HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-5-21, Page 5'ir
The AQud.an.
m, on a fair way of recovery pow.
May 18.-�-Th9 Australian As Mr. Campbell, or Godericb, rrae
contingeak has 8411" for home, . hacking his wagon to the edge of the
bankat the Macdermott's steps the
other day, the hind wheels got over
the ridge, andthe horse, being unable
to held it, went with the wagon aver
the bank. The horse and wagon de-
scended a oonsiderable distauce before.
a stoppage was made, having revolv-
ed, all the way down. Strange to re-
late the horse *ten unharnessed was
found to be almost free from injury,
and moved with lively steps to its
1328.6ter's 6t01e<
A rather sad accident happened on
lot 2 2nd con, Adelaide south, to a
man named Mr, Holt 'who while
working with his team received a Moir
from one of kbe horses, literally
smashing his stomach, he lived for
sill. comelo-morrow.
three days, and died from its .effects,
y suffering extreme agony. He wait
Don'tuse any mare nauseous purgatayes, quite a young man, and leaves a wife
suobi as Pills, Salts, &e., when you can get arta ohild to mourn his untimely lose
in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters; a medicine The following faote are gleaned
that moves the bowels gently, cleansing all fru111 the Brussels assessor's roll for
impurities from the system, and rendering
the blood pure aid cool, Soldby all Drug- 1.885 ;--Total value of reel estate,
gists, $259,770 ; personal property, $45,-
800 ;
800; taxable lneome, $5,400; total
Varan'dfau. assessment, $810,970 ; number of
doge, 59 ; population, 1,273 ; num-
Mr. R. Coy, of Strattrroy, aged 75, ber of wattle ; 101, sheep, 8 ; hogs,
walked from Stratbroy to Newbury 41 ; horses, us. Children between
the other' any, between 5;80 a. M. ages of 0 and 10, 294 ; ' between 7
and 13, 161 ; over 16 and under 21,
Thursday of lard week someone
outside the post offi.ae at Goderich
shouted, "There goes the mounted
police," which caused quite a 'rush to
the east aide of the square, where the
constable of Goderiah was mounted
on, a bicycle.
mint of Vets; Kelly and Neil, it is
Suakim, May 19,—Wolseley and.
Col. 14aoNeil have eailed for England.
Cairo, May 19. --The French news.
paper Bosphere Egyptian resumed
publioatiou to•day,
Dongola, May 19. --The British
evacuation of the SCuden aommenaes
',Thursday, Merchants and civilians are
leaving, fearing to remain after the
departure of the troops.
The thermometer averaged 1140
in shade.the
Suakim, May 19.—The British ,
riven here has een reduced to a.mini-
mum on account of the rapid icorease
of enteric, fever. The Shropshire re-
giment will remain as a pergnanent
garrison. Negotiations with friendly
natives have beau concluded, and
and neon. --32 tliilea. Pretty goad
work for a three•score.and•fifteen
Hiram Walker es Sone` have agreed
to give $800 to the Windsor and
Sandwich Agricultural Society, as
prizes tor grain grown' iii the oouety
of Beeox, and will give $500 addl.
tional provided arreagementa call be
made to hold the annual fair of the
County .Agricultural Society at Wind- FRAMS, LE$L1B's SUNDAY MAGAZINE
For dune completes the Seventeenth
Volume, with a number of exception-
al interest, The opening article is by
the eminent traveler, .Alvan S. South-
worth, and entitled "Catholic .Mts. Sal Porton
Mona ill the Far Eatit," principally Oulonaperbaaii" 0 as tD a ,a
Farther India, China and Japan; the Woodpei cord 2 50 to 2 it
labors of St. Francis Xavier and his HENSArar, ABE 39 S.
scribe $100,000 towards reopening, suoeeseors are graphically described. Fail wheat perbit ,,. ,,. .8 0 80 to 0 80
The mnnagemelit has paid off fifty The artiole on "Bible History" toile nazi4y bright) ;;; 0 5a to 0 90
The New Orleans Frxpoeition will
be closed May 31st. Ninety -£lye
thousand dollars has been taieed by
subsoription to carry the Exposition
over till November, when it will be
reopened. Railways and car compare
ies reaching New Orleans will sub.
GOING 119BTii. Express Albnil, 2nd Class,
Loudon, depart 7 45 A.m. 4 50 P.st, 6 30 A,1x,
Exeter. 8 57 0 70 9 35
Remelt9 09 6 24 9 07
RiPPen 9 13. 0 29 10 07
Brueefteld 9 23 6 48 O. 29
Clinton 6 45 7 05 11 80
Londesboro 10 00 7 20 12 00
Blvtlt ,. 10 0722 7 27 1210 e.ax,
Vinishan1 arii'is1Q 35 7 a5 11 48
GoSNG Sovxg, Express. Mail. end Class
Wingbam, dept ;7 48 e,ax, 3 00 eat. 10 20 ,a at
Beigravo 8 00 8 47 11 27
Blyth 815 330 11 42
I4ondt.sboro 8 24 3 38 72 00
Clinton , 8 30 4 05 12 4or,na,
Brueefleld ...,9 05 4 19 111
$ippon 9 13 4 97 1 27
Heiman . 9 18 4 32 r 3G
Exciter 935 ' 4 43 9 35
Ilortden arriselQ 51 Cr 56 k 30
HEN8ALL,--Wanted at the ilensa11Oat-
Meal Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good'
sound Oats for Milling purposes. The high,
est price will be paid, Oat -meal exchanged
for oats.
HEzfaAra 1191.311 MILLS, --One of the
most complete roller mils in the Province, is
constantly running and giving the best satis-
faction. Gristing done to order on short
notice. The roller flour takes the lead. Try
it and be oonvinced. 20 tons of good Mid-
dlings on hand at low figures. A few ears of
Corn and: Corn Chop on hand.
Roma 4 Tinesloa x.
(Correetod at5 o'clock p,u , Wedneeday.e
trALA wllaex
WhiteWnea t 000 to 090
Red .,. 090 to 0 90
white 'Wheat New ,,, ... ... 090 to 0 90
Red Wheat New ,. 0 90 to 0 00
.iFnfNG wxm41;
Fife (new) ..• .. •- 000 to 090
Harley .., -.. ,,. 0 52 to 0 55
Clete ,,, ,,, a 86 to 030
Clover Seed .., •„ ,,, ., 600 to 623
Timothy " „ 125 to 200
Peas ... ..- .,, 000 to 0 05
Corn „, 006to065
Eggs ,., -., .. 0 11 to u 11
Butter ,. , C 10 to 0 12
Flourperbbl. ,., , ,•. ... 5 00 to 555
Potatooa,per bag ,.. 0 35 to 0 40
Apples,per bag .. 0 40 to 050
Dried.tpplespr b 0 04 to 0 00
(fomes per lb.
Turkey per lb
Muck() perpr
Chickens per pr
• .,, 008to006
,.. ,... 0 40 to 060
• 025to035
-lest 500
• 0 to 5 75
Ridoarouba, ,,. .,, .. a 00 to 0 00
.•... 6 00 to 0 00
... 0 40 to C'75
„.., 050 to 0 70
0 19 to 020
• 10 00 toll 00
" dressed ,
\Wool per lb ,..
per cent, of iia indobtedneee, of the conquest of Cannan under 1Barley(feerlinfl
While the Toronto police van was Joallua, and the history of the
being driven to the jail Tuesday after- Israelites under the rule of the 3 adgea,
neon with 24 prisoners sonteneod,at This article has twelve Illustrations.
the Police Court, the occupants mut. t Portraits and short biographical
sketches are given of the three uow
Enlist). Bishops. The Sacred
6luaioians desuribed are Madame
Seinton•Dolby, who ' recently died,
and Anton Rubinstein; and the Par-
ables of Christ have reached their
thirteenth uumber with "The Barren
Fig -tree.' Farjeou's atory,"Leve'e
treat, and Detective Hodgins arrested i Harvest,'' roaches en interesting
at Toronto E. E. Sheppard, proprio• point, and Mfrs. Farmer's serial
tor of the News, for criminal libel, "What. She !lade of Her Life,' pro-
gresses favorably. There are several
very beautiful poems, and a varied
and attractive miscellany, at 25 cents
a number, or $2.50 a year, poetpaid.
Published by MRS. FRANK. LESLIE, 53-
55 57 Pima Place, New York.
Grenadiers, and Dr. White, of the ►++►.
Body Guarde. He was ,afterwards Scott's .Emulsion or: tore
released on bail, Cod Liver 011; with Rypophosphitoe,
Robert Crosby, of Guelph a mar Dr. 0. KILLn o, of Oakland, Cal-, says ;
ried man, about 48 ears of age, ea have used Scott's Emulsion in my own
y g die • ease and found it a most valuable prepara-
appeared suddenly about two weeks tion, and have since used it extensively in
ago. No trace of him could be ob- my practice with very surprising results to
Wined until Tuesday, when his body myself and patients.
in Goldie's mill stream. When last The Decided alterative action of
seen alive he was under the influence Robinson's Phosphorized Emul-
of liquor, and it is supposed he fell ,don upon the blood, adapts it in a remark-
able degree as a blood purifier well worthy
of the trial of those suffering from a diseased
condition of !the circulating fluid. Always
ask for RonxssoN's PnospnonxzED 1i xunsxc'ty,
and be sure you get it.
ined, smashing the windows and
making trantte efforts to escape.
Seymour Salter, seuteaoed to sit
months for yagranoy, succeeded lu
gutting away, The others were sub-
deed when the policemen drew re-
volvers and threatened to shoot.
High Constable Bissonette, of Mon -
at the instance of Major Dugas, of
the 65th Battalion, Montreal, arising
out of charges of drunkeness, filthi-
ness, etc., made against officers and
men of the 65th, iu a published in-
terview with Sorgt. Nelson, of the
into the river while in that state. He
leaves a family of grown up eons and
SHILOS'S COUGH and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It Dares
Consumption. Scld by J. W. Browning.
Not Far From Honie.
News Condensed.
Gilbert Mott, 2nd line, Adelaide,
was killed by a kink from hie horse a
few days since.
The National Hotel which was some
time ago destroyed by fire in St.
Marys, is to be rebuilt again.
A few days after at home, Mr. Mo -
Wilson's horse ` kicaed Mr. Grieve,
which laid him up for a short time.
A few days ago Mr. Wm. Elder, of
Rodgerville, sold to American horse -
buyers a five-year-old mare for $226.
Parkhill Salt Association has made
another pall on stockholders to enable
them to pat the Company in better
Owing to some irregularity in the
original survey of Hay township, Mr.
H. B. Proudfoot, Clinton, has been
engaged to re -survey a portion of it
'Ft4Mr. A. Naftel of Leeburn has sold
his farm to Messrs Foley and Mo -
Manus for $5,500 ; Mr. Foley takes
Vise front portion and Mr. McManus,
the lake division.
A large wild oat was seen on the
farm of Mr. Geo. Dyke, Goderieb
township, the other day, and followed
for some distance, but the parties.
pursuing it were unarmed, and it
thus managed to esoape.
John Craig, 3rd con. McGillivray,.
very nearly lost a thoroughbred colt
last week, but under the skillful treat -
British Grain Trade.
London, May 19th. The Mark Lane Ex
White ate, ,,, F ,., •••- ,,, 0 28 to 0 4f
Black Oats ,,. •,,, ,,, 0 Sl to 0 33
Apples per bbl. ,.. 1 00 to 1 00
Potatoes portal ,.. ... ... 0 25 to 0 59
COAGULIN.i.—Oereent'for Brok-
en Articles. 89141 everywhere.
Sole l0;akers.--KAY B1t08.. Stockport
SEED, Aniseed., Renege, Squill,Tolu; &o
with Oblorodvue.
'WAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent
oxueotorant ter Coughs and Colds.
AY'S ,COMPOUND, far Couelas
and Colds, is equally servicable; . for
klorses andOattle.
T7AY'S TIO PILLS, a epeotfie ill
.L, Neuralgia Faee-ache Vic,
Notice is Revision ofthehereby
ment that
Court r thVillage
of Exeter for 1885 will be field at the Market
Rouse, Exeter, on Wednesday, the 27th day of
¥ay,1885, at 10 o'clock, in ithe forenoon, All
goveron henir,selveaiacc r at the By eider. will
Exeter 1st May.1885, AL EAeuE-r'r, Clerk.
Over Over
Acres. Fonthill Nurseries itt..
The Largest in the Domtirtfon,
To begin canvassing at once en 1ra11 ia1es.
Steady employment to sueeet.sful nlee, Good
agents are Darning from 840 to 875 per month.
and expenses, i'erms and outfit free, &ddress
Detre 5, in 413 Coneessiou, 100 acres.
For particulars apply to
B.1'. F.I,L1O T,
Solteitor, &e.,
4111, Feb., 7885.
j�Al;l.f FOR SALE,—The anbsorib•
or o00r3 tor eel() the East Half of Lot 3
Ona North Half of Let 9, 4th con of L'aborno,
Vit the promises are a brick house 20x28, nearly
ne4v,'containing 0 mamas frame barn 31x48,
with stebiieg ; a enroll bearing orchard,aud a
never•fuilingwell. The laud is well drained 1
and in a good state 01 eultivadon There are
12acrna of fall,he%t 10 the ground tom eon-'
eidorablefull ploughing done. Distance frown
Exeter, 5 .utiles, and 3 miles frons Centralia.
Terms to suit purchaser. Possession given
Dither before seeding or after harvest. Pur
chaser eau be eupplledwith seed grain. For
further particulars apply on the premises to
0.11, SLIlAGC17, or by letter to Exeter P. ('.
Tuts OUT and return to uv with
10c or 4 So stamps. and yon'11 got by
return wail a Golden Box of Goods
Quit will brin4-4 g you in were money
a _.tan
any else in Alberta a.
JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Yew. fortune if you start 'sic's.
Townships ofStephen, Hay and I sborno, CITY NOti ELF Y CO..
Ona the Village of Exeter, All sales pronuutll' Yarmouth, N.S.
attended, and sattsfactloo, guaranteed, Salon --
arrauged at this Niko.
LThe most tuterestillg feature of the recent
exhibition at Montreal was 1 etenpeny ofeol-
or ed .iubileo Singers ongngo0 in mauufaotnrinc,
�ho colcb_ated Gold Coin'i'abaceo,anu at the
same time delighting the crowds of spectators
with exquisite southern melodies, Agoltlreed-
al and a specialdiuloulawore awarded to this
popular brand of chewing tobacco, and the
thanks of the committee teedored to the Ad
stns Tohaeao Co. for their attractive exhibit.
MR. W81. LYNE is prepared to do
made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction
guaranteed in every respect.
Ladies Jackets a Specialty
Give him a trial and be convinced that he
will give satisfaction.
press, in its review. of the British grain trade
the past week says : The weather has not OEN TRAL
improved, cold winds and hail storms pre-
vailing nightly, Vegetation is showing ill
weath as a result of the swhoa bad r
weather. The. sales of English. wheat during p .
the past week were 46,467 quarters, at 375
5d, against 58,872 quarters, at 7s 10d dur-
ing the corresponding period last year. Hold-
ers of foreign wheat show a disposition to
sell freely, but find few buyers. Sixteen
cargoes arrived off coast ; two cargoes, in-
cluding one of Californian, were spld, two
were withdrawn, and twelve remained in-
cluding nine of Californian. At to -day's
market nothing was doing. Flotir was Gd
to 1s lower, corn was 6d to is lower, oats
were 6d lower, barley, beans and peas were
DrnicaN, In "Osborne, on the 16th inst.,
Alex. Duncan, aged 78 years.
S2.ELL,—In Pxetor, on the 17th., Wm. Snell,
aged 63 years.
MODouGALL••-In Ribbert, on the 18th inst„
John McDougall, aged 93 years.
{4t.;R5 R. LANDS.>.
S c3 In Minnesota. North Dakota, Mon-
tana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
From Luise superior to Puget Sound,
At prices ranging chiefly from $2 to 36 per acre,'
on 6 to 10 years time. This is the Best Country
for securing Good Homes now open for settlement.
FREE 320 acres of Gaovernment
Land Free under the homestead
and Timber Culture Laws. N 0 I e,
10,818,433' Acres O1 DI®ItE THAN
RRAISF of all'the Public Lands disposed of in 1887
were in the Northern Pacific countrv. Books and
Haps sent FILES describing the Northern
Pacific Country title Railroad Lnnds for sale and
the FREE Government Lands. Address, CHAS. B.
LAMBORN, Lnnd Com'r, N. P. R. 11., St. Paul, Minn.
Seeds, Seeds!
Fresh and Reliable ' Mr. Senior has had long ex-
; perience and is a practical.
Garden, Field and Flower ivorkillan.
Remember the Spot,
A Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll
for tele Rownship of Osborne for 1885 will be
bt Township Hall E1 vi11e o
1 atw�
h nsh
held e� P tin li
3013, at 10 o'clock a. an. Persons having buss-
nese at said Court should govern themselves
77 ab riru e, May 7th ,18855, Clerk.
Restores grey
hair to its na
tural color, re-
inoves Dandruff,
stops the hair
from falling out,
increases its,
growth, and will
not soil the skin,
As a hair dres•
sing', - it has no
superior. Guar-
Prepared by
Harkness 8G Co.
Loudon, Ont.
Sold by ull Dru
and Patent'Medtco
The Met Delightfid,
1'aleoe at.araer., Low Vatic
rout' Trips Per week 11.twe.a
# trd lrvery Weak Illy lletweaa
Writ• for our
""Picturesque Mackinac,," Illustrated.
GPntaixs run Yartioulars, 7dsg,4 3't1tt.
Detroit & Cleveland Stearn Nov. Co.
C. 0. WttlTGOMa, (KN. PASI, ARi„
i1 i� 11 i i1f1*MW* N*iYli i
i i1L Senior
Wishes toin(orm the inhabitants of Exeter
and, surrounding townships. that he stare
A Tailoring Shop
iu FANS0N'S BLOCK, (up,stairsa, where he
will be prepared to do all kinds of Custom.
If yon want a Good -fitting and Well -made
Suit, Coat or Pants, you will find Sat-
isfaction by giving him a trial.
In great Variety at the
Dominion LaIa1y
BEANS.—German Black Wax, New Golden
BEET.—Long Dark Blood.
(;ABBAGE.--Early Wenningstadt, Early
Large York, Early French Drumhead,
lStone Mason Marblehead, Prime Flat
`CARROT.—Early Short Horn, Early Scar-
let Horn..
CORN.—Earip Minnesota; Dolly Button.
CUCUMBER.—Early Cluster, Bismark Long
Green, Perfection Pickling.
LETTUCE.—Early Boston Curled, Bally
Prize Head.
DIUS1 MELON.—Coral Flesh.
WATER MELON.—Mountain Sweet.
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
'et and always
fresh: Familyrecip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
Directly over
PEAS.—Ferry's Extra Early, McLean's
Little Gem, Champion of England.
RADISH,—Early Long Scarlet (short top)
Early Round Deep Scarlet, Long White
TOMATO.-Livingstone's Favorite, Trophy.
Besides a frill lino of Garden Seeds in
package, we aro also offering tho following
varieties of
Fresh Field and Garden 3eeds
IN BULB, which is, of course, is the cheap-
est way by all odds to buy them.
TURNIPS.—Purple Top Yellow Aberdeen,
Bangllolm Purple Top Swede, Carter's
Improved Purpie Top Swede.
CARROTS. -white Belgian (for the garden)
Call early as .the stock is
Choice and limited, and we
are determined to carry no
seeds over.
Geo. A. Hyndman's Groeery
Will. Senior.
SEALED `TENDERS, addressed to
the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for
Indian Suptilies,' will be received at tuis office
up to noon of MONDAY, 2513 MA Y,1885, for the
delivery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal
year ending 30th Jun e,1886, consisting of Flour,
Bacon, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, Oxen,
Cows, Bulls, Agricultural Implen.ents, Tools,
&c„ duty paid, iu Manitoba and the North-
West Territories.
Forms of tender containing full particulars
relative to the Stipples resuired,• dates of de-
livery. &c., may bo had by applying to the un-
dersigned. ox to the. Commissioner of Indian
Affairs at Regina, or to the Indian Office, Win-
Parties may tender for each description of
goods (or for any portiou of each description
of goods) separately orfor all the goods called
for in the schedules.
Each Tender must be accompanied by an ac-
cepted Cheque in favor of the. Superintendent
General of Indian Affairs on Canadian Bank
for at least five per cent. of the amount of the
tenders for Manitoba,§and tener cent. of the
amount of the tenders for the North•WVest Ter-
ritories, which will be forfeited if the party ten-
dering declines to enter into a contract when
called upon to do so, or if 11e fails to complete
the work contracted for. If the tender bo not
accepted the cheque will' bo returned,
Tenderers are required to maito up in the
Money columns in the Schedule the total mon•
oy value of the gcodsthey offer to supply, or
their tender will not be entertained.
Each Tonder must, in addition to the signa-
ture of the tenderer; bo signed by two sureties
acceptable to the Department, for the proper
performance of tiro contract.
In all cases wheretransportation may be
only' partial by rail, contractors must. make
proper arrangements for supplies to be for -
Warded at once from railway stations to their
destiuntion in the Government Warehouseeat
the point of delivery
Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-
Deputy of the Superintendent -General
of Indian Affairs
1 DnPATaT�1rxNT DI": INDIAN Aremiss, j,
OTTAWA, leen Merlon 1885.