HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-2, Page 8GRIOG. Wholesale a d Retail ----AND- PANY 0QODS DEALER 'eXWI1ER, ONT, TE v0ENT$perlinefor arstiuiertion, ane FOUR °totes per line for each subsequent in eertton win be claarged for notices apnetirint in this column. Pait fin es. TD RSDAT, £PIRIi 2nd, 1885, L QC.4L 11'..--1re shall he happy to re. eche at all tinter, front any part of the County, item ef local news, stub ee ac- cidents,ar any interesting incident what- ever, from any of our subscribers or read. era generally far the purpose of pulil(c- a tion. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. SPRING SHOWS. Northern Fair. Align Ora g, Tuesday. April 21st. Horses only. Went Williams, at Parkhill, Wednesday, April 22nd. flumes aud. balls. Stephen & Usborne, Exeter, Theraday, April 16. Horses aud bulls,. Crediton. at Crediton, Friday, April 17th. Horten and bulls. South 'beau, at Brucefield, Tees bay, Ap- ril 14th. Nurses and balls. The East Middlesex spring show of stat lione and thoroughbred cattle has been set for April 17th. Lucau, J41411(1%11, on afonday.April :20th. Horses and bulla. Biddulpit, at Greaten, Tuesday, April 14th, Hor=aa and bulls. Blamhard, ut Eirktou, '1luirsday, April :13rd, horses and hulls. Ileusall, at Heusall, ou Wednesday, April 15th. Floraee and Bulls. Wanted A einart aud intelligent lair learn the art of printing, Hest have a fair education Spply personally to Taiga Office, Exeter Farm ere, Beware. �^ Time and again., we have cautioned the public against having anything to do with peddlers of shoddie cloth, tea, and other articles, which are continually being hawked aloug the coucession lines of our townehipa by irresponsible parties, who are here to -day and away to marrow. Still our warning bas apparently done little good, for we have just Beard of a few parties who wore badly taken in by trailing with these sharks, who have no abiding place, and only caro to make sales and aeoure Dither notes or cash, and then the purchaser may look out for himself. having no redress when the imposition is discovered, as the parties are generally no where to be found. It is always best, and by far the cheapest in the long run, to do business with established houses, where goods aro sold at honest pricey, aud articles turn out as warranted, If people will not da this they deserve no sympathy, and can re- ceive none from the Tzuss in the future. 13revetiea. Apprentices to the Dress -making wanted at Renton Bros. If yon want cheap Toilet articles, go to the Dominion Laboratory. 1Ir. W. C. Manning left on Monday morn- ing fur Kansas City. Toilet Soaps of all kinds al lowest price at the Dominion Laboratory. To -morrow will be Good Friday, and San - day will be the day when (eggs)traordinary records will be made in eating "hen's fruit." Several runaways occurred last week but fortunately nobody was hurt and no serious damage was done to the rigs. King's Uombination Spectacle to suit any age, for sale by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store. Sole agent for Exeter. Ladies, call and see Mies Elliott, late of London, fashionable dress -maker, up -stairs at Renton Bros. Look, out next week for Samwell & Pick- ard's change of advertisement. They have ; a very select stows of epring goods in stock. On Thursday afternoon last Mr. John 'Willis shipped from Exeter 13 head of fat cattle for the eastern market. Mr. W. H. Verity shipped a large number of land rollers and plows of his manufacture to Manitoba yesterday, Dr sees cut, made or remodeled, got np in the best of style; fitting and draping to snit the most fastidious at Banton Bros. On Wednesday last, Mr. Robt Laing, jr., shipped from this station a car load of ap- ples for the Chicago trade Price paid for them to farmers here averaged 01.30 per bag. Sleighing in town is getting very thin, while the country roads still carry plenty of snow, but, owing to it being very soft, trav- ellers can make but slow speed. H. K. Hyndman, son of Dr. Hynclman, of Exeter bas passed his third year examine• tion in medicine at the Western University, London. Bring along your dresses, no matter whe- ther bought in London, Exeter or Zurich, if you want taste, economy and style combined at Renton Bros. There will be skating on she covered rink tomorrow (Gond Friday) afternoon and ev- ening. Everybody should go, as there can not be =oh more skating this season. The superintendent of one of the Sabbath schools in town, nn Sunday last asked the scholars (referring to the next lesson) what will we have next Su.iday ? when a email lad replied, "Beep. The answer was so unexpected that it caused laughter. The snow is rapidly disappearing under the increasing power of old Sol, and people are beginning to behove we will .have spring s this year. The revival meetings in the Japes -street 3lethodiat Church were terminated on Fri- day evening, but special services are still being held in the Main -street ob.utol1. 11lr. be Walper bas been appointed post- master for Hay post of mo, end lies bad Mr. John Matheson. sworn in as deputy. Mc.. Quigley has also been appointed posttuaetear at Centralia fn the place of Ur. Abbott, Urs. A. Q. Bobier, who has been visiting friends ni the state of Iowa, returned Maine a few Clays ago. Mfrs B, scoots to have re- tained his usual health and good spirits dur- ing his short term of baobelorehip. Mr. Joshua Miller, who has been praatiain with Dr. Sweet for some time, his final examination at the Ontario Vetez hoary College last week, and will shortly commence practice in the state of Mingle. Ur. R. Davis, butcher, purchased the other day from Mr, fleury Homey, Deputy -Beene of Usborne, a lamb which was dropped this swing, for whish he paid, 34. He boughs it to kill for Easter meat, A meeting of the members of the Active Mase Ball Club will be held at the Central Real to.nzght (Thuraday) to elect tt Captain and transact outer important business. A full attendance is requested. A special calf of the Scott Aet Association Committee has b.'eu made for Tuesday, the 14th of April, at 10 a'olock a, m. to take measures to assist in the administration of the law in [futon. We regret to have to autaouueo dais week the death et :gaggle Louisa. daughter of oar esteemed and respected Reeve, L. Manly, It,a., wbioli occurred on I; eeley tnaretng. She bad been ill for sumo time.'fbe reentiue were laid in the place appaiuted for alt living yeaterday :Myrtle tea, Ciao ef the young Mien mho oaught the horse°which got loose at thn Ventral Hotel aud tau up street, tras accidentally thrown down while h^]ding the animal by the head 1 and dragged a considerable distance, Tho f road being a little slippy, the young Cep's beat pants were spoiled. We have reseivtkl a communication with- out the name of the writer. It cannot be published unless the writer's name is handed in, not ueceantrily for publicatiau, bat as a guarantee of good faith. We would also like to know the particulars of the affair and the nudes of the parties connected therewith. Without exception the beat aud clap#pest linea of Booty and Shoes we have as yet seen, can now be had at C. lacrrtt'e, Alio trbit- dren's Carriages, Express Wagons, Goya' Bicycles of all sizes, ; atao lHarncaa of eves desoription co:tstautly on hand. Cell and see for youtasatvee. Mutter aut. lgga taken in exchange for goals. C. E. 2ft Stn On Tuesday evening [last the Salvation Army male a departure from the usual or- der of service, The Devil wan placed on. trial, twelve witueiiei -six sisters and six brothers--teetifying against hint. At the con- clusion of the evideuco the aceneed was found guilty of ail the °bargee preferred a;;ainat him. Taut night the slaters along took the load of the meeting, and to -night the mato portion of the Army will conduct the exor- eteee. By consultingauothcr column our readers will see that a representative of the celebrat. ed optical establishment of Lawanoc & Co., will visit this place on Friday, loth April, inst. The reputation of tho apactacla, manu- factured by this firm, is of the highest char. actor and we have no hesitation, having read the long list of teatimouiala from high auth- orities recommending them, iu snyiug that the privilege of having a thoroughly practical optician adjust each spectacles is one which n.s wise man needing theta will allow to es. cape. The following officers wore elected for the current quarter at the last weakly meeting ot the Exeter Division, Sous of Temperance, held on Monday evening last :-W. P. Bro. 3. J. Pickard; W. A., Sis. Muttihart ; W. F. S., Bro. E. l3arwood (re-elected) ; R. 8„ Bro• W. Shinay (r° -elected) ; A. It. S., Sis. Ida Gould (re-elected) ; Chaplain, Bro. E. Bissett; Treas., Bro. R. Crocker (re.cloctod); Con. Bro W, Folland (re-elected) ; Asst. Con. Sis. Ede Gould (re.elcctedl ; I. S. Sis, Carley (re.elocted) ; 0. 8., Bra William Gould ; Organist, Sis. E. Bell, The Divi- sion is in a garnishing condition, acquisitions being made to its membership at nearly °v- ery meeting, GOOD FRIDAY. A Special service wilt be held on Good Friday evening at 7.80, in Christ Church, when a special address will be delivered by the incumbent on "The duty of sending and preaching the Gospel to the Jews " A collection in aid of the above object will be taken np. Everybody welcome. All (3-"d's people come and help the good cause. GIVE THE BIBLE TO THE JEW. Give to him whe gave the Bible, Think from whence it came to you : Do you love ,your precious Bible ? Then restore it to the Jew. Do you love your holy worship ? He preserved the Word for you; Preach Immanuel, God's anointed, Pretieh the Gospel to the Jew. Do you love your precious Saviour ? Jesus Christ was born a Jew : What should, then be your behavior ? Tell of Jesus to the Jew. - Do you Ioye to cling to Jesus, Just because He died for you ? Do yon know that He'll receive us ? Give'such knowledge to the Jew. God will grant His Holy spirit, Let the (.*ensile teach the Jew ; Each, believing, shall inherit Life eternal -Love the Jew Think how much you are indebted To the poor benighted Jew ; Bless him, and you shall be blessed Tell of Jesas to the Jew. Extracted front the "Jewiele Advocate." Puny, swirly, fretful children are very t,yi;ig to the patience of all who have the care'bf them, cad in the majority of cases the fretfulness arises from a weak and emaciated condition of the body, caused by the drain` un the constitution during the peri- od of teething, or the rapid growth of child- hood. In such cases give Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion according to directions, or the adyice of your physi- cian. ROUND THE DDUNTRT, Zurich. Pretty soft weather ; ' foot -ball kuooked on the head for the present, The ohief topic of oonve:cation is Biel and the rebellion. Quite a number of people left from this vicinity for Dakota last week. People are oa the look out for eggs, awing to the proximity of Easter.. There was oothfi.rreation service in the Lutberau Clitoral yeeterday. The church WAS well filled and the Dere, morly was very interesting grid itsss preeetve. ElinttvilIe. .Rev. Mr. Evnou of Exeter, preaoh- ed in the tIettlodittt Churoh, on Bun. day evening. He has lost little of isie old time power. While Robert Skinuor was oowiug out of the'ewatnp with a load, of mile, the load tipped over and his leg was broken above the knee. Ile is doing well. An open woolen of the S. S,, eras Ilild on Sunday afteruo in, When a large number of the parents were pretreat, chancing that they take an tuterest to the prog.srns of the e0l1o01, A.utlereoui .Henry Switzer Moe a oew wlttcbt b td ten °elves, ei 4 they were all on a 8elidey.. alt. Jeff Poarn owes twin steers which are rising three yeare old and weigh 8,400. Mw. J. Reoinsou, who tow been 111 fn- nearly two yeere, it; fast eiuk- ittq, at`d all 'tepee of her recovery Are abaurb'ned. lit . Albert Switzer intends leeytng for Deleita t'sie "cook, where heiu-- tends to make fur himbelf a home there, and iu the hoar future, we expect he will Bend for one of the fair yonug tedies of time uetghberbood. to maks his home more pleauattt. Miss Emma Atkinson, left for Lernonville, o nuty of York, on Wed: esday, to vitrit her numerous rely- tivoe in that vicinity. We wish her a Pleasant tune, and Cruet she will not get en enamoured with the boys ata to cause ner to remain, as her ab- sence) even for a all It time will no donbt cause one young Ulan on the line to feel somewhat lonely. - Dashwood. Miss Grace Rowe, of Exeter, was visiting at Mr. N. Fried's last week. floury is agaiu taking music les- sons. We wieh hire better tiuooese. Rev. J. P. Hauch occupied the pill: pit Sunday evening. Ur. and Mrs. R. ;look aro visit ting at Hamburg. Freddy, J. G. it: Ca# were at Zur- ich on Sunday. Freddy still gets there. ,Take, don't be discouraged and let the boy gat away with you. Try it again, Mr. 0. Ooloakey has sold his farm of 50 acres to ?Cir. Arnold Birk for $2,750. Our enterprlaiug village is enjoy- ing its usual peace and harmony, not: withstanding the rebellion in the north-west. Mr. F. Gasman left last week for Cleveland, to attend his brother's fu: neral. He will visit Buffalo ou hie return. Mr. 0. Lludenfield, while removing some hay in the loft the other day, fell through, lighting en [Cha floor beneath. He was considerably shaken up, but not eeriously inured. Our champion bicyclist is expeoted to return home from Chatham next week on his two -wheeled machine, well ecienoed in bicycling, and his uranium filled with a business educa- tion. Hold your horses aud hang on to your hair as he arrives, Osborne. The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 6, for the quarter ending 31st of March, 1885. the total number of marks assigned in each class being 100: Senior de- partment, Geo. W. Holman, teacher, 5th plass-Ellen Halle, 100 ; Maggie Powell, 89 ; Willis.m Turnbull, , 72 ; Henry Andrew, 65 ; Lottie Upahall, 51. 4th class -Ida Turnbull 75 ; Agues Turnbull, 66 ; Johnsey Rob. insou, 65 ; Jane Coates,' 55 ; Minnie Turnbull, 53 ; Fred Del bridge. 58 ; Rosa Miners, 51 ; Andrews Thomp- son, 42 ; Janiss Heywood, 41; Wal- ter ,',Peddler, 80. Sen. 3rd class - Annie Miller, 95 ; Wm. Smalls, 80 ; Henry Coates, 70 ; Frank Hallf, 72 ; Jennie Smith, 72; Frank Coals, 60 ; George Powell, 63 ; Ella Robinson, 45 ; George Delbridge 44. Jun. 3rd olase-Lottie Halle, 81 ; Charles Johns, 75 ; Albert Andrew, 70 ; .Jea- nie Delbridge, 70 ; Charles Andrew, 68 ; David Cathcart, 66 ; Huldah Upehall, 62 ; John Wilcox, 60; Chas. Upshall, 59 ; Olivid Clements, 58 ; Roy (fodbolt, 46. Sen. 2nd class - Addis Cook 71 ; Hattie Brown 66 ; I CAft"T.ING'S --PO OUR - BOOTS BOOTS Riohtad Johns, 60 ;'1'horuton Smale, 57 ; Jamas Turnbull, 40, Junior detainment, Miae lit, Copeland, tenait- er ; 2nd clues --.Annie (3odbolt, 94; Arthur Lidley, 91 ; Eliza Rowotiffe, 89 ; Wray, Glidden, 84; Annie Johne, 76 ; John Heywood 78 ; Edith Clarke, 69 ; Charles Delbridge, 09 Maud Goelbult, 07; Idarab Cooper, 45 ; Theo. Ellwood, 89. Part Il close Robert Neil, 92 ; Engler Row- obit's, 92 ; Lilly Uodbolt, 92 ;. Patcy Brown, 90'; George Miners, 88 ; Annie 800113, 81 ; Eliza Johns, 70 ; George Turnbull. 89. let elan.-- Lawreuoo Qook, 85 ; Angora Smale,. 70 ; Nellie Cooper, 52; Philip 1luw- otiF'', 42 . Julia Cooper, 27. Aver. - ago attendance for the quartor, 61. 'Phis is small compared with other yeare, but the eoverity of the weather prevented attendance. Parente are earnestly requested to Bend their children to tlabool regularly ; other. wise good resulte punct be expected,. Klrkton The annual Sabbath School Convention al the Eirkton Circuit was held in the Math- °dist Church hero on Tuesday March 24th. The first session opened at 9;80 a. m., with Prayer and Patio service and election of of filers, Mr. T. Tufts was elected Prosidout, and Messrs. Wm, A. Bellamy and George A. Stacey minute secretaries, Reports from the six 5. S., of the Circuit were then received from which we gather the following totals : Scholars, 511 ;• Officers, 21; Teachers, 48. Rev, Alfred Androws, S. S. agent of the Guelph Conference, then made a few com- ments on the reports just heard, which brought the session to a close. The afternoon session opened at 2 p, m. The subject, "The gaining and retaining of young men iu the S. S., was introduced by Rev. James Harris. I. Feel the importance of retaining the young men. II. Recognize their manhood. III. Have a suitable place in which to meat. IV. Have a qualified teacher, a lady if prao, ticable. "Use of Cateohesm" was the next subject.' and in the absence of Rev- W. H. Gana, was introduced by Rev. E. A.. Fear, the usual discussion following, from which we learn: I. The importance of being well versed in the chatechiem. ' II. Teacliers themselves should be familiar with the catechism. 11I. Have a copy for each scholar. IV. Superintendent should divide it into.. lessons for the year. V. Teach it before commencing lesson. VI. Superintendent should review lesson. "Chronology of the Bible" was then taken up by Rev. A. Andrews, who exhibited a chronological chart, on which he gave the audience a thorough drilling. In the absence of Mr. J. J. Crabbe the subject, "Music in the Sabbath School" was treated by Rev. Mr. Harris, who dwelt on the attractive power of music, and on the ne- cessity of having suitabie music in the School The evening session which opened at 7 p. in., was principally taken up by Rev. Mr. Andrews who spoke for some time on "The use and abuse of the BIackboard," after which he explained the significance of a number of piotures which were arranged on the wall. Another stage has been reached in Not et: 0 Doharty, of the Doherty Organ Co., C:liuton, purchased the re. sideuae of A. 8, Fisher, boil., for lite cum of 38,500. Mt. Rerr's ooufeettouery stare, at Wiogbam, was destroyed by fire cm Saturday. Considerable demago was done to Oautte & Inglis' carriage foo• tory adjoining. Kerr's loss lar 32,000, insurance 3800 ; iasurod itt tun Hur- on and Middlesex Qo. The building was owned byRobinson, of Varna. i Loss 31,000, nsurance not known. The Fre origtuated from au exploded lamp. Coutte c& Inglis are insured in the Goo Muteel. Lose about, 3500. On Tumidity afternoon of last week, an auction Bale of imported Clydes- dale bonen belonging to Mr. A. Carl- ton, of Marnooh, took plane ou thlp market square, Wingham, and wee fairly attended. Tisa etailton, 4Youug Mazeppa.' woo sold to Mr. Boyne, of 13iddulpb, for gj1,185 ; The stallion, "Sultan" to Fonwiok Walton, of Wax. ran, 111., for 31,800 ; the mare "Lady Flora" to Euooh Shorts, of East Wa- wanoah, for 3840, and "Janet" to' Isaac Wright, of Turnborry, for 3385. Io the examinatioue of the Outstrip Veterinary College the following from the wedeln distract were in the grad- uating class :-W. C. Mitchell, Tit- eouburg ; T. W. Scott. Dunorief W. Stevens, St. Marys ; G. Waddell, Port Dover ; and W. J. Wilson, of London. In the senior prize list on pathology there were W. Stevens and W. J. Wilson. In anatomy Metiers. Mitchell, Scott and Wilson gained prime ; in microscopy Mr. Scott gained honors ; in physiology Messrs. Soon and Witeon; and for best gen- eral examination, W. J. Wilson. The annual council of war of the Saved Army of Ontario was held in the barracks, in Wingham on Tues- day, Wednesday } and Thureday of last week. There were about 50 dele- gates present from Ottawa, Peter - bore, Mitabell, Lietowel and other places, The sessions were principal- ly taken up in receiving reports and transacting business relating to the Army. Lieut. Wilson, of Luoknow, Lieut. Hartley, of Poterboro, and Lieut. Munroe, of Toronto, were pro- moted to Captains ; and Cadet Gib- son, of Wingham, and Cadet Hill, of Teeswater, were promoted to Lieu- tenants. All the old officers were re- elected. A grand banquet was held in the town hall and was well attend- ed. The Malahide Murder. The question drawer was then opened and the task of answering the, many questions it contained was shared by the three Reverend gentlemen present. Several votes of thanks were given,when the Convention was brought to a close, everybody satisfied that Circuit S. S. Conventions are a great aid to all en- gaged in S. S. work. The June meeting of the Perth County Council will be held in Mit- chell. This will be the first time the Perth County Council aver mot out- side tite County town. the Malahide murder case. On Thursday Government Detective John Murray arrested Arthur Tedford, a farmer of Malahide township, charged ).with being accessory to the death ot Marshall Piggott, in September lase. The case against Thedford is not so strong as that against Smith,bun they are known to have been °lode compan- ions, and the appearance of the body indicates that more than one person waa engaged in the foul crime. Ted- ford was taken before Squire Glover, of Aylmer, and remanded to the jail..