HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-16, Page 4the (F `efer lanes.
(atatadian than total latt;liilr: i •11.
ing abolished, the 1s+1,1 •: ...
-1 lion. a. \\r. Ross, )Liniater of Edu. soon die out.
cation, was baoquettod by his poli:io- Blaie,trtuner of Maui :i., said. ata
iti W a al lit ta't[ itN
Says the Montreal Times (Grit) ;--
„The rebel chief has not forgotten the events
of fourteen years ago."
Right t He may. well recollect
hoer the Hon. Ed. Blake, after
at friends et Ottawa Saturday night. an tervte tti t . L l '1 xt
Ur. . Bunting was entera sure thtat bythe .last of Si? ,
to an impromptu dinner ou Saturday i teniber
night In 111ontreal by leading journal. elle will haste a record. of 2:08, svl,icit
isle and citizens, and warmly oongrat- is i► 8BCOud and a qua' ter better' than
elated AA the result of the alleged con-, her bast tune made last year at Lex
r t lied her record itis suunnerii.e feels
offering $5, 000 reward for hie cep- spiraoy ewe ington. In relation to Jay-E}e• See,
tura, kept out of the way while he In many districts of the Canadian Mr Blair said:--"Ile'e a woedertet
(Riot) was in Ottawa, and did not lift Northwest. airing farm work is well horse, and he'll beat leis record thio
a finger against him. advanced, and in a few places seeding *sawn probably hails second maybe
is entirely dome, This completely
THIS is what the Woodstock Times upnt'te the Idea of many regarding
saps of the regent trial and decision the loug and severe weather of these
A female passenger on the Wind=
of the jury on the bribery cute :—
"The evidence in the case clearly demon-
strated. that the members of the Ontario
Government were at the bottom of the plot
urging on their supporters to entrap the an.
aimed. The Grit member, McKim, swore
that he was all the time in communication
with the Government, and was instructed by
them to get Mr. Bunting's signature to the
note. The Verdict of the jury, as orell as the
charge of Judge Wilson, pointed out that
those who bad inoited the crime Were as cal-
pable as those who committed it, and the
evidence of McKim and the other Grit con-
spirators was rejected as anything bat truth.
#ext, There is little doubt but the whole
plot was ooneosted to entrap some ot the
leading Oonserrative members of the Legis-
lature, bat it miserably failed, and attar et
lengthy and evpaaattre tried it has left behind
nothing but reproach for the questionable
conduct of those who instigated the pro-
a second, bet not more than that.
I don't think he'll ever beat .hand
1 think s11a'11 be at the front - if site
lives for three or four fears, and 1
feel confident that it I handle her
•or ferry was searched the other day she'll trot nq well when she's fifteen
by the customs offioials at Detroit,
WIo found 472 yards of straw b es
concealed in her clothing, and confis-
cated It. The smuggler gave her
came as Mary tJlaeon, of Belle Raver.
The psy of Canadian volunteer ool-
uuele,wheu. ou active service, is $4.87
per day; majora, X43; oaptsins, $2.80;
lieutenants, $1.58 ; second lieu
tenant!, $1.28; sergeant majors, $1 -
staff sergeant majors, $1 ; sergeaitte,
80c. ; corporate, 60, ; privates, 60,
The coroner's jury in the case of
Sam. Mitchell,oharged with murder-
ing Alex. McIntosh at St. Tbomae en
Sunday last, set uuiil after 11 o'cloak
Friday night, and returned a verdict
of" iuebiflable homicide," twelve of
The Sean Act, the jurymen being for that, stud six
for *' mawlaughter."
The Scott Act passed iu Chicoutimi. The Albion Hotel, Brander, was
mi County on Friday by 600 major- burnt down early Saturday =rein
ftp. Two pergola tsars burued to death --
Au Order•in-Couuuil bolero that Miss Duelist), sister of the proprietor,
and a boarder. hilae Baupier jump-
ed from a second story window anti
wee badly i10oroiied. The balanoa of
the boarders escaped with great diffi-
culty in their night clothes, The
firemen did excellet,t work anal tetved
the adjoining building. Iueuranoe,.
$100 le the City ot Landon Insurance
John Waugh, etc mayor of Niagara
Falls, who has been fettling in health
Ills Canada Temperanoe Act of 1678
shall be in force in the connly of Car-
leton and in ;eta city of Guelph ou
the expiry of the prevent liquor (icer
The question of the legality ot
the Soot% Act in St. Thomas was
argued at Oegoode Hall this morning
before Judge Rosa, upon a .notion
made by Mr. C. McDougall for a
mandalnae to compel the County
Judge of Ialgin to grant a scrutiny
of the votes. The Coonty Judge
holds that he lies only authority to
grant a reeomit and not a scrutiny,
sod the .Putt Scott Aot men clams
that there were more ballots oast than
the past three mouths, walked out on
the railway suspeusutu bridge title
afternoon and climbed over the rail-
ing and got hold of o
nil of the river
girders underneath the bridge, hang -
lag by both hands with his bossy Clang•
there er,. ! ee,1 votes in the city. t ling in the air, soma 160 font ab tva+
.fudge Poe0 reserved itis decision. . the rocks near the water's edge. It
.n.M,. t: cull seem, however, that he ren?lit.
Scott Act Licenses. .eti of his rash resolves, for }geld on
•---- tar dear life until rescued by three
The Board of Lioeuse Commission. young men named Kerr, howls and
ers for the County of Iluron, met in I Gillespie. JLr. Waugh leas for ci,rtne
the Court Mouse at noon, Thursday time past ahotvu ri$tis of tellaperary
last. The following persons will be iusatnity ctweed by eicka:casa.
The statemeut of tate circulation
and specie ou the 61st 3Iarctt lust
show that the am3uut of Dominion
notes in circulation on that date wits
$15,600,167. Thie is $104,000 leas
thou the eir.ulatiou on the 28th Feb-
ruary, and $1,800.00 less than the
circulation on the 81St March, 1881.
granted licenses, together with those
already mentioned, itt compliance
with the resolution passsd at the last
meeting of the board which reads :
"Resolved --That persons licensed
by this Board to sell liquors under
the Scott Aot shall carry on the bug -
nese apart from all others, and in a
b ildin tirel se arate from a
here was an increase in the %mount
hotel." of one$, tiros and fours 1u Alere 1 last
It. J. Turner, Emotion", Stanley. over February. The decrease isin
A. Knox, Holmesville, (xoderich T. the 500 and 1,000 dollar notes, The
Jno. Dins]ey, Wingliam. •rosea of specie and guaranteed de
bentnree over the amount required by
law to be held was, on the Slat Match
last, $891,150, and of unguaranteed.
debentures, $1,799,875, making the.
total excess $2,191,025.
J. P, Fisher, Auburn, E Wawanosh,
Ed. Elliott, Bayfield.
Geo. Bicker, Brussels.
Jno. Patterson, Wroxeter.
A. Stewart. Belgrave, Morris.
J. C. Johnston, Bluevale, Turnberry.
Wm. Beimes, Walton, Moliiliop.
D. W. Dnlmage, Eirkton, Usborne.
L. Campbell, Gorrie, Howick.
Mrs. Morley, Clinton.
Jas. Moore, Clinton.
• American.
is very gratifying to state that
the Minister of Education has, at the
request of several Teachers and In-
spectors, consented that Free Draw -
Classes may be conducted during the
summer holidays for teachers. At
the present time the demand for
teachers of drawing in Mechanics'
Institutes has been greater than the
supply. The difficulty will no doubt
be removed daring the next winter,
as many of the teachers who take oer-
tifioatee this Bummer will avail them-
selves of the advantages of the in-
ereseed emolument to be derived by
teaching in Mechanics' Institutes.
The classes:will commence on Tues.
day, 7th July, and continue till the
end of the month. In the Elementry.
Grade there will be 12 lessons each in
the following subjects :--Freehand
drawing, geometry, perspeotive,model
drawing, memory and blaokboard
drawing. In the Advanced Grade
there will be 15 lessons each in the
following subjects :—shading from
flat examples, industrial designs,
machine drawing, drawitig from
Teachers desirous of joining these
classes should make application with-
out delay, as only a limited number
can be accommodated, and they- will
be taken in the order of their applica-
tion. Several have already sent in
their appiication,
Abraham, Isaac and Jaoob Kile,
triplets, are in vigorous health at 72,
at Richmond, Pa. Their mother, who
died recently at the age of 98, left
nine childern besides the triplets, 82
grandchilderu, 120 great-grandchild-
ren, 28 great -great granaohlldren,
and two great -great -great-grandchild-
It is reported au organization has
been formed at Titusville, to destroy
the public) works of Canada, with ex- SEALED TENDERS, addressed to
one by one. Thi first attack be di- 1 up to noon of MONDAY, 25th MAY., 1885. for the
delivery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal
rooted agonist the Welland Canal and i year ending 30th June.188e, consistingoiFlour,
' aeon, Groceries., Ammunition Twine Offen
Cows, 0ulls, Agricultural Implen.onte, Tools,
This will be followed by a more clan- &a., duty paid, in Manitoba and the iZorth-
as she dose now act eleven.
Scott Act Meeting.
ti.lar a And enthueieatie Scott Act Meeting
was he kt in the Tomperanoe Tial., here. Tester
day.. The President, l) D Wilson Esq.,teak
the chair and ealied upon Rev, John Jsll, of
Ronson to open with prayer. Atter 'which ttto
i'resfdent,it; a few Wire.laid before the meet
lug the reasonifor c,e tido representatives
of the various niunicipalittoa togadder-aa t*e
Jet of Afay was drawing ni tt ,iu l the iuiport-
auce ofthehnur doruaude, immediate anon-
tion,which Meant watch and work. 'cbo at-
teution of the ameoting vas the.i called to the
faotthat Bir,W, ii. mous I1'olicee lued4 aiatrate
of B alien, being zeseut >acco,aliug to the ar-
rangetnatxate of the exacntafivo, belioviA he
would impart tc as valuable iutormation. hav-
lug heel a-Aperfenoe tar the past three years uo•
der the Scott Act Government. He was mete.
ed withoheere'aaa us:ened to with pleasure
end prefit, adlreesing the Meatieg for ons hour
and a.helf. plan)}• questions were asked and
seedily.aasworeit w t..o sattaf>iotion of alt,
Committees were then a ck bearing op. tiff,
farent phase , he work. tll present,
tore And Laity y are resolved that the Act shall
be olasoered, and where violations lire kuoma
the guilt parties: be panlebod eceordlug
to law. 1 was regardeel by the entire meeting
as the utast raoastroaw ppious of iajuetica that
the fewer of Sala eheel:7, be placed lath the
hands of people, such as is found is our couuty
and etseweere,vrlro aro invariably opponents
to the = eeuro end fought let the polla..%mime
every means to keep iu force the uow accurso4
eysteuxoflicouse, regardless of all oorasequences
tar others, cite kaaniug batora titc n the fooling
of their own coffers
Alli D.
Islet'. --In Veborne, on the 12;b lust., Mar-
ion Isaac, aged eta years anal Amounts.
8allttslt:—Waist:,--In Si. lsf'arya, 011 the
8th inst., at the brlde'e brother, by Bev.
J. T. Wrigbt,air, Harry Samwell,afExeter,
to dies Miunio 'White, youngest daughter
of the late Nicholas White, of Exeter.
Tho most interesting feature of the recetat.
nxhabitiou ut afotttria1 Wes aerutpat:t octal.
ared.rub11ee tiiuy;eraengai;ediu uxaatifartarir>;i
Another Shot Fired !
"FORWARD MARCH• !" is the order for Troops to the
North..West, Still the Ladies are at home, and Will be
pleased to hear that RANTON BRAS. are in splendid: Trim
to do a lively spring trade, and are right to the front with a
High Class of New and Stylish Goods.
Weil Ottoman Cords, Groa Grain Silks, Santis, Merveillenx, Brocades, &v. ; and a grated
line of Mantle Ornaments, prose, Loops, Chenille Trimmings, etc. Certainly better value
than ever before. Mauttea out Frew of eltar,(e, or made to order in First-class style at )-
We show a splendid range of the neweat Fabrics in All -Wool Jersey Cloth, Satin Cloth,
Nuns' Cloth, Plain Cashmeres, Brocade Cashmere, Crave Cloth, Beautiful Black SUlis,
Satins, etc, And don't you forget it, our Dressmaker vndorelands making up Black Goode
to a nicety. Call and aro her anyway at
The place to get Bich Mantle and Dress Goods.
Exeter Tailolhing Estabiishm't
Ilia• catch atatl 1i+411 t`etu Tnbacenoaau at the Y 1 1 T r r y( r r t
ean*C that? delt'htiu;; the• cr a .1, of slu^etat0Y . - S • 1.:, -1 T , , `) .
with nx,ini+afe ,southind i ': A (t;•1d 'la" ti
tl aat,t ft ai,n,•ia1+Ut'i0%1;1111 hera r atd:.rdr•d tct thew
p;ipul:lr 1.r..ud of tIa : it, a a, t', rt.•1 tis••+
thant ti ref titc,c•oconut, a t4 1, aa• 1 t •, te,:e :#,1
ta;tn T.,bteeoC0. for tu.e:• ft" rt.a,•t,'a, .:fail, t
,..-, .
Ar.r you a1l tnrlrt'1:attalntttri'a.fi,ria e,,,fy. or'
r. shin idea 1 . °tilt sun', <aa. a 1 'r n milt
p , n nr t'tt iia, teethe If , r, i.t rit.1 .
a+i a1t.til of'i1I \Vl.ioI,tt41 =; ',;•641.:w“,`
11•,, volts' 1 ngt,:e t 1 tt... I el rt
Oro tltt+ p•en' lift's salt+r. - ' 'tut. ; IS'. 1k,^
p; n,ltie ,n it int,"is, r is •r.• i It • ,:i- a='•,sat 4
it. Iteurr„ip .,anti i; IVI.1 • tr : a • t+•.;lalafs
thfi 8toinar1a 'an.l' 11t".vel'ry, e uxr•; td 1 tel t
saltenatlto knots. retllt.eiit:tlamietitiult. utul
giver!, tone a:tti energy to the Brit"le x,d;acm,a
edits. \Vrasr gw'8 600xltii o Syor n I nu Cnttn.
I21:` TCt3TR1 ze is pleasant to the taste, and is
the prescription of one of the oldeet anal best
female uarsoe a'tti phlsieians in the i.'nited
Stator, and is f"r sale by all dru sista through-
out the world Price 25 Cents s bottle Pursuant to R. S. O,. olaap.107, sec. 81, notico
-.r . is hereby given that all gereons bavinn elaime
.aiazio,whc diodou oraUoutthsl0th Any of
1 en Artistes. Sold everywhere. Januar)•,1885, ate on or before the 9th day of
11:a+ wort iv al :i fila],•/a li,l a*,t»inncni „f i i tlTlls :it:.} `t'WEEDS',`ty Choice 1.1(uti5. an 1
A t:fl 1 i3 tis' tit
Suite Cade to Cyder On Short Notice.
-----A 1'1'T GUARANTTTE,itt,l).--
No credit give... Sold ONLY for (A.SI1, and that 11ie'ang
Cheap (roods. (ul1 mid see his stock before placing your
Isctc'r.1th March,liet,,
2113, late of the Village of Exeter. in the )
County of Huron, Carpenter, deceased.
("`JI AC'TTT IX l --Cement for Brok- swilledthe('theta of t e nail Biu ooh Me-
` Solo Blakera,--•1taY 131105.. Stockport 1
May.1885• to toad by post, Prepaid, to Benda•
and. min V. Elliot, Solicitor, Exeter, their
Christi- Engl
an and Surnames, addresses, and dosaripiio-a,1
end particulars of their claims, duly vended. :
and tho nature of the socurity(if any) hold by •
them, and that after the said 9th day of Blas, * a
1855 the executor will aroceed to diatributo theAY B LOIiPOUND OF LIN -
assettsoftho said estate among the paxtios SEED.+laisood.,:lanaga,Squill,Tolu,4o
entitled thereto, Navin • regard only to the with Ohlorodvao.
JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for th't
Townships of Stephen, Hay and' Caliente,
and the Village of Exeter. All ealos prnmutly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this alike,
1 LINIMENT for Diphtheria, Croup, and
Asiatic Cholera. A sure cure, Pain of all
kinds quickly relieved. Interuaily and extern-
ally. Ask forit, Tako,no other. Seo testimo-
nials. e'er sale by ell Druggists.
.calves. Members willgo to Canada the undersigned,andondorsed"Tendertfor
P Indian Su lies"will bereceivod attuselIIice
Bideau Canal ]oche at Jones Falle.
gerous movement. 1 West Territories.
A horrible accident occurred at Os. relative to the Supples required,, dates of de.
livery. &c., may be had by applying to the un-
oods, Mich., at five o'clock on Mon-- dersigned. os to the Commissioner of Indian
day. While Geo. Fulton. Joe. Bid- Affairs at Regina, or to the Indian Office, Win-
ole, Tom. Mitchell, Geo. Gordon , nipart yp
PartlOa ma tender for each description of
goods (or for any portion of each description
of goods) separately or for all the goods called
for in the schedules.
Each Tender must be accompanied by an au-
cepted Cheque in favor of the Superintendent
General oflndian Affairs on a Canadian Bank
for at least five per cent. of the amount of the
tenders for Manitoba, and ten per cent. of the
amonnt of the tenders for the North•West Ter-
ritories, which will be forfeited if the party ten-
dering declines to enter into a contract when
palled upon to do so, or if be fails to complete
the work contracted for. If the tender be not
accepted the cheque will be returned.
Tenderers are required to make up in the
Money columns in the Schedule the total mon.
their tender the goods
not he entertained. to
Plaoh Tender must, in addition,to the signa-
ture of the tenderer; be signed by two sureties
acceptable to the Department, for the' proper
performance of tee ,ontract.
In all oases whore transportation may be
only partial by rail, contractors must make
proper arrangements for supplies to be for.
warded at once from railway stations to their
destination in the Government Warehouse at
the point of delivery.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-
Forms of tender containing full particulars
Frank Maynard, John Hardwick and
another, name unknown, were clear-
ing brick out of the smoke -stack of
John Grain's mill, the bottom tier
gave way, and the em men were bur-
ied under 50, 000 brioke. Five were
killed outright. Fulton was severely
hurt, and Gordon miraculously escap-
ed injury. All were mangled beyond
Nevada has passed a law that w i 11
be regarded as a novel experiment in
temperance legislation. It makes
it unlawful to treat a person in a bar-
room or any other public place to li-
quor, and it also makes it unlawful to
resort to any device or'subterfuge to
evade the worHiog of the not. If this
can be successfully carried out. Nev
ada may olaim" to have solved the li-
enor problem in a highly satisfactory
Deputy of the Superintendent -General
of Indian Affairs
way to all who are satisfied" with less DEPARTMENT or ilvnxnN AI?'PAuia,
OTTAWA. 19Ts MARC.ir, 1885.
Itis opened dental rooms over
O'NtiL 5 )ta ut, where he will be
Pain. A operations pero formed teethwith
skill. Gold fillings a speciality. Offieo hours
9 a. m: to 5 p m, CBAnoias MontnATO, Timms
claims of which notice shall. have been given,
and he will not be liable to any person or per.
eonsnotiof wcehose. claim be shall not then have KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent
exnootorant for Coughs and Colds.
-KAY'S ;COMPOUND, for Coughs
and Colds, is equally sorvicable: for
Horses andCattle.
Dated 8181 March, 1885.
Solicitor for
Mali Contract
TrAY'S TIC PILLS, it specific iu
Pleuralgia Taco -ache &c.
i ----OFA
Farm Pi operty.
Default having been made in payment of a
certain Registered Mortgage bearing date the
first day of September, A.U. I881, made by
—^-'- Thomas J. Wilson, of the Township of Hay, iu
the County of Buren. Lumber Dealer, to the
Cf EALED TENDERS addreeeed to Superior Sayings and Loan Society, and as -
17 the Postmaster General, will be received signed to the vendors (which mortgage and
at Ottawa until noon, on FRIDAY, loth MeV, assignment thereof will be produced at time of
1885, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails sale) there will, under the power of sale eon -
proposed Contract for four years, eta tainedin said mortgage, be sold by public auc-
times Per week each way, between Exeter and tion by E: B o69ENIIgnnz, auctioneer, at
Eirkton from the IstJuly next
Printed notices oonteining further informa-
tion as to conditions of proposed contract may
be seen, and blank forme of Ton ler maybe ob-
tained at the Post Offlcee of Exeter and
R Post Office Inspector
Post Office Inspector's Office l
London, and April, 1885 ' t
Best in the world. Made only bythe Fra-
zer Lubricator Company, at Chicago, New
York and St. Louis. SOLD EVERYWHERE'
1 haTemond a posif fusee
1 the 'or 1aboveand f 16 b. te use
o edee8 of l worst kind and of long s efficacy,
bail cured, TWO
6o from; my faith or Its emeses,
santtwill .and TWO BbTTI sESe FREE, yrwithb.t
pressa T1'E1SEadd on this d serum, to any sufferer.1Peaa., Es
pros. and r. 0. address. 01f.". A. S]AOUBI, 181 Pearl St., N.Y.
A DVERTISEBS send for our select list of
3. Local Newsppapers. Geo, P. Rowell .k Go•.
10 Spruce -St., N. Y,
Hodgins' Hotel, Village of Hansall,
At the hour of 12 o'clock noon, the following
property, viz.:
MI. and singular that certain parcel or tract
ox land and promises, situate, lying and being
in the Township of Hay, in the County of
Huron, containing by admetenrement one
hundred act es more orJess,being composed of
Lot Number Fifteen, fifth the sixth concession
of the said Township of stay,
Upon the above property are situated a good
frame house, story and a half high with frame
kitchen attached; also four small frame
houses, a good barn and atai.le: About thirty
acres of this land are cleared, upon which is tt
,small bearing orchard. There are about sixty
acres of good bush land, timbered with maple,
oak, ash and hemlock.
Terms ;-Ono-fliih of the purchase money to
be paid at time of sale, the balance within
fourteen days thereafter. Arrtngomonts may
be made by which a portion of the purchase
money may bo secured by mortgage on the
For. further particulars apply to
CBONYN & G1t15ENLE1r5,
or to - Vendors' Solicitors
E. BCSSENI3ERRY, Esq , London, Ont.
Auction ear,& c.,
Zurich. Ont,
Dated the OOtb Iiiareil, 1685,