HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-30, Page 1Vol, XII•., Na, 32
( awned Goods, Fresh Groceries, Fresh fluidics, Fresh Cr
berries, Fresh Oysters, oranges and Lemons,
(*0 TO G. .t`.►- 1-1ITNCYNI.A.Ns •
miss s Il1.U0:
0 Food. Only 10c. per ib., or 50 per cwt,
Agent %or Thorley'
1CIt:SO1k, i3errister, Soli -
tor of as rrtrhnoCourt.%otary ).'ubitc
C4rtvdyt(i cor, Cuar.(ueissiout:r. at. 51oueY til
Oft In x yuaott°a 1)lo*k, Fxeser.
arristar, Solicitor, Uonnayalcar, t
E FTEli, • ONT.
oar c(t satawell'a slack iftaU's 014 orrice
4041.1 WHITE & Sola
I'ublislrers »std zrkoprietar*
resebed tire camp it .rile found thafi tearxle to telae 136 over the. };ape. The lover 5,000, and with those engaged
by some bluuder of the battalion next sap proved to be twenty-eight in treuspurt servile, would nark. it
*setae, they ware unprovided with a nrlilee long, awl was performed to (our rowed numbers 5,500 Ulan and About
sleeping place. It bad: now beeotne !tour* and it half. A, blinding :snow 000 tweed.
bitterly cold, and the snow was widen, storm snide up shortly cher alerting, Cept Fieuolt, hi charge of the smite
ling around in heavy drifts, ,and as aud continued all day, but the dog's reports120 rebels encamped three
the men huddled .together, shielding rant had set the seen in good trim utiles norttt is a ravine sinsiter to that
themielves as best they could from again, and they minded the atom but et Fish [remelt.
the bitter etortn, the °faces were little. About 11 O'cleck, Timothy y The weather iv clear at the frame
doing their Utmaat to provide for the Altman g, wa res^!ted Wit+aou's Dock. witb a *tiff eoutb•westar blowing.
ootrzfart of ilea men, It washer* tat t
a 'We then
facer flex ease for rlty five 'Cie rebate bre fertitied et lietoolte.
i the p i,lioaoe 1)f the OottepRuy watt tried miles, palming borough magnificent A deepeteh just received from Qq'.
'i'ltoaf wets t>fsa` cot aas>raSUS'tT lt'ITtI g aceaerv, %he eternal rock tieing Api:elle bay* -!acme es;oitewent was
to the ututnai, Ana avert under Wool!
t trying circunestauoes, but few mute hundreds of feet ab've the road bed. cceeted to emelt at ;r, o'clock floe
Tam ret F1.811.1E1154 . inure were heard. It was footed at
Wnsetred, April 1T4h. last that a log buitdtng orad as a din,
tore atrtick the first gap last l;ridas iug•rocm was the auly place where
morning, about 9 o'clock ; end after titilrO was a foot of room, and without
ittieenlbarktng the baggage and getting ceremod' tiey hied Into it, and throw where we would agate girth the mein alarm. Two eomt►awce of Co+,
it on the sleighs, we, fell into suction*. thumselvee uo baachee or au the floor track, ter Winnq eg. We did trot get 0 Briett's battalion, Simmoe Ferostere
code seotiou taking a sleigh, in which ter a few hour, of touch needed neat. started on the )parole notil after dark and York lieugerimmediately
l ti under arms, remained iu
' the u ee litting eaf hanging
atheaseks the tt)miding when in feud tho riginf cheat own"
-altatuat etraggliug, twat, iu epite of ail reeltuess if tiretr etirvicee were reouir
f alt sleigh- It heir pert eleven ' The position of affairs was then e[ on tie Bay. bat caught up again Firers were seer our r t
track', bird plunged into the wilder- cited to remelts until umruiug, ria it ellen ly After midnight. sad the re
+much as times passed through i.tl• morning, mutt It wee 0101,14110 an at -
mango tumults. Arriving AL t140 aud of tach had beau mode by eudiausr or
the rail, we started to eleven, tett iatnbreeds. Ssverel shote were fires?
*villa across the !aka, to ,See Book, ;at our eeutriee, who at °net) ,tva the
was detracted rifle. and ken aaoks, They had, however, scarcely got. iuto a, were emai
p p y crud the Men were strictly cautioned put ua aud
with their f fi g over g prteauttoua, ,1ue of the men we, loss e,I
o o d e t. (PO4 tt3 tF e e en '
o clock when we left the railroad Rimed to !fife and pertniseton soli The advance guard struck Iced Rook bites ne the dit,teoes. ft ie poem/
nese of ectub•pines. We bed tiro meant death to stay outside, !rut the uee,tnderr were 60011 On cite train, when
ceetten but a short diatauoo wihatt the uShulnau melonremained deaf to all ' oir we were t'ttoe tnuro to tate front,
to a tar tsb the weather, Windt*, t11136 far, Clad et/treattoa sod again ordered them out, We arrived iu Wittuipeg au Thured*y'
+toren eek, bean flae,ttudereteut a deluded ohauee, but the rues mourned a determined mortting, about lt,vlf•pas;
8 e)'olotrlt,
Teeth ex.. a cull, peuetraticg sleet, commenced attitude and refused to stir until some and for the present + ur herdahipa are
hey were eternal as siguafe t:y !calf
breeds prucreedlitg n'+rtt,werd to join
•, , sirltf, a band of rebel* at Attoebe.
tr were bent eat !roan caws to
onnoitre, le the ueigltberltoed for
•..,, a* of alga rebate, sun it w:ds found
erted iii, ;' falling, w1rich increased in vaunt as other place was Provided for them. A over, As 1 write, it ie Suudny, Ana that suverat houses of the settlers neer
the afternoon wore 00 The uneu, h Martially open tont tray at last found the boy;! are w line spirits, sad eager :tare bed beets itluedere,i by tent.
however, seemed to mind. the wet but ' aud to sAve trouble the oi)ioere induo• i to be moving. 1.'ri*ated 1)Mvidsotl ,k breeds.
little, and continued wiring and ! ed the men to clove Tato it, The re- I Laud, of .i3. G+anapater, are at the Gemmed 1114(110tuu tweets the meet
laughing am the sleighs bumped over malodor of the night was then (Hutted pone. of death, is the hoeeital here, ooutewt t0 be decisive.
logs. Title eve bellows, the future ss heat they could, And et 6 o'clock I ocrneequent upon tete tan guu et the ..__ ...
the cattutyatrluran, ertneo, allyp,ite to : bettrg met•:tautly hidden from the , they were ,(gain laded to !risme tete pytet ten doe. The doctor;: entorta t%
tr.I; :arlius:`+:atoro.Fxett•r bravo follows. The battalion reached ' forwaud reovemout, et sae well on r no hopee of their recovery. Ali the
T W, 13i1O W tIN( M. O„ M. C, sotne altntttiaa about the middle of the I to ten o'olock before the baggage had root aro well, The morning we !tad
PI • 1>.ht,rtaatrxraviatartat:oicur«,t� • <)ilit, gap, about 13 o aleck, p. m., and after / been *farted, for wtuott tate men fell a telae of porrit;e aud Milk, besides
nscoaidance, t)on.etioneeeeratuz . F.c*ter. ' a supper of tt.trk, bread, mid batter, rl tubo line and took up the hue Of march our regular rat cue. for wowh we
rot. J. A. RCtLT.TtiS, M. C. r„ 5 stat tett nut on the reu)ainder of the ;Wren the lake, A keen, eating have to :hawk the citizoua of Luau ion.
t r), ihiltee, alatrt r;t.>;set( r,ttt. !t*wtdeatca 3otirtloy+, tsl►lfllt for itufi'Britlg a:)(1 hard. wind vette blowing, although the aur) It is reported it) damp that we inert
v,isser+Mertitlt'oat•utrtect by P. �tel'btlltptt,Ettq. 80)1)41 was brit the precttraer of what was 6bint0g brightly, and the 5001y twit ka•tii:crow, and if ouch be true,
was in liter° for there all. As the lay on some places quite deep, al , the men will be exceedt.ugly 'aleaaed,
eleigl3s wound their torturuue war ; though for the moat part the march- , We feel tbat the Gorermn(tut aud ported betula eetweeu I neaiaue aud
i thtougls ondteaa wood., wbioh iu the 1 mug was gaol. But the wind blew country •is backing us, and that our Afghans the ether day.
- ' ",darknosa, assumed tretnandoua thee- strongly iu our feces, which required einem are efficient, .cud that our Ashmead Bartlett asked whether
lee vrta]iglxi°'1riRityCallag iGu•kterCellaga es, it aoemed as if inenimste nature °considerable effort to make any pro- comfort and bapp nese are their Per. Russia !tad rritltdrtiwct from the un:
(,+sioirus.eaut titrr(;o(tnc Uu:..( faeaSirktoa oouspire*1 to place obstaolea is aur grass, tvhatevar. At the end of the tioular Aare, And )t we came to dertalciu to not oc�uor I10011.
way to impede our progres;i, *naso, jfirat Hina mite*, a halt was flalled,and fighting we can prove that the blood ;1x1. Criadatone answered •qua'".
111005 r, tress, 'hills and logs seemed to 1 the loan were given a hard tack aud a at brave ixten run in our veins,
posses/ the fatally of stinting then!- piece of cauued beef, which was eaten Yours, Mr.(Iladytcue stated :bat Russia.
WAIL. ASnRawa.
LU TZ, M. D.,
• ()fneeat 1t1arsateenct+ Exeter
t ;Bi:M +3EFTSES TU Al)0NT (;0\t'ttJ v013'
Loudon, April 28. ---Mr. Uiadetoce
stated ie the !•:longe of Con/moue this
afternoon that the Goverumeut bad t t
received 00 confirmation of the re -
tNCPt1i T:t.1S OTIC1 S.
EIEN.RY EILBI?1) Licensed Aufl selves just where they would tweet ,i by meet of the linen without auything
nese-et tshli',,, :i; . wonducti d at moderate raroa. fort, the air grew a great doaI *clear. the tea was unfit for use, Aa soon tto
which, however, did not affect many, I the buys had eaten their dinner, a
taaneerfoaay,'Replica ,and ateGluvrmy the sleighs, and to add to the discom-'; to driuk, as the water was au bad that
had made no representations to the
Government anent l3ritieh °coupe-:
tion of Port 1lamiIlou.
AV, "lien Cold they would got out and short (liv ue narvioa was bold, aud
StueIra edvauced today, :.wing to
��jj CNE I' TO i.O.d N ON ItEAL ES-� walk, \Vo arrived at the cud of the again they veto started on soother The opening fight of aha cantpaigp rebuying by operators, who fear there
yr� tato fotlto Hero' 1;r1CilOttn , SavinSw first gap at three a"eioolc in the morn- leaver) miles, After the first foto °flcurred ou friday last. Goo. slid- will be a scarcity of stock tomorrow.
'ii•+slaty, Lasa ratosof iixtorcai. 1)l>lyto.rohn
The idea revaila on the Stook Ex--
ipaokinan,l:xeter. t? inveru much exhausted aud veru miles alter dinner,it became plain thatdlel01), with the advance detachment
80me of the boys would never reach un the right haul: of the Saslcatohe. change that Mr. Gladstone, hariug
shore, nod as tbey succumbed to the Wee, encountered rebels fifteen wiles spoken so decisively on the war credit,
fatigue of the past three days, they southof Batohe's Crossing. Two 13ttsaia will be more inclined to come
were taken up by sleighs, four of hundred Indinus and French half- to terms and avoid war. There was
which the Colonial had obtained for breed!, lay io ambush in a ravine and a dawutvard teudeuoy in continental
apexed au
heavy firs on our troupe. bourses to -day.
'°111e eaBnalties upou the elle of the PREPARATIONS 1N INDIA.
volunteers ars pretty large on account The Commission Department of
of the surprise. Private Ferguson the Indian army has completed gr-
and Sergeant Milano, ebnrpshooters, rangements for furnishing trauspor-
were killed, together with two others. tatien and provisions in India for two
Thirty-seven were wounded, two of army oorps. The first consists of
which have slime died.
J. CLARK, Agent for the Us•
e. •borneand Ribbert Mutual
;ouhpany, Residence-Parquhar. Orders by
nailpromptly attended to.
per cent. according to tonna. Private
!Funds. Apply to
)utober15.`80Solicitor, Bxetet
Central Shaving Parlor
For Clean and easy shaving, fashionable hair
cutting, &c.
(.lean Towels for every customer.
Next door to Central Hotel.
DWELLING -HOUSE andel, eacre ofland
situated on the Thames Road 21 miles east of
stet, fiudiug but one taut, (and that
one all open by reason of groat rents)
in wbioh we could obtain but the
slightest shelter, twiny were utterly
exhausted and lay down on the bare
poles, or ou the ground and instantly that purpose. The last five miles
lapsed into a partial stupor, and only was a fearful struggle against fatigue.
by the greatest effort could they bo The wind had now risen to a gale and
roused to a sense of the danger of
their position, the officers hafting to
sot a guard to force them to come out
to the fire and dry their clothes.
About six o'clock we were served er, and sang and laughed to keep up
breakfast, (one hard tack and canoed the drooping spirits of thereat. Mere
beef, also tea), after which we had to boye in age, though giants in courage,
wait some four hours for the train. marched ahead without a murmur,
By 11 o'clock we had everythiug though the blood flowed from their
aboard the train,and off we started on nostrils from cold and fatigue, some -
another stretch of track, eighty five times one would flag for a momens,
only to go at it again with the deter-
mination never to give up. Al last
the shore was reached, and tate boys
staggered up to the one house which
constitutes MK
oellars harbor, anx-
iously seeking for a drink, fcr they
were in a bad way for water, but
again they were met by scowls and
smothered curses from a French and
half-breed crowd, and, although the
writer saw two forty-eight galton,bar-
rein of water :and had a drink out of
chem, they refused to let the great
body of the men have a drop, saying
they had none. Fortunately the train
blew pitilessly in the faces of the
struggling soldiers, yet no man oom.
plained. The stronger ones helped
to carry the equipments of the weak -
.ter. Goodiarge frame stable and driving- mile8 long. The Oars OD which we
shed ;splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing were placed, were ordinary fiat oars,
tired farmer. ood e
rm er.'Viilbell and isoldche cheap a cash.&p boardd up about five feet high, btu
ply to Ta0MASALLIN, E.ceterP 0 iv 1911 completely open overhead, and, as ou
J. CLARK. COMMISSIONER' gan to fall, and in a few hours we
the day previous, a chilling sleet be -
were wetter than ever, some of the
boys went to sleep, in spite of the ef-
forts of their companions, but the ma-
jority of them pluckily snaceeded in
keeping awake, and as they sang
"We'll hang Louis Riel on a sour
apple tree" 1t seemed as though those
stirring notes would roll far away
over the prairie, to those hapless wo-
men and children whom they were so
manfully struggling to reach. Arriv-
ed at Heron Bay about 7 o'clock, p.
m., and had supper at a boarding
tent, we then proceeded on our jour-
• in LARAR
uf Common Pleas -Deeds,
1Vills,sfortgages, Leases,and all forms ofagree•
meats drawn and execufed according to law.
SIONaz To LOAsessa'AL ESTATE. Partieswish-
ins to borrow money en account of recentpur-
chasea ofland,or to pay off existingmortgagss
tvillfind a great saving by giving me a call, Can
tend money at 6 and 61 per cent. accordingto
terms. N.y.CLABE .
OrrIca tit r.LVSON's nL001:.
Also agent for the Loudon Mutual Insurance
Company of Canada, Mercantile insurance Co
1 Capital *500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo;
Ont, Glasgow & London Insurance Coy—Oap-
ital $2,500,000 ; Head Oince, Montreal : Stand-
ard Lite Insurance Co., Head Office, London
England ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head
Office, Toronto.
ney, determined to push to the front
as quickly as possible. The air had
again changed, aud a sharp, cutting
THE WATERLOO M.UTUAL FIRE wind had commenced io blow, and by
Established in 1863.
This oomranvhas been over Eigbtteen,years
is successful operation in Western Ontario,and
continues to insure against'.os or damage by
Fire, Buildings,Merchan di se, Manufactori a sand
all other descriptions of insurable property: In-
tendingineurers have the option of insuring onystem
the Premium Note or Cash S.
Luring the past ten years this Company has
slued 57,000 Policies,covering property to the
amount 0/ $40,872,088; and paid in losses alone
A.ssetS, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash in
Sank, Government Dap osit,and the unassessed
Premium Notes onhandand in force J W OVAL
the time the train bad reached Port
Monroe, the men were again numbed,.
but the thonght of a supper and a
sleep roused them up, and they cheer-
fully fell into line, and started down
through a mile of woods, to the huts
and tents which comprised the camp.
B, Company underwent peculiar hard-
ships on this occasion. It being their
turn for fatigue duty ; whon the train
stopped, it, of course, fell to their lot
to unload the baggage,;and by tl.etime
18,000 British and 16,000 native
General Middleton had a rifle bul- troops, with 30,000 camp followers,
let fired through his hat. (transport animal tenders), 8,000
The battle coutiuued for several horses aud 30,000 transport animals.
hours. The second consists of 12,000 British
The Gen, at once surrounded the and 15,000 native troops, with 28,000
ravine, and the rebels fled. followers, 8,000 horses and 28,000
Tho rebels advanced from a `coulee f transport normals. A. months' sup -
near the river, aud opened fire upon plies will be sent to Rindi Mlle. and
he scouts led by Major Boulton, who Abdul's, and three months' supply to
teturned the fire, when the rebels re— Quetta.
rmounted and retreated to their plane THE AUSTRALIAN CONTINGENT.
of ambush. From ambush they rose The British Government has so -
each time iu firing. General Middle- oepted the offer made by New South
ten at once deployed troops in Air Wales of their oontiugeut for service.
miabiog order. in India or elsewhere.
Two houses in which the rebels re- GERMANY NEUTRAL.
serves were secluded, were demolish- The Berlin Natianal Zeltuny say,
ed. The rebels neat made it dash aud that Germany remains neutral ID the
fought at .lose quarters, but the left present crisis iu the relations ef Eng -
wing forced the rebels to retire. land and Russia, adding that no ro-
Tbe fight was Indian style on the quest has been received for mediation,
was in readiness, and 'tile men were I part of the rebels, who were always ThelNationdl Zeitung also denies that
1 at once got aboard, and again they r either concealed behind trees or in the Czar 'mote the Emperor of Ger-
were moving forward as fast as the 1 bluffs. many that the chances of peace bad
nature of the railroad would permit.'r The fire was hot and very effective`) diminished.
We had only fifteen miles to go, but and terribly severe. The Indians t A ROAD TO HERAT.
the flat cars were this time without
the slightest protection against the
wind, and by the time the men arriv—
ed at Jaokfish Bay, :.bey rare almost
perished. But, we were here mat by
friends, and as the train drew into
Jaokfish, cheer after cheer went up,
willing hands were stretched forth to
help the benumbed soldiers to the
ground, and in a few minutes we were
in the most comfortable quarters we
have had since leaving Loudon, It
was but a frame barn looped up with
hlaukets to keep out the cold, per—
haps some may smile when I .lay that
to ns it seemed like a paradise. We
AnNM D. Preside, t. C. Ig. TAYnoR, S�oeretary Ibis was completed it was about two layover at Jackfisb twenty -hours, on
J.$. Huesos,Inspector. CHATiLESSNELL1 , -
platfor Ahsetor andyiciuity, OOlof being finable .0 obtain
GO1C in the morning, when they account
were exceedingly combative, and war A despatch from Tirput says :—The
whoop yells could be heard distinctly Russians occupy Al Tepe and are
soma distance off. They Rept ul an aotivety at work making a military
incessant fire for fully an hour, and cad from I'enjdeh to Herat,
after a few hours elapse, resumed fire RUSSIAN PREPARATIONS.
but doing no damage.Russia has ordered the mobilization
The prairie was sat on firs as a re: of her southern army: It is estimat-
sul of the battle, but heavy,rains ed that 200,000 troops will be avail -
quenched inable in forty days. libel pay of sail:
Winnipeg, April 28.-1+'roin the de-
ors in the navy ills beeu increased to
scene presented in the ravine tzar rate. •
deserted by the rebels, it is uow be: XiisSla'5 REPLY..
Bayed the rebel`loss was severe, but A St Petersburg despatch received
they have covered tt up well iu the re st Brussels says a Couucrl as the Pal:
treat." Sixty dead horses were found *toe, the Czar presiding, rejected the
in'the ravine. proposals made by De Criers' to adopt
The total force now In, the North- eol.,cllato,'y measures towards Eng:
.west, including Mounted Pollee, is coNereuen oN PIFT0 ran,