HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-5-7, Page 8k Ai phs of We11-Known Men. I Interesting ,Items, I h I e just been looking over a book The West Middlesex'Peaiers' Association u which contains the written autographs will meet in Strathioy on may 21 and 22, (tf ahlbut fifty well-kno'nrn Alnerlekn McGregor 4k Perim's Carbolic Cerate itas, aauthora Ind editors, says a writer in been tested by years of trial and has been the Utica Obserrer. The autograph of found the most convenient and effectual Mr. H. H. M. Alden, editor of Harper's (a of applying, Carbolic Acid. The greatest ].s small, plain and neat. That of Prof, ' antiseptic in use for Cuts, Burns and Old Baird is fine and "seholarisb•" That of Thomas Bailey Aldrich is written in C b I' Cerate.S 1 d f y J. W. a rather graceful back -hand, Noah Brooks also writes his signature in a SCRG TO CONQUER. bae'kehand, although the letters ars un- usually large anti vigorous. 11. M. if timely treated with Eagyar's Pectoral'i3al- Boyeson's autograph is.fl'ne cut, vigor- sam. Pieassnt to take and tafe for young or ons and handsome. In the clearness , +s:tt, and angularity of the small letters and in the flourish given to the large letters it resembles E. C. Stedman's. S. S. Conant, of �alarper'a Weekly, writes in a plain back -eland. George William Curtis, George Cly- Eggleston, Sidney Howard, Gay, Richard Watson Gilder, The seo7et.of success of Burdock Blood Bit - use almost the sante formation of let- to s is that it tela upon the bowels, the liver, let- ters—bold, flow ino. and vigorous ;he kidu(,ys, the skin and the beoo l ; rewov- John Habberton Eas a strong and iu: 'batr•icticns and iwnpartingl hemilh and striking signature, while that of Law-. wigor, ranee Hutton is almost grotesque and . SALT RHEUM. odd with its thick lines slanting both ways and running obscurely into ono Suet Blteuni, Pimples or Blotches eau be another. Charles de iaav writes his thort uglily removed by a proper application of name without effort at distinctiveness, :4"iregor ,2 Purke's Carbolic Cerate to the and mourns Sii , a,nox einp'oys an erdi- part. and a few ,test's of 1le(iregor's Speedy nary business hand. Brander tM•itthewl s , Cure fur impure blood. Be sure and get the has a clear, tolerably ornate signature, getiiue,o l epaie4l by Me(iregor Parke That of Rieh u•d Grant White is up, Sura at 23 cents at. J. W. Ilrowaing's drug right, graceful and handsome. That titr(+. of E. L. Youmans is decidedly ungrace- A Sualciau tel. pain states the Britivh troops fui and conventional, and that of O. R. have repulse l an attempt of 200 rebels to de. Sores. Be sure you ,,et McGregor & Parke's ar o to 'o t or •r,a cents b • J %owning Druggist. 0 ;1 Panama telegram states that Aizpern has surrendered and giyeu np his arms The Govertlment troops occupy the city. All is quirt, mut busiueJ+a everywhere is resumed, .Yetis ends the revolution on the isthmus. THE SECRET OUT About 2,000 Mormons have recently moved. to Idaho and founded the town , of Bannock Stake. I. A worm which thirty years ago de- stroyed many of the pine trees in North Carolina is again malting havoc . this season, i. s AU the towns and cities of the State of Massachusetts are obliged to give i. school books and all other supplies to the pupils free. One httlldred and ninety-two bread fruits have been gathered from a sin, 4 gle tree. The average weight of each I fruit is over two pounds. According to a correspondent Rev. W. H.. H. Murray, as an oyster cook is a success. His, cafe is conducted on a strictly temperance plan, and they say he fs halting lrlattey, the daughter of the king of Nether- lands bids fair to be one of the richest women in Europe. She inherited from her brother $4,000,000, and .the wealth I of her father is immense. The A'ew Orleans Picayune warns people who contemplate seeking era, Iplo'ment in that city on aeeount of the Exposition boom, that their chances of securing it will be very small. a Ayer a 4 ib. bat tie flits a i• ter hest 1lttdi• clue that 44,11 be employed to t.•,Tte't intoef• laritie� of the etwna(1't ,and bowels. °rune. Bunco is simply busluess-like, Hen- $tro). the Hary runway. ,et tht)r.. • i, in their ae^int they e,ne eon- ee 4tipntiou. ,ti,antote the dag+•rttte cinema and the ai';'. ire, and cleats build t.r, and I+tren then the system. ry Drisier has an unpretentious a c,ne.- Iluelrten's Arnica Salve. tura in good, sure writing, and The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts. Arnim• i Ilawthorne's is small and easy. Charles 'ea, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,, Dudley Warner uses a small; "nibbed Tetter, Chapped hands. Ciii1b1ai11s,Corns, and pen" eltirographti. Th;itof Mr. Lathrop alt Skin Fruptiuua, and positively owes files, slants far 141 the right, as though it or no nay required. It is guaranteed to give *ere running a1w'ityr from the writer i perfect satisfaction. or money refunded 1 H. C. Bunuer's signature is not unlike , Price 2,; cents perbca. For vale by 311 drug ;t, and au effect of angularity is given gists• to it by a slautimr line drawn under- CAN DEAFNESS BF CC RED Death, John Bach Maewaster's is lye. John Clark, of Middleton, Ont., declar• nlain and not overgraceful. That of ea it eau, and that Haayard's Yellow WI is the Nfr. Howells is so diminutive as to be in, ; remedy the; cured ldw. Itis alto a speeitie for ignifleant, and that of Mr. Stillman ill : all lisle atuinati(,u anti pain. straight up and down. with unshaded' . •&'seph Delarue, living near Petite Cote. ,lues• M, 4'ussih'r Juhn+oli + i3 a ,nix- bred tit sem(' (hick4. hem a Lunt cu 'fuesda}^ ed scratch and sprawl: lir. C. C. ; of last w(•t+k, to gnu rebounded and kuoekcd him into the water. and ha wag uncouseio tea Bud's i4 rough and Clear; ".11r..1. H. a17e4i refeat•d. Morse's his a uu.i''it air; lit Maurice ; FLUID TAO IITNING, E. Ean is in .a heavy 1 :l4•k-haul,. and lira Stcddart's is neat ,dud small. I ' FIRM L'gi7tnbtg notoulyToothache instant euitt ,tot like to aim; 41f these Jy'. but also Neuralgia, Headache, Earacb, fo;raptr* 1wi It l•:tr•;gulag ('ilaraeter:ltheuutntitilu,Lutnbago,andSriatirti, Pain of +i g('niits, any kind cannot remain one minute where it is genius. ep}+lie+i. When you bear of Fluid. Lightning • yen hear of our et the g'eatt'st marvel* ever Thought flint elf s4 Devil. known in tete way of u w diciut•. as it meet There has just died in the eity. writes . fail to cure, and not in a weak or a ,lay. but t CATARfti: A NEW TREATMENTS. 1/43.u, r the m t+tt.a,•r+lJw:rt puce,•;,,,that, ala, ,.Nen 4tetileve41 rid 2444I•'r,t me,,teeu4 hag 14411 t•t t44Jlilybs- the iii st,7i 4 .'o14*.. 1,1 .4 rea• terra. not of 2.4 thi lmri .uts erected during the last '.1* uu.iuto, fulh tailed} per eet.t h,,Ye hoer, eure11 of till. stat,bal a main';) 'Phis f., woo,- tide 1.44. startling W11('*l *8 *z4 remembered that tont tlr•414r vent of lu.tiut,t,• I'resvotiug tlfeuu•tivt - tc.th4• r.•s.ular Keel ter are be. j{. urtltrtd, 4s .lr ter in, ten' nee triter and 41,11e*' a4tvert',eer,1res it evil- 14.4,,.; a (bee et ell, htariJJ„wit), the 4•Iaim now 00441441l4 t.elieved 44) t1 -r. Jou t sca-u:atle utt'Il (14.,1 dr',4•*(4 , i. 4111cr. • (0tt..',0' 444;•,•4,1 41\Nlk +'l iet,l(t'111•llaHti•„l,e. Jar i'imr stat olle0 Ud4rpt,'1 lei'- ei,r4• t., chair tate-rat tl,attU1.•'It41, ,t et•e11e4plislied, h"rbia,K ter t'atar-ii i,. Kart+ca}Iti et.r4 d. al41 t1..• per• natite,eri ne 11:ieti4i4184 41, try eutc„ (•1rrt(•41 I. ' Mai rain 1% my :4 0 itr4 e44 e. 14t I:1 N" I.atll else 14 •trey ,o14ed t,' t'4r+ t'atarrb 10 lois *141,11 t'r,3(11,1 no Pc, t r t, :•' tau• 11340 er44' :lured l s,t4a'1'li 111 0 •i,h, L.tree. 4t tereon•dv ie •' i4. 1u iufalli t 51011 14 4.41 1 ea4' ll« ,411,44 Ott bonne, ;,11,1 t1tc, ' P4e.1111 $ea.(.( 4,1 1131. ;egr 1. the 1ee3e4r favor- abb• y.•r a + nru 41. 114,4 perm's ',oat a,I.4', 1'4 maj4'rrt}- Of 44110g, ,scull eared at OE4 Ltent. Taint 8.1114.14`1".!,4,11411414 curies, "1.,1 woowet**r 1 11 , l ('' s `;4'. 'nstdiug street w *'14 fora nt4 .+': bud , •1m ' 01 Of 4.4• ,h I 1 for their tr4;144,•a,.i* tttr11rr11,-V4gt.gal ,'.i,, , Noe. Don't Fail to Call AT THE People's Popular Hardware And inspect stock and get prices on the following lines NAILS, GLASS, WHITE LVAD, PAINTS, OILS, AND BUILDING HARDWARE LF ALL RINDS, SHOVELS, SPADES 4i e. We are away down on the following : W. J. Scttrfe Co's. Carriage Varnishes ; Penchei's Pre- pared Paints ; Bird Cages r BuggyTops ; Stoves, and Tin- ware of all kinds. Barb Wire, Steel Seip, and Buck(•hoi'11 Fencing, American and Canadian Coal Oil. EAVE .RO Ut \'� `-IING A SPECIALTY MALA WORK GUARANTEED. .—. The Celebrated RAYMOND Sewing k. ♦ achine always hand; also Needles to fit AST MANE of Machine. 3 on P. S. Highest price in Cash or Trade for Elides and Spee Skius, Yours truly,p RENOWNED RIZ RDTES. H�LLOWAYS PILLS &OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Bleed, eolrect all ])iaurdcr,t of tete LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, ,'lay iarvi,gorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, *ud ale invaluable in alt Complaints incidental to Ftlnalea of all ages. Fur oblates u and the .aged they aro pt:icelesi a New York correspondent of rite .Si-: tine instant it is aplitud to tilt affeete•l part, bang Aurltl. a nl:lti who fi:xed:4' hr- ' S,41d et1. \T. Brt,wwning I)rti,e Stoll•.:' Roved that ate was the devil. His amine " Queen's College will lit t ieiu tete propeietL i was Goldberg. and he• was a performer eelieg.r eenft'deratioi. of sleights. lie was a mngmeian, ne- ; ' ON THIRTY DAYS' T1iIAL.. e•ording'n to both the show -bills and his ' 'I'nt. I't,t.2Alc FEm.c Co.. Marahnli, Ilieli.,wwtl 4twvn eotleeit, I•lir bad :a lnarvt'iI)tlsdt•x- dent; ]lat.Dys'eCiratn:sun Et.rcreo.Voranae terity in the tlet'eptive handling of ' Betas sw:' i'tl.serute Arrt,1ANCEa ou trial for cards, and his trick: with them were thirty days to teen tyouur: or ole) whoare nf- far better than those of any of tete .diieted with nervous debility, lust vitality more celebrated 'bowman whom I have and kindred troubles, guarauteeing.. toyer seen, but he was not equally cxspv(•dw 4914 (•outpl('t(•'3.40tatit to of health and pert in devising or handling salcli m( ,viably vigor, Address as above. N. B. --No ehnnism as made the faint of Ander :4t,•k4'ttt4'tl7'r1h ell.8S*rty dzLys trialisallowwi`tl' son, the wizard, nor was be the enter- ; :1 0111!..A.1 1IlSXAKR, bring talker wliit'll we remember Bel- , it is a great miistake to suppose that tlyspep• 'L' to have been. The. volise(luefee +.i:t can't lie tiered, but must lie endured, and wa.5 that Goldberg gained little pros- life made gloomy and miserable thereby., perity and remained a mere card -man- Alexander Burns, of Cubourg. was cured after fpulator until his mental vagaries ufft'riug fifteen stars, I3tu4 ck Blood Bitters brought him to a lunatic asylum. rued him. o *taus on Wishes toBnnnimae,. to the inhabitants of Exile; and vicinity.. 4 .4 la4bas opened out a B THE OINTMENT e rsuletly for hull Legs. flare Breasts. 0]tl Wenuds. tiume. and l'kers. It i, $truing for flout and itla'urnatiecln, I*ort PhitlithEns (lir 4'144 CHEST $'T I'r 111' Ne 1(@t'Af.. F (n• Sore Tltrvats, Brtauoilit's, !'t•u} b=:. Colds. Mandolin. Sat 'Nuys. and 4411 Nk*lt disease it Lina ne gloat ; and for (nutlaetetl end stiff joints it aetsliki• n doom The Pills and Ointment are sotdatMows Hottl,w,tx'5 Es4 tab1i.1une,, , 78 1hW ON.FOI1D-ST1il E: t"late 151.13, oxicoitli.s'I'it}mT4, IiONuos an.. by Heal IV every respectable Vendor of .Medicine, in Boxes itntl. I'ots, at 1s. I cl., 2s. lid.. •1s, (14. il> , 2'2s,, and Ails, each. The 2s. 9d. size coo talus three times the quantity of the ls lid, size ; the 48. lid, size six ; the lea, size sixteen ; the 228 size ttnriy-thrre and the :'Ills size fifty-two tinges the quantity. of the smallest Boxes mut Pots. Full peluted direction8 are affixed to gaols Box and Pot, ;Ind ran Is' emu in any lau};uagt0 0 - i , ::f. r. I'in'ehascl s huuld look to tele Labela,u the Puts and Boxes. If the midi 448 is not p 04 ST1 (oxford Street, iud0u, the' are s enrit,ns. iu the t O('*4(r Stt►re NOrtli 4.1' S2Lmweil 1 4L ]'4eka,id'ee, where the is prepared t' make S all kinds o: ordered work, St'".v't'(l Work a ,shecittlity'. remember that during the]astsum- ]'arty-threepersounhave been made serious- j;.. i ti•: i•r"114(fly gleet i 414. tell mer in which. he was sufficiently sane ly ill at Ilowayton, Conn., by eating ice Crean, to be left at large be gave exhibitions math, n, a freezer having agalvanized bottom. ` n the hotel parlor at country resorts. BEST AND Cc11IIEORTTO T3FLLrsUPPEitING j While at Long Branch, the gamblers "1lrown'shousehold Panacea" has no equal who run the great Bells there became torrelievingpain,both:internal and external 'ft rinted i his sleight-of-handheemires pain in the ;aitlo,buck orbowels, sore throat aabilities. wtthein, of-haRheumatism, Toothache,Lumbsgountie nykind abe they Nonewere in the dishonest elan, of a pain or ache. 1t will most surely quicken though the blood a.id heal, as its acting newer is wrondei ipulution of cards, could either imitate fut. "'Brown's Household Panacea' betngack- or understand the tricks which he nowvledged as the great Pain Rellevor,aud of don showed them. Charley Reed, Ivan- blethestrengtb of any other Elixir or Liniment ager of one of the club -houses, took sum ;aside and said to him: "Goldberg, how much did you snake out of the show you gave in the Ocean house par- lor to -day?" "Oh, the eollection amounted to 416, about," was the re- 1.+d with costiveness than with any other ply. "You ought to be ashamed of it," ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit - the gambler retorted. '"hat's the tees will cure costiveness and prevent tela use of running `ourself as a sort of dfse<ees weigh result from it. pass -the -hat show when you could turn WATERLOO NEWS. your talent to more profitable account? Nov, I'll give you $904) cash down if you'll teach me to do that trick with family, b ' ` the four aces." "I couldn't," was the sober reply, "if you paid two millions. I don't know how I do it." I the truth was that the trick, which The President of the United States has ap- consisted in dealing four aces at will pointed Anthony M. Kelly of ;Virginia, envoy from an apparently well -shuffled pack, extraordinary and Minister plenipotentiary to depended chiefly on that dextrous hand. Au sin -Hungary. ling of the cards called palming, but A. GOOD TEST. the demented Goldberg was convinced For over sixteen years G. W. Everest, of that, being himself the personal devil, Forest, has sold Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, it was purely supernatural. All tate and its sales are steadily increasing. It cures while that he ,was practicing the most coughs, cold and all lung complaints ; is plea - delicate and most deceptive Inanipula- sant to take and always rehabla. tion, he was unaware that the results r4` Tho cholera has reappeared at Cairo,and were obtained by trickery and skill. seven deaths have occurred there. _d . ,. General Grant contiunes to mend. His Dr. Cuyler, writing in the Evangelist, movement within the last few days is really says that cheap pews and even free plienoinenal. WELL TO REMEMBER., pews, are very desirable for all who have a scanty purse. But cheap re- A. stitcl, in time saves nine. Serious results iigion he pronounces an arrant dein- oft follow a neglect of eonstipated bowels and Sion. bad blood. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate • and purity the stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys and the blood. Take it in time. Photographs are now taken in one-hund- redth of a second in Paris. Holloway's Ointment and Pills.—Safely and securely.--When,the severities of winter have. yielded to the genial spring, invalids should make a determined effort to regain their lost health ; <When through confinement indoors, want of appetite, and disturbed sleep,, the en - tiro system has ;been weakened, and the spirits ,have beon broken down, Holloway's• remedies are equal to the occasion . The Ointment rubbed over the regions of the stomach and liver, aided by the internal administration of his Pills. will rectify the digestion, regulate the bile, and purify the blood—three sanitary actions g. C s wh tee w1 -speedily confer t co fa renewed d v e vig- or, brale up the falling nerves, confirm the flaccid muscles. and restore to the ailing cheer- fulness, that gleatcharm of existence. intim world,shonldbeinevery family bandy lox uhe, when wauted,"asitreally is thebest remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for talo by all Druggists atSS cents a bottle More .eeopl, adults and children. are troub Walter Linton, of Waterloo,writes that Hag - yard's Yellow Oil has done great good in his his wife being curedof Gallouso lumps that other medicines failed to remove, he also states that a neighbor was promptly relieved ofi ,eumatism by same remedy. (t :(.). 1T�� N S()N, Late lfatinee1 a'. Vinoiit,'• 8..t nal i .511031 I's1ab1iaiu,.1,t, M.,:e 14 11 84. /It is said that only one small herd Of buffaloes, .the refnnant`of what was known as the "great Southern herd," remains in Texas. These aro being lolled as fast as their flesh can be dis- posed of. The number of horses in the United States in 1884, according to the latest official statistics, is 11,169,683—showv- ing an increase over 1883 of 381,577. head. The numbbr of mules *n this country is now estimated at 1,914,126. Twenty-eight years ago Henry Clark, of Hankinsville, Ga., put a catfish his well, and it has grown, from two inches in length to sixteen.; Every year when the well is cleaned the Ash'. •efufv r•nilebt and replaced after',. filo THE LIGHT RUNNING foR SEWING 0 1i z MACHINE SIMPLE S` -..- a' 0 .pa Ul 0 l' � ;".;fir 'LE., ti 6.,,,,j N• )S,lory'.'. 1'I` U - 1,r �I Ilia. — ,.r4C' THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE L.__. THAT GIVLS PfRfECT tSAII$FACT/ON r HAS PrillEr i Q Y1 NO EQUAL` -CY k� NEWIROME SEWING G MACH C , �I _ THE 0 .ORANGE MASS• 30 UNION SQ:N.Y. `CHICAGO ILL. ST.LOUIS MO.ATLANTA GA. StS W' ' S •' ABY i—' WILLIAM!" DREW Undertaker and Cabinetmaker. EXi�TER, ONTAR20 ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. THE ITNEQU AILED So say the best farmers. stockmen, gar deters, and fruit growers. of America 011. the great National, Weekly. the RuralNew York- !arnir'i ���� er. The best wvriters% the world, Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations front —AND— nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask those who; know. Specimens gladly sent without charge. 62,800 worth of presents offered to subscribers for the largest clubs. IConducted by practible farmers. Its IPree Seed pistributions are invaluable. Over 600 contributions. Posters and outfits on appli- cation, Send for them. imam, NE}w'-vonitElt, 24 Park Row, N. Y. HOME MAGAZINE Is the only Independent Agricultural Jour nal in Canada Owned and Published by a Farmer. W13AT HARMERS SAY:— "it is our best friend.„" "It is worth ten times its cost" "Tile dollar spent for the Advocate is the best spent moneyfrom the farm." The wvife and family are also deli Irl d "No farmer's house should be without it." • Jim right information in the right season by the best specialists that can be procured on the farm, Stock, Dairy, Carden and Or- chard, Poultry, Veterinary, Apiary,, Markets, Family Girele, T,tc., E to. n1-(7 1 Per A:la11urr�. wltli it." Sample copy sent free to applicants mention lug thea Lot, Concession and Post Office.. Repairing of All Kinds NEATLY DONE. D. Al .0 A. S 1, Who recently opened a REPAIR SHOP hi PANS®N'S BLOCK, EXETER, has just re- ceived a New Lathe, by the assistance of which he is prepared to repair SEWING MACHINES, GTJNS, LOCKS,RE-- VOLVERS, SKATES, R.c. SAWS SHARPENED & GUMMED. Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Be Address— .pairing- done with neatness and despatch ANTON 1 C) 1`•` i i $� A -:.remember the place. FARMER'S ADVOOATE, -LONDON, 'ONT. 1:\t'l'FIl (* '1'"I'1t1 D. AIcANtiSN, a �. ranson's S1ocL•, 7Cst:t0,r