HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-9, Page 8J. GRIGG1. Wholesale and Retail AND ,... '`ACT GOODS DEALER EN.If,". R. (INT, es.,;, 4'F.Lti, P'R, per flee tor first insertion. Cul" Fk?IItiGtr\ra per Iota fair ea eh subsequent, le option ar►n bo charged for noticoe Appetit-1m u this column. it foto 'ctor !Times. 1'H13R13OAN, APIRL 9th, 1885. Bar"e"s 1 Bates 1 ! Balm 1 t --Beale Balls, klenrY Doyle, of Stephen Township, given Rubber Balla, Bells at all prices from 5 eta. the following solution to the cow and Dalt up, at the Family Drag Store, problem published In the Traces somoweeks Remember the millinery opening at the since :-- o lieloesttaa1 established. April 16th ,and 17th. Jets. t 1 t generation. was .,. • 'f'he Exeter skating rink was closed on 40,16 plus 1x8 Saturday night last after a vary long anti I Ltb,^la 1x6 1 Cow 19 Calves- X36 91 sueceasfnl geasou. Seaton ticket Holders, lit= =10 " 125........ 04 surely got the worth of their money. 6th-= 7 !x3} 28 flood Fridey'was pretty generally obserl- 717u 4 ., 1x210 ed. by the business sten of Exeter, nearly all 804, 1 .. 1 1 their place* of business being closed. Be, li,giaus aervxcee were held in *lithe churches, Total No, cf oststo,,,. 841 The Exeter Salvation Army attended the The correct answer' to thin questions i banquet *Leon on Good Friday, in pom- 1875 rteutcratsari of theopertutg tsf file barracks _. in that village, (reborn*, — Ber dt:bee the auction sale of household s tei, un the 20th of this niontlr, John Gull HARP ON Ba'rs.--The other dap, will wield the hammer. Ur.1 Dearing las a beautiful signppainted neon his window, bearing "Central Berber Shop." Mr. E, Eacrett is the crust. It is a creditable piece of work. We are exceedingly glad to azntounce that Rev, Ww; MartiD, se Vavan Presbyterian wither, roan foiled. b'Ir, Hey+rootl's { Cknrclr here, flea sacoeeded in pa. r', hie first t" f B D. at Knox College dog blade short work of thein. ono■ and held turnituro at' the Exeter Borth ho - Mr. John Heywood, of the 8rd eon., wee removing is pert stank from the end of his barn, and when the bottom was reached **wenn of very large rats which had had bean feadang all rs e:aw na ion or B. Toronto. 0*(144 in killiug 63. Mr. II. did k'oilitoea artd apples ue likelg tones MA see one 4f the anituni$ eaoape. price, es large quantttiee, owing to the severe weather of Marti*, have been frozen in the .Atteltss 801st, cellars, A total Inas is eatpeoted by those who have there in pits,. It will aeon lie time to cloth up your bank rude, loos after your driuking water and everything that will cause offeuatve smells. Do the neseseary yard renovating before the health officer metes his visit. Daring the remainder of the rnbellioa (which will be short) we will be feruiehel aocarate news by our own special correspond. cut, who left on Tuesday with the Seventh ;tiEW..—N• a shall be happy to re wire at afi times, freta any parr of tke County. items of focal news, such .ds ac- sidiznts,er any intrrefting incident what. erer, from any of our futreribers or read- rrf aemerafl yJor the Pur,Yhr of pubitr'' rnoillere front Loudon, *tee. Not within the reeolleotiotk at the oldest resident Iles lie much foe been oft Lake Huron et this time of the year as there is at LOCAL HAPPENINGS. present, 1t will be well into May b^fore the mean disappears. The cold seeps wo are getting areue d to this ` :er at present. Lina it dict mit to navigate, t Sugar -waking lige commenced, autd Mr,, William Robinson is home for his Paster holidays. Ile looks well. Mr, John Cornish has purohaseda Mouse in Kirktori, awheTe he iutends to remove shortly. We wish John mime wherever he slay go. On Sunday lass Rev. Mr. Harris preached one of the ablest aermoue it has been the privilege of the Ander- son petiole to listou to for some time. Ur.. Joint Anderson iutenas open- ing out a dery stare about the lat of fey, which will add to .the ap- SPRING SHOWS. Farurtera who have occasion to visit Exe. pearance of our vi tags, Northern Fair. ?ilea Cra. g, Tuesday, April tat. Borse• only.. Went William*. at Parkhill, Wednc.aay, 'lpril 33u3. Horses end brills. Stephen rsi &rue, Exeter. Thursday, ipril 141. Horsed and bull*. t,'reait,0n. et Crediton, Fealty, ,t;pri117th, dories and bulla. Sands Hawn. at brut tial<.l, TM'Qity, Ap- il I4.tb. horses and hulls. The kart Atiddlcaest sprang show of atal. +ions and thorooghbred cattle has been set for April 17th. lumen. at1014C411, en Moakley, April 20th. Ilurales and belle. 'Alidldulph, at Granton, Tneeday, April 6014. Horses and bulla, Bienshard, at lii> ktou, 1'hnradey, April JJrd, Horses and bulls. Ileuaalt, at Menson, ou Wocinesaay, April 15t1t. Homer and Bulls. Fullerton, at Fullerton Corners, ou Fri- day, April 25th. Horses and bulla. ♦Wanted. A. smart and intelligent lads to learn the i.rt of printing. Must have a fair edneation Apply personally to Txarae Office, Exeter Firemen's Concert. A. oonoert under the auspices of tits flame - fighters of thin town was held in Drew's ball as Tuesday evening last, and fn every par- ticular was a grand success. Both compan- ies assembled at No. 2 engine house, and, a000mpamed by the Exeter Brass Band, marched In prooeseiou np Main -street as far as the Methodist church, and then returned to the hall, which they found so full that it was with difficulty they Gould get inside. The following persons took part in the pro- gremme and as all did so well, we do not feel disposed to particularize : Mrs. Fair- bairn, Mr, Hurdon, Miss E. Pickard, Mr. and Mrs. B. Pickard, lir. W. Senior, Misa Mary Eacrett, Mr. McFadden, Miss MoDon- ell, Mr. J. N. Hooper, Mr. E. Roberts ; the following ladies assisting as organ accom- panists ; Miss Eacrett, Miss Lilly Oke, Miss .iennie MoDonall, bass Edith Brown, and Mrs. F. Roberts. Mr. Robs. Pickard, chief of the fire brigade, filled the chair very effici- ently. I lavers good, , been known to ruts while Weide there' nothingon the street the last lou years, Tonle Ontsiae lite tarot the sleig l; the salt lies uo is a better for ak a rthin}; but but para mud, wine in ea u- rthe time for totiy and tooth ache. good Ir C Dmor erd, has disposed at Int flax ° The rebellion is the chief topic or; i?1►stt�voc►tal. mill in Ezeter north, to a Sir. Swre taer, oft conversation et present. The 28th 0mliton, for the sem of l2,vei). Dir, S. t I3aialllon, of Sr. Slarye, have received A new dodo iu town. soda Haan s experience , the iia;: trade orders to Loki sbomaelves in readi, l B, H, li'ried left for F#attsrille, on sod hanu8 the means, win, us doubt, mate the institution a paying oue. nese for active service. Some of the `,1'pesday, phA property awncdl byy tits late aturloek andereou boys would like to have a Mr. T. Gamut returned from I3uf- "�crtlt was acid by pub. . Q T O'— gitn° 7AItiLING'S --FOR 'YOUR— BOOTS-- J300TS & SHOFS. atoM:nsie to Exeter .shot at the rebels. fain last Friday. lie motion est Tuesday lest by John Gal. 1'Qhv don't our Mayor neo that our auctioneer. The property was knocked 1Sliruville. sidewalks aro cleared ° off. down to Mrs. MoKeuzie for the aunt of 9700 Tim household aea h la 11 teinero also sola Mr. dl; Mrs. R. Cook have returned. A wicked wag, on the staff of the Barrier's Mr. Robert Coates paid a visit to from their visit at Hamburg. dfeemine, has the followiug;—"The firs j thin, his native wine, on Good MiloIiatle McCallum, of Loudon, la home on a visit. Some of the fair sex of our village were badly left on Good Friday. Messrs. N. Fried and 3. Kellerman, were to London last week on busi— neea. Farmers are seen daily iu our vil— lage having their plows and barrrows repaired to begin work on the farm. Mr, Andrew Birk, jr., will leave shortly for Goderioh T'p. Andrew banking trauaaction is recorded in Boy Friday. Writ, when Pham received eertilied cheek on ys ought togo upin price, ea the Bank of the Bed Sea, crossed by Moses El.g $ dt Co," many having beou used ou Sunday. We wish to inform our correspondents Mr, Thos. Veal is about to change that the 'Pella is issued ovary Thursday ro sidomise, but will still be a resident morning, regalarly, and all contributions, in order that they R reach h ill h this office on INed of Elimville.. respective locations game:tingliy. Cooper's house caught fire, . but was Areveties. John Craib, dry -goods merchant, of Clin- ton, has assigned. Bead Jas. Pickard's change of adv, in Another column. Spring Iambs now grace the farmers' stock yards. ' See Dr. Browning's change of adv. in another column. Read Samwell d; Piekard's change of ad- vertisement A family named Brock have removed to Exeter from 'Osborne. The town bell is now rung at six o'clock in the morning. Read Renton Bros., change of advertise- ment m another column. The assessors in town and townships will have their work completed shortly. The street lamps are now lighted at nights for the convenience of pedestrians. Go to Carling's for Maple Syrup. S1.20 per gallon. Bicycling promises to become quite popu- lar here during the summer,. several young men having already ordered machines. Remember the millinery opening at the old established, April 16th and 17th. Jas. Pickard. A number of horse -buyers were in town last week. They secured several fine ani- mals. - Remember the millinery opening at the old established, April 16th and 17th. Jas. Pickard. Mr. Wm. Snell weighed his stallion last week, whieh brought down the scales at 1,900 pounds. Commit the third commandment to mem- ory before taking down the stoves ; other- wise give your tinsmith a job. Remember the millinery opening at the old established, April 16th and 17th. Jae. Pickard. The Kirkton boys are not allowed to kick foot -ball on the street now, the villagers have ing made complaints. Remember the millinery opening at the old. established, April 16th and 17th. Jas. Pickard. King's Combination Spectacle to suit any age, for sale by 0. Lutz, Central Drug Store. Sole agent for Exeter. Remember the millinery opening at the old established, April 16th and 17th, Jas. Pickard. malty morning, should bo sent from their lin Satarday morning last Mr. R. of taeen sa time—, tad Duly ie time—to whose amen we for lila present k, her, sere it from destruotiou. whose name* published last Neck, were }led on blonds evening last by D. G. Rev. W. H. Gane preached a tier. 'the officers of the Exeter Division, Sous lista W. P, Bro. Chao. Snell. The name of v4'. mon on Sunday evening from the will be misses vary much, especially Bbimy should have appeared as Recording t Words of Job : "If a man die shall be 1 by one of the fair sex. Scribe instead of W. S ine3. g to the Two fine stores In Exeter, belonging Drew Estate for sale very cheap, if net sold will be leased et a very low rental. A fine brick residence, formerly occupied by Ur, Drew, also a frame cottage, and a vacant village lot for sale very cheap. For Terms, die., apply to JOHN 1 AN'TON, Exeter. There have been large quantities of pota- toes frozen in cellars this winter. Those that were pitted 'stand a good chance of sharing the same fate. The pits will not bo opened for some time yet, but when. they are there will be grumbling. It is mora than expected that turnip pits, from the same revival services at Bethany on Sun. cause, will turn out badly when opened. day moruing Iasi. The results of Without exception the best and cheapest their services throughout the circuit since the 1st of November have been wonderful, over three hundred having professed faith in Christ. May the good work go on. live again 7" -Job xiv : 14. He proved , Some of our boys are practising muat cauclusivelY that, a000rdiag to 1 gym:461nm performances, expecting Scripture there les resurrection. to travel with some drama this com- b the past Elimville has been a ing summer, pre bably Barnum's. winter resort for m isoae ; at least a Business has been so brisk with dozen used to make this the scene of our taylor, (Mr.Reynolds) that he their hybornation, hut, alas 1 since has employed another hand. (Mr. A. the National Policy has been adopted Boniface, of Toronto). all is changed, and only about half a A new design cutter was exhibited dozen now resort here. iu our village, April 1st, it created The Halleluiah Bandl commenced quite an excitement, espeoially the occupants. (It was a daudy). The Post Office was removed from Queen's Avenue on Monday. People now wishing to take a pleasant walk on that beautiful avenue during the sultry says of summer, can do so, without being crowded and pushed by the busy news seekers going to and from the Post Office. lines of Boots andShoes we have as yet seen, can now be had at C. Eacrett's, Also Chil- dren's Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys' Bicycles of all sizes, ; also Harness of every description constantly on hand. Call and see for yourselves. Butter and Eggs taken In exchange for goods. C. E. 28 2m It would be well for farmers and munici- pal officers to make a note of the fact that a recent order-in-connoit imposes a penalty of $200 for remoying an infected sheep from any farm yard and building, unless by au- thority from the Minister of Agriculture. Diseased sheep must be slaughtered by the corporation, and the owner compensated. On Monday evening last the Salvation Army in this place held a hallelujah jubilee in their barraeks. Besides the soldiers of the local corps, Captain Williams, of Lucan, was present, and took the Iead of the meet- ing. He spoke very earnestly. and the sol- diers were very prompt in giving their tes- timony. A. number of lively army songs were sung with good effect. As per announcement, a special service was held in Christ Church on Good Friday evening, when an address was delivered by Rev. E. J. Bobinson,'incumbent, on "The duty of sending and preaching the Gospel to the Jews," tb a fairly good congregation: The subject was well handled, the speaker showing clearly that the duty devolved upon us to send the Gospel to the benighted Jews, A collection to aid in the laudable work was taken up. On Good Friday a very interesting glass - ball shooting match took place in the agri- enitnral grounds, the marksmen being' Jho. Davies, R. Pickard, W. Folland, T. Bower- man and Bert Fake. Davies succeeded in breaking 6 out of 10 balls , and the others failed to break any. It is thought these tour who failed to score, are not anxious to go to assist iu quelliug the rebellion . in the North-west, and wished to establish their reputation as the worst shots in Canada- If this was their object they succeeded well, The crows are congregating in and' around this vicinity in large numbers, and their loud cawing in the early morning is a welcome token of the return of spring. We observe that in New Jersey thousands of crews are being slaughtered wantonly; while thousands more are trapped for use in shooting matches, iu the place of pigeons. The bird is there treated. as a nuisance, but lin reality he is a great friend of the farmer. He is a moat useful scavenger, and clears the woods and fields of . mischeivovs grubs i a s )ancl ns,ot , "(laborite Connell. The Council met on the 4th April, inst., pursuant to adjournment. All the members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirm- ed. Gardiner--Horney—That Wiliiam Milne of Ethel, be paid the sum of $155.04, for one oar load of cedar plank delivered at Exeter.—Carried. Gardiner--Halls—That the list of Pathmastere as now appointed be con- firmed by on-firmed'by by-law, and that the Clerk prepare the pathutasters Sohedules for distribution.—Carried. liaAa-Horsey—That, whereas Mr. James Gardiner, has applied to this Council to have; the west half of Lot 20 S T Road taken from S S. No 3, and attached to S. S. No 2. It is therefore Resolved to instruct ,the Clerk to notify the Trustees of the several school seotione to be affeotad thereby, of such application ; that the Council at its next meeting, will take the necessary steps required by law to effeor euoh change.—O&rried. ''Gardiner.--Hells—That Thos, WH- OM) be paid the sum of $8 00 to pro- cure provisions and other neces series for Joseph Hewitt and wife. —Carried. Horney—Gardiner--That $150 be the appropriation to eaoh Ward, for Y • • in University, or any outer plan that may seem best to the Mivaster of Ag- riculture, that our delegate to Provin- aiat Grange advocate that body to tnotraotalize the Government for this purpose. Proposed by Bro. Mater - die, seconded by Bro. Snaffle, and re- solved that this division considers that for our midsummer holiday it is ad- Visable to have an excursion some time next June to Kincardine, that this Div. will join with any other au gesting up the excursion and that , he fixing of the day be left to Bro. Gif- ford, ifford, that our wets. correspond with him forthwith and ask him to fix the time, and (inggest the Divisious that will be likely to participate and to are sure them that we will use our beat •udeavora to make it a auooeas, and that these resolutions be published an locsl papers, the two"Bulletins" aid "Itural Oauadian," Stephen. (Xteecived too late for last issue.) The following is a °erreot report of the pupils of S. S. No. 3, Stephen,for the month of March, based ori atm tendauce, conduct, and general pro- ficiency. 5th class --Alfred Morrish, 693 ; Chas. Christie. 4411 class -Wm. Ford, 395 ; Robt. Sweet, 377 ; Wm. Dinny, 368. Sen. 3rd class --Francis Shaptou, 858 ; Malfsa Jory, 827 ; Rhoda Christie, 791 ; Chas. Sanders. 774 ; Nora Bagshaw, 768 ; William Bagshaw, 746 ; Thos. Sweet, 720 ; Jas. Shapton, 719 ; Prudence Bag- shaw, 555 ; Silas Stanlake, 391. Juu. 3rd clave—Robert Dinny, 610 ; Hiram Shapton, 608 ; Wm. Morris- on, 566 ; Henry Peahale, 550, Grace Sanders, 544 ; John Sanders, 543 ; Marl Jane Sanders, 538 ; Abram :Bagshaw, 504 ; Wm. Sanders, 491 ; Hensalt. Mary Dingy, 490 ; Fred. Dunsford, The first quarterly meeting of 488 ; John Mitchell, 460 ; Mary Prince Albert Div. Grange was held at Hensall on the 26th ult. In the absence of Master, Bro. Halls was put in the chair. By request of master, lag, 559 ; Jas. Bagshaw, 542 ; Ed- Bro. Smilie explained prooeedtngs of mund Shapton 533 Ella Sba ton, Provincial Grange Bro. MoMordie ! 528 ; Geo. Harness, 524 ; lJlara gave some further explanations on l Sandere, 508 ; Elizabeth Cor. Dear - same subject. The advisability of an ing, 401 ; Eliza Rowtoliff, 396 ; Cur - tine Harness, 326 ; Susan Harrisou, 143 ; Jas. Sanders, 79. let class— Alex. Box, 486 ; Lucy May Jory, 371 ; Martha Ford,354 ; Rob't. Sand- ers Jae. Dearing, 271 ; Edgar liar. Senders, 432 ; Martha Dearing, 424; Sarah Dearing, 410 ; Emily Jory, 353 ; John Morrish, 847 ; Lucretia Joey, 881. 2nd class --Ellen Dear - elective advisory board for our experi- mental farm at Guelph whion was laid over at last meeting was now taken up and thoroughly discussed pro and con when it was moved by Bra MoMordie, aeooaded by Bro. nese, 267 ; Walter Dearing, 251 ; McQuade,and carried without amend• Frank Sanders, 233 ; Thos. Rowt- meet, that this Div. aware of the cant 228 ; Minnie Morrison, 206 ; great importance of the college and Emma Sanders, 204. farm to the farmers of Ontario; desir- es to use its best influence for the en- t. • tire saooese of these institutions and wishes to make them as useful as pos- sible. We remember with pride and gratitude that at the request of our Div. during an excursion and assem- bly at the Farm, our government per- manently endowed the College. In order to place the Farmon a more permanent basis and give it more as- sistance and place it on a parallel she current year for grading and with all other familiar institutions we gravelling ; and that each 3ounoillor desire to see an elective advisory be a commissioner in his own -Ward board of practical farmers appointed • to assist and advise Prof. Brown in the management and thus relieve him from the effects of adverse criticism ; such board to be,elected from or by the Agricultural and Arts Association, or on the plan of the election of boards for expending the same.—Carried. - On motion the meeting adjourned till Saturday, the 2nd May at 11 'oloclt o ,a.m. , N. J. CLARK, Clerk, 14 is reported that Col. Ross Iles reeigued his position in oonneotion with the 83rd battalion and that Dr. Dr. Coleman of Seaforth, has been appointed thereto. Two of the teobers iu Seaforth High School, belonging to the Qusen'e Own Company, at Toronto, were oall• ed out this week to proceed to the northwesa., An exciting sawing match wan held at Woodburn, county of Perth, on the 26th ult. The log was a hard maple, 17 inches in diameter. Peter McColl and D. Grey, of Lobo,won first place' in 22 seconds ; Burgers Bros., see - and in 24 seconds; Avery and Wilkie, third in 30 seconds. Abont 600 peo- ple were present: Abir