HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-4-2, Page 4Ehe (F", ;eIer Eignes.
THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1885.
More than two-thirds of these Wakes
have been already adjusted, and the
remaining ones are in prooees of set'
siemens. Not one settler has yet
them) injured by the lose of bis im-
THE NOIUR _ WEST' TROUBLE. UBLE. prov etneats, or what he could la giii-•
mately claim by reason of the Gov -
cut -throat Biel Is again on the ernuisnt's surveys. Further, at least
war path. He has succeeded in Daus; 90 per cent. of these settlers arefrom
tog an uprising against the authority Manitoba, where they had received
free patents for all the lands they
of the Doennion aovernment, The
alleged grievance whiob led to tele
rebellion is that the claims ' of the
were in possession of in 1870. Be-
sides they have reoeived grants on
land as minors oras heads of•famii-�
half-breeds in the terrttory for the ,les, acrd to day they are accorded in 1
sante amount of laud as was given to the North-West all the privileges
the half breeds in Mauitobe have not granted to anyone under the Detain -
ion Lands Act, All the laud claims
of old settlers, half-breeds or other$
have beeu eatiefaotorily adjusted at
th., following points :-Fort. Qu'Ap--
pelite Fort La Corue, Prince Albert,
been acoeeded to by the Government.
The Govornmeut never denied them
thin claim, but it dues refuse to
entertain the claims of those who
have settled in the north:wost ter: .
ritory from Manitoba since the allot: St. Laurent Proper, Fort Saskatch•
meat took plies in that province in errant EdWont0a, St. Albert, and on
1970, as they got their share then, th. Battle river south of Bear hills.
trod they have the same ,chance to The survey of Viotoria was made last
homestead fie other settlers. If their 1 autumn, and as soot; as the plans are
demands were wetted tr., the eanle
result would follow as iu Manitoba,
whore large treats of land are Dow
held by speottlators for miles around
Winnipeg, which were purchased for
very little from half breeds for, like
Indians, half breeds are an it4olent
race, having au abhorrence for work
and if the (*averment were to give
them what they ask, they might as
well make up their minds to feed the
entire red skin population of the
north --west. The Grit press blame
the Government for the outbreak, but
no Government could have done
more for any country than has been
done for the north:west. Every en:
management sant induee'nent have
been given to whites, indiens and
half breeds that could be reasonably
QXpected, and all just and lawful
olaims granted as equally as possible.
But bow have the efforts of the Gov:
ernmeet been supported by the Be:
form preen ? .Every 4,4100 of the
present Gevernlneet lute been mieoon
$trued by them. the leaders in Otte.
c'tuxpleted, which will be in a few
weeks, the olaims its that part will be
settled. Those in B+ittteford are ar
ranged, and these wilt be finally ad-
on the opening of an office
there durin, this coming season. It
will from this statement be even that
the affirmation that Riel and his fol
luwertt have grenade of complaint
against the Goverrtmeut on the notes
of having their olaitnn interfered with,
has no fouudatiou whatever. Com-
ptioatious have arisen in regard to
their olaime which have been the re
suit solely of their own notions in set,
fling on lauds subsequent to the sur-
vey thereof, and not conforming
thereto. Even if they did not wieh
to adopt the survey as made it is an
easy matter to adjust themselves 1n
lots of five, ten, fifteen, twenty,
twenty-five, thirty, or thirty-five
clams in width, running east and
west or north and south. These
olaims Qan then be eubsoribed as legal
tlubdivieions ar portions thereof. The
Noah -Weer is the best surveyed ,
wa, and tht r emissary in the north: oouutry iu the world,aud the question
wast into aote ofp oilation and op, arises whether the Government have
pressiou of whites ud indiaue alike. l not already gone too far in granting
The oonwequence has been to foment
discontent, and eeceasiou has been
openly p ()Retied by anoli demagogues acoeeded to the demands of 1119set-
ae Yurvis and his roomettes. No won:
iter that a crack brain like Diel would tiers in thih respect, particularly as it
is tuoutubent on them, in ednueoli(tn
with the intrndnoiiou of the Tot rens
eyetem of registration, that they
slloeld allow av little irregularity at
possible in the surveys, thus prevent;
ing possibility of u,ut-ide,ttitioation of
these river late, as in the not distant
future the complaint will be evade
Ord the Government should not have
take er.couragenlent to try his hand
a second time at rebellion by pro:
claiming himself the champion of
the rights of the half breeds, knowing
that the Toronto Glo ie in 1871 held
out encourattement to him in his
cause, and from the advent of tea the land described in the patents.
present Government to the preseut The Opposition are in the habit of
time the whole object of the °Keret quoting the prao ice of the United
_Ciao has been to stir up diseotttent. States an Hite point. Their practice
They have circulated reports anlm is ra make all settlements prior to the r
fated to prevent people from settling survey, no matter when established, .fJ \ 1)ERS.•
in our own territory, homing up Am: conform to the sectional Itystetn of
the next place of meeting. Next
meeting will be bald on May 20th..
Haman .Beaten Again.
In the sculling match at Sydney,
N. S.W., Fe rlay between Hanlau and
Beach, the latter won. The attend•
auoe was enormous, the weather fa-
vorable and the water smooth; Both
oarsmen were in exeelleut couduiou.
After the start they kept well togeth-
er for some distance. The rape was
close and exciting, The $cullers ap-
preached_ the winning post almost
bow and bow. The exuatoment among
the epeotators was great. When put:
ling with all their strength for the
winning poet Beaoh overhauled Hau-
lan and increased his advantage till
the very finish, amid the wildest ex-
citement. Haulau's defeat by Beaoh
has given the ;people in Canada a
new subject to talk about, and bell
.eral regret is expressed, as it was felt
he would redeem his lost laurels,
JUBILEE se:s imts.
The most interesting feature of the roeent
exhibition at 1l fontroal was a oc.mpany of col-
oheed TubUee Singers oupaggie�diu mauutaotttriutl
rho celob:ated told Ootn Tobaoeo, anti at the
taros taste i;II ut ng the crowds of a ectatora
with exquisite toutherumelodtas, e1 gold med-
al and a apeciaidiuloma were awarded to this
popular brand of chewing tobacco, and the
thanks of the commitoe tendered to the Ad
ams Tobaoco00. for their attractavoexhibit
LAME OF i:LIc111ILLFi, Bounty of
Huron. Appl'.n' premiaoa or to Mai, P.
EL f,I0TT,14e Fuilertou-st„ Lowson, Ont;
FOUND. -ON THE 24111 ULT.., on
Main -Street, a aunt of alouey. Loser
May havetiawo on proving claim and paying
east of advertising. Alrply at Tutu Or7rIce.
V Y 8B.ctVANT. Apply to 1
,TIE, late of the Village of Exeter. in the
County of Buron, Carpenter. deceased.
Parenaat to R. 8,0.. o11ap.107, eco, 34, notice
Js l ries ygivca that all ersous bavi'•g o)atxua
against the estate of the said Murdoch Die•
Ii enzIe. wlto died on or about the lett day of
Jaauarv.1883, aro t'n or before she 9th day tit
May.186 utto seud be posy, prepaidi911:1:1
to Ileula-
tutu V. EUfot, So)tltor, Exeter, their Cbriati•
en and Surnames, adelresaoat and deeoriprio
and uartaculars of thaw olaims, du)y Fended
and rho nature of the security(it an) lined by
them. and that afterthe card 8th day of Dtay.
8385 thu extecuto- llpreceed to distribute the
aaaotts of the saiawl oskate anxong the parties
eutittetl thereto, Navin regand only to rho
Claims of wbtck nott,.o shall hero boon gluon,
and he will not be liable toanyporsou or per•
sots of whose claim he $bull not then have
;tad notice.
Dated 31.t March, 1$8.7i.
Solicitor for
2941 Lxecutor,
erioan territory as preferable, and surveys, a quarter et a quarter sec:.
when au emigrant could not auooed titin twins, the smallest portion allot:
they laidthe cause of his misfortune
at the door of the preseul Admittie:
tration. The demagogues of the north
west have limited the inline to die:
content and suspicion, and the half
breed to rebellion, and now of aro 1. "It. Meeting.
res ' thefruit of their evil policy
ted. Attother voiut to bo considered
is that if these half-breeds had their
natent to -morrow, in three months
they would not have an inch of land.
Bing r•
the people of the Domicion still ren:
ognize the promptitude with which
the Government have furnished
troops. They deserve the th*nks of
the country for acting so promptly.
dart=Breed Claiius.
The illaii's Ottawa correspondent
referring to several points about
which there seems to be mi800noep-
tion in the minds of even those ordin•
arily well informed on matters cnn•
neoted with the halt -breeds, who un-
der iiiul'e guidance are acting in an
unlawful Manner, Bays :-1 may state
on authority as follows :-The points
in the North-West at which there
were settlements of hatf-breeds at the
time of the transfer in 1870 were :St.
Albert, Lelao, Lebaobe, St. Ann (now
abaudoned), erinoe Albert, and Qu'-
Appelle. At Fort La Carne there
were possibly half a dozen families.
At St. Laurent and along the south
branch in that neighborhood as the
time there were none. Some plain
hunters camped during the winter in
the woods some miles" up the river
about St. Laureut. They bed merely
temporary huts, since abandoned.
The Government have laid a ur set-
tlement surveys (river lots) at St. Al-
bert, Fort Saskatchewan, Victoria, on
Battle river, south of the Bear hills,
Prince Albert, and St Laurent and
vicinity. In a word, wherever at the
time of the survey there were any
settlers who wished to retain their
holdings as river lots, the eurveye
were made to suit them. It is truo
several are claiming that they wish
their grants as river lots in the vi-
oibity of St. Laurent, but those par-
ties settled on their lands subsequent
to the survey. To .those the Govern-
ment say, "Yon need tot take land
as a quarter section, but we will allot
it by legal subsections or fractions
thereof, so as to preserve to each man
his river frontage and improvementr."
The quartely meeting of West
Huron District Longe, I. U. G. T..
was held in the Temperance Hall.
Auburn, on the 11th ult. The meet-
ing was largely attended, every lodge
in the district being represented. The
following are the officers elected for
the .ensuing year :-llietriot Chief,
Bro. R. Adams, Londesboro; District
Vice, Sis. Mary Sturdy, Auburn ;
seoy treasnror, Bros Frank Metcalf
After the ordinary routine of busi-
ness had been got through, the Reso-
lution Committee submitted following
resolutions which were duly approved.
I, Resolved that in view of the Cana-
da Temperance Act coining into
effect on May let, each subordinate
Lodge in the district, shall, before
May 1st, notify each hotel -keeper and
other dealers in Liquor at present en-
gaged in the traffio or who may tape
possession of the plane of public enter-
tainment in their respective neighbor•
hood, that the Lodge has resolved it-
self into a committee of the whole to
see that the said act is duly observed
and ecforoed. I1, Resolved that each
Church organization and all Temper-
anoe Societies be requested to oo-op.
erste with us in enforcing the obser-
vanoe of the Scott Act. IIy, Repot.
ved that each Lodge in the district
pledge itselt to assist the Huron Scott
Act Association in any way that may
be required and if funds are needed to
furnish the same by means of public
entertainment+ or by direct oontribu
tion. IV, Resolved that this district
Lodge work in harmony ' with the
Dominion Alliance and ,other 'Tern-
peranoe organizations. V, Resolved
that the Seov. correspond with the
Huron Soott Act Association, asking
their oo.operation in holding a Tem-
peranoe for the county about June
The Secy. was instructed to send a
report of the meeting to the local pa-
ers. Londesboro •- was selected as
Renton Bros.
Remember we have no reference whatever to the Babes in
the Drib, but to the immense stock of New
ringPrint atRantonBros.
Stripei, Hail, Floral$, Overgheelts, Palk and Light fancies, lilourniug,
WVe eau be pleased to show you them alt. as would the mother of tiro three boys and to
know if you don't think tory aro pretty. Well, while sem say that the boy* are, and
others not, all agree that our New Sptiug Prints are not oily+ Pretty, but Lively, Beautiful,
fie., 4c. Prints at 5,8 and 10 acute, and au Extra Oboist) lot at 12e cents. Dome and
see, No trouble to show at Manton Bros.
Also Big Bargains in White Check Mullins,.
Selling at the price of ordinary printer Everybody ehcuid sae theta, New Dress Goods,
Silks, Satins, Ottomans, (,3ivaahams, Skirtings, Cottonafles, 4, tl`a,
Something New Again at Banton. Brothers,
idISS ELLIOTT, of London, has been secured to take oharge of our Drees and Mantle -
Making Department up -stairs, and in this, as all others, the greatest taste and latest style
will bo displayed. Silks, Satins and fine Dresses a ttpecialty. Diourning Goods on abort.
notice. Goode bought from lie ar any place else alit receive best attention, and the ladies
can rest assured Miss Elliott will give entire satisfaction, Galt and see her at RANTON
BROS.. Up-ataire.
Are you disturbed at night and broken of your
restbyaatckchild suffering and crying with
pain of cutting teeth? It so, send at once and
get a bottle of MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING
SYRUP' Its value is incalculable. It will re -
Jove the poor little sufferer immediately. De-
pend upon itmothera, there is no mitt:, ke about
it. It cures dyaentery and dianrboca, regulates
the stomach and- bowels, cures wind colic
aeftenethe guns, reduces infiamu'atien, and
given tone and energy to the whole system
BEN 'MITRING is pleasant to the tette, sue it
!the prescription of oue of the oldest and beat
emalo nurses auci pbyatoiana in the United
States. and is forsato by all druggists through-
out the world. Price 25 sante a bottle
�rEAT.ED T ENDERS, marked "For bfounted
►? Polico Proviefona anti Ligt t Suppiths'". and
addressed to rho von. the President of the
Privy Council, rlttawa, will be received up to
noon on Thursday, I4th May, 1885,
Piloted. forms of touder containing full in-
formation as to tho articles and quantities ro-
quirod may bo had on application at Fort Ca-
ber no. Winnipeg, at any of the Mounted Police
Posta is the North West, or at the office of the
No tender will be received unless made on
suoh printed forms,
Tho lowest or nay tender not necessarily ac-
Each tender must be accompanied by an
accepted Cauadiau Bauic cheque tor an amount
equal to 10 per cent. of the total value of the
articles tendered for, which will be forte ted
if .Lo party malting the tender declines to en.
ter into a contract when called upon to do so.
or if he fails to caroplete the service contracted
for. It the tender be not accepted the cheque
will be returned.
No payment will be made to newspapers in-
serting this advertisement without authority
haying been first obtained.
Ottawa, March 6th,1885,
ORTII(I1t. rciit
R. R. L%.
in Minnesota. North Dakota. Mon-
tana,Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
Froin Luise Superior to Puget Sound.
t t t•.r:ces ranging chiefly from 12 to VG per acre,
as 8 to 10 years time. This Is the Best Coun'rr
o' securing Good Homes now open for settlement,
FREE020 acres of Government
i.nnd Wreeundertile Itomewt+:n!
A1n,.1,er ttultnre laws. NOT;'
-10,818.433 Acres OIC MORE THAN
HALF of all the l'utdl, Lauds disposed of in pill
are in the Northern Pacific reentry. Iiookannd
\taps erns FREE Qeu'rtbine the Northern
Paging' k REE Government i or I'.d Address (%IiAS. Ii
LAMBORN, Laud Com"r, N. 1'.11. it., St. Paul, Minn,
for working people. Send 19 cents
Tifipostage, and we will mail you free.
a royal, valuable sample box of
gomta that will pnt you in the way
ofmaking mora monoy in a few
days thou youever thought possi-
b10 at any business. Capital not
required. You can live at home and work spare
time only or all the time, All of both sexes
of all ages grandly successful. 50 cents to $5
easily earned every evening.. That all who
want work may test the business, we make this
anparalleled offer: To all who are not well
satisfiedwe will send $1 to pay for the ttouble
of writing us..5uU particulars,diroctions, &c.
sent free. Immeusepay absolutely sure for all
who start at once. Don't delay. Address
STIxsoN & Co., Partiand,Maine.
Farm, Pi operty. I T' ° ROUSES TO BENT.
Apply to
Default having been made in payment of a
certain Registered Mortgage bearing date the
first day of September, A.D. 1881, made by
Thomas J. Wilson, of the Township of Hay, in
the County ofruron, Lumber Dealer, to the
Superior Savings and Loan Society, and as-
signed to the vendors (which mortgage and
assignment thereof will be produced at time of
sale) there will, under the power of sale con-
tainedin said mortgage, be sold by public auc-
tion by E. Bossnainxinr, auctioneer, at
Hodgins' Hotel, Village of Hensall,
A t thehour of 19 o'clock noon, the following
property, yiz.:
All and singular that certain parcel or tract
or land and premises, situate, lying and being
in the Township of Hay, in the County of
Huron, containing by admeasurement one
Winched aol ea more or less, being composed of
Let Number Fifteen, in the eii:tbconcession
of the said Township of bay,
Upon the above property ate situated a good
frame house, story and a half high with frame
kitcren attached; also four small frame
houses,a good barn and stale. About thirty
acres of this land are cleared, upon which isa
small bearing orchard. There are about aixty
acres of Brod bush land, timbered with maple,
oak, ash and hemlock.
Terms : One-fifih of the purchase money to
be paid at time of sale, the balance within
fourteen days thereafter. Arrtngoments may
be made by which a portion of the purchase
money may be secured by mortgage on the
For further particulars apply to
or to Vendors' Solicitors
E. BCSSENBERRY,Eeq, Loudon, Ont.
Auctimin.er. &c.,
Zuricu, Out,
Dated the 30th March, 1865..
Lot 2:0 5, in 4th Concession, 100 acres.
For particulars apply to
Solicitor, &c.,
4th Fob., 1885.
LINIMENT for Diphtheria. Croup and
Asiatic Cholera. A aura cure. Pain of all
Mode quickly relieved. Internally and extern-
ally. Ask 'ortt, Tako no other. Soo testit'no.
niers. k'or sn]e by 11 Drut:gist.z.
k';� GOtI1?OUIv'D OF LIN-
St;i;D, Auiiood„ t+onega, Bquill,Tolu, eee
with ,hlerndvuo.
. AY'S COIIPOUNV, a demulcent
-� oxuectarant for Coughs and Ccids.
x(AY'S t 0 i1POUND, for Cou,'hs
and C.o1.lr, to equally sorvicablu. for
t e oriole autl Cattle.
Ter AY'S TIC PILLS, n hpcoific iu
ii Aolualgla Face ache &c
C.JOAGt7LtN to Cement for Brok-
on Articles. Sold everywhere.
Solo Mfukul•s.-. XY BROS.. Stockport,
TOUN GILL, Auctioneer for the
!J Townships of Stephen, llty and Ueborno.
and the Village of Exoter. A11 sales proututif
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
FARM FOR SALE. -The subscrib-
er offers for sale the Fast Half of Lot 3
and North Half of Lot 2, 4th con of Uaborne.
On tho premises are a brick house 20x28, nearly
new, containing 6 rooms; frame barn 94x48,
with stabling ; a small bearing orchard, and a
never -failing well, The land is well drained
and in a good state of cultivation 'There are
12 acres of fall who it in the ground and con-
si derable fall ploughing done. Distance from
Exeter, 5 miles, and 3 miles from Centralia.
Terms to suit purchaser. Possession given
either 'before seeding or after harvest. Pur-
chaser can be supplied with seed grain. For
further particulars apply on the pradiises to
O.H. SPRAGUE, or by letter to Exeter P. 0.
tJ Farm,andFarm Stock, The undersigned
will offer for sale oh March 31st '85. commenc-
iug at one o'clock p m, 80 well-bred steers, most
ly three and four years 01(1;10 cows and netters
supposed to be with calf ; 1 horse fou • years
old ; 1'.mare .live years old with foal. The farm
is lots 4 and 5 and part of 3,Lake Road, east,
ltephen township, containing 282 acres, mostly
cleared, good buildings and abundance of good
epring water. This farm is principally clay
loam, and is stied for either grazing or cropping
The above wini.e sold in Dna block or separate
ly to suit purchaser. Itis all joined except at
small part on the opposite side of oonaession.
If not sold will -be rented, If purchaser rewir-
elair-es time, a small amount down will anewer ;
balance at 6 per cent
Also 1 thoroughbred bull (registered peaigree,)
and one, grade bull ;16 yes rling calves.
3t Blake P 0, On 1
Has opened dental rooms over
O'NESI.L'S BANE, wherein) 'will be
prepared to extracttcethwithout
Pain. All operations performed with cage and
skill. Gold fillings a speciality. Office) hours
0 a. m: to 5 p rn. Otanitat¢s 1t1on xwi'x. TEOIis
Auction Sale
OF -
— --AND
Three Acres of Land
And of the undermentioned Furniture,
and Household Effects,l•;to., Etc.
Public Auction, by john Gill, Auctioneer
on the promises on the Lake Road, Exeter, on
TUESDAY, 7th day of APRIL, 1885
At 12 o'clock, noon,'subject:to such conditions
as shall then be produced:
FIRSTLY -A11 and singular that certain par-
cel or tract of land and promises, situate, lying
and being in the Village of Exeter, in the coun-
ty of Huron, containing by admeasurement
Three:Acmes, more or less,agel being eomposed
of part of lot number One ihe First conces-
sion of the township of Hay, having a frontage
on the Lake Road of three chains, and a depth
northward therefrom of ten chains, These aro
the premises lately oc cupied by Murdock Mc-
Kenzie (deceased,) Thera is a good frame house
with a brick cellar underneath, a woodsted at-
tached; also a good frame barn, a young or-
chard just beginning to bear, and never -failing
piing, on the premises.
SECONDLY. -The following goods and chat-
tels :-1 Cooking Stove,1 P arlor Stove, 1 Centro
Table, 2Bedsteads,2 Bureaus, 1 Cupboard, 1
dozen cane bottomed Chairs,1 Rocking Chair
1 Cow, 1 Heifer two years old, 2 Mattresses, a,
quantity of Wood, son e c,arpeuter's tools, and
other small articles too numerous to mention.
TERMS OF SALE -Ten per cent.;of the pur-
chase money of the Real Estate to be paid in
oath on the day of sale, and the balance on or
before the 7th day of May, ]885 with interest at
six per cent per annum until psi t. The Chat-
tels mast be paid for in cash on the day of sale:
For further porho u]era apply to the auction
eer, or to
Vendor's Solicitor.
Dated at Exeter, this llth day of March, 1885.