The Exeter Times, 1885-5-21, Page 8GRIGG The district meeting for the Methodist churches of the Goctericit anklet. will be held at Heusail, on the 25th and 26th inst. I3e11,ebaret for Currant Worms, and Pure Da i atitua lutea Powder for sale at Ceutral Wholesale `arid Retail D Han erto rent ou0. ' proprietor. story, with rooms suitable for large or small family, For further particulars, apply to John Matheson, Exeter North Post O2'iee, We believe the ohmage announced to take Plane in the Terming of trains On the L. JL & B. R., has not yet taken offeet, and, we might add, we hope it never will. A local Band of workers lass been organized in the Main -street Methodist Church, under the leadership of Mr. 'Seaborne, to continue the work begun by the Hallelujah Baud. & fi'TCY GOODS DE A t - U Two consignments of cattle were shipped +G�,f.`t4 ♦ �ii,F,t+�+,M y vocnceztaanzt ---AND �-� 1'e S'1'1~aR, from this station last week b Messrs. oke ,t Davis, and J. Willis, They were sent to the old country. All were in prime order. CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet breath seouretl, by Sbitoh"a Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injeetor free. Sold by J. W. Browning. rEas ,lENTt4 peciiiafor first insertion ,and part/ CA NTS p yr line for each subsequent to ,lertion will be charged for notices apt?earini in thio column. We are glad to team that J.B. Miller, P. S. I-, has passed a successful examination as solicitor. Mr. Miller has studied under many disadvantages, and iia success is well %4t - "eter fonts. THURt DAY, MAY ` l,et, 1885. 11".3.—We Int happy to re- ceive at all times, from any part of the County, items a -t local news, suet .rr ae- cidents,or any ilkterestiug incident what: ever, frost any of our subscribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of ptadic Winn, LOCA1. HAPPENINGS. mita eonsista of five, allot whom have a very high reputation as siugers.,.and judging froru the press notices they have',reeeived, they must be unequalled. An exchangesays Mr. Bairnsfather is a wbole entertainment In himself, and that he is a far better singer than: either Kennedy or Fairbairn, For further partieulara see, posters, which will be potted in a few days, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and'Dron- chitia immediatelyrelieved by lshiloh's Care. Sold by 4. W. Browning. No more with cold the small boy'eaaoae At early lamming tingles ; ,And, as the weather warmer grows, His' hair his mother Shingles, Soon to the placid pool he'll hie, Whose banks wildflowers bespangle, And as the sunny hours glide by For horn -pouts he vitt angle, Perhaps he'll of the water feel, And wherelte thinks it warmest, S1gIiS. Upon the banks hell quickly peel .And plunge right, in head foremost; [zo35 1 Zi25 O'er bathing suite he makes no fuse, Checked Printed l"Illatt {G. Their texture or their trimming ; Plain> x z Pn purir naturalibus- SPIIING. 111110 We beg to advise our friends that we are offering for this season's trade a more than usually attractive assortment in the T tT t Various OF oods • To which we Especially :devote our attention, among which we would mention : Prises Coeds In large variety of fabrics and many beautiful de— o That's how be goes in swimming. 1WratNtrva To TUE, }?vatic. The pall() are Black, White, Cream, Colored; various widths and ereby warned against purchasing any Tin qualities. . lar other Dopy or =station of the machine The o0looa of Ds 1io11Rris and John Spar made by the Ross Novelty Rug Embroider- l Imo° Chir' alltin,rs and. Curtain Net Large Stock. tuna, Canada Cc. agent, and asout tar o ing Machrao Co., of Gne]ph, Ont,, covered by Allan Line of Steamships ha'vs been removed their Patent No 14884, and dated Alarob Oth, across the street. The oltioea aro uioely 1882. We make no tin wanbines, toad all fitted u and are convenient to the public. M. unites large a for has oo he rune the genuine without the naw° "13°88"and to erection of a largo store on the corner of Station and Main streeta. We understand of patent stamped on it, If anyone offers to he also inteudd erecting a pork -packing es- sell you a rag machine look for the stamp ; tablishmeut fu that vicinity. if not stamped x°Ease to buy it. Tinsmiths The many friends of Alrr°d Wilson, of the and all ethers are warned against taking eon - Canada Company office, Toronto, will he tracts for making such tin or other infringing glad to learn that be baa been appointed tie maghines. All porsoua found snaking, aoll- nue of the oommiesionera of the company to lug or using any copy or imitation of this fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of a Patent will b° prosecuted according to the Col. Vest Laws of the Dominion, Full printed directions for using go with every maohiue. Rose Manufacturing Co. Gaclpls, Ont. For latae back, side or cheat, use Shiloh'a Foreruns Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by J. W. Browntug. -...— .R......... Methodist Church District Meeting•. o a seen are infringemeuts and frauds None Wm, Stell, who lately came to town from London, died at his brother's residence, (kid - ley -street, on Suuday, ,17th inst „ in the 63rd yesr of his age. The iuueral took place on Tuesday, and the remains were followed to be Exeter Ce:natery by a large coneOnrae of ituaavcay relatives and friends. On Tuesday afteruouu, some excitemt was aquae 1 on our sweets b a horse wawa enek It is ono of the peculiarities of oats that y they delight iu a cool soil, aril the longer 7,r sk.? loose and tau array. 1t ltd not go at the season of growth the heavier is the grain. The annual meotiug of the clerical ;e terrific rate, consequently there was no A period of comparatively low tempora- and lay delegates of the Methodist lareage 4000 of any account to either torso nas tare, if accodepended mpaniednto with 'heqgood uentyielus, r rig- as - law animal WAS canght after run - 'may be oensure a d of Ghnrehea in the London district ae- ing about half a mile, Allan Line Bates. Tlsei rates to Europe per Allan Line are this year later than ever. Cabin pasaeugera, 361 to $80, Inte,mediate $30. Steerage, $13. These are the rates frau Quebec to f.iverpoot and Londonderry. Railway fare, from Exeter to Quebec very low. For par - oats. eembled in the James-etreel church.' Twa fine stores In Exeter, belonging to the Exe' er, on On 'Tuesday and Wednee- Drew Estate for sale very cheap, if nut sold day last. The attendance was large, will he leased at a very low reutel. A Drew,,also a fine only one won't in the distriot being residence,brick acottage,ormerin fine andda6 by alnt caUOpreaeuted by 11,5 layman. `l'lli9 village lot for aalo very these. For Terms, being the largest district in the Lon - &c., apply to JOHN RA.NTON, Exeter. don oenferenee, the meeting was very Owing to alarge amount of provisions large for a district gathering. Rev. fielders apply to J. S raekanan. agent Rae- being left from the tea in the James -street , pp� 1 g L B Ywyoktsttan U President of there will baa social to -night (Thursday) evening at 6.30. To the children of the Sabbath school free ; white and persons not morning :—"There is going to be a great members of the school, 10 cente. crop of fruit this year. Plum trees were of On Saturday evening a son of Mr. Benj. emcee badly damaged a year ago, but the Quarry, of Contralti, nearly two yeara old, fell into a kettle full of half -formed soft soap, severely injuring his mouth and eyes. Ile is now totally blind, bet hopes are entertained of ultimately recovering his sight. The little fellow suffers a great deal of agony. Without exception the best and cheapest lines of Boots and Shoes we have as yet seen, can now be had at C. Eaerett's, Also Chil- dren's Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys' Bicycles of all sizes, ; also Harness of every description constantly on hand. Call and see for yourselves. Butter and Eggs taken u exchange for geode. C. E. 28 2m The fishing season is at hand. "'What did you catch yesterday ?" asked au urchin, with a pole and oyster can, to another boy. "Just what you'll catch when yoa go home," said the other morosely, rubbing his shout - dere. And then each smiled a sickly smile, and the convention slowly and solemnly ad- journed without a debate. The secretary of the London Swimming Club makes the following suggestion : "To bathe before retiring to rest, after the heat and bustle of the day, would be a sure means of.induoing sleep—the happy, peaceful sleep of a child that would be an antidote to the most of itis that flesh is air to, not forgetting lunacy which is induced by want of sleep." In pruning trees it is advisable to out the branches off close to the base, as otherwise now shoots will grow, and farther trimming will be required next year. Every out should be made smoothly. with a sbarp saw, and in selecting the branches to be lopped off an eye should be had to the form of the tree when the work is done. Under an amendment to the municipal law passed in the last session of the Ontario ter. Out. Methodist Church on Tuesday evening last , ,, the couforeuco, presiding ; Rev. J. Y. Smith, Finenoiat Seretary. Rev. D. G. Sutherland, L. L. D., of Queen's Avenue Church, London, was elected Seoretary, and .ttev. E. Middleton assistant. The state at' the district was con— sidered extremely satisfactory, and the union recently effected is working more smoothly than its most tannest advocates expected. Extensive re- vivals were reported from several of the circuits, and the district reports an increase to the conference of 518. The Rev, W. S. Pascoe was elected to the atationing committee of the conference ; Rev. John V. Smith was elected to the Sabbath sohool com— mittee ; Mr. Douald Moinnues was elected to the children's fund, and R. J. C. Dawson, Esq., postmaster at London, to the rnieeiouary committee; forty-two laymen were elected to hit - tend the ensuing conference at Guelph in June. A publio meeting was hold on Tuesday evening, addressed by Revs R. J. Treleaven, J. E. Ford and W. M. Pomeroy, whose addresses were listened io by a not very large com- pany, with the utmost attention. A member of Parliament wrote the District meeting an expression of his views in regard to the amendments made to the Scot Act by the Senate. A petition was at once signed by the entire,distriot, consisting of 58 mem- bers to be sent to the Home of Com- mons ppraying it not to aseeni to the proposed changes. Seventy-four were present, 37 ministers and 37 laymen. The thanks of the meeting were re- corded in favor of the President, Sec— retaries and the Pastor of the Church for the.kindness shown in entertain- ing the delegates and despatching business. ROUND THE COUNTRY. Fruit Prospects. —^ An ma nurseryman sand to a reporter this prospect for apples, lx:ara, cherries, and in fact all kinds of , fruit, is most promising.. This is the kind of weather to make a good crop, booause it keeps the budsback until the frost is over." When preserving time comes housewives will hope that this predic- tion has proved correct. :resident.; On Saturday last a four-year-old son of Mr. Jas. Creech, noticing a roller attatched to a wagon passing along Huron -street, re- solved to have a ride While • in the act of climbing on the frame of the implement, his legs were drawn between the roller and the frame until they became perfectly fast. The little fellow would have been killed had tt not been t hat a man drlairg behind called to the driver of the rig to which the roller. was attatched. As it was, the hoy'a clothes were nearly all torn off and his flesh fright- fully mangled. COMING. THE HELY AND CUBE roe, RUYTIIBE AND DEFOBMITT. It sbould not be forgotten that Charles Clothe, ;the celebrated ;Surgical Machinist, of 118, ging-at. west, Toronto, will be found at the Central Hotel, Friday and Saturday, 5th and 6th of lane. Chas.. Clothe has visited Exeter for many years, and there are hundreds about this section feeling grateful whenever seeing his an - announcement in the Trams, having been greatly benefitted by him, as Mr. Cluthe is brought up in the Specialty to improve and design apparatus for cripples and trusses for Rupture, for which he is known as the best and most reliable man we have in Legislature, powers are given to the muniei- Canada to -day. Mr. 'Clutha wishes ns to palities to hold their meetinga for nomina- mention that he has no travelling agents and tious of the municipal officers and the sub. no connection with any association or so- sequent meetings of their councils, wherever beat irate the public convenience, even though that place he in a neighboring muni- cipality. Amongst bees not often has there been so disastrous a winter in Canada. Reports Orson, incumbent of Christ Church (having from all over indicate extremely heavy losses on the two previous Sundays given intro- —in some planes a complete "sweep out 1" ductory discourses to a series of sermons on In many instances over half perished; while, that most beautiful portion of Scripture however, a few came through all right. Now known as the Lord's Prayer) took as his text ought to be a good time to make the desir- "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be able 'discovery of the proper- conditions of Thy name." Re showed that a similar form safety, especially safety in extra cold seasons. of prayer had been used in the Jewish wor- A very successful tea and public meeting were held in , the James -street Methodist Church on Tuesday evening last. An ex- cellent tea was served in the basement, after which appropriate and very interesting ad- dresses were delivered by Revs. Messrs. Treleaven, Pomroy and Ford. The pro- ceeds, which will be used to help to pay for the new organ, amounted to $60. Mr. C. Yates is in town endeavering to form a Council of the Royal Tempters in repetitions was meant vain babbling or this place. It is a temperance society which, meaningless wofds. The aermon was full I gives benefits to its ,members when •disabled. of interest, and was listened to attentively by the hearers. called professors. Go and give him a call, if you require anything in his line. The Lord's Prayer. On Sabbath morning last Rev. E. J. Rob - ship, and the express command was given to all God's people to use this prayer, also that those who contended that praying "after this manner" was sufficient, werei mistaken as the correct rendition of the words "pray after this manner" ltvas "pray thus,' 'or "pray so " ITe met the objection urged by some against the use of this prayer in public worship, on the ground that vain repetitions were to be avoided by showing that by vain Breveties. Looking about town the other day, we failed to notice more than two vacant houses Did you know that milk which has turned or changed can be sweetened and made fit for use again by stirring in a little soda ? Headache, Biliousness and Indigestion re- lieved and cured at once by Dr. Casson's Stomach Bitters. Try it. Samples free. The District meeting of the Methodist Church of the London District was in 'session here on Tuesday and Wednesday. 137 consulting our advertising eoltimns it Wal be seen that the residence formerly oc- cupied by the late H. W. Hall is for sale. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. 'We gear antee it. Sold by J. W. Browning. and issues to them life policies at very low monthly rates. A. person could carry $500, $1,000, or even 2,000 on hislfo with scarely missing the'amoant required to, be paid each month. Mr. Yates has already secured quite a number of names as charter members. Our,yillege constable is making an in- spection of Exeter North, and a number of the residents are expressing their indigna- tion at his being so particular, causing the removal of wood piles on back and side streets, where there is little or no travel. We do like to see an officer perform his duty efficiently, but do not think it quite neces- sary to cause a man to remove a pile of wood. of some 14 cords from aside street which is not used by the public as a walk. The Bairnsfather Family, the celebrated Scottish vocalists will appear in Drew's Hall on June 12th, under the auspices of the Sons of Temperance of this place. The fa- • Elimvilie. A game.of;,liaseball will be played near the village' on May 25th. Rev. W. H. Gane''and,E. Medd at- tended Dietriot meeting on Tuesday. Ray. 'Mr. Hadwin, of London, will preach in the Methodist, Church on Sunday morning.'..' Mr. -Paul Madge has He on a trip to the Old Country. He„sold his cattle to Mr. Summers and went to feed them on .the way. ' Mr. Robert` Summers, of St. Marys, bought six steers, :of' Mr. Philip Madge, which average 1620 pounds each. Five ofthem were three years old, and one two. Who can beat it ? A very interesting literary', and mueioal entertainment was held in the Methodist church Bruoefield, on Tuesday evening May 19th. Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Goderioh, deliver- ed his popular lecture on "Matri— mouy,” which was associated by music and readings by local and foreign talent. Embroideries Finest assortment we have ever shown. Cloves Cotton. Lisle, ilk, Kid ; a very varied alld extoll- s ve aten-sive assortment. hosiery Cotton, Lisle, Balbriggian, &e, ; full display. Cretonnes c'c Cretonne Fringes. To match ; beautiful goods. Smallwares In this department we aim to keep constantly on banda full and complete stock of all the lines, in demand, both iu Fancy and Staple Smallwares, A. call solicited. ISAAC CARLING. Winchelsea. Old Mr. Turnbull la slowly recov- ering from a severe sickness. Mr. R. iiobineon intends building a new brick shop on the corner and will move the old, one down for a lumber shed. Mr. Henry Wright has acid his farm toF. Godbolt for the eum of $2,700, and has removed to the 141 - lege of Winoheleoa. Mr. Philip Madge weighed six steers on the Winchelsea weigh settles the other day which raised the beam M 9,695 pounds, one two-year-old weighing 1,590 and one three-year- old 1,825. He raised them all him— self. They were sold for the English market. Farmers, beat that, if you can t Mr. Paul Madge weighed eight fine very fat steers on Friday, which were delivered at St. Marys, In be shipped for England. Mr. Madge has taken a tour to the old sod with them, He expects to be gone about air weeks. We wish Mian a safe and pleasant voyage: Crediton. Stores close al 8 p. m., since Mon- day the 11th inst. Court of Revision will be held on the 26th inst. Mr. Jacob Metz who has been ill for some time past is quite recovered. What are the boys of our village thinking about that they do not gel up a base ball club. No exoitement of any kind here since the Scott Aeb name in force, not even a dog fight. The hotel keepers are feeling good over the prospeote of having a beer and wine license. Last Friday being Ascension Day was observed as a holiday. Service was held in the German Church in the morning. The fervent ejaoulation of a son of Erin after a deep draught from the hotel pump was "God be thanked the rulers of the country can't elhtop the wather. 1 The boya of our village amused themselves by a sham fight on Friday last. Both sides executed some skill- ful manoeuvring, and the fighting was sharp and heavy, Darkness, how- ever, came on, leaving the battle un- decided and several men killed and wounded on the field. Not far from fiOme, Last 'Tuesday Mr. Robert MoLean butcher, while driving through the entranoe to his farm on the Bayfield road accidentally broke hie leg above the ankle. It appears he was seated on a board that extended over the sides of a hay rank he was ming, his feet being placed in the framework at the bottom, and that iu passing through the entrance the board struck with such force against the post as to break both bones of the log Consid- erable inflammation set in, which gave intense pain to the sufferer. On Wednesday of last week while Mr. Wm. Cox, of the 6th Don of God- derich Township, was driving along the road, gazing at the landscape, and not paying any attention to bow he was driving, drove over a cow that was lyiug on the road. When the buggy was half way over her abs got up, throwing Mr. Cox and wife out into a small pond of water on the side of the road.. A "mass meetiug" of our local. Grits was held in the Reform rooms over the Signal 0n Monday evening, to disouse the frauohise bill. They unanimously agreed that they didn't like the bill, and would circulate petitions for signatures againet its passage. In Toronto the hawkers of the petition get 15 cents per 100 names, so it is said, but here the work is to be done for less.--Goderioh Star. Mr. A Tenneut, of Exeter, took to Lucau last weak a calf which he pur- chased from Mr. Tilos. McKenzie, of Stephen, for good figure The animal was two weeks old and has only three fully developed legs. The fourth, a fore leg, Is well formed above the knee, but below it tapers to some- thing like a claw. It is otherwise well developed. Mr. T. refuated $100 for it. Mr. John Grieve of Greenway met with an accident last week. While driving home from Parkhill the front wheels of the buggy pulled out from ender the box and threw him and his wife out. Aire. Grieve was badly shaken up, but no bones were broken. —Mr. John Pratt, a Blanshard boy, and recently of Winnipeg, who was one of the Canadiancontingeit in Egypt—having been among the first to volunteer in the Manitoba quote, under the lamented dol. Kennedy, has returned and gave us a call on Friday last. He was taken ill on the return voyage, and had to remain for some weeks 'in hospital at 'Queenstown, where he says he received the greatest care. He is, loud in praise of the skill and atten— tion of Dr. Johnston, the Medical chief of the institution, whose kind - nese he can never forget. He says. the Canadian' contingent on the Nile was well treated hi every respect, and the conduct of the men was good iu a general way. He says the soldiers sent oui to Egypt were the flower of the English army, and the officers gentlemen of the first rank, and who did not disdain to take a hand in the roughest work of the campaign, Mr. Pratt' did not hear of the death of his beloved chief, Cot Kennedy, till he arrived at Ottawa; and as he had intended to go with him from that place to the 'Northwest to civilize the half-breeds, the disappointment is all the sadder. 'Notwithstanding' his roughing it among the Nile cataracta and his recent illness, Mr. Pratt is by no means a mummy, but rugged and healthy, and thinks himself good for half a dozen half-breed rebels yet.— St. Marys Journal. (Mr. Pratt is also a former resideut of Exeter, having kept hotel here some years ago. He intends giving Exeter a visit before he returns to hie home in M'anitoba.)