HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-5-28, Page 5Louis Ciel.. members of the Goderieh se one John Russel, of Godel;i dismissed owing to the vagueness .1 London,depart 745e.tx. 4 50r.Ar, a as a.m. salon by LONDON, HURON AND =TUB li*Y, 4Oovoe c 7 7.T Over i� ��y; �1, oh. were Gozxo NoarH, Express 6lail, end The following statement regarding Kiel's citizenship is made on the best authority:•-"Riel took an active part late in 1882, or early iu 1$83, in the Montana territorial elections, having become au American citizen there. He created considerable ezeitement m the elections referred to, being au active worker for the republicans. After alio election was over he was prosecuted, being aooused of having induced several half-breeds to vole, though they had not the neeeaeary qualifioation; but before the proem - tier' had got fairly under way he Sed to hie old home at St. Vital, Maul- toba. Re afterwards returned to Montana on 4 flying visit and brought hie family„over. Then, in the fall of 1883, he went up to the Seskatobe- wan country, where he has been ever einoe- '.l.'llere is 110 doubt whatever abort hie American citizenship." The question of oitizeuebip being, thus settled, Riei's case will be .deter- mined under 31 Vie., chapter 14, section 2, which reads as follows:— " In case any person, being a citizen or subject of any foreign State t y t p with H» j t i Class, Acres. 'o tball Hursorlos Acres. y 'T `- . of the obarges, and indecency of the language used. Presbytery adjourned to hold its. neat regular meeting in Goderioh. A movement is ou foot to organize *Township insurance Company iu the municipality of Biddulph, and a pleating will be helot in the temper- anoe hall, Granton, on Friday, 29th inst, in ctonnedtion with the matter. During a thunder storms on Sun: day, lightning struck a barn near 1tlitshell. inetaptly kaput a faired map and setting Are to the building, which, with its content,, was totidly'. destroyed, Three other persons in the barn at the time were unhurt. My Jaime F. Elliot has sold hie farm on the 4th contemn of IJeborne to Mr Anthony Tindall, for }i 6,000, aid Mr. Elliot get; this year's crop. The farm contaipa 100 aores, and iv an exoelelent dace. Rev. Nr. Taylor, of Bayfield, has bad a largen amber of invitations both to preitoll and 'peak at orange meet- inge •.n the coming Twelfth of or uii r a ince wl Her . a ell 7+: July, but we underetand that owing be r continues iu airtxaa again* Ilan to poor health Ito has been compelled' Majesty, within Canada, or commfte to decline each and all of theca. any eat of hoetlhty therein, or enters A few days ago gam. belonging CenaQa with design or intent, to levy war against Her Mtiaaaty or to aornmit any felony therein, for which any person would, by the !awn in force in any Province at Canada to which suchoffence i3 committed. be liable to suffer death, thou the Governor may order the assembly of Militia General Court -Martial for the trial On Friday last, Mr. Joseph Iredale of any email per9073, agre ht t the Militia I,taW9 in force ill snap painful accident at his saw mill, about .Province ; and upon being found two miles east of St. I41'arys. He waw ftuitty by such Court -Martial of offend. standing near a large oiroular saw ing agatpat this Aot, snob person , which Was in rapid motion when he shalt be aentenoed by engin Court.' Martial to auffer dearth, or aluoh other punishment as shall be awarded by the Couri,•• nxetor $ 57 6 10 9 35 Hansen 909 624 9 57 Iiippen 9 13 6 10 Q2 Bruce6eld 923 6 48 30 99 Clinton 6 45 7 05 11. 30 Londesboro 10 00 7 20 12 00 Blatla, 10 07 7 27 19161. Belgravo ......,.10 22 7 46 12 48 Wing/tarn arrineie 35 7 55 1: 16 Goo Selma, Express Hall, 2nd Class SVingbalu. dept. 7 48 A.M. 3 00 Pat. 10 20 A 14 Brig avo 8 Ao 3 47 11 21 Bly.h 8 15 330 11 42 Londtsboro $ Si 3 38 12 00 Conten 650 4 05 12 4o P.11, BrncoOazti 9 e5 4 19 1 11 lilppen , 913 427 127 Hesnan 9 18 4 r 36 l;iater 935 443 235 Lond.An arrile10 51 550 530 •aa•� l E8setz, -Wanted atethe Zensalt Qat- Meal 3ifills, fifty thousand bushels of good sound Oats for Milling purposes, The high. est price will be paid. Oatmeal exchanged for: oats. HSAtatt,r,, 1ior.4zu fdxz ,s,—OAe of the Most complete roller mile in the Province, is constantly running and giving the best Sethi - faction. Orating done to order on short notice. The roller dour takes the lead. Try it and be convinced. 3.0 tons of good Mid - (Uinta on hand at low fgnres. A. few care of Corn and Corn Chop on hand. Baum); d; UBQRiIABT. NA,RRT REPORTS. (correctedat50'01004p.m. Wodaeada4y) vow,. WgittWheai ... ... 088 to 066 Witte Wh of New ... . .. 088 to 0 $$55 Red Wh at. a settiatia w alA 0 b$ to o 86 The Largest In the Dominion.. SALESMEN WANTED TO begin canvassing' at once ou gall Saloe. Steadyemployment tosuccet,stu1=4in.Creed agents areoarning from 640 to 6x75 per mouth and ospefses. Terms mid outfit free. Address STONE. dr NFFAXINOTO T - Toronto, Qnt. Pl OPEPXY LTO V{ ARM FOU SALE IN STEPHEN. Lotk:o5,in Oh Conoossi,on, 100 acres. Verparticuaare apply to B. V. F�IaL1QT, Solicitor, dm., >zaetor 4th Feb., 18.85. �-1ASM FOR SALL-,•The.ubsorib= or offer for sale the East Hait of Lot3 and North Ralf o0I of 2, 4th eon of Uaborne. On the premises area brick house 3046, nearly new,containinge rooms; frame barn 34x48, with stabling ; a small bearing orchard, and a never -tailing well. Tho laud is well drained and in a good •tate of cultivation There are 12 tome of i4,I3 r�be9,t in the ground ono cum-. sldereblefan ploughing done, Distance from Rioter, 5 miles, and 3 miles from Centralia- Teruaa to suit purchaser. Possession given either bolero mauling or atter harvest. Pur- obasor oanbe supplied with seed grain. For further particulars Apply OU the premises to O.H.8*'B4OU'E, or by letter to Exeter 1', U. FAUM FOR SME IN TIIE TOWNSHIP OF F1fEP17EN•--bots is io 17, con. 7 ; 200 scree, of entail about ,it0acrse r�sfree of *tempo, anti under good cullihatioal. 10 aeresPaeture • 50 arses good bush. which omitting from *4u6 to ±8500 worth of pine ; only nal milesfront the Village of C'retlituu. 41 utiles from m Rioter.lle Marge brick house, goof well A Court of Revision .of the ,d.ssessuseut Roll for the Township of tisltorue for 1885 will be bell et the Township Hall Ebuavine, ens Hay 30th. at 10 o'clock a, m. Perilous having 'mei. nese at said Court should govern themselves aocordinaly N. J. CLARK: 1883, Clerk. 'li•borhae, May 7tkt HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its ria. torai color, re- mzto'res Dandruff, stops the hair from failing out, Increases its, growth, ar13 / will not soil the skin. As a hair dyes- sing, It has n superior. Guar.: =teed harmless. Prepared by Harkness fid Co. Loddon, out. Sold ail and I'y to Ur. Elford, of Fdolmeaville, laid bank laarata root llou.a name i i• an egg which Wag really two complete eggs in one, the inner one being as large as au ordinary gallas egg, and with a shell just alt bard. The egg Wit IOOidentelly broken in the first plea°, whish led to the discovery of shed,aRallthathasrootpet beenemgt},wtitt The *oat 13•lirdstikat SUMMER TOUR 1 alaaaattr , Ulf Base: Icor Tripe per Week Between .. , G 10 to 0 i2 DETROIT AND MACKINAC 0278004 To R T F D FARMS 'n And Beery Week lees Between • o ► tQ a So T1 DETROIT AND CLEVELAND • 0 03 to 006 AND 1J UT HERS there being two in one, e,ti q o of St, Diary met with au ezoeedingly Var.!Biu you cortin when Shiiah'a Cure, will give immediate relict * Price ltk., SOe„ be eared, Mr. Treble is doing as Fon" L Oat per hit .., * 040 to a +u and all. Sold by d, W. Browning,Bscrim; ... 0 Au to 0 fie well as might be expected. l alaslevlhrightA unooueoionaly leaned over bruiting hie ar1111 in contact with the saw. His left arm was ea horribly taoerated that Wife (new) ••• ... barley Qat* Qlover dealt Tiauoiby• :amiss :• Flourperbbl..., Potatoo•,per bag ..- Applos.perbag Drlec1Applae.pr h .. UeeRe pax lh.••, Turkey perlb Ducks per pr Chickens per pr Ilcge;iroesedper100' Boot ••, iiideerouhg tirasated . dheap•kine,eaCI C'altakiaa Wool per ib ala partum n owner ush 0Ktto0S8 e48to0to 96 F00to6•l.S • ,.. 25 to 300 060800$5 ▪ 05680064 wind -min. about 3 sores Of Ore lase orahtlrl, a large eeiaction of the heat grafted apple�trore,. Plaaaxia, pear& and grape vinog, about Inti cherry tra6e, ntsetlyaromin outside; about :3O0shale trees along the aoucea:ion mad. Price moder- ato; terms easy. For further particulars. Ai+plyy= to NRTTII I:'1S MORT.Ua:ia. C•'retlitou i'. U., Crnt, • ... 011tocn _ 0 eoo00 O 0$ to 006 Writs forour . a 40 to 9 till Will be sold shortly under Power of Sat.. upiCtu1etgJG Mackinac" uruifrxtcl� A. A. 0 k5 to 0 `► in at Mortgage the Handsome u •steins Ban ra tivat.r,. x u.d rms. icit . SSOtcS^,,, S00tea 00 , 5 oo tp a nit Dena t& Cleveland Steam Nev. E?� 0008°600 0. D. WHiTC(#MB. ARM. FAIL Aar„ 0 90 80 4 ",3 OCTIIQIT, MICH. ., as6tao7G Ilsm ... ,,, A lA to 090 ,.. .,. A 00 tole Ot* amputatiuu was raeoes'ary, The (► � u 6 60 tat, ^, fight arm esti badly torn, but it ie vvol per cora „,' fo to'. 75 And �-xrf�lZlitls: d thought by careful treatment it might �s. tdanNi;xs.'um a __ — Mrs. McCaffrey, of Biddulph, as Hardiest at San I,'rancisco, old woman of unsound mind, endeav- omd to escape from the County Poor San Francisco, Cal., May 21.•— Rouse at Strathroy one night recent: , .. Mullen arrived from. Australia to- ly; She knotted the sheets of her 'OHN GILL, Auctioneer for the day. Speaking of Ins defeat by Beach, bed together, and threw the bed out tJ Townships of Stephen, Ray anti reborne, he ea A:—I simply anal a batter man Hurl the Villagcot limiter. All side, promptly y p y of filo window to 60'8 en the (alt. attonded, anti satisfaction guaranteed. Saha thou I was at the lime. I was beaten Then tying her improvised rope to ;arrangedatthis office. fairly and squarely. I shall return the etoank pipes, she let Lierooif down 1B* to :3.uetratia in 18 nloutbfl and try from the third story window. The hitn again. Beach is the beat mall I sheets parted, and she must have had over met, and 1 am authorized to bay a savors fall, but her prooaution ill he is ready to row any roan in the throwing out the bad served to pro - world for from $5,000 to $25,000, teat hor, from breaking any boned. and i allow travelling expenses,She remainbd there till morning. Hanlan is iu excellent health I Mrs. McCaffrey was suffering from erysipelas before the attempt, and Huron Presbytery. her exposure for some hours rattler' aggravated her symptoms. The Presbytery of Huron met in The other day a .hotel•keoper redid• 1 Willis ohuroh, Clinton, on Monday,, mg in the northern part of Huron the— 2th inst., at 10 o'clock, Mr. county, who it the owner of several Pritchard was reappointed to re horses, but which happened to ha _ present the Presbytery on the Home away from home, went to a minister made in the Latest Styles, and. Satisfaction Mission committee for the ensuing in the village and borrowed his horse, guaranteed in every respect. ostensibly for the purpose of using it just for a few minutes. Instead of it being returned, the horse was used CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST all day in canvassing for signatures NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. against the Scott Aot, the statement being made that as the minister's horse was used he was opposed to the Act, although generally known to be pronounced in its favor. In oonse. gnencs of this deception, quite a , number are said to have been misled and signed the proposed amendment; to the aot. 1 Barley tfee.lirtat White Oats, Black Oates Apples per bill. Potatoes par bh 0500 to 060 04,to046 04 to 0 3c 8 W. F. 11ULT,1.N o 3i to 033 1 00 to 100 23 to tl Fxirtwdy cecultied by flat late Henry \\'.1 t Hall. Barrister, Apply to Loral.. UR. WU. LINE is prepared to do CUSTOM TIAtLORING ON HURON -ST., ONE BLOCK WEST OF MANSION HOUSE. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS 3va... Notices were read from the Prem byleries of Hamilton, London, Toron- to, Glengarry and. Book Lake, that they intended applying io the General Assembly al its next meeting for leave to receive certain ministers from other churches. Of these min- isters, three belong to the Congre- gational church, one to the Methodist ohuroh, one to the Welsh Methodist church, and two to the American Presbyterian ohuroh. Mr. McCoy was empowered to moderate in a call at Brimfield, and Dr. Ure, at Bay- field, when the congregations should be ready to proceed - Sympathy was expressed with the congregation of Bethany for the loss of their ehuroh by fire a short time ago, and their efforts to rebuild as soon BR poosible were commended. In connection with the report on 1 temperance, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:—Whereas, this Presbytery has more, than once expressed its approval of the Scott Act, recommending its adoption to the members and adherents of the church in the country ; and whereas, the Act having been adopted in the county by a large majority, the Pres- byterLr,hoped that its provisions would be faithfully and fully carried out ; ' byit resolved, that this Presbytery regrets the action of the hoer se commissioners in passing over all the bride's father, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. W. H. Gane, Mr. Jolie Alexander Me- llo druggists of the county, and ap- Naughton, Public School Teacher of Hib- bert, to Miss Harriet Elmyrn, daughter of Eleanor Williams, Esq., of Usborno. Scott's Emulsion or cure 1 Coal Liver OR, with Sypophosphites. In Consumption and Wasting Diseases. Dr. C. W. BARRINGER, Pittsburg, Pa., says t "I think your Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is f a very fine preparation, and fills a long felt 91 want. It is very useful in consumption and wasting diseases. remedy for you. Sold by J. W. Browning. Right now is the time to use a good Blood Purifying medicine. Loso no time in getting a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. It will do you good. Sold by all druggists ; 50 cents. A full BORN. Cooi'ER.—In Elimville, on the 21st lust., Mrs. Cooper, of a daughtea. MARRIED. 3ICNAUGUToti--wtr.tLUrs, At the residence of pointing as vendors under the Act, so many persons who were openly op- posed to it : 2nd, that they view with alarm, the amendments to the Act introduced in the Senate of the Dom- inion, permitting the sale of beer and light wines, and hope and pray that these amendments shall not receive the approval of the House of Com- mons, or become law. The clerk was instructed to send a copy of the resolution to the Hon. Senator Vidal and A. Jamieson, M. P. A document containing certain charges against D'. Ure, and other CArntNu—Fra:TON.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 2611i inst., by the Rev. W. S. Pascoe, Mr. Wm, Carling, son of Isaac Carling. Esq., to Miss Annie Fit- ton, eldest daughter of Mr. Thos. Fitton, all;of Exeter. DIED . Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. he illoPis aasor.—At the residence of D,lnuis Sutton, Stephen, on the 14th inst., Airs. McPherson, in the 651st year of her age. A2o1VIraniu.—Tn Bullata, ou Monday, May 181h, Walter MCMill2tu, eldest son of Mr. John McMillan, aged 29 years and 9 mths. CENTRAL stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand., Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. T11IS or'r and return to u+ with ,, Itteor 4 se snoopy, mot you'll get by return snail* ticdd,.n Roti of 4.n,:.14 that will bring you in more mousy than anything else in Muerte a. Youl fortune if you start CITY :ti0VELF3 CO Yarmouth, N. i. Will. Senior «irhoi,1 ' 2nforrm. OW n;l.1214(.1U ..f itu•1 mitt tt-nmltip,•, that t;1' hes 4t. opened ui..i,c 1,.. A Tailoring Shop The Council of the ('c.rltar;al++n t f tote in FANSi2 i la.(1t 1, :Ipt.;.tan.t. where In County of Huron will meet in the Court house as ili. b•a prcpart•tc to ,10 1211 kinds c,f oi,c,ru ill the town or (iederich, ou Tuesday, the 2nd day of Juno next. All accounts against therlt briny!. county roust be presented on or before the second clay of this session. t; PETI:I= AD 1MSCN, Co. (Torr. I If ,yin Wast a (;t,otl .ttin4: and \ti t•ll•Initt.• SEE1�S, Suit, Coat ur I'nttt'i. }V+u loll tiu,1 Sat. isfaetu,n by giving him n trial. Seeds, Seeds I 1 ' hashad >.._ Fresh and Reliable 17 r. Se 11()1o ti perience and is a practical workman. Remember the Spot, Directly over cion, A. tl)ndl :in's Grovel;, Stars. 'Will. Senior. Garden, Field and Flower t E E D S In great Variety at the Dominion aa1y BEANS.—German Black Wax, New Golden Wax. BEET.—Long Dark Blood. CABBAGE. --Early Wenningstadt, Early Large York, Early French Drumhead, Stone Mason Marblehead, Prime Flat Dutch. CARROT.—Early Short Horn, Early Scar- let Horn. CORN: Earlp Minnesota; Dolly Button. CUCUMBER.—Early CIuster, Bismark Long Green, Perfection Pickling. LETTITCE --Early Boston Curled, Eaily Prize Head. MUSK MELON.—Coral Flesh. WATER IELOV.—Mountain Sweet. PEAS.—Ferry's Extra Early,McLean's Little Clean, Champion of England. RADISH.—Early Long Scarlet (short top) Early Round Deep Scarlet, Long White Spanish. TOMATO.—Liviugstoue's Favorite, Trophy. 31021. TI-IEF' &MU Besides a full lino of Garden Seeds in package, we are also offering the following varieties of Fresh Field and Garden :eels IN BULIC, which is, of course, is the cheap- est way by all odds to buy thorn. TURNIPS.—Purple Top Yellow Aberdeen, Baugholm Purple Top Swede, Carter's Improved Purpio Top Swede. CARROTS.—White Belgian (for the garden) BEST ENGLISH MUSHROOM SPAWN: NOTICE. Ct EAL1MD TENDERS, uddve red to 1.7 the undersigned, au,lender,e+l -Tender for Indian Supplies," will be received at tnis office tip to noon of MONDAY,,1.5th 1I \Y,1885, for the delivery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal year ending 30th Juno. Piss, coniititnil: of F lulu, Macon, Groceries, Amu funiHop , Twine, then 1 Cows, Bulls, Agricultural Implon cuts, Tools., &e., duty raid, iu Manitoba and the N,rth- \Vest Territori, s. Forms of toniter mutaining full particulars relative to the fipples re mired, ,nates of de- livery, Sac.,.may be had by applying to the un- dersigned, of to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at l;egina, or to the Indian Unice.W in- 11ipeg. Vannes may tender for sash description of goods tor for auy pn.tien of each deseriptiou of goods) separately or for all tho goods called for in the schedules. Iaaeh Toulon inns be aceonipauied byt ihn ac cepted Ch.- uu in favor of the Suporinteudent General of Indian ' i'fi.irs on a +Oa,nadian I;ank for at least five per cent. or the amount of tilt tenders for Manitoba„and ten per cent. of the amount of the tenders for the forth.\Vest Ter- ritories, which will bo forfeited. if the party ten• florin;declinestoeutor into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fails to complete too wort: contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned, 'l.oudorors arc required to make up in the Money c ilumns in the Schedule the tote l mon- oyvalue of the mods they oiler to supply, or their tender will not bo entertained. Bach Tender must, iu addition to the signa- ture of the tenderer, be signed 'by two sureties acceptable to the Department, for the proper performance of trio ,iontrect. In all cases whore transportation may be only partial by rail, contractors must make proper arrangements for supplies to bo for- warded at once from railway stations to their destination in tho Govern ineut \Varohouise_at. the point of delivery Tlie lowest or any tender not necessarily am- ceptod. L. VANKOrGI-NET, Doputp of the Superintendent -General of Indian Affairs Call early as the stock is Choice and limited, and we are determined to carry no seeds over. .J W. BROWNING, Proprietor. DEPARTMENT or INDIAN AFFAIRS, OTTAWA, liras M taco 1881. 1