HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-23, Page 5A D'Olsion lutilhiuent. BORN.
A despatch suites that (areu. lizc!- !, the wife Uf Mull m.:Elliottc of a (laughth -
dleton did not expect to have an en -1 ter,
gageri out with the rebel's until Wed- noxi AND GZRLS wb w arerrowin
uesday or Thursday. Another woe- I rapi(lly; should (to eltsaue strong and
sage from the General's headquarters{he,litbi„ oollstitutione) be given Ron.
throwsdoubt upon the probability of I7��
there being any serious flgbtitlg at all, troop np '8 Phia8P11011IlM EMULSION, to
has pointed to the oiu o the 1ullate, (h E11at is coutiu22nily
Information there b
A gain* or in the system during the
etepl)ositian, awuunting aIL11asQ (0 Oer gl'o1Yinl; period,
tainthat at there would be no sus-_
tained resistance, tthe inevitable 1 CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet
would 1)e filler' reoiln22ized l)y the assn breath secured, lay Shiloll's Cataah Remedy.
].'rice 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold,
in armed rebellion, causing their die•, by J, W Brolynillg.
taersiou or sub111i.,eiou ou the arrival r -•+
osetl to tlhi9 1 ' Au 'zc>w TO 1lfiOTh3EIt•S
Of the loyal forces, pp Are you disturbed atnight unahrolcenofynu
v10w hi the statehnent that A pettiest treat byasicltelailrl snfrering and °vying with
of the disaffected Linder the special III: Pain of cutting teeth? If sa,seudat once and
fluence of Dumont, are determined to lea u,bottlo of MRS i%z ' clots S S0QTIIING
make a resolute stand mainly in order i Syit1tl'' Itsvaiate is ufje situ o• It tvfii Ice-
, xavo tits pgarlittle satilerer iminetliatoly, that their leader's personal vengeancelbendUponitwothers,thereial;omiatakeal)out
might be satisfied for ',ha killi2xg oftlt. Iteuresdysenteryand diantoea,regulates
leis, brother in ike Duck Lake stir- state stomach and, bowels, cures wind colic
i141d11, What are the (este of the erase ? 1 softens the gums. reduces inflammation, and.
There can be no doubt by this time !gives tone uadenergy to the whole system
illus, WINSLOW's SooT➢si➢:o STBIIP 'pit ('nrLD
}liel is frilly informed of the military ' linx Tenure. 7 is pleaaalrt to the taste, snd ie
measures taker} against Lim ; and be tits lives+ riptioxr of ono of the oldest and best
111Llllt llavfl RP ell 1110 futility of resist ferrtalo13at9oaRnd nhysicfans ii4 tele Llnftod
1111218, and the arinhina1 folly of pro. States. au.1 ii for dalal,s all 41 tt lists through -
yoking further bloodshed, The half- oLLtthe tvgrt,l. Prico..S aoata a bot'te
bre de who have been In arias have
no wish to risk their necks by being
taken red handed. They are far more
likely to oome forward with a desire
to submit• their oasts to the civil au•
thornier appointed to deal with them
than enter upon an armed conflict
p Ovoz Over
But it 28 said Biel is alga baake2l by A 4Wi �t 4,°
number of Indian tremors, who may l'erea. i 0lltblll Nurseries Aerca.
be expected to give trouble. It must Tits Largest In tate Dgnitulalx.
bo recolln0ted that these are not for SAL ES�liE.+�N WANTED
tho most part Canadian Indians, wards To begin t a22V 1 dog at arca 021 N.tlt sates,
of the I)orni11ion1 but Haase who have
Gor.c111ionTfl, Express 411111, 2u0. ss. 1
London, depart 7 45A:st. 4 50 P.1%. 0 N) A. sr.
Exeter 857, 0 to c 05
liensall 0 00 G 3.i 9 G7 l
liippe:l 0x3 0 20 10 Ot
Brueenehl 0 2,•3 0 •43 IO 23
Clinton O' 4 7 0a 11 sig
LOndesbaro...,10 00 7 2A 12 00
I31yth 10 07 7 27 1'L 1U P.At t a Y'-^ "-
Relgrave 10 22 7 40 1248
a Ja ill
\IiG SOOx arriu x 7
`D e 20 A �I
38etgrave 800 13 47 11 •'1
1i, a 08 I1 Beg to
24 3 ;;� 12 00 gannounce that their third grand
Blyth .., 8 42
Londe shore. 8
Caiman . 3 50 4 05 12 4•i P.I.T.
131114;1 earl 9 05 4 19 1 21
Iiinpen 4 13 4 27 1 2?
210 null 0 IS 4 33 1 33
Exeter 9 85 4 43 3 35
-Loodou arril e10 51 550 5 30
1113N8a5I•--Wanted at the Rensall Oat -
Meal Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good
sound Oats for Milling purpo:.es, The high.
est price will be paid. Oat.ineal exchanged
for oats,
lIS OUT and return to us with
or 4 33 stamps, and you'll get by
turn mail a Golden Box of Goals
that will bring you in more motley
tb'.tn anything else In America.
bona Fortune it you start gine*.
CITY \tai LLl Y CO.,
lwrmouth N.S.
Heti from elle ; nieClw*n side to escape Stex,ty employment to aneeet.sfulme2. (load
punishment for their crimes. '1`bey &gents ar t earning from ?140 to 875 per mouth
may be called the Indian vagrants
ILrd Iyhnutelitet, of the prairies, who
stlb.hit not tls the tr ^l\ty people under
care of 0 generous nod powerful Gov.
0rumetlt, bat 114 401128ttera 11021 adven-
turers, matey t1+ bear arm for Riel nr,
anyone else, po long as the "grub"
ant, niul there was some hope of
sac09ss, but equally ready to abandon riiWO HOUSES TO RENT.
him the Moment they flaw a superior
military force c,:►uin'! again,. them.
Tlioy llavo a wllole4Farlha terror of tete
\niiitnl'v. One feet which piwints
..r i ,
strongly to the idea of 11114, test6tn11Ct+, ;
is the fact that Gen. Middleton, oil
arrival at Chides Ferry, found the
so121v:t which C3'O!S the river by 21100228
of a chain intact. 7,ltey were lett
illi I.,, 1"'".
Ozer,. 1+'12.'1` 1,o- trrtl..lallrt +cervico, 1.0.11nI FOB. F .il.1. -Pb
whereas i. \ n144i 11140 been the Anti + t n:I1 1 21214 sale the Eat Mar of Lot ,
2 • , t, vol �:2rtT1 Irnlf+lf i,nt ' Itb con of 1'abarne,
ud eapeu425. 'Icons and outfit free. Address
Toronto. Ont.
1411E oz' 1;1.2Mv21,r4F1 Citttnty' of
IF2ron. 11,p27y'97• pre:nisei; or -10 118 , F.
EI,LIOTT,140 i'ullertaa,st..l.quion, Ont:
apply t,t
I3.A. C 17.1,1*I.1\t;.
riot o 5, in 4112 Concession, tun acres.
articular, apply to
1s. `'.l;l LIOT.
:•,I eft.r,eco.,
HBNsALI. 11oLh.alt Muas,-•,•One of tile
Most complete roller mils in. the Province, is
constllntly running alLtl giving elle best satia-
factton. Gristing done to order on short
notice. The roller flour takes the lead. Try
it awl be convinced. 20 tons of good
(Rings o
1! baled low
., at figures. A few cars of
Corry anal Corn Chop on hand..
Itaxxu: cC Uargualar.
(Corrected etSo'eloeicp ur,\tiednesds.v.)
t^Al.l, vru#.aT
1Vult1Witga : .. •• 0 Sy to 01,70
Rett LAyt3tou90
win to Wheat tii,w ` O8� too 123
Iced \wheat 1Nel4Pnl ... w11x A7.. 0 8q to tl 90
Pito mewl ••• U hti to 0) 93
uartoy •• ••• •• 950 to 0 uS
Oats 0 85 to U :f7
Clover Seel . ;0 to o CO
Timothy ' .. • . 12510:300
Paas ••• 0 60 to U t
Corn •-• - u 8 to 0 50
Eggs ••. 0 10 to G 10
t311tte1 ... .•. •• t. 10 10 0 14
Flour =.e rteti 1....
Pit te 55
Potataos,per bat: U :ia to 0 401
Apples, per hag 0 10 20 0 al
DriedApplespeel+ U 01 to 0 O0
(Peeve per lb.
Tarims per hw
Ianckk ate, pr
C'hiekent+per 122
1=leii+91'tt.tli .•
- Leve ,cod . .
\Uoot per ib ...
ifety porton
tan ionsnorbusl: ..
Wooel per
Pall Wheat per lllt
Whitt). (lets.
IMO; Oat:
1pp12 .. per bl+t. ..,
Potatoes per 1111 .
When the display will surpass 111 Size, Completeness. and Novelty, any exhfl7itiun tett
have ever made, ombrac]ug, as it does, all the Latest Novelties ill
attern Hats and Bonnets, English & American Straws,
New Trimming Materials, k'ea,thea's, Flowers, Ribbons,
Laces, &o.,
--T11T Q"C 't , ST i L'.E E ',
We are showingexceptionally fine va1u% '
New Ottoman Silks, New Brocade Silks,
New Brocade Velvets N
1 New Brocade Grenadines,
New Satin. de Lyons, New Satin N Lvellleu',
New Satin Rltadtcue, New Satin, Stripes,
New Satin Brocades, New Goss Grain Sil
New Card Summer Silks, New French Oauibr cs,.
New Sateen Prints, Nets Scotch Gillghaws,
New Atitslius in great variety,
New Indian Lawns, white and colored,
Parasols, Sunshades, and Umbrellas,
New Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, Hosiery, 0%c., also a splendid
range of Embroideries imported direct by ourselves.
^••.-^ +/ w r V w�+�.A .Y RAF �-^--- �1a1 O V wwi.�/ �.T
The<y me showing some of the ehol'est Fabric, it
a els to fe es New Frear.h All -wool Sateens, New French Al! wool Utto-
net to U ua
• to '14'42 mmians, New French All -'scoot .De Bauer, New French
...., Wl tq;, ; 4 f All -wool Nuns' Cloth, Nein French All -wool B1'ltlres,
5017 ea Olt
- Ill to l4, : New Brocades, No Checked Lustres ill larger
variety, \7esv Plain Zalistres, all colors, New
lfoilairs, and a, full r ngre of 1� auev
Dress Goods.
▪ i lU.tts Il 4A4
• If 4�rto t: ".•'.
▪ l•1 (kl tell ii11'
▪ Itetttti,n7.74
1. NU to lir
anat•'1a, ' ] and i.,, l 11 .,1 11'.�R'=. 114
rn1 our Mut: floods 5\E� �1711]t}} ask your 1U51('i,tiG➢➢, :/l'1rr�ie
,t * 2 to if 1 e Pu* 21.. wr tt• •1 1tu112" l0 tears t' iu'fl'*,• t=22" 2llat•II714r'i •^ ue11A1• •2t tlat� hhulee•ct q'd,a➢tv:•21we1*2 {'+t
l➢ j„ t to '4 1:01 iitth, Scr,tcl7, r`rracti i (,"tial➢ laiilse ill ntt,ilernft l•rice , ac'lucl2 v:�• mttutlf leturw-
It 30 to 4l ..,,11 the ltr,'n1ieee guaranteeing 111;.•, 11 f!;011 111 ht f 214'11 ease,
�➢ til to it 42''!;:l t'a1u +1(1tl ti nt.l( I)
... Il +4 ti) it .Sf.' t StU1.21 1}rV n`tR'le•.T, ('UL'la•Ct. Ciin't8eral'd, China, Lamps. Cutlery, N„p, Flat
It :It tit n .",:I 'null 1;11110i S,•ee}u. ,
Ill'int lnbe•r A1'1111. 11}tel i i the dlr,ttnl (l]'1'ninp• D y. 1..-'r.r1➢s, 4,1)41 awl all. Come :elt,'1
n0dc' carefully . ellr Goods, our Styli's cull nor tlril'4 4. Taut will not lei 1m12n1'tilnt'41 to 1227 i
''M: trill be n➢/a welcome ; You will: be tli'atei1 e221nt2i111sty. and, we, trust. 2'.i➢t will I-,.
w.•1t rr],aid fur 7,,52
... 1
Ill 1,l 1 442
lest matter f.1. 1111. rebels ,.1 have des. 1,tuttt.•prdmirc�,u:rt•ubrtcl:lwtlr_li'.W,tsorne
t l t1 1 tl t tl nr •.•ore`t1to,•e' •a,rnw, i 1 '•i 1
Will. Senior
L1•s, ,.'•, a 114,'1. inhabitants �t'1 11 t t.tfe form l 1 411.1 ¢ .Int L 1.x1•ter
C4) ('l 2"11. :1 2.111112(1,0! la re t + 1 rtttn4' tarn +,
rri h t,11}tt1„ a 1.144 b,•arl➢a ; ort•iir,t meati
1)(latn 1r,'!e, 1t•it ft,t` fttnl. maul(
ru.' t f u11u 22111, In*, laud r, 2(211 .0 1111 ed
e v• +2
aulltt u t t e e t' ,"
, i1 f of tea 1 1 "i e
F e 1 Jut 1t t•i
tltiE`, tit n°.11 1, .heti i + 1ni °l2 1>•' tllr11211 1 Len., i)1 i Ill r. c. ct tutor ground nisi cou-
ofl h,t1:¢11l 1t:111 iii•ifl l,•s1 1111,, careless 2,1.1, I *IPI tan ,,Lu12;bi)) , 4h 41114. Ili ;11)2:1 c tram
Exeter. i nlih and mil •rt from
Hese an.; ov,w•,i1I1t121Cl2e••, lir' an am i , r m d'enttlib2*
roma. to �Illl �til:'2%hIC t t. P11'+'.e K.12.1I „]hen
bulli, 1lt4)3l11a1tfl es It Clrilfidet 00, unity 2 1*tttrlcm le sum lto 3 saing w Rh roe after l Grain 11 ar'
and power on the nort t.f the 1'eb0li tnrther11:1rtmalars apply ou the prnittises to
which 210 one ,e~,Ioi'2 thein credit fol' 12.8I si'12.U11 P.,n- byhetterte.iaetcrl'. 42.
possessing. However, 0 tiny or two - 7- -
1vill tell the tale, nod decide whether LI-Li.'li. L1 1
t114 match of the volunteers will be a 3
over" -e picnic it cannot be in
buy case --or the ipteuhno of a prolong-
ee Seeds!
For lame back, side or ehest, use Shilolt's Fresh and Reliable
Foromis Plaster. Price 25 coats. Sold by ,
J. Browning. Garden, Fuld and 'Flower
Z'4'S E E 1D S
Ir.T--UaN:s.--At the residence of the bride's
parents,on the 8111 Lust., by the Rev. Jas.
pestle, Mr. James Wily, to Miss ElizabethIn great Variety at the
Cann, both of Fullerton.
EAT.Isrs-TsaouAs.-On the 0th inst., at the 1 I ai1
,Tames4st10lerton,c.l,irti Drv. y
ary Thomas, of Fnllarton,
ConBETT-BARER At Greco Chtlrcb, Green-
way, on the 8th iust., by Bev, W. John-
ston, of Ailsa Craig, Mr, Albert C. Corbett,
to Miss Hannah Baker, both of Stephen
WInsov STIDw*BDSox. -On the 811* iust., at
the residence of the bride's mother, lot 4,
BEANS. -German. Black Wax, New Golden
BEET. --Long Dark Blood
CABBAGE. --Early Wenningstadt, Early1
Large York, Early French Drumhead,
cou. 21, Stephen, by Rev. 3. Deacon, as- Stone Mason Marblehead, Prime Flat
sistod by Bev. H, Wigle, of Corbett, Dir. Dutch.
Isaac Wilson, of Greenway, to Miss Mar- CARROT. -Early Short Horn, Early Soar-
the Stewardson. let Born.
11111 surrounding t+:wn:;llips. that leer has
A Tailoring Shop
Iu i. NSON';i 11L0CA, (up•stair1l. Nvht•rt. Ila
f will be prupare4i to do ail kinds of Custom
1 Tailoring. -
11f yon want n Good -fitting and
Well -made
ISuit, Coat or Pants, you will Semi Sat.
isfaetion by giving him a trial.
gr. Senior has had long ex-
perience and is a practical
Remember the Spot,
Directly over Geo. A. Hyndman's Grocery
Will. Senior.
11111111 UILI.11tJII 9I'E%11C1
Our llilliner,y Opening will take place on
Thurs, & Friday, 26th &' 17th Iasi,,
When we will show a Grand display of all the
Latest Novelties of F4 season
Is complete in all departments, and at Prices to snit the
Loud-SxnwAer.-On Match 23rd,1885, at
Park River, Dak., by Rev. N. P. Cooper,
Mr. Thos. Long, of Edinburgh, Dak., to
Miss M. J. Stewart, of the same piece,
formerly of Peterboro, Qat., Mr. Long is
CORN.-Earlp Minnesota; Dolly Button,
CUCUMBER. -Early Cluster, Bism ark Long
Green, Perfection Pickling,
LETTUCE. -Early Boston Curled, Eatly
one of our successful young men and in Prize Bead.
this new venture has shown his goon judg- MUSK MELON. -Coral Flesh.
went and enterprise. -Park River Gazette. WATER MELON. -Mountain Sweet.
[Mr. Long is one of our eastern boys, and
we are glad to know of his welfare. White
here he was a very successful farmer, grazier
and speculator. During the boom in Winni-
peg he was among the foremost and moat
successful. A more genial fellow we never
had in our midst. "His bright smile haunts
us still." Tho remembrance of the fun we
had when Tom ran the ranc)1e at the corner
fills g) even now with excessive merriment,
audti3 a green spot in our memory. He has
our best wishes that he may have a happy
and prosperous life.). -En.
PEAS. --Ferry's Extra Early, McLean's
Little Gem, Chatupiou of England.
RADISH. -Early Long Scarlet (short top)
Early Bound Deep Scarlet, Long White
TOM1A.T00..-Lpivviinggsstoue's Favorite, Trophy.
FOB., -:. O• , .L nE Tama' i
Besides a full line of Garden Seeds in*
package, we are also offering the following
varieties of.
Fresh Field and Garden 3eeds
KBBR,--.At Ingersoll, on the 16th inst. Mar- IN BULK, which is, of course, is the cheap-
est way by all odds to buy them.
TURNIPS. -Purple Top Yellow Aberdeen,
Bangkok'. Purple Top Swede, Carter's
Improved Pnrpie Top Swede.
CARROTS. -White Belgian (for the garden)
7323sT EI xoLrss NUM/1100X SPAwn.
Call early as the stock is
Choice and limited, and we
are determined to carry no
seeds over.
garet, beloved wifeof Mr, Daniel Kerr, 1u
the 75th year of her age..
[Deceased was the mother of Miss Aggie:
Kerr, who is well-known in Exeter, she -
having managed Messrs. Barnwell & Pfclaf
ard's millinery department for a number o
CooxwnnL.-iu Stephen, on the 18th inst.,
Mary Ann, beloved 'wife of James Cock -
well, in the 36th year of her age.
HUSTON.-At Fairfield, on the 18tH 'inst.,.
Eliza Jane Huston, aged 34 years.
WLrI s. -In Exeter,.ontlle 22nd inst., Wm.
Wadies, aged 51 years.
[The funeral will leave his late resi-
denceto-morrow (Friday) m:oruing for the
Exeter station : thence to London.)
Remember we keep the place to get everything you want
and at right prices.
he Old Established �Iou.se, �xe�er
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and. always
fresh. Family reeip-
i es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
C. L dJT-L Z,
MB. WDM LYNE is prepared :o do
made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction
guaranteed in every respect.
LadiesJackets a Specialty
Best in the world. 'Wade only by the Fra-
zer Lubricator Company, at Chicago, New
York and St. LOWS. SOLD EVEllyIVIIh;I2,E
I have a positive remedy for tho above dlsene0; by Its use
thousands of cosos o1 the worst kind and of long standing
have been cured. Indeed so shook le lay faith In its otttcacy,
that I will Bona TWO BOTTLES FaEE, together with a. VAL.
UABLE-TREATISE on Me disease, to any sufferer. O1ve Ex•
press and P, 0. oddress. DR. T. A. SLOOUld,181 Pearl at, MT,
ADVEXITISERS spud for our select list of
Looa12 ewspapers. Geo. P. Rowell et Co'
10 Spruce-St„N. Y,
JOHN (SILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Ray and Usborne,
and the Village of Exeter. A11 sales promvtly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this ofiiee.
LINIMENT for Diphtheria, Croup, and
Asiatic Cholera. A sure cure, Pain of all
kindsquicklyrelieved. Internally and extern-
ally, Ask forit. Take no other. See tostimo
Maki. -For sale by all Druggists.
Give him a trial and be convinced that he
will give satisfaction. ► J. SUTHERLAND,HENSALL,
• ONT„ Coo'vn2'ANc>IB, oo;y1reissxoznm,
Fire anclLife Insurance Agent and issuer of
'WILLIAM LYNE. at the Post Mee:
( Marriage Licensee. All business transacted
IslrettycollfidA Nal solicited; (Mice