HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-5-7, Page 5"?!]ow, here." L thought. as I arrived WANTED), £1,000. abreast of the statute of the Iron Duke,, whose fine chiseled face seemed to frown. The great tirtiwuaeh to Inv lifts has a been my tnte. 1 am almost loth to. tell it you, dearest reader—but truth, like murder. must out. Itis—:lits! my pen almost refuses to record it—Peri- e winkle Dabebuck. There, it is all over; I have made 'a 1 clean breast of it and trust you don't t think less of mo for it, ' My father was a well to do trades. man, and departed from this life peace.. fully, bequeathing to rite little else than the name, because, as he averred in his will, the made'the tuoney by hard work and intended that I should follow so ;cod an example. The most extraordinary provision of my late, but not deeply -lamented fa a so therswl ivastlt 5 Ou present myself at his old bank and lay down A, thousand pounds in gold ou the counter, I was to be heir to what property lie had left—no amount being, stated.. I was now the only representative of the Debchack family. my poor inoihor having slowly drooped and died under the awful mune she had assumed. as :lid :also mauy batby P;al>chuoks, who. wiser than 1, refused to hoe UL a world where such a millstone of a n ante ivould be sure brag thew down. The only: person woo seemed Co ••' > w• 1111141 under ttadt'/> ltit it 114.14 n ,as tnv father, who had the digestion of au us: trach; atltl tin ustnseleuce to speak. of, 4)1' he wouldn't Isaias treated hia t>lfsptit}g so eruolly ;;s to leave hiul--plat 15 'Inc, mind you—with only lira; iuttlstds to face tau word with —excepting- two Suits of clothes, not quitii 1,tn at AliQer watch of the turnip style, Warranted to go only when curried. a,iasmess. fni•Ult0ree, and, every-, thing was sold to.aalt to the . fortune 1. was to come int:c,—oiler:,' was tartly wo proo:04alaLit', • own upon we, ''I'!1 try my spurs. tbey wake my Arai) steed up ?" And didn't it with: a vengeance—that's alil First it put its back lip, and straightened its ars—wuat it diel with iia tail 1 can't say,uut :Ring the faculty of seeing backwards; thou t' wheeled around in >► circle, . ash if dancing ha whirlwind gallop, and then like au,; arrow from a bow it shot the mati- ns the direction of Koesin iu. I with- bl t fualc It ' 11 that as I could 1 had often heard.thatfa,rtuues wore wade out of, 1wopenit-h:tlipeltuy. but :always in l>iaeo4 outer than while the look. individuals were born. iluviu;; seen- the - elder. ,ilallchuek placed where everybody must resit sooner or later, . :whether prince or in a , utt, 1 made 111) my modest bundle, ;and ;mistin11 good lay to London. wont iii e D:ei: Wiuttiugton on my travels; but tutl,ke oho, with a dreadful name at use heels, ready to bring 100 into scorn and derision at any moment. 1.:at 410 0 milestone just Os he had, feeling very. tired and iiangry,and with a few promising blisters to remind me that walking was not .all pleasure, anti listened fur the sound of -belts, as an augury (1f future grandeur and pros- verity; inti Masi what chime of bells, however proslle, wonld ring for the name nt Periwinkle I).tb(:nuuk? I did hoar a solitary tin.;))•. which eertalltit was too £Clime to stir the heart and quicken the puises,thc sound being f,iaiowed by the well known mel- ancholy ery, not of a bird, but of a donkey., behind whish was a tinker': cart. "Good morning. . young gentleman," said the proprietor of the show. looking critically at tins in a way that made mo shift unoasih on the milestone, "you don't happen to have a little baecy about you?" "Don't smoke," I answered mildly. "Thoua'ht so, mister; does your mo- ther know you are ont—oh?" "haven't got a 'nether," I pro- tested. "Thought not, mister. What's your moue?" was the sarcastic rejoinder, as if the fact of my having no tobacco had roused the tinker's choler. "Dabchnek," I replied innocently, taken off my guard liy his bouncing manner. "Good lor'. �ieddy!" beexclaimed, addressing the donkey and dealing him a blow from a short cudgel. at which it lifted up its voice in derision; "that's a name to go to church with. if you like! Gee up!" "Just my loci'," I muttered as I arose from my hard seat; "even a tink- er derides me. I think 111 try and got my unfortunate name changed when I get back to Londetn." Having lived a vagabond life for a while, and nearly spent my little all, I fell in with a traveling circus. the friendship of whose proprietor I was lucky enough to makeat a roadside inn, by ajudicious treat of unsweetened gin. Now if there was one thing more than another I liked from babyhood al- most, it was horse -riding; and I flatter- ed myself I could do the equestrian trick with here and there a one. Most of my pocket money for years wont on such treats—taken on the sly, though. for had my father known it he would have cut me out of his will en- tirely, and not troubled me to go in search of a thousand pounds. On one occasion I narrowly escaped detection at his hands, and even at this period, wheu my busy pen writes this. I have a sensation as if cold water is trickling down my back, at, the mere thought of -it. My hack was obtained from a groom. whose master never knew bow his horses were let out on hire. or the wor- thy Thomas Sly would not have re- tained his place—a remunerative qne— for a single hour after the discovery. inflates" with daring ambition, I.pur- ehased a pair of spurs, just to "appear a real gentleman -rider and not a cockney doing the grand ou a superannuated bit of horsollesh that would soon- be sent to the knftcker's to provide delect able food for animals that are fond of nocturnal rambles on the slates and tiles. . I piloted my firey Bueoplialus safely down the aristocratio regions .of Bel- gravia, and flattered myself that many a fair one looked admiringly atmy still buddiug form; that had' not then quite dont ;rowiu'r, without,however, con- netting its owner with any such :t very snobbish name as that of Dabchuck I was before Clatra's door, a German band struck up a ivaren which our �ud usually played during ley per- Striu,anee. Without a n1tu11ent'.c warning '1'rum- �p1eter stood on his hind legs, lighting the air with his front ones, and I rolled ! $1O 1 -W', , T The above reward will be paid for the couvietiou tit those aierohsuts who are sailing inferior Machina Oils, and calling them colt a .tardive ingloriously into the 'road. .---- ----- Elekin r up lllr hat with his teeth. the " i�,eiligeut 4•eature galloped !to'ne The only gamble ii wanrf:te u el by , le:av rig rue insensible and suffering i front eonctlssiou of the bran. pi CGail Bros.Co,Toronto. I learned afterwards that, Clara, sate ° v 'f out lay s. ltuct ih the • t.. l tb.E3 wo men; .awl had rue has ever been my lot to es etienee It • t conveyed intra i was wonderful w1u a 4OP)1UoLlon 1 heaven to me iter house, avll.e.t proved a vents o mule in that aristocratic iumghuorhood 1ant hoav her husband, and the pos• and how obsequious People Wore in get- s1„ol of tin°. out of my war; if I had been :a sul- tlrunty thousand pottgtr5. tat' titer could n01 have avoided 100 more than they did. b •f ' • 1 g ' 10 Chelsea brh1're 1 managed: to get the brute a little u Lter while Inv name has been chs iiged to Vincent; for, on hearing lay slur y and tee story of our love, her father ad- .° vattletitl the nee '-+:acs Thousand, :1)14 1 00010 11114) illy f3:oer's fortune: so rho in li:ttitl. 3)141 was thinking of sawing thousand is uo,uu•.lPr :anted. adv:illuitt•troRe Nig ouldn't Pass the Butter. Dabeltuei, in large gilt letters, and seated in the front of the 0i1rt Aims my A young lawyer told some friends away at his mouth, when; �h! horror, 1..•w.lit 111111 0'85 aha 0.1)01 0f respeete.t !oLrtaut, who 11110)11 goodness.osst evening at one of the round to-. was somewhat shortsighted, and not bles of the Hoffman House of his ex good at making out objeets at long dig- pperlenees on a professional tour in the 1 trances. „ West. ;a10 have hesitated at this supremo "% totem would ' bo to be lost. so in ser desperation 1 plunged my ree-. i spurs—this exprossion is used as a a9lile, of co < — into my horse 'is flanks, and thew by my pater like a ,lhaaslt of lk4itt.in11. It will be 5104)) from this that 1 was able to keep myself in a saddle, and when Air. Manly—how I envied him i5 name ---proposed that 1 should join "I'd never been out that way before, he said, “and I felt a little .nervoue shout the stories I'd petard of train- ;. robbers and desperados who ran their ., (, ..( bought a )rlvatt� tea e} at 1 , 1 �, 1 l' :lvor in St. Louis. it turned out to l be a good investment. I event all 1 through the ruining districts in Colo- rado and Arizona, and never had oven so melt as 40) uncivil word or look from ;any 4),f the native,, and the dee- I troupe, as a sort of utility young peradoes they pointed out to me seed,- tnan. I jumped at the offer and was ed as peace:illy and inoffensive as any ; forthwith enrolled among thecompany. of the rest of the citizens, until 1 got having first lenttaffy master half a soy- to 0, little lhu” c•:alied. Steel Plate m -erei n. which he promised faithfully to Arizona. lino traveling entirely alone return to ane, but never did from that on a little branch railroad, and when I day to this. wont into the smoker 1 no iced that one Ih to this period 1 was to far off the or two miner:; who were smoking uteri 1 FOR STALE BY JAL PIOK.ARD, EXETER. But duck BLQOD .BITTERS Cures •Diz inesqLogi 1, l l' sett g,1 i ft 5t1olli . iiiowaeis, .Dlyspepsia..Iagh•i•,-.-. i =+•I! sil tie .L;reraud11,t:alte7•t, Pimples, _Blotches. I. _ . , t, .; Salt I,Tu'um, Scrofula. Erysipelas, as,l al? 01 1 (are 7•yr from Impure° ffat(xid eranjeil ,Sf`A'aw'ja, r r !r, gal.tri't:<`tion F,f 11#' J,)trels• Advertise. in the Exeter TIMES. THE BANK of TIMI Main Strc et, Exeter. TIIOS i FITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches wanted thousand pounds as ever; in pipet there size(1 me up for a tender- r 1 fault. metaphorically sneaking. 1 was foot, and were inclined to sneer at my l ..0 t are warranted l�d)rl't'd� t forY 1111@, Tide,all Railroad Oa(1 on 11)43 rooks, as far as ruin w4)'. eon- (godless The dude of the party was $ `," Train, :1111 to please the most tit+I3tlil;,tls, 'turned, 1laving just 0043 sovereign, a, big trapping fellow, who wore an an- . three -penny bit, two halfpence and a ; tient silk hat and a frock suit and pre- farthing ro-farthing in nay possession. rented the appearance of the ideal bor- Ilide, indeed: blow all tile Congc]t der ruffian—'half man, half horse, and s was taken out of ane! Why. 1 knew no ;half grizzly.' more of the business 1 had taken in '•1, a all got ofl at Steel Plato for hand than a baht, but I was willing to . dinner, which was served in a shanty i learn, which in Manly's oyes was uv- on a loner table. T1to dude miner took erstiiin,r--••at least, ea Ito averred, anti oft' his coat and vest in recognition of ' him. 4 di er-tabic in that What a guy I must have looked, 4 part of the country, but lee this hat on ]4+'ate. swinging from a revolviug crane, with is head. He satdownnext to m0, bands, lac'= a large Ieathorn belt fastened around " and 1 noticed that beseemed verymuch nay waist, vainly trying to keep my interested in everything that 1 dad, and footing on an ambling; horse, now dap- that his companions watched him as if 1 (sling aehind his tail. anon pirouetting } he had p�aremised to show them some; �ioforo his eyes, which however, did net # sport. -i felt very uueas� situates' as I I boliov'd p the etiquette of the nn jEWEI ERY '1'llll,o is Rich, Bare, sparkling ttudl Substantial, Suitable I+'xiel>td.s au C'ourtr�'men , Lovers, Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving au Lovely ii' ives, Children, � us- blink,. Tito brte was used to these', was so far from eivilizatlou and. alone i kind of oxhiuitions, and, no doubt, among those ruffians, but 1 was deter: CxiS'e him 4)L call. No ti't)IIl)li: to ;;lit} Goods.could he have spoken, would have OX- mine(; if they slaughtered rat, to die his contempt for my perform- 1 bard, and I cautiously worked my re- nnet: volver around in my pocket, so that I WatchesaOS and Clocks Repaired and 13rdatlgk t� However. I took kindly enough to ,could draw it at 'a moment's notice, Watches t pressed e. the life, which so yand kept on with y , p 1 ing not to notice them, The big min- i er was looking for a device to pick a quarrel with me, and presently ho a said: ited m somewhat 1 • SPECTACLES.- --Scotch and Brazilian Pebble. salt easy and pleasant to the eye, aiul suit'tl>le #o1: youth or age. i h m dinner retenti Bohemian propensities, and got on well with my comrades, with all of whom I was :a great favorite. We worn doing a grand tour, a week at this place and that, sometimes t0 full houses--canvas—at others to slack ter,' ones. The butter was just as near to his Now 0:11043 the turning point in my i plate as it was to mine, so I replied: life. I fell desperately in love with as 1 "'Hell) yourself to the butter.' beautiful a creature as Hearoh ever a "The big miner went for his boot created—a being tall, fair as a lily. and pulled' a bowie knife. graceful as a gazelle, oyes liquid blue, '• •Pass that yeller butter,' he said hair golden, and the sweetest of faces, savagely, aagolio in expression. "'hulled out my revolver and re - Our company haid pitched their tent peated: at Dournomouth, that queen of Vamp- • .. 'Help yourself to the butter.' shire watering places, and we were do- "So you see," concluded the young ing right down good business. some- lawyer, "if I hadn't bought that re - "'Stranger, pass me that yeller but - times to quite fashion , volvcr I d have had to pass the butter. for the upper as well as the middle and_yew Fork Times. lower classes liko to attend a circus, able audiences 11 the elders going on a plea of taking the children. WIT ANI) HV1IO1G It was at one of these performances that I first set eyes on my divinity, in The blonde is nor iu fashion, and the my character of a French chasseur, on brunette has come again. Blondes his faithful horse. must dye.—Prorideaee .Ce1vs. Her face haunted mo at night, and Professor Young has discovered some new wrinkles on the face of the planet Venus. No doubt she is growing old. when she did not come to our show I felt quite despondent; the world, in fact, at such times seemed altogether out of joint. I admit it was the height of pre- sumption in me, a poor professional, earning a bare subsistence, to dare to raise my oyes to suck loveliness; but, after all. love is Universal, and does net stop to :ask permission upon whom it shall be bestowed, for it laughs nt locks, bolts and bars, and is, excepting dentia. the one thing common to -tile highest and lowest of Heaven's crea tures. I followed her home surreptitiously after one of the performances, and found she lived with her father, a re- tired merchaut, in a pretty villa in the suburbs. where roses greav in wild pro- fusion, end climbinv clematis and spreading Honeysuckle perfumed the air. But I was as far oft from her as'I was 'of obtaining my thousand pounds which I wanted before I could obtain, my just inheritance. • Fortune, or fate—oali • it what you will—Dame to my aid. however, in a most ))..looked for way; ,aptly iltnstrat- Mr. Tarwin did said, man was corned der monkey out. Ofer dis vas derorig- inal of man, der monk vas ondidled to llafe my sympady .— Carl 1'rcl„cl. A Tombstone. A. T., reporter said of the troupe at the Opera House: "Last night's performance will be repeated to -night, with an entire change of pro- gramme. A Kentucky teacher 'writes to ask whether it is "the Duty of a teacher to whip a pupil hard a• IsTuff to cut the bind out or Nott."—New York Tele- gram. • Instructor(examining geometrical fig- ures on the board)—"I don't under - Stand these constructions." Student -- "Very well; I'll see you afterrecitation and explain them to you." In a cemetery in .France one reads: "Here lies Gabrielle, my adored wife. She was an angel. Never shall I be consoled for her loss." On the same stone: "Here lies Henrietta, my second wife. She was also an angel." Delmonico said: "Very few people ,ng the famous lines of the immortal understand how to cook water." We 3hakspeare: "There is a divinity that should think the best way would be to boil it. Still some people- may prefer shapes our ends, rough how. them as it°roasted or fried. It's purely a mat - we will. I hope I have .quoted this right, for I, like to be precise; if I haven't, Peri wiinkle Dabchuck hopes to be forgiven. which is all that he can be expected to The "City of Churches" is Brooklyn, say. N. Y.; the "City of Masts" is London; My chief delight was to exercise my mer of taste.—Plciladclplai(t Call. famous steed up and down the roads in the "City' of Monuments" Is Baltimore, Mel • the "City of Refuge" is Medina, front of, and oontlanogs to my Clare's' Arabia, where Mohammed took refuge home. I had bribed a communicative when driven by' conspirators, from Mec- servant, :and learned that my darling's ca; the "City of the Sun" is Baalbec; name was Clara Vincent. • tile' "City of, the Tribes" is Galway, One bright, sunny morning,' when;;I eland, the residence in 1235 ,of thir- Offlcehours f.oisi7.5oa.m.to7 p•ni. 1 i 1 th• -a ozone, came from off the sea, I was out I3o11nutl,M and the dirtiest city is 1173 -Lt is particulary requested bhnt the nat,i'vr, r!T,:laxtter -t�,Ji lciudly add) o names of the with Trumpeter. as usual, when just as 1. i il:di irtn kt'2'�t TOULD SAY TO thole NO intend t the manufacturer Chto di. . f'EOO dealer who buys to sell again must neoossarity hay to ben to r Gr aro ma w 0 t1 S. 0.1 t) I .I'.T .1 :t1>(1 Fai'11t1°ili'<•^ \�;t llttiitt•t1tl'fl,' ferent rE WOULD r call sllecialatttentir+ co our 'undertaking dap sxt al0ut,W'hleh is snore Cant pletetb an a ver,as we have added several uew,dosigu+• ,,v of late The best 0051n); uasktts ehrend$,and every ))neral requisite at the, ion es.tprice s Our nen Hearse is pronouncedbv competent judges to lir second. to note in the provinces Societies. !AjwiI' CABINRT-MARER. r con est 111 goods s large, c and wo assorted, an • any person requiring anything in this line will Audit to their advantage to give me a call and examine fel themselves. I have ]u -t retie ted n targe stock Walnut and Rosewood Caskets; also Coffins of every descrip- tion. A complete stook of Robes and Trimmings nlway on band. 'Che latest styles Of Chamber and Parlor Suit. /' all kinds of Furniture at thotowest rates THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTY Remember the place—Nearly opposite Kenap's Tobacco Store, Main -street, Exeter. JOEN 23RAWN, Exeter Post Office Time Table. IIAII.S • Sirkton,Woodham, Winshelseaand Nllmvillo ARRIVE CLOSE. '8.1511.m1500p.m. Soutb,eastand weal ,inoluding,London,Hamilton, Toronto 'Montreal, 3Ianit-'9.45a.nt. 9.00 a. in oba,UnitodStates,F,nglishand 1oreignmails ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. South, east west .4C ...'8.13 ti.m. 4.30 p. to North and east,inclndingGoderich,winghaan,llincardineanti all points north,11C.00a.m 8.20 a. m Stratto>d,Toronto, Montreal,aud 'eastern States... ... :.. ... ... ... ... p North east, Sul ... 5.50 p.m. 5.50 p. m 7.15 p. m. 8.41, p. fay... ... Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ... ... ;815au? 10000an MONEY ORDERS Issued and paid on and from any 14fonev Order 0 ffice in the Do minion of O aweda,Gr en tBritain and Ireland;British India, Newfoundland. Italy, Australia, New Snaith Wales, Tasmania; New Zeland, France ane Algeria, the German Empire, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland Belglum, the Neth- erlands, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, .n.oumauia, ])(sited States,Jamaica and Barbados. POSTOPFt(E S YINGSBANTi. . Deposits will be received at this office from 51 to 8300. Depositors -obtaiuing the Postmaster - General's special permission eau deposit 911000: Deuositson Savings Bank account received iron, 9, an]. to 4'p, m. Interest at 4. per centiier elmuni will be allowed ont.11 deposits: the birds were singing blithely, ttnd a; recti tribes who setae( dere; e gcitytai the world" is llrok, in Tet♦e1s1ntende(lfor registration intact be po't,'.1i, 111i1111tCS bq*Ore the closing Of slop Rlnil. delicious breeze` ftt21 of health lviiig t It 5uu Counties totlaeaddresses. ]):.rOHl5, I'os: • .aster