HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-16, Page 7GQIING HOME. From the Wonders of Dreamland to the Peacefulness of a Better One. It was on a train coming out of Flor- ida, says the Titrougla Mal- The old. man coughed terribly, and all the pas - sen ers pitied him. "I have been down in Florida trying to get over this hemorrhage,'' he said between fits of coughing, ('and 1, was told by the doctors that I would soon be better ando home cured. lam go- ing home, brit will never ---" Hare he began coughing again and it was seise al minutes before he could go on speaking. "I will never be well again. I came down here on these warm shores,thinking mayb one day I would be young and rong again, but alas! -'I am grievously disappointed. No, ,she is not my wife," he continued, as the passengers looked inquiringly at the pretty young woman by his side. "She is my grand -daughter. My wife, God bless her, is up yonder," pointing to- ward the brazen sky. "Oh, dear! This young woman is all there is of my once large family. and she is already stricken with consump- tion. We came down here together last fall, and she is better; butl am go- ing back. to Lynn to die. while she is ! only temporarily benefitted. Oh, yes! 1 Florida is a good place for eonsunlp- Lives to come to—to die." Then ho } coughed again till his face was livid, and' half the passenger, were coughing fro very sympathy. The young lady drew is white old. head down on her bosom, and dallied with his thin locks, and pressed his flushed cheeks with her soft lingers until he slept. .all were glad to see him at ease, and a hundred willing Hearts went out to her as two hundred willing hands were proffered for assistance in subdued whispers. "He is sleeping so sweetly," shesaid, "and see those smiles playing on his lips. Ali, yes! He is dreaming of home and youth. He often does so when he is so worn that he sleeps. What did he say? Oh, yes! He is a boy again, and in fancy he is roaming through the green fields hand in hand with mydead grandmother. Listens" "Stella! Stella! Ain't the world beautiful to -day!" "Stella was my grandmother," the girl said, "and he has gone back in his happy dreams to the days when he roamed with her on the fine New Eng- land hills. Alt, yes! He is back hi h18 old Massachusetts home, a boy again." The old man moved quickly, and his arms twitched nervously, until hishand wandered above his head and rested on the glorious hair of his granddaughter. " tella, your hair is so cool and so thick and grand like the hair of angels. Oh! you have gone again. Comeback, darling; and let me tell you how I love you!" The sluggish breeze came in the open window and playedamongher rich hair and the thin and frosty locks that clus- tered round his brow. The whistle mournfully called a station as if itwere the wail of a. dying woman, and the tired eyes opened. Where are we?" he asked. "This is Callahan," said the girl, soothingly, "Not out of Florida yet? Why, I thou& we were back at Lynn already, and—Oh! Mary, I had such a pleasant dream! I am glad I saw the old home- stead in a dream, for I am dying, and my poor old eyes will never rest on home again until I come to watch over you with a covey of angels. I saw your grandma, Mary, and I dreamed.1 twin- ed my fingers in her hair, as I did be- foret"ou and your mother were born." The train moved. on, and the old man coughed ever and anon, and finally spoke again: "Mary, I am dying. I do not want to die here in Florida. Oh! how I would like to see the steeples and chimney tops of Lynn --over the tree -tops. But you will take the back there and bury me in the old churchyard, Mary; and now, when we are out of Florida, I am ready to die." The tears trickled down the cheeks of the girl and bedewed his hair; he twined his fingers in her flow? ing locks and was still until the whistle sounded and the brakeman came to the door and said, so faintly scarce any- body' could hear it: "Jessup. Change cars for Macon." "Then we are in Georgia?" the old man cried. "Now let me die," and as the train slowed up the girl's tears flowed faster, for there was a gasp, and the old man had changed cars for heaven, and his train glided over the golden rails and sandal -wood ties so swiftly and noiselessly that before we were again on our way he was safely home. ' r.� Matrimony in Her Majesty's Army. The soldiers are great beaux. The hearts of female Haligonians, high and low, beat faster in the presence of these uniformed gallants. Her Majesty for- bids common soldiers to marry without a permit from their superiors. There are nine laundresses to each company, and they are always soldiers' wives, mothers, or daughters. Fifteen extra wives are allowed to a division. The nnhaltpy martial Romeo is obliged to. put his name on a list and wait his turn tisk leave to marry. He may have act- ed his part to a dozen Juliets before the time comes when his sweetheart can be appointed a•regimental washerwoman., Special privileges in the way of marry- ing are :allowed to old soldiers and to those who have distinguished them- selves by bravery. Many of the :sold- iers marry without permission. The officer's discipline the unlicensed bride e -room for a little while, but the pun- ishment is not sufiicientlysevere to pre- vent the practice. The wife, however, suffers when her soldier -husband is or- dered distantstation of the some to l3ritish Empire, and sheis left to follow him as best she may.-llalifax Letter. Interesting Items. r. ;Uneasy lies the headwith a bare crown— THE CHEAPEST! AND BEST. On account of its purity and eonceutrated strength and great power over diaease,Burdook Blood Bitters is the cheapest and best blood r cleansing tonic known for all disordered con. (Wiens Of the blood. A New Je'•soy roan wants a. diyorce because his wife hasn't spoken to him for nearly two years. Soma men don't know when they are well off. The New Jersey mean wilt be ouviod. by thcutande of married men. ACCIDENTAL. A. Chard, of Storting, in a teoent letter sta. tee that he met with an accident some time ago, by which Duo of his knees was severely injured. A few applications of Hagyerd's'r;el- low Cil afforded immediate and complete re. lief. It is stated that "napkins Cite now marked in the center." .There is nothing surprising in this. We always mark our napkins fn the center after our regular supply of soup leas been passed in. McGregor fi Parke's Carbolic Cerate has been tested by years of trial and has been found the most couveniept and effectual meth - cd of applying Carbolic'Acid. The greatest anticeptie in use for Cuts, Dame and Old Soren. lie sure you tet lfeGn'got ei: I'arke'a Carbone Cerate. hold for 23 cents by J, W. 13irwniug Druggist. 6 SURE TO CONQUUER. "1 ho nest troublesome cough is siren to yield If timer}' ueatt•d with Hagyar's Pectoral Bal. sam. Pleassnt to take and waft for young or 01.4. HALT RHEUM, Salt Rheum, Pimples or Dietetics eau be thorc uglily removed by a proper application of sbeiregor & Parka's Carbolic Comte to the part. anti a few doses of McGregor Speedy Cure fur impure blood. Be sure and get the genuine. Prepared by McGregor & Parke Sold at 2i cents at J. W. I3rowniug's Drug Store. "The best of a book is not the thought which it contains." In case ate a plethoric pocket -book the best of it is the money which it contains. A PRINCELY FORTUNE. A mu ;nay possess the fortune of a prince but can never possess bappinese without good health ; to secure wbiolt the blood must he kept pure and every orgau in proper action. Burdock Blood Bitteaa purify the blood and, re. gulate all the organa. Bucklen's Arnie* SalVe. The Best. Stdve in the world for Cute,13rais- es, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sortie. Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and. all Skin Eraptione, and positively cures Piles, or no nay required. It is gnaranteed to give perfect satiefaetiou, or money refunded Price 26 cents porbox. For Salo by all drug. gists. """•Cauliflowers and ouieus covered with gat- ed oboes° make a good side dish," sass an ex- change. Seams as though wo should prefer to have it a good ways one side. WHERE TO KEEP IT. Keep it in your family. The best reinedy for accidents and omergenelee, for Burns, Scalls, Bruises, Soreness, Sore Throat, Croup. Rheumatism, Chilblains and Pair or Soreness of all kiucls,is'that marvellous healing remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil. "Reading makes a full man," says Bacon. Maybe so ; but the mau who gets full that way is never arrested for drunkenoas. FLUID LIGHTNING, Fluid Wattling not only Toothache instant. ly, but also Neuralgia, Headache, Barad), Rbaumatism, Lumbago, and Sciatica. Pain of any kind cannot remain one minute where it is applied. When you hear of Fluid Lightning you hear of one of the greatest marvels ever known in the way of a medicine, as it never fail to euro, and not in a week or a day. but the instant it is applied to the affected part. Sold at 3. W. Browning's Drug Store. u' Perfect soundness of body and mind is pos- sible only with pure blood. Leading medical authorites of all civilized countries endorse Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the best blood -purifying medicine in existence. It vastly increases the working and productive power of both hand and bmain. ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. THE VOLTAIC BELT Co., Maraball, Afieb.,wil send DR.Dre's CETERRATED ELECTRO -VOLTAIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES on trialfor thirty days to men (young or ora) who are af- flicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor, Address as above. N. B. -No risk is incurred. as thirty days' trials allowed A GOOD GUARANTEE. H. B. Cochran, drnggist, Lancaster, Pa., writes that he has gusranteed over 300 bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia, bil- ious attacks and liver and kidney troubles, In no cases has it disappointed those who used it. 1 In Canada it gives the same general satisfac- ion. REST AND COMFORT TO THE SUFFERING "Brown's Household Panacea" h as no equal forrelieving pa in ,both internal and external It cures pain in the Side, back orbowels,sorethroat Rheumatism, Toothaclio,Lumbsgo and any kind Tinites to Agree. "I am tired of life," said young fellow ; "I have inet with nothing but continued dis- appointments, and I can see no use in prolonged existence." I don't see why you should live," rejoined an acquaintance. ""I don't know that you aver clid ,lay good eople s PopularHardware the world, and can't see why yon want to live " ""wi,.t !" exclaimed the (Reheat tend unau, who had oxpeeted sympathy ; "don't see why I should live ? Confound your ugly pioture, lye got as zuac1L right to lino as you have." There are times when it will not do to agree with a #mend.--Arkausces, Traveller, An Ago or Too noel* Reading. Prof. Maio say. Ire wishes himself back iu the Midlle Ages, when saline*, +vas the only sernwn and the minstrel the only teacher. We aro running too much to books. The people don't corn together any, There aro n . more grand public reunions of the masses. A man basalt book or a laser. and, humine home, shuts the door and MEWS, BIM Way reals. Enter a family rPs.ALL WORE GcAIAla1T>~ED. .72 on't Fail to Cali. Al' THE • And inspect stock and get prices an time fo tlowin t lines NAIL'S, GLASS, WHIM LVAD, PAINTS, OILS, AND BUILDING HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. SHOVELS, SPADES &e. 'We ere away down on the: following W. J. Searle (.kms. Carriage Varnishes ; Peuchen's Pre- pared, Paints ; Bird Cages ; Buggy Tops ; Stoves, and Tin- ware of all kinds; Barb Wire, Steel Strip, and Buckthorn Fencing; American and Canadian Coal Oil. EATTi' TBOUGRING A SPECIALTY circle nowadays awl mau. woman read ebild has bis, her or its 110E0 poked down between The Celebrated It KOML) Sewing Machine al 'ti a S Oat ;whited pages. I''s' read, rend. Absolute Silence rtigne thr'oaghout "tea 118/tel. ltd band ; also Needies to lit ANI MAKS of Machine. desl;a king. I somaetituts feel like y •lliug , R and demolishing the furniture, whe i I get (, . S. ,, jig}fest price in Cash or `'rade for Bides and Sheep lute such a soIem.r-rii;t ,.d e,tvie .¢ i a .4 in of counter irritant, These hum un r.a ling :1ilfs. Yours tl'u "i machines are duffed felt of the sewage unlit of literature. When the world was tic' est it teed no book IN taaebms t ttr;itt from nature. Too 3J,ucii Fight for Ulm. Tho other ereuing, (luring the perf"rw. tinge of the apectaclo of the '1.11111 war at Cooke's Circus in Literp,,d, 11 . t'."ttle, who imdarsonates Lieut. Moivith', had a l.uu1-'e. hand combat with a Zral Olief, the cuutbat lasting for some niihutea. This encounter was to realastie for one of the epectatol'+;fol. after watching the combat for a time with interest amu suppressed excitement, th+ mau, evidently thinking that his ctuut'y man was being overpowered toy las ravage; foe, leaped into time arena and as Duce grap- pled with the Zulu chief. The onslaught waa so sudden and, NO vigor.ua thai the Zulu, chief was quite taken aback, and before his assailant could be drawn off the [info tuuate impersonator of the savage chief hal receiv. ed a somewhat severe pummelling, one of the blows leaving a moweuto in tlla shape of a not very preseuteble et ornstocutet black eye. An old. Ma namal Robert Brown. of Peter street, Loudon West, dropped dead near the corner of Albert and Talbot streets early ou Friday evening. lie had hem suf- tering from asthma all +rioter and had done very little work for Rome time. Brown hal tone to the house of Mr. llc,bi'y for assist- ance, and Mee. Hobbs took. Lim into the 1 kitchen and gave him some soup and a little J spirits, which rofreslledhim greatly. 13e then said it tins tinne to go, and proceeded ne fa • as tee corner. %the:e h sat down, W 1 e n. hen Mr. F'leteher dlrove up the deceased asked far 1 a lift home, Mr. Pletcher consented to give I kin, a ride, but that Bream world have tt get into the cart himself, as he was u cripple tine unable to .help him. Brown got up ou.• the wheel, and then took out his 11audlar. chief and made two or three queer noises, grasping wildly at the clot and fell back un - c tnseious Dr. Going was summoned as quickly as possible, but when he arrived he declaued life was extinct. The hnsly was placed in Mr. Fletcher's rig and driven, home. The deceased was about sixty years of age, and leaves a widow and three child- ren. One of his sons is in the 7th Battalion in the North :vent. LAR.DINI! ]fACHINE OIL. FARMERS, THRESHERS, AND MU men will save money, and stye their Machinery by using Lardine. L A.:RDINE Ens been yietorioua at all the leading exhib- tions qui industrial fairs since 187q'carryingoff first prizes and medals in every tnsta.mco. It Las naw 110 equal 85 It lubricator, an will out- wear lard, seal or castor oil, and warranted not to clog or gum theflnost machinery. You will save money by using this OIJ. Try it and you will testify in its favor. Beware el imitations. —M1NCFACTCEED ONLY McColl Bros. Co , Toronto. —TOR SALE EY— BISSETT BROS., Exeter ; J. EILBER & SON, Crediton ; McDONELL &WAUGH. Hernial' of a pain or ache. " It will moat surely quicken the blood ttudheal, asits acting power iswonder- ful.IV" "'Brown's Household Panacea' being ack- nowledgad as the great Pain neliever,andof don ble thostrength of any other Elixir orLiniment bathe worid,shouldbe in every toily sandy for use when wanted, "as itreally is et remedy in the world for Cramps in the ach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and for sale by all Druggists at35 cants a bottle. More .e eopl, adults and children. aretroub led with costiveness than with any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ters will cure costiveness and preyeut the diseaes which result from it. How to deaden the sound of a• fiddle—Con- vert it iuto kindling.wood. Holloway's Pills.—Nolktystory.-'whenever the blood. is impure or the general health is impaired the human body is predisposed tout- tacks of any prevailing epidemic. The first indications of faulty action, the first senna- tions of deranged or diminished power, should be rectifiedby these purifying Pills, which will cleanse all corrupt and reduce all erring functions to order. These Pills counteract the subtle poisons in decaying animal or vegetable matter, and remove all tendency to bowel com- plaints, bilionsness, and the host of annoying systems arising from foul stomachs. ` The fruit season is especially prone to produce ir- ritation of the bowels and disorders of the di- gestive organs'; both of whieh .dangerous con. ditions can be completely removed by Hollo- way's corrective medicines. *son Wisbes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he Las opened out a TT BROS. TIENUWNED REMEDIES. TI -IE PIES Purify the 131c(xd, corm; all Disorders of the IaJ�rl+ai:, STOMACH. KIDNEYS, AND ROWELS, .t'hey invigorate and restore to .health. Debilitated (%'3Ftitutioaa, sand are invaluable is ale Cornptaiuts incidental to Emotive of all ages. For chitdnn and the aged they are peieslese THE OINTMENT s an infallible rewtdy for Bad Legs, Mali Breasts. Ohl Wounds, Sores and lame. famous for Clout and Rheumatism, FOR Llnieitlt+XA8 tat TttF'. CUUSSST IT lima'' x11 ttQ;'.tL. Threats, Bronchitis, Cousin:, Vulda,Cllandplar Swellings. and all Skin diaeai it hag no rival ; and' fur CO;tt11'Cied. and taaili joints itactrlike a chetah The i'ille and Ointment aresold at Tu.arAS I1comLowax'a I:etaldiehmec:, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by math every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and I'ote,at Is. 10., 2s. 9d,. le, 64- 228.. sold 33s. each. The 2s. N. size costatns three titres the quantity of for Is 13(1, size ; the 4a. 6d, size six ; the lis, size aixteeu ; the 22a size thrrty.tilree ; and the 33s sire fifty-two tines the gnsntity of the Smallest Duxes and Pole, Full printed directions nue ntlixed to each Box and I'ot, and can be hat iu any language Vs"' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pote and Boxes. If the address is not 53l1 Word Street, I.Girdau, they are spurious. WILLIAM DREW Undertaker andCabinet-maker. EXETER, QNTAR20 ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. THE rarmorisANDAillocall HO M 'MAGAZINE Is the only independent Agricultural Jour nal in Canada Owned and Published by a Farmer. WH" ATit FA18MB1;S lT: shoo ship"It so urbestfrienSAd.,' '"it s worth ten tones its cost." "The dollar spent for the in the corner Store North of Barnwell & Pickard's,'where be is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. i Sewed, work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, LB d ShI Establishment. May 14th S4. ate Manager C. Eacrett'ot s oan oe Advocate is the best spent moneyfrom the "Tho wife and family are also delighted with it." "No farmer's house should be without it" • The right information iu the right season by the best specialists that can be procured ou the Farm, Stock, Dairy, Garden and Or- chard, Poultry, r chard,Poultry, Veterinary, Ablate, Markets, Family Circle, Ste., E to. Only $1',Per 'Annum. Sample copy sent free to applicants mention. ing theii Lot, Concession and Post Office. Address "UTNEQU A.LED So say the best farmers. stockmen, gar. deners, and fruit growers of America of the great National, Weekly. the Rural New York- er. The best writers in the world, Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations from nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask those who) know. Specimens gladly sent without charge, 62,800 worth of presents offered to subscribers for the largest clubs. Conducted by praotrble farmers. Its Free Seed Distributions are invaluable. Over 600 contributions. Posters and outfits on appli. cation, Bend for them. RURAL NEW-TORRES; 24 Park. Row, N. Y. Repairing of All Kinds NEATLY DONE. D Aic.ANS.E3, Who recently opened a REPAIR SHOP in FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER, has just re- ceived a New Lathe, by the` assistance of wbieh he is prepared to repair SEWING MACHINES, GUNS, LOCKS,RE- VOLVERS, SKATES, Sc. SAWS. SHARPENED & GUMMED. Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Re pairing done with neatness and despatch remember the place. FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON, ONT, D N Fansoti's n's Block, Exeter