The Exeter Times, 1885-3-26, Page 4,e defer J "11105. 1'1IURSHAY, MARCH 26th,1885. RDITORIAL NOTES. TRE new franchise bill of the On lark Government exteude the voting power so as to make ik almost uui- THIf: C.P,F. venial eufferage, The asoessmeat on The Refotne leader aa,i prase have manifested a vast amount 0' hostility towards this undertaking. Every effort has been put forth to damage tine great ttatioual work. If their statements be hue, the amount of money it is going to colt will be far; to excess of what auy of the United States' Pacific roads. coat them. A New York paper saps: "The Northern k'aeifie, in this country. reeelnbles, the Canadian Pacific more closely than either the Union or Southern Pacific ; but while the former ie only 1,800 miles long, the latter is 2.800, and while the eon- struotion of .ire latter is a political as well as 1 oommereia1 meaxsilre, that of the fernier was exclusively a commercial enterprise ; yet ilio Northern Pacific, in spite a a lauce, grant f; of 47,000,000 acres, worth more per acre i than the Canadian great, 'tramped Jay Cooke turd Yillard anti robbed the thon- sends of itxveetere wise lied trusted to their repreaaenttetfone. Estimating its land grant' at $2 per care, the Northeru 1"gel t`ost Liss people of ruin country 694,0000,000 for 1,800 exiles of tine; while the Canadian Panto 1 WAIL coat our n igbbors only 108,000,000 for 6,800 miles." Supposing the Northern Paoifo had been the same leugth ai the Os; nadiso Paoif o, it would, at the same rate, nave cost the United Suttee over $14O,0O0,0O0, or $88,000,000 more then the 0. P. R. I otwitheteud: ng the fact that the N. V. cost the people of the U, S. only $14,000,000 lease for 1,800 mile* than we pay for which tt person eau vote pu _ own to $200 in St wue, and is :townships and villages to $100, and every clan earning $390 per year is entitled to Vote. e artioulars is another column. Injuring The Country, itir. A, J. 1 -Collins, of Killarney, re- turned this morning from an extended trip to Ontario, whence he has been chipping horsed for the Brandon mar- ket end snares for his rancho at Kil- larney. A Unto reporter interview Stratford Assizes. SWAN VS. STEWART. This Waif au tuition brought by Juo. Swau, of Hibbert, against Jul). Stew. art, a neighboring farmer, to recover damages for a trespass alleged to have been committed by the defend, ani upon the land of the plaintiff, by entering on the same and hauling off large quantities of gravel, un.dermiu- iug the pleiutifFs fence, and :causing it to sink and fall. The defendant denied the allegations made by the plaintiff, and said the gravel taken, which amounted in all to ten dollars, was taken from agravel pit on a road adjoining the plaintiffs property, and entirely clear of it. The case canoe op for trial at Stretford on the 18th lues., before Hie Lerdehip Justice. ed flim regarding the feeling iu On-- Armour and a jury, and resulted in & tario respeoting Nfanitobe, and found verdict being reudered and judgment that he bad bean confronted on every entered for the defendant, dismissing band by the means auti•iwmigratiou resolution passed by the Partnere* Union lest winter. "The members of tide Fanners' Union," said Mr. ';chins, 'don't know how much injury they are doing luxe country below, Times fire wore' is Coterie than the are hare. If the (amen would g the plaintiffs notion with ooate. John Idington, Q. O., and M. Molr'adden for the plaintiff ; J. T. Garrey and B. V. Elliot for defendant,. The Guelph Mercury 'aye t—"Ou Wedneedey evening srovernuaetlt De - eaten Radgere left for Huron oouuty home and work ori their farina slid where be had reagent to believe that etitk to work at fitrrpere do in onto. scute of the etoteu jewellery belonging they would save the Ave -cent to Simouaka was setgeted, He was pieties cat people if; Ontario IISTtl to do not lreietaken, and succeeded in cep to make a lima ontheir fermst-•-clad oaring quite a quantity or the plan if they would Unit political agitation der, coneltlting of knives and forks►, krid attend to btrfliuoee,tllcre would he jowefety and watebee, on the farm of groat deal happier prone ill mash '11111. Bird, Huron tlQUOty, Thesoba. If they don't etop this injur-- Birds are relatives of the Little's, and iousi nonsense, we will scud for the he listed their place shortly after the dynaniitsrs to blow them up, as their robbery end bid a lot of ilio ,jewellery pretend actions are peeitively kltling ou their premises. With the jewel - ower 2,800 mile', yet there was rlok tt the country, All Ontario is flooded , lora recovered rn Brantford, p'or Marson 50 void of patriotism es to ory with literature about Dakota, and Albert and She Bird fares in Huron, downand injure the couutry, as le large peelers deolariug the (*mere of laiaaoneky baps got beck. about $850 the oese at preeeut amongst the Ito; , /dauitoba kava atated that title is not worth at trio Property," form leaders and the Reformpapers a ounntry to live iu. How can itn-• - -'T of Canada. No citizen oldie L. S. g pe a:IWE 8. "ret ringfoatgro of the roeeet would so far forget the duty ha owes f P Ili'1 k exhlbltiott at bicatroa was *company of ool. to his co:nar se to do anything that ad.rn ilea ssiagereen g.aate�d is rnanefaaturing }' y g y y - rho oels3sat:aed ho140o10 Tobaoco,aact et the would tend to injure it, for the mere p g satnettanedelighting the crowds of.spectators sake of political advantieraent. with exquisite *anthem raeladlaa. Agold med. 1? al and a apeolaldlrilame were *warded to this ,.r-�.:�m--—.-a:,:...—,. Manitoba to stay away from this earner brand ot chewing tolionte, and the Menke of tboaairxmitaaa muttered to the Ad migration be expected iu view of tbose +etas. At Chicago, . l wall its and St. Paul you hear the sante stor� re pasted, and Dakota land a gents travel around persuading people cowing to or 4 MERITED D REaC KF country. There were four young l sues Tobecoo Oa. for their ettreetiveeshibit man from Ontario going to Regius j„•. . JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the ro n to p Y No other conetitueuoy iu the Do- and they were travelling on the 00410 minion senile to the ions' of Cow- train as anydelf, A. Dakota laud agent mous, a more conceited or Letughtty 8:13:r od tee' n ou thenxlaet Milwaukee iiwti ukee repreeontative,tlien Sir Richard Cart aul eve d t t whit y kS P, p reiiading item Q try Da Q a Wright, wbo reert'a nts Banal Huron. in preference to .Manitoba. "Tile He boasts of beitit;, descended from femora of Manitoba," be argued, the moat aristooratic family, and 1 "halo declared that it le Apo country is continually waiting it known for immigrants. These fermiers know that he reoetvex hie education at two the country. Yon don't. Why thou Universities ; this renegade Tory and meow ? The argameut vita uuauswer hero tat calico Huai muddied fntlnese, able. Three of the four got off the received a rebuke from Sir Leonard go there in the face of such a state - Tilley during the debate on the ball l train at Glyndon last night•-auly oue • tote xo cage au -, w llc In wall 'one ivatauce of the�efIeete of tete not soon forget, and it will be ssppre- I,.armara' Union agitation. `Chau elated by many n, the Reform patty, `talk about railway monopoly ! Why with whom be ie allied at present, as i well as by ail his political opponents, most of Ontario is groaning beneath a greater monopoly than is here --the whom be note so sincerely hates. Travel Grand Trunk railway. Travel about SirLeonard Tilley said •-1[ . a eo y r Speaker, I Ontario as I have done and you will tlee're to say a felt words in reply to the hon. come to the same conclusion." Mr orable geutleman. But before doing so I + e , would state to the Hoose that during the T. S. MnNary, of Oa twright, who eleven or twelve sessions I have had the was present when Mr. Rollins was honer of a seat in Parliament I hare receiv- ed at the hands of members on both sides every Inspect and conEidoration, with the ex- ception of from one gontlemau. (Hear, Hear.) The honorable gentleman has on this occasion, in a satirical manner, boon disposed to reflect upon my honor and in- tegrity, and upon the honor and integrity of the gentlemen with tivhom I am associated in the Government. He has on more than one occasion, I think, in an ungentlemanly manner -(cheers) -referred to the oonatruc- tion of my sentences as being ungrammatic- al, and he stood in his place as a ei do of the moral charaeter and educational standing of members of the House. Sir, I am re- minded by his conduct and statements of an incident that took place not long since in the south of England, where a meeting was held for the purpose of discussing some important question affecting the locality. There was present on that occasion a country squire whose organ of self-esteem was very large and his organ of benevolence proportionally small. (Laughter.) He imagined he knew everything in that section of the country,and that his neighbors knew nothing at all. At the meeting a humble farmer was present, and he had the audacity to differ from this country sgaire. Accordingly the squire took him to task and said, "I have stated so and so and you are an illiterate man." "I have been educated in two universities." He did nut say whether he had ever taken a de. gree or not -(much langhter)-but the farm- er replied, looking directly at the squire, "What of that ? I had a ealf once that suck ed the milk of two cows-(langhter)--and the more he sucked the greater calf he grew." (Tremendous laughter and applause.) That is the spirit in which the hon. gentleman from South Huron (Sir Richard Cartwright) treats on this side• of the House, whether .educated or uneducated. (Cheers.) it is tree I have not the advantage of a university edu- cation, but I trust I have sufficient to make my statements to the House in such a mini- ster as the members will understand diem, and I hope with such evidence they will be Prepared to believe them. (Cheers.) THE Montreal Herald says "In - eluding rails, which had to be im- ported, coal for Port Arthur, which could not be shipped from the Lower Provinces, and all other expenditures in Eogiand and the United States, over 93 per cent. of the $22,000,000 or $28 000 000 which the C P 1i Company expended' in 1884, was paid to the people of Canada," apeakiug to the reporter, said that be coincided with all that Mr. Rollins said, but he did not believe he had spoken strongly enough on the sub- ject. He strongly condemns the Un- ion and has been pursuadiug the farmers in hes oouuty to leave it alone. —Winuipeg Times. If times are not harder in Manitoba than they are in Ontario, settlers have no reason to eomplein. The onley complainers in Ontario are the Reform Prase, which grasps at every obstacle in order to injure the coun- try in which they exist. The Scott Act. The majority for the Scott Ant In Lambton, which took place Thurs- day last, is 2,018. Elgin County carried the Scott Act on Thursday last, by a majority ot 1,868. Voting on the Scott Act in the county of Frontenao will be delayed for two months, owing to a number of wrong signatures having been put on the petition. The Scott Act petition for the county of Frontenao was filed ai the registry office in Kingston ou' Satur- day, there being a sufficient number of names signed without those which were wrongly subscribed. The official declaration of the re- sult of the voting on the Scott Act in St. Thomao was made Monday by Returning Officer Ellis, a majority of eleven in favor of the. Act being re- corded. It is expected the recount will take plane withia a couple of weeks. A somewhat Budden and unexrect• event occurred on Wednesday. morn- ing of last week, in the death of Mri Joel Hoyt, of S►. Marys, after a short illness. The deceased had been re- cently'suffeaing from the effects . of w sh % of Ria hen Fra and Vaborne and. tba nitreaf Exeter. All aslos promptly attendaatlafacttoa tatarauteod. Halos arranged et this Wilco. C,A,RTWRIG HT, L, D. 5., a ]rads opened dental socias over (1'NHIL 8 BANK, where lie will be prepared to extrect teeth without pain. Al operations performed with eat:oaud Skill. Gold finings a speciality. Office hours o a. ru: to 4 p ux, Cxem:e H Mfunrs&TE. TEuaaai CAR11r ' E ?NENT tt: nary Surgeons, Or \-oterinars to, have op for roc fy�mcatic .Animate, o u 31,.inetreet Exeter. Calla from a 41s• _.r - ` -" tanoe promltt'y attended to ¥redloino for llonee. Cattle, &c, always on Laud: :ANENT, Vt'teri I,atea of the Ontario 0 1ego, Torun cued an office h fj h B It l h i proo0eded t0 Regina O.hle 10 but the crncut of 6,11 ORTHEIIN PC1F1 it R. LANDS In Minnesota. North Dakota. Men - 4 tana,ldaho,Washington and Oregon From Lake Superlor.to Puxet:,totrn,l. At prices ranging chiefly from f2 to $9 per ae•i. to u to 10 years time. This is the Gest 'er securing Good Homes now open tor settle:nu t, FREE: i Teres of Garernutrnt cGGVW"14,l'. 'ellne La 1111",'... VW Tu..., a nirnreT- w& \t1Tis' 1O.A1S.433 i, r' t t 7sor h THAN rt.ar s of :tn ►rte 1 a t,r y,„,t+d,ry".•., ” rt ,x ere in the Northern l'ncificceuntrt. r o„ltaay 4 Mars Kent FREE. 0,4,1'4 44- t Northern Taerflet'on„try the Yt:�' • 1-1.•1••:- 1,'to m:d t1,,. FREE Goverment r+ md,,r e (ll.l,1. 11. LAMBORN, Lundrotn'r. Y' a ... :n - Auction Sale AN EXCELLENT DWELLING HOUSE - --AND Three Acres of Land IN EXETER. And of the undermentioned Furniture, and Household Effects, Ete., Ete. iTIHERE WILL BE- SOLD BY 1 Public Auction, by Iohn Gill, Auctioneer on the premises on the Lake Road, Exeter, on TUESDAY, 7th day of APRIL, 1885 At 12 o'clock, noon, subject:to such conditions as shall then be produced: FIRSTLY—Al l and singular that certain par- cel or tract of land and premises,situato, wing and being in the Village of Exeter, in the coun- ty of Huron, containing by admeasurem'ant Three:Acres, more or less, and being composed of part of lot number One in the First conces- sionof the township of Hay, having a frontage on the Lake Road of three chains, and a depth northward therefrom of ten chains. These are' the premises lately occupied by tdurdock Mo - Kenzie (deceased,) Thera is a good frame house with a brick cellar underneath, a woodshed r t• tackled; also atgood frame barn, a young or. chard just beginning to bear, and never -failing pring, on the premises. SECONDLY.—The following goods and chat- tels :-1 Cooking Stove,1 Parlor Stove,1 Centre Table, l2 Bedateads,2 Bureaus, 1 Cupboard, dozen cane bottomed Chairs, 1 Rocking Chair 1 Cow, 1 Heifer two years old, 2 Mattresses, a, quantity of Wood, son e carpenters tools and other small articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE—Ten ner cent lot the pur- chase money of the Real Estate to be paid in cash on the daycf sale, and the balance on or before the 7th day of May, 7885 with interest at six per cent. per annum until pal 1. The Chat- tels Zest be paid for in cash on the day of sale. For further particulars apply to the auction - a cold, which terminated in a severe ser, or to bronchial affection,` terminating in death Vendor's Solicitor t Dated at Exeter, this lith day of Mareh,1885. 23, V, f]LLIO r. 12, 41154 o cd 0 P4 41NOTIIER LOT ! JUST TO HAND, WIUOtL AffAIES THREE i Remember we have no reference whatever to the Babes in the crib, but to the immense stock of .New Sprinq Print at Ranton Bros. NEW DEMONS, BEST COI ORINO8, I a TSST STYLES to Cheoke, Spotty, Kluge, Stripes, Hail, Floral', Overcooks, Dark and Litlrt trainees, Mourning, dee„ de, We will be pleated to show you diem .all, as would the mother of tete three boys and to know if you don't think they aro pretty. Well, wblle some ayay that the boy' ere, end othere not, all agree that am New Sptieg Prints are not only Pretty, but Lively, Be*nttful, ke., eke, Pilate at 5,8 and 10 cents, and an Extra Ohoieo lot at 12t cent'. Conte end see, No trouble to asitow at hapten Eros. Also Big Bargains in 'White Check Muslins, Selling, at tbe price of ordinary prints. Everybody should see tbeam, New Drags Goode, Silks, laatitta, Ottomans, pingbams, Shirting', Cottonades, +rt- cto. $om,et lug New Again at Banton Brothers, 188 E141r10:11, of London, has been soaurei to take ebergo of our Drees ►pad Mantle - Melees Department ap-stars, and in this, sol all otheca, the gratteat taste and West style will be displayed, Silks, Satins fend fine Dowses a speeiralty, ISouraing Goods on abort notice. Goods bought ,from usor any place else will melee beat aitatntion, and the ladies can rest enured Mis. Elliott will give entire sstiefsotiou. Call slid sea her at BANTON lllt08„ Up -stairs. Yr J. SUTHERtaAND,HENSA• LIa, ONT., Coss 'arson, Cartt�tiasrouur► Fire x I.ioeuuAsem. Alt rance Agent eaa 1Rem trd Ransactener d stjrnlyoonedential. A Call tollcited; O,hca at the Post Office: f Ry” DR. DOWN S GOLDb.N U IMENT for Illphthorie. Croup,eud kl�lre ie� Patelure cum, ell aaqu kyevd Iutarnnlly and extern.. ally. Ask for it. Take no other. Ree testirpo Male. 'e'er sale lay all Druggists. OK CO1Jtill$ AND COLDS. for work Ins people. Send IA meta rojal. *TelnaehWiliemple aofrat goo. sl Wit will put you an the way of making mora money In a few days than you ever thought pool - bio at any bawneas. Capital not required. You can live at haute and work spare time only er all the time. All of both sexes 0f all ages grandly sureeeetul. 50 ceuts to :i;, eesily earned teary evening. That all who want work may test the bnsiuoae,we make tells unparalleled offer: To all who aro not well IAtisaedwewill send ill t0pay tor kilo trouble of writing us. bull particulars,direetioua, etc. Sent irra. immense pay abanlutely sure for all who *tart at, once, Dont delay, Address Wyman's' hG4a..1'oxMud, Main e. ('AY'9 COMPOUND OF LIN. BUY ONLY THE BEST alma.Auiaaeed.,Seaefia,Souilt,Totu. 40 with l.hloro(Ivne. ir AY'S COMPOUND, a tletnuicen exnectarailt forConuhs andCclds. OEA.Y'S ,COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally servicable; for Horses audtiattle, Z AY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia Face -ache &c. f IOAGUL1N.E.—Cement'for 13rok- 1 1 en Articles. Sold everywhere. Solo Makers. --Lay BRCS.. Stockport, England. Butter & Eggs WANTED. J. Matheson, Has opened out in Bac];='s 01d Stand. (2 Doors north of Post Office) I Just received a splendid assortment of Spring Goods, which we will sell at . very close prices. Splendid value in Cashmeres, Velveteens, Grey, Scarlet Canton and Home- made Flannels. A nice'lot of Table Napkins and Covers, Splendid Wincey, Grey and White Cottons very cheap. Tweed and Ready Made Clothing very cheap. A GOOD SUIT for 65. GROCERIES. -We sell 4 lbs Tea for 111 ; 75 cent Tea for 65 conts, Sugars as low as the lowest. BOOTS it SHOES. -We have added some new lines and are prepared to sell the beat goods at close prices. A House and Lot for sale or Rent. Apply to JOHN MATliEt50N. ZvaxoH ROLLER : MILLS ! These mills are now completed with all the:best andvery latest improved machin- ery for the manufacture; of;FIour on 'the Roller rocess THE. MILL IS Nt W RUNNING NIGHT AND DAY, and we ar prepared to do Gristing & Chopping on S ‘rtest Notice Also Flour an Feed for sale as Cheap as the Cheapest. EINES & WILLIAS, Proprietors. Laurance's CctratI ptac1as The Lenses of these spootaoles, being soi- enbfically ground from Pure Pobble, are without exception the best adapted to pre- serve perfect vision and restore the sight when damaged by old age and other causes. They have the rocommendatioe of the most eminent members of the medical .profession in England as well as in Canada, and a large number of our most prominent citizens. READ THE FOLLOII IN61: Chief Justice Macdonald, N. S. writes ; They gave the nghost satisfaction. Senator Archibald write s; I have experienc- edrreat satisfaction from their use. ChiefJuatice Sir Wm Young writes; They give a clearer and purer light under gas than any Ihave previously obtained here or else- where. John F. Wood, M. D., writes: For ease or comfort they excel any Ihave overused. J. Mackenzie, FRC 8. Kingston, writes Carefully constructed, good defluingpower and glasses in each frame of focal equal length. A C Blair, Esq., Premior NB, writes : 01 the comfort and assistance experienced. Lt. Gov vtland, P E, I. writes : I never ex. Darien.: in on my eyes after using them, • Rey, Path erBolduc, Quebec, writes: That he finds them superior to any previously used. Peter Lynch .Esq., Q 0, Halifax, writes: Using one pair of Laurance's spectacles for 19 years with great satisfaction and benefit to my eyes. HDe Cure De Quebec, writes : He is more than, satisfied with the selection made. M F Walsh, Elsq., See. Minister of the Interi- or, writes : The glasses suit admirably and give every satisfaction. _Dean of Ontario wrftes: Of the great comfort and relief fono 1 in the wearing his spectacles. Lt Gov Sir P. McDougall. K C M G. writes : He is greatly pleased with the selection made Dr,Phelan, Kingston, writes : They supply to those with every derangement of the vision a long felt slant Sole Agency : Dominion Labatary EXETER. J, W, BROWNING, Proprietor,