HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-3-19, Page 7A serenade.
She leanss far out upon the window $ill
And bathes her fair brow in the cool night
The moonlit street relow her feet Is stitl,
Or echoes QUIT to the passer rate,
Far out she IoanE, her rounded arras gleam
Her dainty. rose -hued lips breathe odorous
And in her deep blue melting oyes the light
Of an unutterable yearning lies,
White -robed she is, this sentry of the night,
Fair as the vision of a young RIM'S dreaw...
At Seugth her eyes with hope totalled grey
"He comes," she murmured, "end be'e got
the cream:'
-Tho Judge.
& Man Who Bats dice and Fitete
Interesting Items, Rase Siwcoe Election.
Take. Dyer's Sarsaparilla in the spring of The Privileges and Elections Committee
the year to purify the blood, invigorate the met Friday rriorning at 'Pronto to' resume
system, excite the livor to action, and restore the diseussiou Of the East Simoaa election 1
the healthy tone and rigor of the whole Mix- case. Mr, Meredith submitted motion 1
steal meclianisin, that inasrrtuelt so, the election of 3fr. Drury I
- Aie you ,fofng to take the speech sorbs- had been declared void, the centmittee re.
tun ?'' said a g"test at a recent banquet to a eauwmeud that ee order et the House Ito
reporter, as a gentleman arose to respod e a made direetiug the issue of new writ for elec.1
toast. '"No.>' vas the reply ; ""I aux a- friend tion of a member for the .Biding, and expres-
of the gentleman," All reporters aro not so sing regret that the suoject bad not beau re-
considerate. ferret to the Ceeimitteat au earlier stage of
COMPELLED TO YIELD, the session, the result of the delay having
Obstinate akin diseasea,bnmora of the blood, been to leave tate constituency unrepresented
eruptions end old sores are eared by !Burdock
in the Legislature during the past session, ,
Blood Bitters, which purify and regulate all The Committee, by 15 to 10, rejected Mr•.
the aeetetions, 14lereditli'a aureudwout for an aweudment
The estreeedirary popularity of Dyer's by Mr, l+r zai:erecotnmendinga that the (len• a
Cherry Pectoral le the name'. rfasult elite use troverted Blootions Act be amended' to pro,
J A, lttiler, for soma years rest- Las indisputably proven itself the very beat
power to certify any determination it may I •
slr'eledy bare or may hereafter dome to in the
matter of the election petition filed against
Mr. Drury a return, and that pending the
legislation so recommended no writ for an
election in East Sieaooe should issue.
A rrrlt for new election ii East Simcoe
will issue between now and next session.
Yellow Qi1 is par crceliatiee the rewedy for ---"-A large, black whip hangs iu the Cour-
Pain, Lameness. Rheurn'4tism, Croup. Deaf- ant office at Bandolpb, N. f., bearing on A.
cress. Burns, Frost Bites. Stiff Joints and 411 ctrl attached the following inscriptiou :1
Flesh wounds. Any medicine dealer eau fur- ""This belongs to the ebap who wrote the ar-
ticle about yon. Are you mad ? How do
you like it ?"
by rntolligent peoplo for over forty ,years, it vide that the Court of Appeal sball here
dent of Forest Hill and a somewhat known specific for alt colds. coughs, and put-
notorious character in that locality'., monary;complaints,
swallowed a largo dose of strychnine--Yoaug ladies at a certain Western oollego
with: suicidal intent. It was; nearly .an are tight bow to matte breed. When they
hour after the detidly drug had been ;tradeiite tboyAro ,dower at college -bread WO".
taken before the doctor roeh'ed hair, men, and are in great demand with house
but by a vigorous application of the keePers.
stomach-puhip his life was saved. Re- ! WITHOUT 1101.BT.
liable then of Forest Hill say that he
possesses what )eight be termed a
galvanized. elastic stonlacch. Ile could
eat anything without it nauseating
hint, and, as for q
quantity. it was newer ntsteuregorek Parke"e Carbolic Cerate has
known exactly how much his stomach been tested by years of trial alio, Gas been
would hold, Oa one ooetralou! It t;i found the rnosrt o,ttiveaieut and effectual meth -
sold, he ata ele'ht small cans of oysters, eel of nopkylug Caibolie Acid. The greeteet
several calls of peaches, bosidee (mtt+tl.- nnticeutte its nsu fui tens. Bunn anti out
era, cheese, mot bologna sausage la Sorts. lie cure you tet .21cUregor k Perke's
proportion, and washed it down with t•aubolie aerate. Sall for 23 ceutu. by 4. W.
eight or ton glasses of beer, and then I3rowniug Pruggiat. 6
afterward, when asked to sing a song,
ho wanted to know wbothur titey els• —Whoa 3au aro asked to drink toy sou,
P"`"" kiln to sing tin an empty atom• rememreheti
that if jet to
whole mind. you
acn. It is salt, also. that lira would
sometitues catch tiles and eat them
down by the handful, just to ahotr
what he could do. At one time be ate
wauge-•-haat, ears, and hair --on
wager of $t. .---t'laur (t'.'ad.) llerald.
marked '� lenders Jru
Bing tiupplieat spa act1
�Ieunied Police Clothing , ; f dressed to the lion. the President et the Privy
wculdu't, Council, Ottawa, wilt be received up to noon I
Printed farms al raider .-»uteinlng toll fn -
1 Gave suffered for the lent 20 yearn with formation at to the erttcles and quantities re-
D)rpepeie and (ieueral Debility, and tried qutreci tray belted an application to the un -
many rexuediee, hut with tittto aocoass until 1 ! elaY ff tender will'1 ) received iceboat' made on .11
used Burdeek Blood Bitters, whet: relief was such prinred tonna. Patterns at all articles
quick ata. permanent. E time ke seen at tee (i ice of the undersigned.
accepted Caaadlte Beek cinema tor psi amount
A Voice from the 'Unitas States, ou lxrldae, 2'fth Match, Me,
Tho llflarrfcorclia, A. LOUGH, Alpena, Mich., GL S. t'''ech tender mutt be accontp+t"ucd by Na
squat to t4 per ceat,of the tet vveo
Those who have boon is Florence Beat t atre iu the world for Onto, Bride- Articles tendered tar, whichtowill l,esrtfortteittedhe
if the party mettles the tender deellaes to en-
Buoldou'at AruicaSatvo•
The Great French Lotion for Beautifying
the Face.
It concealstbeevldenee of ace. Ode appli-
cation will make the moatetubbornly red:sod
rough hands beeetitully soft and white. Re-
member that" 31AN DEW" is not a Paint rr
powder that ills up the pores of the skin, ai;,l
that is injurious to the Akin but a new and
great °liccovar y. a veget I We liquid. that causes
the cheek to glow with heafeb. the neck, arms
and bands to rival the Lily iv whiteness. In--
noseibleto detect to tba beauty it confers any
artificial Aim, atter. It cares Creasy Skin,
Freckles , Wrinkloa, Pimples, Aisck Wads,
Crow's Feet, Iilotshos, Face Grubs. Sun Burn
Tan, Ringworm, Chapped Rands, Sore or Chap
ped Lips, limber's Itch, Tetter, ku. It (roes
the roree,oil giends, and Lobos from Lha tulnr-
iot,seiYects of powders end cosmetic washes.
By its use ail redness and routchne•s aro pre-
vented; It bea.itidea the skin, and will nt tk, it
soft,rcgootttand white; impart ing& detici one
softness; producing a perfectly healthy, rester -
;closed yonthtal appearance. The best ince
lotion that the word ever produced. We will
send" A LAECE »o r-rLt{"to any address on re-
ceipt of price, a31_ Whenerdenug nieuticn the
Address .111ott0is to the
?t Young-atreet, Tor aTito, On
Pe.r)or and lteceptiou Itomn for Ladies -
IhaTe cited we, a crwt'iug the' narrow es Soren Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sorva
• , $sr inta.reontrect wheuostied noon to do so.
streets at night, long Amoral prom. Tetter,t:itappol ltaudi<,Chili>lans.Clarns,t4ad aril betallwtocoms>lototli@aervtaeC4tltraceaci
d the P to 1 1
alon moving slowly toward a or all Sitin Eruptioun, std positive y Covert riles,
for, 11 sloe teadorbo sot accepted the obatlue
Pinta; and no one can have seen le or MI nay required. It ra gnereuteed to alive w1111M+roturued.
without a folios: akin to awe, The perfect satiatestiou, or moneyretuneleti ratacsupt sent well ba u>atla to pewseuipera in-
aeraiegtbts pdvertimuisat without, authority
flickering torches with their lurid light P'rice'23 centa per box. For vale by all drug- (Itaming;been Plrxt obtained.
rue bt III sltroudod In bla ek gists. FRED titiAITF.,
froth head to foot. Their faces are —A turnip is no soder thrill a pie once it is "
eoneealad under black masses and they in reach of the snowed -in railroad paeseuger.
carry on their shoulders a eonin, carr- He tabs is ererytting.
creat with a. black pall. The littera la ON THIRTY DAYS' :TItIAri,
the street make tray respectfullyhand Tux Vvr.rald Aar.: Co., 3tarshall, A(icit..veu• !<l,"! I E fel IN . M 1 �.
murmur; Lt is the ltiaeri4wmdia. lend Da.ilzx'aCITSSZIATha Ew.xcrae•VoLTAic !l 1►
That measured tread, those ghastly Ilitcrit Axa UZIM77119 Ae114,010411 on trial for
thirty days to men (young or ol:i) who are ef-
dioteel with nervous debility. dost vitality These, wills are now completed. with all
and kindred troubles, guaranteeing the:best and very latent improved macitin-
speedy and complete reiteration of health and ery fur the manufacture of,Fluur on the
Ott.ws, dtarc►t Glh,li6 i. N.W. SI. 1"oboe.
Meeks, those shroud -like dresses, the
strange. uncertain light of the torches.
the fantastic procession --all powerful-
ly impress the mind of the passer-by
who aces that solemn show for the first : meuly vigor. Address as above. N, B. --Ivo
time, and he involuntarily asks: mirk is incurred. as thirty days' trialisallowed
"What floes ail this moan? Why are wa"Are
ai d yen
t tongue, ou ue, sir
" "1 I 1 Iso at.
all those teen so, closely tuasked? Why
do the people make way so respectful- IOW."
4ntnetfinrs one 1"‘" 11° sumo pro-
I. Every purchaser of eununon seats busines>x
in the daytime. but now the i tem wt purpose, purchases
n oolyau a that� which for e car -
cession as
cloth of which 15 lifted ftp on one side. buying. You tiro allowed a free trial bottle
Here again the bearers are the hliseri- of elc(regor'a Speedy Cure, the great remedy.
cordis, carrying some invalid from his fo. Dyspepsia, Impure Blood and Liver I)isar-
home to the hospital. dere at J. W. Drewuing's Drug Store Sold at
In deep silence tlto men carry their 50e. and ¢1 per bottle. Site testimonials from
ufforfng burden With a pace 50 steady Igoe.
in Baur own town 8
coilln is re pined 1>y a litter" rho black been trie"tl or is allowed Grst to test,
and a hand so firm. that scarce any ---Iii Japan you can get a fair article in a
motion of the litter is perceptible. wife for 316. In this country that sum would
Long practice and careful training buy the partner of ruau's joy and sorrows a few
have made them adopts in the art o pairs of kid gloves.
nursing; and there aro no better or 1Iotlaway'r Ointment and Pills. -Diseases of
ganizers or CCOellt:tuts of anlbultince-
sorvfoe than they.
After having successfully struggled
against the greatest scourge of humane
ity--pinguc--the ltiisoricordia under-
took the treatment of that now fon that
presented itself in the nineteenth con-
tury--that was almost as deadly—ohoi-
When this m alady first appeared in
Florence, it found all the brothers
at their posts ready for the
fearful battle. Other towns of
Italy prove to us that not every one
considered it his duty to lay down his
life for his neighbor, But such are the
force of habit avid tradition that, while
our cities lost heart and were distract-
ed, the brothers of tho 11lisericordia
calmly went on in the way traced out
for them by those six preceding cen-
turies of patient and enduring self- ab-
negation. In the beginning the habit-
ual signal -bell was used for assembling
the members, but. as cases of sudden
death became daily more frequent, and
as the lugubrious sound contributed to
the general feeling of uneasiness. it
was decided to put an end to it. Un-
happily lack of
n-happilylaekof work was never felt.Inowledgedasthe groat Pain lieliever,andofdou
Sometimes seventy-seven litters were blethestrougthofany other Slixir or Liniment
in use at one time, without speaking of lassie worldshovidbe in every family Sandy for
eases of ordinary illness. which Ryer- tleewhenwanted,"asitreall is the beet remedy
in -Matt -World for Crameg in the Stomach, and
'Pains ancl'Acbes of alI kinds; " and is for Bale by
all Druggists atg5 c oiits a bottle.,
It our readers will accept proferred advice,
they will always keep a bottle of Hagyard's
the most formidable and chrcuio characters
have been tinted by Holloway's rernedies+, Ul-
cerations whieh have proved themselves incur-
able by any other known insane have healed
kindly under the purifying and regenerating
influot>ce of this Ointment. Sprains, ,stiff
jotuta, contracted mnsoles,and glandular swell-
ings can be most safely and effectually beelotl
by Holloway's Ointment and Pills, which can
do no harm under any circumstances. Neith-
er of these meditainenta has anything.deleter-
ions in its composition ; bath are essentially
purifying and strengthening in their nature.
The combined power of these noble remedies
enables them successfully to cope with most
descriptions of impurities, and to cure, at least
relieve, most varieties of disease.
• The best combination cf blood oleansing,re.
gelating. health giving herbs, roots and barks
enter into Burdock Blood Bitters -a purely
vegetable remedy that cures diseases of the
blood, liver and kidneys.
"'Brown's Household Panacea" has no equal
forreliovingpain ,both internal aud external It
cures pain in the Side, back or bowels, sorethroat
Rheumatism, Tootbacbe,Lumbago anda.ny kind
ofapower ache. "It will nest surely quicken
the blood and heal, as its acting newer iswonder-
tul:'"Brcwn'sliousehold Panacea' beingack-
Roller Process
AND DAT, and we fir prepared to do
Grisiing & Chopping on Shortest Notice
1 Has been victorious at all the leading exhib.
tions and industrial lairs since 1878. oarrytn golf
shot prizes and medals in every iusta ace. It
has now no equal as it lubricator, and will out-
wear lard, seat or castor oil, and warranted not
to clog or gum the finest machinery. You will
save money by using this Oil. Try it and you
will testify in its favor. Beware of imitations.
lso, Flour and Feed for sale as
Cheap as the Cheapest.
Purify the Bleed, correct all Disorders of the
They irtevigorate anti restore to Lealtli Debilitated C:ouetitutieus, anti i"r'e inveluttlde in all
is lem
c re
e they a p
('ornplarnta iuc'tdoatal to Females of all ages. For cliilari u #no, the aic'"1 ,
Io, an iufal)iblr remedy for I•lsd Legs, Bail Breasts, Ohl Wotnnle. St,rra and L'lcet s.
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
Pod all
For gore Tithastno rival CL sed for cnutre ted eta l Stiff jointsCulde,Gleluirlartit set like a chane. u
The Pills aid °Intnreetare mold at TAouAs Ileirow.tv'a 1 tablibbroeet,
31achinery .by using Lardine.
Moo by neariv every respectable Vendor of ltedieiiue. in Boxes xntl feta, at ls. l,jd., `3o. ed..
4a.04., les., 2'2s., Rua 33s. each. The 2a. 04. size coutniee three times the guiltily of the - "'
le lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size els ; the Ila, size sixteen ; the 22a size thirty-three ; and the
335 size fifty•twe times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pate.
Full printed directions are aitixetl to each Box and Pot, and can be Lau iu any laeguagr
i:Y" Purchasers should look to the Label on the Tota and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.
11i11 men will save money, and wive their
aged seventeen , tails. 'The brothers
were always—found •to be. in sufficient.
numbers: .four- to. carry the: litter,'
while four others followed to ' relieve
them. Now in rich palaces; but more
often in miserable hovels, the brothers:! Yellow Oil at hand for use in emergencies,
went .up.three or :four stories of dirty jsuoli 88 Burns,, Scalds, Wounds,' Lameness,'
stairs, entered the; infectious room of I Croup, Chilblains, Rheumatism, and all var-
the dying-dy%ng, ;not on a. bed, or on a,
mattress, but on a foul heap of:straw;,
with their tender and well-trained
bands; they lifted pp the sick man, arid
nutting hint upon" -their shoulders,. in
t11 his repulsive. hidoousness.siiey went.
down thooy often dangerous ;,stairs,
through.. dark,; narrow .passages, and.
then gently deposited their charge on
the litter' that awaited thein below.
During the intense treats, When,' the
''thermometer marked ninetydegrees in
the: shade, and everylFlorentine steel
teed himself behind the thick ; walls of
Itis palace against the; scorching rays
of the sun, the :charitable procession,
crossing the deserted'Streets ;.niinht be
seen at the hottest hours' of tho'iany:—
Ada L'akounine, tilt the lifanhattan
Mrs. yPierre ` Lorillard. Jr„ of New
York, is now said to be• the authoress
of, the novel, "Those Pretty Sit; .George
ieties of aches, pains endinflammations it will
ever be, found reliable.
' More :eople; adblts and children: are tranb
Ted with costiveness than with any other
ailment.' Dr. Henry Baxter's. Mandrake Bit-
ters; will ouie'costiveness and prevent the
diseaea which -result from it.
Fluid Lightninc ernes Neuralgia in one
minute. •
Fluid Lightning curet; Toothache in one
• .Fluid- Lightning cures .:'ace Ache in one
Fluid Lightning cures" Lumbago in one
Fluid Ltghtning relieves Rheureatish in one
Plaid Lightning'cures any pain or ache in-
stantly. Price 25 cents per • bottle at. J. W
Browning's•Drug Stole. 6
It so agreeable that even an infant will take.
it. For coughs, colds; hoarseness, croup,asth•
McColl Bros. Co., Toronto.
J. EILBER & SON, Crediton ;
Mcl)ONELL & W HUGH. 13eneali
`' ",tuq�t 5G�i6L�c ,111'°11.,
Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of
Exeter and vicinity,, that he bas opened out a
co1 and Ihe-ihcp
'in the Uorner Store North of Samwell
& Piokard'e, where he is prepared to make
all kinds o: ordered work.
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Is the onlylndependont Agricultural Jour
nal in Canada Owned and Published
by a Farmer.
"it is our best friend.;
"Tt is .worth ten times its cost."
"The dollar spent for the Advocate is the
beat spent moneyfrom the farm. "
"The wife and family are also delighted
with it."
"No farmer's house should be without
The right information in the right season by
the beet specialists that cau be procured on
the Farm, Stock, D>eiry, Garden and Or-
char& iary,
Markets, Fa milyCir la TtCAEt
Only $1 Per Annurri.
GEO. MAN SONsample copy sent tree to applicants mention-
) ; lug then Lot, Oono d Post Office.
Shoe + "
remember °
So say the best farmers. stockmen, gar-
deners, and fruit growers of America of the
great National; Weekly, the Rural New York-
er. The best writers in the world, Original
throughout. Over 500 illustrations from
nature every year. Fine paper 16 pages -ask
those who) kuow. Specimens gladly sent
without charge. 32,800 worth of presents
offered to aubeoribers for the largest clubs.
Conducted by praotible farmers. Its Free
Seed Distributions are invaluable. Over 600
contributions. Posters and outfits on appli-
cation, Send for there. RURAL NEW-TOREER,
24 Park Row, N. Y.
Repairing of All Kinds
D. AlcA.NSH,
Who recently opened a REPAIR SHOP in
FANSeN'S BLOCK, EXETER, has just re-
ceived a New Lathe, by the assistance of
whieh he is prepared to repair
Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Err
eeeion an OB pairing done with neatness and despatch
Manager „_ member the place.
isreliablerfor�yotiilg o Id, hitis s Pectoral Balsam • May 14th 84.Establishment. FARMER'S ADVCCATL, LONDON 1 ONT,
ranson's Block, Exeter