HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-9, Page 1"HEW TO THE LINE, LET TEE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." Vol,. XII„ No. 30 EX.tiTER, ONT., TRUBSDAY MORNING, APRIL 9, 1885. JOHN WHITE & SON Publishers and rroprtetore 0 �../ Z. 7s, made a supreme stint ° le extricate *+�••hiwaeif, and suaoeeded, leaving his Canned Goods, Fresh Groceries, Fresh 'Toddies, Fresh Oran- owl lithesa beh4z.iecndated vialsho. t?oHdere .sand aoaped berries, Fresh Oysters, Oranges and Lemons, GO TO G. A . .L .1.1i f MAl..lt 'S FANSON'S BLOC A Mao Agent for Thorley'r+ H. S C I o 4. Only IOr2. per lb., or 58 per ewi. LEGAL. • Wet', Far Twort Home. - News eondenc ed. DIQII`BOV, Barrister, Soli. --- eobool at Walkerton for obeetismng Walliaru Atass, of tot 8, can. 4, pupil for fighting after sohoul hour. , .e7,�aaot rcu tau rt of a ilk Tuakerswitli, bar a arty w 11. 11 had a with other scholars of the school. caaioataaTansoa'aliloak,Exeter. new born calf blot weak which weigh. The point raised was, of course, 115 lbs, Who can haat this `T a day or two afterwards it began to 1 would follow biw until he succeeded grow painful, Blood poisoning set in placing him in jail. Grout not in and in less than tb week the tend only testified, but told iu court of and arm up to the shoulder were Hitchcock's threat. The country bruised body. A Beeforth doctor re- swollen to an unnatural size. The people wondered, • at Grant's tearer - armed the dislocation and Mr. Teskey arm will have to be amputated, it,. is d,uinb well. He had a narrow es- The Canada Salt Asaarciation, after Hitoboock est once began to wreak hie vengeance upon the worn, Since then he bar brought twenty-eight lawsuits against Grout. Most of them were without any foundation, and served only to annoy Grant air l make lain expense. In a short tine Grrut's hard earned ;twinge, his little home, hie horse, his stook, every- thing war gone, and et last Hitch- cock succeeded to oQAvlolrug hun of cape, aqd, feels hko joining the Sal- a three yeare' existence, is among the yatiou Army. past. '1'be final meeting war held An interesting trace was tried at the last Friday to eudeavor to form a Brace assizes recently before Chief breis for another yet*r's operations, Jnsi,oe Guarana. Its war so acorn bvt the efforts leaked liarmomy, and aRatni,t the head moister of the pubiie i> Anneal dissolution ruga decided on, the secretary, 4r. Raniford, and a cnmmittee beiug appointed to wind up the burliness. The result will be a war of prices, at which no one will make any money, and some may theft, and barb Star benieuoed to jail lose. fora few months. Justice Ilneo granted an order Dot what crazed tyrant, and canted nisi an Saturday on behalf of G. C. the whole community to despise White, a; St. Melnik* brewer, calling H1tat!coolr, was a story the latter upon Judge Hughes, of St, Thomas, started puring Grant'e iuof.roeration, to show cause why a writ of man- prejudicial to the character of Mrs. dainus should slot issue to compel bins Grant. Grant believed there wee uu redress for him in auurt, for the jus - noes stood in fear of the tyrant. Al MoFA.DDEN, Mr. Alex. Knox, of the 8th OQii„ ler... Alau.Uard, while unloading bay the Barrister, SZlh o[tor, Conveyancer, Ett., other day tell off the load on to the 4:1T. whifiletreea and broke three of hie niece t nw.W*M eek lfialt'4old *Mee,* la TAL KINSMAN, DENTIST. 14. DS whether *moiler' have auy juri.dio- tiou over Iolrciare except during the Wool hour. and for breaoheo of the discipline occurring on the Pelletal premises. The Chief Justice held, in ribs. Lite opinion, that the toa.her had au. John iiaehatri has sold the Bonder• tbority for Rota done ontside of the cork farm, ou the gravel road, near school pretnieee and up to the pupil's Loodesboro", to a person from eastern return home at loaet. The station to decade upon the legelity of the vote Ontario, for the earn of 23,000. It War diswiised. oast at the recent Scott Act con - contains 50 aorta. A /ell nn ort.unate accident bag- test in. St. Thomas. The Lot wee Dunoau Mol.ay, 13th crus, d,ah- ti.seaway , field, is the postmaster of a good amid ea to Peet- recta of Juvenile horse -flesh, in the petted it IGG Woolen mine of kiesirs• carried by a majority of thirteen, and ,Dofton dt BI7era in St. Marne, on the opposing party claims that 23 Ttitradav afternoon of last creek. A voter are bed, and that the judge When liberated front jail be met Uitoltcock an the Street. ou March 41b, and demanded (hast he retract what bre lead Haid ebaut Mr*, Omit. INcle t)look. shape of tt colt rbaiug twG yeare rode PI nitulod Auuae I3eudor.ou. dough" aiaould have so determined. Judge Hitchcock merely repeated hie state- trth TeO0tttbl�rOr.' which turas the scales at 1,400 Ib.. ter of Mr. John Henderson, of the Uughse, however, took the view that instate. He laughed in his victim's outps►ttr, Ur. Hy. C. Cookof the Enron West Ward, !Into taking ori a belt be a .uld only re-count the ballots and face and defied. hum. It was then that road. Gadericlu township, has Weald and !snorting It up SO.WS 10 hang on not deterwtno the legality of the the husband aseautt.d the Yaukee. of Mr. P. Perdue, lot 7, (adjoining hits a nail, got 25 twisted in coma way and votes. Tqa queetiou will be argued Uilohcook was taken horso with the , owl) emadsttng of 50 gores ; he gets her arm wire pulled over tate abaft. this week. 31EDIt'AL it at the remarkably low prole of $31 'rhe arm got out of the belt, however, nit .If :NDMAN.—CORONERFOR so acre. before her body had time to be drag A uortcau. $cr.I.! hreru ntyotne otor'raco, °p11oiite t° The Rev. M. Turnbull, iaoutubeoi gel over the shaft, and she fell to the r St. Paut'd °bureh, Kirktou, desires to I floor. The bones uf the wrist were Mrs. Tote Thumb and Count Primo broken right off and the hand hung Magri were married on Marrday after - by a few shreds of flesh. Medical aid boon at the Church of Holy Trinity was Rt ones eent f Ir. and the ulster- Madisou Avenue. The church was Curate girl was coon after removed to orowded. Many old New Yorkere who her home. The bone above the el- were printout at Mrs. Stratton's first bow was found to have been fraclured Koddiug some of the beet known so. also, and the area was amputated ciety people were present. Mille Lucy' Adams was bridesmaid and Major W. DROWNING M. D., 111. 0 express his sincere thanks to the el • r.S.Cre.dnateViotoriatluiversity• owe %irktoir and St. Patrick's oengretts- reer0414.0uce. DOW °;icor ioaboratotr.Exoter. tion for the generous gift of oats left DR. J., A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. S at the parsonage a few days ago. O. Ofllre. Main St.*xeter,Ont.Residence Ouu night milt week .1r. Araaibald usereceutly occupied by P. a oPhoupa,l:se. Dewar, of Lobo,hnd the misfortune to have one of bis horses break bis leg through the night. The annual, l about half way between the elbow and which was a valuable one, had to be abonlder, killed immediately. One eveniug last week Mrs. Jos. Canadian. McCully, of Stanley township, having The Santt Aot was carried iu the county of Welliugtou on Thursday Jut by a majority of 1,200.. Mr. J. 0. Carter's twiu daughters were poisoued in Mount Forest last week by chewing a green ticket. A. colored man named Charles Car. rol was drowned on Mouday iu no. Gregor creek, Chatham while ender-' been called to relieve them. voring to catch drift wood. Rev. Thomas Harrison, the "boy Traffic receipts of the Canadian preacher," has beau cauduoting aar- P'aoiilc Railway for week ending lug the past six weeks, revival eery March 81, were $178,000, ngaiust foss at the rriuity Methodist Church, $116,000 last year ; increase $62,- Chicago, assisted by the Rev. F. I. 000. Bristol. Wednesday of last week a A, Toronto liquor detective is oharg: jubilee was celebrated at the church ed with compouuding a felony by for the 500 converts, Bishop Charles Fowler and other church notables being present. It is stated that over 200 converts have been admitted to the Methodist Churches of the city since Jan, 1st. LU1'Z, U. D., kJ • Ofttcest his residence Exeter, DR. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI VERtSITY TrinttyCoaleg MemberCollege tuvsiotans.tn+l swrgeonr Orrt..r•ftioeh'irkton ,.� occasion to take a dose of cough medi- f1irUIiTAN2.tuTICES, cine, by mistake took a dose of 1_1E it Y EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer tor aiay,Stephen and;afcGillvray rownahipa. Sales conducted at moderate rates. office -At Pest-offtoe, Crediton, Ont, ?�ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES - sea tato fortho Burson d: ErfeLoan t• Savings ieelety. Low rates of !Moretti. Apply to John aokman,Exater. J. CLARK, Agent for the Us - 1.\ • borneaud tiibbart atutualrireLnauraneo <lompany, Rosideucn-Farquhar. Orders by �uailpromptly attendoat°. vj0NEY 'P0 LOAN AT 8I AND 7 ► por cent. according to terms. Private Funds, Apply to E.V.ELLIOT, octobor15,'80 Solicitor. Exeter ---TRY--- I. D EAEINC's Central Shaving Parlor k'or Olean and easy shaving, fashionable hair cutting, &o. Clean Towels for every customer. Next door to Central Hotel. tine - tura of iodine. An emetic was ad- ministered at once and nothing uu• pleasant trok place beyond the fright. It to pretty generally reported that the well kuowu landlord of the Albion hotel, Goderiob, has left for parts uu • kuowu, and that some of the citizens have also been "left." if it bo true, it is one of the easy ways cf prepar- ing for the let of May, and the new regime. The fiat of convictions for the Co. of Huron for the quarter ending 10th March, published by the Clerk of the Peace, shows 65 cases in all. Of these Goderich had three—two vat- taking hneh money from a druggist graucies and one assault; Clinton, whom lie hod detected breaking the Wiugbam, Eaeter and Brussels law. crowded each other closely with an The ferries at Windsor are now average of leu or a dozen cease. running on regular summer time, or A. meeting of the general commit. six trips per hour each way. This tee of the County of Huron Scott Act has been brought about much earlier Aaeociation will be held iu the tom- than numb, owing to the great in: perancd ball, Chntou, ou 'Tuesday. crease in passenger and freight traf• April 14th, commencing at 10 o'clock a m The object of the meeting is � OR SALE.-TWO•STORYFRAME to oonsider the steps to be taken to- fWELLiNGHOIISE•andur,eeoreofland. wards securing the enforcement of situated on the Thames Road.2l miles east of Exeter. Goodlarge frame stable and driving shed; splendid orchard of choice fruit -bearing trees; good well and cistern. Suitable for a ro• tired farmer. Will bo sold cheap for cash. AP ply to THOMAS ALLIN. Exeter 0 iv 10 -ti upper parr al lite body pummelled a1. most to a jelly. For two days it was itupusaible to procure medical attendance for him, so interne was the feeling of hatred that had sprang up ngatret him. IL Wad rabidly until hie death. There is a feeling of general sympathy for Grant, who is almeat a pauper. A. Brantford Seusatlon. tics. Stratford, widow of the late Newall, who married Minnie Warren,' Dr. 1,11w. R. Stratford, of Brantford, was Snot mim was found decd on Friday evening, Caroline Fink, aged 21 ; John, at her reeidenoe uu Albion street. aged 16 ; Louisa, 14; Sallie, 11; and She had not been seen for two days, M;llie, 7, children of John Fick, a and some of her friends becoming a1 - farmer near Windsor Castle, I'a., armed, Mr. 0. .Biggar obtaiued, en - have become afflicted with a horrible irauoe through stn upetair window malady, the eyruptoms being terrible and descendlug to tile (rout door, ad- paroxy.ms, spasms and hysterics, re: milted sofas friends and a search sembling 1lydrophobia. Superatitious through 111e house was made. In a neighbors believe they are bewitched. bedroom off the diuiug-room marks A "witch doctor" from Reading has of blood were found on the carpet, and the basin with water in, colored with blood. Proceeding upstairs to a front bedroom they found the de- ceased lying dead on the floor with her face submerged in a bathtub of water. On the sideboard was a bottle labelled "laudanum, poison," irr which a few drops were ieft. A coroner's inquest was held Sat- urday afternoon to inquire into the cause of her death. It is supposed the deceased took some laudanum for medical purposes, and taking too large a dose, it caused hemorrhage of the nose. To stop this she endeavored to get at the water iu a bathtub and probably fell insensible with her face in the water, on April let. fin this epriug. a-rOr-. Elliott Bros., sawmill, con 3. West- cook, nt Washington, a pettifogger, a North-West Weather. minster, was destroyed by fire ou breeder of fine horsed and cattle, and 1 Thursday night last, with ' all the a thoroughbred Yaukee, has paid the i The Calgarry Herald of the 19th of machinery. There was no insurance, penalty with his life for his tenacity March shows that np to December and the loss will aggregate $1,000. in carrying out a scheme of miserable 10th, 1884, there was nothing but The lumber was saved. A crack in revenge. He was brutally pounded bright sky and warm sunshine, in the furnace, which let the fire drop through, oaused the fire. A boy about 13 years old, named Jaeenu, living near the mouth of the Puce River, went out in a dunk boat on the lake one day last week to gel a floating fish shanty. While trying to fasten a rope to the enmity the skiff capsized and the boy was drown ed. Toe trial of Crosse for the murder of a man named Hamilton in esodic, A painful accident happened to a on the 10th of June last, came up on young man named George Uren, at Wednesday of lest week a1 the Berrie Richardson's planing mill, St. Marys,' assizes. The jury found the prisoner on Friday morning. Whilst lJreu guilty of menelaughter, with a res: was working at the circular Wawa oommendation to mercy, sal was piece of wood he was holding slipped, sentenced to three years in the peui- bringing the top of his right hand in tentiary. contact with the circular saw. The A largely attended meeting of deal- top of the index finger was severed ere interested in the live stock export and the whole of the fingers on the trade was held last week in Montreal right hand narrowly esoaped'the same at which important matters affeoting fate. About a year since Uren lost the industry were discussed, and a three of the fingers of the loft hand in committee was appointed to interview the same way. the railway and steamship companies On Friday last, au accident hap- with a view to securing more favor- pened at Mr. Goyeulock'a mill at able terms and better facilities for the Winthrop, by which Mr, William shipment of stook. Teskey almost lost his life. He had Mae. Osborne, wife of the Baptist gone to fix the belt, a hen he was minister at Newbury, acoidentally caught in the spindle and his shirt scratched her hand with a rusty pia if Frank Grant ?testified agatuet ons Thirty thousand volnnteera partici- wound round end` round. Mr. T. felt a few weeks ago. She paid no atteu: client. He thet?iafore warued Grant rated un Monday lu the maneuvers tion to the scratch at the tune, tut a before the tris] that if he testified he at Brighton, Dover and Aldershot. the boott Act in the county atter the 1st of Mayaext. Au affair of considerable interest to the young people of lBayfieid, took place at Clinton the other day. This 1�TJ. CLARIt. COMMISSIONER was no leas thou the marriage of . intim Co xt f C Court ommon Plias-Deeds, Win. rks, of Dakota, son of Alex- \Vills,ifortgages, Leases, and all forms ofagree. p out drawn and executed according to law. ander Sparks. Esq., Bronson Line,A/ONEYTOLOANONnEALE8TATE. Partieswlsh• startle , to Ida, eldest daughter or ing to borrow money on account of reoontpur- y ahasea olland,or to pay off existing mortgages join; Morgan, Esq., the genial pro- willfind a great saving by giving mo a call, Can I lone money at6 and 6f por cent. according to prietor of the River Hotel. Mr. terms. N.J.CLARK Sparks has been a resident of Dakota Ifor some years, and has a comfort - JOHN McDONELL, ISSUER OF I able homestead there, to which he MARRIAGE LIJENSES, , takes his charming bride. OFFICE IN FITTON'S JEWELRY STORE Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance Company of Canada,Mercautile insurance Co -Capital *500,002.00 Teed Office Waterloo; Ont, Glasgow & Loudon Insurance Coy -Cap- ital $2,500,000 ; Head Office, Montreal. JOHN MeDONELL Exeter 'Tl ELF, WATERLOO MIA 17AL FIRE 1 INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. Thiscolntanv has been ever Eightteen years a successful operation in Western Ontario,and continues to insure against''oes or damage bl fl'iro, Buildings, Merchau di se, Manufactories ,and all other descriptions of insurable property. In- tendinainsurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. :During the past ton years Luis Companyhas ssued 57,086 Policies ,covering property to the amount of $40,8788; and paid iu losses alone :709,752,00 ,ts etS, $176,100.00, ,consisting of Cash in dank, Government Deposit, and the unassessed Premium Notes on hand and in force J, W WAS, nus 11 D. Presider t. C. 111. TAYLOR, Sooretary J. r3. Hroums,Inspector. OHARLESSNELLY Agent for itxeter and vicinity. that bis body would soon follow and .,•,s Kilted Ms Tormentor. One of the best known characters in Litchfield county,George 0. Hitch. about the face and .hent two weeks Alberta and throughont the whole ago by Frank Grant, till recently a district, but then the thermometer prosperous Washington farmer, from weut down several weeks below zero, the effects of which be died on Satur- and "stayed there six weeks without day night. it is is expected that change." The same newspaper says - State Attorney Huntington will ask that the cold seamed to come from Governor Harrison for a requieitiou the south and not from the north. It for Grant, who is now in Yonkers. was at one tine 37 0 below zero. The The story of Hitoh000k's pursuit of fine weather returned on January 21, s Grant well illustrates this atrauge and for tae rest of the month ranged man's character. Hituh000k was a from11 ° to 54 ° abode zero. From hard -fisted batchelor, 50 years old, Feb. 1 to 6, it ranged between 38 ° and had accumulated about $25,000 and 55 ° above zero, and then until by his horse trades and sale uf cattle. the 19th there were °oedeual snow His Alderneys were considered the storms, while the thermometer tell. It went down to 10 ° below ou Feb. 19. Fine weather'has prevailed over since. From March 1st to 11th the thermometer ranged frum,26 ° to 66 ° above zero. the lowest and highest figures having been reached on the 8th and 91b of the present month. The i3erafd closes with the following: finest in the state. People came from miles away to buy of him. While he was not a Lawyer, he was a veritable country Dogberry. arid his opiuions were considered worth as much as his judgment on hornet. Years ago he made an unenviable fame for himself by his su00688 in de- fending violators of the liquor law be- nee we have said, no other part of Canada justice courts. He defeuded eau make a showing like this, and if intend- foreWateon Coswell six years ago be- ' immigrants k it was summer in Al- -berta while wore The majority of the oountry people were in great dread of his dry wit and violence. Ile 1osI the cage, however. He saw beforehatid he would lose it waitingthey p g, it is probable they would take the first, and fastest train they could find for the west." Foreihn Briefs.