HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-30, Page 7711 Not One, But Two. The old notion that the man and wife are one -and that the man is the 'ione' has received a sad blow in Cali- fornia. Too Choong, a Chinaman resi- dent in that State, having taken a cer- tificate which entitled him to return went to China and got him a wife from the almond -eyed maidens of the Flow. ery Kingdom. Bathed in bliss -the only true bath a true Celestial p• ermits himself -Too returned to San Francis- co with his blushing bride. As he pre- pared to land he was met by the stern official of the Custom House, who posi- tively forbade Madame Too to set her ridiculously distorted foot on Califor- nian soil. The Restriction act was "tight it," he said, in substance; and without a certificate from her Govern- ment required for Chinese non -laborers she could not land. Too Cheong could go ashore; but Mrs. Too must return. In vain Too urged that he and his wife were one, as he bad often been told on his American sojourn. The Custom House offices could not see the matter in that sentimental light. OMii- cially he was compelled to look upon them in an arithmetic light, and in that aspect they certainly were two. The courts were appealed to, but the courts also took an arithmetic view of the Matter. One judge held that the 1. wife did not take the status of her hus- , band, and being a non -laborer could not come in under the Restriction net, Another judge held that the wife did take the status of the husband and be. tame a laborer by marrying a laborer. But being a laborer she calve also un- der the Restriction net and t•ould not land.. This is hard on the particular China- man and Chinawonlau involved; but it is an advantage to the world at largo :o !snow that the old-time doctrine as to "oneness" in marriage is no longer held. It is onlyanother instanee of the individual suffering for the benefit of the race. An lln;reuiaue Devices What Owlet and feminine portion of a .hmuanity needs, says Clart Belle. is some scientific process by means of whit•h, without internal injury or ex- terior discoloration. the skin may be rendered impervious to the cold. Win- ter brings no terrors to a lean woman, for she Must wear considerable thiek- ness of covering anyhow, in order to maintain good. fealties; but the natur- ally too bulky figura is nut to be dis- tended without greater injury to the feelings than mere ehill can cause. 'therefore, the very full :kin is compel- led to do without exterior wadding and tosutfer frightfully from the nipping :air of this season, the best that a, pluln11wotnau can do is to trintllerout. door wrap with bands of fur, so that narrow sections of her body may be kept at an endurabie temperature. When I mitt such an acquaintance. and informed her that the mantle was slip- ped down a couple of incites from her ,:huu1der•, she answered: 'lib, I know lit. I did It on purpose. 'There are three rings of sealskin on it, don't you see? and I ale warming myself in al- ternate Iayers." About the best device for a woman who doesn't like to increase her rotun- dity is a chamois -skin undergarment. fitting snugly from neck to hips, and taking the place of all other chemises. Thus no appreciable increase in bulk is made, and at the same time much warmth is gained. The growth of bustles and the departure of sealskin skirts render it easy enough to dress seasonably below the trunk, and a pel- erine atop of the shoulders is rather a gain than otherwise to a dumpy form; so that the area of frost is more re- stricted than for several years past. Slender women wear for comfort and looks an inside jersey of plain stockinet goods.under the outer jersey, which its decorated with embroidery or braiding. The Iittle pelerines of seal or silk plush look exceedingly jaunty on tall. thin women, but. they are a sure thing on neuralgia or rheumatism. landn't Been Introduced. "D'you see that man sitting by the stove over there looking at a copy of Punch" remarked a somewhat excited gentleman to a Times reporter yester- day, in the hall of a popular hotel. "Yes. What of him?" "He's a Bulgarian atrocity, he is. An infernal stuck-up snob, a blarsted Englishman of the worst type. He is a -but I will be calm. I will explain all. That individual came to this ho- tel three weeks ago. He sat at the same table with myself and friends, and as he seemed to be lonesome we entered into conversation with him. He was charmingly polite at the table, and we enjoyed his society very much, as also he appeared to do ours. It so happened that I never met him any- where else except at meal times, and therefore had no opportunity to im- prove our acquaintance. This after- noon I saw him sitting over there by / the window, smoking a cigarette and reading his Punch. i went to him and said:er e A very unpleasant afternoon, sir.' He didn't take the slightest no- tice. I sat down in a chair opposite to him and again remarked: 'Do you in- tend remaining long in the city?' D'you know what he did? He smack one of those d -d mean singA.4r4:r- reled eye -glasses into his eye and scru- tinized me from boot -soles to hat, fund then, yawning?in my face, exclaimed: 'Excuse mo, sir; you certainly have the advantage. I am not aware that you were introduced to me,' and then he dot up and sat over. there by the fire, leaving ere standing like a fool, , and feeling like one, anyhow. What's the use of anEnglishman, anyway,? George, Myus two whisky sours.". -Kansas t7ily Ttmtes. Interesting Items. McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Carate has been tested by years, of trialand has been found the most e.civenieut duel effectual meth- cd of applying Carbolic .Acid. ' The greatest anticeptio in use for Cuts, Bunts and Old Sores, Be sure you Let McGregor !k Parke's C''arbolio Cerate. Sold for 26 cents by J, W. Browning Druggist, 6 Quantity in medicine is no indiication of nine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is concentrated and powerful ; requires a.sut.atler Bose, and is more eductive, dose for dose, than any other Sarsaparilla. It is the best of all blood wedi- cines, it was positively rumored in the lobbies of the'tiouso of Lords, Thursday afternoon that England and France had adjusted the lios- pltore.Egyptian matter. SURE, TO CONQUER, The most trcublesotue oougb is sure to yield If timely treated with .Magyar's Pectoral Ball- sam. ltleassnt to take and *ale for young or old. The French Ambassador at Berlin has been, instructed to pretest against General Von yioltke's recent excursiona to different passes on the French frontier. THE SECRET OUT, The secret of success of Burdock Blood 13it- teta is that it acts upon the bowels, the iiver, :he eidures, the skin and the htodul ; rename - lug Meetivotitnta curl imparting heeith rind wirer. SALT 11 ECM. salt ltiieute. 1'inpttea to Blotente eau be then mighty Femme." by a proper application of 1letiregor +k Porkc's Varbolle Cerate to the leant. and u few doses; of McGregor's iiptudy t. are lt.r impure blood. .Be suns and get the gettrumm. I1/4cpared by .klctiregor .k Parke sow at ':13 Ceuta at J. W. Uruwniug'.. tat•#;; stow. Buotelen's arult'it Salve. A Pet rifled Ctrl. A youngladr living in this vicinity of North East, named I4izzie Y+atterson. has been rellei'ed from a life of Suffer- ing, which for fifteen Fears had not an alleviating, circumstance. When a girl at the age of In she was strleken with rheuuuatism.' A season of treatment mit the hands of the most skilled phy siee1ans failed to relieve the sufferer. At the age of fifteen her muscles beeame so rigid that the power of locomotion was entirely destroyed. Since then she was confined to her bed and chair.. and was unable to do herself the slightest stirs vice. Five years ago the muscles he - came so hard that the joints of the low- er limbs could not moll:. The fibrous tissues of the arms and'hands were next affected, so that they were entirely use- less, and soon like the lower limbs were no semblance to the human anat- omy, A year ago the muscles control- ling the head and neck were contorted so as to draw the head out of shape. The muscles in the face then hardened and closed the lower jaw so tight that teeth had to be removed in order to make an :aperture through whieh food could be introduced. To give the patient even a moderate amount of food required three hours' work, during which time the ell'ort at swallowing caused exeruciatting pain. Vomiting And suftbe ttiou finally mus- ed death. Miss Patterson was 20 rears of age, and at the time of her heath she was actually petrified with disease. The ease is exeitintr great interest in the luedival profe.ssien. N_ Melding, • st..kia-+tea. Mt' 11c.4. calve itt diff v.48i'Id forC'ute. Maim. et. 5t +••*. 11e.'vs .:+#alt MOM. P.•rer Tette:, (°iaalal v 1 hands, Cbill4l anls,C.'•u ts, and all Stilt E Milieus, and postai-ay tures files, o0 :.4 pay i t3lnued. It is guaranteed to give f pet et eati'.faetit'u, or money refunded Trait ?,.i cents per hos. For sale by all drug.] on,seyt•tl feel is :mitt to love two cy rsly but net well. CAN DEAFNESS BE C+rlt1:11: M.. John !.'lark, of Middleton, tint.. 414eiaar. y 4, It ran, ar:d that llagyard's Yellow Oil is :het rt hat fly that c tu,;l !iiia. It is also a peeitie for aril iuttahnmati4u and fain. While crossing the railway treek at at#a- 47itle nation, a 'team driven by Thomas BtIhO, of Artemide. became nutuauagt rude. A ease- int; ttaairt .truck nr;e t'f tlgr lwrtisr ; dtl•llithg its t4tttiala nut. FLUID Ll(i11T.lMU, Muhl ir'ghtnin nut unlyTuuthacht' iue.taut. ! ly, but also Neu algia, Headache, Eueeh, Rheumatism, Lutnbago, and Sciatica. rain of any tied esuuot remain into minute where it i • applied. When you !tear of Fluid Lightniug met hear t f one of the greatest runt vela ever' known in the way of n rut dieh m, as it never buil to etn'o. and not in a week or a day. but the instant it is applied to the affected part. Sold at J. W. Browning's Drug Store. u The Queen's birthday will be celebrated this year in England on the Gtlr of June. This ehaagod date is not favorably received by military otlieme s, as it wilt interfere with their attendance at the Oaks, held on tela 6th June. ON THIRTY DAYS' TiiIAL. 'vin VOLTAM BELT Co., Marshall, 311o11,,wii' send Dn.Dre's CETsnaATEn ELECTRo.YOLTtue iiglati AND ELnernrc ArilwageEs on trial for thirty days to men (young or olaa) who are af- flicted wall nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing i31) my and complete restoration of health tut manly vigor, Address as above. N. 11. -No risk is incurred. as thirty days' trial isallowed A GREAT MISTAKE. It is a great mistake to suppose that dyspep. DATA, dill - : NM Tl1FA f MEr' T. ea... tie, t4., ills t , r -iY .111,4',* • - .•44 :8'1:11 .4:4. • .t;IL', lire nes 4. �et1,41,4.4. 4*a° 333' ;it i. 14 13�•'.t0:,. 3'3 #aria. Oat41;3 .l4 pat .4444*.4 44'44 (402.44. s,e 13t.! `4 4t 14 ;•`. fall., 32 1 t r •^. ,v been 143 •44.•4 344. ,3411 3•4•418 l 4 -2 ii i^. - a,1.•ra, i ns. .411 flats .. 44 3 i. 1 11114.4 4.14 t itlt nut rte.• t -et t o3 3 t 4 3'4.,. 14,4 44-44%1 t -i9 .' :43' 4 049..+.1 4 12 t It -a•i tt l4 • .t. tg 2., t. +ya t.. e! 1S . 4 d 44*. 341 449 4 4 43, 11 ++ 1 3:, - 418434e lain- a .4z4•4 Ott..1..a. Ira L ?4+ a 4 4.1 se:.i4:it n4 . +43 141 014.41. • r, a•w• ile4 \ a }.1n ri ! ' 0 t dll:l #t•at4art+ 3e4 . Z°.4L lA 11`=:att4 t -tt � , •04 v " ia.\1144ttu•"a at+ tars to 3.0.•04+ sir .,449 aa: 44te,,t ^4, },..41„ m1 °Z, 4", d t• !. a \lr,t'13 14.11.,131'; :4ait-.d l,,•. ,•4 't 4134 414 34 it 7e?G:+.. 4 t e ''t '4.7.11 t++ �l h -a-4 1..4.1'It6't+t1414':1"'+t ! • 144- t 4 ":al'4+ tl:al.:. .� honk+•:44 t..ti. ,:.a, t!, sae,, ::a.'.4 n0 l4 3at7•+1:4 . the 3'.43,322. 'Fg t> g,1 4 t'4'.1i' 41 44 4i. nt i t awe. �"''{� nr't4.[+•... 143. 4gd3e+ : +ha .l, a 4344++ 3.4 + to u; 1 t • al 103.4* :.ma yt•u.. , a 4,14.r It •, aft•• 411 t8 i to 4 r4 1's4tar4 i. Ol, t tl,4 tun:eta' 44 t no. a to 4, I• :me m0a�l .:.;tz ;...0 a,$..4:t :, 1.1. or m.t , 44•r t: • 4 •/at 4n,' .•an••a➢ .4 aar384,;a 5.•t Iil:341I T 4 1f tie a.: ... '( lttl411h 114 • 10 4114•.444.1.. 44 t144 r" wed 1• : . t:ln+..°.. ;, w 14,4 3 .,'.4i 1,31 ''314 332.2 914. 'afalat 1i4 t.u'4 4'14181.4 414.,.41 `1 li.nt1• • 34,1 tb1' 111%1.1,11,114 lrt•`etafelaM8344.110"% "4I 'w th*8 1u t 14v"r- ,#hit' 1483'34441eet\ Anil ;elrn8.144.'lt 41"e :tie 1.10 1,14381:Ui-1,ti4F :31!4' 4Ili•°.'r it fits `C,8 ttft"14,. n131348rat3, 014.44404+ lisle,, ei/re41 1:1 141 4» t.4'443.. nttnat• Yslttroter4 wht/lebl 144rte4,lnp144 t eta ,' 1'i.1• "44at• "11144;:3.+, 114'4 r3t'1.itis, 3'4 a'18>, 3,',4.4 ,,t3,34e4it•�aal :•*s;4 1. o llo►nr�. i. 14 1 ETON 4t St N,4 inni441, a.tra'0t . a'lt a:..elacl i41' A ahi .iiyPai: we»t.Toro.nt4•,4 444841!1.4:141 t 3 4'14.hr *'t4 WI fur if 11 i- 9:t! rir4ai ; at.al f, 0 4°. utI1'1•t.ti :3301 Nita ' 34.3-.4;4elo,11:4.34 414,n1(1r their treatise 44U Catar4'b.-21P8141:, ;kat'. 13.:(8.4. Don't Pail to Call AT THE People's Popular Hardware 8 And inspect stook and get prices on the following linea NAILS, GLASS, WHITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, AND BUILDING ILDING HAIIUWARE OF ALL RINDS, SHOVELS, SPADES fie, We. are away •lowuon tltafollow ing; : W, J. Scarfs t Oo's. Oaiiit ge Varnishes ; i eucheI 's Fre- i pared Faints ; Bird: Cages , Buggy Tops , Stoves, and Tin- ; ware of all kinds, Barb Wire, Steel Strip, and Buckthorn !Fencing, American and Canadian Coal Oil. EAVE TROUGHING A SPEOIALTY. 5 s A I,L 4V c1lfK GUARANTEE% The Celebrated la,�y:E`Q 1j Sewing Machine niwac's 013 hand; also Needles to tit ANY MARE of Machine, I... S. Highest price in Cash 311' Tracit. for Miles and +Ilt:'e , Skins. Yours truly, i ESSETT ROS. RE 'OWNED liJ':Ml l)Ih:S, THE PIL J t I'01131%tli 1ai.,.� .,t•e3 i1.-..,',; ..i's.. tat l•l'-I'.►. �hi'ti.'Y,I.'�,�.`41. A� 11.�i, R,4. _ti ief,i a�l'.1F• r '$'104' 1'111s 341041 Onall n•3:1100.....141 of 'tweets 114°D *AM a$"44 1:1-tt1143 0rhlw4.: 1" ) NEW t3Xl•4il1li.51'1i1,3:1 fele, ••,30, t3X.t'a)1Rlt.^+Tlit:1 Tii. I.'JN.rt(X s, 4," nearly *'very reslleetuble. 4'1-nt14r 4t 1*.lit'i0n•.113 12.8110-e 34141 1'4te.;4t 1».10.. 234. Ih1.. . u l I1'.,. -1404, mai 136. each. The l 141. size c41.414113s 11are4 tnn4 04 the quant31y of tlo e 1.41 ' 34.:0 ; the ds. hll. size six ; time 114 t+ ::.• sistt•t rt ; the 22s sie.e this ty.t tri;' and the 33. size fifty two times the quit Mite 4f the »timeliest Ilexes audit Pete. F4.il minted directions are afllxed. to a iiel* I;4s and P44, and eau he loot in any lan3mag. Pureltnsers tdiou1d look to the Label (03 the Pete and Ilexes. If the address i:; net obi M'a*son 3.11 �V1s1a41: to uuuouuc.8 is thr nrlla4litu38t.- 4,1 r 1' Exeter and ''ietnity. Wet 10. has opsin;l suit a 4 CO�n �� till CO (� 00 -•;;; oxford Street, Loudon. they are spurious. "WlILrLIA11YI DREW in tate (tomer Store North of Sautwell d Paeknrd'�', where he ie Jtret'ared t4 lecke; all kinds o: ordered work. SCWv(l work a spec•iliIity. J.l,•l+xis i110 1 •i'4 Ong 1'v lath 1 11. ti 14•. sin can't be oared, but mttatt be endured, anis G E O. 1i A N SON„ life made gluomy and miserable thereby. Alexander Burns, of Coboarg, was cured after Late Manager 1'. lsaerett's I30..1 11111 shoe suffering fifteen years. 13ordock Blood Bitters Establishment. cured 'din. May I4tli 84. The Russian port of Vlatlivostock, on the Sea of Japan, has been closed by the sinking of torpedoes. REST AND COMFORT TO THE SUFFERING "Brown's IiouselloldPanacea"has no equal forroliovingpain ,both internal and external It , ourespain in the Side, back orbowels,sore throat Rheumatism, Toothac0a,Lumbugo and any kind of apatner ache. "It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its acting power Is wonder - NJ. '"Drown's onder-Id .'•'Brown's Household Panacea' being ack- nowledged as the groat Pain lloliever,anclof dou blo thestrongth of any other Elixir or Liniment' lathe world,sllould bo in every family bandy. for • use when wanted, 'as it really is tho best remedy 1 in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and i Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at2S cents a bottle. More .eeopl, adults and children. aretroub- I led with costiveness than with any other ailment. Dr. henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- tors will cure costiveness and preyent the j diseses which result from it. 1 Albert Jenkins, a prominent Wall street; (New York) broker. suioided in a fashionable boarding -Louse at Monroe Place, Thursday. He bad been despondent over business trou- bles. WATERLOO' NEWS. Walter Linton, of Waterloo,writes that Hag - yard's Yellow Oil bus clone great geed in his family, bis wife being cured of espouse lumps that other medicines failed to remove, he also states that a neighbor was promptly relieved of rheumatism by the same remedy. ra'Insurgents in Cambodia, sum prised a ) French post, captured several guns, and leas. snored many Europeans. A. GOOD TEST. For over sixteen years G. W. Everest, of Forest, has sold Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, and its sales are steadily increasing. It cures coughs, colds and all lung complaints ; is plea- sant to take and always reliable. la -The cholera has reappeared at Cairo;and seven deaths have occurred there. WELL TO REMEMBER. A stitch in time saves nine. Serious results oft follow a neglect of constipated bowels and bad blood. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate and purify the stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys • and the, blood. Take it in time. As a superb hair dressing and renovator Ayer's. Hair Vigor is universally coinmeuded. It eradicates scurf and dandruff, cures all er- options and itchings of the scalp,promotes the renewed growth of the hair, and surely pre- j vents its fading or turning gray. •#'Twenty-four persons were killed by an • avalanche at Seydisford, Iceland. • THE LIGHT RUNNING stwIR eA"'" ESEWING MACHINE SIMPLE 13 l Xr ' I! ri fv. a 1 'A S lx .,, nIn 14 t 0 4 0. THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE 1+.--_. THAT GIVES ....-4 PERFECT SAT/STET/ON r HAS 1(0 EQUAL -I PEIFECInCrITICUila k NEWHOME SEWING MACHINE CO. ORANGE MASS. 30 UNION SQ.N.Y. CHICAGO ILL. ST:LOUIS MO.ATLANTA GA. SALE =• --FOR BY Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. EXETER, ONTARIO ONE . DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANE. Farmer's Aivocato -AND- HOME MAGAZINE Is the only independent Agricultural Jour nal in Canada Owned and Published by a farmer. WHAT FARMERS SAY: - "It is AF:"Itis our hest friend.,' alt is worth ten times its cost." ' *The dollar spent for the Advocate 0* the best spent nloueyfrom the farm." "The wife and family are also delighted with It." 4•No farnier s ]louse should be without ,t; " The right information in the right season by • the best specialists that can be procured on the Farm, Stook, Dairy, Gardonhnd Or- chard, Poultry, 'Veterinary, Apiary-, Markets, Family Circle, into., h tc. Ozn.ly S:L Per .A.nnurr_t. Sample copy sent free to applicants mention- ing then Lot, Couceseioli and Post Office. RAN 9'ON BROS. Addresss- 'tJNEQU ALED So say the best farmers. stockmen, gar deners, and fruit growers of America of the great National Weekly. the Ramat New York- er. The best writers in the woski. Original throughout. Over no illustrations from nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask those who; know. Specimens gladly sent without charge. $2,800 worth of presents (offered to snbscribers for the largest clubs. Conducted by practrble fanners. Its Free Seed Distribntions are invaluable. Over 600 contributions. Posters and outfits on appli- cation, Send for them. RURAL YEW-YonXEll,. 23 Park Bow, N. T, Repairing of All Kinds EXETER, ONTARIO. FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON; ONT.! NEATLY DONE. D.' Me.A.N Who recently opened a REPAIR SHOP it FANS®N'S BLOCK, EXETER, has just re- ceived a New Lathe, by the assistance of which he is prepared to repair SEWING MACHINES, GUNS; LOCKS,RE- VOLVERS, SKATES, &e. SAWS SHARPENED it GUMMED, Satisfaction guaranteed in every ease. Re pairing clone, with neatness and despatch remember the place. D. McANSH, Fanson's Block Exeter