The Exeter Times, 1885-4-30, Page 3me A, lk[INUTE IN <a DARK CELL , WIT AND HUMOR, The Experience of a Lathy Who Re, 1 In the social circles of the chicken. cantly Visited Newgate.y and the lines are distinctlt drawn for each hen has her own se "And suppose a woman is unbear-' ably aggravating, kicks and shrieks, Snoring is a common complaint, etc, I suppose you put her in a small, though clothes -pins can be manufact-. dark cell?" 1 query. "''That we de ured at the rate of 20 fora cent. after all other measures aro tried in Anglomaniacs may not care much vain," replies my host. "Well, please for a royal cup of coffee, but they are put me in one and go away far five fond of royal-tea.--rhllaaelphia Call, minutes." I requested, Ou this.,I am, "I've gotmy-lay-ria again," cackled led toward the cell "most politely," as a leen as she looked down on an egg in is sung in Princess Ida. "rime, Mr, the nest she had just left,—Mlferchant Jailer, I want a naw sensation; I want Traveler. to struggle and be forced in, and bear The cultured maiden from Boston the key click in the lock with a spits- wrote to her friend that she had just ful snap; else how can I write of the been to. hear Mr, Joseph Emmett sing dark cell realistically? •' ique-at bout." On this I proceed to throw my axons Yes, a boy may be a messenger boy + about rind behave otherwise in most and still possess lots of that. sterling rebellious planner. With a quiet smile I am humored in my little "'crank," quality called sand. But it is not quicksand.--PttcTa and in a second. I And my hands pin- • ioned in a firm grip, and tin pushed "I always keep my weather rye into the dark cell, hearing the key handy," as the man said when he ex* click in the lock, and over the one wee 3 posed the little black bottle in his bar at the top seeing the last of the coat."-.-llfarathoa independent. light. I know it was silly, but, over- ' David thought he was doing a big, ootype with terror, I was speechless for thle& hien he slew tate giant (1°110 one brief second, and it seemed to me with a sling, That's uotlling, The? 1 r..ntdu:nhems•.trr a quarter of a centuryIt 4up `' Price,in sealed onvelope,ouly 6 cents, or two .t.,wt t.r, roa u,t ratiatllo test, ineataeestatllpPs. Cts if an ley cold hand hold my temples modern sling, of An104004 gin, hod 'Plieeelebxatedauthersftide admirableessa 1 TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO 11AYI Errande Advertised AS apaotptely pure Col etetaxltlir a71Zmtt)241X.A.,, THE TEST:: rens a can top down on a het store :illi heated, thel i . ,tu thecoverund sinal. A chemist will not be r.e •. ••.,u todetect the presence of ammonia. ARNICA and OIL LINIMENT CURES ALL Pains and Ackes, AND IS ma MOST PERFECT FAMILY IILAICIDE in the WORLD! . SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. PRICE, 25 AND 5o CENTS PER C3TTLr, i How Lost, vow Restosed.. Wehuve recently published it new edition o OR. CrILVERWELL'S CEf.EBitAT1tD ESSAY r on theradical and permanent cure (without me• 1'4ER NOT CONTAIN AMMONf.A. dicinelofNerrousuebfllty,krAnt,a1 and physical. ll11,t1.1::ti's IIAS NEVER BEEN Qt MIMED. (tncapacitti ifeeedfinente to ttfariiage. ete,.re. suiting iron (itemises. THE TET OF THE OVEN. dumb lilts cavae to, piercing shriek, that , asked a one 'Gd F Friday' a ?" I PRICE PAIti Noir, POWDER, CO,, 1 radical ycured without actice, that theQmite ai erona o°e of n echoed throughout those deserted halls u.,l t, es lien r the um of the knife; Point' utwiesl h It It tions distinctness. before Five they companion, 'You'd bettor go homer j�r p C P!aae�t n E a t 1( tua.aI,h meansolnhl oiteva .y sufferer, 11rid 0 n it. .t andreadyour gobiuson Orusoe,' t t] re* i,i, l -i - .a urin Extracts, . tor what iriseontlitinnitla be,maycurehimself turned with the lanterns. "Oh, dear,"was tate witheringreply. ! reuse.t,..o.tthaelsusand nature Maw kneve.eed 1elt.tapiy,ttrivatelyelle=may, I groaned, "will I be here always? Ilave they forgotten which ono I ant • locked in?" I felt that much longer of solitary confinement would turn my hinc,t3 Shaving, brain, and I began to gasp for breath. At last they come; the gleam of the ' Obtuse shaving is a slow process. light increases; the steps sound more The customer seats himself erect on a ' distinctly en my ear returning to re- stool or bench. with the knowledge that lease inc. I hoar the jailer's keys jin- an hour must pass before he is released, gle with joyful sounds of freedom from' The barber bogies operations by care-) my self-imposed torture, and the door t,fuily washing the vietim's bete, cars lines oppen. 1 can not speak, and, wo- ' and head with very warm water, wip- i tunnlie.e, choke dews and sob instead. lug oir tlto dripping .parts with, a wet t Y to\\ol, Ile then lie Inas ah,t\int. thu+ ill a cruel pressure. Then from my i killed its thousands. olearlydemonstrates,rrom thirty years' succorss- At this w friend shows me his ,' eh:tying* wattle "flow long hare I been there?" : head, or rattier arteme the erown I faltered out. "Exactly ono minute," o where the euo begins, commeneluts 1 ho replics, Sure euough. this is true; over the right ear Aad moving along yet it, that one minute all my life until the forehead and the lower part; *seemed to come up before my mental of the backheaii are cleaned. Lie next vision, jest as it is said one's life comes passes to the face and afterwards to ani to the drowuip; luau or woman. the neck, The ears are shared and •r,,fPrice's t. 'Tl,i..,turestlonidbeinthehandsel'every Llapttlin Yeast Gem 1 youth nndere Yeast In the world. 1 r i Cant, Maltby Bread, The Beat Dry n.p , #tldree , ry mends the laud. FOR ^Atka BY GROCERS.THEOUl„V1taltWELL 11TEDIGA,Ia•Co CHICAGO. ST. LOWS it ANN Sr.,NEW YORE r 1'oet°Mee Bos 4i0 Dt S) mate RSE MEN, SPECIAL crunch' +saa i•EW VORi t thatusually ne d se �. . RACTS -I ani told t a o o of carefully brushed out stud cleaned with MOST PERFECT MADE the dark cell suillces the culprit, and I aolicate brushes anti ingenious iustre- can not banish the impression that it is mom The hoe, !leek: anti arras :tett VPril •it Imon a (ti reggi hiion ; iRoieaeor haunted with fiendish spirits. I know then washed and rubbed until the skin:ilaverasclelicatelystndnatarallyasthefnllt. • it was silly of me to be so unnerved, I, assumes a healthy pink. The second r' PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., who have gone about Loudon's slums, part is something like the "Swedish •euteAoo, ST, iouia and know uo fear of living thieves in movement cure.” Tho barber begins. London's streets. motet uueannyhours. to torn and manipulate the head and Well, call too sentimental if you like. neck, until every eord and ntusele has for, all the satno, I solelunly assure been streteiteit, p/tloheit trail pullets. you that I bawl rather die on the in The shoulitcr . aenit and bites. are also stunt, be shot down in the twinkling of 1 seientificlal y pounded and pulled until for working people. Spurt 10 ceras postegs,ftii1 We, will marl }•err•ire'. A royal, Tamable Rumple box of goo•is that at ill put you 7l, the way etmakiug more money in n few days than you ever thought poesi- an eye, than be locked and bolted for i the victim expresses a desire to have bteat any InrsineaR, t'upltal not one night in the dark cell at Newgate, the mann ritltitloit stop. The cue is utile oral, Yon eats a time, of work spurs With no more tangible terror than those ; 1 p dins only er all the ceee All of ents sexes e- then ptlbratded, coalbed and cloaaed at alt age,, ttruudly sticresatul.:;0 cents to ,;h born of my terror-stricken approhen- land then braided no :main and put in Nulty earned every evening. That all who want wort: may test the business, we make this sit It is such a little place, only iii ; wishes to show great,attontnlonittus els- nc;eiloi se i offer eeits To till 10 pat for are r o ludo enough to sit iu---:t little dark closet. tinguished customer, be rubs :tui ,lt.a so writing us. r till putticulars,dlroctions; rte. n sent free. Imuscute pay absolutely sure for ell in fact. Some inhuman mothers shut his fingers, and even his toes, now rile who stoat at mice. Don't delay. Address up their refractory vlrildren in a tktrk a joints Brack, clothes -press as a punishment. At all t 1 times 1 bola vu the woman who strikes a a A. victim of street -car pickpockets de ,� �� chit(' to bet Intnaut monster, unfit to i termined to get even with thane so he hold the sacred °Diceaf "mother." .After 1 put into his pocket a pocketbook eon - this I shall more loathe the woman who : tanning only a slip of paper, on which shuts her mischievous little child in a was written the words: "This time, youF c.,,,, closet for five minutes, or even a min- a rascal, you've lost the reward of your P�r \: lite, as a punishmcut, for I know now labor." He got into the car and wait- ..,t. Le ..a~F To by experience the awful fright entailed. ,' ed, determined to have the first pick- .;:m be mallear Oh, mothers! don't terrify the little +pocket that meddled with him arrested. .... l applicamts themes & C.,..l'omflan d,Maine. yy..,,,�a ALit4 1 to castumurs o In t t+ tr a i•:,t.u- toll:-% i'/;rhups their veixiu, little 'Twenty minutes passed and nothing t : rini: it. It to.ivtly i't •r s i ,,,.,rirea, pranks are ones an overflow of' animal happened.. and, tired of waiting, he got .' •.44-Ip:ions and dIi <tton : t.t plu,uting tell spirit 1 ••Cru - to crash your own tem 1 out havens first assured himself that VT. •',a:Attend Flower ..;t.i��. let • itLTh1EArBElt The Times Office Has the Largest and '^QST ASSORTEE i STOCK CF HOR1;E CUTS IN CANADA. If you do not receive spe- I °linens, call at the office and see them. Bills printed cheap and (inickly on our Steam Press. I Estimates given on applica- tion for Cards, Posters, &c, TIMES STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. EXETER, ON'T. e: " + t �: wt :UdOR, Oatrrio. 4 per, and 00 ;senile with the mites. I his pocket -book was safe. He opened D. I°t, LAT & CO. Dsrgolx, nuearilet . .:`, Take the hot, fretful little girl in your j it, and in the place of the white piece arms, undo -the pinafore and wee frock, ;of paper was a blue one, which he un- 'D and, siipieng her out of the burden- ! .folded and read as follows: "What a some clothes. place her in a warm bath : sly joker you are." daintily perfumed, and my word for it, "Why does the woman stand at the the nervous little one will soon be corner with her gaze fastened on a WANTED. splashing -about the water in morri- house in the centre of the block?" mens. Don't forget that children have "Because she sees a red sign on the nerves as well as grown folks, and • house, and she- thinks the place will J.Mathesonh that they have their troubles in child sulther." Now site is walking down. land. last 1 implore you do not put Yes,. she likes the location. Itis handy Has opened ont iu children in dark (dos"" 3s :t punish- to the cars, and people on either side ment.—Deste a•flcral. Back's Old Stand.. utter &Eggs FENI)ERS. Sensational Stories. The weekly papers in the course of a year publish an immense number of short stories and serials, and an inex- perienced person would imagine that there would be some demand for that sort of literary work. This is a mis- take. An unknown writer will nine times out of ten meet with a rebuff from the editors of the story papers, and will be informed that the supply on hand will last for years. The writers of sensational stories are mainly jour - lists, who pad out their incomes in is way. They write with the utmost apidity, composing the lines and the plot as they go. The price paid for a romance of 85,000 or 40,000 words is about $100, and a writer of fair ability will finish a story in about ten days. The men who do this work are not at look as if they would lend their fiat- irons and wash -tubs." "Does she ring• ) aortia of P„ht Office) the bell?” "She doth. It is answered (2 Doo r by a solid woman with a sort of nitric- Just received a splendid assortment of acid eye." "And after she has asked Spring Goods, which we w91 tell at very how Melt the rent is, and how many 1 children the neighbors have, and what society .eau be looked for, and whether. Abe landlord -is willing to make repairs, and Covers, Splendid Wincey, Grey and What happens?" "Oh, nothing'mueh. White Cc ttous very chcau. Tweed and heady The solid woman draws herself up, Macla Cloth'ng very ellen.,. A GOOD SUI T shuts her teeth hard, and points to the for $5. sign and hisses: 'Idiot? Can't you GOCEBIES75 cent Tea for. We kill 4lbs Tea a s as flowor n as read!' " "And then?" "And then the the lowest. a other backs down the steps, reads: :Scarlet fever !:,.2.=!' tt BOOTS tfi SHOES. We have added some new lines nud are prepared to sell the hest , goods at close prices. close prices' Splendid value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scarlet Cautoi and Home- made Flannels. A nice lot of Table Napkins ORIEEJ PACIFIr:j, R. LANDS all sentimental, and theylaugh heartily, In Minnesota. North Dakota. Mon- et their heroes and heroines. Stories tans, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. running through eight or a dozen num 'Prom Lake Superior to Puget Sound, bers of a paper bring from $100 to $250 At prices reagin chieay from $2 to 58 per acre. apiece, and are generally written by - sty 5 to 10. years' time. lhis is the Best Comers women. Other serial stories bring .o • securing Good Homes now open for settlement. from $500 to $1,000. '""' ® 3 n 0 nr•res of Government The writers whose names figure mostEE LandIrrraunderla BunnOCs antiAFra ulnas thel NOTE prominently before the public' are paid —t0.tt1843;5. Por.N ;fgt. SIORE 'rXrt,; 1 u s �n i pIli a I ,1 t 1,, d tt , t t,t t. p yI3AL t t tl, U t >(n 1 1 , a ••�a'n •thPr 1'hefllc Contlt n } trekR , ,l p •re' ii, rile A t n iof them. receive t regular salara a :some he t e s g: log as mucin iia$12,000 a year; Stories motes roirew.,. jrhe ninth thud i,ntul.+ ti r 8 i1 1n of one or two columns are paid for at themHCEEGorerun,elittit Adtirre a•l1.1S11 the rate of $6 to $10 each, but there is !AUBURN, Lnndt.orn'r, N. ! 1t. 11451 hitul, IIi„n. generally a full supply on hand. While this class of literature -is laughed at,. only writers of good judgment and ability can produce it successfully and profitably. It may be light reading,' .A. Hoose and Lot for sale or hent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. • ZURICH ROLLER : MILLS ! These trills are now completed with all tlte:bel t end very latest unproved machin- ery for the manufacture of Flour. ou the :Roller ler P roc ass TENNENT & TC'NN'E14T, Vete -i I THE MILL IS NOW RUNNING NIGHT nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do Veterinary College, Toren i Shortest Notice to, have op coed an office &risting & Chopping on h forthe tree tricot o • all, DomesticAnimals, 0 u Main streetr ] soter• Calls but it is far from light work. It re- from a die- 4*'. tam) i,ron,l,Sy (Mires Some information, considerable attended to: Medic ilie lot Horses, Cattle, Ra Also Flon.r and Feed for sale ac ki#irledge of human nature, a fertile niways on baud; , inve�lltion,. and the gift or habit of ,rap- LoveiyNew style all uhromo Cards,with Cheap as the Cheapest. id composition. The ambitious young mut, ane n pI1 0. San hoe. 12 packs, 12 Sxa r } �'a who thinks that he can dash oinesoutbasi• A Sa,npte pack and ag ERNES & 11 TILJJIAI7 personout's outfit with i1I nstratmd catalogue of I i a short story of surpassing excellence Triclts, end Novelties for Be stamp, and should sail in and see what the harvest this sllit. . tv. ttO Vtt Ytar,,iouth,N,$. Proprietors. 'will be. --Atlanta Constitution. SEALED ED riNDWP.S, ntarlced "For Mounted Police Provisions and Light Supplies" and addres,tetl to the Bon. the Prostdeut of the Privy Council, Ottawa, wili be received up to nom: ou Thursday,]dth May, 1885. Pilutedformsof tender containing full in- formation as to the articles and quantities re- quired may be had on application at Foot Os- born e. s-borne, Winnipeg, at any of the Mounted Police Posts in the North West, or at the office of the uudersigned. No .tender will be received unless made on sueh printed forms. The lowest or say tei-der not necessarily ac• copted. Each tender must be acoompaniedby an accepted Canadian Back cheque for an amount equal to 10 per cent. of the total value of the articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party making the tender declines to en- ter into a contract when called upon to do so. or if he tails to complete the service contracted for, It the tender 130 not accepted the cheque will bo returned. No payment will be made,to newspapers in- sortingtliis advertisement without authority having been first obtained. PRI;D. WHITE, Comptroller, O taws, Mayen etb ,1885. Exet er _Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer —IN ,ALL KINDS OF— Oustoluefs supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL BE OEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Cr tYrtt 1 A 11 in Zn'es 5 septa postage an,l'bymailyoa twill get II f7 oe a pAelcrige of gu• da of large value, that will start you in work that will at o ice In ing you in money faster than anything else in America. All about the 5200,- 000 in presents with each box. Agents w anted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work forts at tnefr own houses. I('ortunesfor ell workers absolutely assured. Don't delay-. 11. HALLETT rk Co. ,Portland. .Maine , 1IIYORCESABSOLUTE DIVORCES VOR persons residing throughout the United States and Canada for desertion, non snpport,intem p eranoe,crue Ity,i n ec+mpatibi lity, ere. Advice'free, State your case and address ATTORNEY WARD.. World :13niiding, 1207 Broad way , York: A..' I Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted 10 cure diseases of the scalp, and the arst suc- cessful restorer of faded 01' gray hair to its uaturat color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has bad, anauy imitators, but none have so fully stet all the requirements meant for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. ]1 sat, s intra 11ENewea has steadily grown in laver, and spread its fame and usttulnesa to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal- leled success can be attributed to but one cause: the entire fulfl:atatt qt its promises. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders front remote coun- tries, where they had Pres made au o:iortfor Its Introduction, The use for a abort time of HAwL's HAM JO:NEWER wonderfully improves the per- ,oual appearance. 1t cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cares ail humors, fever, and dryness, and thus precepts baldness. It Simulates the weakened glauds, and enables theta to push forward a new and vigorouts growth, The effects of this article are not traustent, like those of alcoholic prepara- tlons,but remain a long ttwe,which snake' its use a: matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Yen TIS WHISKERS Will change the beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired. It produces a pt'rlis:meiit en:or that will not wavh array. Consietlhgoi a single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY R. E/ BALL & CO., Nashua, N, H. Sold by all Dealers in tolieines, Ayer's roil ALL VIZ FORMS OW Scrofulous, 31erettrlal, and Bloat Disorders, the beat remedy, because tale trust searching and thorough blood -purifier, is Sarsaparillas Mid bl all Druggists •, 1, six bottler, tib r OOWNS1 ELIXIR DOWNS' ELIXIR hr. ,I. .71:1O ki'.L;NP 7528743L1 B.LCAi:C ELIXI 10 Ilas stood the test for Fin y -`l utt 1: ; Y EARS, and has proved itself the 1. \:at ;42 remedy known for the cure of `7:1 Consumption, Cou-hc, Colds,Whoopinz ClUc:l and all Lung Diseasosi' young or old. Stn.!) Eviat'eu ,. Price 25o, and $1.00 per Bottle. DOWNS' ELIXIR tibletestrrres.. FREEMAN'S , WORM POWDER Aro pleasant to tales. Contain their mon Purgative. Is a safe, euro, and effectual fletro-er of worms fa Children or Adult , WANTED AGENT —to sell— TUNISON'S New & Superior Canada Maps & Charts As paying asany agency in the world. For• full particulars, free, address, H. C. TUNISON Map Publisher 888Richmond-st.,London. Ont. Established 18 71 . G: W SHALLCROSS&E CO. NEW YORK, Fills orders, sells on Commission, or will pur- chase Apples, Potatoes and Poultry. Write• us. THE EXETER Planing Mill! SASH, DOOR, and BUND 7C0flT! ALL ,KINDS OF TUR NING ;Done to order. Remember::tlae place. ]ver •t : oward . STATION—ST.