HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-5-28, Page 4I COMMUNICATIONS.
s l
f far 11t1i!' � A ;tat
free with each bottle tnf
we do not holuoux selves responsible fo in- Shiloh s Cata> rh Remedy, Price 50 cents .
__._..___. _..... __ ions expxessed by correspondents for
Sola by 3. W. Browning.
THURSDAY, MAY 28tb, 1885:
this heading:
, . A r_cleetiug of the directors_ of the
Hay Branch Agricultural Society was
held in the town hall, Ztlrioh, ou '
error iu the account given of the later Friday last, Nearly all the directors
Tay Grit indignation Meeting district meeting, for which you ars in were present, The prize list for the
which was announced to be, held iu no way responsible. Provision was next fall show Wes arranged. The I
Clinton on Friday last to protest made on our billet sheet for 74 dole list this year will be found evelp mare
against the new Franchise Bltl was, r gates clerical and lay. A few aged liberal than in former years, Each
according to the .'Fares -Record, a cam-, mhnietere did not attend, and two in director war fitrnielhed with a pass.
plate failure. It says the -a;ldienae' Manitoba and one in the u. States book. stud stn eaergetio canvass for
was made up of vacant reserved seats were of necessity absent, A member members bas beeu commenced.
from A to the end of the alphabet' of the Roues of Comment; is eeuding'
petitions to the various eooleeiastical Don't use any more nauseous purgatives,
and a large number of other it12944fl- � p tint".
uvtl ss I'jlls,,~zklie.� , shev yon oen sat
pied seats and chairs, 1. vidontly:the asiembliee which are oar meeting or in Dr. Carson's Stomeoh •Bitters, a meaieine
indignation against the Franotiiee l 4411 meet at Ibis par pular season of, that moves the bowels gently, cleansing all
Bill has not taken bold of the people i the year throughout the Provitaoe, impurities frota the system, and rendering
of South Huron to any alarMiug seeking to secure to then' as many the blood pure and cool. Sold by all Drug -
tent, although there is a Reform ma- ? signatures as possible against the gists.,
jority in the .tiding of about six or proposed changes of the Senate to the Mr Jetties Chesney, of Tuck-
eoven hundred, and at last a09ounta Seett Aot. 1t'ben the petiticu was oranlhth, baa a suckling colt not yet
everythiug was quiet. oven the 81201/11• laid on the table, it was withou; any two weeks old which measured 8 feat
i ion movement, which Ills said to ,. heshtauoy signed by all the delegates 8 caches in height, girth 3 feet 8 in,
have taken hold of both Couseivativea then present in the church, being and the front butte f: ilchee when i;
and Reformers alike, haviug cora: about 58 perenus ; the other mem- 0 was foaled.
pietely stied out. ; leers, not knowing anytlhiug about the
petition, having left to catch the af• ; JrLi3r■.i R si\GEIiS,
Thu mo&t iutereating feature of fire recent
Walcott train for Loudon. The next exhibitfop at aionlrea�waq a oonlpafly of col-
I�ontioq Qaufererioe mill, D. t'•, coast fbs ai�bilRted tiol3 CaA�obs Q attAua at tit
in the town of Chatham. on the Ord ? aaruett e4(tinrsati>ae;theora,ril9 of Fpectatnrs
day of JLne, There were 43 laymen' antis RiAcra:lauo oma wor`elawerted to th
chosen to go to the eneuiug miler.; Polluter timid of shaving toha•`C.s and the
thaukcofthecoaunrittea teudexed to the dd
To Editor of th,e Exeter TttnesV
' D1TOR14L NOTES. DEAR S1a,---I mate to correct an
followiug bas been a spearing
in the Grit papers as a correct report
as published in the ifonsarfl, of the
answers givuu by Sir John in reply
to queatione by lir. aunts
-Mr. Mills-Tliii; will iau:ude Indians in
Manitil�a arab British Columbia
Sir John Micaouald -Yes.
Mr. Mitis-iPtiundmakar au:i Big Bear
Sir .Tulin Macdonald -Ws."
Why the these papers not publish
the further explanation of Sir John'a
as it appeared in the Hansard in re-
ply to lair. :Ilius ? To have given
the following statement by Sir John
A. Macdonald. would have beau more
honest and just to their readers, but
it would. not have suited their pur-
pose : here they are cheek by joint ; formed
"That hon. gentleman knows perfectly
well, and the boil. member for Algoma, in
his admirable and well-informed speech, has
i - prod
once. liauy of these were outeide G arias TobaccoCo. for their attractiveesbibit
the district at its sittings, bat living
within ite bounds. There were a r The Decided. alterative action of
great many stirring questions die - Robinson's Pli*osithorizec Uiuu1-
aualsed in regard to asndidates fur the Mort upon Lilo blood, adapts it in a remsrlt-
tninistry, division of circuits, and ale,able degree as a blood purifier wail worthy
t moats to promote the cause of 'conk for
oof /the eircutrting field. Alwapa
ns or . sfaeo;l a P.tioaruontzru Fsivr,sio',
and be sure you get it.
beyof the trial of tboae suffering frons a tllseased
nut, is , 14 which meet of time present
took part, during the whole of which
not an uut;iud wort was spoken, or
sa unpluasaut act performed. The
cessions were oliaraoterized by bro.
therly Ir v0 from the beginning to the
G. N. A. F. T. l).
A Franchise Meeting.
Tiithe Siitlrof t o £ 't -•r Tit•t•'>;,
Man Silt, --I understood that theta
was to be a public we0tlug at Credi.
ton on Friday night last, and I weld
to the village to soy what waw fi ting
on. When I went in I found a fairy
good crowd, with S. Hogarth, Esq.,
in the chair. I at once concluded it
wits a Scott Act meeting, a4 1 knew
Mr. Hogarth was presideut 01 the
township committee ; but, sir, what
was my eurpri.e when I eaw the ern.
tars on the occaeiou : our local M.
D., Mr. Cr. eloir and Mr. .lotlius, a
youug lawyer, of Exeter. Then I
found it was an indiguation meeting
against the Franchise Bill, and I saw
the moat remarkable instance of how
politics make the lion and the Iamb
he down together. I know lir. ito•
garth said bard things of air, Moir
and Mr. Collins about the Soett Aut
"campaign, and I did not think the
lsame room could contain them,but to
told us that many of these Indiana are re-
spectable, educated and worthy persons in.
every respect, and he knows well the
Bill can in no nay apply to the saraye no -
nada of the North-west. It is only designed
io give a vote to those Indians who have the
ostensible evidence of property which the
white man can show -have houses, furniture
and civil appliances of a certain value."
The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon,
Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe nro
lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold
by 3, W. Browning.
The Scott Act.
The Scott Act was voted on in the
city of Kingston, on Thursday, and
was defeated by a majority of 53. The
County of Frontenac was also tested
and it gave a majority for the Act of
over 400.
It is alleged that the defeat of the
Scott Act in the City of Kingston last
week will probably be changed to a
victory on a recount of the ballots,
sufficient of the latter to turn the
scale in favour of the Act having
been illegally mrked by one of the
returning officers.
News IN -otos.
Finances are not in a flourishing
state with the Salvation Army in
England. General Both has been
before the judical bench for non -pay.
hent of poor -rates, and, notwith-
standing the plea of the "General"
that the Army was in such straitened
circumstances that it could not really
afford to pay rates, the man of the
law thought this "too t1,in" and or-
dered Booth to pay or go to jail.
Gladstone will without doubt re-
tire with the dissolution of Parliament
but this will not Dreveut him from
taking opportunities during the recess
of speaking a number of times public.
ly in defence of the policy of his ad-
ministration. Having thus helped
the Liberals back to power he will
quit public life forever. But if war
breaks out he will resign at once,
leaving Harrington, now minister of
war, again Premier to carry it on.
linto a mutual admiration society.
in open-mouthed amazement 1 took
my stand and awaited events. And
then the orators talked a good deal of
bosh, scale of which wasn't strictly
true. The impression loft on the
audience was that Grits would mostly
be left off the voters' list ana if they
wanted to gat on it would Dost $30 or
$40 each ; that the Bill restricted
the franchise ; that Poundmaker and
all the rebel Indians of the North-
West would have votes by this Bill. ;
that Ontario Indians would be com-
pletely in the power of the Govern-
ment and must vote as ordered, and a
lot more to the same effect, all of
whioh was misleading and an attempt
to impose on the ignorance of the
people. Almost every objection
against the Bill was amended before
the speeches were made, and if the
gentlemen read any other paper than 1
the Globe (which suppressed Sir f
John's speech and amendments for:
several days) they would have known
better, Stephen people are not half!
so ignorant as the orators must have i
imagined. Then it was claimed that
some of the amendments that they
did netioe were due to the Opposi-
tion, when intelligent people knew
that the Mail and other papers stated
all these changes were to be made,
over two weeks ago. And on enquiry
I found that the same misrepresenta•
tion was used in getting signatures
to the petition. The gentleman who
is circulating it cannot have made a
fortune if the price here is the same
as in Toronto (15 cents a hundred
names). But we hope for his sake
that Trow and Cameron are paying
higher rates than that, Let Con•
servatives beware of signing such
petitions till they fully understand
the scope and meaning of the Act
as already and to be amended. Don't
heap wealth on Grit canvassers at the
rate of one cent for seven names.
Wouldn't it be better for both canvas-
sers and speakers to wait and know
something about the final provisions
of the Bill before wasting their breath
fighting an imaginary wind -mill ?
Yous, Jio.,
iOAGUL1NE.—Cetnent for Brok-
eudxtelea, Sunil evertiwbere-
Sole i-ttcers.-.t i.y ;uwb.. stockrort
"A.1'S CQ:11I'QL`ND aF 1_411s3.SEE». Aunieeel., Nevem, S;iuf11,Toln, de
with Chtoradvae.
i A3'SCOM1?OUND, a demulcent,
q oxue.'tcrant for epochs and cods, 1
1.Y'S courol Np, fur Coughs •
- cunt (`old,. t, tquail3 ,,+,vi •:itlu tqr
Horses all l Cattle.
- " Y'S TW PILLS, a specific in
7 - :ao:aral to 1'aeo•acht+ plc.
t l)VENTlal alENT FOR
• 1'ttrt:nttnt t.• au order of the lli„ h Court of.
Jns!i. • et'hauecay 11iviuoue, r"ade+ iu a cause
wherein William J. (,'arlile iaplaiutiff.and 1.s_.
vine Alin Curiae anti utiles aril iterrndiint,, hurt
Ctrd torjof I:• ibcrt.14tmei Carl:ie./en,l s+nniuo
t`ariiI..1tot11 late of thirr'otiti,hilr of Hay, nil'
tilt. ('aunty of Rarori.vceuio1,tslta used on i
1+r s_3 ••ut thn:t•ith day ,f \Tpx 1. A !l, 1` +i and
I:i+1t ttat .1 1'iahruaryl, lsttt, rewl,rctsaoiy.}
are ort or botoru nal; lint dad of June.
10'.. to Send by post. l,rel'tasd, to Ileulautt'i
t'aIIa.k.t, of thu t'illlign of i.xeter, in
' the aattl Col.atyof liurou,tbe solicitor of the 1
- said plaintiff, their Christian and SUrnottneS.
addrei,aee and description, the hili particulars
of th,•irclafma,a statement of their accounts
mud the nature of the securities cif aHyl held by'
a t creditorbedding •t
them, or in elation thereof they will ho per•
emptotily excluded from the benefit of thenasel
order. ivory o ingany scours 1 is
to produce the same before me at my cham-
bers at the town of (aoderich, ea the ttard .day
of June,14t5, at 11 c'cleek nt the teronnou, be• ,�.,_,. rt .
ing tttc time appointed for the aajucation on
thu eiaiuth.
Hello, Hello Mr. Tailor ! Hello, 1 Say
"Deg pardon, Squire, I'm here a What's the platter ? "
Matter enough seems to me with this old telephone, for
I've had to fairly bawl to make you hear, but that is not what.
is bothering me most now. I'll tell you, I want a new pair
pants —roust have them right away—and would like you to
make thein ; you have lay measure and I'd be obliged if yQU.
would run down to Messrs. RANTON BROS., and select
something nice and suitable for one in my position."
" Thanks Squire, l shall be most happy and feel sure
BANTON BROS. have what will please you."
" Yes, Harry ! I'm told they have the tart panting of the
town—wide 'stripes, narrow stripes, light and :lark shades
just the i stuff.' ,►
"Correct, Renton Bros.' is the place for select panting,
corkscrew coating, rich velvet coating and fine t uitings,
made to order in the latest styles, au immense range of silk
and satin scarfs and ties --nearly 25 doz, to pick from -collars,
braces, Hats, &c., (1;c., at RANTON BROS."
SPECIAL FOR THE LADIES—New this week a big lot of
Cheat Goods --11 kite .7%Iuslins, Col'd ttuslins-grand value.
.S'ta?'tlit.g value in New Dress Goods—Come and see. Another
lot of Block Silks ---a bargain. fest Corsets to be had in the.
trade. Don't forget to call and see them. RANTO.N BROS.
Exeter Tailors fl9 IEstablislirn't
• t.
}Ias received a Splendid assortment of ('LOTUS and TWEEDS vt'r; C`huice (iotad t, an:l
will sill thew cheap for CAM..
wits Made to Order On Short Notice.,
No credit given. Sold ONLY for (:ASH, and that means
Cheap Goods. Call and see his stock before placing your
Exeter,4th Itarch,18t
1'ate.l this 1_th clay of Mny,16t:.,
jSleuedl S.3IA.LCOMSO1:
Local Mutat
at Godorleh:
n1rc1nia1 Aailmao
The Great Canadian Route to and from
the Ocean, for Speed, Comfort:and
Safey is unsurpassed.
Pullman palace day and sleeping cars on
all through express trains. flood dining rooms
of convenient distances. No Custom Honso
Pullman cars leaving Montreal 0.1 Mon-
day,Wednesday, and Friday run through to
Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
day to St. John, N. B., without change.
Passengers from all points in Canada and.
Western States to Great Britain and the Conti-
nent should take this route, as hundreds of
miles of Winter nayigation is thereby
will find it adyantagoous to use this route as
it is the tluickest in point oftime, andtho rates
are as low as by any other.
Through freight is forwarded by fast special
trains and experience has proved the Inter -
colonial route to bo the quickest for European
freight to and from all points in Canada and
the Western States.
Tickets may be obtained and also informa-
tion about the route and about freight and
passenger rates from , .
Western Froight&Passenger Agent
thi ltossiu House Block, York St., Toronto
Chief Superintendent.
Railway Office, troncton, N, B:,May 14, '8S-ly:
_L.. LINIMENT for Diphtheria, Croup, and
Asiatic Cholera. A sure curd, Pain of all
kinds quickly relieved. Internally and extern-
ally. Ask for it. Take no other. See teatime.
nials. l'or sale by all Druggists.
In Minnesota, North Dakota, Mon-
tana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
From Lake Superior to Paget Sound,
At prices ranging chiefly from $2 to $6 per acre,
on 5 to 10 years' time. This is the Best Country
for securing Good Homes now open for settlement.
3 2 0 acres of Government
Land Free under the liomei t ,n d
and Timber Culture Laws, NOTE
—10,818,43V Acres OR MHOS THAN
HALF o1 all the Public Lands disposed of in 188:1
were in the Northern Pacific country. Books and
IlTaps sent FREE describing the Northern
pacific Conntry,the Railroad Lands for Sale and
the FREE Government Lands, Address, CHAS. B.
LAMBORN, Land Com'r, N. P. 1.11. St. Paul, Minn.
Latest Novelties of El Season
Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to suit the
Remember we keep the place to get everything you want
and at right pries.
The Old Established House, Exeter
• I NATIONS, 1883
Has opened dental rooms over
props edtogexttraetteethwithout
pain. All operations performed with ease and
skill. Golcl fillings a speciality. Office hours
3 a, m: to 5 p m, ()HAUGES MODERATE, Tsrnars
Best in the World. DIado'only by the Fra-
zer Lubricator Company, at Chicago, New
York and St. Louis: SOLD EVERYWHERE
Notice is hereby given that a Court for the
otfevEkeeter for of 1885 will be held ant Roll tthe theVillagearkt
House, Exeter, on Wednesday, the 27th day of
May, 1885, at 10 o'clock, in 'the forenoon: All
persons having business at the said Court will
govern themselves accordingly; By order,
Exeter 1st May,1885. Mt EAORETT, Clerk.
Fust -class, Gracie C, Non-professional at the
Normal Schools, Toronto and Ottawa, on Wod-
nesday, July 15th, at 1:130 pm. Tuird-class non
professional Ekamination at the High Schools
in the County, on Monday, July 0th, 1 p, m.
Second-class Non-profO,ssonal Examination at
County High Schools. on Wednesday, July 8th,
at 11:C5 a m: For First-class certificates, Grades
A and B Examination will begin after the con-
clusion of the Professional Examination. Can
dictates most notify the Secretary on or before
1st June, the school whore ho or she desires to
write, naming the optional subject he or she
wishes to take, and the certificate he or she
now holds, if any. Tho notice must be accom-
pa nied by a certificate of character and a foe
of 52, or 54 if the candidate applies for a 2nd
as well as a 3rd class examination, No name
will boforwarded bo the Department, unless
the fee accompanies it. Forms of application
may 1.o had from the SecretaryThe Head
Masters of High Schools will ploaso send the
applications of their candidates to the County
Inspector of the division in which the High
School is situated.
D; AL MALLOCH, Esq., Secy B. Exm's.
Presiding Inspector.
OLovely New Style all Chrome Cards, with
name and a prize, for lOol 12 packs, 12
names, for $1. A sample packand ag-
ent's outfit with illustrated catalogue of
Tricks, and Novelties, for 3o stamp, and
this slip, A. W, EINNOY, Yarmouth, N, S.