The Exeter Times, 1885-3-19, Page 8Wholesale aud Retail FANCY GOODS DEALER EXETER, ONT. O OLI TWRIGHT, L. D. S., Ras opened dental rooms over O'lit':IT. s BANE, where he will he prepared to extract teeth withont rain. :W operations performed with ease And. -kill. Gold Allings a speciality. Office hours Si:a. m: to 5 m m. Ovcane its MOAaAuTr.. Tress ASB. TEr t: ENS per line for ttrst insertion, ant? FOUR tie :316 per line ter each subsequent in sertion will be charged for notices apt?earint in thin column. Teter �"iirirte . THURSDAY, MAR. 19th, 1885. LOCAL ife5.—iia shed/ be happy to re. crier at all timer, front any part of the 4ounty, items a; local neves, sash car ac• eideerta,or any interesting incitlent what. ever, from any of our subscribers or read- ers generally „tor the purpose of public- ation. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Weuted A smart sad intelligent lad to learn the art of priutiug. :lust have e. fair education i pply p rsaUally to Tom Office, Exeter Read Will. Senior's yew advertisement. The Salvation Artily visited Sensed on Wednesday night of last week in a body. The hall was orowded. There is frothing lamb -like about Match.a present. It is ,genuine below -zero weathe aud not altogether admired by the peeplo. Cadet Yorkshire Jack, wile has served h term of office in the Salvation Army hero, has been removed to London. Look out fcr Jas: Pickar4i's (Menge of ad• vertisemeut next Week. New goods arriving daily, aud will all be opened un thin week. Tela Exeter Fire Companies clave aceepte an invitation to attend a grand tournamen at Brantford en the 3rd of June MoDounetl. of this place, carried off firs prize for gent's best dress. The weather eontiuuea cold aud uupleas ant and the mercury eceasioualiy drops to The anowis disappearing slowly. Mr. Joseph On-, of Ancaster, paid a vie to his many friends here and in the town sblp of Teaborne last week. Subscribers who promised to pay the subscriptions in wood will oolige by doiug s before the breaking up of the route. In the ueighhorrng townsnips grain is sac to be nearly all warketed. The prices latei have been as good as they are likely to be, The thermometer dropped 24c' below zer Mr. E. H, Fish,' who has been iu the bar- kering business here for the past riineeyears wishes to intimate to the public generally that he is still in the old stand and will t continue to de justice to his many Customers r, and welcomes many new ones to give Niru a call. Try him and he eonvinced. is Despite the terribly cold weather last Sun- day evening, the body of Christ Church wag Comfortably filled to hear the sermon deliv- ered by the ineurabent, Rev. E. J. Robinson, on ""Joshua and Gordon 0ompared: " The dis3ourse was both entertaining and instruc- t' tine, and the Rev, geutieman kept his con- t gregation spell -bound during the delivery of VI; sermon. Such discourses are becoming popular, and wilt be cook d for with eagerness Ata recent carnival fn St. Marys, i1fr. C t by the congregation in the future. XL CR Poultry Yards; T. B, Carling, pro- prietor, breeder of thoiea Meek Span - Brown and White Leghorns, each bred in saparate yards, and warranted it strictly pure, No mongrels. I own. and breed the highest scoring Drown and White' Leg - horns in the village.' Pedigree birds, Mr. it Carling is a straight -forward man en all his o dealings, and all who wish to have thorough- bred poultry should procure their eggs from 1 him. y 'lho weather bureau. people have made a comparison of the three winter months, De- o camber, January, and February, of this w. ou Tuesday morning. Gold for Marc mouth 1 Krug'a t;ombinatiou Spectacle to suit a y ay. for sale by G Lutz, Central Drug Stor Sole agent for Exeter. Air. John ltayson, a respected citiaee o Cliutoa, was round dead in his bed Tuesd waning, Ile bad boa up at 4 a. tin, an about daylight wan dead, foot.raoe for $20 a side will take place here in a few days between 11. Emmett and, W. Lyons, The place and day are .not yet decided upon. The problem which appeared in these col uwne last 14081C. was solved by many who acted Imo!) ita advice, their subscriptions ware credited. Crows were seen flying northward last'. week, which is au indication of the approach of spring. A Clinton man .claims to have seen a robin. Geary Bros.. of Loudon, were in town last week purchasing yeeug staliiona for the American market. They sue.seded. in se- curing several choice animals, Ct'eosote can be more e.iuveuieutly applied to (locayedteeth if to fifteen parts of it are added 1 ten parts of collodion. A, sort of jell s formed, which can he rkadily used. A seuteuee eontaluiug every letter in the Euglislr alphabet, anal a favorite with writin leathers ie ""A quick brawn fox jumps ove he lazy dog. ''Tire way to atop,' a-ayasa seienti t, "is o think of nothing, ' but this is a mistake. The way to sleep is to think it is time to get up. A tramp was deposited In the police station be other night iu order that his foul mouth h year with previous years, which shows this neuter to have been the Coldest we have had u for eleven years, by four degrees, and nine e. degrees colder than the average winter of this region, There were e'ghteen days in last February ou which the temperature fell ay far below zero. The coldest February pre - d viously known wee in 1675, which had thir- teen below -zero days. The average t nupera tare of February, 1875, was, however, one degree below that of this year, due to the circumstance that a couple of mfld days oc- curred iu last February, which raised the average ; while February, 1875, though not severe, was steadily cold the entire month, By Request. t ROUND THE COUNTRY. Dasiiwooa. Tbe Revival meeting will continue this week. Mr. tics, Higga of Ilderton were here on their wedding tour last week, Mr, Wm. Rhode has sold his house y aud lot to Ur. Fred. Noll. The Stephen Couucil mat here on the 10th inet. As the re, umeers la the Exeter covered riuk have been realuestcd by their patrons to t Five smother carnival, they have decided to hold o,.e to•morrww (Friday) evening, March 20th, wheu prizes will be giveu fur the fel- lowing : Graceful Skating (lady who Lae t might be °leaused. He was r:lcaeed In the morning, on promising to leave town keine never taken a prize ; Ensile' race, 10 laps ; Boys' Hurdle Race (under 15 years) ; Geut'a Coolie Costume (w`thout mask); Gents' rage, 15 laps. Admission, 15 cents ; cbrldreu and 1 .ostuuled els dere. 10 outs. All, go l c The > cltpse. The eclipse of the sun, which took place 1 about 12 o'clock ou Monday, and lasting for two aud a half hours, was, as fur as knowu, a heeled success. During the time it ossa - i diately and do better. Look ant for Wiggins' stores. It is to ontiuue for one week, aud will reaeh this neighborhood about Sunday. It to aaid i will be equal to the Saxeby storm of Oct. 860. It is stated that the petitions for the sub mission of the Scott Actin Middlesex an Ierth are now before the Governor.General n'Conucil, and that the date of the votiu will probably be announced within a week. It is hardly uecossary to state that sprin pied in passing, the sky was kept free from clouds, enabliug the users of smoked glass an excellent oppartnuity of viewing the spectacle. It was an aunular eclipse, and the centre of the moon's disc passed over 1 d a R has not yet arrived,. and !people should no ispeuse with their heavy flannels and wrap the centre of the solar dies, which left around b the dark body of the smaller orb a thiu ring of intensely brilliant light. Had the moon been a little nearer the earth at the time the eclipse would have been total, and stars visible at noonday. As it was, however, the diminution of the light was considerable. Dr, Moore, of„Dorchester. And now comes the report that Dr. Moore, of Dorchester Station, about whom such a sensation was created some two weeks ago, has raised all the excitement for the purpose of eloping with a woman. He is said to be w in East Saginaw with his fair inamorata. T His story of murderous bands and fears of being assassinated were -,,concoctions of his own brain to cover Ms escapade. Medical men must crave a fondness for assassination, especially when there; is a woman in . the ease. It is reported that this quiet village of Exeter came near losing one of its bright- est ornaments a few years ago, through some- h what similar circumstances. It is generally 11 buffalo robes and coats that are asassinated, while the men manage to escape. o For lIanitoba. t Mr. Thomas White, of ExeterNorth, leaves t on Tuesday next for Manitoba to permanent- ly take up bis abode, He will aceompauy t Mr. Abraham Patterson, a former resident d of Stephen township, who several years ago emigrated to Manitoba, settling in township No. 1, range six. In conversation with a r Truss reporter the other day, Mr. Patterson intimated that he had the utmost confidence in the future of the prairie province, and R says that in comparing present times out m there with the times that existed during the b boom, they look dull, but when comparing m present times with those of the time when le ho went there he finds a vast improvement, the spirit of wild speculation and the desire a to become rich at the expense of others, hav- ing passed away, thereby profiting the coun- try onn try by dearly bought past experience, " and e signs of rapid development are manifest on every hand. Referring to the so-called ° Farmers' Union he says that previous to its u inauguration the members did more harm cel than after, as they went secretly around in. th juring the country, but their anti -emigration resolution of last winter thoroughly convine- d ed the majority of the people that instead of being the settlers' friends they are the worst M enemies of the country. As to the climate, s he admits that the frost is more severe than in Ontario, but its effects are not felt with - so much intensity, the atmosphere being dry and clear. Cause it is the spring mouth of March. It winds are more pierciug than the coldcs Rinds of wintor, Rev. le. Y. Thompson, of Heasall, preach ed in Caven. Presbyterian Church here o Sunday evening last. The congregation was small, owing to the rough weather. The Rev. geuilenean preached a very iwpressiv sermon. A Sabbath School convention will be held in the Main.street Methodistelhurcli to.nzo xow (Friday.) Thera will be throe sessions— morning, afternoon and evening, for each o hick a good programme has bon prepared he public are invited to attend. Mr. Harding Stevens has disposed o his farm, which adjoins St. Marys limits at the west, to Mr. Joseph White, of this place. Mr. Whitt will eroot a flue brick residence as soon as the season opens. Messrs. Sweet & Son have the contract. Our young friend Mr. W. C. Manning; who as been engaged in the barbering business ere for the past two years, intends leaving for Kansas City next month, where he will pen a barber shop. We wish him success. Charlie is a first-class workman,and deserves o succeed. The London, Hurony,k Bruce Railway has his season had a comparatively bad venter o contend with. Almost every week the &m- ayrack has been blockaded. Again on S- ay the road north of here was blockaded, but on Monday morning a snow -plow went p, and the snow -drifts were promptly emoved. A grand concert under the auspices of the oyal Arch Masons of this place will be held Drew's hall next Tuesday evening, when an excellent programme will be carried out y a number of talented ladies and gentle - en from London. This will be an excel- nt treat. and every person should make it point to attend. Mr. Wm. Snell, a few days ago sold his m, containing 100 acres, situated 1f miles outh of this place, on the London Road est, to Mr. James ` Luadman,,of the 2nd on. of Hay, for the sum of • $8,000. We nderstand Mr. S. takes Mr. Loadman's lebrated stallion as part pay. It is said at Mr. Snell will again return to Exeter. At a meeting of'the Exeter Base Ball sub held at the Commercial Hotel on Mon- ey,evening. the following officers were el - ted for the current year :—President, Geo. oir ; IVice-President, John McLaughlin ; ee.-Treas., Peter Bawden ; Standing oom- mittee, John Elliot, Jas. Weekes, Alf. Drew, Frank Knight and James Pedro. The ' club will be known as "The Actives." The following problemiwill no doubt try the minds of our readers. It is easy, and all should try to solve it : —"A farmer has a cow which has her first calf at the age of three years, and one eaoh year till she is twenty. one. Her offspring are all heifers, and are equally productive." How many head of cattle will the farmer have at the eud of 21 years ?" Send answer on post card. A new departure- -Ladies wanting any- thing in the dress and mantle making line will be pleased to know that Renton B'os. have opened a Dress and Mantle making de- partment in connetion with' their business. A11 work turned out in• the latest styles and satisfaction guaranteed. Goods made up on short notice no matter where purchased. Particulars next week. RANTON BROS. Mr. T. 1Vurtz, of Woodham, wits here on Friday last. Mies Rebecoa Fried ie visiting friends at Zurich. Ur. N. Fried left last 'Thuraday,ou a business trip down east.. Rev. J, P. Hauoh occupied the pulpit and spoke in Englieh language. on Sudsy evening. Queirterly meetiug was held in the Evangelical Church Ie<st Saturday aud Sunday. Freddy still keepe to the front at the Whitt House, and whoever gate ahead of him will have to gel up early u the morning. St. Marys. s Honk:!. Bt a*ia».—At an early hour s (Sunday morning, the National Hotel, t t with the stables and all the contents was burned, leaving auly a portion of the stone walls standing. The fire was discovered in the etsblde about 12.80 a. m,, and spread rapidly to the ° frame portion of the hotel on Water street. At this time the fire was got r- partially under oontrol,but the emus gave out, and then the fire was soon r beyond control. The principal por- tion of the hotel was atone, and a f strong effort was made to save it, bid nftor the engine became useless the fire caught on the roof, and the whole building was soon in flames. They wired to Stratford, and the fire bre. wide, with an engine, was sent over by speei-1' train, reaching here about 4.80 a. ria.; and rendered valuable as• sistauoe in keeping the fire Confined to the hotel buidings. A etrong gale was blowing at the time, and all of the south side of Quee-atreet was threatened. The loss is estimated at $20,000, partly covered by insurance. The building was owned and occu- pied by William Dennie. It had been for a number of years the lead- ing hotel of the stone town. A young man from Mitohell, named Ford, had driven over and had pui up his team at the National Hotel stables Duly half an hour before the fire was discovered. His team, valued at $700, was burned ; also a horse be• longing to Dr. McKay, of St. Marys. Breveties. The Exeter Fire Companies intend giving a grand concert in the course of a few weeks. The down train on Monday morning was considerably behind time. The South Huron Spring Suaw will be held at Brucefield on Friday, April 14t3. Tuesday was St. Patrick's- day. There was no celebration of the day in any shape here. Maple sugar taken for the insertion of spring poetry at this office. It is now said that the revised Old Testa- ment will not be issued until a month hence. The spring Assizes will open at Goderich next Monday, 23rd inst. A handsome new pipe organ has been placed in the James -street Mtthodisd church. Usborine. SOLD. --While at Exeter on Tues- day of last week, Mr. Leonard Hun- ter, of this township, sold nis splen- did two-year old oolt, "Lord Logan", to Messrs. Geary Brothers, of Lon- don, for $400. This cult was sired by the imported horse "Lord Lothi • an," and but for his color, which is grey, would have brought even .,a higher figure.; A very suooesaful tea -meeting was held in the Presbytoriau church, Thames road. Ueborne,' on the even ing of the 9th inst., at which over $80 was cleared. The chair was occupied apou the occasion by the Rev. Colin Fletcher,the, popular pastor of the congregation, and an excellent choir led by Mr. John Kydd, supplied good music. Addresseswere delivered by the following speakers in the order in which their names are given, Rev. Mr. Gane, Methodist minister ; Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Hensall ; Rev: Mr. Carriere, of Grand Baud ; Rev. Joan O Q T O`r1r's✓ z CA HLING•� —FOR YOUR -- BOOTS OUR --- BOOTS & SHOF4S Turubull, of St. tterys, and Dr, Campbell, of Seaton!), the last two being oiailned by the chairman as Thames! Road boys ; having bath been members of the congregation iu its early days, aud seeing both epeut a good part of their time in [Aherne t*hen they were boys. On the whole the soiree in spite of the stormy night was one of the boat ever held in the Thames Road Church. E:tTERTAtaalg NT. --:t. grand literary and musical entertainment was held in S. S. No. 8, on Friday evening, t6tb iliac. The very beautiful ev– ening, mild weather aud good roads were all oonduelve to its au0038a, and it waa a success, The Chairman, Mr, R bort Gardtuer, was in his pleasant mood, and made some well-placed re. marks. The programme was good and well carried out by the various performers. Mies Clara Francis, daughter of Captain Franca, of Ful- larton, delighted the audience by singing several Choice selections, in all of which she had to respond to encores. The young lady acquits her- aelf with ease and grace, and promis- es well to be quite an artist if her voice is net injured. Qthora from Fullartou assisted iu the programme. Tho dialagues given by the aoholars and others were well chosen ane renderedin a praotioal style. The proceeds, which amounted to $14, will go towards purchasing doom - lions for the school. The teacher, Mr. H. A. Graham, deserves much praise for the manner in which the programme was prepared and carried out. The U. A. Y., tee. Sooiety met at the usual boar ou Monday evening last, when, owing to the unavoidable. absence of the President, Mr. Hope- well Sedtorelate occupied the sus• tomary corner of the wood•box very efficiently. As the President is al– ways expected to deliver an oration at these meetings, this very pleasaut duty devolved upon the 'chairman pro tem. He arose with a Bort of a don't-let.go–till–the-rope–breaks ex- pression on his visage, which soon extended to behind his ears, and thenoe in a netherly direction till it lost itself in his boot -tops, and amid breathless silence, broken only by the unearthly snores of the over -wrought janitor and the significant and doleful moanings of sultry March zephyrs, betokening an early spring and a perceptible decline among the straw stacks, he began his most eloquent harangue. The speech, though ex• tempore, was characterized by good sense and keen invective. He dem:. onstrated to a hair's-breadththe mo:, mentous importance'of preserving the saored bond of relationship and bade us to maintain inviolate that filial tie, which, though light as air, binds us together in social blies, as it were, with an iron band.. : He strongly urged upon us all to consider well,. and beware of setting at naught, the: importance of near Laud distant relit - "our i ,. ashP "It 1P he continued, � "our bounden duty toexert ourselves and to use every means, fair or foul, to secure' for our family connections offices of emolument, it shatters not what our previous pretensions may have been nor who is deprived of office, so long as we form au unbroken circle withiu the saored preoinots of the township pay -roll. "Give me, continued Air. liadtorelate, "the in– fluence and power of the °LLoial rela- tive who sacrifices alt•aseamed–for-a. eelfietl•purpose prinoiples of economy, in order to cringe to the beak and nod of his offioe•eeekiug relettves, and .1 will boldly stere the torrent of adveree Onitialem, and with a kinsman Doan: Chlor at Ilia t#etw, "can paddle my own canoe." The epeeoh was received with vociferaite cheering, which only subsided when the stove piper fell down, filling the unfortunate janitor's mouth and ()yes with eoat and ashea, and laying bare the bump of benevo: lento ou 3 uowail Shoudy'a potatce. masher. After order wee restored, the janitor aud the wounded stoker stowed carefully away in a oorner, it was moved by Josiae Midrib, second: ed by Jeremiah. Flaunetmouth, that, whereas a letter appeared in the last limo of the Exeter Tures, entitled "A. Little Inoousisteney" and eigued by "Fairplay," aetting forth the strange and uuaeoountable hasty ao tiou of the ambitious councillor of the N. E. Ward, in foisting so soon upon the council the appointment of a colleotor of taxes, and, wberas said letter fully set forth the views of this society, as foreshadowed in the speech from the throne (Itir. Sadtore: late,) and, whereas this eooiety dons unanimously endorse the views ex - prettied in that ablywritten letter, be it, therefore resolved that a committee bo appointed to wait upon the editor of the Tr3xE8 and endeavor, if possible, to ascertain the name and residence of the writer of said letter, with a view of presenting him with a certifi- cate of honorary life membership in this society, with participations in Harpies profits and alt siok benefits, in accordance with artiole 61, chap. 15 of the constitution and consoli– dated by laws of this society. This was carried unanimously by a stand- ing vote, and after singing that very appropriate song, "Auld Lang Syne," all departed with the exception of the janitor and Knowail Shendy, who were left holdi.ig a fellowship meet: ing with the dilapidated stove pipes. JOE SLOTHFUL. Ueborne, March 15, '85. A mare owned by Mr. Thos. 'Tip - ling, of Clinton, was weighed a few days aRo,and brought the scales down at 1,650, which is considered a good weight. ' On Saturday last, while a man named J. Ingels,of Stanley township, was walkiog along a street in Clinton, he slipped and fell, breaking one of his. lege. Mr. John Thorpe, of Luoknow, is again to the fore. ' lb reoently pur– chased horn Mr. Aikens, of. Hibbert, a filly, valved at: $150. Mr. Thorpe has now one of the most valuable flock of horses in the county of Hu– John Logan was tried at Brussels, on Saturday on a. charge of oommil– ting rape •upon the person of a young girl under 14 years, of age, The evi– dence was fully gone into, and the prisoner was Committed for trial. The most intense indignation prevails.. The girl is of most respectable par– entage and blameless Character, while the man accused has just returned from the penitentiary, having served six years for a similiar crime