HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-5-21, Page 4EDITORIAL NOTES. Ment by county couiacile. They also 1 Deposits lu the Dominion Postal stated %hat Pominiou license corn- Savings bat:ke for last mount Toe Canadian r ' life assurance busi. missioners were 'granting wholesale amounted to $547,118, anti the witti- ness ithness is in a veryflourishing condi•, lieensea and druggists' licensee to ex- r drawals to $601,479, being an Increase thou, Aceerditr,g to the, Government tavern -keepers i❑ Saott Aot Counties, t in deposits of $68,630, and a de - returns for the past year, now policies and asked that the government ' take oreaoe In withdrawals of $18,672, an to the amount of twenty-four million stepa to prevent &hie being done, l oompared wish diose of April, 1884.. The Atteruey•t eneral did not give SLEEPLESS NIOETS, made miserable any definite reply. ' by that terrible cough. S1iiloles Cure is the SHtOR,'S 'tiTALIZEit is what you ',teed remedy for'you; Sold by J. W. Browning. doltere were issued, the premiums ou which wore over four milltou dollars, as the claims were only $1,600,000. The total, antentit in. Canada of life poltoies in the regular oompantes is mess, and all syi:uptonts of Dyspepsias Price for Constipation, Lose of Appetite, Dizzt. ' r. $185,614,091, which speaka volumes 1,0 and 75 cents, per bottle. Sold by for the thrift .and prosperity of the Browning. peep's, The beakless with strictly N OTICE. The Council of the Corporation of the Canadian ootn allies has within the A n Terrible Leap. oeuetyefllnrowil/meetin he Court Rouse i1 g in the town of Goderich, on Tuesday, #ho and Last six years nearly doubled in am. Giant, while that with foreign cam- New York, May i9. . day of as ponies is etesdtly decreasing. !nom a Cab was driven from.New PETEl3 ADA3ISCN; } ,day o;FJune next. All accounts aseaittst the -T= after—'soeond moot thisse session on oz before tUa !York to the middle of Cita great span _-: Co. Clerk. Tan gallant rash at Batoche set M f� tied the rebellion, and the capture oft men got out aid began to Climb the b QRETIRED FARMERS iR 1" . - of the Brooklyn bridge. here two • - r forcesBiel fl s reg the ecattertng or hie railing. A po teemau ran toward� rQa 10 moved the far fron.ggWel ordered h rhomtshi ,liC hie \Vole anis ChD OTHERS, 1 public mind of a ittwel ed struggle from which the people were a'axious Il attention was taken 41) with • the Will be solei, shortly under Power of to save the moble velunteere, who -Young men.a covered wagon contain. in a 1tIortgage theHandsoree were so eager for the fray. Biel!' tug Prof- Robert E. Odlora and a was totally beaten, as the mom: tooaatpa.OWWO HLOpped about 100 feat ,, atauQea of Itis capture shows And it hehiud the cab. guioklg divesting; is not to be wondered that public ihimself of a blue loons' suit, Odium, a ang as ter. .gus sed from the carriage send sprang And Grouncl , Allo hay Capa�d the Country rcr much ! li hti to the znt;. Ha ulokl trash's, expense and lose of layette g y - . � y' Formerly mooed by the late Hears w. nice and. suitable for one in my position." .sten, but it is to be /toped they will i reeelaed the top, and peones Iam:leen ! Hall, Barrister, SOITiet ins y p Midi for a montaiat wtocd area',, glancd dtaiou's trorpe, and be setiei'ied to hrtreiedly at the audiles of the Ewa fel' b•tt ` t this prtsouel M Clad In a red shirt and trunks, jump- , Mr. Tailor ! Hello, t Say ! Sale "Beg pardon, Squire, I'm here ; What's the matter ? " .utter enough seems to me with this old telephone, for I've had to fairly bawl to make you hear, but that is not what is bothelriug me most now. .�'lt tell you, I want a new pair pants -must have them right away—and would like you to make them ; you have Ply measure and I'd be obliged if you would run down to Messrs. BA,NTON BROS., and sele0t tnttta►lft the coraduot of Gelaeral �..a ,¢pity to lei justice be meted out to lain last: truer, 1$5 feet helots him, and then W. F. KILLEN, . Netted oat from the railing London, 9111 fully,. which, will be dons undiuQLinR, P g into the 1y. air. He held. one !tend above Ilia ? COUNTY HURON' JULY E:1�d MJI bead as a rudder to guide him in hie NATION$• 1Sai Tu comoaission recently appeint.;desoen.t. be river owwasat this \ortuinis iooc$To tinkosuilQttiaRa nl,q�5e4 ed to elnqutre into the alleged graev• a moment clear of (flopping. Some Nmeelnelle lea. t1 3e x d' 1 d b 1 thebridge a tug was PrOtelotOnal1. o s, � C aures or Thanks Squire, I shall be most happy and feel sure BANTON BROS. have what will please you.,, " Yes, Harry ! I'm told they have the tart panting of the torn—•wide stripes, narrow stripes, light and dark shades - just the stuff.' " "`Correct, Banton Bros.' is the place for select panting, 1Caminetime a the Hina Schools CQr Sflxe�V coating, rich Velvet matins and fine Solon the laatilf-ttreeds in the btorth, ar • e ort fa tntr COant�� en Maud rv. July Lith. 1 r. In, made t andel' in tlla latest St les an iIn2T1eA3e ran @ Qf 1ticat leave beau iasttatag considerable x fillet' with reporters and club mets. s,ieo d.eaa.hitsn•11rofeRre aonalUesetinattonat , styles, g silk land Keri . t. No sooner' do the half Capt. Pant BQyttton. sated near the f GOunty leiHa stIV2s. aA �iedneaatrY,JAiY Bth, and 5airin scarfs and ties -near' 25 dow to ick froln_collars P r at l l.f c a n1; l: or F o`it'' lire';orultdel rtes, (:',rasa y p 3 d titb d wit t of breads et the titles to their laud thiels bow anatoualy watabtng the bradge,; aadAFzRoatoation wnlhatau afrerthe can- l�racafi, Hats &c,,ao. at RA.NTON ERQS." they dispose rit e i1 for meta nothing an see ou aard sic a tl must uatifirtliei:ieox anti otter Mrs o load grabbers and spares lators. who ;fatal tesla ssitlt tared Brest''. For ! R t� ueaitlixolichee ! eionp u� � io4°�� ��Q SPECIAL .�'CQ�*',� taesaed elle o agtcu or thePrateFiiouRl>~xaintuatiou. can ' a „�,, HE LADIES—New this week, a big lot of follow the ©otntuiesionerat in order to nearly 10t feel the professor came � Q >aria,aiif;n pa�sii Acatealis ccoa°; Cheat Goods— White xlfttslins, Cold llaslxsts grand value. take advantage of i down all right. feet forewoet but $tate of affairs le on remedied by ttlo will cause all sort tit Metla, Thae R palittd yacerti4lcatelof charaeteraud a too' tarllnzg value in New Dress Goods t on ie and see. A tl i Ghe eve of being when within �0 feet of the water It' lr��.eii�eai;3r�ca�aaea daarai�i7a4�ina�as �n ire���a � er iart�vornetlont, who leo xer pia , P utnF l.o had trout the &aerator 1 t lt'" /stab's, or at least not fora number a handwith a wawa• 1 o r ; afalltersof litgh soliortla11a p ease aot;ti tli body Bogan to tura. As if resaliziug'' int befexwardatIto taco iacpartineAt. anloasi fit �a Pslne ,Sx� s• --fit htt�'oetilt» fest Morsels fo die Cane iia t t to lie trot. trans• Iiia dauge3r Odium brotaght down /las � h 1oa accotltplrnieai tt. 'Ptarilaa. t'r �; , lltatio:l �+a oC$e, Don't , fol et to ertll azyad' see them, BA,I�i`TQN BR,4 S1, e f tit 1 k notion t,1 old of ycare. to thin way the half•breedo J halm in recovering his balance. The ei Beall* u� heir sanaatdaaaarte flee c.oaatts. will beoiat.le etvilized and Contented movement Wee, however, inado to a Sehoot is snouted. mason in wiaieh f1.. High to earn a Itvelilmed by tilling the late, and a half.seo.nal later. with n 0 PE Fit ADAM:1Oti Profiting Inspector. 85; .1 ' '' T' r 'eLI11�'C OODS'85 D. NLMALLOCil,Esq., Seey.H,T•.xm's. Soil. It wee a mere oversight of themighty splash Odium's body struck Government he causing script to issued except eo that it cental not be TOWNSHIP OF STFPlri'\ ..�.tt lu ZExe zeatree matuxa• "A taOlt a S f 1� the surface of the river body Side �TST ARRIVED .T THE be and he seek. out of eight. Boats j ilA14M FOR SALE IN "f'ltla' wont to hie rescue, and the body of 4 l;. et, d transferred. _ the Professor was dragged into ono. ore free otatuulps.and tinder goodculttvation. acres good hush, Width r the outbreak f the rebel:ion of thous. After considerable rubbing t to rout , lll�toSSeewortleof pine: only for TailoringEstablislim't t p Q rebel:ion mt)Osfronl the Village of t'xetittoa, i}utllcu "'f Y ovary conceivable wanner of fault was elle eyes of the .iuftarer tlpene� . from lsxotnx) tt servo t,rtelt i1GA6P. good wen s OU J_ foiled with. the Government b the What hind of a jump did I make." in eollcr, ,. bank hartta, rant belles, driving' ti CLOTHS TWEEDS tont wilt Ren thole cheap for °Amt. 34/adz to Order On Short Viotice. A. FIT GUARANTEED. Ile whispered. `'l.' iret. ekes. m Illi ' allod, at well that bsa DOG 1 of iieezl entltll.tl ttli Ila91't'cr.IVed. Opposition press and the leaders of - y }, • wtnd•lulil , meant 1 acres of 11rat•ela p Orchard, —as they called it—in sendingtllo mediately relapsed into insensibility, trots, iltaatl+stoups ontsitlu';ahout"itiltad'e troops # the front, and evethe and iu a few minutes ceased to trees to gzelnGR Castconcession er°irdx�tieuinrs iii ta't�3' 13 m 't' which the breathe. •. to \IATTIiLtS 1rO1:Lo(IX,t'realton P.o,.Ont. 1 was the answer. The Professor lin••-' p a imee eduction of the heatgraftedeipple tret•a the party` tri the IIouAB for the delay 1 pUuns l,earwlxndgrapo vitaaa aaaoattetichorry a mune ton w la a mere were sup• plied with was condemned; in short, ` It bad been the ambition , and I foroe sent out was wrong ; even the from the Brooklyn bridge. He made; • (;heti Goods. Call and see his stock before placin troops as a 'body were belittled by the attempt epee haters the bridge 3 Pursuant to au order o1 the rush Court of P 'ilia Department was completed, but was prevented everything In nem:notion with the dream of his life to make the lump s").-Dxr I TIb''MEN'T FUR CREW - No Credit g1Vet1. Sold O�TLYfor f;ASH, and that means g yotu TT �rT justice WC William y Division) made main iu a cause order. wherein William J. Carlile is plaintiffiand La- was dela to be incapable for their by the police. fIe was three and n• aqua it Ann Currie ert`Jnmes cn iiot4 nti i noel teak. some fifty-five d them, and the a11i aye have Charter seconds in the air before ilio ne,b both late et tn�, goo on wLf Ray, lu d on elapsed since the first body of troops Striking the water. He was 88 years or about the Seth day ofalfarch A D. 1881, and of ago and Unmarried. 13th day of February, 1889, respectively, left the front, 2,000 miles distant. g aro on or before the loth day of lune, Within this short time 4,000 troops, 400 horses, and eight cannon have been sent to different points, a great distance from a railway. The leader of the rebellion has been captured, his stronghold taken by storm and his followers scattered, and the work acoomplished by the Militia Depart. ment could not have beenbetter man- aged by a country experienced in warfare. This being the first war that Canadians have fought without Bight now is the time to use a good Blood Purifying medicine. Lose no time in getting a bottle of Dr. Carson's StomachBitters. It will do you good. Sold by all druggists : 50 Cents. News Notes. One hundred and thirty-five Eng- lish orphans from Liverpool reached Kingston on Saturday, in Charge of Mies Laosy. The negotiations for a oommeroiel assistance, the ability displayed by treaty between England and Spain the Minister of Militia will be oonsid- have been broken off, Spain having ered by impartial judges as wonderful, and the gallant behaviour of our citi- zen soldiers in the campaign, under the leadership of General Middleton, places them in the front ranks with veterans. The foe with whom they had to contend, according to the To- ronto Globe, was not at all green in warfare, but on the other hand well drilled in the use of arms from their youth. And from the same source we learned that they were well arm- ed with the latest improved repeating rifles, and were well acquainted with the lay of the ccuntry. Yet in fight: Ing an enemy having all the above- mentioned advantages, our troops have acquitted themselves in such a way as to show to the world (the Giobe included) the pluck and valor they are possessed of. , The Scott Act. Petitions are being circulated in the oity and freely signed, requesting the House of Commons to adopt amend- ments to the Scott Aot to permit beer and.light wines to be sold in counties where the Aot is in foroe, and to pro. vide that in future the Act shall only be carried by a-two•fifthe majority of the registered voters. A deputation from Toronto and the counties of Dufferin, Huron and Simooe whore the Scott Aot has been carried, waited upon the Attorney. General not long since and asked that the government appoint polioe magistrates in these Counties to en- force the Aot ; pending their appoint bathe first through train to Winnipeg. failed to fulfill her promises. Prayers for the success of the Sontt Aot will be offered simultaneously by one tbouaand women in Kington at seven o'clock on Thursday morning. The Canada Pacific Railway an- nounces that the last gap was olosed on Saturday night, and that there is new continuous rail from Montreal to the Selkirks. Smallpox is spreading rapidly through the pity of Montreal, caused mainly by the neglect of the author- ities to keep the lanes clear of filth and the inefficiency of the Health De. partment. The 82nd Bruce Battalion, 368 of- ficers and men, including the hand, rsaehed Southampton Monday and went into camp there, awaiting orders to proceed to the North-west on na- tive service. The attention of United States customs collectors has been called by Secretary Manning to importations of European goods from Canada, alleged to have been trade extensively at a considerable undervaluation. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint 2 Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by J. W. Browning. A. special train carrying Messrs. Angus, Donald A. Smith, Van Horne, Drinkwater ` and others has gone by the Lake Superior section of the C. P. It, to Winnipeg, the gaps on the road being completed. This will 1885, to send by post, prepaid, to Benjamin Vella 31s Elliot, of the Village of Exeter, in the said County of Huron, the solicitor of the said plain tiff, their Christian and surttetmes, addresses end description, the full particulars of their claims. a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof they gill be per- emptorily excluded from the benefit of the said order. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the .same before me at my cham- bers at tho town of GoderIch, on the 23rd ,day of Juno,1855,at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, be- ing the time appointed for the adjucation on the claims, Dated this 12th day of May,1888. (Signed) S. MALUOIISON Local Master at Goderioh: L1rc1niaI ai1ay The Great Canadian Route to and from the Ocean, for Speed, Comfort and Safey is unsurpassed. Pullman palace day ana sleeping cars ou all through express trains. G ood dining rooms of convenient distances. No Custom House examination. Pullman cars leaving Montreal o.x Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday run through to Halifax. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day to St. John, N. B, without change. Passengers from all points in Canada and Western States to Great Britain and the Genii- nent should take this route, as hundreds of miles of Winter nayigation is thereby avoided. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS will and it adyantageons to use this route as it is the quickest in point of time, and the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains and experieneo has proved the Inter - colonial route to be the quickest for European freight torn dtfand ros, all points in Canada and thTickets may be obtained and also informa- tion about the route and about freight and passenger' rates from ROBERT B. MOODIE, Western Froight &Passenger Agent 92RossiuHouse Block, York St., Toronto D. POT'1'INGER, Chief Superintendent. Railway Office, one ton, N. B:,May 14, TRY DR. DOWN S GOLDEN LINIMENT for Diphtheria, Croup, and Asiatic Cholera. A sure cure, Pain of all kinds quickly relieved. Internally and extern- ally, Ask for it. Take no other. See teatime). nials. Por sale by all Druggists. T J. SUTHERLAND,HENSALL, • ONT., CONVEYANCER, ContanssIonme, Fire andnife Insurance. Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licenses, All business transacted stirctlyooniidentia1. A Call solicited; Oliice at the Poet omen: Exeter,4ith March,1885 C111411. 5. SOTTTHCOTT. Latest Novelties of E Season OUR DRY -GOODS STOOK Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to suit the times. TAILORING A SPECIALTY Remember we keep the place to get everything you want and at right prices. JAMES PICKARD. The Old Established House, Exeter C CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., .1 Has opened dental rooms overO'NEIL'S BANE, where he will be prepared to extractteethwithout pain. A11 operations performed with ease and skill. Gold fillings a speciality, Office hours 9 a. m: to 5 p m. CHARGES MODERATE. TERMS CASTE. ���aataw�• FRAZER AXLE GREASE Best in the world. Made only by the Free- zer Lubricator Company, at Chicago, New York and St. Louis. SOLD 'EVERYWHERE ONSUMPTION I have a Positive remedy for the above disease; by ire use' thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Iudeeil eo strong is my faith In its eOeacy,, VW 1 will send TWO BOTTLES FREE,together with a VAL. nAsas TREATISE on thle disease, to any sufferer. Give Ex.. press and P, 0, address. DR, T. A. SLo00M, ist Pearl 8t., N.Y... ADVERTISERS send for our select list of , Local Newspapers. Cleo. P. Rowell & 10 Spruce-St„N. Y, ,