HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-23, Page 8,1. GRIGG
At the adjourned vestry moetiug on Mon-
uay Messrs. Spaekrean and I)enovatt were
re•eteotetl Chtlrefawvazdsna of Christ Church;
Agricultural Society was held an their
Messrs. Elliot and Ilawklus, Sidestnen ; and rounds on Friday last; The exhibit of hor- i
Mr. Elliot � nod dt14 ate~ All dtparGulouts grounds Y
The annual Spring Show of the Crediton
A l
. u ch are see was fair, while bulls were not so good. We beg to advise our friends tiler we are Offe1i11g f01
of the chore worst free of debt, POliewving is the lict of px za•waluzxera
Retail ; Thele is a. present a good Beni of Biel oe a t,
i3 Q�OSae t: and u1 and about Exeter, ;*anise, no doubt, by
11o11sss.-licav draught, aged. -3 entr�es, tb1S season's trade a more than usually attractive £tsSOrtrrneiit
We serer,' and changeable weather we have 1st, Colquhouu, Porter & Pow, 11lalor ; 2nd
recently experienced. 1'he trouble is chiefly 1 Oo1011aun, Porter t2 Dow, `.hover' ; 3rd, i in the
lhaer vial e'a—one J
iudaminatiou. It i3 to ba hoped, no th t t Chan. ii elf tieatlaea
i will entry -P. Curtain, 'txoldereith: CauediauVal,
131 ',' ,5 '''i .apT +SR warmer weather has set fn, that the it ll;
recover their wcnutetl health a sin , draught -two entries -•-1st, John Stephens, d
Our last market t report shagain.
wed all iuoreaee 'etansxnorat ; 2nd, A. Bossenborry, 'Netherirs
--.,--AND iu the price ref wheat, and since then prices *Gkenroy:' Agricultural -two entries -W. ;
have been tau the iuerease, and wheat to now g
quoted at from t;S els. to JOets per bushel. Flynn, 'Young Lord Heade' ; Geo. Clarke,
.there has been but little grain marketed rem French Canaby. Three year olds -••two en.
FANCY C" , amtly, and there is no liklihooti that there fries -James Bing, 'Young Haddo' ; A,1:,aw-
I will lee much drawn nut mail after seadiu rie,'Crowvn Prince.' (The latter refused his
by. 3 years olii---one entry --J. Armstrong,1
Mae ' EST1 tee r it lee for '1rst inserthan, ant
Fora e t•. eta par lane for eek r:r(bsequeut 40
sea: tion will be otuir.;ed tor notices a,lzltealan,
in This eoltunit.
!1i e •e'Ie,' fifties.
•l`Il:i. DAY, Al"PI. 2arj 1885.
Two line stores In Exeter, belonging to the p-;Ize). Teva year old• -Jahn Ryau, `Yalu%
Drew Estate for sale very cheap, if not sold Welcome.' Pereherou-Stephens & Pother-
i will be leased at a very low rental. A fine lngh.tm, `Challenge.' Road and Carriage ---
brick residence, formerly oeenpied by vr• four
urtaintries-!ohne Beacom, 'Tontine' ; P.
to t a frame ;thew, sad a vacant: Bx+T,i.s--aged shorthorn bails -'1st, 1Vm.
village lei for sale very cheap. For Terms, Baker. Two year ohs-- 1st John Mitchell.
{ see., apply to J0l1 1tANTo14, Exeter. Y
The manual sermon for the Exeter Lodgt?, J(a)oFs-mMarla arra Claudeboye ; David
L 0.0. l''., in commemoration 4.4 the foetal: hill, Strati -troy ; Man, Batter, Harpley.
ing of the Oalftllowship, will be preached T.nc4,s.
:n the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath af- The Aerieultntal Se/eiety*s Spring Show
ternoon by the pastor of the church, Rev. was held on Monday last. It was a good
W. Martin. The lleusall Lodge will also success, there being a large number of hawses
tt,rn 1 with their Exeter brethren. on We grounds. The show of bell, was not
AYithient e w,e< kerion the best and cheapest as good as on former oeuaslons Numerous
lie, of teens. and noes we irate as yet seen, epestators were present. The following is tate
+mu now be hail at i Feweett s salao Chit. prize list ;
To which we Especially devote our attention, among which
we would mention
!Dress CoQCi,$
In large variity of fabrics and gain beautiful de --
Tress Zus2ins
Plain, Cl>!ecli:ed, Printed, &e.
Black, White, Cream, Colored; various widths and
oe Curta 4 and Curtain Net
Large Stock.
' 1', , ax "" a , 4 ` Lire u'a C0rri r•'e" LST're ss of a`va i, Boys" Home's -Heavy draught, twat, 4 entries
y t? i �' illt'tit aSSt)rttil
if, Kit'. --ll i• siod( L, happy to r,^-
eeu•e'a1t au owe, Irani aay'hart .ef the
County, its me et{ brat new. sic h .v ae
.'itle'31tn,ur any int r etiffl iud'it11'nt what.
.•1 , i ,-Tr4tn ;illy re{ ,sIdl addles;) ilet'r$ u1' r at.�•
• ,1e'm r.rit,l „tor lid,` l+Etrjl+l.:e +;f puled.
ett iJrd•
erring. trtme Hae, Come.
In this tierartment we aim to i;cep constantly on lauul ;e full tt.,•
� .+ , . ' a•• away ratllei l! S31k1 repar• mist): herr say til! ihr p.:ealdita ,ef �'t iilnipea Jrue.ne-Ileavy draught horses• -iia JoInt. e' ' it 1 the tines, at sen anti, both in Vans, and Staple a 4 • •a .
al . 1' 1 • y 41e sett .> a a. l I rt el. f a1 t e h i 1 c, a i tat to but, ll wart , A cal
to 1+'i+ f,ar we a.eablee dna flowers. the well. eaail Iuet tc,i.tun :enc; want awl it! Mini stun, West Williams; P.Sutton, Itianshard;
as aez ',armlet lie" le to eat :.*o! id etwee, 1;; tea I ;pint; l .i.i+l Sells y.it(n 1st:e•In:ttt. \� m. Nt'tthgn e, M lsillivl'ay. Road. and
:Lint tau �be a•7sure:l taiaty by er4teriug thele . Friday u row teat pl.ti'.i e,11 'MI n -:t'es't lk� Carriages -1W,, �tttton. Leeau • John Snell.
f •. , . h le a e a tbert Reams (..,1.,..'.50* i 3 t 1-e. \ '11 1 Idli it :ane 1:''331 1 totmol3 Exeter ; John Plummer, l,onden. .I±Rl1F•+-
iw.1t reliable d•, alt . 1,
Hamilton, Newest reputatiou ext `wbug ,;ter' 'us 1 ens ,,f Exeter. ter. Teel; were equated by J Moraine, il'teidelp1I ; A. 1a;iyi d, Ilitiei.ulph
thirty Yeare, repntation they cannot ; 31O1Il the puller before ranch bl acal salsa lett, Bush 1l. Rose, Lonelonnshlta.
to :1- rit1 a be `endiug out litferit,r wode.; fttn L w;t f:a.tual with the t?elle fair• giving ..,� ,�, r........ ?
their .e e.l, re ;servo fer them under speziat i OP the b1rrlsager to hi' hieu.l• •'n'it in .;Lid S1iIL31-x':i ('t)l't:=II and C.,i 'unntit'u 1
elieyeles et all s see, ; also llarate>ss of esery -est, Tennant & Tenuaut, •liennlure' ; J.
„ate -reek% eau>„at;tly on Marti. Call and Stephens, 'Clansman' ; Jas. Miller, 'Sauey
see for yontselves. Batter seal Eggs taken Scot'. 3 year ol41 heavy draught, (1mp),
n enduing.) for goals.. 1,. i�. 8 „nl entries --A. O'Dyre *Yoram Ringford• ; P,
ills; reeeutly urg,(n;ee41 ti tee rand fish Qurtoiu,'Goldsmitlt'. .Agrieultural, aged, 2
presetting Club have 1n,:U4'1 prfuted notices, entries -Frank Eytine,l)onald Diana' ; Eobt,
:setting f�.'rtla all the pr ewisi.+Ii, of the l.ta: re, Wveir,'Iaord Duffeltn'. ;l year old, 2 entries
gatdiiig Mush;; awl lashing. They will J. ti I. Armstrong, Oileuroy ; A. Meanie;,
pr�a..ectue the Re:ft'tldlt'r-I 1.a tiva fall eet,'Itt ,•f 'grown Primes', Yerehearou, 2 elxtrie;: -duo.
We law. se that it beltaave•a biose who fu• Stephen! 'Challenge' ; taco.Beau, 'Aleade'.
lulgeautheeesports to govern titetn,elvw hoed and Carriage, 7 entries --J lirstenm
r e lay ever sl>eA'Ii.
Cotton Lisl e, illi;, Kid ; a very varied and. e .ten -
sive assortment.
Cotton, Lisle, Balbrigg u , etc* ; full
'Tulititie' ; P. Gorlin. 'Mat l iato••a; 1t.
Cretonnes � Cretonne Fringes.
Mfr. Chu. T, Brooks, who ha, been living McI.ean,'.dente Summa•. 1
here for the past winter, tut who wean eel, Brr,T.s---Sllort•ll,rta, aged -John ilodgiu,. + lo 111'ttteh �)t}flllt1 ul goo s.e„e witasta,,e, weer,' lee will remain. for deaph ; Iirti, Bole. Weir, Loodou Timm/hip. '
pleyed in the express Lance, 1,•ft en Tuesday, Biadulph ; ;hal, Mielittel :McCarthy, Bid- , _
' 11 t With it Llae+ tiln'' t.l get f•4:t'lY fOr gat••. 6,1111(' 51:11;•. ZZ,• ww 1,11 1411 t -t 4.•�,, aIi.t 4 year ol,l, 0110 entry•^-ltobt. Orme.
•'',ntrt t awl are saw to give e+:tti,afaeuion•.11 E trt%+.t Ilia Das. H "'Al" 04w',' l '' 4 ('are i9 814d lav n, 01; al ;;1r:n'laflko+•. It cares
..g.-exis ',tut by Mail. eSprczei the ir.'i;tllt. 11% arts intt'r1,e.'' f ;l tial 413 til + 1 i,' -:lir for tt consumption. said by J. W. Brawling.
1 I41acoIIaedt their rattll",.',ue set el for a copy while.
itrovetit.s. being ectih'al for awl will be reeeivel at tn.
'1'he nliltia• ' harvest here c:elnlne•ac ,a, i. t2"';',1waitaI �, 4.'1;41 u4st• lit.' petttian
Mr. John llc iao11e.11 151+ reluove.t ilia ' gotten up by the 11 e,o,lltaln stn�l l irktou
-face to 1 anion a Block.f,4 to Else, c4 daily mail am b: hvr to St.
Straw hate havebeaub1'.'fl ;h 1i3Lat tapas JLoxys;lnd Exeter hoe easter lava received
,itinlh ,n late *•r e•s,:. reel not a lihci.Ott ;lumber
Aeras quantity of I.gn:are timber paeese.l nt sIgutttnrd a.
..still on the Ia., H• c B. uit Men,itty evening, set W. II. Cerny w 5,u'a
On Saturday 1
, ' m
. � •' 1 ut„ are
r, a
eI l
our ua F.
'' erring l
Tide 1
,1,0141 displays in Millinery Ilea spring ito rl,+. I Eocapcy'fr,,twt11 i gtutrm ut,.11.lta t AYhite
Mr, James handers. of 8t1.111`11' la?t •1 s they ;satin;*, 0 pari: full ,an sliest roof of
sine sow on Friday last from Iutlttntmatial. the blacksmith Pimp, null vas ntetf .ed llv
She was ealtled at $50. one of the woramen only i11 Iona to save flat
Messrs. Oke ..0 Willie chipped on Monday',' entire premises from destruction. at; iu It
car load of line looking cattle to the east—minute Or two TOOK. the Maines would have
.+1.0 market, made so much headway that it would. have
The fuueral of the late Mrs. Cotkwill leas.
been difficult til satin„utsh thean-
-c.tl through here ou Sunday. The concourse
fete fillurvin; circular 11135 been issued
Nord has been reaccivcd that Bev.Mr.froth the Educational Department :--The
esamivatlous for admission to High Schools
Dickson will arrive dome next week and im- at midsummer will be held this year 011
ini'diately enter upon his pastoral duties. Thursday and Friday, anti and 3rd of July.
Smiley nue Monday were real summer-like The examination iu the nouprofessi weal sub.
days, and groups of people could be seen jeets for thil';i and sueaud class teachers will
standing ou the street sunning themselves. e in on :Monday, rah of July. For first
'Mr. John Dempsey antifamily, of C's• cl ss, grade 0, on Wedues•lay,111th of July;
Leine, left for their home in Manitoba, near
for grades A and B, on Thursday; 33rd of
Brandon, yesterday afternoon. July. The prufessioual examination for first
King's Oomhination'Spectacle to suit any class will bo held ou Wednesday, 32ud of
age, for sale by 0. Lutz, Central Drug Stow. July.
Sole agent for Exeter. M. Wm, Weekes, a respected (Alan n of
The industrious sparrow has gone into Exeter, died at his resideuce, ou Main.
housekeeping and and several nests areto be street, yesterday morning, 22nd inst., in the
seen in conrse of erection under the eves of dist year of his age. Deceased was ten
buildings. days ago taken down with an attack of
The 24th of May falls on a Sunday this
year and the question with celebration com-
mittees now will be whether to celebrate on
Saturday or Monday.
Miss Spackman,wh:l has lived in Exeter
for a number of years, left for Toronto on
Monday morning, where she will remain for
some time.
Mr. James 1f. Ramsay was the first to
take a ride ou the wheel this season in Exe-
ter, he having ridden nearly a mile on
his bicycle over snow anti plank.
Mr. Parsons has commenced tearing down
the:trid building, on Spackman's corner, pre-
paratory to erecting .. new one, to be used as
a carriage and wagon establishment.
Messrs. Wm. auci Thos. Bissett have pur-
chased the dark bey stallion "Volo” from
R. Coots, of Strathroy. The animal is hand-
some and a good roadster.
Remember the leeturo on "Iagersollism,"' Exeeee.
to bo given in the Main -street Methodist a The annual Spring Show under the aus-
Church on Friday (to -morrow) evening. All piece of the Stephen and Usborne Branch
go and hear it. Agricultural Society, was held here on Thurs-
Messrs. Waugh and Petty have been re- day last. There was a slight falling off in
elected Church -wardens of St. Paul's.Cliarch,) horses as regards number, but for bteed and •
Hensall, and Mr. Waugh has been appointed ; quality the exhibition has not been sarpas-
Synod delegate. sed by any previously held. There were a
Last week Mr. E. spicer lost a 'Wyandotte
pullet valued at $5. Mr. T. B. Carling also
Iost a Brown Leghorn cock last week. Both
birds died. we wish our poultry breeders
better luck in the future.
Mr. Abraham Geiger has purchased a
young thoroughbred Shorthorn bull from
Mr. Wm. Reith, of Hensall, for a large sum.
_MIr. G. claims to have one of the hest ani-
mals in the country.
The saw and oatmeal mills of Mr. D. Ur-
quhart, at Hensall, were burned with all
the contents on Friday night. The origin
of the fire is unknown. The loss will amount
to 06,000. Insurance $3,000.
One of Rev. Mr. Savage's Hallelujah
Maude commenced revival services in the
Main -street Methodist Church, and will con-
tinue them for two weeks. Quite a number
have alrea,ly eome out to seek salvation.
The local Board. of 'Health has work be-
fore it, importautworlr, retluiring immediate
attention. Now that spring is open, all back
yards, cellars, &c., should be cleaned without
A leeture on The Scott Act and its En- com, 'Tontine' ; 2nd, Jos. Carter, 'Xeutueky
forcemeat will be delivered in Drew's Hall, Star'; 3rd; Thos. Bissett, 'Volo.' Three
Monday evening, April 27, by Police Magis- year olds. -John MoNevin, 'General Wolse-
trate Young, of Halton. Doors open at •1 ; ley,'
commenee at 8. BIILLs-aged, with pedigree-lst, 'ihomas
The Stephen and Usborne annual spring Russell ; 2nd, John Allison ; 3rd, John Hey -
show. held in
eyshowv.held'in Exeter last Thursday, was a wood. Two year olds.-lst,;Thomas Hor-
fair success: There was a large crowd of ton ; 2nd, Thomas. Cook. One year olds.-
neaple in town, and. our bustne's men (report 1st, Thomas Russell ; 2nd, W. J. Oke ; W.
Business to have been brisk. H. Gill.
4 e teaadere•' for tile' e.v1w t w name of Her ;dates.
ere snails, to seven Eee ta.r duel liirlelatl itre
f people was large.
pleuropneumonia, which terminated in his
death, as stated above. This was the third
attack, and but little hope was entertained
for his recovery from the beginning of his
illness. He, with his family, removed to
Exeter from london about six years ago,
and ewer since their residence here have
gained the respect of the entire community.
He leaves behind him a family of seven
to mourn his demise, and they have tee
heartfelt sympathy of the people of Exeter
and surrounding country in their bereave-
ment .
e'leitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure
Sold by .1 W. Browning.
• ,•• 4
lllic itrtl.
Not Far From Homo.
News ILuuden,aeli.
1 , '11
a 1 Scam: 1 A. 1''
.let of 1t�
fir. Wni. Me augton, of the 7th
ceuceeeiou of Tuckeratuith, has a also
' which a few days ago gave birth to
Ifour !maim, and three of which are
ROUND THE COUNTRY. Leen, of Ildevteu, was 11re',euted earl Roll Irving and riving well, Tyra
} the a 3ah test. with at flue brcctl of lambs at It birth is n common occur
ve gos iuga. I u s i es.' Fence and we eowo itnes ear o throe,
The trenauror's report shows the but venture to scythe oldest inliabi.
Osborne. three i The goose sti▪ li I V d t' Il f
few balls, but the show was inferior to that
of previous years. Spectators turned out
largely. The receipts at the gate were 048,
The following, is the prize list :-
HossEs.-Heavy draught-lst and diploma
Colquhouu &.Dow's "Major" ; 2nd, Coign
Noun & Dow's "Rover" ; 3rd, Brook's': Scots
Wha Hae." Three year olds. -P. Curtain's
1'ereberons.-1st, J. Stephen's "Chal-
Agricultural, aged. -1st and cliploma, R.
IsIeter's "Matchless." Three year olds, --
1st, Samos Armstrong's "Glenroy." Two
years olds. -1st, L. Hunter's "Prince of Hur-
General Purpose: -1st and diploma, Geo.
Moir's •Pride of the Dominion: Three year
olds.-lst, Samuel Murray's 'Young Plough-
Carriage.-lst and diploma, P. Curtain,
'Pluto Piatoga' ; 2nd, McGregor & McIntosh,
'Fulton' ; 3rd, Belford & Essery, 'Tom Kim.
Roadsters. -1st and diploma, John Boa-
11.tsDsoole. Amu tr...-Mr. Alex. Dau.
can, a :fere ;lase ego, pllrclinaed from
1Ir. John M. Bell, Atha tewoellip of
Picker:mg, a thorougbretl short --
born bull, for which he puts a baud.
some sura. Ile is from imported
deck ou both sides. Mr, 13;11 has
been 1444 importer for over 40 years,
and this 1s sullicieut guarantee that
the 03)10311 is first-olaso.
receipts of the Buren Scott 11ct ;is• taut" luno not often holere heard of
sooiatiou to have been $1,132,30, null four.
the exPe 1 ore 1 02 Lfl t,lenviug a 11r. Wan. Dwane, of McKillop, has
nrcllssel interest iut.
The expeneus of the Huron cote p ler a t the pure-bred
Act Association in the tato campaign
Normoa. Pereheron ;Lenton, "Napol-
in this county, according to adatailod eon," imported from Franco by Mr.
I. Whelihan, of St. Marys. He
statement submitted to the eonve*. handsome animal, weighs about 1800
(ion uu T'uesl1*y, wits $1025.0'7.. !a
The frauchiso bill awed at the last the. stands 17 hands High, and is a
session of the Ontario Legislature will J Last
,Septeinber he earned
Lliiuviile. add scores of new mines to the voters' • of first prize at the Western fair Meld
rn Loud
Mason's are waking up and dou
ging their colors.
The siok fat the neiahbat'hoed are
on the road to recovery.
The Hallelujah Band have com-
menced to work at Bethesda.
Rev. E. ;tiledd passed the examin-
atiou at Senile, on Wednesday last.
1<lr. Albert Werry who has been a
resident of Crystal City, Manttoba,
for five years, has, during the winter,.
visited relatives and friends in Ontar•
to, He left last week for home, with-
out miring a life companion with him.
R. H. Fried returned on. Saturday.
A reward is offered to find out who
the new dude is,
Misses. Mattie and Ida Fisher of
Goderich were visiting here this week.
There was no preaching here .bun -
day evening owing to the minister
being at Conference.
lee oream end lemonade will pro-
bably be sold at the pea nut store,
during the hot weather.
The roads have become dry and
farmers are now preparing for seed-
Mr. Will. Rothe has left and moved
to Kingsburg, west of Dashwood,
where he purposes starting a henery.
Mrs. Biberhtwat and daughter Flora
of London township, were visiting
friends in Dashwood, laiNweek,-
Instead of calling' ,the dudes the
old and new, they are now classed as
dude .No 1, and- dude 'No 2, (No 3
comes next).
Mr. J. G. Soldan and Will. Ball
are talking of starting a cheese fac-
tory in ou . midst. We hope success
may orowwltheir undertaking should
they carry out, their resolutions. -
Mr. 11, dude has returned borne
from his visit. While returning he
was too late for the stage and had to
hoof it, by way of California, calling
ab Uncle's to see his Laddy aa. who
was happy to see his smiling face
once more. He reportshisgastronomi
cal propensities as being keen when he
reached the Molise, 000bequently be
masticated oousiderable edibles, after
which singing and rejoicing were in-
dulged in until the wee ems hours.
SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you xaeed
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi-
ness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price
10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold' by J, W,
list of the towuships and village; if
they aro ouly looked after.
It is said that Mr.. Diuuee, the pro-
prietor of the National Hotel, St..
Marys, which, was burned to the
ground In that town a few weeks ago,
will take steps immediately to have.
the house rebuilt.
The south half of lot 12, on the
south boundary of Stanley, was sold.
by auction on Saturday, Mr. George
Rotham being the purchaser, at 58,-
720. Tee farm contained 48 acres,
with frame house, etc.
At a meeting of the hotel keepers of
Mitchell held a few evenings ago, ow-
ing to the advance in the price of hay,
it was unanimously agreed to charge
the following rates ou and after Mon-
day next: Hay to single horse, 10
cents ; hay to team, 15 cents.
Mr. Walker, of Avon, Dorchester
towuehip, has got a curiosity in the
shape of a calf. 1t. has a calf's head
and shoulders, and a perfect deer's
body behind the fore legs. It has a
little brush tail about two inches long
just like a fawn's tail. It is healthy
and smart, and promises to do well.
A few days ago, as Mr John Adair
was returning home on the side read
east of Adelaide village, he fouud that
the water had risen and was running
over the road, covering the track that
had been beaten in the deep enow..In
grossing it one of his horses got down
and was drowned before help was at
hand to get the animal out.
The following gentlemen comprise
the Board of Health for the Township
of Biddulph, for the year 1885 :—
Messrs. John Dagg, chairman ; Jas.
Harrigan, Jas. W. Evans, W. D.
Stanley, Reeve ; and Hiram Hodgins
Clerk ; Dr. H. Lang, of Granton, has
been appointed Medical Health Offi-
Messr3. Coughlin 13ros., Stephen,
shipped from Dorchester Station,
Fridley evening three car loads of the
choicest" steers which ever left that
part. Thirtysix were purchased
from Messrs. Gilmour •Bros., twelve
from Mr. J. B. Lane, and one from
Mr. Hunt, Messrs. Gilniour's average
1,527i lbs., Mr. Lane's 1,5191.6 lbs.,
Mr. Hunt's weighed 1;360 lb.
—making a total of 74,570 lbs. The
price paid was 43. live weight less
5 per cont. off for shrinkage. The
amount of money paid for the whole
was $8,869.75. They are destined
for the old country via. Halifax.
There are now over 75,000 Catho.
lies inthe diocese of London, which
embraces the counties of Essex, Kent,
Laulbtoa). Middlesex, Perth Elgin,
Oxford, Norfolk and Huron. It also
contains 78 churches, 68 olergynsln,
one ecclesiastical college (assumption
at Sandwich), 9 convents, 0 aca-
demies, and one orphau asylum
(Mount Hope).
A telegram from East Sagintiw on
Satnrday says:• -"Last night the dead
body of Miss Margaret Kennedy was
found in the outhouse of Michael
O'Connell, her brother-in-law. Miss
Kennedy, aged 88, Dame from Bid-
dulph, Ont. An autopsy is being
held. Miss Kennedy left the house
at 8 o'clock last night, and her where-
abouts was gat known till her body
was found. Death is supposed to
have resulted from natural causes."
lir. John Vincent, the young man
from California, that upset the load
of straw in Greenway village a few
weeks ago, has instructed Mr. K.
Goodman, lawyer, ofParkhill,to claim
damages of the council of Stephen.
Mr. Goodman writes to the council
and states that $400 will make Mr.
Vincent feel all right towards the
council for allowing gravel to be plac-
ed on the road in the winter.
Mr. Thos. Fair, of Hullett, has a
superior bred colt not two years old
yet, which will turn the scales at over
1450 lbs. He is from an imported
heavy draught sire and well bred
dam. A full brother of this colt was
sold, when the same age, by Mr.
Fair, about a year ago, and shortly
afterward the' purohaser. got $1;000
for him. He is certainly afine sp�eci-
men of a Canadian bred horse.
The Listowel Standard, of last
week, contaius the following: The
vestry of Christ Church, at a meeting
held last week, having unanimously
resolved to invite the Rev. Mark
Turnbull, a; Kirkt;on, to take charge
of their parish, the ]3is¢iop of theDio-
nese was communicated with, and,we
understand, has sanctioned the choice
of the vestry,and the appointment will
shortly be made. ltev. Mr. Turnbull
has the reputation of being an earnest
and able minister, and the feel that
the Rev. gepleman;is;`the unanimous
ohoice.,of the, congregation ofiChrist
.Ohutch, promises welit:for the.auccess
df his ministrations in this 'parish,,.