HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-3-19, Page 5' COMMUNICATIONS. We do not hole Ourselvesresponsible for opin- ions expressed by correspondents under this heading: Shame : Shame 2'o Editor of the Exeter Times: Will you be kind enough to insert the following in your next inane to correct a grave inju8tioe in your last --It is. a ahem° to think that, in a civili ed plaoe Iike. $irktou, there are people so utterly void. of common sense as to presume to criticize a Ber- man, when it Pi clear to any uupre- judioed Kohut, they (cold not have heard it, or, they would net have al- lowed such an unmitigated falsehood to appear in public prior., We are prou4 to add that Kirkaon has a min- ister who has the hardihood to preach the Gospel of Christ, but to preach intemperance or even moderatedriuk- ing, never. Yours, &o,,. A HEADER. To the Editorof the Exeter Times. SIR. -As before promised we will now proceed to lay d 'wn our plan for more ec*tuomieally and efficiently per- forming the flutists of our County Councillors. We do sot praftse to L say that our plan is entirely original, bat nevertheleee it may be new to 601330 of your readers. Neither do we imagine that we are to h' able to pro duce it pertsos scheme, but like the production of all improvements, it will aoc0Wphieh the abject, if it pro. yokes dismission, and brings the tal ante of the thinking, praolleal men to bear ou it. Our plan is to abolish the present county council, anid di- vide the co tuty into three 'eleotorel distrlots, each district to eleot, a rep: resentative, whose term of office 611311 be three years, their election to be the eatue ae our sohool trustees, so that cue division will have a chance to pronounce ou their praoedure every year. This plan wilt have the merit of obviating the great difficulty of having the populous villages sanding more ropreeentation according to valuation than the townships ; alio by reducing the quantity it wilt give an opportunity of enhancing the goal: ity of the representatives. We will not attempt in this communication t,) mmtnent on the obvious adva•ltages or the plan, as we expect your readers will mane their awn 00113 monks, but will at a future titne contiuuo to carry our reform into other circler. JOAN 1IARDCASTL). Ueborne, Unroll 17, '85, 11•-•111• ••11 Huron Presbytery. The Presbytery of Iiul'ou suet in the Presbyterian ollurnh, 'Seafor h. on Vuesday, tho 10th inst. In the ab- sence of the Moderator, Mr McCoy was appointed to preside. The coin mittee ou Sabbath observance report- ed through Ur. Martie; the oommittt e on the state of religion, through Mr. Musgrave, and the Sabbath eohotll committee, through Mr. Thos, G. Thomson. It was agteed to reoom- meud grant of $100 for Exeter, and the same grants as formerly for Graud Baud, Bayfield and (ioderioh Gmlio station ; also agreed to secure if pos- sible, the services of Mr. Arch. Ma- Gillivray, for the Goderioh Gallia sta- tion, during the next six months. Representatives from the session and congregation of Bruoefield were beard, with respect to the appointment of their pastor, Thos. G. Thomson, by the Home Mission Committee; to Bur - red's Inlet, British Columbia. They declared that the people they repre- sented unauimously and heartily de- sired to retain Mr. Thomeocs services but that if he believed the change would be beneficial to his health, they would offer no objection to his remov- al. Mr. 'Thomson, though very un- willing to sever his present connec- tion with the Brueefield oougregation, felt it his duty to accept the appoint- ment. It was then agreed that Mr. Tholnson's acceptance of the appoint- ment of the H. M. 0. to Burrard's Inlet be approved of, that the pastor- al tie be dissolved that the Presby- tery express their sympathy with the eougregatiou at Bracefield, and their regret at losing Mr. Thomson. Mr. Musgrove and Mr. McLean were ap- pointed to prepare a suitable minute with reference to 'hie removal. ° Mr. McCoy was appointed to declare tile' charge vaoaut ou the 29th of March, and to act as moderator of the ties - during the vacancy. Messrd. Barr, Fletcher, McCoy, Oarriere and Martin were appoiuted commissioners theGeneral Assembly, to be held toG in Montreal next June. BORN. MINEns-In Usborne, on February 12th the wife of Mr. Thos. Miners, of a, daugh-, ter. MARRIED. MILLEE-CAAIPnara,.-In ' Hibbert, at the residence of Mr. John Norris, by the rev: P. Scott, of Cromarty, oft Wednesday ev- ening, 4th inst., Mr. Hugh Miller, to Miss Sarah Jane Campbell,,; both of Hibbert. LucAs-BRo1i1 N912Iu1 .=ole th0 A2th'.iiis1, by Rev. J. Veale, at tho 14iethodistparsonage, OroditonlUMr..Luko Lucas, of ..L1' a Tp., to Misr, M,•p f,T3>;eiltensb r'e or Stephen. County Convention of Teachers. The Executive Committees of .the gaol acid West Huron Teachers' As, aociations met at Ol'inton to matte ar- rangements for a county meeting to be held in June, aocord}ng to the Oe- pertmental otrouter. The following Members were present :--From East Huron -Metiers. Malloch, • *Want, Lough, Turnbull, Groves and Duff ; Wast Huron- -- Messrs, Brown, Greg- ory, Strang, J. R. Mitler and S. P. Halle. On [notion Mr. Duff was ap. pointed obait mt.n, and Ur. Halls eec- retary. It was decided that each association would hold a meetiug ou Thursday, June 18th --tile East Huron probably in the morning, and the West in the afterutou, and Friday aud' Saturday Witt be devoted to a joint co'lvention.. Qu motion the teachers of Clinton, with Mr. Malioch, were appointed a ootnmittee to maks, arrangements for a oouvereazioue, to be heal ou the Thursday evening. Tito discussion of the following Itank's, together with the Director of Institutes' work, was appointed at the progr'aultne for Friday and Saturday's. meelitige 1. Regulatioue for the Entrance Examinations --to be introduced by Mr. Turnbull. 2. Local Institutes, t', be intro. duaecl by Mr. Mallooli, 3. Programme for 2nd and 8rd ours teachers -Mr, Strang. d. School Law, -Ur. 3. R. Miller. fi. Promotions. Examinations, -'Mr. Duff. 6. Drawing for Entrance -Mr. F. Orasaweller. 7. Entrance Literature -Ur, Greg- ory. 8. (Subject to bo chosen) Mr. Hartetouo. On motion of .;tIeesre, Gregory and Millet, Cltutou was eeleoted as the place of meeting. The ice jam now extends diagon- ally across elle river from the illichi- gen Central slip al Detroit to the Wlndeor ferry dock. Scott's 1nu IlSion of Pure I Cod Liver Olt, with Sylroltltoapldtae, I1n Mute Pulmonary Trouldee. Dr. F. 13. Srmei r tn, Naw York, says : "1 find your Emulsion very beneficial after all. acute pulmonary attacks in adults, and in children during and after such diseases. To the aged and infirm the uour- ishiag and invrgorat'ng properties of Rob- inson's Phosphorized Enlutsion give renewed sttoilgtli and buoyancy of spirits. Always tisk for ltobinsons Phosphorized Emulsion, and be sure you got it. ADVICE TO MOT/1ER.s Are you disturbed at night and broken of your and restby asick ohiid suffering and crying with pain of cutting tenth? If so, send et once and got a bottle of MES WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP* Itevalue is incalculable. It will re - love tho poor little sufferer imrnodiately. De- pend uponitmotbors, there is no mistake about it, It Cures dysentery and diairhoea, regulator the stomach and• bowels, cures wind colic softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system MRs. WINSLOW'S SooTIIING SYnaP FOR CIiILb- RRrI TEETHING is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians ie the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through- out the world. Price 25 cents a bottle LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE 85noi829 , fQ� irLy RI„ GOODSf se Nonxu, Express 2nsdgC51ass. . 7 57As, 4 SO etre, 6 70 A, az,=Ater. ...... 8 57 0 10 Bensall JUST ARRIVED AT THE 8 20 10 01 13ritoefeld 9'23 04(3' 10 22 Olinton ....,, .,0 44 7 05 11 80 Londesboro 10 00 7 20 19 00 7 1Ytb 10 07 7 27 1216 zee. Belgrave 10 22 7 40 12 48 Wingbam arriuel0 35 7 55 t i6 Gorxo SouTu, Express Hfail. 2nd Class %Vingham, delft 7 48A.1t. 3 00e.at, 10 20 Aar BBl i ave 85 00 8 47 11 21 L ut(aboro 8 24 3888 1135 30 000 Clititan ,..,......, 8 50 4 05 12 4ai'.sr. Bruceeela 9 05 4 19 1 11 lfippen 0 13 4 27 127 lie nali 9 18 4 39 1 3G Exeter,...... 9 35 4 43 2 35 London rtrriy e10 51 056 630 IiessArr,.-Wanted at the Bewail Oat - Meal Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good sound oats for Milling purpo-es. The high- est price will bo paid. Oat -meal exchanged for oats. Exeter Tailoring Establisltm't CHAS. SOUTUCOT`I Has recciv_d a Splendid assortment of CLOTHS and TWEEDS very Choice Goods, and will sell thein cheap for Con. Suits Made to Order O. Short rTotice, -A FIT GUARANTEED, - No credit given. Sold ONLY for (3,93U, and that weans Cheap Goods. Call and sea his stock before placing your order g Exeter, 4th Olarcb,1885 CH5 SOt', 'E00 iit7�i�r� . FIBNSALL ROLLER. MLLLs,-Otte of the ... - . most complete roller roils in the Province, is constantly running and giving the best satin- )l faction. Gristing done to order on short (B A :it, l ar io:E Notice. Tile roller flour takes the lead. Try(fjit audbe convinced. 20 tons of good Mid- dlings ou baud at low figures. RANNIE d Iltuter. 4aT. ..�..�.."" ` SK FOR THJII BUOKTHOR MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected at3o'otookpan, Wednesday.) IThe best and Cheapest Fence in the N, arket :d.t.l. wileeT WniteWhea1 ... 078 to 080 Red.,. 01810080 White Wheat New ,.. - 0 78 to 080 Red Wheat New0 78 to 080 ii 4ea1l wUxAx- Mile e(naw) ... , , •-. .. 7556 to 00 4 859 ar)ey .., . ,•, 0 0to °ett .•, - ... 031to03 TiOlovor S e a ... 4 70 to 525 mothy . ... „, .., .- 1 5e t0 21;3 Paas ... 058 to 0 02 Corn ... 9600o035 Flags ,,, 0 15 to 0 15 Butter,.. 0 14 to 0 74 Flourpsrbbl. ,. ... . ,.. 500toe 50 Potatoee,por bag ... e. .,. 0 35 toe 040 APPIes,perbag ... „ ... 0 40 to 0 (20 Dried Applettpr b ... ... 0 04 to 0 0 (*50e0 per ib, .,. ... ,.. 0 05 to 006 Turkey per lb ... .,• ... 008 to 006 Intake per pr ... ,.. ... 0 40 to 0 60 Obickensper V'' . ... ,,. 025 to 035 Hogs, ' trope . caper 100 ,,, 500 to 513 Beef „ Sidearouhat ... dressed Gheegsktimeeoh Oaltektna woo) perlb Hay porton tlniousuerduel ., . 0 d0 to 0 75 Wood per cord ... .. 9 50 to 2 75 RENSALI, 31ABl1F.TS. 5G0 to600 ,,, 600 to 5 Oft ... ., 600 to60o 040to075 .,, :, 050 t0 0 70 ,. 09t020 3 ,,. 800 tole 00 Fall, Wheat per Suring Barley fbeigeo Barley (fooling) White Oate, Black Oats! .., App'(s per 41/1. Potataee poi' bb 90780o078 0 78 to 0 78 050 to 0 045 to 0 4G 0'222 to 0 of 0Otto0as 100 to 100 025 to 059 11‘1 TAUB SCOP! Will. Senior \Vi -hes to inform the inhabitants Of Exeter • ERRY'S 7: t ARVA11v,F. TO AF.+r.: FOR - :Il be mailed .!.= th to all applicants ' i t'2;� and to customers of last y eor ttrlheet ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices, ' descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable table and Flower SEEDS, BULBS, etc. WINDSOR, Ontario. . METROS.. Michigan. D. o. FOX( & CC PROPERTY LItsT TWO HOUSES TO RENT. Apply to ISAAC CARLING, Exeter FARM FOR SALE IN STEPHEN. Lot 1:o 5, in 4th Concession, 100 acres. For particulars apply to, B. V. ELL10T, Solicitor, &c., Exeter 4th Feb., 1885. FARM FOR SALE. -The subscrib- er offers for sale the East Half of Lot and North Half of Lot 2, 4th con of Usborne. On the premises are a brink house 20x28, nearly new, containing G rooms ; frame barn 84x48, with stabling; a small bearing orchard, and a never -failing well. The land is well drained and in a good state of cultivation There are 12 acres of fall who tt in the ground and con- siderable fall ploughing done. Distance from Exeter, 5 miles, and 3 miles from Centralia. Terms to suit purchaser. Possession given either before seeding or after harvest. Pur- chaser can be sapplied with seed grain. For further particulars apply on the premises to 0. H. SPRAGUE, or by letter to Exeter'''. 0. Ct i REDIT AUCTION SALE OF Farm,,audFarm Stock. The undersigned will offer fol sale on March Met, '85, commenc- ing at one o'clock p m, 80 well•bred steers, most ly three and four years old ;10 cows and heifers supposed to bo with calf ; 1 horse four years old ; 1 mare five years old with foal. The farm is lots 4 and 5 and part of 3,Lake Road, east, Stephen towbehip,containiug 282 acres, mostly cleared, good buildings and abundance of good. spring water. This farm is principally slay loam, and is g Sod for either grazing or cropping The above will i e soul in one block or separate ly to suit purchaser. It is all joined excepta. smell' part on the opposite Side of &Ou.fmien, If not sold will bo rented, If purchaser re xuir- es'timb, a small amount' down will answer ; balance at 6 per cent Also 1' there uglibrodbull (registered pedigree,) and. ono grade bull ; 16 yen rliug calves: JOHN 17E5013,1'r0U, :lb ;lake P 0,°011t surrounding townships, that he has opened A Tailoring Shop in PANSON'S BLOCK, (upstairs), where ho will be prepared to do all hinds of Custom Tailoring. If you want a Good -fitting and Well -made Suit, Coat or Pants, you will find Sat. isfaction by giving flim a trial. NJr. Senior has had long ex- perience and is a practical workman. Remember the Spot, Directly over Geo. A. Eyndman's Grocery Store. Will. Senior. DIVORCE SABSOLUTE DIVORCES FOR persons residing thro;tghont the !United States and Canada for ccsertion, non- support,intemperance,oruelty,incompatibility, etc. Advice free, State your ease and address ATTORNEY WARD, World Building, 1267 Broadway, New York. TJ. SUTHERLAND,HENSALL, • ONT., CONVEYANONR, CODMMISSIONER, Fire andjife Insurance Agent and Issuer of Marriage Liceuses. All business transacted stiretlyconfidential. A Call solicited; Odtce at the Peat Office: TRY DR. DOWNS GOLDt•N LINIMENT for Diphtheria, Croup, and Asiatic Cholera. A sure cure, Pain of all kinds quicllyrelieved. Internally and extern- ally, Ask for it. Take no other. See testimo- nials. For sale by ell Druf;gists. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. 'WAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN- SI,ED,Auiseed.,Senega, Squill, Tolu,3tc with Chloro dyne. KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expectorant for Coughs and Colds. KAY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally servieable: for Horses and Cattle. KAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia Face-aohe tee. COAGUL1N.E.--Cement for `Brok- en Articles. Sold everywhere. Sole Makers. --KAY BROS., Stockport, England. OST, BE'PWEEN EXETER; & 1ltli o February, i onthe f t ad rt ensilt dark H s flint' Fur Boil Anypnrson Onfltng rho' same will be sal+,ably rewarded by �oavin it with Rev 3.Ball ,Honsall, or Thos. Prior, is,xctor. THO S. PRi012, Exeter. RICE OF NAILS LOOK AT $2.75 A NEG. TN BUILDERS HARDWARE, coneisting of -- RIM LOOKS, HINGES. PITCH, TAR, ROOFING FELT, LINING PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, STAINED GLASS, CALCINE tb LAND PILASTER, AOKRON CE:1IENT, MACHINE OILS. FIRE BRICE & CLAY, CHEAP CARRIAGE 1tlAEEBS.--BENT STUFF iu 1,:1 hoes. ALSO MUSLIN. DUCE, DRILL, TROIMIzGS, DASH LEATHER & PATENT LEATHER, CANE, MOULDINGS, & KEEPING ALSO FULL LINE IN ALL SIZES OF 1RONi. AXES, SPRINGS. CARRIAGE BOLTS, BLACKSMITII COAL, and SUPPLIES. B,UBBERTOPS-Conboy hake -All sizes and kinds ou SHORT NOT OE DURING THE SEASON mi will have a quantity of BINDER TWINE CHEAP, Send ordt early. SELLING THE NEW VAN ALLEN ORE AMERIESand BUTTER TUB Eavetroughing 0 specirlty, Ax` PIOKBR=1'S.. %T TS'S' R C = VINO - An immense stook of Hardware of .All kinds. Mae Change of advertisement next week. BISSETT BROS., 201 in presents given. away. Sendus 5 cents postage and bymailyeawill get free a package of goods oflarge value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. All about 2' e2,00,.- 000 in presents withcachbox. Agents iee ntod everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work torus at tneir own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay, H. HALLETT & Co., Portland,Maine, ATTENTION 1 Parties wishing Lumber cut to order should take their logs to Brooks' Old Saw mill, 2.I miles west of Murray's Corner, where there is room for any nuantity• Mill will commence running about est Mareb, ell reports to the contrary notwithstaz.ding, after which time all kinds of lumber Qiell bekeptfor sale. J. ?Sr. HOWA10, Prop, RTJfl$J1&CIEI ,,f,„ rF� n E. ;n.1 RI i° Le y 1nMinnesota. North Dakota. Man - r�ti7a, I;aho, 1a•..m flouznJ Oregon on 1 t,itelo Lake 6iuperlos los 7'ttyet Sound. 21 nicer renglne chiefy/re,m 12 to ,78 p:e si •r:': : Oto 10 veers' lime, leis is. the Rest eoun'ri 1, securing Gond Homes new open for settlement. KS,ti 'G ^') eel -eft. oi' �OS'.Q`S'p`lietl l` ptfty �p rpy�. s „,nae l r .•andel the ilutuc.l, r,n til„ fi14A. &set �+i Hn,t I' "I'u1Ill'". T.ru'r, i'o'•1: -ta,.g1S.t o r1.cie•n4 4651. SIOIISE iH t,•3 E et alt ax: Palm, I unt,.dlyp mod n! n I re iu. the ` nillrrli 1 Iclil roan nc: -Took a 11,1 Malts cent I.lIEEE dr eribin th riorthe r,a h 3e•ifirentleetti'y,11d:2.1,111..'•71 1 1111 for tial tie,1 I l ltd•°` (eoo'rrnlnent lo,1dd1 v 1 TI t. 1;. 1.A11LU11N,1,. tal Cote. 1.\. : I • .. ``•• 1'•••••,l; 3.ildt. I Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher &, General Dealer • -IN NIL KINDS OF- 1/1IELAI'2'IS Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. I WILL PAY $2.50 PER DAY To all who work for me at home. To many I can afford to pay more. STEADY EMPLI IYSIENT • LzGRT, PLEASAxT Worts. Send Postal Card to W. W. RIDOUT, Lon- isville, Ry. 1CUREFT8!When 1 sayeuro Ido not mean merly t0 atop them for, Maw and then have them return again. I intent n radical cure. I haw, made the disease of PITS, EPILEPSY or F iLLl11i SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to curio the worst eases. Because others have failed is no 1'0101011 L:,r not now rceeiving a cure Send at once for n tre tI 'ani n Tree Dottie Of my infallible remedy. Give Ispres And P 1 Oalco. 15 casts yon nothing for a trial. and l'n-fll r 211, AddfosaDr. n. 0. ISOOT, ISO r,., rt L -Ly l,. ,4 lurk. '1 I`.T 13 ...1 1 2,440 0 pesltivo rel a•II I 1.1 111,i51.i. • nr 1 lh uaruds of roues of th 4c 1 1 1 t nod al t n41. h1 11, 0 boon cured.. rodeos so sl a1-1 Iny Not, In iia ,1. 11 t twill sand' TWO IOTTLE, FELE, tenet!, r \'Itha i 2141,0'MEAT'S!: on thin Ifo. •' to to nfi,+^ri Mee IN` 1.:440 and 1. 0. address, DE. 1 2. LOCUM, lot 1 4.0.: Ito, _i, i. ADVERTISERS sent( fey emr select list of Loc.t1Newspapees. (leo. P.ite ell ,4_ Co'. le ',Truce -St., K. I,