Thou heist made him a little lower ; 15. And let them be for lights iu , than God.' Psalm, exvi•, 2, reads :'the armament ent of the heaven to give 'I said when I made haste to eeoape,llight upon the earth ; and: it was s0.1 all ineu are a he Ecclesiastes, xii•,1 16. And God made the two great , 13, reads : 'This ie the end of cu,titter; I lights , •the greater light to rile the i all bath been heard ,• fear God.` Pro.. day, and the lesser light to rule the verbs, xiv., 9, reads : 'The foolish i night ; he made ttie stars also. l I scorn the guilt offering, hut among.17. And God set them in the firma i i the upright there ie good will,' 'meet of the heaven to give light upon i A melancholy ; 1 In nearly all other passages where the earth. 1 ,d,nd nothing in her look admits are fouud variations they canuot be 18. dud to rule over the day and The tilcughtof my existence. called rash alterations For Instance, over the uight, and to divide the light She, who was wont to reeognize, Ieaiab, 1ii., 1$, reedit : 'Behold. my from the darkness ; and God saw that Through spaces intervening,seryar+t shall deal wisely be ellenbe it was good. . 9, friend in me, averts her eyes ; I lifted up and shall be very high.' 19 Andthere was evening and ? But 1 can guess their meanui„ • j Isaiah, Ilii., 3, reads : 'He is despised there wee morning a fourth day. ,stud, while remorse augments my sin. aud rejected of mein, a man of sorrows 20. And God. staid, Let the waters I Lend o'er the paraphrases ' and acquainted with grief ; and act bring forth abundantly the moving Of pulpit dullness, trite and thin, One word my sense amazes ; ••Texel as if in balance weighed, The preacher voiced her sentence, Who nevermore, trust once betrayed,. 1teuctvs the aid aegi aintauce. -Tend !" and wlicn their hyrwn of praiaee•, 1tel tdiuew tangoes are chanting, She slowly tarps on cue her gaze ; Tire friep t tweu;:u 1 and forint wanting. she slowly term; her faze stn me ; A.11s' in its expression No .tear encouragement 1 sed To urge my unite co:Jessicu, vat, 'bitterer still, her glues. declare•, With emphasis that curbs me, El, w Mabel neither now liter eases If anything disturbs m,:. THE REVISED BIBLE. oue from whom wen hide their faces, creature that Wath life, and let foul i I. be was devised and we esteemed him fiy above the earth ici the open firma- 1 not.' Verse 7 reads : 'He was aftliot- ment of heaven. } c ed, yet he opened oak his mouth ; as,21. And God created the great tea ; t a limb that he ted to the slaughter.' monsters, and every living creature i !etc: Verse 8 reeds : `By oppression j that moveth, which the waters brought and judgment he wee taken away,and"abundantly, after their ttiada, and who onside/3111a Iiia generation ? ievery winged fowl after its kind, turd The allusions to Christ are almost God saw it wee good. unchanged. For Isaiah vii., 1.1 : 22. And God bleared there saying : I b1 ear ae n,'thhold a eniarginin lsuggesta A`The i watersand i Be inlithe seasi mid , multiply fowl nd .11 multe i i- I • virgin • is twit+t child and bearetli.' { ply in ttie eartli. '1'be fifth coulutaridinant beoouaes :1 28. And there was evening and ! ',Moor thy father and thy mother, there was nlorl:ingot fifth day. ' "dent thy deye may be long upon the 24, ,rand God said, Let the earth i :land whiob the Lord tfny (grad giveth:bring forth the living mature after' loEpee,' And the sixth : "Thou shalt ; its kind, cattle and creeping tiling, 1 do no murder. The following are ex. and beast of the earth after its kind , t arnplea iu which the actual task of re- I and it was ao. A. Great Work r`i>ul itoti Sollxe +if vtst:tii in distinctly scat.: i -0. Aod God made the beau of the tits C"llttttgeti. Gene. is xxii., 14 : 'in th , mount i earth after its kind, and the cattle aft- IMMTof the l.,nrd it shall be I.'rovided.' er their kind, and everything that i Tire reviser. version '.f the Vet Tee. Exodus :itv., 20 : 'Anil there was the i oreepeth upon the ground after its ' tauten% bivalves no ebangees of the , cloud and the dustiness, yet gave it ;kind.; and God saw that it wee good. Hebrew text -no eller tutte.tiscrit'te light by night;' Job xxviii., 4 : 'He 26. And Gad said, Let us make • tau tile 'Amitotic ]laving been dis bre'tketh open a abaft, away from , mean iu nor image after our likeness s o erea-d-audl the fattener idiots ie , where men sojourn, they are forgot. i anti let there have dominion over the ' cAlefnlly preserved. a•rors of tracts- 'tan of the fnot that passeth by, they fish of the sea, nntl diver the !awl of , iistieu have been retnwved A large hang afar from men, they sexing to i the air, and over the cattle, au over ; number of the beat 1lebrateeta and bib. 'fad front: Job xxx ; 85 : 'i.:o, here all the earth, and aver revery creepingheel sahc'bu'r of Englsi:kl and the io my sign above, let the Almighty au- i thing tllatlereepeth upon the earth. tinted State•., most of them profei- ewer me.' Job xxxiv., 18 : ',Ileware 27. And God created titan iu lhie :~ors of Hebrew in 1r,'niversities, have lest thou he led away with thy anf1i. t own image, in the image of God performed the work, and it has the impel.' Psalm xii., 5 : 'I will set I created Ile hila ; male and female advantages of the east adcaucea of i hitu m safety at whom they mock. oreated He them.1. tiie hist 50 yearn in philology, biblical'. Psalm lxviii,, 4 : 'Cast up a highway 28. And God blessed thein,tiutl God geography, history and autiquitiea,alt for bun that rideth through the de- said unto then., Be fruitful and mel of which were bot imperfectly under- Berta,' Peahen lxviii., 19 : 'Blotted tiply and replenish tilt earth and xilin- i stood by the 47 trtusl,itors of Bing be the Lord, who daily bearetb our due it, and have dominion over the , fish of the sea, and over tbo fowl of i the air, and over every liven a thing # that niovetb upou the earth. 29. And God said, Behold I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth I conducted. It i:' not a new trausla. on the head, let not my head refuse and every tree, :iu the which is the i tiou, but a revision of that already it.' Isaiah xi, 8 : 'The voice of ono fruit of the yield -seed ; to you it shall existing, which is departed from only that crietb, prepare ye in the wilder- be fur meat, ' where the trauslatore of 1611 are dif. t ness the way of the Lord.' Psalm 80. And to every beast of the earth, I fered with upon the meaning of a pi., 12 : 'Kiss the Son;' remains, with and to every fowl of the air, and to word or sentence. Terms cif natural 'references to entirely different versions everything that creet,eth upou the i UULD SAY l rU history are only chauged where it is in the margin. Genesis xlix., 10 : earth, where there is life, I have given 1 those w13 intend Certain that the authorized version i4 'Until Sbiloh come 1s noted as au al- every gteeul herb for meat ; and it was nine asnnufto diaot hi frena d incorrect. Where it is doubted, or ternative, The first ohmage is Gene- ao, , thedealer who manufacturer. to Toni there is an alternative, the rendering sis 1., 2, which reads ; ' A,nd the Earth 81. And God saw every thing that f l ,, a i' a ,t. n vnit,gni is given in the margin. "Tabernacle was waste and void.' he had made, and, behold, it was.very 1 to aivetho pu haHers the Of the congregation has been cluing. THE FIRST CHAPTER of GENESIS. good. And there was eveniug and Ito meat the views or tho ed to "tent of meeting." In regard to the word "Jehovah," the usage of the authorized version is followed. The word "Grove" (Judges v1., 28) has been replaced by "Athena" with its plurals "Aeheriin" and'Asheroth'. In the poetical books "Sheol" reptile - ea 'Sell." In theprose passage "the grave" and "the pit" are subsdi- 1. In the beginning God created tuted with "Sheol" in the martziu. the heaven and the earth. "Of these renderings hell," says the 2. Aud the earth was waste, and preface. "if it would be taken in its void; and darkness was upon the face original souse as used in the creeds, of the deep. And the spirit of God stepped up to the counter. y James. The new version is not a burdens.' Paella 'hymn 80 : '.Rebuke good version in place of a bad one, the wild beasts (dila reeds.' Psalm but a great improvement of a good lxxxvii,, 7 : '.tis well the singers es version. they that dance say all my fountains The preface states the general prin. are iu Thee.' Naha nxti., 5 ; 'And nip)es on which the revision has been ;let him reprove ane, it shall be oil up - --pp ^firA -gyp •n 11 e ai, av Iowan: will be gain for the conviction of those :Vauban/4 who are. se inferior Machine Oils, and calling them Mood's Laraine The only genuine is Inauilfactlired by McColl Bros. &Co, Toronto. FOR/SALE BY JAS. PICKARD, .EXETER. Burdock BLOOD Bra RS Cures ,Piz ine,re, _Loss c f Appetite, Indigcsttwn, Biliousness, .Dyspepsia, Jaundice, rl�crtions of the _biller aald I3"idiney.,, ,Pimples, Blotches, L'ot1s, l.l'uullors, Salt Rheum, ,'Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood Deranged Stomach, or irreyult;r action of the Bowels, • Advertise in the Exeter TIMES. THE BANK of TIME' Main Street, Exeter. TIlOSI FITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches :.itcT are warranted) correct for Time, Tide, 01 Railroads Train, and to please the iuost fastidious, �.t i is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitah)e for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, B1ldE:g, Bridegrooms, Loving ;ung Lovely Wives, Children, .1Mry- bands, Etc,, FEC. SPECTACLES, -Scotch aud Brazilian Pebble, soft easy rind pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age. Give hint a call. No trouble to show Goods. Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to Time. �..rl 1t � f'r t:a Int The following is the firat chapterof there was morning, the sixth day. tGrangers..e less anCur ettzofoses te Genesis according to the revised ver• _� �- _ munutactnrerinonsequeut cion. The notation of the verses fol- i wecan soilaheapor: low that of the authorized version for Change Wanted. the sake of comparison, though the El dk, S. C. IDI.EY, en•Url }11ti niture `.,atll'(lifri t111'eis T� jE W©ULD ape0ialt.tttEi:tiG oour 'undortaklni.:('1 1t ment,which is more • n.i plotethanever,as t: e• Lave added sever al uewitlesu,a,�,s of /ate The host c•v:trae oasketa ahrouds,and SAO', uuora] requisite t:: th. io\tot.t1,rioot• O::r i ew Hearse is pronouaceuby competent; fudges tt. he second to iio� 0 iU the provinces Emblems of al the Different Societies. new version wilt be printed in para- A dozen or more men were sitting i _ graphs with the verse numbers in the around a saloon, in a mountain town, I �- when the door opened and a raw. j-10111 boned, ugly -mugged fellow came in`1. margin ; with a whole armory attached to his' UNDERTAKER AND person. He looked at the crowd a minute, without speaking, and then.' Funeral, furnished a.,.. conducted at the yes low ,oat rates• would be a fairly adequate equivalent moved upon the face of the waters. "Here, barkeep," be growled, 'gim• uE StoC'.: c. t. aertakinr. me some Holier, all' gimme me it raw, goorl=i>: large, complete. for; t.c i brew word, but it is so 3. Ana God said : Let there be g dna Ivo assorted,aud any Com nl understood ae s place of light, and there was light. 1Don't put no trimmin'einto lt,furI'm terson:equirit an:en:fur AO WOLnan to want my ticker era a•, ii?e:ra tLi�lt,. nt�tvitn unlit ;ci torment, that to employ it frequently 4. And God saw the light that it e r co:r:e was good ; and God divided the li ht mented." a vat, ' a: riiu for tvoul3 lead to tnevitable tnlaunder g "Yes, sir," replied the Barkeep, , the ." attain. In Isaiah xiv., where from the darkness' quietly and politely reticbing; Hader °, sense, 'hell' is in ilia text and 'Sbeol': and the darkness he called night., e conn er or jug. is used in more of its original 5. And God Galled the light day, tri - t f a in the margie. There are no chapter heads, and in the text 1.'nalm x. is joined to Psalm h. and Psalm xiii. to Psalm xii., and Isaiah .iii. begins at chapter Iii., 13. The several days of the creation are divided by wider spaces, and the first chapter of Solomon's song iu seven around And there was evening and there was "hove" sharp than," ino morning, one day. went on, speaking a little louder, 'I'm thet dry inside I kin hear my liver 6. And God said : Let there be a rattle 'round myribs." firmament in the midst of the waters and let id divide the waters from tho He tool: the lug, poured out a tin Asters.oup full and swallowed it. 7. Aid God made the firm'aaent, "Twenty-five cents," said the bar and divided the waters whioh were p s eeches. ander the firmament from the waters Alt poetical passages are in poetical which were above the firmament, and at I pour pocket, I reckon, to pay form. The household words of the it visa so. for that drink." Old Testament are preserved. Bach 8. And trod called the flrmameu4 "Nob ch th h • �T 131 CA. / 7" 1 CABINET-MAK=R. I have iustrece .est a largo stock Wales+t and Rosewood Caskets also Coffins of every descrip- tion, A complete stock of Robes and Tri ings aiway on hand. The latest styles ct Chamber andPartcr S ti all kinds of Furniture r.; tholowest rates THE 1i1 S i'• it .v; y SE IS';J Tt:1F3 00E7N'.CY its't,lem1certhe plaeo••-N.,,tr.?;•:a„1,es.tr' e; .:p'sTobacco Store, Main -street, Exittr• Z RN' 131R,A.72,1". keeper. "'char ?" asked the drinker looking day's work at the creation now .runs: "And there was evening and there was morning one day"; "There was evening and there was morning a sec• and day," and so on, giving a sugges- tion of auccesive stages with. long in- tervals. The ''apples of gold" of Proverbe xxv., 11, are now encased in "figured work" of silver, not in "pictures." 'Vanity and vexation of spirit' (Ecclesiastes xi•, 17,) has be- come 'vanity and a striving. after wind.' 'Happy is ties man that hath his quiver full of them' (Psalms cxxv. 2-5) b i ' 'Happy heaven ; and there was evening and mu ar ate ou on t thare was morning. a second day. know me, do you 2 I'm Bill ;Bloody 0. And God said : Let the waters Bill, from Troublesome Creak, an' under the heaven be gathered togetb- yer don't want ter git me "riled. I'm er auto one plane, and let the dry quiet ez June when I'm pleased, but I'm March and. oanni.tvary alien I land appear ; and it was so. Sarepta Tnesitays Tnuisdaysmud Saturdays ... 10. A.ucl God called the dry laud git riled. 1 never pay for my Ticker, an' er`ll hey to Tarn who Pill is earth ; and the gathering together of y , Bloody Bill, dyer hear ?" MONEY ORDERS the waters called He seas ; dna God Issnedanrl t , racy that it was good. 'And you won t payfor that drink ;aid tone On/art/Mee inaheDominionofCanada ,Great73iiteivan,i g "I tali er Bill never a 8 for his Iro1aii i Britt ;e vis, tiowfoumliani1 Italy,A.nstsalia,' ew South 'Vales, Tasmania; New £ela. 11. And Gita said :Let file earth y p y: Franco ano ./ger], ti,o 1 ei,urtn 1 z, t e Sttc e e. Norway, Denmark, Icoland 13eIg1um, the "1 th- put forth grass, herb yteldiug seed aft- liolrer.' or]ands,Scvit.tcrlau0.Ans..ts'1i,.;, lou 1.,'nitedStates,JamaicaanidBarhados. er its kind, wherein is the seed thet.e• Nobody knew that had happened, upon the ; bartender of u oil a pile of iudis- '� tiild tine earth broc tit forth g p Zetes.^ Poet ° ` "Moe Time Table. MAILS • AnnIVE ct.08E?. 1llrkton,'1Vooc]hu,w, Winchelsea and nlimville 8oath ,odstand wed ,including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, 'tllanit• oba,United States,Rnglisli and foreign mails ... ... South, east west &e North and east,including Godericb, Winglian, liiucardine and allpoints north, Strutter d,Torouto,Montreal, and Pastern States... .., .,r 1C.00 a.m North east, dm ... 5.30 p.m. ... 7.15 p. ni. ...!815am 4.4 8,15 a.in 500 p.m. 0.45 a.m. 0.00 a. m 0.15 1,•m. 4.201,. RLI 8.00 a. u� 5.30 p. m 0.49 p. m. 1000 an exao.ly, but in about five minutes the ' r', t)i'i•`, K., �7?YtiStifNIL of, tl earth and it was so { 11 to Lep Chf!,:i 0i into' ' a la d g :act o c. cud c , r r i0 51e0. De "shore obtaining the 1'05 1n tiugalshable humanity, boo s and (^rc utl H Fs ec; c ), t: lr,,t lir. ,c sit Savingsp Itis than that 8ttt11 filled his quiver grass, Barb ytelcilug tieed after its sonhank acce:uit rece:v(,' fu:v�. i pistols in the 00 met., and roma' kod `l, • . . r y:.: cr . ; -t/ Le rl/Ou rd olLc it Q� too, O t with thein.' Peahen's curse, veneris kind, and tree bearing fruit, Wherein, , •] the seal thereof,after its 'clad and quietly, as he kicked the i�t'e : :, ),. ;.sU,,.> ..t, , l 11`: I2n , Tr l., 5.netlitiie a9 dStGt- ]' , ' "Say, boys, W..)11 '1. t'>'t t'. t:f l•oa tr, tr li t. *, a t :c=ilei i1:t, Ciol sate that it was good. 1 ic: .t l'3. Alla, tllr-L•e was c •eti:1; { t1134t ,)lease taae this >i:l .) 7.'..t �;lt it ✓.1.' t tfla r.y .) r�rh. d c:l? rr; • ^, a:vie:n .`.ser + .. ,-„ , tit ,'as lalorrnng a tiiir'd 'ay. Clla i kit?" d: ", rt:'e .Ari J• 1.3 Coo o10 ; t. of 0101: 01 matte: r,t l a y ..dui re .z •iOlr; ,, out oitot