The Exeter Times, 1885-5-7, Page 4,Jhe fxeler tines.
THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1885.
The Bill new before the Rouse of
Commons to further extend the frau.
()Wise in elections for members of the
House Commons wafers the right of
the Prem ble° on a large number of
our oi,tizene who have been Hitherto
deprived of the privilege, and
will make the franchise all over the
Dominion alike, Since confedera-
tion the fr*uebise in each province
has been used for elections of mem-
hers to the House of Commons, al-
though a vast difference oxide in the
qualification required in the several
provinces of the Dominion lo entitle
a person to the right of the frauobise..
The Act of Confederation gives the:
.Dominion Parliament the right to
create a new franchise for the elec-
tion of its members, but up to the
Mosul time they have left tlhern-
selvea at the mercy of the Govern-
ment of each Province, which might
at any time alter !herr I'rovinoiat
franchise ea ae to deprive a large
number of those members wino might
be chosen to run again, of tlfetr seats;
This Bill to create a separate freu-
chiett ie perfectly ooustitutioual, yet
the Reform leaders atrenuonely op -
twee it, and have really gone back on
their Ontario friend, Mr, !dont. who
passed a new fraaohiee Bill at the
fast *088100 of the Legielature of a
eomew tuft similar nature. Amongst
it* °lauesa niers is one providing for
the enfranohisemeut of Indiana in
towuehips where votere' Itats'are need, m
During the debate an this 13th to the
Jicuaa last week the following is re-
ported :---
""Oa the third eectiou of clause two, actin -
Mg a ieulln;, lir, Cameron (Huron) after a
Lengthy speech, maned to substitute a differ -
out form of words for the section,
Sir John Mitedmabl stated that the deli-
nition in the preseot BM was true sem,e e i
Chet ill dolt Mr. :ilowat's Bill of last session.
Mr leuler4u said the Hon. Ur Blowers
definition seas �a btu! one.
When these troubles are ended, crude syllogisms to the subject, bul I
says the Regina Leader -and the let it severely alone, knowing right
beginning of the end ie now showing well that the faote plainly and con-
zteeff tthe country will be put on a oussively argue againet them,
more solid end assure footing than it 1 or lame bank, side or cheat, pee Sbiloh'e.
lute ever been. The Uanadian 1ldilttia Porouus Plaster. i'rioe 25 Routs. Sold by
have nobly shown what Canada's J, W. Browuiug.
power ie, and the demonstration of i
this will go a long way to cement
Fifty-seven Hours Debate.
confederation and to cause. all parties Ottawa, .may 3, --The debate was
--=iudiabs, Half -Breeds and 'Whites carried an continuously all through,
to respect the governing power. 1�'riday night and .4'*turday tilt rix
o'olock by the Opposition members,
THERE was a booth in Cnatome Jut- who talked for the purpose of ob-
tea at Montreal during April, pe cam- emoting the paseage of the Iodise
pared with the same month last year, obtuse iu the Prancbise :Bill,
The receipts were $475,000, showing Early in the debate ? r. Mills may..
an excess of one hundred and twelve ed an amendtueut to restrict the In
than franchise to those who have be -
thousand doilars over 1884. The In- coma independent of Government
lend revenue for .April was $.135",000, auppert and are otherwise possessed
an excess also of $28,500 over oor- of the necessary property qualifioa-
responding month last year. The de- tion,
mend for geode must be inoleasing Subsequently Mr, Paterson (Brant)1
for the buoyancy of the revenge au moved in ausendrneut that the Qom-
ehowo, wittee riee and report progress"
After six o'clock Messrs. tipearl..
Tau work ou the Canadian Paaifio Landry sod Feeler epoke on the Gov
Beltway, north of Lake Superior, is eminent side, charging the Opposition
fiatihad, and naw there is a o;lntin,i, , with deliberate obstruction and waste
one tine open from Montreal to the :oaf( the tiwa of *119 Ranee stud money
Setkirke. We hlndare�t lud that b the w of t,fe country,
y Width) a tow tntantea of 12 Si
middle of alis month the Qotnpauy 3 John Macdonald rose and remind
Will be in a pesitiou to convey Imper- the Opposition Wet for twenty fa
iai troops to Britteh. Columbia, pro- ; Moura or snore they had debated
Tided the route should be selected for !motion to rise without a!lo slug it to
the seeding of troops to India in RASO 1 some to vote, clearly proving that
of war between But:laud and 1Wussia. l they were not siooero its their proles
he Talk of the Town.
So x " y'ife Says,
r WW'T3AT ? Why those Dress Goods at Banton Bros. They
a have all the Newest Novelties in Fine Frenoh All -Wools,
n in Jersey Cloths, Satin Cloths, ktoule Cloths, Beigs, &u.,
84c. Now take a look at the list of colors.: Myrtle, Navy,
Seal, Bronze, Peacock, Garnet, Electric, Slate, Dove, Car-
dinal, Fawn, Drab, Chestnut, Moss, Prune, Beige, Sky,
Royal, Cream, Pink, White, or Back, and some of the latest
New York Plaids, three to :five colors in each. Now, don't
you think there is a shade in the above list becoming to your
t complexion --suited to your taste, and at a price in keeping
' with the times ? If net, come in anyway, and if you have
to weep we will weep with you. But that is not all. Well,
alone to brtug the debate to a close.
Tae 111auitoba Farmers" Union has 1IIs charged them, further, with hay -
not kept ire promises to Riet and his tug wDfutly planned to practice upon
half-breeds, who were, ibis said, 801- his supposed infirmities and "van
emulp eaanred of aid and conhfort the ling years to weary him out, eo the
otoant they raieed "the flag of free- abc
t�ewBt 13 bHe closed byelled proponu
singdont," That flag has been raised,that the Committee should rise.
butthe blatant orators of the Union 34 Ir, Blake replied briefly, denyiu
are now as dumb as oysters, and very w that the Oppoeitioa had had any de.
anxious that peopl,t should Target that sign of wearing out the Premier,
they ever !pouted treasou, aud en- !They ouly optima the Bill because
oouraged diel and hie dupes in their,j they thought it should have beau
robelliou. , brought down earlier,
lfr. Cameron was aimply taking his ellare
in the B1ako-Mowat ruction.
'.Ir. !tilts was the next to take a whack at
Mr. Mowat. as the following allows
The Committee arose a d reported.
Tat, Dominion Frauclhiie 13x11 meets t The house adjourned at midnight
with aou9iderabls opposition frnn the after the iougost sitting ou reeord,ex
Reformers, The longest sitting ever ending oontinuouely over fifty seven
kuowu took place in the House last .i ••••••—•
eek, when the debat: was kept up 1 CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bron.
for nearly half a sleek, without ad. !Sal by J. N. Browning.
ehitis immediately relieve,! by blliloh'a Cure
ournmer,t. The Opposition have . A. .-
is time ou nue aectlou of presented
Sir John alacd'mald--It Brae treason. said w
the member for Bothwell, to give uueufren-
ehisod Indians the right to vote.
Hon. Devil Mills.—So it fs.
Hon. Edward Blake said the fact et au
Ontario Act containing certain provision*
was no Notification for the passage of aiult-
lar legislation in the Federal. House."
This is rather cruel of Ur. Blake's
brigade at Ottawa to so reflect on the
Premier of Ontario, after he has be-
uedtted members of the brigade and
their relatives iu sundry ways, ffnau-
cially. They claim to bo "the
champions of popular rights" ; but
their opposition to this Bill has al-
ready shown them to be nothing but
political charlatans. Row will the m
Reform party reconcile themselvee is
with. their leaders for going back o::
the principles which they advocated
as a state policy in '70, '77, and '80,
namely, "the enfranchisement of the
industrious Indians, and in their
opinion this was the only means by.
whish the Indians could be elevated."
The present Bill, although liberal,
does not go far enough. It should
have included all male citizens of the
age of 21, liable to be called upon to
bear arms for the country's defence.
Such a measure would have taken in
a number of young men who are now
at the fornt risking their lives in the
country's defense, and it is a privi-
lege whish they deserve.
what else 9 Why they say that Dress -maker is just what
Exeter has needed, and that she knows how to get Dresses
up. I tell you, ladies, if you want your dress made nice, go to
RANTON BB.OS , the 'rens Ncuse.
Exeter Tailoriii g Establisimi 't
talked alt til - return nae ,lust beou pre ut d clause of the Bill. The Bill sou -Ito the Dominion Parliament of the SO T 1.1HICOi'1
tains 80 clauses, Agroat Cleat of this,i claims for land mthe Prunes Albert Hasroc
time was wasted in reading chapter { aleriot, There was 820 claims, and
after chapter from hooka on \yamen's ' all seers sottish oldiefttctoriiy without
Snfferage, sod fivally, atter exhaust- (dispute hitt, the claimants. The
in all their physical and mental aapa. f claimanle in the Duck Lake region
biliaies, the clause giving the Frau- are, as to 80 per cent, of them, halt -
°hiss to females, was etruok out of breeds, setts obtained their land-sorip
Bill. in Manitoba in 1870, and who after-
wards removed west. They had not
To those who have studied the a shadow of foundation in right for
ap of Central Asia with any care it the claims that they have since been
pressing upon the Government. It is
perfectly evident that the objective understood that the supplementary
half breed claims in Alanitoba have
been assented to by the government.
Those emanate from Manitoba half.
breeds, who did not participate in the
settlement of 1870, although resident
p the p no a re sive itheir ndscrip
thip o Our Millinery Opening will take place on
puop!e will now receive their cutin of
THE Montreal Wittiest (Grit) ob-
serves that 'the Opposition has been
reduced to the last resort of wasting
the time of Parliament with empty
A Goon sign that the present in-
surrection in the North-west does not
affect immigration, is, that eighty-
five young English farmers arrived at
Montreal last Saturday, and left by
the Canadianraoifio in the evening
to settle on land in the Northwest.
It is stated that many more of their
friends are to follow immediately.
THE Regina Leader lets in some
light on the many sensational rumors
of Indian and breed uprisings in the
North West. Ids editor says: "The
scrambling for troops to be stationed
at different points in the Territories,
when there was no 000aeion for them,
in order that a little money might be
spent in the stores, is another inci-
dent. worthy of note. Farming in.
structors have been reported killed
and Indians on the warpath in sec-
tions as secureas the city of Toronto,
and on the unprincipled alarmists
being called to task by sober minded
people, the latter have been told "not
to be d—d fools, dont you know we
want the money sent here."
point of the Russian movement is
Herat. Russia has been saying all
along, with diplomatic shrewdness,
that she wants peace; but if yon can
read between the lines of Iter des-
patches to England you see that she
wants Herat also, and proposes to
have it even if she fights for it. She
is constantly covering up the tracks
of her army; and when we suddenly
find her in a new place, as at Penjdeh
or possibly Maruohak, it becomes
more and more clear that while Eng-
land wastes time in hesitation Russia
makes good use of it by a steady ad.
venae toward Herat.
Mo. BLASE poses 9,9 a serious man.
He has complained of waste of time.
He has blamed the Government for
bringing down the Franchise bill late
in the seesicn—though this is the
third cession it has been before the
House. He has professed to be wil-
ling to strengthen the hands of the
Government. He wishes the people
of Canada to consider him a man fit
for high station, and competent to
govern the country. Yet he deliber-
ately wastes the time of' Parliament
by reading irrelevant matter for an
hour, in his "delicate state of health,
"in order to prevent the progress of
the Franchise Ad.—Mail.
Few people ever atop to consider
the extent and value of the cheese in-
terest of Canada. Even well-inform-
ed business men, who generally pay
some attention to manufacturing eta -
tidies, are not prepared to (relieve
that the value of cheese exported last,
year did not fall very mush behind
the value of alt the ;barley, beans,
oats, peas, rye and. wheat' whish this
country exported during the same
period. Yet suoh is the fact. The
cheese industry has grown to its pre-
sent large proportions entirely under
proteotion. Before the National
Polley it was well protected. The
cheese interest would be a good sub.
jest for our free-traders to disease.
But it is notorious' that they never
apply their fallacious arguments and
vsd a Splendid assortment of CLOTHS anti! TWEEDS very Choice Goods, autl
will sell them cheap far CAsn.
Suits Made to Order Oxy. Short Notice,
No credit given. Sold ONLYfor GASH, and that means
Cheap Goods. Call and see his stock before placing your
Exeter ,4th 1laro11,1889 013A5. SOT,TTHCOTT.
lEill OP[iIG.
$240 which may be changed for laud
at a dollar an acre. ll Thurs, & Friday 16th & 17th. Inst
CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet
breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
Prise 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold
by J. W. Browning.
News Notes.
Another forward movement of the
British is expected to -morrow. The
Mandi has dismissed the Emir of
Berber from his service.
The Queen and Princess Beatrice
returned to England from the conti-
nent Saturday evening and stave gone
to Windeor Castle. The Queen has
ordered that the approaching mar-
riage of Princess Beatrice be solemn-
ized without ostentation.
It has been observed that Premier
Gladstone's policy, as set forth in his
Monday night speech in the Commons:
"First, all means lo save; and then,
all means to crush." This is the
motto which is put into the mouth of
Riohelieu by Billed.
The International Eihibilion was
opened at Antwerp Sasurday by King
Leopold, assisted by the Queen and
other members or the royal family,
together with Cabinet Minietora and
foreign diplomatic representatives.
Seven thousand speotatore were pre-
The Russian exchequer is in a bad
oondition to have war imposed upon
it, For several years the expendi-
tures have exceeded the receipts, the
deficits in 1888 and 1884 being about
10,000,000 each year. The estimat-
ed income for' the present year is
$390,000,000, and the expenditure
$400,000,000. The former, however,
1s manifestly too large, while the lat.
ter is acknowledged to be too low.
The interest charged alone on the pub-`
lis debt is about $100,000,000.
When we will show a Grand display of all the
Latest Novelties of F Season
Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to suit the
Remember we keep the place to get everything you want
and at right prices.
The Old Established House, Exeter
Ras opened dental rooms over
O'.NEIL S BANK, whe8ehe will be
preparedto'extract teetliwithout
pain., All, oporations performed ,with .ease 'and
skill. Gold fillings a speciality. office hours
9 a. m: to 5 p m. ' CIIARGIiS MODERATE. TERMS
Best in the world. Made only by Um Fra-
zer Lubricator Company, at Chico o; New
York and Si. Louis. '80LD EVEIbYS'EEE
1 have a poealve tem 1;1
rot tae shoes digs&,.; by itsvee
tboneaude or caeca of tbo worst kind and or long standing
harm boon cured, Indeed so strong le my frith in its .fiicecy,
Unit 1 will send TWO BOTTLES FRES, together with a VAL.
1.11B1.E TR1.ATISE on this disease, to any sufferer. eivo Es•
press and 1' 0, address, Da. T. A. maces, Pearl Pearl St., N,T.
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. 'We guar-
antee it. Sold by 3. W. Browning.
ADVngtTISERS Bond for our select list of
Local Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell & do•,
0 Spruce -St„ N. Y,
Mail Contract
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until no0n, on FRIDAY, 15th May,
1885., for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails
on a proposed Contract for four years, six
times bet week each way, between Exeter and
Kirkton from the lstJuly next
Printed notices oontaining further informa-
tion ae to conditions of proposed contract ma y
be sees, and blank forms of Tender maybe ob-
tained at .' the Post Offices of Exeter and
a R PBARKER Inspector
Post Office -Inspector's Office,1
London, 3rd April, 1885 4