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The Exeter Times, 1885-3-26, Page 8
GRIGG ,c. Beta. CY GOODS DEA tER EXETER. ONT. TEN C e%Apar line ter Arstiaaertiuu, aid FOP Li';;+erSper litre for earth subeequentte Sertigu in be charged for neteeee et, comic/ ithis c Se The Mansion House recently =asset' by the late Nioholaa White, was closed on Trete- day evening. Mr, Jos. White, son of the lake proprietor. has left 0 tabs charge et itis fares near St. Marys. We were misinformed a few wmel:s ago when we stated that Air. Jolla Efawkshaw had purchased the stake], °tixi1dleee*." Ida. wis`abaut to snake the purchase, when some obleettou eroee,eud the agreetu.eut became vend,. it will soon be the season lot spring #d- rertisiiag, The man who advertises liberally is she mar who watts'yotir custom. fie in- Titcfl you to his Ow. end it will pay yon to deal withbixo. B, j. McKee, travelling agent for the rreU- known Arm of bfcColl Bros. d Co of To. mute, wag i town on Monday. He reportaa the on business booming, and has appointed Itfr, Jamas Pickard agent for the.'Lerdiae" Zurieb, in R ete Amaral sermon was preached an Sun- day moroing by Rev. W. 11. Cane. Deceased leaveo a hellbent' tend in- eral small children to mount bar loss. The bereaved' family have the sym•1 pettilyoil the entire neighborhood. Mr, Jahn Cooper, who has been dying slimly from the% dress disease---con- auu.tption---for some time, wee on Tbureday' Iasi called to hie eternal home. -Hit remains were interred in, the Elitn.ville burying ground on Saturday, after which a. sermon was preaohed by Rev. R. (tone. ane. R.ttt two little girls are left pastil.::.. h. r. Constable Sill took prisoner a gentleman I Blackened gla.Iea were in requeut whobact been acting uuralp at fl.eneall .on to .see the eolipee ail it wets the beet Tuesday evening, Wednesday meriting site opportunity we have had fo ed beforeJ MoDonell AGO TOS.... for Rome CALLING'S pc/salter was s diem " Walt of seein anis. J. 1t., and was dircbarged, there being no K complaint lodged agaiost, hire from Hensel'. The Jublles Satngere were here last. 3dr. aiosler, who, es was intentioned in i. T#hnreday, and everyone eeetne $o be these- eoleeins at the ante, had the tutor- very wait i;%-sscd wit11 tba emtarsaiu- tane to tive.xis shoulder• bone diilucat�ect anent the rovided, the song by+a fall on ttt,t icy sidewalk. is ag>tiai at p ,cork, after a. visit tobie family at Guelph of "Johnny Smoker"' having been par– some four or fire weeks. His arm is small' tisulerly appreciated, all right. Foot -bill is ell the rage now among THL , MARCH 2f tit„ X886. bi d @ rttaatp okl cud ostl r� clii$atrsFt tom, the youths of tete village, laud every RSPAY ---- trent.) peeved through town on Friday, 'die moonlight eight the Care of the Til•- '.fir,lr'S.--.Ir'e shall he Iwppy to re- ceia'e , t all tiwes, f'ro,s any part of the County, fleets of local encs, such ,is ail, eideats,ar any interesting (strident ghat', ever, from a,ry of our subscribers or reed; era gene ally for the ,purpose of puGE-G utien. LOCAL HAPPENINGS, fattier aid child died within twenty-four lagers etre eel:Ailed with, molt arise as hot of o .or, r. aaiuid ea*oil a Corner lok, on , rode ear, each th rs1C H h 1 E. k V l C It 0 wife and a large nuwner of Mende to lament Free Eieb, which proceeda front a Isis leo, 13e Kea Se yea* of age. Without exoeptiou the beet and ebeepeet aleigliborro$ hold where 20 or 80 stet - Hues of Beate atuiShoos we .rare aa yet seen, wart boys and men are etrtving Amid ► much kicking and tunhblltig to drive the ifittllor ball between a oouplo of takes, On the same evening between 60 and 70 of the congregation and Maude of lir, Neudoefer the Lutherau min– ister, invaded his house bringing with thesis plenty of good thing. to eel sled ales a present of a duan of n ouey, k being the Reverend genklemau'e birtlidey. qtr, Neudoefter was (aa may be supposed) moot* blesses, wins this token of friendly feeling and thanked the givers very kindly for their gift. Ohl and young, reale and plowfemale were preheat, and a very ple ant evening wase spout. nut now he bad et C, Eacret:t'A. Alva Qb't drenn'a Caarrlages, Express. Wagons, Soya' 13icyclea of a ►11 sites ; ,Also Burne.* of every d_ezer-iption eoustantly on bend. Cell and see for yaarselsee. Butter and eggs taken iu exebange for gods. C. E. 28,2ra Mr. Abel Wolper, who recently lost hie pia mill at lwfiddlemiss, purposes building S'ilOW S. one at Lawreuoe worth $IL Ol4 provhdtuq the people of that vicinity will site hint a Northern Fair. ,tiles. C a r Teeslay'. -April bonus of $1,000. Mr Wolper is a pushing 'tat. Horses only. and eutsrprielug gentleman , and it to to be Weir Williams, et Parkhill. We hoped that the people of Lawrrenre will earn - April d pril !nail. Horses end bully. ply with his.reques;t, If they iia tiny will e lxtephett et 17sboreho, Exeter. Titeradsy. Reser regret it. :April O. Uwwre es end hull*.„a greed ulueleal concert was given in f Credits*. at Crediton. Friday, Aprl 17th.' Drew'e Hall here t?u Tuesday evening, under Herres and bulbi. the auspices of the 'keret arch Masons. The Waith Huron. M Brnoetteld, Tue:s•l* ' AA- evening was fine and a goad eu,iieucd was rib l4.b. Roeseh and bulls, present. The programme. thr. ui host was The Ease Middlesex apring /bow of stele welt choa>en eta remarkably well retf;lero. lions and til; roogbbred cattle ]law been net the dogleg being et the bis bur class. The for April 1i+th, talent was all brought from Loudon except L1201121• at LEAD. au. Itfondey. April 20th. the ercbe etre. which waa conpi ad est kli.aw 11%14 11 and bulls. �E sero ttcn d eles.rs 0141ey Ese rett Senior y Xtrictou Aiwtuiph. at (treetop, TiaataF. April Several .astwus were =tiered by the or-On{v 26 talow zero on Sunday Bili, aloes and bulls. l ehestra, all of which ware uncured. Pro- morning last. _---_,r — -...- .. tea mounted to about d75. Rev. A.. Andrews, S. S. Agent of Tho Ant spacial emigrant train et tbo acne. I the Guelph. Conference, preached io Watttati on was run Tuesday on the London, Hurou ►the Alcthodist Chutola on 13uuday A taunt cud intelligent led to learn the ,k Bruce division of the Omni Truuk Rail- w,rt of lirintiug, Must hares a fair eduoatiun say. tato destination of the exenreioniets eveling last'' Appy personally to Times Mice, Exeter being Manitoba and the North-West. The Ur, and Mrs. Jos. Stratton, of in lett Wingbain in the afternoon and ell Grand Parke Dakota, have for the ettonthitg Match, miaug the lire passengere were taken aboard. pact week been visiting friends in this Monday' efternoan a grauii shooting utetch The Jay wan TOT' diseeroeabte, a snowy storm wee field on the farm of Ur. John ireywe ee, prevailing nearly all chy, which rendered it neighborhood.. Jr.l eeneewtien at Ltheruo. Sides were Tory disagreeable for the paserugers. The Mr. iToae ± ' oupe, who hoe bean sharer, with I. Iiandtord, Thee. $woet and people turned out. in large numbers at the gel Wer s + : am for the paet eigh. Saineel Sweet on one side, and Dr. Sweet, different statious to see their friends safely teen snonthe, is bene on a .telt to his Wen. Thos. Lyons sed John fleywooe on the off. When the train reached Exeter them The can test rtes ' rear and resulted ware between fifty anti sixty passengers on friends here. in a score off 9 !0 2©in favor of 1, HiandEorwi'a iother. tees d, r On Monday evening last a lecture side. W. R. Garner, Esq., of Loudon, acted as umpire and referee in the most Bali/fee- tory manner. In the evening the miarksmen eat down to a grand repast of oysters etc., provided by the hostess of the house. The gusts desire to return thanks to Mr, Hey. wood for the manner in which be concluded the evening's amusement, The referee sass Its liked the aysters so well that he ate three Urge dishes of them u short order. Prev ethos. Toilet Soaps of all kinds al lowest price at the Dominion Laboratory. The new Salvation Army Cadet has entere ed iuto the work with much energy. Oue week from toenorrow will bo Good Friday. Read Banton Ban ros. ohgb of advertise- ment in another column of this inane. Carliing's Chang of advertisement will ap. pear next week. Keep youreye on the space. Bissett Bros: change of advertisement iu another column is worthy of perusal. The funeral of the late Mrs. 7. N. Howard was largely attendee on Tuesday afternoon. Apprentices to the dressmaking wanted at Banton Boos. If you want cheap Toilet articles, go to the Dominion Laboratory. An abstract of the school account. for '84 is published in another column. Dresses cat, made or remodeled, got up in the best of style; fitting and draping to' suit the most fastidious,at Banton Bros. Lacon Saltation Army intend holding a banquet in a few weeks, in commemoration of the opening of their barracks. Ladies, call and see Miss Elliott, late of London, fashionable dress maker, np -stairs at Renton Bros. King's Uoinhination Spectacle to snit any age, for sale by 0. Lutz, Central Drug Store, Sole agent for Exeter. There have been thirteen weeks' good sleighing this year, and for more than forty- three nights the thermometer has fallen be- low zero. Walter McGee informs us that he cannot rest where be is, and wishes , the Goyernmeat would send him to the Soudan. Re says he world make a noble fighter. Mrs. Dickson, of Exeter, is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. F. Glass, of Tilsonburg, who has bean serionsly indis- posed for seyersl days, Bring along your dresses, no matter whe- ther bought in London, Exeter or Zurich, if yon want taste, economy and style combined at Renton Bros. The Presbyterian pulpit was occupied Last Sabbath afternoon by Rev. Ch. Teeter, and in the evening by Rev. C. Fletcher. Both gentlemen preached in an impressive style. Mr. I. Dearing has purchased the barber- ing business of Mr. Chas. Manning, and is carrying on business in the old stand. See card in: another column. We return our thanks to Mr. W. J. Clarke for a synopsis of the proceedings of the S. S. convention held here on Friday last., It will be found elsewhere. Mr. E. II, Fish, who has been in the bar. tiering business here for the past nine years wishes to intimate to the public generally that he is still in the old stand and will o ontinue to do justice to his many customers and welcomes many new ones to give him a call. Try Lim and be convinced. r a number of them gettingon at Hen - nal. Several were added to the number at Exeter, amongst them being Mr, John White and family, of Exeter North, Abra- bam Pattcreon and others. The tratiu was a largo one, there being stock ears attached. ander the anepioee of the Loyal Orange Lodge of this plane was de. livered in the ball by Rev. M. Tarn. bull. Snbjeat--"Tbe Siege of Derry.” The meiorlty of the paesengera appeared to l Ur. Albert Switzer, of the 8rd line bio deterniiued and energetic Caen ana will Blaushard who recent. soca ted at doubtless make good homes for themselves , y p In the prairie province. situation as engineer in a oatten mill ROUND THE COUNTRY, at Brantford, has returned home, as it was against his principles to work more than six days in the week, 1)at<shvvooa. The acral xemplara concert on — Thursday evening last came off in Everybody is wishing for waren good style. .& good crowd greeted weather. the hartnonto Band, of St, Merge, Mr. N. Fried returned from his who rendered several seleotions, to visit down east last week. the delight of all. In the absence of The revival services closed last Mr. Lowrie, the duties of chairman (Thursday evening, with 28 oonverts. were efficiently discharged by Mr. Mr. I. Bean, who has been visiting Leigb. The proceeds amounted to up north, has returned home. The mail arrived very late last Fri day evening, owing to the deep snow drifts. Mr. A. Reynolds, merchant tailor, of Platteville, has opened pp a shop next door to Weseloh & Wurtz's boot and shoe store. Mr. R. has the repu- tation of being a first-class tailor. A sleigh ride party assembled at the residence of Mr. T. Guiuther last Monday evening. After being hearti- ly welcomed by Mr, and Mrs. til. and family, they took possession of the house, and occupied the time in sing- ing and other amusements until about miduight, and after partakidg of au excellent supper, ;the party dis- persed, all feeling well pleased with the way the time was spent, and an- ticipating another wall a party in the near future. Elimville. The Hallelujah Band have been working at -Zion for two week., and over sixty have professed faith in. Christ. Mr. Wm. Veal left for the northern boundary of the township, where he has hired for a year. Take care of yourself, Bill. kr. 11 Thompson, the genial land- lord of the Elimville hotel for the past three years, has rented the Ful- lerton hotel for next year. Death has again visited tbhs neigh- borhood, and two more bodies have been consigned to the dust. On Wednesday, 18th inst., Mrs. White, who had been sick for some tune, passed from time into eternity. Her retrains were interred in the Exeter cemetery the following Friday. A about $28. —FOR YOUR- 001S .'OU.___._, oois SHOES w4iT%ilis, Noiglt1 of t Red Ura*ai ; Josh. Hertd, Elipey Davey; E. B. Fish, Parson E. Heywood, blather; it. Fiokard, Liberated Slave ; W. Ryan, Miramar' ; R. Snell Spotted Lamb ; T. 'Tyndall, Highlend Laddie; from the use of the catechism assign - Freak Womtoott, thole Tabby ; Jas. ed to Rev, E. P'eaaatat: wua in btu ab -- Star of the Last ; Mee Willie, Grand. ma ; Mee A Mill, Night ; Mise Rove Evans, Bummer ; Mies Nellie Senior, Beady for the party ; Miss Salle Weekes, Spring ; blies A. Mo: Doncll, Lady'e Maid. The following be intermixed with the regular lesson. are the shames of those who won Several persons spoke to the nab. pylae. : Graceful Skating (lady wbo not, but as ensu were oils uuao- had never won a prize) Snueiel Weekes; gnatnted wirh C teebivm eaohing,tho mutter was left opals for all to enjoy their own opioion. The Question Drawer was nest called for, and Rev. J. Ball, Rev. Oh, Teeter and Will, 3. Clark were ap- pointed as a committee to answer the „ _i• ,� knotty questious, and the afternottwn Sabbath. School convention. jsessiou closed with the benediction by That after blearing the discuratom on the use and abuse of S. S. Roles, we would recommend that the proper place for the help° are M home. Topic No 2,—.The beoef le derived Ramsay Et Mehdi ; Mise A Smitb, acme introduced by Mr. M. Eaorett, The speaker said Chet a proper study of the Catoobiem was the great want of the Melhodiet Church, se it fauteuil real Soripturo knowledge. It is a grand help to the lesson end should Ladies' race (ten lap.) Rosa Evans ; Boys' Hurdle Bao$ (under 15 leers) M. McPherson, Homall; Gent's Com: io Costume, J. Bawden ; Gouts' race (25 tape) D. Tait. D. b 'oAneh, Wm. Bookingbam and ik.t. J. White acted as judges. ;Rev, 3. Ball, The first Conference of the Sabbath The evening meeting in the Church Sohoole of the Exeter James & Main was net as well attended as it ought street churches and the Elimville, to have been, but a goodly number lienaalt south, Centralia and Crediton were preeeut to hear the addressee of Circuits, was held in the basement of Rev, W. H. Gane and Rev. Dyke. Main-st Church on Friday last, 20th The Church Choir added mush to thee fust,, commencing at 10 a. m.; Mr. evening's entertt,innteut,for whioh the A. Hooper, Pres., in the chair. The usual compliments were passed, and a vote of thauks was tendered to the people of Exeter for their hospitality. but as we close we would ask many more next time to share with us in that luxury. j meeting opened with singing and. prayer, after which the seo'y Mr. C. Snell, sr., read the statistical reports, from the various schools, in whioh many very encouraging accounts were glyen, showing the growing in erest in S. 3. work. The election of officers for the following year was next proceeded with, showing the following staff :—Pres. John Renton, Exeter ; Vice -Pres., A. Hooper, Last Carnival of the Season. Orediton ; See-Treas., Thos. Werry, jr., Elimville. Morning session tilos- Iu compliance with a request by a ed with doxology and benediotion by number of patrons of the Exeter eov: Rev. Ch. Teeter. • ered rink, the managers gave another Afternoon session, from 1:30 to 2. carnival on Friday evening last,whioh Praise and Prayer. Introduotion of though fairly well attended, would President elect, who on taking the have drawn a still larger crowd had Chair, called for the report of Busi– it not been that other important nese committee, when the following meetings were held in town the same resolutions wero submitted : evening. The competitiou in the I. That the Conference shall be boys' hurdle race and the gents' 25- held annually, and to moat on the lap race was exceedingly keen, the last Tbursday in February. former being won by M. McPherson, II, That the Sobool Visitors for the of Hensel., and the latter by D. Tait, year be Exeter, James & Main eta., of Exeter, who was tightly praised by T. Werry, jr. ; Elimville Circuit, Juo. txeerge Eaorett, while youug Mo- Banton ; Centralia Girona, A. Hoop– Ph-erson woe. not far in . the rear. Some of the costumes were unique, and it inuet have taken considerable time and trouble:to get them up. The one worn by John Bawden is worthy of mention. It represented a bear, and the resemblance was so striking that if a person would meet theani: not in the -woods he would be lable to climb` tree or ;seek some other place of safety. The bear was:. led by D. Tait, who performed the duty of singing, while the bear performed with it pole, with as much ease as though he had travelled with s me- nagerie all his li'e. Ed. Clark noted ail contribution collector for the bear. The followiug are the names of some of the masquerader., and Characters represented :—W. Foltand, Bachelor; 3. Bawden, Bear ; D. Tait, Bear Manager ; Ed. Clark, Circus Attache; A. Clack, Soldier Wes. Lyons, Watkiug Devil ;.C. Gidiey, Boy in Blue ; W. Browning, Jack to the Rose Bush ; R. Eaorett, Soldier ; 0. eta er ; Crediton Circuit, W. 3. Clark ; Hensall south Circuit, D. A. Ross ; Providence sohool, S. Brokenehire. IiL Thst the next Conference be held at Bethesda Church, on the Hen- sall south Circuit. A Manchester correepondenb to the Seaforth Sint writes : "It may he of interest to some of your readers to know that the waiter of this spent a few hours on Friday evening very agreeably in the company of Dr. Marlyn, Ph. D., and Anti -Scott Act lecturer. He says the temperance party are not without having their revenge on him, as he has been kept so busy fighting its the Anti -Scott Acb cause with the "beast at Ephes- us," that he has not had a chance to spend a week with hie beet girl sines the last time. Strange 1 ain't it ? He is now going to bake a little leisure and make up for lost time withoub fear or trembling. He says he can forgive all his opponents except Rev. T. M. Campbell, and he will forgive him too, if be will for the next six weeks when repeating the Lord's Prayer transpose it sn as to read : "Forgive us our trespasses as we for- gave Dal Martya, who trespassed against us." He claims that the or- iginal version comprehends alllthere. is in thief, and if the rev. gentleman The Topio—The use and abuse of cannot render it then he had better Lesson Helps in the school was intro- omit the sentence so long as he holds dueed by 3. Renton. The speaker re• a suit of law over the h4ead of an un- • wised the order of the subject, and forgiven opponent. The Dr. looks mentioued the abuse.. First -When hale and hearty, and it don't look as the $elps are studied : instead, of the though the libel snit soars had struck Bible, for Scripture ought, always to very deep when he can roost, as he be compared with Scripture. Second says without fear or trembling under –In taking the Helps before the class, the very nose of his would-be perms - it leaves the impression of a lack of outors. preparation of the lesson, Fears are entertained by some that Its Use—When the teacher feels the wheat, which hada large top last, the great object and responsibility of fall, will be smothered by the snow. his work he then needs all the help Ono man in North Dorchester dug available. boles in the snow every few rods apart Lively and profitable discussions all round his wheat field, to let the followed and was participated in byair in. He reports that there are many earnest 3. 9. woraera,and after three crusts over the wheat, but it summing up the whole it, was Resole looks green, and the ground is well frozen under the snow.