HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-23, Page 34,
Ike The Quassia are
Scott Anderson, a prominent Moe-
mon and temperance worker, who hes
"What has become of the femme , been here somewhat over two years
quassia erp that was once the rage?" from England, has written a letter to
askeda reporter of The Haft and .gx"' I President jolue Taylor,. renouncing
Press clan experienced drug clerk uMormonism and denouncing blood
an upetown drug: store,
"Well, for their owe. medical atonement and compulsory polygamy,
deo titey are rarely used now. nail' which he says was a 'terrifying sur-
clrbq ptise to him on cowing to Salt Lake
are rather a dead stock on hand, fis no such. doctrines were taught
can. only be sold at long intervals te hien inR„ieed
some person who has tattle theirton-
le properties. I remember the time l'renelt railway c°111Panies are
when the beauties of New York bought I about to adopt au eleetrie gate opener,
the cups by the dozen, and ceased, ec ; A eateh connected with an eleetro-mag,
drink out of any other 'vessel. 0 yes; net keeps the gate closed. When a
1 do knew of °Ile use they are put to by - train aPPreaellest ebases the eireuit,
an eminent physician, on Madison aye, releases the catch, and the gate flies
tree. The great rac„.0 now is to drink , open, The last ear en the train as it
bet water for dy;pepsia. wen. trds passes through opens the circuit, and
the gate is again closed, The same de -
physician has eoncoved. the novel idefe
of putting theleot waterire these quassia vie° rings a bell violently WI the aP'
cups and giving it to his patients for proaeh of each train
dyspepsia. It is a drink then tit for a To the list of novel inveations from
heroie stomach ouly, and is calculated the land. of wooden nutmegs must now
to knoek out the dyspepsia, Imagiue be added paper cigars, large "entities
the bitteruess of such a drinklie says of whielt have been imported into the
it works like a charm and gives tole to Australian colonies, A correspondent
the wanuiF stomach. 1 dont see why deeribes. these as bong such an exact
it should') t if any stomach can hold it imitation of the natural leaf and to be
down. You pay 10 cents at the cafes ',, so well flavored, that it takes a inag,ni-
for a drink of Lot water, so 1 think pertying glass to detect the deception. lie
baps it is not such a bad idea after all adds, too, that they burn, well, and hold
, 4
linuninndsvrtia,o4 as atissolutnly puny
1 C1:7,r4WIL,XW aeaureesc•zszerseme.
ttelent iho Frosenco of antmOntst,
ithAL.T41111,1ASS PAS HEVER RY•EX LEtleStit,
Inn million home. f..r a quarter of 'vinery it hall
agitud the 4.14PIA•41113t4,,' reliable wit,
for thla physician to said the quassia their white ash Brialy.
cup, and have at least ft shadow to The gathering and curing sumac is a
charge for." big industry in "Virginia. The sumae
"'fl is the history of the qunssn leaves are carefully dried on a seatibld.
cup and its properties?" It takes several pounds of green leaves
"QUasSifi, bus in the Itigheet degrees ' to make one pound of dried leaves,
all the properties of the simple hitters. The price paid is about $1.25 for a Inin-
It is purely tonic, invigorating the di.; tired pounds. A man has to be a, eery
gestivo organs, with little excitement of nimblepieker to seetwe enough green
the circulation or increase of animal j leaves in one tray to make 11/11 Found.;
nsosniosist SeItrifsio mod itaturoilltaterromocuouul
Dr Plce's Special Flavormg Extracts,
b Pilot's Lupulin tint %Mt
")"*Ig" "V411):471%.Mid," Pr7lLp
aw. Louie:
heat. it has not been long known as a: when dried. $umac. grows wi d mid
medicine. About the middle a the requiree no cultivation. 4001C1. Dos 480
last century,a negro et Surinam. named Mre. Ilerriet, wife of the rector of
Quassia, acquired considerable repute- , the pretty. Epieeopal church at Fortrese
tion in the treatment of malignant i„oroe, ..bas dteeeed. 3,000 dolls during
fevers of that couutyy. by a secret rem- the last two years, which she sold, at $J•
edy wit" be was Induced to disclose eaelt for various eeelesiastieal and eller,
to one Roland, a Swede. for a valuable t Rabic purpeeee, The baby doll, the
consideration' SPeeirnens were taken I colored nurse and the plantation color -
to Stockholm in 17.56. and the meelielueett women are the three stylee, and
soon became popular in Europe. Tho nearly every (.111141 who viit Old Point
name of theuegro has been perpetuated
e"ontetet tones ;May pos.,oett one
Pains and Athos
=IT 121112111 in flo ,
How Lost, 1:Tor RestozocL
'Welfare recently nablialat d nevf edition cf
on 0 re /Heal nod pernianen tour(' (without me.
dieinomf Nervousbehility.Slentel caul physical
Incapacity impediments to Mart iego.
suiting from excesses.
Prie.e, fp sealed envelope only 0 c ants. or two
Postage atarups-
1 teltii-lolitetleltab= gif4MiItee44"f
ear ,f t years /Ism,/ .
(nip/attics., that alarm utcramq /3 env es le 4,v itO
radleallyeured without the flallGere131 tile et ill
terualmeditineaer the lute of the knife!, Point"
eel a mode et our° at. once simple certain end f-
lerlusl,ls mean s of which (wary suirerer.efewet-
ferWilitt Nils condition may bearlay cureninuent
et*!RidY,Privatel% and radically.
lecture should be in tbe hundeof erer?
youth atilt every amain the lend.
in the generic title of the planBut ....ya
t. of meet, unique bdainty
the quassia of Surinam alit now in dons dre.„,ed
hands and guided ily love and Christian
puse, having been superseded by the eendne,„,,
induct ot quassia eeeelse from the
Vest Indiee. The medicine is usettC A method ofMilitary nocturnal
whenever 0, Ample impression desb, nailing has been devist.t1 hy a Ruseian,
dyspepsia and to
rabic It is particulerly adapted to K(14t4witell" and sneeeeguli.c
that debilitate( ct state teeted at Crowe:ult. To a. small cap.. jr,,,Intlifenjnee,teN, atec,re„,„1„erralit,Flaveert, •
the digestive organs which sometimes I "re 14311'"t "c`Pentied an Edison flavor ai
succeeds Acute disense. It may aue eleetrie lamp. whit+, by means of eon- PRICE ORKIN POWDER CO
at, zam.
ion of certain fevers In which tnnic9 Om:melted at, will by an operator sta,
Mined en board ship or in anv convent -
are demanded, No one et present would
expect from it any peculiar controlling lent Postti"th, "r1" et "'UM' '
influence over malignant fevers. It is ton' and re-ignitione being.; employed •
said to be largely employed In England wording to a telegraphic mile.
by brewers to impart bitteraces to their A owlets ease is before the tribunal Went any inthinelih. vapkal. not
liquors, The eups, of course, impart In Parie. A gentleman was getting e
requate.. :00110.1111/00 rtt 1101110 and wpm:FROM?
to the water placed in them the bitter- down from an omnibus in a crowded ti only or all the ULM'. All or bob. boxes
um of their neture, and so they were thoroughfare, when lie missed his foot, 44Ailiggitrin.,,14)!4,g,,,,,h,z. sortzterwl: Bills printed cheap and
ru t.
he Times Office
Has the Lerge4 ;did
be given with advtuetage in the retain. acetify; wiree, eau be kindled and ex- emeAeo•
f1"2" workinitneople. Neill Iff CVIAIA. , If vou do not receive spe-
i'lletege, SA, 4' WY Will inn I; tt,lif pc& . *
a rout. vfflailifle sample box of omens, call at the office and
go.ov dant , in i'nI ,,,n II. tho way
01 hooking inoro money in it few 0 see thew_
dap, tbm, ...n over thought povsi-
used in preference to pulverised quassia. nig, nearly fell baekward. and to re- %tout well May tent tht• lill.,Illtoi.my M011a't data 1 , '
ICH St '
HO ( ll otter o all tillit 11.1'0 mot we] I % Il ' . .
eover lus footing, caught hold Of toe :natealie4 we „mew ta ;0101 for tut uonij?
other passenger. The latter, taken by et writhe; as. A. all pettietetWeaitecti:es. a.e. I
surprise, also found himself in danger f;,;:egtf,t,..1; ritzheref eteohltt`lY RI 0 ror 011 .1
of fulling, and. in lds turn. eaught hold s.,,';„4 le, ,poret•i„J,eettnr".• Aildre" I
of a WOMIall with a child in her anus, •. - — , ',„, ---- --:--- - -- t Estimates given, on applica,
the upshot being that all four rolled to-
gether into the road. A heavy hoods
But the dyspeptic hot-water drinkers
don't take so kindly to quassia cups
and prefer their pure belling beverage
in a tumbler.
Careless Girls.
Anything enveloped in the cloak of
secrete. has a charm and attraetion not had it not been for the prompt. action
otherwise found. Many girls of to -day of the onmilme conduetor, who seized
are holding correspondence withyoung the horse's head, would have run over
van WaS coming along belt aieb,
men either unknown to their parents or
guardians, or with whom they Italie
been forbidden to communicate. le,
some of the prostrate forme. it was,
the gentleman who was the original
eause of the act es(a1)ed with a
etances are extremely rare m which few Wiling bruises; the other male
COMMIlnientiOnS of this stamp ever repassenger, falling on him, was not hurt
stilted itt any good, in fact the reverse at all, anti the infant was equally
nerally Alieuatns1 hheleetniconate:huttemoherhadrarm brok-
of such a character that the recipient en and sustained other severe injuries.
would be ashamed to have them come Which of the two gentler= should pay •
under parental scrutiny, are without dainacres is the guest on—the one whe EN .4
they may partake of the sweetness of caused him to do so c dchin hold
wyTERRY'S tion for Cards, Posters, (to.
Foie 42$4)11(2 flk , EXETER, oNT.
• ue ALL/anew TO ALL! //1/441.
PIN'riptions and directions 1.,r plantat:g all •
21:1 to easterners laht year u :Leon
1111:ring It. It COW.ShIS AN. 141f.es,
l'egetable and Mower SEEDS. lieLBS, etc. !
11. Ill. FE -.1111Y & CO. IMP' °E"'
utter &Eggs I
the bounds of propriety, and though eauglit hold of er or the one who
by g
forbidden fruits a galling bitterness of
may he the enforced dose. In our col-
umns of to -day may be seen an article Shakspeare and the Sweet Singer.
relative to private correspondence
through the medium of boxes not open
to the public eye. While it may bepos-
sible to stretch a point and view the
correspondence of maids, misses and
youths in the nature of a lark it is im-
possible to find any condoning features
in the illicit letter traffic of husband.
and wives. Violations of the marital
.vows are the natural sequences, dis-
pted families Ond. innumerable di-
ce cases. A moral laxity is almost
table and the stilling of the man-
e of conscience opens wide thepor-
is for a multitude of sins. Ever and
non we read of a handsome girl being
found dead, floating in some of the
docks of the city; in nine cases out of
ten the betrayal and abandonment
which drives these girls to their pre-
mature grave is owing, to great.ex-
tent, to a series of flirtations in which
this illicit correspondence plays the
part of an important factor. Too much
cannot be said in the pulpit or taught
in. homes relative to all deeds and. ac-
tions that are not able to standthelight
of day and cannot be operated fair and
above board.—Williamsport Breakfast
A. Presbyterian doctor of divinity
once said to me at a general assembly,
says a writer in the St. Paul Pioneer -
Press: "You newspaper men must have
queer views of things. Yott are always
looking on and never taking part.
Your knowledge and habits of thought
must be very circumferential and sup-
erficial. I suppose, now, your idea of
the/gay of judgment is that you will
have a table off at one side and report
the proceedings for the morning pa,
White stockings are becoming. again
in vogue. Doctors have discovered that
the sole Of the foot absorbs dyes,
whether black or colored, and that a
continuous process of slow blood -pois-
oning is going on among those who use
colored hosiery. The' origin of several
new diseases that have lately appeared
is attributed by medical men to the
pernicious dye stuffs which are used in
1.110 m au uf :fetal re of stook i n (re
.A.11 of us have to struggle before we
can catch the eye of the speaker. Mil-
ton didn't net one -fiftieth as much for
"'Paradise Lost" as I got for my first
book, and. you will find people to -day
who claim that if Milton had, lived he
could have knocked the socks off of me
with one hand tied behindhine Rocca -
lea, however, that I am not here to
open a discussionon this matter. Every
one is entitled to his own opinion in re-
lation to authors. People cannot agree
on the relative merits of literature.
Now, for instance, I met a man over in
South Park, Colo., who could. repeat
page after peof Shakspeare,and yet,
when I asked.bhim if he was familiar
with the poems of the "Sweet Singer of
Michigan, he turned upon me a- look
of stolid vacancy, and admitted that he
had never heard of her in his life.--
In Minnesota. North Dakota. Mote
lane, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
EMU' Lake Superior to Puget Sound,
At prices ranging chiefly from $2 to $6 per :cm
nn 510 10 years' time, this is the Hest Country
los securing Good Homes now open for settlement.
' Laud Free inolerthe Biaorsi• ,•111
FtEE 320 aeres of 'Government
Safi Tie, TAWS, 11INFF1,
-10.818.433 „gifr4,14 AAR MOUE Tisas
HALF ot the Public 1.,,ous di:Ironed of it, iht4.2.
"re in the Eortlimi, country. Prinks mid
Stops sent FREIE, aleseriblthr Storl bent
Plovitir Cousstry,1 lOtil. rik for :•1110 y
t le. FREE(lorernment Andres:, ClIA81:13.
LAMBORN, 14tAilli (0111' r. I:.. St. l'auf,
J. Ilflatheson
Has opened out in
Back's,. Old. Stand.
(2 Doo north of Poet Office)
Just received a splendid assortment of
Spring Goods, which we will sell at Very
close prices' Splendid valun in Cashmeres,
Velveteens, Grey, Scarlet Cauton and Home-
made Flannels. A nice lot of Table Napkins
and Covers, Splendid Wineey, Grey and
Winte Cottons very cheap. Tweed and Ready
Made Clothing very cheap. A GOOD SUIT
for lie.
GROCERIES.—Wc sell 4 lin Tea for ;
75 cent Tea for 65 cents, Sugars as low as
the lowest.
BOOTS & SHOES.—We have added some
new lines and are prepared to sell the Lest
goods at close prices.
.A. Mame and Lot for sale or Rent. Apply
These mills are 110W completed with all
the:best and very. latest improved machin-
ery for the manufacture of,Flour on the
Roller Process
nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do
for the tree Gristing &Thopping on -Shortest Notice
Veterinary College, Toren.
to, have op
tment o f all
Domestic Animale, on
Man street Exeter.Calls
from a dm- ....., ....&::.&.*-----• tante promvt Y
attended to: Medicine for Borges, Cattle, 40.
always on hand;
Lovely Now Style all tihromo Cards,' with
name and a prize, for lee 12 packs, 12
ileums, for A sample pack and ag-
ent's outfit with illustrated catalogue of
Tricks, 'end Novelties, for Se stamp, and
s. Prop ri e Ore .
this slip. A. W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N,
Also Flour and Feed for sale as
Cheap as the Cheapest.
1 T DF_RS'
BALED TENDERS, marked "For Mounted
Police Previsions and Light Supplies" and
addressed to the Eon. the President of the
Privy Council, Ottawa, will be received up to
neon eu Tthirsday,idth May,
Printed *0885 0* tender containing full in-
formation as to the articles and quantities re-
quired may bo had on application at Fort Os-
borne, Winnipeg, at any et the Mounted Police
i'osts fif. the North West, or at the office of the
..fin tender will be received unless made on
suck printed forms,
The lowest or ad y tender not necessarily ac-
Each tender must be aceempanica by an
accepted, Canadian Bankcheque foram amount
equal to Riper cent. of the total value at the
articles tendered for, which will be forfeited
if the party making the tender declines to eit-
ter into a contract when called upon to do so.
or it he fails to complete the service contracted
for, It the tender be not accepted the cheque
will be returned.
No payment 'will be ma de.to newspapers in-
serting this advertisement without authority
having been first obtained.
Ottawa, Mann GUI. 3885.
Exet er .butcher Shop
Butcher & General Dealer
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS-
DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence
...ea package 0* goc*ds
of large value, that will
start you in work that
will at once bring you in money faster than
anything else in America. All about the 5200,-
000 in presents with each box. A gents Wanted
everywhere.of either sex, of all ages, for all
the time, or spare tune only, to work torus at
tneir own homes. Fortunes for all workers
absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. HALLETT
& Co„ Portland. Afaine.
fn. 8118110 nelsons residing throughont the
United States and Canada for desertion, non-
supporkinteroperance,cruelty,in compatibility,
ere. Advice free, State your case and address
ATTORNEY WARD. World Building, 1267
Broadway, New York.
2 " c..erYbodY kOOSII AS Ow ha:A:VA:WO
t ref fife
Eat Fiot Ellt8FPilSE3
e r" -n, S",'s that while a" • !. • •• • 1' oin
nr,I AO go ..aml cep°
A 1. 4 71:SY8or WO l:n1-
• ,.• d taat. 000 C.1 N.,;:ti of
1 • . htu.seif., y-
• • ........... d:seaitell the APC
Ayer's SarsaparoL.
Since than ldr. 141,4se has recor-ended
•Ax2;iV5 SAHAAMAIlttna. in many s:roitar
cases. and be has serer yet beard of its fail -
tire to effect a radical cure.
Some years ago one of Mr- LeLAND's faun
laborers bruised his leg. (Islim to the but
State of leis blood, ap. ugly scrofulous swelling
or lump appeared one the injured 8nb. nor -
rib). itching of the akin, with bunting and
darting pains through the lninp, life
almost Intolerable. The leg became enor-
sagArd7 enlarged. and running ulcers formed*
discharging great quantities of extremely
offensire Eau ter. No treatment Was Of 4031
Iron MOH 1110 mum, by UN f..eLAND'S
tiOn, ineeliee with Avarea SAUSAFA-
Faii&A.mtitoba allayed the paha and irritation.
healed the soma, removed tim and
eompletely metered the limb to use.
74trAND porionall7 usoct
Ayer's Sarsapaxilla
for Rheumatism, witb entire sw•resa; and,
after -careful oliservat;co, der.%.r ar In
lite belief, ill is 210 22., :240 4 1
equal to 8. for 0=0 1.-:1,er or:ortst.
Gout, the effects or 144,1t I; • "
Rheum, Sores. Erupt:44.3, 1.;;I the
various fermi or blood d1s4
We hare Mr...LEL:1E1:A X F. rm.
oil who may desire further .8 1. ;aid
to the extraordinary curz,:ro
SAESAaltiltILLA tO ite LW;
ally titter et his ramough,
tong Dritneb, or at thopepular 1.4..tot, 15",
atilZ,111 Streets...Neve
Na riteM:TO kotor:v4,0 ot the
good duce Ibis unequalled *d1c*torot
blood poison* enables him to 01'4 /141111101
meet ealaatae Won:tuition,
Dr. I.e. Ayer & Co., Lowe! I, Masa.
sombysuDragg:sts; 41, siz bottloa Peril&
NS' EL met
y. IL 117.*.r."
1 •
3 ,
sighat tn.° 4'4.4 • "Z.,
Vearee 111‘.. it ; ; '
remedy 1.8;gan 1. 1.410 k
ColdolliWtico11n.0 7
and all Lunr.r,
youre tar ‘411 '4„.' 1
oriel 2.50, get .1114 per Befe,::.
ts0 w t eleri7i17,71
Aro pleasant to take. Vont:tin their own
Pargative. Is a safe, sure, and effectual
defiroyer of vrorlas in Children orildtdts,
New & Superior Canada, Maps & Charts
As paying as any agency in the world, For
full particular s, free. address,B. C. TUNISON
Map Publisher 888 Itichreend-st.,Lonflon. Ont.
Established 1871.
Fills orders, sells on Commission,or will pur-
chase Apples, Potatoes and Poultiy. Write
Planing Mill!
Bli FaCTOR I !
Done to order.
Item emberit h place.
nver. eki ovra.sel.