HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-16, Page 31 'WIT AND HUMOR. Here is a seeming incongruity; Men can by no possibility become female clerks, but there is Nothing to prevent women becoming mail clerks.. A Northern Texas editor complains that the number of marriagesifs ridicu- lously small when compared, with the time squandered in buggy -riding. The admirers of Mr. OsearWildewho were unable to grasp his nleanin wen he spoke of "unkissed kisses," will find a clew in the Congressional Record with its unspoken speeches. --.Life. I"hom the French. "Gaze here, you," was said by the editor of us to him of the jokes, "That wit was fetched too far." "That is known to Ire, I clipped him a London paper from out," -Life. Overheard at the Club. --.-"Do von know Mr. D?" "0, yes, very well." "What sort of a tennis her' "Perfect- ly'honest and trustworthy since he has retired from business." -Casette du Xard. Rev. 11fr. Hubbard has resigned his pastorate at Roodhouse. III., because, he says, he has been trying to teach what he knew nothing about. Honesty of this sort should be encouraged. --;hew Cff leads Pleat, we. "And so you have been to Europe? Did yon go to Switzerland? and did you sea the Waders?" Mrs. Shoddy -0 Ws, we saw mechanics of all kinds; but ellen, you know, I don't take any inter- est nterest in suck vulgar persons. "What influence has the moon u on the tide?" aslted the Professor. The Blass wag replied that he slid not know exactly what influence It had upon the tied, but that it had tendency to make the untied awfully spoony. Flat? She -Why did you come to the country' so lata this year? Ile (re- eently married) --I have been ransack- in the city to get a stylish flat fornext winter, but I couldn't find ono. Sho- rtie are not as lucky as your wife. Some Inventive genius has produced. a machine that Will darn stockings. One by one the few remaining induce - stent. for mea to marry are beingwith- drawn. and it Is not surprising that women are ea',tiug sellout for new spheres. "0, dear, what a dreadful odor of earburetted hydrogen!!" said the Boston lady, "Mutu?" said the janitor, with a puzzled countenance. "The smell of earburetted hydrogen," she explained. "That's no kind of gill. mum," replied. the janitor; "that's s gorse; the pipe is leaky, mum." Walter-"•T\'hat will you have, Miss?" Customer (looking over the restaurant bill of fare)•t-"Perinit me to o„ c• A It ata. In the correlation of forces it is a recognized property of atomic-" Waiter (shouts across the hall to head server).- "Baked" - err t.rbeans "1 pan. for 0 one. Pitfladelphia e.ai, Mink, --•.Things ~cern tq have: one wrong with yon. I)o.n t want to hurt your feelings. but I can't help noticing that you look vets seedy." Winks-, "Yes, I've been speculating" ISIinks -"Well, I supposed you had better sense than to go into Wall street. Did ytnl Ro in of your own notion?" Winks --"No; 1 was taken in." When a ('ape ('od landlord told a Boston man that the people of Boston didn't know what a blue fish was, and 61. was met by the ni swer: "0, yes, we do; it is the temnodon saltator, an acanthopte gian of the family of seem- bridle," 1u• just went and laic, down on the bar -room sofa anddreamed of death and desolution.--Eocknstcr I&&rata. A little girl who had always attended the Episcopal Church and had neverre- mained through the service staid this summer through it at a well-known Congregational Church in Mae.achu- setts. It was communion -Sunday, and little Julie viewed the proceedings with great wonder. After a time she said in tt whisper to her sister: "Will there be ieeereamr "Horribly dry work, speechifying in this weather," said a great orator last week to a humble but gushing admirer. "Dry!" returned the satellite, wishing to overflow with wit. "It oughtn't to be dry, for I've been drinking in every word you've uttered." "r,Ah, indeed!" replied the great one; "then Y suppose you've been making a draught of my speech." Punch. A wealthy, but obtuse, New' Yorker purchased a picture of a Broadway picture dealer. After he had paid for it, he asked the dealer:. "It is the work of one of the old masters, of course?" "Weil, not yet, quite, but it will be some of these days if you keep it long enough. It was painted by a young nephew of mine, who has extraordinary talent." -Texas Siftings. "I think it is a burning shame," she said, leaning on her croquet -mallet and gazing over the fence at a butcher who was driving some lambs to his slaugh- ter -house, "that the dear little eittat- ores should be killed by those great, heartless men. Just look at the poor, innocent little things, Cicely. Isn't it brutal?" At' dinner that day she was helped three times to lamb. The largest photographs in the world will be on exhibition at the New Or- leans Exposition. They are views of public buildings in Washington taken by order of the government. They are taken on a rough paper, very much. like that used for drawing or water col- ors. and the artists say they will not fade under the -light of the sun. They are five feet wide by seven long and have been framed in finely finished ash frames with a gold lining. -Sep a org 3 92Blakt3 tee '99T1 Olgts'sodu io ano aulgsuns ;o sinoq. 'L6 peg uopuorr isle. aql -0uliva Charles A. Dana denies that he owns the finest collection of fancy chickens in the country. GLEANINGS. TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TQ-DAYI A Boston young lady, cultured and intellectual, of course,reeeived tti propo- sition of marriage printed with a type- writer. Sewerage is a thing scarcely heard of in Italian cities. When the heap of garbage in the back yard becomes too festive for comfort the family go oil" to the seashore for, a month. The Missouri father did not pursue his eloping daughter, but sent a clergy- man on a swift horse to overtake the couple, in order that the marriage cer- emony might be properly performed. Toy dioramas are now popular in Paris, They consist of amicroscopic views photographed on tins- lenses and' set in handsomely decorated frames. They are comparatively inexpensive. Twentv,five years ago the Britannia, 207 feet long, was considered a monster" ship. The new Cuuarder, just launched at Glasgoow, is 520 feet long. or within . 160 feet of the length of the Great East -2 ern. An Ohio widow refused to ,heart's Clarence ,Tames, and Clarence put in the night girdling every fruit tree on her farm. She won t raise any apples next year, and he will bewherebecan't get any to eat. The largest timber tract in Ari- zona is the forest extending southwest from the San Francisco mountains. It contains 12,000 square miles of mer- chantable timber. The pine is the Im- portant tree. It is said that in one blocjk in New York, that Is bounded by Fourth and Fifth streets and First avenue and Ave- nue A, there are housed over 7,000 ha- man beings, as ninny as would form a. small -sized city. A Boston woman ran the table on $2.20 per week for four mouths to sed how low expenses could be reduced. '. When she had saved enough to bur her a sealskin saeque the figures suddenly jumped to $13 again. Thousands of titles to written and unwritten etpl ysand books have been filed with the Librarian of Congress, with a fee of a dollar in each instance, under the impression that some kind of protection is thus gained. The law re- quires a deposit of the entire work,with- out which there is no copyright. Some New York capitalists propose to invest two millions in a building Brands atvsrtiso.t as abtotataly put? OW' i.z< v A1ig1,EtC11'NSA., THE TEST; Ins eecoan vernnd Oaait.h et stove 4 nit vent not be re- a•+1 to detect tee preterite of ammonia. ROES NOT CONTA,Esi A11)10NtA, ,111 it►'tt,TRhlbl'eSti ito SEVIlER ilk.: twocsrPti¢0. In a tnllnoa homes fora garter of a orator tt aA.a vow tb,it enticement wither teat, THE TEST OF THE OVEN., PEIOE BIKING 1'O1F AEB co,, xdt Fax or Dr, Prico's Special flavoring - " a g bracts, t1.1to.../.*t, ott4tRoktt4sadimam:lameketr.,tu4. 4r, Price's Lupulin Yeast Gini or LI let, Healthy thea. Tice Hest Fry flop Yeast iq. the World. FOR BALE BY CRQCERS. CHICAGO. ST. LOUiS, ICHT HEALTHY BREAD .•. STG Titsi.»L dry hop yeast in the world. Arend rPd by this east is li ht. white and whole-, ,°,, like aur grandmother's delirious bread, GROCERS SELL THEM. onto, iii w THE Price Baking Powder Co., Which will include a theater, concert liln'Pls el lir, P110 15 special Fluorin Eivac,s, rooms, restaurants, music halls, danc- Climauo. til. St. 4ouls, MC. ing pavilions and roof -garden and res- • -- taarant, and within the building will be every ttpplianee of a fashionable and thoroughly equipped club house. .Thr oldest attcl largest tree in the world so far as known. is a chestnut near the foot of Mount 'Etna. It is hol- low, • lost', and 1)i enough to admit two car- riages t'a riales driving abreast through it. The circumference of the main trnnk is 212 feet. The Grizzly Giant, monarch of the Mariposa Grove, measures ninety- two feet. Mrs, A. M. Stewart has a pieee of amber, bought for her by her husband, the size of the palm of one's hand, and and enclosing a shall fish; its price was for uorkittr pt,)+1e. St•1,t 1u 4 ci Ci•fin* 1111140w•,noaWt. willal.atlNon free. it rot' ul, valuable sample box of .that is, put i $ ) a yt 1111. the way et nxaka to more money in a few drays than you ever thought posse. lee' at any beeiness. llnpical not required, You cult live et home and work spare time Only or all the time, Alt of both sexOR o1usees enmity xucrOtxful count to Si, ea+' 1 rued everyeve nl rt c c1x'+•: ,u 'xa 371 II who F went work may teat the business, we make this anpantile led oger : '1'o nil who are not well tatisfied we WI send el to pto, for the trouble t,f writing no. 1•01 motion tare. directions, dia. sent tree. Lnu:ousepuy nh,.ulutely sure for all who start at duce, 0ou't delay, Address S•rlesoe fi C.r..l'oxt)111 i . Mine, FERRY'S $4,400. The Empress of Russia, who e5 tiSatingaggla has the finest tea in the world, has au amber tea -service --cups and saucers, 1 cream lug and sugar bowl --oat of 1 which to ,rink it. The trick of backing a thiu diamond with polished glass is said by the Art Amateur to be very common in .Ameri- can jewelry. When these underlaid jems are skillfully set it is difficult to de- tect thein, but it may be done by hold- ing them in a strong light, when the surface where the stone and gross meet become visible. Groceries in England are 16 per cent. cheaper than in the. United States; but meat, batter, eggs and vegetables are. 23 per cent. dearer. House rent in provincial England is only about half what it is in Boston; in London it is about two thirds. Altogether, in Eng- land, the cost of living is 17 per cent. less than in the United States. Crater Lake, Oregon, is inhabited by it dreadful monster. It is said to be as large as a man's body, and swimming with about two or three feet out of wa- ter, and going at a rapid rate, as fast as a man could row a skiff, leaving a similar wave behind it. Its face or head looked white, and, althorlh it was .a long way off, it could be plainly seen that it was of immense size. Health &. Happiness for all.. WILL CUR OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, indigestion, Dizziness,. Jaundice; Dropsy, Fluttering of the. Heuit, Anc'evcrvs;accies -of di.-n.a arising from tint Climax f. It t?1:t •.1 .,ii iltf • • . ARNICA and OIL LINIMENT CURBS ' AU. Palm and Aches, AND 18 THE MOST PERFECT MU VOICED in the WQRLQ SOLD BY ALL DEAL* RS. PRICE, 25 ANO 53 CANTS P"R 0317.E. .,. MA■'.HOOD'. Row Lost, Vow RestoSed, " 1,Yr,Wawa recently uublieltcda new edition o PR. OOLvnrtw t.L"S CE1rt.BRATP I, ESSAY' outheradical Rad permleen tmire (without uta-- eieinalofNervot[dlrobillty.afental sad physical., fuoipscity Impodimente to Montage, etc.,re. suiting from eatoessea. Prioe.tusealed envetope,ouly Cconts,or two i' poster%atempe. The celebrated authorafthie adrufrabieessay olearlydenlonetretes,from thirty years'euceera-, fnlpractice. thertelerxiagconaequencesmaybe , radicellyouredwitaouttbo dengoton, age et in terualluedicineeorthe nee of the knife; vault•1 one ern ode of cure at once aluxplecertain and .et- fectuel,byineanaof wl►ielI every autferer,Ineitlat• tor what his condition may be,may aurehimsoil chmply,prlvetely end radically+. 1•W'Tlli lecture-hauld be int the handset every • rolthandevery man In the land. Address THE 0U ,Vl+1R'WELL MEDlt1AI,•Co 4) ANN S?r.:NEW TORE Poet Mice Hot 450 OST, BE'T'WEEN EXETER tG Neuse%, on the 11th of I: ebruery, a clerk AiluhFur Hot Any person Rutting the stone will be s Webb won erdel by It aviu;.i it won MeV .1. Pall 1?eusall, or'1.`hus, ,'vier. l:xrter. 1 HOS, PltEOlt, Raeter, 1 WILL PAs- $2.50 1Elt DAV To all who work for use at home. To many I eau afford,,a to lmore. Fey e e. S h:.,na Esfr tt r. vallate' 1' . "dorm, Pt FA T Worm. 1-A sf le g tal Card to,W,1v.RTAOT'T, too I CURE FITS! 'nen I •.y ruse 1 da ir.t 1naa. moldy** atop t).m for a Malting tb,a baro lbam eel, rn aa.l. 1 m,aa . sadata) car., I Man made the Owl* sr Ma, al'n.Nrnr or r'ai.L1 . t IslCiNnoa.nfalouaat.4r. 1 ...meat ms- nmWy to COCO its wenn c.ar., B.r...eeth.n bar, 411.4la Aa net.. for Dat new rrttl,las a our.. Arad at ones fora trstItatt owl it. gpree haloo of my larttnala r.tn.dr. Ines axpresa*parer, aka, Inman rnan.,tbt.p tar trial. awl 110l1r.r.}'r.tt. Ad.a•.auUr. u. 0. auer,141 Tart AI, Now 1'.aas ONSUMPTiO' ",are It , i - It motive . nm.IY for hue a4 1*11t at but t .-i't 111 tl,a. ,f'•{1t. .'rl. rtt. Indoor. oor. want glad wad .f batt . 11I.o' a ti At 1 wilt carol. WO BO. LES I fa ms- faithosat to Ua rsiTA , t1 w li ,ra r' 4 TWO BOWLES tt .1p to .n.,r with Y A w ayAl a ,• ' VA t F rP 0.0 .10 11 {ale di..t.e.to rM, 0 Cron Otte ,u is n• d r O. p6drt i. AR. r A.:tlACCn,: lad 1'4arl alt., IIL , 1. A DVERT18E7n$ send far our select list of Q. Local New s7 apera. Geo. P. Rowell d; Co. 1Orun - all a .eft,. N. I. TENDERS. j j `E1. t DT l`: ERS. SHALED TENDFIiS, Marked '"For \taunted 'olice Provisions putt TJglt Supplies" and addressed to the E•uu, the President of the ,,i Privy Council, Ottawa, will bo received up to •y e noon on Thursday, 94th May, 1885. ',- • Printed forma of tender containing full in- formation is to the articles and quantities re- gaired may be had on application at Fort Os. boxuo, Winnipeg, stony oT the Mounted Police Posts in the North West, or at the office of the undersigned. No tender will be received unless made ou such printed forms, Tho lowest or ad tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Each tender must he accompauicdby an accepted Canadian Bauk cheque for an amount equal to 10 per cent. of the total value of the articles tenderedfer, which will be fortoited u er ggs WANTED. J. Matheson Has opened out in Eackt's 016. Stand. (2 Doo a north of Post Office) Just received a splendid assortment of Spring Goods, which we w111 sell at very close prices. Splendid value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scarlet Canto, and Home- made Flannels. A niioo lot of Table Napkins and Covers, Splendid winces, Grey and White Cottons very cheap. Tweed and Ready Made Clothing very cheap. A GOOD SUIT for 1I5. GROCERIES. -We sell 4 lbs Tea for 161 ; 75 cent Tea for 65 cents, Sugars as low as the lowest. BOOTS & SHOES. -We have added 'some new linos and are prepared to sell the Lest goods at close prices. A Honse and Lot for sale or Rent. `Apply to JOHN MATHESON. zuzacr ROLLER MILLS ! These mills are now completed with all the ;best and very latest unproved machin- ery for the nanufactule of Flour ou the Roller Process THE MILL IS NOW RUNNING. NIGHT.' AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do Gristing &, Chopping on Shortest Notice Also Flour and Feed for sale as Cheap as the Cheapest.. ERNES & WILLIAS,. Proprietors. if the party making the tender declines to en- ter into agontraot whou called upon tp do so. or if he fails to complete the service contracted for. It the tender be not aoeepted the cheque will be returned. No payment will be made,to newspapers in- sertiogthis advertisement without authority having been first obtained. FRED WHITE, Comptroller, Ottawa, March Oth.1885. Exeter -Butcher Shop R-. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer --/Za ALL HINDS 05- MiEI.AITIS Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIV'E PROMPT ATTENTION. $E00 0 in presents given, away. Send us 5 cents ,poetege and by mail yon will get free it package of goods of large value, that will start you in work that Will atonce. `Wing you in money faster than anything else in America. Ali about the $200,- 000 in presents with each bon. Agents wanted everywhere. of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work focus at their own homes, Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. a. HALLETT a Co., Portland. Maine, 1lhtn CLS AESOT-UTE DIVORCES FOR pe:sons residing throughout the United States and Canada for desertion, nen- Snpport,intemperan ce,oruelty,i n Dour patibility, ebo.. Advice free, State your ease and addrees ATTORNEY WARD; World Building, 1267 Broadway, New York. ATTENTION I Parties wishing Lumber cut to order should take their loge to Brooks' Old Saw mill, 27 miles west of Murray's Corner, where there to room for any nuantity• MCI will oomme nee running about 1st March, ell reports to the contrary notwithstanding, after which time. all lauds of lumberwilIl be kept for sale. 3. N. BOWA1tD, Prop. 1 AXER'S x.s Cherry Pectoral. No other complaints are so tis idioms in their attack sethose aifectieg the throat and lungs; none so trifled with by tine n r;. city of snirer- ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps front a t ills a or t. cut.scious ex- posure, is often but lion 1,", t i::r.g of a fatal sickoere. All t d CI:::i i l 1'i:t: TORAL Ilas well proven its el' t ,ey in a forty years' fight with throat and, ung ,:.eases, and should b taken in al). cases, >!rithout delay,. A Terrible Cough Cured. "" In 1k57 I took a severecold, which affected ray lu.r i. I had a terrible cough, and patted ,night ;titer night without sleep. rhe sleep -as, gave tee up. I tried Axaa'a. Cnaluy- 'WAAL, which relieved my longs, induced ,feel, end afforded me the rest nen..satc or tl"e recovery Lc.y of my strength 1tt Il.e toren:tied use of the recreant. a ten ne- tch, cure was effected. 1 am uow old, hate a*ot hearty, and amt sats -.tied c r Vtisxuu Petrt,:tat saved me. IiogAcE FAIRAROTNEa." Rockingham, Vt., duly 15, 1882. Croup. --.,A. birotber'. Tribute, "'tit'hiin AL the country last winter nay little bey, three ,e.rsold, Val taken illwith croup;it 1.reate•l as If he would die froth straugu- latiou t)rte of lite family suggested roe use Of Afro',, ettrletty PeCrOtter., a bottle of Which was aiwaya kept In the benee. This was tried In small and frequent doses, tura toaour delight in iris than halt an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The dee. for said that the t'ui t r l 1'l, ts,nar. had saved my darling's i:l.•. int ea r.nt:Ser as our gratittt.le bull, t'I• , .. s rs, Ai • I i•It(;rnxr:v." 159 West 121AL St., Ica 1. el . "la, 18,1252.. "" 1 hare used A\ T t' 8 ({I t env PreToltArt In me family tor etsr, anti de not ltes.t ru to p.a1.' 1ti..•e It rI , est elteetuat Tell.edy for coughs mud net's we Rare ever tried. 4. J. c e..sx." take Crystal, lrinir., Ilarrh 13. lee2. "I suffered ed for eight year.- 1. r i.a 11: e.1titis, end of t rt. erg plant' reit to 1 0 sun, eels, I nos eured t y tine U. of All ft's+-Cflg- 140 1 1 ,ton s.. 1ent tit WALDSSO " 111. tt II Jlisa , Agril 1 r . "1 cal ,td fin. uglL;It T rai''e ( f .font's Glu i ..t Pt:I tI t:.11., F, tt a at Ido (eau but 5.r Its its,• I should Jolla mete have died flora lung troubles. 1. intaimmt." Palestta:e, Texas, April .1.1, N,s case of an effeetiou *5 the throat of lungs exists which cannot be'greatlyrelfaro4 by the use of arse's CrrEBxr PECTORAL. wd it winalways care when Ilio disease is not already beyond two control of medicine. PREPARLO UT Br. J.C,Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass Sold by all Druggists. . OWI0S' ELIXIR Y. IL DO 1 i.lT c" 7Z.=.12:• 5S'.:.+.= x Iias stein' iha teat for Fir I N -1 11;: t I and has 1lruvod els; if remedy known for the us- ' : T Consumption! ccs. E;o, ; { Colds,Mti'lloopiti:,' and all Lung DISC:4%10C young or old. Sola, rt:..., „, . . Price 25c. and SI CO per Sate. vow hS' ELIXIR tmaseeeiee.. FREEMAN 'G WORM POWDER b. - Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Pargativo. Is a. safe, surd, and effectual dNhnyer of worms in Children or adults. WANTED TUNISON'S S New & Superior Canada Naps & Charts As paying as any agency in the world. For fullpartieulars, free, address,H, C. TUNISON Map Publisher 988 Richmond-st.,Lond'on, Ont. Established. 1871. G• W SHALLCROSS&E CO. NEW YORK, Pills orders, sells on Commission, or winpur•. chase Apples, Potatoes and Poultry. Write us. THE EX.ETEI. laving Mill! SASH, DOOR, and BLII1D !CI'0flT! ALL IKINI S OF TURNING Done to order. Rememberlthe place. Iver Jam. °ward. STATION -ST.