HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-30, Page 5[coIITI wE» PROL' PAGE 1 stand. The reply of the Russian Government to Karl Granville firmly maintain the tenor of farmer de apatobeo, A. RUSSIAN SPX .AT VICTORIA, al, C. Victoria, B. C,,April 28.—,, Roo• cion spy, who pretended to be pure obasiug lure, has deeured a filler of the Harbor and fortiffcatioaa, and lel* for San Freucisoo, The war news has wised the aa: PATIO of 43 por quarter in the 1+1'X6 of wheat in Kent, bbiioll's Catarrh Remedy --o. positive cure for Catarrh„ Diphtheria and Canker mouth. Sold by J. W. Drowning. VauatIiau, The Stillwell murder ease baa been postponed unlit ltfay 18th. and bruised, b;lt not killed. He was esiononuoU.3 all afternoon, and died' the carne eveuing. Mr. William Jewell, R farmer re- sident hear Tryoounell, met with en accident which mulled in hie death on Saturday aftor000n. He Was re.-• turning from Wallaootown, where he had gone in the morning, and was. seated on a board utilized As a seat in the wagon, whim, going into n rat in the road, the board slipped off and he was precipilared under the wheels, w,nioh passed over MP. Dr. Ling, of Walltaoetowo, wawa summoned ani did all in his power to alleviate the stiffsrrogs of the injured enan, hut to no mad, ha dpiog about an hour after the accident. Re alas a Farmer in oannfortabla oirourflitauoea, and LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE R'Y. GOxNO Nostra. Express Mail, 204 Class. London, depart 7 4594.af, 4 50 rat, 090 sou. Meter 8 57 6 10 Ismail .......,2 0 . a 24 957 uaeAeid 9 23 s 48 502'a 1'l(ntou ..:, 5 46 7 A5 1180 Lonclesboro 10 0n 7 20 12 00 Stvth 1007 2 Belgrave 10 29 77 74,S7 16 12 4818 p I. Wioeharu a,rrtue1G 35 7 35 1 36 oorstp Sorra, Express Mail. 2nd ("lase 1374:7:42 374ham, dept 7 4$ A.3. 3 SCO P,M. 40 20 s y[ Reigrava S 00 3 47 u 21 Elyth s' 35 330 It 42 T,ondEsboro s 24 8.36 12 00 Cliotan . s 50 405 12 4.5P.41. Brueetleld......... 9 05 4 19 1 11 Iiippen 913 427 127 Ile nail 9 13 4 32 x 30 Exeter 981 443 235 London cwlilel0 51 5 50 530 ITENssz,r,. —V anted at the Reasan oat- Meal Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good sound Oats. for Milting purpo.,es, The high - leaves n ' if t and severat'obildrett too= prim tis well be pard, Oat•nleal exchanged wo4rlr his load, Sir David Maopltarson is very sink, ilesear.r. RoLpee Idrea.s,-.-Ane of the dud unable to leave 11ie room et Otte; Why will yen cough when Sbiloh's Cure* moat complete colter mils in the Province, is wi. will gireitnmediate relief ? Price 10o., 50e,, constantly limping aud giving the best satin- ari4131, Sola Ily J. Vix. li cawaliu(f, faction. Griating done to order or* short Ton kltQueasltl ASartillt•HerirQ rifle*, _ notice. The roller dour takes the lead. Try' and 8,000'000 rounds of ntllmuoition, Catt,'s i tllltilsLon a# t'ure nand be convinced. 20 tone of good Mid - 1 at Kingston Thursday, land Col Liver cru, .►illi $ylwphospAltos. dhnfa 0U band at low Ogurea. A. few care of were altored. 1 tura and Corn Chap on hand For Lung Troubles and Cholera Wanting,. ,. 'lantern & Ercoraalex. Lieut. Cal, Ouimet left Ututtreel v Thnredey eight. contrary to the ad-- ice of hie dootora, to rejoin the 66th In the tiort11•Weet, Frank Lanai, of d'atUltioat L. L.* Pa, W. E. RAlleeax, Radford, lard., says - - "I find Seott'a Emulsion au excellent remedy MAR= REPORTS. is lung treelike. and eepeoially in strumous - allildretl Sud it host Tahmlale relucdg In(4orraototlat5o'olockpan. tvadnaadair.t °break stl 8I of Cholera Iniautaln." caul, whiter ,......- 11I1a.. ....., ..., V:httkYYh4R i ..- a La :00347 jealous admirer, not iuvtted to Miss The Rev, Geo. II, Tba err, trf 134 bo tied ... ... u L a whit* IvbeR0:laF ... OO. to R D7 llaryeti a wedding. Saturd ay night, Iaael., says ; *'sloth myself and wile awe our Red iklasat New 011% to o s.7 window.bya. old .. ...a wa... g $trite therm 0 9I to a O7 shot the tilde in %bs to through h a lives to Sbtloli,e Consumption Caro S • 3, W. $ramlin The steamer Alert, the fatuous ATO. - cul iRpx .... ::: :: ::: ai :': u ISO Ra o 05 tin relief ship, Arrived at nelifex Sat. DIED, Olaver Seed :. t< Oil to fa 23 Timothy "" urdky from New York, and ley. in the STawatar,-Iq Cir moot ou tiro t it,rt .11vi- {{{ Pana ilar!3ttr ill the afternoon it inti the en Wieemen.relict of the late Joh p Stew- Corn p y ark and reetber et Air, Alarscders Stewart. Rags r'lctlarit:on flag, formerly of St' alarye, seed 8O years and , nutter 11. LIAve baeta received at xorouta to eon of Afterdocaudaou. agedh3 }ears end 8 Apples,por1rag g ,..words the cost of freight in forwarding r__' setae• -^_m, Ear odper; pr b .., ,,(lasesccntrlbntione of food and °Intl:3W 10 -,,..-_„•--..-TarkevperibIlurka parpr Subscri.tlons amounting ro 148 ltmont a...p Ho. -'[oaas thx 384lostCacctl. t?ototoaserba. = V arum=f INGER8 Planners at the froth, • Cbiekexlawlwrpr A fated 9Al1104 John iialleed 'vs.# 7"heuroritinterestitirt feature of recant filo,;alresseedpOr100 eregt tan *t awn -treat Was aotuu ilof l seat tlrarrtled 5aturftay is tht Iiitlean orett4 u,,t, ro tabileoStu rropeeedrarutiuufsetnrir>,g leb:atatl (iaGt tabs Ts>baaoA Ares wt the ui)les ro dressed « rttver, 1111#r Ottawa. He were out lit & i ittterocloliehtirtg6:arowda otsptctators onn0e tryingto save RQtne rade, when withexquisite *southern melodies. Alinedmelt AlRnd a apeeialdinlOrnR pvdra awarded. m t11tR the canoe filed with wider and st,uk papular bread of eb.l.ting tobacco, and tht• 51r. James Biiu 9p, forefront of the ' axes thanks o`Co tar t r fiat et °c eebtbbit Canada Southern round house. junk'. bank at Windsor. wee, instantly kilted ADVICE TO )40TUEliss Cit SAturdiy poornlatg, by fl, lcasula Aro Sou 44tarbcdatnight and brokeuofyour live running against plan. The b3il reetby*sick ehild suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If ao.uend at once and of on 0091120 was net being 7UUU get *bottle of 3108 WINSLOYV'S SOOTHING while going through the yard. fi'Rt:P• Itaralue it; inealeulable, It will ro• :l flother proolemetion is iefitsaet de- ' rave the poor little aniferor immediately, re clariug that etecti- nls under the Cana.' timetureultntother4.tteereisnomistakeabout It. Iteuree dysentery anti dirtrbeea, regulates did Temperance s%ot will be h9. 11. tiro stomach aud• bowels, cures Mind cone .15 if1getn1l Anel F"puo Onat•, '.ifaj' 1. softens the µnuts, redueea inUeuuratron, *80 I'', f;lliitltotl fill apl!oitlted raturutug given tone nett ouerpy to the whole ayatem offoer for the city, Add W. Ferguson, 11tae.Yvtoatow'eSeoret8Nu Frani* TOR CHILD. SALESMEN WANTED sheriff, far the county, Rat; Trr.Tititto is pleasant to the taste, and is SALE+ At their meeting on Monday night tbeprracrilittteu of one of the oldest and beat' 'lo begin eanvagving at plea uu east tants, fsaraRly nurses anti phyaicianx in ilio L'nitod the Brantford City Cannon were pre: $tate:,andls far., ,.bvaIdruggisti throuFh- sented with a life eine crayon portrait out the world. ]"rico 93 mita a bottlo of 4atnee Woodyalt, for 28 years clerk of the carporaticau. An appropriate _,.,_ ...b zm., _., STONE S WELLINGTON- of was unanimously adopted ''lA.RD OF THANKS: ---I hereby • Termite. Out. ▪ 175toSe0 U3atoQOd 000to054 . ,.. AOtoC10 • 4 12 to 0 le • SOot0555 035teal0. • 040to050 OOtto000 ... 00440006 O08to006 • 040to060 025to035 ... 050 to575 ▪ .. 500 to 00 • 59014506 600404('0 O411to4,75 o5atoll70 019 to090 8 00 telt On 060 40075 2:dl to' It 75 1t°oFFakina,ateeh .. Cattaldua Wool per lb .. 8s. rhuab r teu•• • • Wood per cord .UENSALia AtAR&F.TH. Fa11Whrat perbh '8 0 til tat 416,41 0 PO to 0 be 0 50 to 0 60 040 40046 0.21tto0:I( 0altis 0Mt «. l 00 In 100 s.:5too04 ra„) a urtpg Barley ibrichtl ilarley iteadinas White (lets, Black Oats , Appire per Mil. .. PPM toes per bh Over Over 44i. Fonthill Nurseries ae°x°ea. The Largest la the Dominion. Steady empl0Ftnent to successful mea. (*One agents ere earning from 840 to 575 per month mei r•rpeuaes. Terms end outfit free. Address convey ray thank', to the Confederation .,,. by the Council. Life Associationtor the prompt payment of 1.000 nutter t t. t rli...., r It AMantra al despatch sated the ice fii„all nit .insured Thcrrou h°et a on .1londay night moved down front kfnduess oltheir agent, lh.Ma*niiug, lbs sural the harbor, thus allowing the .orator areured was wild within ono week after the to fail both til the city And ou thepxaof papers were sent in, MART ANDRUS. zee.thern shore, but it jammed agaiu wingiram,Februarv2,1r30, below, oaudiag floods at Longuetl, Longue Pointe and neighboring pistons. No further damage is ex: peoted, 1teoruting for the North Weet Mounted Polioe goes on bravely in Montreal ; any number of applies': tions have been received, and up to Monday night 25 out of the full corn: plimen t of 75 recruits have been se- lected, and these with 26 recruits from Sherbroke have gone west. The total exports from Canada during the nine months preceding the pretend were nearly a million dollars in excess of the exports for the sante period of the previous fiscal year, and this notwithstanding that there was a decrease of three and a -half millions in the export of produce of the forest. The increase was chiefly in agrioul- tural produce. Sir Leonard Tilley is very ill, and his condition is looked upon as decid- edly dangerous. His physicians stay that on no account must he be per. witted to return to his duties in Par- liament, even should he Mend rapidly enough to move out. Mr. Rowell will, it is understood, assume his duties for the remainder of the ses- sion. Mr. James Hannon, 88 William street, St. Thomae,met with a serious accident on Friday. He was esized with a fit and fell forward on the et ►►ver aud before assistance arrived Ka face and bande were terribly burn- ed, the flesh peeling from the back of his hands like panoakes. One side of his face was likewise fearfully burned, and 1Y ie feared he will be disfigured for life. On Friday afternoon a young man named Joseph Bradley, of Brampton, wandered down the 0. P. R. track. When near the first line he sat down. A train carne along and the driver saw a man resting on his hands and 'knees on the track,his head and body being over the rails. The usual warning was given and brakes applied, but the train struck him and threw him down the etn- bankment, He was dreadfully cut IN THE MATTER OF THE GITARDIANSHIP OF 'run INFANT clurmRBN OF WILLIAM WEERE% late of the Village o1 Exeter, In the County of Huron, Marble cutter. deceased Application *111 bo evade to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, before thoJudge in Chambers at the Court House in the Town. of (lodorlob. atter the expiration of twenty days front the first publication hereof, on be. half of William Daniel Weekes, of the said Village of Exeter. 1arbl0•outter, and son o1 the said William Weaken, deceased, for an. order appointiug the said William Daniel Weekes guardian of George Weekes, Sn•annah Weekes, and Harlon Wakes, infaut children of the said William Weekes, deceased. Dated at Exetor,thie 27th day of April A' D. 18.43. 13.V. ELLIOT, Solicitor for the said WILLIAM D.WEEKES CEN TRAL DRUGSTORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared. at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. L1UTZ, SE Il DS, Seeds, Seeds! Fresh and Reliable Garden, Field and Flower smmaps In great Variety at the Dominion Laratr BEANS.—German Blank Wax, ;law Wax. I3EET.—Long Dark Blood. CABBAGE. --Early Wenningstadt, Early Large York, Early French Drumhead, Stone Mason Marblehead, Prime Flat Dutch. CARROT.—Early Short Horn, Early Scar- let Born. CORN.—Earlp Minnesota; Doily Button. CUCUMBER.—Early Cluster,'Bismark Long Green, Perfection Pickling, LETTUCE. --Early Boston Curled, Bally Prize Head. MUSK MELON.—Coral Flesh. WATER MELON.—Mountain Sweet. PEAS.—Ferry's Extra Early, McLean's Little Gem, Champion of England. Golden 4-4 z simmil 24 4 Q 1-4 Pst Q 43 Cl2 Q 4 s.-•4 fel 0 ie --a r.4 rn 'i LTIL T96 TABOR .44.1*4141491,4 MR. R'al, I,1NE fig pr(Tore(' .ce do CUSTOM TAILORING ON lii'IION•ST. ONE IILACE WI.ST!(,F MANSION HOUSE. `ITS, PANTS OR COATS le in the Latest Sityk . and Satisfaction gueunatctd in evory reapect. 441444.444.4.+ T13IS OUT awl return to ua, with 1Oo or 4 Oo stamps, and you'll get by return matt a Golden 13ox of Goode that wurbrilis( you in more money than anything else in America. You,. fortune if you start wile ''4. C1TF 2 0YELFY CO., Xar mouth, N.R. PROPERTY r,1I T TEL TO RENT IN THE VIL- I,401 OF ELUtVILGE, County of Huron.. ,Apply qt• uremides or to Mliii. F. ELLIOTT, 14P11eullerton st..1 onion, Ont: TWO ROUSES TO RENT. APPIy tO ISAAC CARLING _..rete .fi "WARM b'OR SALE IN STE"Pa IEN. rerearticteare apply o. v. siaaoz Let Ea 5, in 4th - Goucascion. ;00 *Ames. 4th Feb., 1885. Solicitor, rec., Erete r ARM FOR SALE.—The oubserib. Il! er offers for sale the Fast Sail of Lots and North Half of Lot 2, 4th eon of Ifeborne. On the premises aro a brick house 20x93, pearly new.containinge modus; frame barn 31x4$. 1 with et•bl.ing : a small bo144n4 orchard, and a never-failingwell. The laud is well drained and, in a good state o1 cultivation There are 12 aures of Lill rthe it in the ground one trezl- siderablefall ploughiug done. Distance front t Exeter, 5 miler, and 3 miles from Centralia. R Ternis to snit pn-cbaser. Possession given either heaore seeding or after harvest. Pur- chaser Rise be sappleed with seed grain. For further particulars apply on the prcunises to O. H. lifitAarrE. or toy let Wr to Exeter P. I). 01, TAILOR Z!OP! Will. Senior Wishes to inform rise iubabjtanteof Exeter au4 ,.-urrtuudiug townships, that be has opened A Tailoring Shop ill FANSON'S I/LOCK.. +'.ult.stair,r, where Iry will he. prepare+: to do all kande of'.'uatout Taitorinp. If von emit a Citi+.l.tittita 'u,i Wtll.tttrul-- Suit. ee tt *e Panto, yen wilt 8su1 ,at. i-fae tiolt by giving hint a trial Jr.lSenior has had loug e-- periellCe and is 11 practical 1 workman. Rernember tile Spot,. Dircetl; cv.r Oto. A. II; a lntan' Grocer; "97111. Senior. CUTTING Ilf)NE ON TIIE SHORTE T I NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES,. i Ii: RK .N lit.*r kKl`tr't" 1 a.. 1 HAIR (3++1,4 . t fir `'u. Restores re,,.::+,+ t ; ! hair to its or Ilea e A' t-`• Ladies Jackets a Specialty twat color, r? r;: '•i is ti ra :at: Dane re ii r 'lea: ".,es. i$Lnpntiti..t ,. , .;a; Clive hien a trial and bo eonvineed that he from sal4a, a , , Will give eai(sfaetien. ; incrtar i. -;,t growth. i : w ,. WILLIAM LYNN• s soi,t!noCrIll • :our, 1t ?1^:, •a aaae:. C•• r• NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF :1=03d amiss THE ESTATE OF MURDOCH 3tcI 14 - `LIE, late of the Village of Exeter. iu the tion n ty of Huron, +Carpenter, deceased. Pursuant to B. S. 0., ohap.107, see. 31, notice is hereby given thatallpersone baring claims against the estate of the said Murdoch DU - Prepared li Harkness & Co London, Ont. said by all Dru_elsts and atcnt:tlati.(,:=.n enzie, who died on or about the 16th day of f►rater;. ianuary,1885, aro on or before the 0::13 day of Stay 1885.to send by post, prepaid, to Benja- min;V, Elliot, Solioitor, Exeter, their Christi- an and Surnames, addresses, and description, and particulars of their chtinis, duly verified and the nature of the security (it any) held by them. and that after the said 9th day of May, 1885 the executor wiilproceed to distribute the assettsof the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have boeu given, and ho will not be liable to anyperson or per- sons of whose claim lie shall not then have had notice. Dated 91st 1arch,1885. BENJAMIN V. ELLIOT Solicitor for SAMUEL DAVIS, Lxecuter, 29td COAGUL1NE.--Cement for Brok- en Articles. Sold everywhere. Sole Makers. .liAY BROS., Stockport England. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. RADISH --Early Long Scarlet (short top) "WAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN - Early Round Deep Soariat, Long White 1.1. SEED, Aniseed., Senega, Squill,Toiu, &e Spanish. with Chlorodvne. TOMATO.—Livingstone's Favorite, Trophy. ITAY'S.COMPOUND, a demulcent FOR TIIE it & RU i exuoctorant for Coughs and Colds. Besides afull line of Garden Seeds irk package, we are also offering the following varieties of Fresh Field and Garden Seeds IN BULK, which is, of course, is the cheap- est way by all odds to buy them. TURNIPS.—Purple Top Yellow Aberdeen, Bangholm Purple Top Swede, Carter's Improved Purpie Top Swede. CARROTS.—White Belgian (for the garden) BEST ENGLISTI MUsalRooar SPAWN. Call early as the stock is Choice and limited, and we are determined to carry no Seeds over. J. W. BROWNING, Proprietor. KAY'S .COMPOUND, for Coughs "KAY'S Colds, is equally servicablo. for Horses and Cattle. DAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia Face -ache &c. JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Osborne, and the Village of llxeter, A11 sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. TRY DR. DOWN S GOLDEN LINIMENT for Diphtheria, Croup, and Asiatic Cholera. A sure cure, Pain of all kinds quickly relieved. Internally and extern- ally. Ask forit, Take no other. See teatime nate. For sale by all Druggists. TJ. SUTHERLAND,HENSALL, • ONT., CONPay4xcra, OOMMxssIOxan, E10N. INT orICE- SBALED 'TENDERS, addre.sed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Teuder for Indian Supplies," will be received at tuts office up to noon of MONDAY, 25th SI-Y,188i, for the delivery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal year ending 30412 June,1886, consisting of Flour, Bacon; Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, Oxen. Cows, Bulls, Agricultural Implen ents. Tools. d:c., duty paid, in Manitoba and the North- West Territories. Forms of tender eoutaininp full particulars relative to the Supples rewired, dates of de- livery. at:o., may be had by applying to the un- dersigned. os to the Commissioner of Indian Affairspat Regina, or to the Indian Office, Win- niparties may tender tor each description of goodslo(orforany potion of each description of goods) separately or for all the goods called for in the schedules. Each Tender must be accompanied by au ac cepted Cheque in favor of the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs on a Canadian Bank for atleast five per cent. or the amount of the tenders for Manitoba,land ten per cent. of the amount of the tenders for the North•West Ter- ritories, which will be forfeited if the party ten- dering deoliuos to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fails to complete the work contracted for. If the tenler be not accepted the cheque will be returned, Tenderers are required to make up in the Money columns in the Schedule the total mon- ey value of the goods they offer to supply, or their tender will not be entertained. Each Tender must, in addition to the signa- ture of the tenderer, be signed by two sureties acceptable to the Department, for the proper , performance of the iontract. In all oases where transportation may be only partial by rail, contractors must make proper arrangements for supplies to be dor• warded at once from railway stations to their destination in the Government Warehouse at the point of delivery. . The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. L. VANIEOUG,HNET Deputy of the Snperiutendeut•0eneral Fire and Life Insurance Agent and Issuer of of Indian Affairs Marriage Licenses. All business transacted DLranrarlax r os INDIAN AF1 stn a, l stirotlyconficlential. A Call solicited: Office at the Post Office: OTTAWA, IOTA MADC13, 188,. r