HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-5-28, Page 1Vol. XXII. No, 36
1 men, so that if Big Bear does make
the stand proposed, be will !give no
Canned Goods, Fresh Groceries, Fresh Haddies, Fresh Oran- the beet posNible chance f defeattag
berries,Fresh Oysters, Oranges and Lemons, hem• Tido gun has an escort of er
Y I � monied polios; the infantry number
(.40 TQ
U'. A. j -- MAN a ed
rane0, and file teamsters etre su artxeve:ve of 170, It is hoped that an
I.''ANSON'8 11140OK ireineediate adsamie will be made, since
Agent for Thorley's il, tt 0 Foote, only 10e. per ib., or $8 per cwt, vie are distant scarcely 100 miles from
Rig Bear and his;,wbite captives.
THDICKSOa, I3wrt•ieter, Solis'
1 J • niter of Supreme , Court, Notary Public
Conveyancer, Cowritiseloner. eco. Money t
GameIn r'amou's Moult. Rxeter.
Aff Mc1;'ADDEN,
Barrister, Solicitor, Qonveyanoer, Eto,,
Office' a,nwoll'sBlock (Ball's cid also.)
Rev. CanOn McKey (Epieaopal) from
McLeod, whose people live here, has
gone aloue luto Big Dear`s camp to
He claims that both ate unhurt, and
preferred to remain at Pritoherd's to
coming to Battleford, Nolan also eaya
he was prevent at the capture of the
JOHN wax= &r SON
Publisher& and Proprietors
recipient of a very nice present, in
token of their respect for her.
On Wednesday last week a lady
living in Tnokerennitb abstracted from
twenty nine wagons destined for Cat. her leg a needle, which had been in
Atter, by Poundrnaker'a band. Pie her flesh for yearn, She doss pot
Isit-ye 21 teamsters were captured and know how or when it entered. but felt
eight' ran away. leaving their guns; tt hurting her three yeara ago. when
that the prisoners were not hurt, and it was below the knee, sinoe that
when he left were playing the fiddle,
'the Indiana ttancing. *Nolen alar
Imp that about two hundred Indisiue
time it worked its was upward, and
finally Mlle nett at her hip. She
says elle never kilew it wag Were as
were encamped at Eagle Hill, 00 It never canoed any para excaptiug
POUNTMAKRR WATTS TO SURRSsnrtn. miles west of Bore. the time when she felt it paining
1 I -Un EFoim, N. W. T. ,May 21.--- lusr,"a COUNCIL. her three years ago'
Poundmaker sent ;in a Rag of trees do what he can to alleviate the auf• contra+al. May 20. -"lir, F. x. Mr. Jarces Petty Aga Mists Petty of
ffilo-night along with the captured team- feringa of the captives, and to try to Lemieux, Liberal 1St. P. P. for Levis. Heneall,aud Robert Vatriey of Tucker -
acerb, two women and a priest, to ask arrange for their release. He to a is at the St. Lawrence Hall. He smith returned thin week froth over
upon what torula be would be allowed (tree balf-breee and personally ao• states that his partner, JIr. Charles a six menthe trip to 1 nglaud. While
to aurrender. quatuted with Big Bear, Fitzpatriok, will arrive front Quebec theta they vietted marry tittles and
Baptista Fontaine, the scout amp. Aux.iety prevails over the announce• this evoning. These gentlemen are pica of interest and report having
posed tel be owed a fortnight ago meat that wo have only ten days' the la+eyere who are to defend Louie bad rt fine pasaago node and pleas.-
with us now, and that we Riel, with the Hon. air. :tlercier, as out time throughout. The weather
while on a eeouttug expeditiou under Provisions
Constablehose' came iu with rebased rutlst be delayed team until supplies counsel. a 1r, Lemieux cava be is and roads being unusually tine slur -
prisoners. He eays Pouudwaker was Coma from Edmonton. , entirely opposed to a Commission ,lug their Rtay, and while their trip
hardly broken up yesterday ou hearing The settlers are holding cattle for , trying ittei. as that Commission 'has thus proved a pleasant ante we ore
F Of 1tiel's smrreuder. The Indians taeutvfive coots a pound' dressed. to be appointed try the tGaverutueat, pleased to notice Wet they, also
KINSMAN, ia]{"NTIST.,i,. D.S were terribly frightened, and piled Lorne beef and 0° 41°68 leave been and the Government cannot be con- derived much benefit frt"a:i it u: !!re
their tided to a tepee and hoisted an secured bore, but filo supply le hm- ; sidered impartial, ae it is au enemy of way of renewed health-
Ilestentov old British sag which they captured (ted, Riel. He will ivatst that his client At the late llisl�.ile ex a=ari�tee. air.
ed to eebt- ,r �'lotc.ria is cru the north ' a3katebe13. alclieunote X tariue= arc g tear
tttllet•lttaok. ; a:than here. They thea they
a bin wan, w.l tulles frta.it b;;ituoutnn, and be tried by a jury of his countrymen ' Komoka, met-ere:I damage* to We
Teeth ex•• council and decided up in seeding it, iu the ordinary way, It to stated ou
eracttaiwItit. tide letter for terms of surrender. 129 from bort Pitt. good authority that Dr. Fleet, Liberal aurouus `.1$.20, with e +'tt' ,a hilt,
out l,nta• There is greet rejoicitrg cera ort I'Rok >?1'1NC0 ALBERT. M. P. for Ritneneki, has artratiized ' from the Grand Trunk i;ail+ray Ce..
Pound naker'cr culiapeo.
Prince Albert, N. W. T.. liar 1.4.- the defence, and :rill arrange fur cies Cur three tame which were rues over
Un the 21st (General Middleton, with ' mime. Dr. Ftaet aces upaaied welt and killed, Mr. \Iciiiuuan assessed
lti;tiAi'c"INT1 v l,a�r3N•---ei:Txt.l;t; , Ar.- the llidlaud, I3 snitch's wen. anti A ,when the latter wa l shorn in as a tits' using 10 a defective gate ,tie
ARMED. Welt of I0 men of "'„a. Battery, member of Parliament. , leort=ee had escaped from the .ie,2 10
lI CLA KE. Camcw:K o Mar 21. ---A Quebec; left on the Nortneete for ,_.,,,,,a the rail -ray track. The statute c 'irl•
bud of Iutliaus who eon, on their ' Battleford, leaving behind 841 mon ielidelt'e Catarrh 1;ew.:.1y •-.t pu-:!tiro sure ti Pray all ;the railway Cattaptb l" t"'
\I0) from I3attlef rel destined to join erten and tat, lieteei. iar1 atarrl,, lliptttlrei_6t;to t:°au,ctm mouth.
knell all fitlacos aua gat.- etas: o.ifig,
Riel are eucamped • about SO miles Tills number wan reduced, however, Sal les J. W. Diverting. ; private property tldrnugir whit„ie the
northeaRt of hero. Teey have ssut cu Saturday morning when the 90thtrap . mire or u;ljc.�ins ir.:; tori per
n tut-. 5auger to General Middletou i left on tele lit Iso Alio noel :Alberta, ; C�'altattitatll. state et repair.
i A party of 1211 young loan, farm The plana for the new Perth Con ty
believed by this tient' that they have pude by low water, thou she arrives hands, English, Irish amt Scotch, ar• buildiuge to be ere ted at Stretfor,I
learned of (lie! s defeat at Batoche, idle Grenadiers, School of Infantry rived at liamiltou a few dayo a o,aud • f have been prepared. and are time
The oaten on the west side of the and same of A" Battery, will go Bern bean in tela sheds there siticc,tile r' dt'acribed:-"The tUr>ltrt house will
river, with the exception of the staff;to i3attloford ou liar, agonta being busy;dulipiyint; tlialu' face Carrie street, the trout taking
at the telegraph office, Aad on the ` On onr arrival we were met by with ailuatio0a on lttrms in the vieiu s up the whole space frond St. A.ndrew
I d'
\It.IIYNI);1fAN -GO1 ONE.III''i.
iret'ountyof1luran. t.raice. oppo.,att• to
\fra.`. ;•liug'fi+tn,•e.l:xt ter
W. 111t0WNINU M. 1D., M. C
♦ i' ti,`: l"r.ltd'►te".'!sect!.: i'rCiyer'srt\• t1;C
s r.l •.t,iiIOUCC. 0Of, •tic,. t.:;,:,nrate.rv. 0xetet
,)lt. J. A. 11Oi LINS, M. 0. V. 8
0. muse, time 4t I -a-tet.trut.Iteai.lence
°t•,ase:,eentivvec•.tlue.l r.y P. �lel"Iuillps,nhq.
I LUTZ, M. 1).,
1...1• tirlltreathie residence Uxeter.
asking for a couference, and it to 'The Merquie is detained at the re• 1
D1t. :ItSITY'i:riniyCollegUli nTErCellegaradvancet of the news of the n lata fthe brother -in law of tlattudiliaker I. A. number will go to Manitoba street to :he east al le of the Int. twin.
and by Jefferson, formerly farm in• and take ti l farlllti nI their own. tire :atrlteu mill, and will xras.,ttt
ruvvicians, ud 9tri:eont On.. r ilteoi:irkteu A save1"$ ale and thnuder etornl ti 1 1 ,
g bunter, but latterly prisoner among ,farmer in Rochester to\vu ihio, quite an imposing appearatrce. The
T.., --- ' has raged since '.Tuesday evening. !the Indiana. 'i Ile former, who Was
f 1fPUIti'AN1 .tO'1`IUT.S. The ' Essex county, Hamad John itolertou, i tower,without •which no pubic building
the wires have been in trouble east , au envoy from Pouudmaker, brougt -r Is nom tato now•a.da v, will he 115
of Humboldt. M tied throe horses, valued at $500,
+ P y
' �' a letter asking Gee. Middleton on poisoned by some evil-minded person 4 foot iu height. 'There will be u con-
I�ENItY t'ILBLR, Lioeusod Auo WHITE CAP CAPTURED. l what terms peace could be made.
tteneerfor uay,Stephou,trud McGilivray Tho Toronto Cavalry, wider Col, ;Gen- Middleton re lied that the eau• last m Monday by sprinkling Paris green i alderable space in front of the build-
Offreu—etPo t•o c Creiiten.Outaeratetaros.'Denison, yesterdaycaptured Chief p in their mangers. Suspicion is direct- lug fey a lawn etc• The jail tall face
p ditloua were that Pouudivalter andSt. Andrew street and will be a rimer
White Ca and 22 of ills followers ed to a tramp who had beau ordered 1
Caplife oounsellore must marohainto Bat• away from the baro the day before, substantial structure.
������r ONI';I' TO LOAty ON REALES. sown distance north of Humboldt, ' tlofard and deliver up their arms and a looal countable is looking for � An eight year old (-oderioh lad, who
1V1 tatofortholiurou&ErieLoun.t Savings No aaeualtiea reported. and priaonera, twenty of whom Isere him, is now sojourning with a relative iu
moiety. Low rates of interosi. Apply to Battleford, N. W. '1'„ May 25.- teamsters. The prisoners lead been , Colborne attended Suud•t
�pnekman,Exeter,y Behoof at
The steamer North-weet, with Gen. previously released. (en. Middleton !!ichors J. Clark, from Essex Cou ,
1 y ere was arrested lied brought before smith a Hill recently. the teacher
]Middleton came in at 9 o'clock last the told the envoythat Poundmalt•
evening. Four hundred volunteer° er must deliver up his arms within
are withhim. two days, or else hie village willbe
ALLY. Beardy and Little Ohiefcame in on
Rey. Father Cochin, is just in with Fridy and brought a few arme. They
a oommunio"►tion from Poundmaker,
sayiug that he will surrender uncon-
ditionally. The Indiana are now
coming in to talk with Middleton.
They are thoroughly soared. When
the priest gave Poundmaker Colonel
Otter's letter they all laid down their
arms. This was on Thursday last.
The Indians have already oommenoed
moving in to surrender.
The priest •says the enemy were
two days burying their dead at Cot
Knife Hill, sixty at least. The rebel-
lion is virtually over.
Victoria, N. W. T., Itiay 18, via.
Edmunton, May 20, and Calgary May
25. -Major Steele's 'scouts found on
their arrival here that everything had
been stolen but a few potatoes. The
place was deserted. It will be guard-
ed, however, until the main force ar-
rives on its way to Fort Pitt.
Alarming reports are current re-
garding the number of Big Bear's
men. There has been so much un-
avoidable delay in the expedition that
he has had time to recruit from
every tribe iu the district. The rest -
lees spirits and young men eager for
reputation have left their own chiefs
and joined. Until now he has a force
of 800 meta, all fairly armed. Moet
of the cattle 1)e had have been butch-
ered and the meat dried, and with
this and the large quantity of pro-
visions and plauder taken in his raids
a'e is too much encumbered to move.
1'i- a declares he will make a stand at
the Big Ril1'e between Frog Lake
and Fort. Pitt. The scouts say he ie.
- tends placing his captives and hie
women and children at the frcut so
the troops may not he able to fire on
him. However we have our artillery
and from what iy shown' at a drill t -
t1 flank movement could be made as
quickly as by -cavalry. There will al-
so be with us a mounted force' of 150
J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- u Qommlbalouer Graves iu Detroit, ott was eudeavoriug to show tete need of
• borneaud Hibbert 1lrutuaiFf 1 usurnnce Wednesday ou a charge of smuggling being thoroughly prepared for ties-
maiij>romptl�y, attended tnce o char. Orders by 1 ' a suit of olothne. leo pleaded guilty, Christian airfare, and tried to draw
and told Judge Brown that a friend her little scholars by asking them acv.
of his had suit of olothaa made and eral gnestione. Finally she put the
was obliged to leave for Dakota before
following: '-No\v children, what have
they were ready. He promised to we to fight agaiest in this world at
send on the suit from Detroit,
and the present day?" The little fellow
wore them over the river for the aur- from Godetich hoisted his tiny hand
pose of avoiding the duty. He was
fined $10.
Samuel Mitohell, of at. Thomas,
sentenced by Justice Cameron to ten
years' imprisonment in Kingston
F L per cent. according to torms. Private
Apply to
Oocoborlu""; SD V.ELI,IOT,
Solicitor. Exeter
Central Shaving Parlor
I'or Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair
cutting, &c.
Clean Towels for every customer,
Next door to Central Hotel.
DWELLING HOUSE andoue acre ofland
situated on the Thames Road, 2l miles east of
Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving
shed ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing
trope; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re-
tired farmer. Will bo sold cheap for ca eh. Al)
ply to THOMAS ALLIN;E.ceterP 0 iv 19-tf
1: • in the Court ,.a Common Pleas• -Deeds
\Vills,,llortgages, Leases, and all forms ofagrae
w.ents drawn and execufed according to law.
ing to borrow money on account of recentpur-
ahasea ofland,orto pay offexistingmortgages
willdndagreat saving bygiving mea calf Can
lend money at6 and 6i per cent. aocorc�ingto
terms. N.J.CLARK.
Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance
Company of Canada, Mercantile insurance Co
—Capital $500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo;
Ont. Glasgow & London Insurance Coy—Cap-
ital $2,500,000 ; bead Office, Montreal ; Stand-
ard Lire Insurance Co., Head Office, London,
England ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head
Office, Toronto.
Established in 1863.
Thisoomiany has been over Eightteen years
n successful operation in Western Ontario,and
continues to insure againstloes or damage by
Fire,Builclings,Morchandise, Manufactori a e,and
all other descriptions of insurable property. In
tendinginsurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Note or Cash System.
During the past ten years this Companyhas
ssued 57,006 Policies.covering property to the
e.mountof$40,872,088; and paid in losses atone
AssetS, 18176,100.00, consisting of Cash in
rank, Government Deposit, and the unaseosse
Premium Notes on handand in force J, W Witt,
nnx M D. Preside.. t. C. M. TAYLOR, Secretary
J. ei. Hueuas,Inspector. CITABLESSNELLI
Agent for hxeter and vicinity,
both disclaimed any inteution of par-
ticipating in the troubles and said
thea wanted to be good boys. The
General spoke sharply to these re-
pentant chiefs, and said they were
not worthy to be chiefs, and that they
should be reduced. He would hold
in abeyauce the question of taking
away their reserves. He then
made them Cilie up their medals, and
would not give them food or tobacco.
Iron Bull and Star Blanket, the
former being the second biggest !Gree
ohiof in the north,;expressed their un:
faltering loyality to the Queen yes•
terday, and said they withstood the
offers of Riel to join the rebellion, al-
though repeatedly made them. Dirty
Horn, Poundmaker's nephew, is hard
trying to make out a case for his
uncle. He confirms the report that
Poundmaker is at Eagle river, 170
miles from here.
A. story is afloat that the Indians
fired on the police and telegraph re-
pairers at Duck Lake ;Saturday, but
it is discredited.
Ttie prisoners were brought before
Col. Irvine Saturday morning for pre-
liminary examioatiau and remanded.
(Speoial.)-Despatches have been
received by the Miniater of Militia
confirming the press reports of the
surrender of Pouudmaker to Otter, et
Battleford, as well as a band of Ind-
ians who Dame east towards Batoche
to aeeist Riel,, and who, on hearing
of his defeat,have surrendered to Ir-
vine. at Prince filbert. The event is
regarded here as virtually putting au
and to the war.
Andolphus Nolan and Pierre Van -
dell were captured to -night. Nolan
says he lives at Batoche. He eays
hb and Pritchard, who lives at Frog
and convulsed thescholare by prompt-
ly replying iu a firm tone "Indians
and Haifbr•eeds!" He observes the
The Country Tesebers' Institute
Penitentiary for manslaughter in hav-be held in Clinton on Tharsday,
ing shot and killed Alex. McIntosh,
his wife's paramour, 10 St. Thomae,
on Easter Sunday, was taken to that
institution the other day. Before his
departure his aged mother called at
the jail and bade him good-bye, her
grief at seeing her eco, perhaps for
the last time on earth, being patuful
to witness.
Friday and Saturday the 18111, 19th
20 of June. Mr. Tilley, one of the
directors of Institutes, is expected to
be present and to take part in the
Wonders will never cease. News
Domes that a certain young man, or a
young "What is it," on the 2'rd con.
of McGillivray, has acquired the per-
nicious habit of lying dorm ou the
Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve muddy road, on dark nights, in order
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. to trip pedestrians. He should carry
Sold by J. W. Browning.
a blanket like an Indian, as it would.
protect him from the damp earth, and
Not f'artrom Houle, make his lowly bed more comfortable
`!'he paper sells at 15 centsper
when he prostrates himself. We
p ppresumo that this prt.otioe 1s without
copy, obtainable from local book- precedent among humans, but we
sellers and from the office of public- have often seen horses lie down to
anon, r Poll iu miry places ; very seitlom,how•
NI. F. Hess, carriage-maker,at) ever, are they so lost to all sense of
Zurich has recently laid pa tinted An right Os to lie down ii1 the harness.
invention of his called a "Buggy Top Truly a person must ba badly strap -
Lock." •With this appliance a person ped for furl when 110 condescends to
oan easily and quickly raise or lower mane a stumbling -block or boot-
s buggy top without moving from eoraper of bimself iu such a seif•do-
the seat. This promises to be a Hying, humble manner. Some think
useful article, and is simple and caeep. teat the pathmaeter shnnid bestir
IVIr. Hess has had it pateuted iu himself to remove such obstructions
Canada, and will have it. similarly from the road, as it is his 'luty to
protected in the States. abate public nuisances within his
Miss M. A. Diehl left Varna ou beat. The tripping expert should be
Monday of last week to joiu the cautioned to beware of crawling ver -
"Gospel Baud," which was lately 00- ,nin, when lying low, for, in case of
gaged at Exeter and Kirkton. She ,tire cxtrmity they have been known
has been a most faithful and coueist• to devour even their creeping breth-
ent member of the 1\tethodiet Church ren.
for some time. The members of her ..a.-.
Lake, rescued Mrs. Gowa,uloch and afternoon class met het- at the teal. For Dyspepsia and Live: .Complaint, you
have a printed guarantee on every bottle of
Mrs. Deleany from the Indians, and dente of James Wanless, jr., previous Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure.
paid for two horses each for .them. to her departure rind made her the Sold by J. W. Browning.