The Exeter Times, 1885-3-26, Page 7Sand in Sugar. "What do you call that?' x asked Mrs, Interesting .items. T The New ,Voters. l "Haw did you feel?" a man was asked,' The neva Franchise Bill, which mods the I after telling hoar he was caught by the sow.' qualifications for voters in eleptiona for the SMell,: rushing into the store of her I catcher of a locomotive and thrown over the Ontario Legislatuse, will add oenselerably to grocer on Washington street and pass., smokestack into the tender, "Well, I didn't the number of persons entitled to vote. The 1 to ham an unwashed coffee -cup, con- like it, although I way very much taken up following classes will be Permitted to vote taming pearl with it at drat," he replied. after the passage of the Act Ifotiowat,'s Fina. --The chief Wander of j Owners, tenants or oeoupants of property modest times. --This incomparable medicine an oitiea and towns valued add assessed at increases the appetite,strengthens the stomssh l WO.cleanses the liver, corrects biliousness, pre -1 Owuers, tweets or oseupaitta of property vents flatuleuey, purifies the system, luster.I in villages and townships valued et $1.04, ares the nerves, and re.instattes sound health. I Men who earn $300 a year, whether as The enormous demand for these Pills through.; annual salary or daily wages In order to out the globe astonishes everybody, and a •" vote on income queliticatiou, it shall not be single trial convinces the most sceptical tli"tt neceasary, as it formerly was, to pay the tax' no medicine equals Holloway's Pith in its on income. ability to remove ail complaints incidental to f " Householders, who live in awe -dings worth the Boman race. They are a blessing to the i less than $200 in ci les and towns and lest /Inman race. They are a blessing to the af- l than 3100 in Tillages and townships. This flicted, and a boon to all tbat labar under in. t«rnal or external disease. The purification of the blead, renewal of all restraint from the secretive organs, and gentle aperative actiou aro the prcliSc,aiources: of the extensive cur. g thalf a gill of brownish paste.The trader put on his glasses and looked at tate contents for a neo. Dont, and then gave the cup back, "Well." said be, "I am not touch of a judge, but from what I know of such things I should say it WAS a sweetened mixture of strong coffee and tine sand," "And do von know where the sand comes from?" asked she.. "It probably conies from the sugar." , -'And do von know, Mr. Bu,llbutter," resumed sire, with menacing voice, "do you know where I bought that sugar?" "I think it is likely you got it of me; I dell sugar." "Oh, Toff own up about it, ado you? cont to selling sand t. a. poor 7i't1n ess � Ione woman and making her 'believe it is sugar, do you? Now, Iilr. Bulibute ter." and here her voice became very ominous, ""I would just like to know what von would do about it if you had caught a wan playing suck a trick upon your "That depends a great deal upon the circumstances, leers. Small. It would, in fact, depend entirely uon whether I wanted any sand or not." "Whist do yon think I ought to do 'about it- 'I who have been deceived so basely?" "Pardon ane, Mrs. Small, but as you have asked nee a fair question I will give you an honest anwwer. The last time I called at your disuse to collect that old bill I noticed that your knives and forks were looking a little rusty, and if I were you I would save up ail the sand I found in my cups and give any cutlery a goad scouring, The coat would be nothing and the iwprovenment would more than pay for the extra e1- travelling experaaes of non-resident voters, bow grease; besides that you are a. „►t --It is somewhat sdugular that a inilleranui Thia cannot occur under the now bila *"Brute!" ejaculated she, bouncing shakes hands as though lin were working a out of the store and loavin; him with a PnraP-handle. T ^''�+•� - A Voice from the Etched States. childlike smile playing on his lase--- Tits N•+rtip we(teru Indiana are dy. Burdon Otobe:I have suffered for the lest Agnelli.h* year with int; iN 144N "144116" irutta ati 6111"6"sr „ Ds Agnelli. and Ueueral I)ehility, and trioti many remedies, but with litt!E+ berms until 1 discuss. the filet symptom( of N. hide used Burdock BleA, hitters, when relief was ate allIr l$111' on the knees nud3oitttS, quick and permanent, from vv'Iaiel; death soon foilowa. Chick- A, LUtIGI . All"st. meth., L'. S, en pi. and diptheria haste taken off Buttluen'sAndes Salve. many more, and they ale in a goner. The Beat Salve in the world for Cluts, Iirufa Ally fitarvitlg condition, es, Sures, Bloore, Salt Rheum, Fever NON, Tetter, Chapped hands. Ch ilbleins.Cnrns,and dors not include dwellers in rooms which form paths of a Mouse, bat only those who occupy sepae ars dwellings. Landholders, whether owners or tenants, of 20 acres of lanl or ofpropertyartywo worth ative mega of .Bolloway's Paw. $400 f4 cities and towns, or of property worth --A certain wheel district, iu Eugi.0,41 on, 0200 in towaaslitps and vLlleges the land- ploys a ("roost to visit its schools once a week holder's son, step -son ur grandson residing and operate on the children's teeth. This with, the landholder aurin, eight mouths of sterna to be a new form of the old prooess of the year. extraeting tho square root. Unly resident owners, occupants or tenants COMPELLED TO YIELD. shall vote on propel ty. The principle of "ane man one vote" is srtopted. Obstinate• satin dzseasea,hun)ore of the blond, The Bi' -1 appears to include nearly alt rho eouptious and old sores aro cured by Murdock a lust male populatio,.. Most of the peen iu Bled Sitteie, which purify and regulate all the country aro householders. Meat or the the heeletinuss. risen who work at all earn $900e year. Tho WITHOUT DOUBT. as still =enfranchised are mob climes As students: elite board and Baru nothing, Yellow Otl is per exceilanee the remedy for Next to the reduction of the standard of Pain, Laweuess, lilieumetisru, Croup, Deaf. quali6catieu, the taost iruportant change is flees. Burns, Froet Bites', Stili Joints arta alt that which dues away wire uon-resiaent rot. Flesh Wounds. Any medicine µeater ran fat.. ing, In the past melee ee sten, wile load pro- uis11 it. perty is different ceustitueneies, could pot Slctiregor & Parke', Carbolic Cerate has in ham two to five votes on the day of a been tested by yeara of trial and has been general election, while other ritcher sten, found the most o.'nreniept and effectual meth- whets" property all lay within the bounds of cel of applying Carbolic Acid. The greatest one coustituency, wild vote but once. A auticeptie iu use for Cuts, limns end Old groat dein of trouble and ozone) was iuvotv.. Sete°. Be sure yon eet McGregor ti I"arke'a ed in calling in the uou•resideut vote, and Carbolic ("erste. Sold for 24 emits by J. W. more than one candulate has been unseated Be owning Uruggiet. 6 because money Las been given to pay the People Who Travel. People who are not used to traveling sometimes furl hurt at Ude gruff an- swore they receive from station agents. We will give x felt l'oin's. which, 11 observed, wili sari+ nutny a cross word and secret oath. Mint von want to go anywhere :Intl want to know when all Gk.- Eruptlona, tend paRit va'y aures 1"Ilew,. your train leaves consult the time tabes or na lea re ufrise. It tk uarantet'd to give which is always po ted cons icuouely y g y Q perfect vat Stscttan or luno refunded agar t to e Price 26 rents per box. For sale by ,all drug.1 agent it that '> the latest t•abla--it til- g l ticket wo dovv Dont ask the IH R, ways is. After youruta the time When awl moven sluggishly in. the veins, an alter- I the Hard Iauk at this Block :end Sara how ! i on tela the b111(4ie loaded with i►upuritiee, ative is weskit, as this condition of the vita' 1.1AI.FI) TENI)>:.Il5, narked "Tudors fur field cannot islet lung without serious- results ( SMounted Renee Clothing Supplies" auris alt. thele is melon stetter Heart Ayer+: Sampler- ' drease'. to the you, therresideut of the Privy g 1 Councii,rittawa. will be reeeived up to noon ills to plenty the blood mud impart energy to 01% l,ridav,27th Blotch, 1885. louts* yon have le wait, Don ask the agent, if that clock is right—itia:vvays le. Don't ask hint if that is rn:road tinte— they nre not t.11uwud to have any other. Always states when ashen;: for a ticket, be t yaee et, whether you want it for one way or for -.sow donkey that would deliberately kick the round trip. If yon expect to re- adud,i has lost alt souse of fueling for lily re- turn soon it will save yon money to 1 •tions, buy to round trip ticket, If you have hrer'a Flair Vigor stunutatee the ]lair cells sceu bills advertising excursion rates on certain days, dont ask the agent to sell you an excursion tiet~et on a day /previous, It you want to learn when there will be cut texeursion and how Ion, it will continue, consult the bilis Tenn you. Don't ask the hanging alfa d agent about it. The bills are put there for information. If an unusually ]ow rate is advertised don't ask the agent if that is really true --if the company advertise n low rate they will carry you 's- if they lose money. If there aro ball it dozen trains in the depot don't ask the agent which train you shall take, but step up to any uniformed official outside, tell him where you wish to go aced he will show you your train. 1f you want to make connection with some other road go to the ticket win- dow and 'before asking for your ticket state where you want to go, and if you are in a hurry ask the agent for the route by which you can make the clos- est connection, and he will cheerfully answer you. In conclusion, if you want to see smiling ticket agents don't ask them for any information you can get from other sources, and when you do ask •questions state briefly and plainly what you want, and you will find trav- eling is more pleasant than you had .supposed.—Biel/mond Sunday Register. Printed forms of tender containing full in- formation as to the articles and euautitiea re- dquired way bo had on upplienttou to the en. evalaued. }}��,, so tender will be reeetiiii unless made am such t toted forma, Patterns ni all articles to healthy actino, and promotes a g away he seen at tuo office of the undersigned. vigorous 1 EAU tender lutist be aecoutpanicd 01' all growth. It Contains all that tall be supplied I accepted nsmeliae:Ilank eh" quer he an amount to dosed the auroral hair beautiful and ahem- artfelostenner 1 cfor, whof ich will valve orfe'ted dart ; keeps the senlp free from ilaudruff, pro• . it he party making the tender declines to en• vents the hair from, beaon.ing dry and lrnrsh, ter into a Contract when called upon to do 50. end tnekes it flexible and (flossy, or if he tails toomelet etheservice contracecd for. It the tender be not accepted the cheque VAT.. ,.jL1� TO LVED" L.A-DY 'MAY DEW' The kat French Lotion for l eal�t fyiig the Face. It conceals !,Lleevidenoe of age. P -le Appli- cation edit make the most stubbornly rail end rough iheedaheautifultr eott,tori ,r oto. lea Mangier tht.t-" liAI 011W" is rsot g paint or powder that Es lip the Pores of rho akin, ante that 1a Injurious to the *in beta Dew and great diaalvazy, a verset t 1e liquid. that causes the ebxek is glow verde beaith, the neck, sten and hands Le rival the Idly in whiteners In -- tensible to detect in the beauty it confers any ortifcial cl.•a atter. It enrea bloomy Bette, Freckles, wrinkle,,, Pimples. Mick Heads, Grub. Sun B 3 Blotches, Faro G n ur=► Crow' Fee", Tan. Rin^,+torus. Ohapeed fiends, ger° or Chap peat Li,se. Buboes Itch, Totter. 40. It frees the vamoosed gtaeria,snd tubes from the aa•iur- touaefteetaof pow lens awl ea'u,rtie washes. By its u.e xll redness and ront►hue°s are pre. stented; It hea.tci5aa the skiu.ar►d well an+kr it soft, aaruothend •whits; Imparting a delfeitme softness; t.r"sdueang a perfectly liealthy.eater- eland youthful Appear/wee'. Tile best tare lotion that the wield ever produced. We win mend"` Aa.anusnoatrrat"t' any Andreae onr- caipG of vase. et wttenonloring mention the Helper. Adtiross alt lattma t"s the MAY DEW AGENCY, 71 Young -strut. Tortsnto, Cia l'arlerand Recentfon Room fear ladies. N OWNED REMEDIE THE PILLS Parity the Diced, correct all Disorders of the LIVER. STOMACH, KIDNEYS. AND BOWELS, They iarvi urate and restore to healed{ Debilitated Couetitutions, and are iuvalnali Cowphaints ineidaaltal to Female* of all ages. For cbitdr+tt and the *iced they arta THE OINTMENT IP an infallible remedy fur lad Legs. diad Breasts, Uhl W out/11G. iiort-a hoed dicers. It fawans fur Gout and Rheumatism. ON THIRTY DAYS' TSSIAL. Tux VOLTAIC BELT CO., Alarsitall, 111t►it.,tVi1 Yens Da,DSE'aCETEnnATED ELECTRO -VOLTAIC BELT$ AND ELEOTEIC APPI.SANCaa on trialfor thirty dye to nlen (young or ole) who are af- flicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and completerestotation of health and leanly vigor, Address as above. N, B.—No risk is incurred. as thirty days' trial is allowed IfeGBEGOIt'S SPEEDY CURE,y Every purchaser of common sense business capacity, whenrequiring an article for a cer- tain purpose, purebases only that which has been tried or is allovved first to test, before buying. lou aro allowed a free trial bottle of alcGregor's Speedy Cure, the great remedy fey Dyspepsia, Impure Blood and Liver Disor- ders at J. W. Browning's. Drug Store. Sold at 50e. and $1 per bottle. ►iee testimonials from persons in your own town 6 THE BEST COMBINATION. The best combination ci blood cleausiug,re- gulating, health giving herbs, roots and barks enter into Burdock Blood Bitters—a purely vegetable remedy that cures diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys. REST AND COMFORT TO TILE SUFFERING Mexican Etiquette. "Brown'SHousehold Panacea"has no equal forrelievingpain,botbinternaland external It cures pain in the Side, back orboweis,sorethroat Rheumatism, Pootbscbe,Lumbs go and any kind of a pain or ache. "It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its acting noworis wonder- ful, "'Brown's Rousahnld Panacea' being ack- nowledged as the great Pain Reliever,and of dou ble thestrength of any other Elixir or Liniment inthe world,shouldbe in every familyhandy for use when wanted, "asitreallyis the b est remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at25 cents a bottle. GOOD 'ADVICE. It our readers will accept proferred advice, they will always keep a bottle of tiagyard's YellowOil at hand for use in emergencies,., such as Burns, Scalds, Wounds, Lameness, Croup, Chilblains, Rheumatism, and all var- ieties of aches, pains end inflammations it will ever be found reliable. More .eople, adults and. children: aretroub led with costiveness than with any other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bit- . ters will cure costiveness and prevent the It f 1 was given a lesson in etiquette by a :Mexican young lady I met onthe .train. I chanced to be the only man on the sleeping -car when it drew out of Et Paso. and :after an introduction by the conductor, to whose charge the young lady had been committed, she and I be - ..came quite well acquainted. "1' saw you eating an orange on the depot platform," she said. "In Mexico that would be considered as unmannerly. There it is unmannerly to eat anything outside of a house, even candy. Add'I noticed when Mr. Romero gave you a Mexican match you throw, it away after using but one. end •rf. it. The other was :stili serviceable, said you should have returned'the mra.elt with' your thanks. If you hand on% a cigar or cigarette to light with, yoo, must take a whiff after iotas been reimrnod to you, though it may be so sl,..,rt:as to burn your fin- gers." All chis I received with good grace, for ,a.y young lady was but - ten gears old Neiar, •t snama a whale seventy-five feet lone became entangled in the sub - matins _labile and in his struggles to free himself was so severely wounded by tbs. wire that he died. wui 0e roturnou. No payment will he made to powsaapors in- sersicgthis advertiecruent without authority having been first obtained. FRED WRITE, Comptroller, IQ, W. lu. Police. Ottawa, March Gth, 7865. Euhtand is 'shipping to Egypt the rollingstock of an eighteen inch gauge railway. The line will be laid' from the red sea to Berber and the road will be used for the shipment of soldiers and military stores. LARDING'. MACHINE UIL. 4 ARBM.ERS, THRESHERS. ANI) iL,Mill Hien will save money, and s^tvc their Maelnnery by using Laraine. LA :RDZNE FOR DISORDERS OF THE CUIST 1T Baia NO 11Q1'At.. t• Throats, Bronchitis, C4,uplis, Calda,6landrlar. Sat Ilium., and tall akin dims. it has no rival ; and fur enntr toted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointmentaresultlrt Tuoxxs II,rla.owAS'a Es-tal4tirhmer..t. 76 NEW OXFORD -(STREET late OM, QNFO31I)<STREI T!, LONDON i. nearly every respectable ctabie Vendor of Medicine, hi Boxes and fete, at is. lid.. 2s. 9.1.. alba6dl la. 22e.. and 32s. (-wel'. 'l'he'2s, 941. size contains three time. the t usntity of On Is. , l , is 13d, eize�t the 4s. 6t1. size six ; the Us. Yizu bixtcen ; the 2214 size UAW—three ; and the, 33s size fifty two theca the quantity of the *mallett Boxes and Puts, Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, nod can be baa iu nuy la» guage, 1- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boats. If the address is net 533 Oxford Street, Emmett, they inc spurious. Has been Victorious at all the leading exhib- tions and industrial/airs since 1878, earryingoff first prizes and modal. in every insta.ito. It has now no equal as a lubricator, and will:ont- woar lard, seal or castor oil, and warranted not to clog or gum the finest machinery. You will save money bynsingthisOil. Try it and you will testify in its favor. Bewareoi imitations. —ATANIIF'ACTOBED ONLY McColl Bros. Co., Toronto. VOA.sALS ar— BISSETT BROS., Exeter ; J. EILBER & SON, Crediton ; Mc.DONELL & WAUGH. lleneali COO* i �l Wishes to announee,to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity: that he has opened out a . 24 Park Rovv; N. Y. . l 1 il` �i WEAT FARMERS SAY:— bestis our best friend..' oft is worth ten times its cost." "The dollar spent for the Advocate is the best spent moneyfrom the farm.'1 mil are also dellalited ,,and fa The wife y WILINIAMDREW Und-ertaker Cabinet"maker. �X 'ER, 01\71'AR=O ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BA NL TT rarzoisTH itivocato —A.ND— UNEQU ALED Se say the best farmers. stockmen, gar- greatNational, Weekly, the Rural New York- er. The best writersiu the world, Original throughout. Over 500 illustrations from nature every year. Fine paper. 16 pages -ask those who) know. Specimens gladly sent. I without charge. $2,800 worth of presents HOME 1V�A GAZ IN �a offered to subscribers Conducted by pract bleorfarmers. Its the largest clubs. Free Is the only Independent Agricultural osh Seed Distributions are invaluable. Over 600 nal in Canada Owned and Publishedcoutributions. Posters and outfits on apple- . by a Fanner' cation, Send for them. Inman New -solemn, deuers and fruit growers of America of the dimes which rasa from it. BrY Y n `j go Ad • Fluid Lightning eines Neuralgia'in one motets, Fluid Lightning cures' Toothache, in one in the Uorner Store North' of S'amweli minute. Fluid Lightning cures, trace Ache in one & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make minute , Fluid Lightning cures Lumbago in oneallkinds of ordered work. ,, minute: e Sewed work a speciality. Fluid Ltghtnidg relieves Rheumatish in one minute. Fluid Lightning cures any pain or ache in- stantly. Price 25 cents per bottle at J. W Browning's Drug Store. 6 NOT 33AD. It so agreeable that even an infant will take it. For coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup,asth- ma and bronchitis Idagyard's pectoral Balsam is reliable for young or old. Repairing promptly attended to.' OEO..MANSON,' with it:, "No farmers house should be without it." The right information in the right, season by the best specialists that can be procured on the Farm, Stook, Dairy, Garden and Or. oaimeAiary, 5ar FaiyCircl,EtcLto. Only $1 Per .A.nnurr . Repairing of All Kinds NEATLY DONE. D. Mcg -NSE, Who recently opened a REPAIR SHOP in FANSt91+1'S BLOCK; EXETER, has just re- oeived a New Lathe, by the assistance of which he is prepared to repair SEWING MACHINES, GUNS, LOCKS; RE VOLVERS, SKATES, &e. SAWS SHARPENED & GUMMED free to aY+plicauts meutiou Satisfaction guaranteed in every. case. Ne pairing done with neatness and despatch 1 remember else gleno.D. DIcA\S T. 13 , May 14th 84. FARMER'S ADVOCATE, LONDON, ONT. Fauson's Bled., Caster Sample copy sent ing their Lot, Concession and Post Office. Address - Late Manager 0. Bacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment.