HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-5-28, Page 3t Lf Irlttkil*P more money in a few dol.** l ban %on over thought roast - THE STILUTETII Mi1RDER TRIAD Jt1h1I , {sterna i.ny' t,nri»eas. t:apa� al not „K ,,;,p atatenattat1'... . nottevn ut.'-• F Clot#,.;*gsit.tl)eurnaneen f • . . :. .. . . ... YOUlt HEAVENLY 1''Arll t ilNOW:ran. sigeed, had been presented to biro, TEST YOUR BAKING POVTDER TO-DATI I __ , asking that tue lielue. L seuteupe �_ _, ' t :4 T1s tt)' 111. 1 possible be tilis•e,1 quo' Mitctlell I:randsadrerttsed as absolutely pure (Fiona a ,hers Ytyte n al 1,i/•,• + L' Nilo Rev. W. bat he said smell crimen as the One 1 • CQINi•9 P14-z eQ• 7 1fcC]l T$, lituruatgb+z. Mai -liters' !'b.ice.i liin sten. 1 THE TEST- + ROf elid;lI t11e intaotzer hod heed found Mee acan top downonahot save until heated.then ,rate Wosaverandrs& A esgetVsDwill not be '" My Father lttli:Ctt 1 who tin L ! Him. f;gllty were eiUt t0 be passed..over ,1,,,r4µ.tudeteCtthepresKace of amlaonta: Though tile tern he weak. ant -lie "hope be lightly. Iia awever, but for the petition ; dial ; aild that z'ecommedatiou of mercy 1 1 uoit;.'lt that we even try to tell.l. returned t3 For He reeneinbers e' are but ,l et urY the jur y, a far longer ' sentence would Have been given. , 11.1 Fether lilt te*t k the +tit tAllij ; he Relltenee of the Court watt that ' .fieri the , a7, ne; ,l life 1-'1 1 1 lie, - - ;sachets be irprieootel lu the Lei - . For tile Irma ,.1. fay tibial• IV:VA 11141 1111 fast, : teutiar at ICU{ iron for the petiod r Till 1 ere the .le xtia rivet it .1:v4. y ` of ten years, The crowd, as the se11t5itce was passed, started hleeing, but aria wee promptly obeoked by i the cunatables. The citizens were eurpri'•edt at the enormity of (he And insert' I 1've:l tl ith my Father knew, t sentence which is far from meeting i In the wealthy halve or the cottage lute : , G • :ate Father k;eewe ti what thiees 1 need, why slat Itt11 r•1 #e.t,++tt1•i •l iirbc•s give heed 'When the word of a Icing to 1ne He will give whatever zlty nt t tl utity be ? J,oueiy, perchance, ur where deer ones be,— i trtth public approval. 'Tis the phew that die bads i:1;a,ilated for ane. Catttstroplte 112 Cit1<:iIIllRti. Halve after borne hath been broken up Sines' brut I toted Lite's hitter cut. ; Where will those tired eyelids rluse ? 1 cannot tell --bat: Inv Father knows. I cannot tell. when the light unfolds. What the Clay that is coniines holds, But Ina Father kna ti,--au,l t ,Nevoid to ane is, reds thy da; so thy strength tl) shall be." Il=•fare Ivy Father the balaaea=t lie [bat Melts my day and my day's supply, And if 1 l egut with_att nal he.% hny st{ire, What tu:iret•l I faint ere its boars :u'e o'er, C'iuciaillati, ..14y 21,•-•..:1t a fire this afternoon it. Sullivatl's 1)riutu1g eetab. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, listuneut, eight Alts Rud women ass 'cumin:WU me NEVER max erss'rroi'8re tamped from the liftt2 storey to the! iaautinionhotrev for A quarter of a century it has etahewalkk and fi'r'e were killed. 440.,4 the eolounaars' rsltattle test, •THE v {� T11E i1F4Ti1 ROLL 1�CI1FAg1'A THE TEST OF THE OVEN. teeter developments show that the tite at 19 Sixth street this afternoon ' ISAFBLL4 ar 3 RICE BAltt, NU POWDER CO, eit»leetl the death :)f setreuteeu persona.Dr. pi �3e's Special P1avorui Extracts It telt., at fifth thought that only five a 1 owsektocso.t 401tletis sad nateralltaterbuowe,ud 1; r` 0 1 H doth 1 t• women who jumped frow the flails (: l:aCitt.' at any .+watt, ;- i' *1 a t,.' t '1 , ° Odd, storey window, were {tilled, but when se price's Lupulin Yeast Gems When 1 (*,•we to straggle 'paiu4t wind and ! the flee wltd rubd.ned so that firemen. it r Light, IIealthY llread,Th@ hest Pty liars title : , i c^3illll et)trz' Lite 'milling, tltt•y found Yeas la aha world. Nay, Ile 1,Yale )uta unt fns the r t n zt.-- FOR SALE BY GROCERS. 1111 the tteidi 1lEt»dal are sat, airtile)if .t to lt,ttl,t •tell belies C;IitCA(•.o. ST. LQU,S. . tile Mate, IX HEAPS :t.kit i': it Inv •:-)-I' •sv•:-. , i t t••: ..e tett the fifth tiOnr and One lay ou ilie ; With the d,lltrt, IfuldetAttil „tt Ila• 4, fourth. Thera ,fere b1S who jnttlped• a have taut , -.':323 upon idea. i1 .1 i,:t,, ; from the winduw and iveru killed, and 1 Lever :vie, helped and eistuf outt,.1 r:t'. ' onH lih4t1, triter .»came' the lives of two :le. ktl•rtet:113')u t..tlwlittl' lily-•..'il, women by letting aloteu it rope front 1 filmiest.; nifty rier autl tvate:e mar r.,ll : tl,F. 1.14, wee i:teteelf emelt by the 4 hili : t -e 1•: `t.t11 tt e' 'el' wove f,•1• to-, l - e'1 bttra:itt}.t in two of the same lore be• - tine' fore fit, r'••alUltetl the ground. This i il,ele alisete . t1 -4•`.. .a .tie"tierele to v'i'i lir i r tasa:•, brother of the pro- • Illi e. pxietor of Lite printing woes-. . int" ve h Inv sl ; ' 1i ^ t 'l. » t.),e3- ;:r leaks. ^:$+'zN; t)t' rue urian:, ri11..:'" l i"..1., Cr,?Lt.. t, a Ott wail t•oAp ; - i „ C rid l sills t't ai iOdletll, 1 the time a err, t t.ii,t"' 1 it:1 • le Litt, I i 1* t l b, the a l"' 111et1 iota. -:,a ny f .5.rt .ani -. st Aft •-•.• ^.'1 : 01 i t t as'ti'r stove oil the eoond ' And "+, 1';..*l,11. L' 131± Lt til:Y: t$tt V.tt••1 t, 11li ', ttblclt 18 next to the , ►1i.. i«Ii, in eeet ,,teh step L. its .• elem. ! t l arestand strongest Natural Frit Flavors. iliac tituir 1G, t:i:,1 1111 t;llita:tu l+l escape Balt$ritsrielitettilyandigiatnrtillyustbefrltitc., ARNICA and OIL LINIMENT Pal 9VRE[$ ALL us and Aces, AND TthIT Emu in the WORLD! SOLD E PRICE, 26 AND IS THE MOST PERFECT Y ALL DEALERS.. 0 C €QTS PER EOTTI. . MANHOOD How Lost, Haw • Restosec . Wo have recently pill,lished.a new edition o : DR. Cf.`It� F-RwriLI.'S CELEBRATED ESSAX 1 dicine}of NersousDebilllts,sientetiand phhyaiiccal, (Incapacity impediments to lfartioge, ete., re. suiting trout excesses. i Price,insealed envelope,ouly ecents,or two postage atamps. TheoelebratedautbOrottltis adrnirabiecaaay Olearlydemolstrntes,tr*ui thirty years' success• Jul practice. tltatMaria ingeAarequencosmaybe { radically cured without the theorem; use vt sa t ' tenant rnedicinesorthe use of the knife; Point• I out 1L»,0de of mire at oneesiull,ie certain and of -1 tectual,by uteauttotwhicll Ovary sufferor,tnuwat. ter what his condition u.aY be,ruay curellialreit ell.eattiy,}'rivtatelyanti radically. 3 •Thi lecture abouldbei»the ba»dsot ever, youth aatdevery wan in alis hurt. Address TIIE CU1X1'.E1tELLMEDWA.L•Co • KING' EVIL Was the name formerly given to Scrofula, because of a superstition that it could bo cured by a king's touch. The world is wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be curets by a thorough purifies. tion of the blood. It this is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Amass its earlier symptomatic developments ares Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu - mon, Rolle, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, FurulentIlnnehs, Nervous and shy.. steal Collapse, etc, If allowed to conn time Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ga" tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and varix nus other dangerous or fatal melodies, are produced by it. AIM'S Sa'aparilla 'sae only powerful and awns' reliable blood -purifying ri ying medicine. itis so effect - nal an alterative that it eradicates trout the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the same time it en. riches and vitaliz:,: the blood. restoring Stn .. st .t \N Sr.,NT'•tt SORE o•;t Oftice lite; •f00 sit HORSEMEN, SPECIAL REMEMBER R1i Tlie f ililes fee I urgi.•st and t ,-, . SZST ASSORTED STOCK i•:a?r. '1.12::�tttlles eukawredll3C!? rat' - MOST PERFECT MADE 3 ilteve 1• It t, tratit es a caribi wean d e, 1 mild e;it b;.. rhe killed are mostly ,'.,iV.w i.rei,,,,N rMrtYGtt VV.} \\iru-,• bi e'lier 1e els it tilt; *tacitness tbri)»stlls 1 employva ni the dye works, winch enee telt; sr. LOUIS. . t,,, •. nevus':e'tl to i•ortteele tui the butltliu - \\iilt 1 1 illi., stir .n.•.,« , , g. hairy ie e. rlu* .. t t .:goat, a,.• 1 •l•• ' e'1! tib' I'1a4 it •,uta t bt:lit:rt111e is Cts foliowd; u,acts \•it'TI2is. i jg`� t" Ftia tot+"ti we will Mali settfrees.; 9i:.• u* %*.r ttt•11'✓.;t Liitll:•',tt ret vii:ll, lit ?Mutts, , i17,Covington* * • t.I 1' 1 .•+sal. lile ",281'1" bort I ' chi -mils call at the office and Tsars «.4,•tlt , aged of Covin ton , t;ti 1' ! fi� au.• that elft et ewe re the wa 1 irworkingpeopli Send 19cents Tf you do not receive spe- OF HOR2 CUTS IN t_-'.NAIl3. {.tats, give ire love that eau till -t Thee ice 1 sill{kers allivitu, ladles ` I tante tainchhischii. badly IIli area. p time woe or all the titer•, 2411 of buts, Sexes li rte ?{)lack,, severely barneal;, s nt tali e +l• i r tudly+iue.•esvt»1.:5a cents to '-, i 1ltytlittitl tat the Three!, }'erlaoilti a ,• ate tl, earnedentry evenin . That till wile' Bill printed cheap i11td it•!••ttl;lkl <t#'tiro Crime.. },anises), of Curio:1ton, Lisette' +witty S:ork•lunytrntthelint•€heseovymakethin l iuj n.red. q n:r+ttrnllele.l offer: Total who nye not :tell � a,nicli ly {all our te:i 121 Press. ri;filurtd Yon eau live •tt Monne Land work spare ',,1I, ?I1Tt 11I;I.L SEJlTE: EL Ti+TEN Y1iA1t Fon .1eANSLAr't�alTlilt : sa*h etlwei w111t:end =t to ►'at for the trouble \I31121d :it]ul>1t;bYE1, f,tt.11ly itjuredrf:a ,tint;tiK. tenrartwltlarA,dircetions, etc. Li.i!le :Meyer ltillad', ' •n -free. intn)t:usepay rahcollttelysure for all who stint at once. lieu'C delay. Address Iillilie Blank, aged 2.2, jumped ti zx*,.` t'o.,i'nrtlrtud,:'►taiue- St. Theunts, by 20. --The Especial iridis the top storey and Wits 'ertielle'd nrieize eunrt resumed here this mere to pieces. i],g at nine o'clt.ck, Glut=f Justice i Two bisters milled I`uuteu, of Cameron presiding. The . Lilwell Newport, were both killed. murder cease wed resumed, Celle t :Vary Llee»triiu, aged 17, of Yew- 3lacdougull, e:junsel for Forbes, and! Dort, killed .ill IL leap from the fifth Ed. 'Meredith for lira. Stilwell, made • storey. Chas. Bream made an (dart lengthy laud eloqueut uddreoatlea on to cat`.h tier., but the fora was too I. behalf of their resppective chants. greats, and e•Le was dashed ou the llr. Icliugtutt„ Q. C., followed ou ; pavereeut at hie feet a shapeless behalf of the .Creat n, corpse. Lnrtiellitl t11t+u adtiressar1 the Fan ilia <touee,West End, was killed.; jury, who retied to consider their; 1u atdditiuu, eleven corpse were' tie►dict. After nu absence tr,' ntm found inside the bnildiug, Land l earth 1 hour the jury returned with )a :srtiic :•t is uow being 1,rot:eeated. of net guilty. The audieLcu ::1.'r. DEATH •ritAP. int() applause which was pronptly i The fifth storey was completely; auppresred, burned ,out, but the walls ,tall stand The Judge then addressed the and the other floors are tint much prisoners as follows:-Itansoia Forbes damaged. The building was oceupi-` and Sarah Jane Stilwell, the fury ed by Sullivan & ;Co., plintIng works, have acquitted you, I thick very Orth \Vis•iell & Ca., dye works, tlw 1•toperly upon the ev tltuee, of the Ledger• recital Newts Oompttnv, crime with alui.oll you have keel: P-*riaian Dye ant+ yoouring Company, .parsed. Fur tour OW11 suites I hope 1 J. It. Kingsley, ioatteg wolke, the decision they lir ve arrived at hoe It was trot long until 1110 :ire was been the right Lute. 'l he evideuse 1 under et)ntrot.. The Ill.tSs of telegrenli brought against you has been of a most unsatisfactory character, aeid you have, I think, very properly bean • promptly f t' f th t ul found not guilty,. You are Itoev i tlditional p:atL.::ulars say that, •• tt discharged. !looking eve: tho ee •:te lifter the event, the frieuds of the ta.ri�+nuei's made sa it is plain haat ,ve.r:r life could haste rush for the box, Mrs. Stilwell', two been ee,,Ily saved 'Tile clause of the 7:1 FERRY'S Estimatesgivenouaplllica-' tion for Cards, ''osters, t. c. 111212111111111159111 TIMES STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. F'._ y X"r.TEil, ONT. `� # ak1� m ails ff 1A�L.LS t �► t l i.lgdicruit, �t'1 �' S:R � "•' t • � 4. iii to eustumers of le a rule S ,' yt "i,,, a r,!t rilgit. It contains massy z,.. •.,, . tir'ecs, to 1ptions and directions for_planting all �i,,1 t (^` .i•]t• i+n,1 Flower SEEDS, BULBS, ete. tI, try. FL 1 y 1 & CO. D aOITRMichtIlti. utter & Eggs WANTED. Jr.Matheson TEN 1)1,11S. BALED TENDERS, n;arlica ^Fordlotu)tee Police Provision., and Light Supplies" and addressed to the Hon. iiio President of the Privy Connell, Ottawa, ~rill be received up to noon on Tbnrsday,14th Dray, 1585. Printed forinsof tender containing full in- formation as to the atrtieles and quantities re - Has opened out in quiretimay be had ou apirlieatiou at$o.t Os- i,orue,'tltiuuipeg, at any u the Mounted Police ,.g �a�, Posts in the tiorth Wei- , er at the office of the t,.se.,01.n s OIC, Stan& undersigned. O tender will he received unless made on loo s north of Post Office, sllcllprinted form fiho lowest ur a,ry terdtr riot necessarily ao• ceptetl. • 1 a *Tiernan assortwcst 01 Each tender iil::et ],e taecoutpaniedby an •t • which Ave :t`11 sell at ' ry acceptedCaaadianlaankcbegaeforanantou**t 41'1Prdld value in 1'asinne . equal to *0rer ecut.of tale tunas vnllteof the and telertllot :t ie:':a prevented the ' 1. C' t •t li attic es cut ere e1, w e n e folttdtc•d \ t.,),•dear at stn o•1 • 11 10,11-- if the party malt tLe tender declines to en- lrenieit get'. i:11, :Eel their laddkrs % w i t.:Cv lain eu I'.xbie'L a .._33 terillto atcontratt tsheneailed nkou to do so. l : i,ti., , ,udiel Zi ii ceti. (ilcc ,r at or if beirailvtoeon : e,tetbaserraeeco»traeted hr ;l0 relief of 8 inmates. _ -a fur. It the tendet iotaceepted the cheque :, R a:.. "i ,rt( •Sud1 >•'V will be returned. 1.:..•'... ! r.••••ry ehetie, A (O01) SUIT to payment will he 3 et.,1t• to newsmlpers in- sertiot;this ndce.rti ta.e:t without antl3,trity having tenni 1:ret t I;l•t'i; ' a X. =cit .I 1b, Tea for ;?i ; . i.f: B WHITE ee11''1'r•t f.•'+'.;o cents, $ti^ars as I:,w a,•• r,metroller, vouug daughters climbing aver the? fire spreading so rapidly was the the • Byars 0ttdwia, all ren f:•' ,. iia» C a.. top to get the first kis.e from mother,': atnotnst of avenue ork aruttud the LiOOlS,t Sl •U S:- t.'Ee stare added stone and minus others grae;ped them lis elevated opeuings, through which t new lint:; 1 t a:., prepare,' to sell the lest �s atria r u]>vs their hands and eongraluleted teem the fire leaped from, floor to flocr. f"tlutl 1 upon the verdict. There was', liowever,. lair easy way of I A {lease and Lt•t for sale or Tient. Apply Albert Thomas. who was the grin- escape to the roof, which seems to i tO eipal witness in the case, and being have been lost sight of by the fright- I one of the parties charged with the eued girls and women. Onoe ou the murder, but who turned Queen's roof, they could easily have made evideucethen brought before th ' to other building. and have s JO FIN iMATHE SON. was sen r ear way the conrt. Tiler, being no charge thus avoided their terriisle fate. preferred against like, Ilis lordship in disohargiug bite., said 'there was A mercllnnt who had repeaatedly strong reasou,to believe that he was duun.d it +nen, scut hitt a bill of the toe guilty party, and had tried to autonut due. • in additiou to tLe •e sill,; tiro wol.1 { screen himself by, laying the guilt on ueeessary lute fig , the others. merchant added the following: 't 1 ale 1 POOR SaOili1:L MITCHELL. becoming tired of the indifi:erei;oe �, .� �� Samuel Mitchell, who was found with which yon treat this matter, Stud guilty at the Assizes, of manslaughter I desire to hear from thin bill at once.' 1 {'111, ;•;I1,T, IS Ne1W1WNNING NI(Il l: :n Laving ti1l0E Alex. IICIutosh, hie wife's paramour, on Easter Sunday last, was then sentenced. In reply to the query as to whether he had Z Ei.X C {ROLLER : ILLS ! These shills are now completed with all the,",best and very latest unproved luachin- cry for the maunfacture of Flour on the SS Several days afterwards the nterel,:a,t reoeived the followiug on a poste' card : " Accept ley thanks for t.,o bill *hitt you were kind oucalgli . to Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer —]Y it LL r42VDS ur-^— Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATURDAYS tat their residence ORDERS LETT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PI1OHPT ATTENTION.. $ 0 a p a I) in presents rear, auay Seed us 5 cents postage and bymailyea will get fa'Ee a pace age, of goons 14,1 large value, that will start yon in Work thnt :1:'.D DAO, e..-1,1 we a4• prepared to tin • trill at once 'Ming you 141 inoses faster than n»ythilig else in America. All about the *200; r1, • .•,i (1'1 7'y^'e t'-2 1 �}• 4 ,t otic ill Pres i t w! li uh box. Agents wanted Ul_.t',lla ,,:...F111� G1 S1l.J,l0J *9:141.,, o e,•cwhert rfe "1t- St of all ages, for all o spare -. c eie.: , to work io es as their own , sine,•F i '.;TOR for all 11 orltei• ice timeG au'2thlo(I to sky Wiry tiie BetltellCe send. I 11 L' neva troubled t',;nt,r.la,. 11. 13A1.7 t.' 1:nd judgment of' the Court should not al),)':21 thenl.t,`.:'1 lYLen I oISo I; .'f IS) i, il't'.tlet` • Sale :is replied "Ifs Lord, 1 1tII8t It wait •.,:t i, _ _ :i .,:.Ver 13.ti3i� .I. F `p• ru 11 be peened upon hitn,' the prisoner I:1 :t 1 t i'• •liel,e,itioe to treat him t' i eaAet ` T.ti rt you; 1hope 301h will 1) r'. Itt 1 :i !Ie t.. ' i�• V,%! ' ,::r J'.t +'u .e1ai 44, n;.* -'Y pose:tjle 1 Ir91 14 I t. Eai 1 t: ,. t... t" , lit• •Et;ilo: t'':. r ..Jt1F, l...a. ..'N1, ',' _. "L.ti..' i., Tilt-' Cr. _.. }11.. •... ., 1 ,f)* \i .. ,.il11,. i.•i.,.... „. . . 'ii rcmt I..; . . `'�y tn'N6. C s ',.t:::. O t4.t.., . C.. t olds '. :..• 'a { fF �1 and alb Lun %.'tl.,:.,.,.» , =:lase Mc =A ^ 1 Assisi fmill alt Pail, ,' l• tt'. 1 umwio . "• •.far ,. ,1 Alf ,• riligrit'. NV Olt, :r'i' F. Corr.P-.'•_R Aro pleasant. to tnkt•. C•tvetr,ia tbeirov,a Purgative. Is a snfe, eR:r,•, t.ad effectual feirtroyer of irortns in Children or Adult,, k — ...11104:14:$00,M• � 4Ir i4'Cat:a. T &NTFP- 1 TUNISOIB'S No & Supelicr Canada Maps & Charts ugeney in the wm•ld. rs.r 1.11111,111tat•l1: 1 ree, thlre,,m, IL C TT:NTSO:V S[al lt,rl:eLc1 ]tR-b1ue.itt•..t.,LE ..i <la,Ont - Established. 1 S7 1 G. W. SHALLCROSS&L WO• NEW YORK, I Fill. cycler'-. ten's ,.n C'nnnais,tion.ur will put- t chase Apples, Potatoes and I'onitiy. Trite »s. THE + X.Erl'E:[ 'Planning MilP SASH, DOOR, and '9LZhD MOII! :4I.L 'KINDS OF ' UR N I :G C to (7 r . 'o' .