HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-3-26, Page 5CQMMUNIOA R IONS. We do not hoiumttr 81yes responsible lorap i- ions expreued Miy correbpondout0 uridbr this heading: To the Vigor of ate Etieter 2'i -sees, Sia ; -,.In your i*sue of last week ES A Hearer" undertakes to Wing - your humble oorrerspouclent to tail for oriticising *sermon recently preaohed in one of the Eirktou churches. You are aware, Mr. Editor, that our country is palming through a greet. ori3le, trying to do away with a'mon- ster evil ---an evil khat never should have bad an existence, and while the cburoh .and the world are striving for the mastery, wa think every minister girths five feet nine inches, Aft, T, LONDON, BUBiON AND BRUCE R'Y. Ward, of Varna, bag a couple of !exy Gorwo 7t1oRTrI. I zprees mail, 2, d Class fiue imported entire colts. �,ile la # London; depart 7 454.x. 4 50x. sr 5 A -y, Cleveland bay,is rising three awl aatcatar s 57 6 to 11.35 � Hensadl o os 624 s 5r weighs 1,400 pounds. He is galled Lippert 0 d3 639 10.01 Biamark, and is a very -stylish, bend- cif in la., : p g $ iia°. e99 ,owe anirsial. The other is a thor- Loudesboro ,10 00 T 20 lit: 131vth ,,,,,,,, ,„,10 ii 7 is 161'-ar. angh#red, cart horse, ie rising two and ltelgrave 14 a� z ae t;t 48 weighs 1,000 pounds, They were im- Wingltar?ai arri0-970 35 7 55 1 to ported by Mr, War,* blweelf and are nersoneoxp, l xPreea Mail. 204 Claes pronounced by ooc»Lpeteattt j,tdgea tit "1 t, dents 4'4. v,�i. 1°9°43E be all fine a pair as stand lathe court- R#yt 8 d5 3 3o it a y. Mr. Thos. l4leMichael, of the 2n4 al” "'la s a4 a 6a im 90 s 5o a i3 Aal•ar; con., Hullett, bee purobased • from Airmen e tele..-..-: s 4 7 the% well known stook.breeder, Mr. J. as eau ;1; 3 Ii i 36 27 J. Fisher., of Ooalaorne, a very fine %naor"---. ,sin 5'i t w bull calffor wbiah be paid $100. Mr, of Christ should give no 111roertain # Wm. Patterson, of Weleerbern, 40d c Haausara..---' i ented at the Beeson Qat- gonna in this noble 1Ctnteet, aud 0011-a flus - Young horse to Mr, R. MM1ol ee, Meal ethyl, fifty thousand bushels of good eouud Oats for Milling purposes. The high - have their sermons and utterances CalI onderYoun Donald Dome to Thom.for oats, pai�dY' t -stomal el<tltatlged Machine Oils,and calling them ScColl's Lardine orltiolsed at this partiesisr time. I T 8 Bell of Eondeeborct,for a good fi urs. did sPil bear the sermon preaobed, !l Iltsrsgtr. IRec.on, !1e,—Ow et the but have beard Rot a tittle about it, as Mr. G. 14. Cbeeney bad in (Jlintot, 011 most cOntplete roller mils in the Province, is. it hog boon the topio of general eon- Saturday of last week a Welcome colt, capstoony mein end giving the beat eatia- - p - faotron, i><ristin6' dano tQ orde+r ori alwrt �""'� Tere#tiOn ever 871100 ltd delivery, and pile year and a half old vrblah turned notice. The roller dour #akee the land. Try; , McColl BrosCo Torontot. #111 with who. I hays lav ooiiveracd who the spates at 1,435 pounds, II was it and ba oonvincad, 90 toua of good Mut, sere there are a unit in *totingthat raised by Mr. Rugg Chesney, of dliags on hand at love figures. TfOktrewith, Mr, Robert Leathern, UAW/MM. _ JAS.PICKARD EUlE! . ill aavare4 very strongly of telxapar Rl�'ara � ti at Stapbea, #1 raw days #go added a x once, or n Athar wards, requmixiest Ane re tastered short tett# ball to blit WA,1 RT RFJ;''ORT8. In ootz4lu.aian, I would xa nest allot al� q mkt lfully *sleeked herd, for which ho N __- ' -a - r diGorroutedetao�'cleekp,m.Wednesday-4ggpstizara c4FocaDS 185 vliitl # llandeo&le iaulri, bar. J, SY. SAI,1,.rult.T E Reid, of the Bayfield road, hoe # 83 wont wo90 r ,,, 800 to sequently ministers may expsot to of Blytb.for the sum of 140, Thos. THE TREASURER IN ACCT.' WITH T SOHOQL BOARD. E EXETER REORIPTS, To Bal from last audit $103 57 "' School rate since 140 audit 353 55 Govt,Rrant 221 00 Satoot r atefor Present ysar 76000 000 Locate & 1110010A 11'024 other sources 106* Q6 .udiel and found correct, 0, BRtiIOR, 1irTmnitripa T•fi08,13. CABLING, f 254,1 91 PAYMRNT8, aid Teachers' salaries Other school officials' Bepaire, .dao. Expense's, 7 oans, &c. Dal to nest audit 42005 00 795 00 33 25 1096077, 1 91 editors, JOHN McDONi LL1 Solrool Auditors. cfiAs. Sti4LL, $10 &PD T The above reward will be paid for she conviction of those Merchants who are selling inferior The only genuine is reenttfaotered by She sermon in question be publlebed jaakt se it was delivered, wban your readers will have an opportunity of judging for theaaaetvess whether or not your correspondent has been guilty of giving to the public an „Ru, Instigated falsehood," 004dt1r,44010:4 l#T. 1airkton, Marob 28yd. A comely girl,orat ed Marti De los- lie, 17 years otd,oacca to Detroit from Q1d I4ver 011, ,alar Ilypopbo.pb tee, S4 Aiarys, Ont., ou astturday, to look? 2 etrulliti Ya>ttlasbie for irhliifFe s. Ilr. J. R, l?sl4gselca,1IesnpW , Teau, wya for work, Both bar parents sbo Bald ,.fba o riled Soott'e Emnitiion for umoy were 4etad, At the depot she engage d y , Roe registrd it ae s vsla1U8 modioino a baokwan to delete her to* hoarding- for the dlseaoee of adults. for infants teethe house not far from the depot, and abs mg, and broken down eyeteete in children." lies, only an indistinct resaollsatiou of ._.. what ocourred--paying a week's board 1 HIS. from $51 sbe had with her, and of leaving the house on Wednesday. I1owala,.-10 Exeter. ou the atntl inst., Going to a dressmaker's in the west. , Rstler, wife °I Mr. J. N. Howard, sged 41 ern part of the oily. Bile fainted iv # years clad if metes. street car while returningdown town, Copra".,., ,Aa Eliwville, en the lith Inst„ Marys' Jabu Cooper, aged. S8 years, and was Sent to tit. Hospital, Witrrt:,—At Elimville, on the Lyth, init. whore she was delurious. ,All bet Elizabeth White, Aged 44 years and, d money except a few dollars was gone. month,. Tina morning oho was eamowbat bet- ter, and sera she doesn't think any ono drugged or aeeaulted her, but ie unable to ataenet for bet Budden ill- ueee,ber remarkable !apse of memory, To the aged Rad. Infirm the neer- or the logs of the money. falling and rncii;nrat ug properties of Rob- inson's PIiOSpltorizeCL Enuuisioli, give renewed strength and buoyancy! of so months ')14 imported Clydesdale salty• uea 8080060 wl5t<, wzaoaeDrew ... , ... to a to o do JUST ARRIVED AT THE UM; which weighs f,llil¢ porttiad+s. Bird wgatttrtew °o a to 089 18tarria ir11S#? This is very heavy weight for nob a young animal and we understand that cif 1 (rtew) .,, :.. ••• 0 8 %c a 00 • Om 4 Clover Send Timothy `" Peau Msl. !l. will travel hill)) during the r" Mann. V.1014 ought to suit she farm. for bone and halt, Scott's Euiu,iatoat of Pure • 0tilltoU00 U54 t0 0115 ... 5SOt04GI 125020 .-' 00tou45 U50toe".15 Butter :. • .:: 19 to 0 14 Flour earbbl b Onto 450 Potatone,per beg .., ... 0 34 to 0 40 Apples.per hag 0 40 to 050 Hs DrredApplesgr b .,. 0 04 00 0 0 1 Geese ser lb. . 005 to 006 Turkey per lir la 1 IIIMeter aliaksesper er uoge,dresiedearl liideerroob r<a v f 1'1t►tsTailm a spa r>M E'snh114- aboapsk#iiitl,AattEie „ Calfakitrs ... .. Wool SO Da! ;tartan .,. , lei 00 o10 000 riatoaratrerbAah� .,. 0 e0 LO 25 Wood per cord „ ... 3 30 to 3 75 HRNSALL MARKETS. AOetae06. 0407*ow s • 08314039 • 500to315 400 to It 40 .. 600 to OM 0 t9 to G: 7S Fall Wheat Per blr ,., ._. $ 0 a9 to 0 se Suring , 0 till to 0 tic Marley ibrlcht; 0 50 to 0 Gil Barley (feeding) .. 0 45 to U 44 White Oatsl, - 0 i to 0 3( CL1oxE,-1n T ,borne, on the 21tll ins. )t*eke e pert11�1 .., o 31 to 0 SI to 1 UO Mabel Clarke, daughter of Mfr. Jaynes l'otomea par bb .. o 0 to 0 (10 Clarke, aged 3 years and 8 months. CHAS. SOUTI-ICOTT iv sti a Splendid assortment of CLOTHS and TW.FEDS vary Ohoioe Goods, and will sell them cheap for Q*aa. lrhd° to Order On. ,tort Notice, .oe, --A FIT GUARANTEED. -- No credit given. Sold ONLY for (DASH, and that uteaus Cheap Goods. Call and see bis stock before placing your order, sOCQTT, 4 Don't Pail to Call an rnE TAmm sap!iPeople's Popular Hardware ! Whits. Always ask for 1tob*nSOf9 A Nairn correspondent aeye t One Phosphorized Eriitilslorl, and be evening last week a large sleigh load sure you get it. Will. Semor or of pleasure seekers from Exeter our-; prised the natives of Nairn by payiat; .t.I3i^S&b;'1'4) nit?T N:ii•g Wishes to inform the inbal;italttsof Fxet thew a friendly visit. Their minding rlre you'll htrlecdatuightandbrokenofyour rettbyatlekcllil,7 Auf[e•rin; and crying with and surrounding townships, that he has in elztering cur village was moat mel- pale of cutting tooth? If so, send at oureand odit.ua. and after parading the prin- got abottlo of C1RS W1NSLO�ti'S sOOTnn a oipal streets pinging that good old SYRUP. Itsva7nelaiuoNcnlable. It will re. tuuo'Sweet bye-aud-bye', they took love the poorlittleisinif cr immadlately. De- ; be0.1100 for the residence of Mr. pend upon itmothors, tltor*lenotniatakeabout it, it cures 3yeentory and (Ratrhooa, rrgulatoa James Singular, an old Hallelujah iso stomach and- bowels, cures wind colic Band leader, who waloomad dyes , eoiteaathe gums, reduces intlamtuatdon, and with all the pomp and magnitude of us torso end,onergy to the whole system a gentleman. The party then, apread Znu. WI•QMLOWa SOOSUMI Exam. FOU Crum. a table loaded with some of the beat nxx Tat:Ta ma le pleasant to tho taste, and ithe e eatables that Exeter could roduee female nuises and ph sicia oldest and beat Ifyou want a Good -fitting and Well -made p , femalo nureoe and physicians in the 'United S and invited the people to partake states, and is for sale by all druggists through- Suit, Coat or Pants, you will find Sat - thereof, after which the natives thank- out the world. Price 25 cents s bottle 'ed them for their kindness and at the _ ..... isfaction by giving ]aim a trial. same time invited the strangere to a friendly reel deuce which some of FERRY'S them very reluotantly accepted. See- Mr. Senior has had long ex- Band,ing they belonged to the Hallelujah perience and is a practical had not the old leader, Mr. FOR 4e g p �� opened A Tailoring Shop in PANSON'S BLOCK, (up -stairs), where he will be prepared to do all kinds of Custom Tailoring. Singular ular s oke up in favor of snobs workman. amusements,the Exeter youths might IN9,t•LusnLETOALL! • Remember the. S Ot, t Tio: will be m :tuts ta Sul !ar not have taken part in the affair, but tool' applteauts F �," , p and to customers of last year Without Directly over Geo. A. Hyndutau s Grocery as they did we consider there was no- ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices, Stora thing wrong in it, seeing everything descriptions and directions for planting all passed off with the best of order and Vegetable and Flower SEEDW8m,nBOR o i,ct ,11. �iJ63SlOZ`.f f d the D. M. � CO. DETROIT. Michigan, And inspect stook and„ et prices on the follow:n&line■ NAIL:`, GLASS, WFill'E LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, AND LIVU,.DINli HARDWARE CW ALL RINDS, SHOVELS, SPADES d:e. Wo aro away thorn On the following : 3. Searle .� Co's. Carriage Varnishes ; Penchen's Pre- pared Paints ; Bird Cages ; Buggy Tops ; Stoves, and Tin- ware of all kinds, Barb Wire, Steel Strip, and Buckthorn Fencing, American and Canadian Coal Oil. EAV t' TROUGHING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK GUARANTEED.14 The Celebrated RAYMOND Sewing Maclaine always on hand; also Needles to fit &i MASE of Machine. P. S. Highest price in Cash or Trade for Hides and Sheep Skins. Yours truly, BISSETT BROS. decorum Or In reading over po- A line reports next day,. we failed to find A PROPERTY MGTCENTRAL SK FOP — THE BUOKT.H01-,N 1 any complaint registered against any• of the parties who took part in the TWO HOUSES TO RENT. The best and Cheapest Fence in the Market 1 DRUG STORE evening 8 enjoyment., And hots } could they, for a more Evil, more ob- liging, condescending,' enthusiastio, and a better looking lot of young folks never graced the village of Nairn, than the Exeter people. We hope they will visit ns again soon, and in- vite us to see them,whioh I know they will. At an early hour they all sep- arated well pleased with the evening's enjoyment, with the exception of oar village blacksmith, who is lately out from Scotland, and never attended a Canadian dance before. 5•,4..4 LOCAL STOOK NOTES.—Mr. H. Eit— her, of Crediton, recently sold his ivell•known stallion, "Tom Kimball," 'to Messrs. Thomas Eesery and George Bedford for a good round sum. Mr. Henry Northy, 'formerly of Usborne, left for Iowa last week. He took with him six of the finest young entire horses to be found in Ontario. Three of them he purchased in the West and three in the neighborhood of Whitby. Among thollatter was an exceptional- ly fine colt nine months old, aired by Mr. James Horton's horse, "Prince Arthur" that weighed tha day it was shipped, 1,160, George Nesbit, in the 6th con. of MoKillop, has a filly, sirad by "Viceroy,' eight months' old, which ° weighs, eight hundred and Apply to ISAAC CARLING, Exeter FARM FOR SALE IN STEPHEN. Lot No 5, in 4th Concession, 100 acres. For particulars apply to B. V. ELL1OT, Solicitor, &c, Exeter 4th Feb., 1885. Tj1ARM FOR s ALE,—The subscrib- er offers for sale the East Half of Lot 3 and North Half of Lot 2, 4th con of Osborne. On the premises are a brick house 20x28, nearly new, containing 6 rooms ; frame barn 34x48, with stabling ; a small bearing orchard, and a never -f ailing well. The land is well drained and in a good state of cultivation There are 12 acres of fall wheat in the ground and con- siderable fall ploughing done. Distance from Exeter, 5 miles, and 3 miles from Centralia. Terms to suit purchaser. Possession given either before seeding .or after harvest. Pur- chaser can be supplied with seed grain. For further particulars apply on the premises to O.S. SPRAGUE, or by letter toExeterP. U. CREDIT AUCTION SALE OF Farm, andiarm Stock. The undersigned will offer'foi sale on March 31st, '85, commenc- ing at ono o'clock p m, 30 well-bred steers, most ly three and four years old;10 cowl and' heifers supposed to bo with calf • 1 horse four, years old ; 1 mare five years old with foal. The farm is lots 4 and 5 and part of 3,Lake Road, east, Stephen township, containing 282 aores, mostly cleared, good buildings and abundance of good spring Water. This farm is principally clay loam, and is gsod ;for either grazing or cropping The above will he sold in ono block or separate ly to suit purchaser. Itis all joined except small part on the opposite side of conoesston • If not sold will be rented, If purchaser relnir, es time, a small amount down will answer ; balanus at 6 per cent Allo 1 thorotighbred,bull (registered pedigree) and oue grade bull ; 16 yea r ingg calves. JOHN REITH, Prop, 3t ;Flake P O, Ont. A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Ce tire]. Drug Store Exeter C. LUTE. rum OF NAILS, LOOK AT $2.75 A KEG. IN BUILDERRS HARDWARE, consisting of :— ' RIM LOOKS, HINGES,, PITCH, TAR, ROOFING FELT, LINING PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, STAINED GLASS, CALCINE & LAND PLASTER, ACKRON CEMENT, MAUHINE OILS, FIRE BRICK & CLAY, CHEAP CARRIAGE &TAKERS.—BENT STUFF in all lines. ALSO MUSLIN, DUCK, DRILL, TRIMMINGS, DASH LEATHER & PATENT LEATHER, CANE, MOULDINGS, & KEEPING ALSO FULL LINE IN ALL SIZES OF IRON. AXES, SPRINGS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BLACKSMITE COAL, and SUPPLIES, RUBBER TOPS-Conboy make -Ml sizes and kinds on SHORT NOTICE DIMING THE SEASON crg will have a quantity of BINDER TWINE CHEAP. Send orders early, SELLING THE NEW VAN ALLEN CREAMERIES and BUTTER TUB Eavetroughing s specialty,