HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-16, Page 8G
.R„ R.IG
Wb.olesale wad,
----A gD .
I Remember the millinery opening at the under trod, to the hard, faithful work, 3
old established. April 16th and 17th. Jas. of the Pastor of the Circttt as to the """"" R
Flcl•,. & iii 1'� .0111
Anent the sale of the late ItI Re,nzie :tint- l Band. 1?ri8tilvoock.• g
doek property, the price paid for real estate
tris seasail's trade amore friends that we are offering
Itattld have resat"Jtxl, , ,
not g70t1 as was �e begto advise Our.
Betai1l stars d in these columns las, week.than usually attractive assortment
At the firemen's concert, held on the 7th 1iu,dd roads, inh ti18
inst., of which mention was made last week, Our eidewallcs need repairing.
i over 550 were cleared over and above ex- A ea uitt &taro lies opened ant
at, west,
Mr. John apac>;mait is erecting two otfioos # 1
.,^ Goods
ou his premises. one being for himself, the Partnere ere uneasy about the pre_ OF
Pauses -
the other for Dr. Rollins. Cold time for car. cent price of fat cattle,
porters to work ostside. H & J. Kellerman are !saving a•
a -
1),1 . Dunnage, at Itirkton , has been
p i rants. alga
i it [Wade by,
W. Gimrtrer. 1 To which we 'specially devote our attention) among w1uoli,
• perinea by the board of lecanse Comnatssion- �" 6 y
Another of our boys are taking t we would, mention
era, to sell liquors under the Scott Act for
FANCY GOODS DEALBR the Township of Osborne. music leeeonr. (Uenry. lool*•out ?) Dress. Coode
i x PJ'.kl. ONT.
'MN c'Ft:'r8 per line for erst insertion. and
FOVIt LIS pcsr nue for each subsequent in
aortic)* rcpt be ahArge.i for notice% scpeenrint
in this column.
Visitors and oficere to theBrtrcefreld Shaw The, old tailor has left. (could. not.
hicli Tho 014 dada has left, gone visit- t tilg
held on Tueadav, were cam
on amount of the vast amount asnaw w by. atagd
, 215.
to v
is lying on the London Road. ing etcpeottug to return this week. DL"9fiSusl3s
Dir. an Barnwell, was joined in the holy Mr, August `Phone ie the prod • r
bands 1 matrimony to Miss ;[Minnie White. t[[[hey of minminPajal2lr. Checked, Printed, &o.
the preraurel, In large variety of fabrics and many beautiful de-
the travel by vehicles impossible mpossible
lse hopPY young !sett. ea . Henry J. Willer& left for Seafortb 4 Leko
on 11 ednesday last,
at St, Diarys. Their
nuauy friends wish t .
d hong and prosperous journey through life. Shia week, l G s Wlnt@, I ea1111 Colored; v
The \Vinghani l'idettc has changed its Mr. Andrew Birk left for Godoricli i qualities..
i ferns from an eight page to fain, aud is con- on iilonday, i
ions wldtjl6 and
d ed size. It is now iX,se.,Ce O't x"tain4 and Ct"t,7i1' = 1 vier
i Mrs. Slrelfler, beloved wile of Alb,
rs,ham Sbetklerr, tited SrtO@j;,
st er v reduced in
printed at home, which is sand evidence of_
\.r. J. F. Tom. of the St, Merle Collo&i-
ak• Institute, has been rnfistgcd of rsciauoo
sed. April 13, the
and largo Way to
' elft r t +xrill< li.twee a toebee,d Large
mourn bar Iger. t>a►.brcaderes
UIZSID AI'IRL 16th,1885. rmir..
590[1 peraAnnum.natBe s at au of R. H.1� tied, tvlta ie st present
Finest assorts
T 1 our respected. townsman, tar- Janet's Taut. !ting his many friends in Oxford nod
i 11`.s ---We shalt be happy to r,'»
v sire at 411 Biaer, ,rami any part of the
t onrntft, itfn . ,!f lncat netts, such <tts ac,
Cidents,or an?! iattert',tiary incittegt *het,
ever from any ef env gist ecriLer>: or rrgrl-
Rev. It. iiogera, of Ailsa Craig, will deliver Waterloo c••unttoa will return nest Cat v'es
one of 11r. Talmage"s lectures on '^Ingereott- week. ,
isru,' in theXitiu•Strest Mehodi'it ehurott, ()tar or a$aiatttttt Moat Master gets { (.iottCill1. Disse, Sill-
ou l;ridayeveulug, April , it1r. Silver eel.
b sive i16SartilloIl .
lection et the door, rattler [[Harte up watt the marl, some.
At the sale of live etoek of Jas. S. Smith, times, but of _coma be still learn
Me le LAN, tint., held a fe. w .lass ago, Mr. hotter
llfi we 13ftve ev
Ie1s ,6x'7
atiorrnlr.rll,t,rbr thi pares., at pour. st, A.. which 1, of l,?eborue, purelta.u1 •'Roses•, s ggx
atissn. for which Ste paid f•14" Lbs' animal is ni (stir champion bicyclist instead of E (10{i011, Lisle, ;t�itl"ir,r,itZIlr 4 B, s ti
Kid ; a- very varied aud cite
ers Atli t ill b arriving hums on lfondey, turned
Mr. and Mrs tt! m Bagshaw. . into reels Sam's dotnatle. (A. brave �.a �Il"t.telt , beautiful goods.
North. rn Fair. titer Cr. Tuesday, Abri
%et. Horses only.
West 1i shunt, at Parkhill, t,S esluw=lel,
Athol breed, cut ns n valuable one.
A Nairn eorrespoudent Faye : Last week his • montane westwata and erosee4 Csre C7I ,73.0$ Cratoz •d ,e r gee.
1 l is of Easter. 1 r
visited friends iu Num and East Wiilia>na. volunteer!
,Ir. ilageltaw Is u cousin to the atotoreate _
"Big Push" Wilkinson, and is a cousiste'ut 1
In reference to the alio ting match, of
whish metatson wall mode Lot t week, we . lir. Campbell, cheeee.luaker an
might say that. ontr intortua,ut was alightly Earthly rotnoved into town last week.
Sprit 22n 1. It. re s mei 14u11nt, mtaiw{:eu ass to the were. :th. Fakes broke our sidewalks have came A. tial[[
4'1;4.-1 aFt Uitidlesex i j'riI44? , l:a,•n t f t,tal, four baa11 . end the others elaitu to hast �'
i;. a,areAe n t. i e
it 1:tG. «Me��• B'• !aud G. Dyer. who !raver ,luring , WS, i.Aht Whaley has returned
l;.:.:r a: l ti 1 i r ° l 'x'tl ' IAAS liken Set scored else. once wore.
for Apr - t t;s from visiting Extends in Wtiverten.
I,ua: r ai.l,tt rtu,, rl •Iorads;. �prll Jtitb. ,the rant foe wouth* beet' rnaittu in the ale
iezrrc 'aud bull:?. eoutttry. returned home lav[ Fvt:clw. )3°,911 Spring tett on the ?3rd. !lave
Tlatiehat,l.at i;irktau, 1"lauradar, Arril Aeuti, tuen14 astlsean,ir 0., itang+a •our viktttir ronfs anti ulxb'lave
23rd. Roues. stmt bulls. mate baa had a salutatory effect npon [beau: y p
Fullerton. at Fullerton Cernrrs, on Fri- ' They were aerenaaevI by the bawl on Moo. ready.
lad. April 24th. li+tr«a a and bulls,day evening. Rev. Mr. Eees•eil, of Pullortou, tsc-
' nth !"arta, et.St. \Issys, en Auril2 ud. lies. ('.h. Teeter, who ie at present sup• ancien! the pulpit in alto 1lelktrtiist
Hibbert, et staffs, (0 Feeble Apo 17.
- -
-------- The transfer will not. however, tarso effect I Quite rt number from here attend
Kb. ,
uutil June nt. 11 .is a*peeted that the ; the special services now in progre,ts
Rev, gentleman wilt remain here [until that: at �F'oodham.
time. Fall wheat its thie locality baa
transferred to tbo Manitoba,1
remits writing to ntitcera 00a reel be. 1
plying er050 for li,.i. Mr Manitoba, conference. . life been
Ctlurch oar Sunday morning last.
Cerliuyl'ei for Maple Syrup. 51,2
A. Snell, who Ie
weave ego, is home At
lrivi>:iott court was
A fine assortment of Wall reapers at Sam.
[veli &Pickaard's.
The Satvetiou. Arany have enro11ee1 several
new members lately.
i3.r.Ls t BALM ! ! BALLS'! l--l3aeo Bells,
Rubber Balls, Bells at all prices from. v eta.
up, at the Fatally Drug Store.
Renumber the millinery opeuiug et the
old establishers. Aprin if th aud 17th. Jas.
here int 'Monde
longing to eorpe now in the North-West or ; stood the winter remarkably well, and
on their way there, should give the name ire has an euocuragiog appearance.
uatnber of the regiwcut, aud sendtine letters Dear the I This is the worat loco I
care of captain Norman, N. W. M. P., chief ever Lived is I Why yeti can't do a
supply oflecr, Winnipeg, who will remind o t it d thin, but it yo coins out in
theta to their destination. i s i t a y s b,
Two fine stores in Exeter, belongleg to the i the newspaper !
Drew Estate for sale very ebteap, if hitt said i In the abeeuce of the pastor, Rev.
will bis leased at a very low rental. A lino 1 L' Fletcher, DIF. W. A. Beatty,
residence, formerly occupied by Mr,
Drew, also 8 frame cottage, sada vacant preached in the Presbyterian Church.
Pickard. villagolot for sale very cheap. For Tonne, I. on Sunday afternoon.
Singes t inshination Spectacle to suit any ,kais apply to JOEN RANTa:i, Exeter. a Dr. Carman, late Bishop of the M.
1Ftthout extlp tion alto beat and Chen et
lines of Boots au hoes we have as yet seen,
E. age, for sale by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store. P po +' Church, will conduct the sacra-
Soa agcan now be Inad at C. Eacrett's, Also 01111 -
Remember the miAitsrry opening at itis dren'e Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys'
std established, April i$th and 17th. Sas. Bicycles of all sizes, ; also Harness of awry
Pickard. desert tion constantly on hand. Call and
A permed di 1. Carling s advertisement will ` p Y
eco far your
repay you. They bavo received a clime lot selves. Butter and. Lggs taken
of now spring goods. in exchange for goods. O. E. 25 2m
Remember the millinery opening at the
old established, April sixth and 17th. Jae.
1 cut for Exeter
Mr. John Ross, who has been in Manitoba
during the past number of weeks, transact.
inft business, returned home Monday night,
Remember the millinery opening at the
old established, April 16th aud 17th. Jas.
Read Wm. Lynees advertisement in an-
:ather colum, and then get your clothes made
in the latest style by him.
Orchard grans, alatke, lucerine, red and
white clover and timothy seeds at Samwell &
A full assortment of Scotch, England and
Canadian tweeds, all new for Spring at Sam -
well & Pickard's.
Remember the millinery • opening at the .
old established, April 16th and 17th. Jas.
Pickard. '
Everyone cordially invited to call on Thurs-
day and following days, and inspect millin-
ery, silks, satins, &c„ at Samwell Jc Pick-
Stephen & Usborue Spring Show takes
place Isere to -day. Its success will be slight-
ly marred in consequence of the very bad
The Revs. Pascoe and Teeter exchanged
pulpits last Sabbath morning. The exchange
meets with the hearty approval of both con-
New York PlaitiDreas Goods just opened
at Renton Bros. Ladies you should see our
four clasp Jan Rids, Silk & Lisle Jersey
Gloves, marvel of beauty and cheapness.
The Rev. Mr. Dickson, who is at present
at the sea shore, for the purpose of recruit-
ing his health, has, we understand, but
slightly improved.
Just received, Brussels, Tapestry and Wool
Carpets, also Lace Curtains, Lambrequins,
&c., at Rock Bottom Prices at Samwell and
Citizens are complaining of the scarcity
of hay. This is no doubt owing to the bad
state of the roads as well as the protracted
It is with pleasure we mention the animas
Ment service of the Kirkton Circuit,
an [Sunday, May 3rd, in the Mctho-
diat Church, here.
One of Dr. Savage's Hallelujah
I3auds, at present working in Varna,
aro expected to opou services Isere in
which has attended our young friend, Atr, a week or two. We !tope the same
L. L. Hooper. He has succeeded in passing 811coees will attend their labors bore
his final examination, aud now bast the hon-
or of holding the title Medical Doctor. Mr.
H, has passed every exam. with a large
number of marks to spare. Before com-
mencing practice he intends taking a course
in London nd Edinburgh hospitals
as elsewhere.
Quite a number of new residences
will be erected in the village thsa sea-
son. The demand for 1iousee is far
One of the Rev. D. Savage's Bands has greater than the supply. For want
bean engaged to commence special services of a better place one family have ink.
in the Main -street Methodist Church in this art up their abode in a:etable.
village next Monday, the 20th inst. The The smiling countenancer+ of
religious awakening in connection with this Metiers. Calvin, Bob;. A. and Cerus
bands work is the most remarkable that has
occurred in thispart of the country for many A. Callander, beamed upon us at
years, hundreds having' been converted Easter time. Always glad to see the
through their labors. Mark 9th chap.; 38th, bova. Robert A. improved bis vacs -
39th and 40th verses. tion by loading to hymens altar, Miss
Dear friends, it would aid us greatly if
when you are hr town yon would kindly call Jennie !timbal], of the town of Clio -
into the office and let its know of any occur- ton. We join with their many
rence which might have taken plane in your friends to wishing them unbounded
neighborhood. ,If every one would do this, happiness in their home in Syloan.
it would be bettor for yourselves as well as News was received on Thursday
us, for don't yonsee, what you'd know some-
body else would know, and wbat somebody
else would know, you'd know, and what
you'd all know we'd know also. Now, don't
yon think so : Why, of course, you do, and
ws are sura,you will bring ns in all the news
you can.
El itnvil le.
Rev. E. Medd left for Sarnia on
Tuesday morning to pass his first
years examination. He deserves
There were ten sertnons preached
on the Elirnville Cireait,h,at Sabbath,
to congregations which aggregated
over eighteen hundred.
winter. Rev. W. I3. Gane's lecture, "Wo-
Samwell & Pickard's will show at their man's Work and Worth" delivered in
Millinery opening, this Thursday and follow- Woodham a short tithe ago, and epok
ing days the latest novelties in Trimmed and en of in the highest terms of praise on
Fancy Millinery- Every one welcome.
Mr. C. Gulley is confined to the house that ocaaa+ioe, -has been noticed iu
with a reve=re attack of rheumatism. Mr.
Wm. Weekes, sr., is also confined to the
house, being seriously ill.
Mr L Bunter's 'Prince of Huron,' which is
two years old, was shown in the 3 -year old
class at Hensel!, there being noother for him
consequently he only got 2nd prize
"The Christian 83-uardian" of hist
week, 80 as to cause uoneiderable
comment in local oirt;lee. One thing
is certain it does not voice the opin-
ion of the meeting._
Tho sidewalks throughout the town have Your corresponcieut err r in stating
been thoroughly relieved of the "beautiful" that over 300 were converted through`'
by our street commissioner. It is a°great the instrumentality of the Hallelujah
convenience to the residents: Band on the Elimvillo Uireait, 200
A few days ago Mr. Wm. Case, of Exeter, were converted before they came The
lost a valuable cow from paralysis, hie wile,
offered See for her some days before siie success of the naeetits s in which the
died. Band ha ma taken part is due its 'much,
S t' ,aUUware
lis this n.•1°ariraes.t we hint 1.' kelp couatautly on hand it full and romplett
• rt+'rk...f nil the list", in demand, both it/ lotus+; mei Staple Sutallweree. A callIs'oticttest.
-John Beacom, 'tune ; Motiregor
Monsitaarti t'ottatcil.
& MCTtltc.11. ""
l'ri+aaslers, stul:
i"Kentucky Star" ; T. herr
blet+mien ' .
Short Iloru, ac esi, ' 1.), 13efl.
year old. ---Root. ,s14Allister ; John 1 A latter from John la, 1it►rsliitg, of
lkc(aret or, 1 yt+ar old. -l1'm, Reith, ±of $16.00, (balawas aae,of ktlnrr fr 1$8`1
tat & 2nd Sas solicitor), to be peld. atter scrap
South linrctri yillxxetl,• g•
-., Show, deliberation, the Council ordered it to
be tiled in the meantime.
The Sluing glow of the South 1 Moved by Mr, Spears[:, sec by Mr.
Huron Agriouitural Society was held Lludson, aud Carried, that the follow.
at Brueefield on Tueutlay IAA, and iug patlt.tuasters and pouud,keepers
both rte regents attendance and oxbi- aud fence -viewers be nppoluted for
bit of stook WAS yery ss,a ersful. In the outrank year :--
the draught horse olase, there was ars PATH atASrERS,
unusually good show, and tue three
judges appointed were unable to agree Diyieicn No 1, John. Sutherld -.
and a fourth one had to be selected. No Thos. Hyde No 8, Robert
In the carriage r►ud roadster classes Whaley ; No 4, EJ. McKay ; No 5,
there were also some fit,u rsntin+ilst. Jsa. Atkinson ; No 6, Jno. Dakin ion ;
Followint is the prize hit :-- No 8, Wm. Stacey ; No 9, Juo. Fos--
} ter Qtince ; No 10, Wm. ltobiuson ;
xoxsrvs. No 11, Wm. Jasnie'sou ; 12, James
Heavy Draught. aged. ---let, Coign- Naieo ; 18, Adam t+.�. Doupe ; X141,
Noun, Porter & Dow, "Major" ; 2nd, Wm. t.tephens ; id, Fletelser Swit-
Horton & Immo, "Prince Arthur" ; zor ; 16, Jas. Rundle ; 17, David
3rd, Colguhonn, Porter Jc Dow. "Rov- Paynter ; 18, Jno. Morwe ; 19, Alvin
er". A.rksey ; 20, Jno. Fotheringham ;
Draught Stallion, 8 years old.-lst 21, Pat. Maloney ; 22, Thos. Wilkin.
Horton & 'twee, "ls.mmonnt Wtltie" ; don ; 23, Jas. Parker ; 2.4, Jas. Hera ;
2nd, C. E. Morrie•.n, "McAlpine" ; 25, J. T. Parkinson ; 26, Jar. Dina -
3rd, Ales. Forsyth, "Banton Jack". more ; 27, Robert Somerville ; 28,
Draft Stallion, 2 years cad. -1st, Wm. Gunning ; 29, Robert Ridley ;
Chas. E. Morrison, "Mac'rtney" ; 80, S. Clarke : 81, Joseph Mosley ;
2nd, J. Rattenuerry, "George Bitch- 32, Thos. McCullough ; 88, G. D.
an" ; 3rd, Thos. Ward, "Napoleon". Lawrie ; 34, Wm. Thompson ; 35,
Agricultural or Canadian Draught, Joseph Logan; 86, Pat. Eannabetrry ;
3 years ore. -J. Stephenson, "Young 37, Jno. Hayes ; 38, Mathew For -
Worthington". syth ; 39, Jas. Perrin ; 40, Eiahard
Agricultural or Canadian Draught, Stevens ; 41, Wm. Pearn ; 42, Frank
2 years old. -L. Hunter, "Prince of S imera ; 43, Alex:. Smith ; 44, Geo.
Hunan Dawson ; 45, Wm. Marriott ; 46, W.
Aged General Parpose Stallion.-- F. Sanderson ; 47, Rob't Armstrong ;
J. P. Fisher, "Dake of Perch". 48, Sam'1 Moore ; 49, Wm. Me.
Carriage Horse. -1st, J. Beacom, Grigor; 50,Jno. Castle; 51,Wni. Dun,
nell ; 52, Geo. Robinson ; 53, James
Sheldon ; 54, Wm. Robinson 55,
Robert Guest ; 56, pen. ; 57,
J. W. Robinson ; 58, Wm. Atkinson ;
59, Wm. Bennett ; 60, Wm. Hutoh-
<:s, farts+r, The regular meeting of the Council
"kaon- WAY heldon the 6th sash. All the
tut.unbard were present. Minutes of
previ:nn5 rueetitsl; were teats stud cuts -
last, that Mr. James Kirk of Mani-
toba, a former well known resident of
this neighborhood, had his house des-
troyed by fire ou the night of April
let. Mr. K. was absent about half
an hour when the fire broke out, and
Mrs. K., after vainly attempting to
extinguish the flames, succeeded in
saving only a portion of tha contents.
Nearly half a dozen parties who have
gone there from this neighborhood
have shared a similiar misfortune.
iiensall :spring Show.
Heasell's ' first . spring show was
held yesterday. The number of. -en..
tries was tolerably large. and a largo
number of spectators were present.
Following is Ibe prize list :-• -
Imported Draught Stallions. --
Aged, Horne & Innes, "Prince .Ar
[bur ;" Sturgeon & Smiths, "Public
Opinion;" P• McTavish, North Star."
8 year old, T. Berry, "Black Dia-
mond;" A. Thompson, "Lord of
Moray; John McGregor, "Red Rov-
Cauadian Draught. -A. Boseen.
berry, "Netherby.
Agrionitural.--3 year old, N. Her.
tin, "Young Ben;" Leonard Hunter,
"Prince of Huron."
Carriage. -Geo. Moir, "Pride of
the Dominion." 3 : year old John
MoNevin, "Lord-SVoleeety.." Aged
"Tontine" ; 2nd, George Moir, 'Pride
of the Dominion" ; 3rd, Thos. Ward,
Roadster.-lst, Jas. Gioia, "Kant
Star" ; 2nd, J. Rattenberry, "Royal
Revenge" ; 3rd, John MoNevin, ings ; 61, Jno. Baynes 62, Geo. U1.
liott, jr ; 63, Chas. Skinner ; 64, Wm.
Sutherland ; 65, Jno. Spinner ; 66,
Jno. Esterbrook.
Division No 1. Jno. Stephens and
Juo, Webster ;'2, David Brethour and
Jno. Mitchell ; 3, Bob't Somerville
and Wm. Gunning ; 4, Jno. McCul-
lough and Frank Sewers ; 5, Peter
MoVauy e11 and M. Ballantyne.
Division No 1, Jas. Pearn! and
Chao. Robinson ; 2, Wm. Paynter ; 3,
Eggleston McDonald ; 4,-A. M. Driv
er and Jno Hayes ; 5„ Jas. Pickard,
S. Stewart and Wm.-Molnlush.
The following orders were then is.
sued aud.sigued by the Reeve :-Jas.
Tait, $5.00, ditching on 20th con';
H. Fred. Sharp, $$,85, stationery ;
Geo. Youngetcn, $3.85, gravel Wm.
Bugg, $85, rep bridge on 8th 'con
Jno. Aoderson. $19, error on loll
Jno. Andersoti, $90, collectors ealary;
Ruth Ritchie, $7 ; Mrs. Foster, $4 ;
Geo. Wilkinson, $3 charities.
The Council thenadjnnrned to meet
on the first :tionday in flay, at 10 a..
m, S. CL.".nur, Clerk.
",Young Wolseley".
AgedtDu am. -tat, A. S. Mundell,
"Oxford 2nd, John T. Dick-
son, "Du of Kent" ; 3rd, Williaw
Chapman, "Earl of Huron".
Durham, 3 years old: -lit, Jno. T.
Dickson, "Meteor"'; 2nd, A. Eleoat ;
8rd, Wm. Hooper.
Durham, 2 years old.-lsi,George
Sproat 2nd, Win. Chapman ; 3rd.
George Sproat.
Belle. -Jae. Atltin;.on,- Tucker -
smith ; S. •Hogarth, Stephen ; H.
Beacom; Goderich' Tp ; Z. Walker,
Lizlnt Horses. -Jas. Hackney, Us -
borne ;' Jam. Haudford. Centra1ie
John Torrance, Varna.
Heavy Draughtd.--J Weetcot t, Us -
borne ; Monteith, '1'uckereniith, ;
A. young man named'W. Charlton,
living iu the 7th son., McGillivray) is
reported as being of unsound mind:
Religious, excitement Is ae51,?,ned_45