HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-16, Page 1t ( HEW TO THE LINE, LET TILE QUIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY'.' Vol. XII., No.31 EXi TER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 16, 1.885. HOP 0= -=MAP Canned Goods, Fresh Groceries, Fresh Haddies, Fresh Cran- berries, Fresh Oysters, Oranges and Leptons, headway with the advanced detach- gathered no the 'barracks for proles. JQHN WHITE tf» SON Ful Uibergand.I';ropr eterre killing her instantly and teen shot 1 a4 Battleford, where a roan who et:- ,i;r. Willtaw Ross, of lot 3, oenoes- Gilchrist immediately after. Thia1caped from Frog Lake, which la west was tbe beginning of the tragedy. of that plaos, told the story of the General Middleton is making rapid massacre to men, women aud children cion 4, Taokersmith, bad tt cow which dropped a cal" the other day which weighed wheu born, 116 pounds. This is an enormous weight and if the ealf meat of forces, and expects to reach than from savage and blood -thirsty follows up the *tart it has got it will CSU TO G. A - HY1� D7VfAN the river and euemy today, alms- redskins of that district. From the be the size of an elephant before it is FANSO:PS BLOCK I day). Other troops are following up information that reached the Coni- four yeare old. Agent for Thorley's H. Je C Food. Only 10e. per lb., or $8 per cwt. oloeely, and to a few days we may ex- miseioner o the Hudson. Bay Com- Mrs. Charles Carter, of Tucker - LEGAL, War Notes i -- - -I A number of males kava been ship. 1 II. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli. .11-s• otter of Supreme , Court, Notary Public Conveyancer, Conlmleelontr. &e. ,money to Loan, Grace in r dusonns Block, Exeter. T T M .:IcFADDEN, Aarrister, Solicitor, Cove our Etc., EXETER, - ONT. Ofltce $commie I11ock ('1%11'8 old clow'.) • DENTAL. H KINSMAN, DENTIST. 1.1. D.S Rod to Medicine H tt to be brought into servicefor the lliilitary trawl - ports. There are repottt of inhabitaute of email hamlets being imprisoned. but uo coniirmatiou ofsaute. Wild ru-- ulara are ou the wing. The Indians along the lice eo far as troops have gone show signs of } peace.. All they seem to want is a i little to eat sed somethiug to smoke. The Mr. Gowaulock killed at Frog ' t affecting immigration to and picked troops of tee Indian d.r;ny. 'Saturday of lett weak. There were conn , peat to hear the definitiou of the a :f- pauy, few partionlare of the terrible smith, has sold her farm ort the Ota fair --whether a fight or not. The event are learned. The news was con., to her neighbor, Mir. James AIc- soldiers are all well, anti to excellent carried to Battleford by H, Quinn, Queen for the sum of $2,800. 'tire, spirit., although the weather is some. nephew of the Indian Agent at Frog Carter pwrohaaed it a couple of years* what d;sagreoable. Lake, who eseeped while the Indiaus ago for $2,500. The farm ooutaina A Medioiae Hat despatch eays the were raiding the houses of those liv- 50 agree. tfrs. ('.sister is to have this etealnere Baroness Alberta anti :lin, ing there, murdering inmates. After seasou'e crop. now, with an accompaniment of much► difficulty m avoiding Indiana twenty scows, left there ea &sturdily, i he reaobed Battleford ou Sunday, the Toa Qaeen'(i Own and .13 I3attery,unw 5th most., and there told his story. en route to Swift. Current, will meet The Britiah forces actually tuobiliz• there at that point, from where they Air. WIn. Chaptuan,the well-known stock raiser of the'?-rrd con., L. It. S., Tuckuraittth, has two cows which presstted hist with twit: calves this ed and ready for the Afghan trout are aeaeon and all of Mee) are thriving will be coaveyetl to Prince Albert. ] 80,000 men at Rewul-pintli, `27,0011 and di'lug splendidly. tiVe hot:e our The following reeolatiort was pair men at various etragetic pointe ou eateetued friend way have many eim- sad unanimously in tete t.,oe�tt Legis -•I the Candaher road, and 80,000 men filar streaks of good luck. a Mature •--'I'het whereas it is believed I1 at Quetta, making a total of 92,000 Weston R. ;1lcGaire had a cawing the proses f B t h 3 tI f �1 t l ur Lake is not from Seaforte, and not i was are It eo rug 1mw g n ectad with Dr. G wanlook but i Manitoba, thiol :louse desires to place Of these traope 70,100 can be on the , four bawd g ow from nine until Nix, is aontlneoted with (rt�tyttttluek"'s. of on record the favt that there is net route at a few Moura' notice, and two with nuc Hour fir dinner, there wag tl �i'E'1 t t d' t b divisions, cue front the Pnujaub and forty two oar,:* ,tr svooi wiweel �; by that it troubles iu the North men, cansiattug exclusively o ri is bee an the r c. rt, o , e ;il ivray, t Park.tlale, near `Parente, re a t., i tie to ur anon in anypart Ilesremoy Battleford was alt s, bo(led by In- ,r6 nt- of :tauituba, and as the existtu>; cue tical Quetta, each chant 10,0110 aatuat ur. fi4ur,•tu •r,t. 11 c.ut't ba office Woe k, diau's and ltalf•breetle, but they Laeal troubl.t id craufiued to the distriete of strong, are already awaiting the ward beat. now withdrawn. '1'be :relics killed' Alberta acid Saal;atclitrrat: s►lau•' the to march. It ick feared that Russia A squad of It uaeu tr nn tint, u trTaic rich several of the tlixturbara, and about , earth breech of the Saekatebowan , heti taken advantage oaf the diptotnatico Co., 2cOtit i#ait., were bury at target out Pair,. fifty were taken priaonere. i llivar, same hundreds of tuilari "rat" , deleye to bring up auflicieul Iruops practice fast Saturday ander the The people of Jlauituba north are # west of the settled portion of Mani-• 1 for a dash ou Beret before the Bruises supervision of Capt. J. S- Thom, and nut no terrific d over iys resiiug as;cabs, therefore, all who conterntilate are well on the way to Candahar, but l uotwtitigtautlittg tube very nnfarttrablem the Ontario so enys a rebidaut ur !coming to :Manitoba this eying Oen do they will find every practicable pace weather quith a number of lane: eyca :Iediciue Hat. Mia rays tele atTair,. eo with most perfect security. between theta and Tierat strongly held were scored. The manual and tiring will amount to nothing. The fallowutt die 1"1"0 from lilacs The telegraph linea along the to lace on trail still be of intermit to route which were torn down are now i p in working order and messages are ou" readers ;-- sent with ,.o difficulty New lines I Milcs, ate being cuuetruuted,' Qtt'Appella to Fort Qu'Appolle.. .. 19 in rumored that a few couuee,ed \f D1C �,L FIIR.HYND:IAN.--CORONER FOR the CountyoSHuron . Villas, opposite to It r.I.Carliug'setore.Exeter T 111. .13.ttOWNING M. D., Ai. 0 e • P.`i,t:ra,luatoYictoriatutvorsite• Otte •tndresi,leuce. Dor.' cion Iaaboratoty. Exeter•. nit. J. A. ROLLINS, M.C. F. S 0. Office, Main St.Fxcter,Ont.Residence housurecontlyoccupied by P. McPbtltlps,Esq. et LUTZ, M. D., wsa • oillcoathis residence Exoter. FIR. IRVING, GItADUATE PINI VRRSITY TrinityCollo gMemberCollose nuvsieians•tud swraeont Ont., llceEirkton W �— f MPORTAN r N UTICES � ....� 7:7 �ENR1Y +°ILI3LR, Licensed Auo- tionoerfor stay, Stephen, and McGillvray Townships. Sales conducted at moderate rates. Oltice—At Post-office,Croditon, Ont. \TONEY TO LOAN ON REALES- .1 tate for the liuron&ErieLoan •t•Savings 1'`• 4aoiety. Low rates of intorosi. Apply to John ;paokman,Exetor. XT J. CLARK, Agent for the Us- • borneaud llibbert MutualFirefnsurance Jompany, Residence—Farquhar. Orders by ,uailpromptty attendedto. HONEY TO LOAN AT 61• AND 7 per cont. according to terms. Private Funds. Apply to B. V.ELLIOT, Octoberl5,'e0 Solicitor. Exeter —TRY— X. DEARINC'9 Central Shaving Parlor For Olean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting, &c. Clean Towels for every customer. _M1 Next door to Central Hotel. FOR SALE.-TWO-STORYFRAME tank on that plane. DWELLING HOUSE andoue acre oflandExeter. situated on the Thames Road, 2l miles east of rhe interior department of the shod; s. endidGoodorchard frame stable and driving 1Jnited States has been informed that shod ; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a re, the Orew, Cheyenne, and Piegan In- tirodtarmer. Will be sold cheap for cash. An diene in Northern Wyoming were ply to THOMAS ALLIN. EtoterP 0 iv 19-tfy g pt epartng for an outbreak, and that 11TJ. CLARK. COMMISSIONER the white settler's were in danger. An • in the Court ,.f Common Pleas—Deeds, investigation i&being made. Wilis,Mortgages, Lease a, and all forms ofagrre. It was said that Crowfoot, the menta drawn and executed according to law. MONEY TO LOAN ONBEALE STATE. Parties wish- Bleekfeet chief, intends to remaim ing to borrow money on account ofrecentpur- chases ofland,or to pay off existingmortgagss loyal. Crowfoot sent a telegram to willflnd a great saving by giving me a oall, Can Sir John Macdonald last night, stat— lend money at6 and 61 per cent. accordingto • terms. N.J.CLARH. ling that he would keep faith with the Fort Qu'Appelle to TOttchwootl Hills.... 46 1.1 Toaeltweod Hills to l3umbolt ill with the Government, such es Farm Humbelt to Carleton. ... .... 82 Iustruotors, l radian Agents, d o., aro Prince Albert to Carleton ...., 49 -� QuAppoletoCiarkaa Crossing......,, 106 imprisoned at Clarke' Creasing. x ur» Qn'AppelIo to Battleford 281 ther advices say the rumor i9 fonuda• Clarke's Crossing to Prince Albert81 tionlese. t Clnrkc's Crossing to Battleford. 85 .A. number of surgical dressers have 13attloford to 'tort Pitt .. 93 been sent to the North-west by the 1 dmonto to St. Qibartu.... ..... 208 Government, by way of Windsor and Edmonton to Fort Saskatohewan 20 Chicago. They will arrive iu due Edmonton to Calgary . 194 time should a fight take place, which Winnipeg to Calgary ... 839 Qu'Appole to Calgary 515 is improbable. Reit has a 'orae cf over 300 Battleford to Swift Current............ 200 Swift Current to ilfedicino Hat 149 well -armed men, all of whom are de lfedicine Hat to Calgary 180 termtued and courageous. He ale* Orders have been issued by Reil has 8 oautton ; this report has been instructing the united half breeds and confirmed by a settler of Duok Lake, Ihdien forces to hold one of the oroes- who fled, fearing trouble. into, the exact place to be determined The Blaokfeet Indiaus, who are upon es ciroumvtauoes tnny direct, loyal, are offering $2 per box for am- against the tro,rps. Whon General =milieu, the regular price being 75 Middleton arrive there (Batoebe's oeuts. They wish to joie the whites Croseiug is likely to be the place) Riot and participate in the fight. They, will seed a flag of truce and submit are, of course, refused. the bill of rights. If the general de - News was received ou Wednesday clines to treat, but not otherwise, Riel that the Russians had made an attack will then fight. He calculates that by on the Afghans in which many eoi- the time the troops get to Clarke's diers of both sides were killed. The Crossing, the situation at Battleford, Afghans after long resistance were de. Fort Pitt, Victoria and Edmonton fasted, and their post taken by the will be such as to compel General Russians. Middleton to bend most cf his troops Some persons are supposed to have to the relief of those places ; and tbat been killed at Fort Pitt, on Friday, the half•breede at Batoohe's will be where Big Bear's band of Indians are able to offer a successful) resistance to reported to have taken the warpath, the remainder. Nolin boasts that be and a telegram t,t the leudeon Bay Company confirms the reported at - Great blether, and trot make ,war on JOHN McDONELL, ISSUER OF the whites. His young braves wattle MARRIAGE LIJENSES: spill no blood, but would go on with I and that they have carefully concealed pal o• ngregation in Listowel to Rev. their farms. He desired Sir John lel this fact from the authorities. In- Mr. Turnbull, of Kirkton. The gent. which they iravol have been built and couetruoted so as to afford an uuuenal degree of comfort to their occupants while en route. Each oar is divided into two c Impartments, and each compartment contains stalls for six horses. The horses are banked into these stalls and stand with their heads facing each other, tbres in one end of the compartment and three in the other. They are securely fastened, and there is ample room between thele for feeding, watering, eta. The care rest on Pullman springs, and are provided with air brekesand other modern imprcvemente. They attracted lunch attention while standing in the Grand Trunk yard at Ailsa Craig. By special arrangement with the company *sant, GovornmentDeposit,sad the uuaBBebsed d obtained by the apel&tor at Clarkt:'s necks of 'tie usual size. The rest to these cars were attach d to an express wog Premium D. preside! t.. 0. M. TAsLOR Soc •,�t y (arms uy clasping aim mound the Crossing. from Lieutenant-Colonel the body was quite natural. The I train and are expected to €o through J. s. HuGilr,0,iumnector, CRADLE SSNELLN body. He shook her off, and fired Morris, Inspector of Mounted Police animal only lived a short time in 25 hours, a distance of 840 miles, gen for tuseteretut vicinit,�. fore Middleton reaches Clarke's sue half -!:reeds and Indians on the Mani toba frontier will be risen. The present outbreak in the North west has brought before the attention of the authorities the fact that the In- dians ars muob better provided with arms than there was any idea of. lu the examivations which have been made from time to time by Mounted Police officers into ludiau arms and stores they have seldom been able to find any guns of improved pattern in their possession. It is evident now, however, that the Indians have for some time been tolerably well supplied with rifles of the best manufacture, by the farces of the Amer, whose ob. ject will tie to hold them until a flying colnmu of British troops eau make their way to the front. of :ter. Edward Coroislr, near Missile Dr. Wild, in a serinun at Toronto, dale. died alta at an•ldonir The on Sunday last, says, it was sigtiiti. young tuan was nearly 25 years of cant that the 10,000 Indians under age, of good character, anti highly re - the Methodist missions were quiet, spooled. Another son is dangerously while the half-breeds and others un. der the Catholics were in arcus. Biel, in hie bill of rights, asked that a uow exorcises were gone ihrt.ugh very creditable. Monday morning Thomas 1V., son ill with tuflamatiou of the bowels, and the afflicted faintly have the sympathy of the community, province be created, and lauds set The total recaipts of the township apart for schools and parish purposes. of Blanchard for the year up to i'eb. If it was separate aobor Ik -cud Slat* 4th, 188€, amounted to $15,150, palettes which were wanted, not au 52; total expenditure to same data, acre should be given. He was oppos- $15,258.58. On the 30th of Jan. ed to grautiug State aid to any system there was 51,906.65 uncolleoted on of religion. He went on to say that the roll. When the liabilities for it was necessary the reboilien should 11$84 are all paid there will be $1,253. bo thoroughly and promptly suppres- sed. It was to bo hoped that this tine neither Grits nor Tortes euuld fawn before Biel, or that one party should bribe him white the other offered him an amuoety. The rev. gentleman then compared the home- stead laws of Canada and the Uuited Staten, and showed tint the oauadinu were much more liberal. He failed to see what mote could be asked. He favoured a generous policy with the Indiaus, who were the ori,ival owuers of the soil,aud whom we were improv ing off the face of the land. He pre dieted, in conclusion, that it would not be loug before peace was restored to the country. N at Far From Horne. News Condensed. Mr. Behan, of Adare, started for Manitoba last Monday ; he shipped a carload of horses last Wednesday and intends unloading them at Brandon. The wife of Joseph Cobblediok, of Mooresville, is at present very ill,tind it is not expected that she will recov- er. St. Marys will bore for salt as soon as the weather is favorable. They are rattier far from the vein to have any firm hope of succeeding. During the last cold snap a few weeks ago a horse belengiog to Mr., H. Harris, Colborne, died 1n the harness on she road. A call. was extended by the Episco- 59 to the good. Mr. Thos. Jordon, Lot 1, con. 8, Logan, sold an entire colt this week coming three years old, got by old Haddo, for the sum of $325. Tho animal has fins heavy boue and mus - ale, of good action, and iron grey in color, and should du well as a utock getter. He ell' travel the coming season through Logan and Ellice, Mr. James Citssady is the purchaser. There appears to have arisen con- siderable excitement :merit a sermon preached by Rev. itir. Turnbull, in the Englit,h Church at Kirkton, re: Gently. The questiou is, whether or not did the Rev. gentleinan justify moderate drinking. The public can come to no concludi,n from Lite ar- guments thus far` advanced ou either side, and the best thing would be to have the sermon published. A. few days ago some miscreant en- tered the stable of a Mr. Preston,. Elms towiship, and put come Pari" Green lu the feeding box of a stall in which a mare valued at $300 was standing- The party then dumped a quantity of oats upon the deadly pois- on. Fortunately the animal did not- eat ot eat all the oats but she ate euougb of the poison to have n slight effect. By• careful attentio,l the beast is recover- ing. On Tuesday afternoon of lest week,. Mr. D. H. Craig, of Ailsa Craig, shipped two car loads of horses for Boston. The animals were remark- ably fine Io:king. and will d. nbtiess command a high price. The care ou OFFICE IN FITTON S JEWELRY STONE Also agent for the London Kauai Insurance Company of Canada,Morcantile insurance Co —Capital $500,000.00 Head Mee Waterloo; Ont, Glasgow & London Insurance Coy—Cap- ital $2,500.000 ; Head Office, Montreal. JOHN MoDONELL Exeter THE WA'T'ERLOO MU'T'UAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. This comr.anvhas been over Eigbtteen years nsuccessful operation in Western Ontarlo,and continuos to insure againstloss or damage by Fire Buildings,Merchau dise, Manufactories ,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In- tendinginsurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years teas Company has ssned 57,096 Policies.covering property to the amount of$10,87%,088;and paid in losses alone 4700,732,00 et.ssetS, 88176,100.00, consisting of Cash in keep the telegram 10 see how Chow -I formation no., comes t3 hand that iu ileman accepted, and the Bishop has foot keeps his word. t many of the bands a considerable ennctioned his appoin(msnt. Going to press, we learn. that the proportion, of the Tndians have Rem• Among the civil suits to be tried at Russian War is still staved off, but every preparation for a conflict is be- ing made. The British Government is seeking troops in Canada. The Indian Army terribly riled end anxi- ous to fight. Another attack' is reported to take place on Herat soon. Euglish are tryiug to restore peace. Some details of the Frog Lake tragedy have come to hand from the wee . Indians entered Gowanloek's house, and without saying a word, deliberately shot him dead. Another Indian raised his rifle and aimed at W. C. Gilchrist, when Mrs. Gowan - lock rushed forward and 1•inioue his inglon rifles of the best pattern. which have probably been supplied to them by traders. With a view of re- medying this state of things It is nu- derttood the Government will intro- duce a Bill during the present session making the furnishing to Indians of arms or ammunition an uffenoe pito• ishable'by fine or imprisonment.' The people of this section were startled on Friday night by the an- nouncement of the Indian massacre at Frog Lake, where fourteen persons have been murdered , by Indiaus. News of the sheet:ina occurrence was the coming S,,ring Assizes for Mid- dlesex are four breach of promise of marriage cases. The parties interest- ed are all country couples. The auditors' report of tbe town of St. Marys for 1884 shows a debenture debt of $89,275.57 and cash liabilities of '$6,034.80. To offset this indebt- edness there are Dash assets to the amount of 56,682.26, leaving the net liability of the town at $38,678.11. Mr.'R. S. Turnbull, of the fourth line, Wallace, has, or rather had, a curiosity in the shape of a heifer calf with two perfectly formed heads and