HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-30, Page 4he s: "tier itlleF. the various secret benevolent organ
- :kerions ; the fee to be a numina'
THURSDAY, APRIL 80, 1885. a one, stay 250, eatfb quarter,, and
hers should have hotel accommodation
amongst other benefits, that its mein
at the old figures, the fee. to be paid
Mr. Jared Dryden has disposed of
)A$ 13001(31,1 100 acre farm in Huron
toenship to Mr. Geo. S. Robinson, of
Clinton, for $7000. dr. Robinson
takes possession of hie new preuelses
in the fall.
teat until Qld o date the f passport
formed, organize
very a foot its Stratford
to he
A1,o�.nrR slander on Sir John's 1h Teut le ont of rifles to rd
Government contradicted. On . rt- � p p P K g of Stratford teen,
day last in the Rouse of Commons
Sir John, in answer se Air, Tte:m*04id in good standing and entitled to the The naovenient premises to have some
the Government had not authorized a benefits of membership. If it were ` degree of tureen as 0.5y oam,oa were
'kir. Coleman to purchase horses its , poseible that such en organize. enrolled on the Are% day a canvass.
the County of torthumberlend during non, could be established it would On the recommendation of Mr. W.
h or dnriag any :doubtless be a benefit to the trade, as D. Stanley, Reeve of Biddulph, and
Ens present moot , rxt elacttous it would be a powerful
month since December, 1881. lever. end the hotel coat, would have
• S onfideoee that the ehencea o a awo 1u
Ix the House of Courmona on Fri- , -
da -last lir, MI(eranAv enquired = member of the organization proving the county of Middlesex by Judge
whether or not it was the intention a Walter Franke, of Beltnotit, ,
area in the traria would have the gat- big,
ARo� �� ��� �
the Geeer4meet to see that the era- a
is#rtotton of knowing that the men has purchased from Mr. Taylor, of °
Air. James Grant, J. P., Robert John
Anderson of Greaten, was Saturday
morniug appointed a oanstebie for
y l t f a traitor to them woold be .small, The Davis.
v,crone of ties Canada Temperance • ell° sou ht to damn a their interests . nutlet', Count of 3urpn, the am -
Act were enforced in counties wirers 6 g y
and t provide funds and to pay o f r oo w p d L ydesda o q a lou, Roseberry,
o dation dean those who enpported the 2 yeara old. He is descended from
whom they will be outraged, ;to Pay w 6°4°8°4othst. dame, andfrom trade in their demand, for the best breed of Cl ydeedelea otock inthe
end inspector
s sog owhat',Bechets fair play. In the preient 1 Scotland.
source are the fundeto be taken. Sirtrate of sfi'e;ira the proposal aware to A young manta
,med Armstrong
TTohu said the Government wens 4'ua one which should commend itself l from Hepworth, Grey ecuuty, !flied
oarry oat all obligate:ma impetred up, i to the trade..' himself by caking rade green, a few
dap; ago, Itecattao he could not get
"FORWARD MARCH !" is the order for Troops to the
North-West, Still the Ladies aro at home, and will be
pleased. to hear that R ANTON BROS. are in splendid. Trim
to do a lively spring trade, and aro right to the front with a
High Class of New and Stylish Goods.
von Il)omit4 S, DIANT*,zh;S . JACKETS.
Iticlt Ottomau emote. (trees (:rater halo. Satins, ;tierveilleux, Brocades, Sc, ; and a rend
line of Male ()nutmeats, Frew, Loop., Ctionille rrituiniligs, &o. Qertairily better vnlm
than ever before. «tlautles reit kree or charge. or made te, ureter in Vim -class style at
.t t.2 Q 3313.05
BT.,A.(^ GC[SDS.
opt rust's say the (Ulla". Terxip 4ra.e ee A slatsal Inieeto, tree with eaeli bottle of , work ad 1►ta fattier refined to provide
,Act, whatever. those blgat ons *night Shiloh a Ceterrli Remaly. :'rice at cents.
, hint with Enact;o in order that be taught .;
be, Fold byJ. W. Browning. marry a Mas Partridge, The ween
On the last day of the Session of Til* Burnett STUN* Tit fs o ordinderedand other ar$tnloa lead been
supportersvoted the tutu of 10,000 treat Bulletin may be of interest to re acourrod in an nuoccul�ied
the Ontario Legislature Governwent lo►ring article, taken from the Moo- A fi ..
ter the payment of cost of 11Lr aur' readers at the present #tote: �• stable owned by John AloNiblook, of
' 't1 ciao items ]orae, Dentist i?arkt itt, about 2:80
Caldwell iu the waft known suit •.r es pEta
y p
r v ai well. tee !his suit an :tett: farmers end Middiameu due- rnorinug. lets W141114400. LOU *bouts = li'e aiioty a sppicutl;ti rause* of tell tat'trest p'etGrie 10 �SII•k.'trul ,Taney (.;OW. t$atlu Gletfr.
Watt au a, C d $100. Word lues been reoet red at Nous cub, mut vffia oorca, Bre e i.- (aislifnt're, seam t'}alit. l a ti#ul Bath!
:yea a private one. and was won by ing the eeasuu of 188#•EES, it grill P rkliill from Grand }baud, two jaw satins, &e. And don't y'ou forger it. our :)ret+ maker Pudf rFinittla making up fllack {,fiod.,
Mr. Caldwell, who obtaiged his. cast � never
against Mr. McLaren, those who vol.
ed for thio appropreetiou will probably
have soiue little difficulty in justifying there any valid reason why they day morning. The :trill is supposed
Tho vote before the elector& next elan. should, We are now upon the thresh. *0 bo insured,
tion. eseibly it is capable of reason- hold of another treason, and a epriuk. 4eorge Wbitaley, of 13osfortla,
able explanation ; bat the bald fasts, wing of the new melte liar nireetly been ataner of Old Otter Crit at the time
as presented to the pub!}o through sold open tlaie market at an average of Ilia death, has tangier iu Kentucky
the prose, looks aa if there Walk a con• of 10o. to 12c. per lb. niters than can the bay cart, Carlisle, 8 ytrare, by
siderttbe sized Afrioau biding same- be realized for rho built of old stook ' I+ieg Rena out of Sallie Jaitiasau, By ! ' SP.ELIATG GOODS
where behind the vote.—Parkhill still on hand. Every
;year the gap Bell Monsen, back to a titorrtugttbred
1: ,zette. (Reforilt)appears to be widening between the haste, for $2,0004 (peltate hna rt 2
do for Canadian produaere to
throw tarp the :sponge, and say we
will go out of the bos1nees, nor is
Daisi,il'o fine Or; mill, a stable and ton ukety . Call end see her arty +ray lit
house were burned down early Satur-
The puke to go
Rich Mantle and Dress O
value of fine and poor goo te, which yeas old record of 2.40k, and is said
to taus tba nankin g of A largo and JUST ARRIVED AT THE
Wwir.t; our army iii the North-west emphasise the necessity of ab:11don-tr S g
oa1d, the British soldiers in the Sou. ing the imperfect methods that have paweraul fellol . l
aro amid to have suffered from ;he
hitherto obtained of making and air, John ;silage, a prutuistn 'Gua iExeter
dee Ore tortured tan timet ns greatly handling bullar, It was sted by t farmer from Euglaul, livng tuyDele1ailoriig Establisliui.'t
by the heal. One of the non commie Mr. Lyuoh before the Immigration t ware towiaahip.:vas the cictatai of A
stoned. offacere in a letter received at and Colonization Committee At OtH terrible accident the ether dgy. Ilef r r �t o t .. r. t ff r tr t
London draws 4 very gloomy picture lava, that the annual lose to the `,vee working the tutting box at air, A t7 $, . 1. - -
of the condition of the troops. He N lJowinion thrauglipoor,buttoremekiag Richard Gibo,in'e eatttblislttttent, at el
,aye that the lints ahtoh were to have was fifty million pounds, hie ettintate a v.bile pnst.ing in tiro ft:deter his left Hata ret• creel a Splendid a�strrturentest movesattd Tl�.'1,',13lS st•i: t;tltnit:e, tft).d tr1.i
afforded theta endurable summer being belied upon a liffereuce of 10c, hg"d w" caught bet eon rho knits nil! grit (hem cheap for Casir,
luartere have net yet been built, and
that the heat in the tents is simply
untearable in the daytime, with the
thermometer, as it frequently le, at.
1120 iu the shat. The teen have
per lb between the price of pour Gird roper. 004 Brant) 10. !~ire mat.. nue
choirs quniittex. The any estate F taking off iieoa of aver linger. The
for the defeoiirceesa of rho dairy syr. I Y g
r l d 1 made night revolutioue, each tiwo Suits Made to Order Ori. Short Notice
tern, AS we have before pointed out' mangled hems could only be extrioat-
is the adoption creamery the creaery largo- ed when every Roger was cut off to
nothing to do from reveille mint tape ciple, which euaure e the production the knuckles, and the fist wee ton his
but to swelter under the scorching of 4n evenly choice ornatefrom the to Pans between the knives. Ile lost N0 credit given.
' o rs o a
whole diRtriot. Butter walnut in order.
ereanaeries lass roved ti great success The S>kring hair under the atts-
p g vir,ea nF S•»,EA i>arhl, Gar:_ ,VRa #lain at nxeter..tb ;tarcii,Ptn.:
wherever it bas been tried, and bite t
sun, and from taps to reveille they milk ooutributed by the farms f cousidorablo blood, but is now doing a Cheap (",roods. fit
are kept busy fighting the virmia and
reptiles with which the country
warms. How they would envy the
Oanadian volunteers their trials in
would be to them a«'here factoryman trolls the rule of ozceediu ;ly* fine and the atteudauce
3fitc•hert Advocate. marketing thou goods, when fresh, � 1111 OPEI116
menti tv:<s very :;cosi and those tvlso
u think or it stale. Ono or two creameries whichtools an intereart 1n horse flesh had a ililiLl
Duly given diasatisfaotion pecuniarily Marys tsn Wedneeday Iger, end , „- .: ...
welcome relie:f,-
the gaps. It proved very eucceaeful The dray ea*
Sold! ONJ4 for CASH, and tllttt means
;ctrl see his stock before placing your
and Bolding them until they were way hole. The display of imple-
Shat (10 yo
(From the Brussels Post.) ' to a perishable article we tinderstettd
good c sure of gratifying choir taste,
king, but it Our MillineryOpening will take place on
t i•s thou ht #ins have made a rest hibition, and over fifty were in town'1 +a l
Hamilton & Co., wholesale liquor g
lers in Brantford, and sent through
the country, has been handed us by
J. Hargreaves. It speaks far itself
and needs no comment l
't in consegnence of the unsettled
state of the wine and spirit trade, re-
mitting from the so-called temperance
agitation and the passage of the Scott
Act in so many of the municipalities,
lost heavily through thus speculating
The following circular from J. S. are goiug into cheese ma homy four horses were entered for ex.
mistake The; should Have cls. ed alexcel) they. The animals were really Tihurs p„ Friday, 1 Vt h 1k, 1 7th Inst
out all their make last fall at 25c. per excellent ones Many of diem were (7ty
imported, and all could scarcely bo t r ii
pound but they held oand had to aur essed in the Province in their When we will show a Grand display of all the
accept much leas. The losses thus several classes.
sustained however were due to a de-
parture from the principle inculcated Are you made miserable by indigestion, W
by the creamery system of marketing constipation, dizziness, loss of agpetite, yet- �a est Novelties ofseason
butter as early as possible after it is low stein t 611iloli's iitalizer is a positive a�
made. It is too unprofitable in these cure. Sold by J. W. Browning
times to riak the slightest deterlora- Hay Council.
we have eonoluded to issue our an. tion in quality before selling, as gen-
nual circular for 1885 in the spring nine butter in that case is at once
instead of the autumn, as we have saperceded by butterine and other
hitherto done. The elect of the pas• substitutes. From the commence -
sage of the Scott Act has been to meat of last season to date, the ex -
limit purchases to the immediate
wants of the trade, especially in coun-
ties in which the Aot will come into
force on the 1st of May next ; the pre-
vailing opinion; however, is that quite
as much spirits will be [consumed as
heretofore in euoh municipalities. We
believe that when such enactments as
the Dunkin and Scott Act have ex-
pired, the ratepayers will be oonvinc•
ed that it is not oonduotive to tem-
perance, order or morality, and they
will be prepared to vote 'fora return
At a meeting of the Counoil on
Friday, April 24th, it was moved by
Mr. Surerus, sec by Mr. Heyrock,that
a committee be appointed coneistiug
ports from Canada were ouly 7,800•' of the Reeve, lisp Reeve, and Mr.
000 lbs., whilst they were nearly' MOEWen, to meet Messrs. Spackman
double that quantity in Iiia season of & Howard, on lot 8, con 5, on Sawn
1880.81. The cause of this remark-� day, May 2nd, to consider the ques-
Lion of building a bridge over the
able decadence in our export butter
trade was due to the revolution in the) Saubie river, which crosses the con.
foreign markets caused by the intro• at that place.
duotion of butterine,which at once ex On motion of Mr. McEwen, neo by
eluded the poorer qualities of Ameri-
can and Canadian dairies. Our only
chance of suooess therefore now lies
in producing choice goods and placing
them on the market before they be
of the license system. In the mean• come off flavored, and are thrown in• from pit selected by the Council.
time, if no remedial legislation can be to competition with freeb substitutes.' On motion J. Reith was appoiuted
obtained, it becomes the duty of allFor Dyspep eta and Liver Complaint, you Path•master in place of R. Carlisle,
having their money invested in the have a printed guarantee on every bottle of and J, Muldrew in place of W. Kroff.
business to exert themselves so as to shilolr's Vitalizer. It never rails to cure. Moved and Carried that a by-law
hold their own financially and be in a Sold by J. W. &owning. be passed regulating the management
position to profit by the rebound
which yriil ultimately take place. A
suggestion has been made that upon
the Scott Act coming into force in
any munieipailty, that the hotel tariff
should be raised 50 Dents par day,and
single meals and beds accordingly;
that a secret society be formed with
brauoh lodges throughout the Domin•
sou, the members to be composed of
those in the various branches of the
licensed trade and those sympathie-
ing;with them in opposition to,the
Scott Act, and ''prohibition without
compensation..," The society to be
called the "Knights of Freedom,"
and constituted after the manner of
Mr. Surerus, the following persons
were appointed Road Commissioner.
for N. B. :—H. Gies and E. Troyer
for Centre Road, R. Carliale,E. Troy.
er, J. F. Schettler and D. B. Geiger,
and that Commissioners take gravel
Not Far From Horne.
News Condensed.
Mr. Ballantyne, of Stratford, ship-
ped 10 carloads of cheese to Europe
last week.
While fooling with a revolver a few.
days ago Will Ramshaw, a Stratford
schoolboy, shot a coinpauion, Chris
McQuade, through the cheek, the ball
coming out near his ear.
Mr. Deooursey Evans,of Avonbank,
has eold his farm to Mr. Andrew
Scott for the sum of 82;450.' Mr.
Evans has purchased his brother's
farm near Therndale.
of Billiard and Bagatelle tables, and
fixing the amount of License fees to
be paid by owners of such tables, said.
by-law to be read at next meeting.
The following accounts were passed
A. Thiel. rep road, $2,60 • G. Thiel,
6 loads of stone, $3.00 ; W. Russell,
building culvert, $6.00; H. Heyrooki
1 load wood for Mrs, House; $1.00';
Is complete in all departments, and
at Prices to suit the
Remember we keep the place to get everything you want
and at right prices.
The Old Established House, Exeter
Ras opened dental rooms over
O'NEIL'S BANK, where he will be
prepared to extract teethwithout
skith ease and
ill. Goold All fill fillings a srations peciality. performed Office hours
9 a. m: to 5 p m. �OMAip4Gl9S MODERATE. TERMS
Best in the world. Made only by the r ra-
zer Lubricator Company, at Chicago, New
York and St. Louis. SOLD EVERYWHERE
W. McSherry, gravel, $4.48 ; W.
Gram, 85 loads gravel, $5.95 ; Me- C ®N S LJ
Intoeb, examining horn, $5.00 ; G. 7 have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its nee
r r
Kellerman gravel 88.00. thousand, of MOB of the worst kind and of long etnnding
have been cured Indeed so t on le faith 1 1aloe*
r I�
a Court of Revision on Tuesday,. May preseatdP,O.address. DB, T. A.SL000M,1Biro,r196,2f.Y.
26th. p DVERTISERs send for our select list' of
S. I'osTi 1; ClerG: LocolNewspapers. Geo. P.ltowell & Co',
10 S�iru;,e-St.. N. Y,
a r g my
a a te
The Council adjourned to, Meet es tb,tlwlll send TWOBtiTTLSSPREB togotherwithaNArr
J UABLD TRLATI'.;E on ibis dlsenee, So any snRerer. diyo
Mali Contract
QEALED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster General,1vill be received
at, Ottawa until, noon, on FRIDAY, 15th May,
1885, for the conveyance of Her hajesty'SMails
on a proposed Contract for four years, six
times ner week each way, between Exeter and
Iiirkton from the is t July next
Printed notices containing further inforr a.
tion as to conditions of proposed contract' *y
be seen, and blank forms of Ten ler may) a01e-
tained at the Post Offices of Exeter and
nirstonr •
Post Office Inspector•
.Post Office Inspector's Office,r
London, 8rd April, 1885 t